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GapContent class 
gestureModifiers property (DragSourceDragEvent) 
GestureTest.java (example) 
get methods  2nd 
    property tables and 
glass pane  2nd 
    visibility, JInternalFrame class and 
GlassExample.java (example) 
glassPane property
    JApplet class 
    JFrame class 
    JInternalFrame class 
    JRootPane class 
    JWindow class 
glue components  2nd 
GlyphView class 
Gosling, James 
grabFocus( ) (JComponent) 
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), events and 
graphics  [See images]
Graphics class 
graphics methods 
graphics property
    JComponent class 
    View class 
GraphicsConfiguration class 
GraphicsDevice class 
GraphicsEnvironment class 
GrayFilter class 
GrayScalePanel.java (example) 
GridBagLayout class, replacement for 
gridColor property (JTable) 
GridLayout class vs. BoxLayout class 
group property (ButtonModel) 
guiInitialized( ) (GUIInitializedListener) 
GUIInitializedListener interface 
GUIs (graphical user interfaces), events and 
GuiScreens.java (example)