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HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Logical Volume Management: HP-UX 11i Version 3



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adding a mirror to a logical volume, Adding a Mirror to a Logical Volume
adding a multipathed disk, Setting Up Multipathing to a Physical Volume
adding a physical volume to a volume group, Adding a Disk to a Volume Group
allocation policy, Mirror Write Behavior Control
contiguous and noncontiguous, Allocation Policy
strict and non-strict, Allocation Policy
alternate boot disk
creating, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
alternate links (see multipathing)


character device file, Naming Conventions for LVM
contiguous allocation
and logical volume size, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
defined, Physical versus Logical Extents, Allocation Policy
for dump logical volume, Creating a Dump Logical Volume
for swap logical volume, Creating a Swap Logical Volume
converting a physical volume from bootable to nonbootable, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types, vgcreate(1M)
creating a dump logical volume, Creating a Dump Logical Volume
creating a file system logical volume, Creating a File System
creating a logical volume, Creating a Logical Volume
creating a mirror of the boot disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk
creating a mirrored logical volume, Creating a Mirrored Logical Volume
creating a physical volume, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use
creating a spare disk, Creating a Spare Disk
creating a striped logical volume, Creating a Striped Logical Volume
creating a swap logical volume, Creating a Swap Logical Volume
creating a volume group, LVM Volume Group Versions, Creating a Volume Group
creating an alternate boot disk, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk


database partitions
stripe size for, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
device file
block, Naming Conventions for LVM
character, Naming Conventions for LVM
creating, Creating the Volume Group Device File, Renaming a Volume Group, Moving Disks Within a System, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers
format, Device Number Format
legacy, Legacy Device Files versus Persistent Device Files, Naming Conventions for LVM, Increasing Hardware Path Redundancy Through Multipathing, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume
logical volume, Naming Conventions for LVM, Device Number Format, Creating a Logical Volume, Renaming a Logical Volume
persistent, Legacy Device Files versus Persistent Device Files, Naming Conventions for LVM
physical volume, Naming Conventions for LVM, Device Number Format, Moving Disks Between Systems, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers, Matching Error Messages to Physical Disks and Volume Groups
volume group, Device Number Format, Creating the Volume Group Device File, Exporting a Volume Group, Renaming a Volume Group, Moving Disks Within a System, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
disabling a path to a physical volume, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume
disk failure, Replacing a Bad Disk
disk sparing (see sparing)
disk striping (see striping)
disks, LVM Architecture
(see also physical volumes)
moving, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems
displaying LVM information, Displaying LVM Information
du command, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
dual cabling (dual controllers) (see multipathing)
dump logical volume, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Dump
creating, Creating a Dump Logical Volume
guidelines, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Dump
removing, Removing a Dump Logical Volume
requirements, Creating a Dump Logical Volume


error handling, I/O Errors
media errors, Media Errors
non-recoverable errors, Nonrecoverable Errors
recoverable errors, Recoverable Errors
exporting a volume group, Exporting a Volume Group
extendfs command, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems, Extending a File System, LVM Command Summary
extending a file system logical volume, Extending a File System
extending a logical volume, Extending a Logical Volume
extending a logical volume to a specific disk, Extending a Logical Volume to a Specific Disk
extending a swap logical volume, Extending a Swap Device


file system logical volume, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
and /etc/default/fs, Creating a File System
backing up via mirroring, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume
boot file system (see boot logical volume)
creating, Creating a File System
determining who is using, Removing a Logical Volume, Exporting a Volume Group, Removing a Volume Group, Extending a File System, Reducing the Size of a File System, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk
extending, Extending a File System
guidelines, File System Logical Volume Guidelines
in /etc/fstab, Creating a File System
initial size, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
OnlineJFS, Extending a File System
overhead, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
performance considerations, File System Logical Volume Guidelines
reducing, Reducing the Size of a File System, Problems After Reducing the Size of a Logical Volume
HFS or VxFS, Reducing the Size of a File System
OnlineJFS, Reducing the Size of a File System
resizing, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
root file system (see root logical volume)
short or long file names, Creating a File System
stripe size for HFS, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
stripe size for VxFS, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
unresponsive, Recoverable Errors
finding logical volumes using a disk, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
fsadm command, Extending a File System, Reducing the Size of a File System
fuser command, Reducing a Logical Volume, Removing a Logical Volume, Exporting a Volume Group, Removing a Volume Group, Extending a File System, Reducing the Size of a File System, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk
and NFS, Extending a File System, Reducing the Size of a File System


LIF volume
area on disk, Logical Interface Format Area
maintenance mode boot, Maintenance Mode Boot
requirement for boot disks, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
log files, Log Files and Trace Files
logical extents
and rounding logical volume size, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
defined, LVM Architecture
mapping to physical extents, Physical versus Logical Extents
Logical Interface Format (see LIF volume)
logical volumes, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Dump, Administering Swap Logical Volumes
(see also boot logical volume)
(see also dump logical volume)
(see also root logical volume)
(see also swap logical volume)
commands for, Logical Volume Management Commands
configuration information, Moving and Reconfiguring Your Disks
creating, Creating a Logical Volume
creating on a specific disk, Extending a Logical Volume to a Specific Disk
defined, LVM Architecture
determining who is using, Reducing a Logical Volume, Removing a Logical Volume, Exporting a Volume Group, Removing a Volume Group, Extending a File System, Reducing the Size of a File System, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk
device file, Naming Conventions for LVM, Device Number Format, Creating a Logical Volume, Renaming a Logical Volume
displaying information, Information on Logical Volumes
extending, Extending a Logical Volume
extending to a specific disk, Extending a Logical Volume to a Specific Disk
for swap, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Swap
naming convention, Naming Conventions for LVM
performance issues, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Raw Data Storage
reducing, Reducing a Logical Volume
removing, Removing a Logical Volume
renaming, Renaming a Logical Volume
size, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Raw Data Storage
lvadm command, Information Collection, Matching Error Messages to Physical Disks and Volume Groups
lvchange command, Logical Volume Management Commands, Creating a Mirrored Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
bad block relocation, Media Errors
errors, lvchange(1M)
setting allocation policy, Mirror Write Behavior Control
setting scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy
setting synchronization policy, Synchronization Policy, Mirroring the Boot Disk
setting timeout, Permanently Unavailable Device
lvcreate command, Logical Volume Management Commands, Creating a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
for dump logical volume, Creating a Dump Logical Volume
for swap logical volume, Creating a Swap Logical Volume
setting allocation policy, Mirror Write Behavior Control
setting scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy
setting synchronization policy, Synchronization Policy
striped logical volumes, Creating a Striped Logical Volume
without a size, File System Logical Volume Guidelines
lvdisplay command, Physical versus Logical Extents, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume, Preparing for LVM System Recovery, Logical Volume Management Commands, Information on Logical Volumes, LVM Information to Collect and Maintain, Consistency Checks, LVM Command Summary
displaying extent status, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
displaying mirror status, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
displaying timeout value, Permanently Unavailable Device
scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy
lvextend command, Logical Volume Management Commands
adding a mirror, Adding a Mirror to a Logical Volume, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers, LVM Command Summary
errors, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers, lvextend(1M)
extending a file system, Extending a File System
extending a logical volume, Extending a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
extending swap, Extending a Swap Device
extending to a specific disk, Extending a Logical Volume to a Specific Disk, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
lvlnboot command, LVM Volume Group Versions, Logical Interface Format Area, Preparing for LVM System Recovery, Logical Volume Management Commands, LVM Command Summary
displaying boot information, Boot Data Reserved Area, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers, LVM Information to Collect and Maintain, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
errors, lvlnboot(1M)
for boot logical volume, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
for dump logical volume, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Creating a Dump Logical Volume
for root logical volume, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
for swap logical volume, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Creating a Swap Logical Volume, Extending a Swap Device
updating boot information, Preparing for LVM System Recovery, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers, Corrupted LVM Data Structures on Disk
lvmadm command, LVM Volume Group Versions, Volume Group Management Commands, Version 2.x Volume Group Activation Failures, LVM Command Summary
lvmchk command, Physical Volume Management Commands
lvmerge command, Logical Volume Management Commands, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
synchronization, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
lvreduce command, Logical Volume Management Commands
and pvmove failure, Moving Data to a Different Physical Volume
reducing a file system, Reducing the Size of a File System, Problems After Reducing the Size of a Logical Volume
reducing a logical volume, Reducing a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
reducing a swap device, Reducing the Size of a Swap Device
removing a mirror, Removing a Mirror from a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
removing a mirror from a specific disk, Removing a Mirror from a Logical Volume
lvremove command, Logical Volume Management Commands, Removing a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
splitting a volume group, Splitting a Volume Group
lvrmboot command, LVM Volume Group Versions, Boot Data Reserved Area, Logical Interface Format Area, Logical Volume Management Commands, Removing a Dump Logical Volume, Corrupted LVM Data Structures on Disk, LVM Command Summary
lvsplit command, Logical Volume Management Commands, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
lvsync command, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume, Logical Volume Management Commands, LVM Command Summary


maintenance mode boot, Mirroring the Boot Disk, Corrupted LVM Data Structures on Disk, Corrupted LVM Configuration File
booting, Maintenance Mode Boot
requirement for boot logical volume, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
major number, Version 1.0 Device Number Format, Version 2.x Device Number Format, Creating the Volume Group Device File
mapping logical to physical extents, Physical versus Logical Extents
merging a split mirror logical volume, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume
minfree, Setting Up Logical Volumes for File Systems
minor number, Version 1.0 Device Number Format, Version 2.x Device Number Format, Creating the Volume Group Device File
Mirror Consistency Recovery, Synchronization Policy
Mirror Write Cache, Synchronization Policy
mirrored logical volumes, Increasing Data Availability Through Mirroring
adding a mirror, Adding a Mirror to a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
allocation policy, Mirror Write Behavior Control
backing up, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume
benefits, Increasing Data Availability Through Mirroring
boot logical volume, Mirroring the Boot Disk
creating a spare disk, Creating a Spare Disk
creating mirrored copies, Creating a Mirrored Logical Volume
defined, LVM Features, Glossary
determining if a logical volume is mirrored, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
error messages, lvchange(1M), lvextend(1M), /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
handling non-recoverable errors, Nonrecoverable Errors
handling recoverable errors, Recoverable Errors
logical to physical extent mapping, Physical versus Logical Extents
maintenance mode, Maintenance Mode Boot
merging, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
Mirror Write Cache, Mirror Write Consistency Cache
mirroring the boot disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk
mirroring the boot disk,
HP 9000 servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers
HP Integrity servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers
modifying mirror copies, Creating a Mirrored Logical Volume
physical volume groups, Physical Volume Groups, Increasing Performance Through I/O Channel Separation
primary swap logical volume, Mirroring the Boot Disk
quiescing a logical volume, Quiescing and Resuming a Volume Group
reinstating a spare disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk
removing a mirror, Removing a Mirror from a Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
replacing a boot disk, Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk
replacing a non-boot disk, Replacing a Mirrored Nonboot Disk
root logical volume, Mirroring the Boot Disk
scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy, Scheduling Policy
separating I/O channels, Increasing Performance Through I/O Channel Separation
sparing, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing
splitting, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
stale data, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
strict allocation policy, lvextend(1M)
striping, Interactions Between Mirroring and Striping
synchronization policy, Synchronization Policy
synchronizing, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume, LVM Command Summary
mkboot command, Boot Data Reserved Area, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers, Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk
mknod command, Creating the Volume Group Device File, Renaming a Volume Group, Moving Disks Within a System, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, LVM Command Summary
modifying a mirrored logical volume, Creating a Mirrored Logical Volume
modifying a volume group's parameters, Modifying Volume Group Parameters
moving data, Moving Data to a Different Physical Volume
moving disks, Moving and Reconfiguring Your Disks, Moving Disks Between Systems
moving physical volumes, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems
multipathing, Increasing Hardware Path Redundancy Through Multipathing
benefits, Increasing Hardware Path Redundancy Through Multipathing
defined, LVM Features
disabling a path, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume
importing volume groups, Importing a Volume Group
moving multipathed disks, Moving Disks Between Systems
native, Legacy Device Files versus Persistent Device Files, Increasing Hardware Path Redundancy Through Multipathing
persistent device file, Legacy Device Files versus Persistent Device Files
removing multipathed disks, Removing a Disk from a Volume Group
setting up, Setting Up Multipathing to a Physical Volume
switching between links, Setting Up Multipathing to a Physical Volume
using LVM, Increasing Hardware Path Redundancy Through Multipathing


parallel scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy
physical extents, Physical versus Logical Extents
beyond the size of a physical volume, Recognizing Size Changes
defined, LVM Architecture
finding which logical volume is using, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
moving to another disk, Removing a Disk from a Volume Group, Modifying Volume Group Parameters
performance considerations, Memory Usage
policies for allocating, Mirror Write Behavior Control
policies for writing, Scheduling Policy
size, LVM Architecture, Volume Group Reserved Area
synchronizing, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
physical volume groups, Physical Volume Groups, Increasing Performance Through I/O Channel Separation
naming convention, Naming Conventions for LVM
Physical Volume Reserved Area (see PVRA)
physical volumes
adding, Adding a Disk to a Volume Group
commands for, Physical Volume Management Commands
converting from bootable to nonbootable, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types, vgcreate(1M)
creating, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use
defined, LVM Architecture
device file, Naming Conventions for LVM, Device Number Format, Matching Error Messages to Physical Disks and Volume Groups
disabling a path, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume
disk layout, LVM Disk Layout
displaying information, Information on Physical Volumes
moving, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems
moving data between, Moving Data to a Different Physical Volume
naming convention, Naming Conventions for LVM
removing, Removing a Disk from a Volume Group
resizing, Modifying Physical Volume Characteristics
primary swap logical volume, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines
as a dump area, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Dump
mirroring, Mirroring the Boot Disk
pvchange command, Physical Volume Management Commands, LVM Command Summary
disabling a path, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume, Replacing a Mirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk
errors, pvchange(1M)
multipathing, Setting Up Multipathing to a Physical Volume
restoring volume group configuration, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
setting timeout, Permanently Unavailable Device
sparing, Creating a Spare Disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk
pvck command, LVM Volume Group Versions, Physical Volume Management Commands, Consistency Checks, LVM Command Summary
pvcreate command, LVM Architecture, LVM Volume Group Versions, Physical Volume Management Commands, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use, LVM Command Summary
for boot disks, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers, Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers
sparing, Creating a Spare Disk
pvdisplay command, Physical versus Logical Extents, Preparing for LVM System Recovery, Physical Volume Management Commands, Information on Physical Volumes, LVM Information to Collect and Maintain, Consistency Checks, LVM Command Summary
finding logical volumes using a disk, Disk Replacement Prerequisites
sparing, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing
pvlinks (see multipathing)
pvmove command, Physical Volume Management Commands, Moving Data to a Different Physical Volume, LVM Command Summary
abnormal termination, Moving Data to a Different Physical Volume
moving physical extent 0, Modifying Volume Group Parameters
sparing, Reinstating a Spare Disk
area on disk, Physical Volume Reserved Area
pvremove command, Physical Volume Management Commands, LVM Command Summary


raw data logical volume
stripe size for, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
reducing a logical volume, Reducing a Logical Volume
reducing the size of a file system logical volume, Reducing the Size of a File System
reinstating a spare disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk
removing a dump logical volume, Removing a Dump Logical Volume
removing a logical volume, Removing a Logical Volume
removing a mirror from a logical volume, Removing a Mirror from a Logical Volume
from a specific disk, Removing a Mirror from a Logical Volume
removing a physical volume from a volume group, Removing a Disk from a Volume Group
removing a volume group, Removing a Volume Group
renaming a logical volume, Renaming a Logical Volume
renaming a volume group, Renaming a Volume Group
replacing a failed disk, Replacing a Bad Disk
mirrored, Replacing a Mirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk
unmirrored, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk
resizing a physical volume, Modifying Physical Volume Characteristics
resizing a swap logical volume, Administering Swap Logical Volumes
restoring data
volume group configuration, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
resuming a queisced volume group, Quiescing and Resuming a Volume Group
root logical volume, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
creating, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
information in BDRA, Boot Data Reserved Area
lvlnboot, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
mirroring, Mirroring the Boot Disk
requirements, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Extending a File System
root volume group
and dump, Dump Logical Volume Guidelines


scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy
parallel, Scheduling Policy
sequential, Scheduling Policy
scsimgr command
during disk replacement, Replacing a Mirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk
multipathing, Increasing Hardware Path Redundancy Through Multipathing, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume
secondary swap, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines
configuration, Administering Swap Logical Volumes
sequential scheduling policy, Scheduling Policy
defined, LVM Features
performance considerations, Disk Spanning
sparing, LVM Volume Group Versions, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing
creating a spare disk, Creating a Spare Disk
defined, LVM Features, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing
detaching links, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume
reinstating a spare disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk
requirements, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing
splitting a mirrored logical volume, Backing Up a Mirrored Logical Volume
splitting a volume group, Splitting a Volume Group
stale data, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
strict allocation policy, Allocation Policy
stripe size, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
striping, Increasing Performance Through Disk Striping
and mirroring, Interactions Between Mirroring and Striping
benefits, Increasing Performance Through Disk Striping
creating a striped logical volume, Creating a Striped Logical Volume
defined, LVM Features
interleaved disks, Increasing Performance Through Disk Striping
performance considerations, Increasing Performance Through Disk Striping
selecting stripe size, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
setting up, Increasing Performance Through Disk Striping
swap logical volume, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Swap, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines, Administering Swap Logical Volumes
(see also primary swap logical volume)
creating, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Creating a Swap Logical Volume
extending, Extending a Swap Device
guidelines, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines
information in BDRA, Boot Data Reserved Area
interleaving, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines
IODC errors, lvlnboot(1M)
lvlnboot, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Creating a Swap Logical Volume, Extending a Swap Device
maintenance mode, Maintenance Mode Boot
mirroring policy, Synchronization Policy, Mirroring the Boot Disk
performance considerations, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines
printing information, Boot Data Reserved Area
requirements, Physical versus Logical Extents, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Extending a Swap Device
resizing, Administering Swap Logical Volumes
secondary swap, Swap Logical Volume Guidelines
stripe size for, Determining Optimum Stripe Size
synchronization policy, Synchronization Policy
Mirror Consistency Recovery, Synchronization Policy
Mirror Write Cache, Synchronization Policy
none, Synchronization Policy
synchronizing a mirror, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
automatically, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
manually, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
System Management Homepage (see HP SMH)


troubleshooting tools, Troubleshooting Tools Overview


Version 1.0 volume groups, LVM Volume Group Versions, Version 1.0 Device Number Format, Creating a Version 1.0 Volume Group, LVM Specifications and Limitations
Version 2.0 volume groups, LVM Volume Group Versions, LVM Specifications and Limitations
Version 2.1 volume groups, New and Changed Information in This Edition, LVM Volume Group Versions, LVM Specifications and Limitations
Version 2.x volume groups, New and Changed Information in This Edition, LVM Volume Group Versions, Version 2.x Device Number Format, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Swap, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Dump, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing, Administration Tools, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use, Creating a Version 2.x Volume Group, Modifying Volume Group Parameters, Creating a Spare Disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk, Modifying Physical Volume Characteristics, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk, Administering Swap Logical Volumes, Administering Dump Logical Volumes, Consistency Checks, Version 2.x Volume Group Activation Failures, vgchange(1M), vgcreate(1M)
vgcfgbackup command, Preparing for LVM System Recovery, Volume Group Management Commands, Renaming a Volume Group, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration, LVM Command Summary
backup location, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
errors, Messages For All LVM Commands, vgcfgbackup(1M)
vgcfgrestore command, Volume Group Management Commands, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration, LVM Information to Collect and Maintain, LVM Command Summary
backup location, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
checking if physical volume is bootable, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types
errors, vgcfgrestore(1M)
recovering corrupted LVM data, Corrupted LVM Data Structures on Disk
restating a spare disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk
vgchange command, Volume Group Management Commands, Mirroring the Boot Disk, LVM Command Summary
activating a volume group, Importing a Volume Group, Modifying Volume Group Parameters, Renaming a Volume Group, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems, Recognizing Size Changes, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types, Version 2.x Volume Group Activation Failures
activation failures, Volume Group Activation Failures
attaching all detached links, Disabling a Path to a Physical Volume, Replacing a Mirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk, Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk
automatic synchronization, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume
deactivating a volume group, Exporting a Volume Group, Modifying Volume Group Parameters, Renaming a Volume Group, Splitting a Volume Group, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems, Recognizing Size Changes, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types
disabling quorum checks, Splitting a Volume Group, Volume Group Activation Failures
enabling quorum checks, Splitting a Volume Group, Quorum Problems with a Nonroot Volume Group
errors, vgchange(1M)
quiescing a volume group, Quiescing and Resuming a Volume Group
resuming a quiesced volume group, Quiescing and Resuming a Volume Group
vgchgid command, Volume Group Management Commands, LVM Command Summary
integrating cloned LUNs, Integrating Cloned LUNs
splitting a volume group, Splitting a Volume Group
vgcreate command, Volume Group Management Commands, Creating a Version 1.0 Volume Group, Creating a Version 2.x Volume Group, LVM Command Summary
adding a multipathed disk, Setting Up Multipathing to a Physical Volume
errors, vgcreate(1M)
for alternate boot disk, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
vgdisplay command, Preparing for LVM System Recovery, Volume Group Management Commands, Information on Volume Groups, LVM Information to Collect and Maintain, Consistency Checks, LVM Command Summary
displaying free space, Creating a Logical Volume, Extending a Logical Volume, lvextend(1M)
errors, vgdisplay(1M)
sparing, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing
while quiesced, Quiescing and Resuming a Volume Group
vgdsf command, Volume Group Management Commands
vgexport command, Volume Group Management Commands, Exporting a Volume Group, Moving and Reconfiguring Your Disks, LVM Command Summary
map file, Exporting a Volume Group
moving disks, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems
renaming a volume group, Renaming a Volume Group
splitting a volume group, Splitting a Volume Group
vgextend command, Volume Group Management Commands, Adding a Disk to a Volume Group, LVM Command Summary
errors, vgextend(1M)
sparing, Creating a Spare Disk
with multipathed disks, Setting Up Multipathing to a Physical Volume, Importing a Volume Group
VGID, Volume Group Reserved Area, vgchange(1M)
changing, Integrating Cloned LUNs
splitting a volume group, Splitting a Volume Group
with vgexport, Exporting a Volume Group
with vgimport, Importing a Volume Group
vgimport command, Volume Group Management Commands, Importing a Volume Group, Moving and Reconfiguring Your Disks, LVM Command Summary
errors, vgimport(1M)
moving disks, Moving Disks Within a System, Moving Disks Between Systems
renaming a volume group, Renaming a Volume Group
splitting a volume group, Splitting a Volume Group
with multipathed disks, Importing a Volume Group
vgmodify command, LVM Volume Group Versions, Volume Group Management Commands, Modifying Volume Group Parameters, LVM Command Summary
changing physical volume type, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types, vgcreate(1M)
collecting information, Modifying Volume Group Parameters
modifying volume group parameters, Modifying Volume Group Parameters, vgextend(1M)
resizing physical volumes, Modifying Physical Volume Characteristics, lvextend(1M)
and vgmodify, Modifying Volume Group Parameters
area on disk, Volume Group Reserved Area
size dependency on extent size, Volume Group Reserved Area, vgcreate(1M)
vgreduce command, Volume Group Management Commands, Removing a Disk from a Volume Group, LVM Command Summary
with multipathed disks, Importing a Volume Group
vgremove command, Volume Group Management Commands, Removing a Volume Group, LVM Command Summary
vgscan command, Volume Group Management Commands, LVM Command Summary
moving disks, Moving Disks Within a System
recreating /etc/lvmtab, Corrupted LVM Configuration File
vgsync command, Synchronizing a Mirrored Logical Volume, Volume Group Management Commands, LVM Command Summary
volume group configuration
backing up, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
location, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
restoring, Backing Up and Restoring Volume Group Configuration
volume group identifier (see VGID)
Volume Group Reserved Area (see VGRA)
volume group versions, New and Changed Information in This Edition
Version 1.0, LVM Volume Group Versions, Version 1.0 Device Number Format, Creating a Version 1.0 Volume Group, LVM Specifications and Limitations
Version 2.0, LVM Volume Group Versions, LVM Specifications and Limitations
Version 2.1, LVM Volume Group Versions, LVM Specifications and Limitations
Version 2.x, LVM Volume Group Versions, Version 2.x Device Number Format, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Swap, Setting Up Logical Volumes for Dump, Increasing Disk Redundancy Through Disk Sparing, Administration Tools, Initializing a Disk for LVM Use, Creating a Version 2.x Volume Group, Modifying Volume Group Parameters, Creating a Spare Disk, Reinstating a Spare Disk, Modifying Physical Volume Characteristics, Changing Physical Volume Boot Types, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk, Mirroring the Boot Disk, Administering Swap Logical Volumes, Administering Dump Logical Volumes, Consistency Checks, Version 2.x Volume Group Activation Failures, vgchange(1M), vgcreate(1M)
volume groups
activation failures, Volume Group Activation Failures, Root Volume Group Scanning
commands for, Volume Group Management Commands
creating, LVM Volume Group Versions, Creating a Volume Group
defined, LVM Limitations
device file, Device Number Format, Creating the Volume Group Device File, Exporting a Volume Group, Renaming a Volume Group, Moving Disks Within a System, Creating an Alternate Boot Disk
displaying information, Information on Volume Groups
exporting, Exporting a Volume Group
importing, Importing a Volume Group
modifying parameters, Modifying Volume Group Parameters
moving, Moving and Reconfiguring Your Disks, Moving Disks Between Systems
naming convention, Naming Conventions for LVM
performance considerations, Number of Volume Groups
quiescing and resuming, Quiescing and Resuming a Volume Group
removing, Removing a Volume Group
renaming, Renaming a Volume Group
space available within, Creating a Logical Volume
splitting, Splitting a Volume Group
VxFS snapshot file system, Backing Up a VxFS Snapshot File System
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