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L&F  [See look-and-feel]
label property (JPopupMenu) 
labelFor property (JLabel)  2nd 
    border around 
    ClockLabel.java (example) 
    content alignment and  2nd 
    content position and 
    examples of  2nd  3rd 
    images in 
    JLabel class 
    SimpleJLabelExample.java (example) 
    for sliders  2nd 
labelTable property (JSlider) 
LabelView class 
LAFState class 
largeModel property (JTree) 
last( ) (Segment) 
lastDividerLocation property (JSplitPane) 
lastEdit( ) (CompoundEdit) 
lastElement( ) (DefaultListModel) 
lastIndexOf( ) (DefaultListModel) 
lastRow property (TableModelEvent) 
lastVisibleIndex property (JList) 
layer property (JInternalFrame) 
layered labels, OverlayLayout class for creating 
layered pane  2nd 
    JLayeredPane class 
    methods for 
LayeredHighlighter class 
LayeredHighlighter.LayerPainter class 
layeredPane property
    JApplet class 
    JFrame class 
    JInternalFrame class 
    JWindow class 
layers  [See also panes]
    adding components to 
    avoiding unnecessary 
    current, for frame 
    management methods for 
layout managers  2nd 
    classes for 
    overlapping heavyweight/lightweight components 
    overrides by  2nd 
    read/write alignment properties and 
    ScrollPaneLayout class 
    size calculations for 
    ViewportLayout class 
layout methods 
layout property
    JApplet class 
    JComponent class 
    JDialog class 
    JFrame class 
    JLayeredPane class 
    JRootPane class 
    JTextComponent class 
    JWindow class 
layoutCompoundLabel( ) (SwingUtilities) 
layoutManager property (JPanel) 
layoutOrientation property (JList) 
LazyValue interface  2nd 
lead selection 
lead, lists and 
leadAnchorNotificationEnabled property (DefaultListSelectionModel) 
leader property (TabStop) 
leading for tab stops 
leadSelectionIndex property
    DefaultListSelectionModel class 
    JList class 
    ListSelectionModel interface 
leadSelectionPath property (JTree) 
leadSelectionRow property (JTree) 
leaf property
    Element interface 
    TreeNode interface 
LeafElement class (AbstractDocument) 
leaves  [See trees]
leftComponent property (JSplitPane) 
length of content, restricting 
length property
    AbstractDocument class 
    Document interface 
    DocumentEvent interface 
length( )
    Content interface 
    GapContent class 
levels, nodes and 
lightweight components  2nd  3rd  4th 
    overlapping with heavyweight 
    popup menus as 
lightWeightPopupEnabled property
    JComboBox class  2nd 
    JComponent class 
    JPopupMenu class 
    ToolTipManager class 
limit property (UndoManager) 
line transformation methods 
LineBorder class 
LineBorderUIResource class 
lineCount property (JTextArea) 
lineStyle property (JTree) 
lineWrap property (JTextArea)  2nd 
link property (AccessibleText) 
linkCount property (AccessibleText) 
linkCursor property (HTMLEditorKit) 
linkIndex property (AccessibleText) 
links  [See hyperlinks]2nd  [See hyperlinks]
list data  [See lists, list data]
list methods 
ListCellRenderer interface  2nd 
ListDataEvent class  2nd  3rd 
    properties table for 
ListDataListener interface 
ListEditor class (JSpinner) 
    properties table for 
listener lists 
listener methods 
listeners  [See also events]
    AbstractAction class 
    AbstractButton class  2nd 
    AccessibleComponent interface 
    AccessibleContext class 
    Action interface 
    ActionListener interface  2nd 
    AncestorListener interface 
    AWTEventMonitor class 
    ButtonModel interface 
    buttons and 
    Caret interface 
    CaretListener interface 
    CellEditor interface 
    CellEditorListener interface 
    ChangeListener interface 
    ColorSelectionModel interface 
    ComboBoxEditor interface 
    for custom components 
    DefaultBoundedRangeModel class 
    DefaultButtonModel class 
    DefaultCellEditor class 
    DefaultColorChooserModel class 
    DefaultSingleSelectionModel class 
    DefaultTreeCellEditor class 
    Document interface 
    DragGestureRecognizer class 
    DragSource class 
    DragSourceContext class 
    for drop events 
    DropTarget class 
    EventListenerList class  2nd 
    EventQueueMonitor class 
    example of 
    for change events[listeners
        change events} 
    GUIInitializedListener interface 
    HyperlinkListener interface 
    InternalFrameListener interface 
    JComboBox class 
    JComponent class 
    JEditorPane class  2nd 
    JFileChooser class 
    JInternalFrame class 
    JProgressBar class  2nd 
    JScrollBar class 
    JSlider class 
    JTabbedPane class 
    JTextComponent class 
    JTextField class 
    JViewport class 
        DefaultListSelectionModel interface 
        JList class 
        ListDataListener interface 
        ListModel class 
        ListSelectionListener class 
        ListSelectionModel interface 
        JMenuItem class 
        JPopupMenu class 
        MenuDragMouseListener interface 
        MenuKeyListener interface 
        MenuListener interface 
        PopupMenuListener interface 
    MouseDragGestureRecognizer class 
    MouseInputListener interface 
    PropertyChangeListener interface  2nd 
    SingleSelectionModel interface 
    SpinnerModel interface 
    SwingEventMonitor class 
    SwingPropertyChangeSupport class 
        AbstractTableModel class 
        DefaultTableColumnModel class 
        TableColumn class 
        TableColumnModel interface 
        TableColumnModelListener interface 
        TableModel interface 
        TableModelListener interface 
    text styles
        Style interface 
        StyleContext class 
    Timer class 
    TopLevelWindowListener interface 
        DefaultTreeSelectionModel class 
        JTree class 
        TreeExpansionListener interface 
        TreeModel interface 
        TreeSelectionListener interface 
        TreeSelectionModel interface 
        TreeWillExpandListener interface 
    UIDefaults class 
    UIManager class 
    UndoableEditListener interface  2nd 
    UndoableEditSupport class 
    VetoableChangeListener interface  2nd 
ListExample.java (example) 
ListModel interface  2nd 
    properties table for 
ListModelExample.java (example) 
lists  2nd  [See also combo boxes; spinners]
    EventListenerList class  2nd 
    examples of  2nd 
    JList class 
    list data  2nd 
        ListCellRenderer interface 
        retrieving/pointing to 
    list selections  2nd 
        changes in 
        example of 
        scrolling and 
    parts of 
    rendering data 
    selectiing items within 
    selection model, bug in 
ListSelectionEvent class  2nd 
    properties table for 
ListSelectionListener class 
ListSelectionModel interface  2nd 
    properties table for 
    selecting table data and 
LiveParenMatcher.java (example) 
loadBackgroundImage( ) (EditorCanvas) 
loadKeymap( ) (JTextComponent) 
locale property (JComponent) 
location  [See position]2nd  [See position]
location property
    AccessibleComponent interface 
    DropTargetDragEvent class 
    DropTargetDropEvent class 
    JComponent class  2nd  3rd 
    JPopupMenu class  2nd 
locationOnScreen property
    AccessibleComponent interface 
    JComponent class 
locationToIndex property (JList) 
locking documents 
logical styles 
logicalStyle property (JTextPane) 
logTimers property (Timer) 
look-and-feel (L&F)  2nd 
    for trees  2nd  3rd 
    Alt key for 
    building your own  2nd 
    for button borders 
    for buttons 
    for checkboxes 
    classes/interfaces for 
    client properties and 
    for combo boxes 
    component actions and 
    customizing existing L&F 
    for Drag and Drop 
    examples of  2nd  3rd 
    for file choosers 
    for formatted text fields 
    helper classes for 
    how it works 
    internal frames and 
    javax.swing.plaf package for 
    JDesktopPane class and  2nd 
    JOptionPane class and 
    keyboard accelerators and 
    for lists 
    for Mac OS X 
    menu bars and 
    Metal  [See Metal look-and-feel]
    mnemonics and 
    for progress bars 
    for scrollbars 
    selectable menu items and 
    for separators 
    for sliders 
    for spinners 
    swing.properties file 
    for tabbed panes 
    for text 
    text fields and 
    UI delegates, replacing individual 
    UI resources for (list) 
    UIManager and 
LookAndFeel class  2nd  3rd 
    properties table for 
LookAndFeelInfo class  2nd 
lowestLayer( ) (JLayeredPane)