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Index: C
- c_after constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_all constant
: 5.21.1. Package constants
- c_all_tokens constant
: 5.22.1. Package constants
- c_append constant
: 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- c_before constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_bi_tokens constant
: 5.22.1. Package constants
- c_both constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_datemask constant
- 5.3.1. PL/Vision constants
- 6.2. Setting the PL/Vision Date Mask
- c_def_length constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_default constant
: Types of rollback activity
- c_delim constant
- 5.21.1. Package constants
- 21.1.4. Managing a PL/SQL Table Log
- c_dosdelim constant
- 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- 13.2.1. Setting the Operating System Delimiter
- c_examples constant
: 5.14.1. Package constants
- c_go constant
- 5.10.1. Package constants
- 22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
- c_ignore_case constant
: 5.21.1. Package constants
- c_incr_indent constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_indent constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_int_no_change constant
: 5.12.1. Package Constants
- c_kw_tokens constant
: 5.22.1. Package constants
- c_last constant
: Types of rollback activity
- c_last_pos constant
: 5.28.1. Package constants
- c_leph constant
- 5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
- 11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
- 11.7.2. Constructing the Execution String
- c_literal constant
: 5.13.1. Package constants
- c_main constant
: 5.14.1. Package constants
- c_modname constant
- 5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
- 11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
- c_modspec constant
- 5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
- 11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
- c_no_change constant
: 5.12.1. Package Constants
- c_noaction constant
: Types of rollback activity
- c_none constant
- 5.13.1. Package constants
- Types of rollback activity
- c_nonkw_tokens constant
: 5.22.1. Package constants
- c_nousecor constant
: 5.4.1. Package constants
- c_PLVlogsp constant
: Types of rollback activity
- c_prefix constant
- 5.2.3. Setting the line prefix
- 5.12.1. Package Constants
- 7.3. The Output Prefix
- c_read constant
: 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- c_recNgo constant
- 5.10.1. Package constants
- 22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
- c_recNstop constant
- 5.10.1. Package constants
- 22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
- c_respect_case constant
: 5.21.1. Package constants
- c_show_object constant
- 5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
- 11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
- 11.7.2. Constructing the Execution String
- c_stop constant
- 5.10.1. Package constants
- 22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
- c_suffix constant
: 5.12.1. Package Constants
- c_top_pos constant
- 5.28.1. Package constants
- Retrieving stack contents
- c_unixdelim constant
- 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- 13.2.1. Setting the Operating System Delimiter
- c_usecor constant
: 5.4.1. Package constants
- c_word constant
: 5.21.1. Package constants
- c_write constant
: 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- calc_totals procedure
: Integrating PLVexc with PLVtrc
- calibrate procedure
: 5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
- calltype function
: 6.3.1. Using the assert Procedure
- capitalization
- 2.2. Using Effective Coding Style for Packages
- 15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
- 18.1. PLVcase: Converting the Case of PL/SQL Programs
- case sensitivity
: 2.5.2. Making Your Programs Case-Insensitive
- capture procedure
- 5.27.4. Capturing the current timestamp
- 14.2. Capturing the Start Time
- case sensitivity
: 2.5.2. Making Your Programs Case-Insensitive
- cataloging code
: 18.2. PLVcat: Cataloguing PL/SQL Source Code
- cfloop procedure
- 5.13.10. Miscellaneous code generators
- 16.2.8. Generating a Cursor FOR Loop
- char_name function
: 5.6.3. Other functions and procedures
- characters
- line separator
: 7.2. The Line Separator
- string
:5.6. PLVchr: Operations on Single Characters
- (see also strings)
- checking existence
- Record Found? function
: 16.2.7. Generating a "Record Found?" Function
- of files
: 13.3. Creating and Checking Existence of Files
- last PLVobj cursor record
: 11.4.3. Checking for Last Record
- checking input
: 3.8.1. When the num_in Argument Is 0
- clear_bailouts procedure
- 5.10.7. Bailing out program execution
- Managing the bailout error list
- clear_pstab procedure
- 5.17.6. Managing the log
- Counting and clearing the PL/SQL table
- clearecs procedure
- 5.28.8. Accessing the PLVtrc execution call stack (ECS)
- Emptying the stack
- clearing
: (see deleting)
- client-side packages
: 1.2.2. The Client-Side Layers
- close_objects procedure
- 5.20.5. Interfacing with the PLVobj cursor
- 11.4.1. Opening and Closing the PLVobj Cursor
- closesrc procedure
- 5.15.4. Managing the source repository
- 12.9.1. Closing the Source
- closetrg procedure
- 5.15.6. Managing the target repository
- 12.9.2. Closing the Target
- closing files
- 13.4. Opening and Closing Files
- Closing the file
: 5.11.8. Closing a file
- PLVobj cursor
: 11.4.1. Opening and Closing the PLVobj Cursor
- repository
: 12.9.1. Closing the Source
- clrtrg procedure
- 5.15.6. Managing the target repository
- 12.9.3. Clearing the Target
- code
- (see also programming technique)
- 1.2.1. The Iceberg Approach to Coding
- author
: 16.3.2. Setting the Code Author
- cataloging
: 18.2. PLVcat: Cataloguing PL/SQL Source Code
- compiling
: 15. PLVvu: Viewing Source Code and Compile Errors
- with PLVdyn package
: Compiling source code with PLVdyn
- consolidating
: 2.9.2. Lava Lamp Code Consolidation
- converting case of
: 18.1.2. A Script to Convert Programs
- converting to PL/SQL programs
: 4.4.3. Converting Scripts to PL/SQL Programs
- created during installation
: 4.6. Summary of Files on Disk
- customizing for users
: Fitting the program to the user
- debugging/testing
: 22.1. The Challenge of Exception Handling
- development
: 3. The PL/SQL Development Spiral
- displaying
: 15.2.2. Setting the Code Overlap
- dynamic PL/SQL
: 19.5.5. Executing Dynamic PL/SQL Code
- elapsed time of
: 5.27. PLVtmr: Program Performance Analyzer
- execution time of
: (see performance)
- finding source code
: 15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
- for testing code
: 4.6.2. Contents of the test Subdirectory
- generating
- 5.13. PLVgen: PL/SQL Code Generator
- 16. PLVgen: Generating PL/SQL Programs
- generation toggles
: 2.6.2. Toggles for Code Generation
- halting execution of
: 5.10.6. Exception handlers
- implementing windows
: 2.7.3. Implementing the Window
- layers of
: (see packages)
- line numbers
: 16.3.8. Generating Line Numbers
- overloading programs
: 2.8. Overloading for Smart Packages
- parallelization
: Leveraging builtin packages
- parsing
- 5.22. PLVprsps: PL/SQL Source Code Parsing
- 10.3.2. Parsing PL/SQL Code
- parsing program name
: 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
- pausing programs
: 5.3.6. Miscellaneous programs
- pinning into memory
: Managing packages in shared memory
- PL/SQL repositories
: 12. PLVio: Reading and Writing PL/SQL Source Code
- PLVtmr package with
: 14.4. Using PLVtmr in Scripts
- redundant
: (see redundancy)
- reusing
- (see flexibilty, code)
- 1.2.1. The Iceberg Approach to Coding
- 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
- size restrictions
: 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
- standard header
: 16.3.3. Using the Program Header
- stored
: 5.29. PLVvu: Code and Error Viewing
- testing/debugging
: 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
- tracing
: 16.3.4. Using the Program Trace
- upgrades and fixes
: Hide weaknesses to facilitate upgrades and fixes.
- code procedure
- 5.29.3. Displaying stored code
- 15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
- 17.2. Current Sources of Information
- code_after procedure
- 5.29.3. Displaying stored code
- 15.3.2. Displaying Code by Keyword
- 17.2. Current Sources of Information
- codependency, package
: 2.4.1. Creating Codependent Packages
- columns, table
: (see tables)
- comments
- 2.2. Using Effective Coding Style for Packages
- 5.13.5. Help generators
- 5.16.1. Analyzing PL/SQL string content
- plsql_string procedure
- 17.4.3. Creating Help Text
- generating
- Generating help text stubs
- 16.3.7. Generating Online Help Text Stubs
- retrieving
: 17.5.3. Implementing Online Help
- commit processing
: 20.1. PLVcmt: Enhancing Commit Processing
- incremental commits
: 20.1.3. Performing Incremental Commits
- toggling
: 20.1.4. Controlling Commit Processing
- commit_after procedure
- 5.7.4. Managing the commit counter
- 12.9.3. Clearing the Target
- Setting the commit point
- commits
: A.2.6. Builtin Packages
- committing function
: 5.7.1. Controlling commit activity
- compatibility
- 3.3. Supplying Backward Compatibility
- 3.11. Don't Forget Backward Compatibility
- compile procedure
- 5.9.4. Data Definition Language operations
- Compiling source code with PLVdyn
- compiling errors
- 15. PLVvu: Viewing Source Code and Compile Errors
5.29.4. Displaying compile errors
- compiling code
- 1.3.6. Performance Improvement
- with PLVdyn
: Compiling source code with PLVdyn
- conditional logic
- A.1.1. Conditional Logic
- A.2.1. Conditional Logic
- configuring
PLVfk package
: 19.6.2. Configuring the PLVfk Package
- CONNECT command
: 7.1.2. Displaying Dates
- consolidation of code
: 2.9.2. Lava Lamp Code Consolidation
- CONSTANT declaration
: Remove hard-coded literals from your application
- constants:
(see literals)
- convert_type procedure
- 5.20.8. Miscellaneous PLVobj programs
- 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
- converting
- PL/SQL table to database table
: Transferring a PL/SQL table log to a database table
- case
: (see capitalization)
- program name
: 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
- scripts into PL/SQL
: 4.4.3. Converting Scripts to PL/SQL Programs
- convobj procedure
- 5.20.8. Miscellaneous PLVobj programs
- 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
- copying
- file contents
: 13.7. Copying File Contents
- files
: 5.11.11. Copying a file
- from source to target repository
: 5.15.9. Miscellaneous PLVio programs
- object names into table
: 11.6. Populating a PL/SQL Table with Object Names
- source to target repository
: 12.7.2. Batch Transfer of Source to Target
- cor procedure
: Compiling source code with PLVdyn
- counter, commit
: 5.7.4. Managing the commit counter
- counter, PLVcmt
: (see PLVcmt package)
- cover packages
: 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
- CPU time
: (see performance)
- 17.5.2. Locating Text in the Data Dictionary
: Compiling source code with PLVdyn
create-or-replace syntax
: 16.3.9. Including CREATE OR REPLACE
- files
: 13.3. Creating and Checking Existence of Files
- lists
: 5.18.2. Creating and destroying lists
- messages
: 9.2. Storing Message Text
- stacks
: 5.24.2. Creating and destroying stacks
: 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
curdecl procedure
- 5.13.10. Miscellaneous code generators
- 16.2.6. Generating a Cursor Declaration
curfail procedure
: 5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
currmod function
- 5.28.6. Tracing PL/SQL code execution
- Current module
currname function
- 5.20.4. Accessing the current object
- 11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
currschema function
- 5.20.4. Accessing the current object
- 11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
currtype function
- 5.20.4. Accessing the current object
- 11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
- A.1.4. Cursors
- A.2.4. Cursors
- 1.3.4. Object Persistence
- 1.4.1. The Package Specification
- binding objects to
: 11.5. Binding Objects to a Dynamic Cursor
- FOR loop
- 11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
- 16.2.8. Generating a Cursor FOR Loop
- generating declaration
: 16.2.6. Generating a Cursor Declaration
- PLVobj
: 5.20.5. Interfacing with the PLVobj cursor
- PLVobj package (obj_cur)
- 11.2.1. Cursor Into ALL_OBJECTS
- 11.4.1. Opening and Closing the PLVobj Cursor
cursucc procedure
: 5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
parsing delimiter
: 10.1.2. Customizing the Delimiter Set
customizing programs for users
: Fitting the program to the user
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