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background images 
background property
    AccessibleComponent interface 
    DefaultTableCellRenderer class 
    JComponent class 
    JInternalFrame class 
    JRootPane class 
backingStoreEnabled property (JViewport) 
BadLocationException class 
base property
    HTMLDocument class 
    StyleSheet class 
baseFontSize property (StyleSheet) 
BasicGraphicsUtils class 
BasicJogShuttleUI.java (example) 
BasicLookAndFeel class 
    component UI resources defined by (list) 
BeepAction class 
beginDraggingFrame( )
    DefaultDesktopManager class 
    DesktopManager interface 
beginIndex property (Segment) 
beginResizingFrame( )
    DefaultDesktopManager class 
    DesktopManager interface 
beginUpdate( ) (UndoableEditSupport) 
bevel borders  2nd  3rd 
    BevelBorderUIResource class 
    examples of 
BevelBorder class 
    properties table for 
BevelBorderUIResource class 
BevelExample.java (example) 
bevelType property (BevelBorder, SoftBevelBorder) 
bidiRootElement property (AbstractDocument) 
BigRenderer.java (example) 
binding mechanism 
blinkRate property (Caret) 
blockIncrement property (JScrollbar) 
BoldAction class 
boolean property (JProgress) 
Border interface  2nd  3rd 
border property
    JComponent class  2nd  3rd 
    TitledBorder class 
BorderFactory class 
borderOpaque property
    AbstractBorder class 
    EtchedBorder class 
    LineBorder class 
    MatteBorder class 
    [Soft]BevelBorder classes 
    TitledBorder class 
borderPainted property
    AbstractButton class 
    JMenuBar class 
    JMenuItem class 
    JPopupMenu class 
    JProgressBar class 
    JToolBar class 
borderPaintedFlat property (JCheckBox) 
    adding to components 
    Border interface 
    BorderUIResource class 
    buttons and
        border margin from 
        radio buttons 
        removing borders from buttons 
    changing on the fly 
    class hierarchy of 
    classes for 
    defaults, defining for L&F 
    drawing/painting, caution with  2nd 
    examples of  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
    javax.swing.border package for 
    for progress bars  2nd 
    style of 
borderSelectionColor property (DefaultTreeCellEditor) 
BorderUIResource class 
bottomComponent property (JSplitPane) 
bound properties  2nd  3rd  4th 
    actions and 
    events and  2nd 
boundAction property (Keymap) 
bounded frames 
bounded ranges 
    Bounded.java (example) 
    BoundedRangeModel interface for 
    model for 
    progress bars 
    rules for working with 
BoundedRangeModel interface 
    properties table for 
boundKeyStrokes property (Keymap) 
bounds property
    AccessibleComponent interface 
    JComponent class  2nd 
Box class 
    vs. BoxLayout class 
Box.Filler class 
    properties table for 
    alignment of 
    widths/heights of 
BoxLayout class 
    vs. Box class 
    vs. GridLayout class 
BoxView class 
BranchElement class (AbstractDocument) 
breadthFirstEnumeration( ) (DefaultMutableTreeNode) 
break methods 
breakView( ) (View) 
buffering  [See double buffering]
buildChooser( ) (AbstractColorChooserPanel) 
button ribbons 
ButtonBorder class 
ButtonGroup class 
    properties table for 
ButtonModel interface 
    properties table for 
    alignment for 
    ButtonModel interface for 
    class hierarchy of  2nd 
    classes for 
    creating via actions 
    event handlers for 
    examples of  2nd  3rd  4th 
    for voting mechanism (example) 
    icons and
        adding to buttons 
        displayed on buttons  2nd 
    in dialogs[buttons
    in file chooser dialogs 
    keeping centered 
    layered panes, buttons added to 
    margins for 
    properties reflecting state of 
    replacing AWT Buttons with JButtons 
    sample layout of 
    separators between 
    text displayed on  2nd  3rd