» |
Because disks are physical devices, their hardware
can fail, necessitating their replacement. After a failing disk is
replaced with a new one (retaining the hardware address of the original
disk to avoid confusion), the data must be restored to that disk from
a backup. Since the disk was under LVM control, it can have
physical extents for several logical volumes on it. The layout of
those logical volumes must first be restored and the data for each
of those logical volumes restored from backup. This section provides a step-by-step guide to replacing
a faulty LVM disk. Review “Preparing for LVM System Recovery” for steps to perform before a disk
fails. Read this section carefully, and implement the required procedures
as soon as possible. Your system recovery might rely on these steps. If you have any questions about the recovery process,
contact your local HP Customer Response Center for assistance.  |  |  |  |  | TIP: For an in-depth discussion of disk failures, see
the white paper When Good Disks Go Bad: Dealing with Disk
Failures under LVM, available at http://docs.hp.com. It covers additional
topics such as recognizing a disk failure, identifying the failing
disk, and choosing the appropriate resolution, such as removing the
disk instead of replacing it. The paper also covers releases prior
to HP-UX 11i Version 3. |  |  |  |  |
Disk Replacement Prerequisites |  |
Once you have isolated a failed disk, the replacement
process depends on answers to the following questions: Is the disk hot-swappable? You can remove or add an inactive hot-swappable hard disk drive
module to a system while power is still on and the SCSI bus is still
active. That is, you can replace or remove a hot-swappable disk from
a system without turning off the power to the entire system. Consult your system hardware manuals for information
about which disks in your system are hot-swappable. Specifications
for other hard disks are available in their installation manuals at http://docs.hp.com. If your disk is not hot-swappable, you must schedule
system down time to replace the disk. Is the disk the root disk or part of the root volume group? If the root disk is failing, the replacement
process includes steps to set up the boot area; in addition, you might
have to boot from its mirror if the primary root disk has failed.
If a failing root disk is not mirrored, you must reinstall to the
replacement disk or recover it from an Ignite-UX backup. To determine whether the disk is in the root volume
group, use the lvlnboot command with the –v option. It lists the disks in the root volume
group, and any special volumes configured on them. For example: # lvlnboot –v
Boot Definitions for Volume Group /dev/vg00:
Physical Volumes belonging in Root Volume Group:
/dev/disk/disk47_p2 -- Boot Disk
Boot: lvol1 on: /dev/disk/disk47_p2
Root: lvol3 on: /dev/disk/disk47_p2
Swap: lvol2 on: /dev/disk/disk47_p2
Dump: lvol2 on: /dev/disk/disk47_p2, 0 |
What logical volumes are on the disk, and are they mirrored? After you replace the disk, you might
need to restore data from backups. However, you must only recover
data for a subset of the logical volumes in the volume group. Only
the logical volumes that actually have physical extents on the disk
are affected. In addition, if a logical volume is mirrored, there
is probably a current copy of the data on the mirror, so it does not
need to be recovered from backup. You can find the list of logical volumes using
the disk with the pvdisplay command. With the –v option, pvdisplay shows a listing
of all the physical extents on a physical volume and to what logical
volume they belong. This list is long; pipe it to more or send it to a file. For example: # pvdisplay -v /dev/disk/disk3 | more
--- Distribution of physical volume ---
LV Name LE of LV PE for LV
/dev/vg00/lvol5 50 50
/dev/vg00/lvol6 245 245
In this example, logical volumes /dev/vg00/lvol5 and /dev/vg00/lvol6 have physical extents on
this disk, so you must restore lvol5 and lvol6 only. If pvdisplay fails, you can
see any configuration documentation you created in advance, or use
the vgcfgdisplay command, available from your HP
support representative. For each of the logical volumes affected, use lvdisplay to determine if the number of mirror copies is greater than zero.
This verifies that the logical volume is mirrored. For example: # lvdisplay /dev/vg00/lvol1
--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol1
VG Name /dev/vg00
LV Permission read/write
LV Status available/syncd
Mirror copies 1
Consistency Recovery MWC
Schedule parallel
LV Size (Mbytes) 300
Current LE 75
Allocated PE 150
Stripes 0
Stripe Size (Kbytes) 0
Bad block off
Allocation strict/contiguous
IO Timeout (Seconds) default |
The number of mirror copies is not zero; therefore,
the logical volume is mirrored. Use lvdisplay again to determine
which logical extents are mapped onto the suspect disk, and whether
there is a current copy of that data on another
disk. With the –v option, lvdisplay shows every logical extent, its mapping to any
physical extents, and the status of those physical extents (stale
or current). This listing can be quite long, so use grep to confine the listing to the disk that is being replaced.
For example: # lvdisplay -v /dev/vg00/lvol1 | grep –e /dev/disk/disk3 –e ’???’
00000 /dev/disk/disk3 00000 current /dev/disk/disk6 00000 current
00001 /dev/disk/disk3 00001 current /dev/disk/disk6 00001 current
00002 /dev/disk/disk3 00002 current /dev/disk/disk6 00002 current
00003 /dev/disk/disk3 00003 current /dev/disk/disk6 00003 current
00004 /dev/disk/disk3 00004 current /dev/disk/disk6 00004 current
00005 /dev/disk/disk3 00005 current /dev/disk/disk6 00005 current
... |
In this example, all lvol1 physical
extents on /dev/disk/disk3 have a current copy
elsewhere on the system, specifically on /dev/disk/disk6. If /dev/disk/disk3 was unavailable when the
volume group was activated, its column contains a ‘???’ instead of the disk name.
Based on the gathered information, choose the
appropriate procedure. Replacing a Mirrored Nonboot Disk |  |
Use this procedure if all the physical extents on the disk have copies on another
disk, and the disk is not a boot
disk. If the disk contains any unmirrored logical volumes or any mirrored
logical volumes without an available and current mirror copy, see “Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk”. For this example, the disk to be replaced is at
lunpath hardware path 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0, with device special files named /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. Follow these steps: Save the hardware paths to
the disk. Run the ioscan command and note the hardware paths of the failed disk. # ioscan –m lun /dev/disk/disk14
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE offline HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
In this example, the LUN instance number is 14,
the LUN hardware path is 64000/0xfa00/0x0, and the lunpath hardware
path is 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0. When the failed disk is replaced, a new LUN instance
and LUN hardware path are created. To identify the disk after it is
replaced, you must use the lunpath hardware path (0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0). Halt LVM access to the disk. If the disk is not hot-swappable, power off the
system to replace it. By shutting down the system, you halt LVM access
to the disk, so you can skip this step. If the disk is hot-swappable, detach it using the –a option of the pvchange command: # pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk14 |
Replace the disk. For the hardware details on how to replace the disk,
see the hardware administrator's guide for the system or disk
array. If the disk is hot-swappable, replace it. If the disk is not hot-swappable, shut down the
system, turn off the power, and replace the disk. Reboot the system. Notify the mass storage subsystem
that the disk has been replaced. If the
system was not rebooted to replace the failed disk, then run scsimgr before using the new disk as a replacement for
the old disk. For example: # scsimgr replace_wwid –D /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
This command allows the storage subsystem to replace the
old disk’s LUN World-Wide-Identifier (WWID) with the new disk’s
LUN WWID. The storage subsystem creates a new LUN instance and new
device special files for the replacement disk. Determine the new LUN instance
number for the replacement disk. For example: # ioscan –m lun
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk NO_HW DEVICE offline HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14
disk 28 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk28 /dev/rdisk/disk28
In this example, LUN instance 28 was created for
the new disk, with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x1c, device special
files /dev/disk/disk28 and /dev/rdisk/disk28, at the same lunpath hardware path as the old disk, 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0.
The old LUN instance 14 for the old disk now has no lunpath associated
with it.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: If the system was rebooted to replace the failed
disk, then ioscan –m lun does not display
the old disk. |  |  |  |  |
Assign the old instance number
to the replacement disk. For example: # io_redirect_dsf -d /dev/disk/disk14 -n /dev/disk/disk28 |
This assigns the old LUN instance number (14)
to the replacement disk. In addition, the device special files for
the new disk are renamed to be consistent with the old LUN instance
number. The following ioscan –m lun output
shows the result: # ioscan –m lun /dev/disk/disk14
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
The LUN representation of the old disk with LUN
hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x0 was removed. The LUN representation
of the new disk with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x1c was reassigned
from LUN instance 28 to LUN instance 14 and its device special files
were renamed as /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. Restore LVM configuration
information to the new disk. For example: # vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vgnn /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
Restore LVM access to the
disk. If you did not reboot the system in Step 2, reattach
the disk as follows: # pvchange –a y /dev/disk/disk14 |
If you did reboot the system, reattach the disk
by reactivating the volume group as follows: # vgchange -a y /dev/vgnn |
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The vgchange command with the -a y option can be run on a volume group that is deactivated
or already activated. It attaches all paths for all disks in the
volume group and resumes automatically recovering any disks in the
volume group that had been offline or any disks in the volume group
that were replaced. Therefore, run vgchange only
after all work has been completed on all disks and paths in the volume
group, and it is necessary to attach them all. |  |  |  |  |
Because all the data on the replaced disk was
mirrored, you do not need to do anything else; LVM automatically synchronizes
the data on the disk with the other mirror copies of the data. Replacing an Unmirrored Nonboot Disk |  |
Use this procedure if any of the physical extents on the disk do not have mirror
copies elsewhere, and your disk is not a boot disk. In this example, the disk to be replaced is at
lunpath hardware path 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0, with device special files named /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. Follow these steps: Save the hardware paths to
the disk. Run the ioscan command and note the hardware paths of the failed disk. # ioscan –m lun /dev/disk/disk14
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE offline HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
In this example, the LUN instance number is 14,
the LUN hardware path is 64000/0xfa00/0x0, and the lunpath hardware
path is 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0. When the failed disk is replaced, a new LUN instance
and LUN hardware path are created. To identify the disk after it is
replaced, you must use the lunpath hardware path (0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0). Halt LVM access to the disk. If the disk is not hot-swappable, power off the
system to replace it. By shutting down the system, you halt LVM access
to the disk, so you can skip this step. If the disk is hot-swappable, disable user and
LVM access to all unmirrored logical volumes. First, disable user access to all unmirrored logical volumes. Halt any applications
and unmount any file systems using these logical volumes. This prevents
the applications or file systems from writing inconsistent data over
the newly restored replacement disk. For each unmirrored logical volume using the disk: Use the fuser command to make sure no one is accessing the logical volume, either
as a raw device or as a file system. If users have files open in the
file system or it is their current working directory, fuser reports their process IDs. For example, if the logical volume was /dev/vg01/lvol1, enter the following command: # fuser -cu dev/vg01/lvol1
/dev/vg01/lvol1: 27815c(root) 27184c(root) |
If fuser reports process IDs using the logical volume, use the ps command to map the list of process IDs to processes, and then determine
whether you can halt those processes. For
example, look up processes 27815 and 27184 as follows: # ps -fp27815 -p27184
root 27815 27184 0 09:04:05 pts/0 0:00 vi test.c
root 27184 27182 0 08:26:24 pts/0 0:00 -sh
If so, use fuser with the –k option to kill all processes
accessing the logical volume. The example
processes are noncritical, so kill them as follows: # fuser -ku dev/vg01/lvol1
/dev/vg01/lvol1: 27815c(root) 27184c(root) |
If the logical volume is being
used as a file system, unmount it as follows:
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: If you cannot stop the applications using the
logical volume, or you cannot unmount the file system, you must shut
down the system. |  |  |  |  |
After disabling user access to the unmirrored
logical volumes, disable LVM access to the disk: # pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk14 |
Replace the disk. For the hardware details on how to replace the disk,
see the hardware administrator’s guide for the system or disk
array. If the disk is hot-swappable, replace it. If the disk is not hot-swappable, shut down the
system, turn off the power, and replace the disk. Reboot the system. Notify the mass storage subsystem
that the disk has been replaced. If the
system was not rebooted to replace the failed disk, then run scsimgr before using the new disk as a replacement for
the old disk. For example: # scsimgr replace_wwid –D /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
This command allows the storage subsystem to replace the
old disk’s LUN World-Wide-Identifier (WWID) with the new disk’s
LUN WWID. The storage subsystem creates a new LUN instance and new
device special files for the replacement disk. Determine the new LUN instance
number for the replacement disk. For example: # ioscan –m lun
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk NO_HW DEVICE offline HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14
disk 28 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk28 /dev/rdisk/disk28
In this example, LUN instance 28 was created for
the new disk, with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x1c, device special
files /dev/disk/disk28 and /dev/rdisk/disk28, at the same lunpath hardware path as the old disk, 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0.
The old LUN instance 14 for the old disk now has no lunpath associated
with it.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: If the system was rebooted to replace the failed
disk, then ioscan –m lun does not display
the old disk. |  |  |  |  |
Assign the old instance number
to the replacement disk. For example: # io_redirect_dsf -d /dev/disk/disk14 -n /dev/disk/disk28 |
This assigns the old LUN instance number (14)
to the replacement disk. In addition, the device special files for
the new disk are renamed to be consistent with the old LUN instance
number. The following ioscan –m lun output
shows the result: # ioscan –m lun /dev/disk/disk14
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
The LUN representation of the old disk with LUN
hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x0 was removed. The LUN representation
of the new disk with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x1c was reassigned
from LUN instance 28 to LUN instance 14 and its device special files
were renamed as /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. Restore LVM configuration
information to the new disk. For example: # vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vgnn /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
Restore LVM access to the
disk. If you did not reboot the system in Step 2, reattach
the disk as follows: # pvchange –a y /dev/disk/disk14 |
If you did reboot the system, reattach the disk
by reactivating the volume group as follows: # vgchange -a y /dev/vgnn |
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The vgchange command with the -a y option can be run on a volume group that is deactivated
or already activated. It attaches all paths for all disks in the
volume group and resumes automatically recovering any disks in the
volume group that had been offline or any disks in the volume group
that were replaced. Therefore, run vgchange only
after all work has been completed on all disks and paths in the volume
group, and it is necessary to attach them all. |  |  |  |  |
Recover any lost data. LVM recovers all the mirrored logical volumes
on the disk, and starts that recovery when the volume group is activated. For all the unmirrored logical volumes that you
identified in Step 2, restore the data from backup
and reenable user access as follows: For raw volumes, restore
the full raw volume using the utility that was used to create your
backup. Then restart the application.
Replacing a Mirrored Boot Disk |  |
There are two additional operations you must perform
when replacing a mirrored boot disk: You must initialize boot
information on the replacement disk. If the replacement requires
rebooting the system, and the primary boot disk is being replaced,
you must boot from the alternate boot disk.
In this example, the disk to be replaced is at
lunpath hardware path 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0, with device special files named /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. The system is an HP Integrity server, so the physical volume names
must specify the HP-UX partition on the boot disk (/dev/disk/disk14_p2 and /dev/disk/disk14_p2). Save the hardware paths to
the disk. Run the ioscan command and note the hardware paths of the failed disk as follows: # ioscan –m lun /dev/disk/disk14
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE offline HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14
/dev/disk/disk14_p1 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1
/dev/disk/disk14_p2 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2
/dev/disk/disk14_p3 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p3 |
In this example, the LUN instance number is 14,
the LUN hardware path is 64000/0xfa00/0x0, and the lunpath hardware
path is 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0. When the failed disk is replaced, a new LUN instance
and LUN hardware path are created. To identify the disk after it is
replaced, you must use the lunpath hardware path (0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0). Halt LVM access to the disk. If the disk is not hot-swappable, power off the
system to replace it. By shutting down the system, you halt LVM access
to the disk, so you can skip this step. If the disk is hot-swappable, detach the device
using the –a option of the pvchange command: # pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk14_p2 |
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: On an HP 9000 server, the boot disk is not partitioned
so the physical volume refers to the entire disk, not the HP-UX partition.
Use the following command:# pvchange -a N /dev/disk/disk14 |
|  |  |  |  |
Replace the disk. For the hardware details on how to replace the disk,
see the hardware administrator’s guide for the system or disk
array. If the disk is hot-swappable, replace it. If the disk is not hot-swappable, shut down the
system, turn off the power, and replace the disk. Reboot the system.
Two problems can occur: If you replaced the disk
that you normally boot from, the replacement disk does not contain
the information needed by the boot loader. In this case, interrupt
the boot process and boot from the mirror boot disk, which is configured
as the alternate boot path. If there are only two
disks in the root volume group, the system probably fails its quorum
check as described in “Volume Group Activation Failures”. It can panic early in the boot
process with the message: panic: LVM: Configuration failure |
In this situation, you must override quorum to
boot successfully. Do this by interrupting the boot process and adding
the –lq option to the boot command.
For information on the boot process and how to
select boot options, see HP-UX System Administrator's
Guide: Configuration Management. Notify the mass storage subsystem
that the disk has been replaced. If the
system was not rebooted to replace the failed disk, then run scsimgr before using the new disk as a replacement for
the old disk. For example: # scsimgr replace_wwid –D /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
This command allows the storage subsystem to replace the
old disk’s LUN World-Wide-Identifier (WWID) with the new disk’s
LUN WWID. The storage subsystem creates a new LUN instance and new
device special files for the replacement disk. Determine the new LUN instance
number for the replacement disk. For example: # ioscan –m lun
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk NO_HW DEVICE offline HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14
/dev/disk/disk14_p1 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1
/dev/disk/disk14_p2 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2
/dev/disk/disk14_p3 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p3
disk 28 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk28 /dev/rdisk/disk28
In this example, LUN instance 28 was created for
the new disk, with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x1c, device special
files /dev/disk/disk28 and /dev/rdisk/disk28, at the same lunpath hardware path as the old disk, 0/1/1/1.0x3.0x0.
The old LUN instance 14 for the old disk now has no lunpath associated
with it.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: If the system was rebooted to replace the failed
disk, then ioscan –m lun does not display
the old disk. |  |  |  |  |
(HP Integrity servers only)
Partition the replacement disk. Partition
the disk using the idisk command and a partition
description file, and create the partition device files using insf, as described in “Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers”. Assign the old instance number
to the replacement disk. For example: # io_redirect_dsf -d /dev/disk/disk14 -n /dev/disk/disk28 |
This assigns the old LUN instance number (14)
to the replacement disk. In addition, the device special files for
the new disk are renamed to be consistent with the old LUN instance
number. The following ioscan –m lun output
shows the result: # ioscan –m lun /dev/disk/disk14
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 14 64000/0xfa00/0x1c esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP MSA Vol
/dev/disk/disk14 /dev/rdisk/disk14
/dev/disk/disk14_p1 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p1
/dev/disk/disk14_p2 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2
/dev/disk/disk14_p3 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p3 |
The LUN representation of the old disk with LUN
hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x0 was removed. The LUN representation
of the new disk with LUN hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x1c was reassigned
from LUN instance 28 to LUN instance 14 and its device special files
were renamed as /dev/disk/disk14 and /dev/rdisk/disk14. Restore LVM configuration
information to the new disk. For example: # vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdisk/disk14_p2 |
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: On an HP 9000 server, the boot disk is not partitioned,
so the physical volume refers to the entire disk, not the HP-UX partition.
Use the following command:# vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdisk/disk14 |
|  |  |  |  |
Restore LVM access to the
disk. If you did not reboot the system in Step 2, reattach
the disk as follows: # pvchange –a y /dev/disk/disk14_p2 |
On an
HP 9000 server, use this command: # pvchange –a y /dev/disk/disk14 |
If you did reboot the system, reattach the disk
by reactivating the volume group as follows: # vgchange -a y /dev/vg00 |
 |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The vgchange command with the -a y option can be run on a volume group that is deactivated
or already activated. It attaches all paths for all disks in the
volume group and resumes automatically recovering any disks in the
volume group that had been offline or any disks in the volume group
that were replaced. Therefore, run vgchange only
after all work has been completed on all disks and paths in the volume
group, and it is necessary to attach them all. |  |  |  |  |
Initialize boot information
on the disk. For an HP Integrity server,
set up the boot area and update the autoboot file in the disk's
EFI partition as described in step 5 and step 6 of “Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP Integrity Servers”. For an HP 9000 server, set up the boot area and
update the autoboot file as described in step 4 and step 5 of “Mirroring the Boot Disk on HP 9000 Servers”.
Replacing an Unmirrored Boot Disk |  |
With the failure of an unmirrored boot disk, you
have lost the only copy of information that is required to boot the
system. You must reinstall to the replacement disk, or recover it
from an Ignite-UX backup.