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SESM Utility Servlets Quick Reference

SESM Utility Servlets Quick Reference

This appendix provides brief descriptions of the utility Java servlets that are used in an SESM web application. The SESM components include a set of utility Java servlets that the web application uses to perform a variety of common tasks, such as:

Most SESM utility servlets are decorators that extend the Decorator abstract class and are subclasses of the Navigator class. The SESM utility servlets that are decorators have Decorator in their names.

The SESM utility servlets are preprogrammed with specific functionality. They do not require customization, but because they are decorators, you can extend a utility servlet with a post-decorator.

This appendix does not provide descriptions of two specialized sets of servlets: SESM controls and dimension decorators. You can find information on these servlets in the following locations:

All SESM servlet classes including those for dimension decorators and controls are documented in the Javadoc documentation that is installed with the SESM software.

Tip A few utility servlets are very helpful for testing and debugging an SESM web application: Snoop, TestDimensionDecorator, LocaleDecorator, and TestUserDecorator. For information on debugging, see the "Debugging an SESM Web Application" section.

Using the preDecorate and postDecorate Parameters

An SESM utility servlet that is a subclass of either Navigator or Decorator can have preDecorate and postDecorate initialization parameters:



Specifies a list of names for other decorator servlets that are invoked, in the order listed, before the decorator declared in the <servlet-class> attribute is invoked.


Specifies a list of names for other decorator servlets that are invoked, in the order listed, after the decorator declared in the <servlet-class> attribute is invoked.

Depending on whether a servlet being declared in <servlet-class> is a subclass of Navigator or Decorator, the behavior of the preDecorate and postDecorate initialization parameters is different:

If a pre-decorator or post-decorator throws a ServletException, all decoration stops. No further pre-decorators or post-decorators are invoked. The servlet declared in the <servlet-class> attribute is not invoked if it has not already been called. If the servlet declared in the <servlet-class> attribute throws a ServletException, no post-decorators are invoked.

In the web.xml file, you configure the preDecorate and postDecorate initialization parameters in the servlet declaration. Consider the following declaration for MyAccountView that specifies the VirtualFile servlet:

    <servlet> <servlet-name>MyAccountView</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> ...     <init-param>         <param-name>preDecorate</param-name>     <param-value>User, NoCache</param-value> </init-param> </servlet>

In the preceding example, the pre-decorators User and NoCache are invoked by calling their decorateIfNecessary methods. With subclasses of Navigator (such as VirtualFile), the pre-decorators and post-decorators are always invoked. They are called by invoking their decorateIfNecessary methods.

In the next example, the UserDecorator servlet is a subclass of Decorator.

    <servlet> <servlet-name>User</servlet-name> <servlet-class> </servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>     <init-param> <param-name>postDecorate</param-name> <param-value>InitUser, RemovePermission, RefreshShape</param-value> </init-param> </servlet>

In the preceding example, if decoration by UserDecorator is needed, the post-decorators InitUser, RemovePermission, and NoCache are invoked by calling their decorateIfNecessary methods. With subclasses of Decorator (such as UserDecorator), the pre-decorators and post-decorators are invoked only if decoration is needed by the decorator being declared in <servlet-class> (in this example, UserDecorator).

For more information on the Navigator and Decorator classes, see the Javadoc documentation for these classes.

SESM Utility Servlet Quick Reference

The following descriptions briefly explain the SESM utility servlets. For more information on a servlet, see the Javadoc for the servlet class. In each description, the Servlet Mapping entry is the URL-to-servlet mapping that is defined in the NWSP web.xml file. You can add a servlet mapping for any servlet or modify an existing mapping.

Alias Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

Maps a servlet name to a servlet chain, allowing servlets to be invoked in sequence. The Alias servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies the URI to which Alias forwards the request.

In the following example, Alias is used with the servlet name StatusView:

    <servlet> <servlet-name>StatusView</servlet-name>


    <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>     <init-param>         <param-name>to</param-name>         <param-value>/user/nocache/vfile/pages/status.jsp</param-value>     </init-param> </servlet>
When the servlet named StatusView is requested, the Alias servlet forwards the HTTP request to the servlet chain /user/nocache/vfile/pages/status.jsp. The to initialization parameter for the Alias servlet specifies the URI to which the request is forwarded. For information on servlet chains, see the "Servlet Chaining" section.

BuildVersion Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

Discovers the build version and adds a session scope attribute named "buildVersion". The build version is obtained from the configuration files and identifies which version of this software is running.

The attribute is an internationalized object (I18nObject). The possible values of the internationalized object include resources with keys versionNotAvailable and versionError.

CacheDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /cache/*

Tells the HTTP client to cache the HTTP response. The response is cached by the HTTP client until the shape of the subscriber changes. The CacheDecorator servlet writes HTTP headers into the response indicating that the response is to be cached.

If CacheDecorator can determine that the HTTP response content is not required because it is already cached, the request is quickly terminated with an empty response. In this case, CacheDecorator does not forward to any other decorator or servlet. The HTTP client will use the response that it has already cached.

For information on preventing caching of the HTTP response, see the NoCacheDecorator servlet.

CookieDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

Adds an attribute named "cookie" to the current HTTP session. The value of the attribute represents the HTTP session ID.

Each SESM JSP page is responsible for inserting the cookie into the URL just before the place where a question mark is located at the beginning query-string. If there is no question mark, it inserts it just before the place where a question mark would be located.

Tip The SESM web developer does not have to modify the NWSP web application for browsers that do not support cookies. The needed code is already present in NWSP. If the client browser does support cookies, the web server automatically adds a cookie with the HTTP session ID to the HTTP headers. If the client browser does not support cookies, the NWSP web application has the code, where it is needed, to add a session ID to the URLs that require them. NWSP does not require any additional URL rewriting.

If HTTP client does not support cookies (for example, because the subscriber has disabled cookies), an SESM web application uses the "cookie" attribute to write the session ID into every URL that is returned to the client.

If CookieDecorator can determine that the HTTP client supports cookies, the "cookie" attribute is set to the empty string. The "cookie" attribute is never null once the web application invokes CookieDecorator.

If this is the first HTTP response for this HTTP session, CookieDecorator does not know whether the HTTP client supports cookies in the HTTP headers. In this case, the "cookie" attribute is set to the session ID.

The following example shows a typical use of CookieDecorator. (In the NWSP web.xml file, CookieDecorator is declared with the servlet name Cookie.) In the example, the JSP-page code does the following:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="nav" %> <nav:decorate name="Cookie" /> <jsp:useBean id="cookie" class="java.lang.String" scope="session" /> ... <th><a href="/myAccount<%=cookie%>">My-Account</a></th>
Notice that the JSP-page code inserts <%=cookie> into the URL just before the place where a question mark would be located at the beginning of the query-string.

For information on the decorate tag, see the "decorate Tag" section.

DecoratorPool Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /pool/*

Maps from a decorator name to a Decorator instance. When a JSP page is used as a decorator, it must register itself in the jspInit method by calling DecoratorPool.register(JspPage). For information on JSP-page decorators, see the "Creating or Customizing Dimension Decorators" section.

EndSessionDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /end/*

Ends the HTTP session by calling the HttpSession.invalidate method.

InsecureDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

If the current HTTP request uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, InsecureDecorator redirects the request to an insecure (HTTP) version of the same request.

In the redirect, the new URL is based upon the current request not the original request. The current request is different from the original request when the original request invoked a servlet that has forwarded to the current servlet. The query string in the redirect is the same as the query string in the current request.

If the InsecureDecorator servlet is successful in redirecting the request, it sends the HTTP client an SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY (302) status code in the response. In addition, InsecureDecorator terminates the current request by throwing a ResponseCompleteNotice, which is wrapped inside a ServletException.

For information redirecting a request with SSL encryption, see the SecureDecorator servlet.

HttpSniffDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

Adds an HttpSniffBean attribute named "httpSniffBean" to the HTTP session. HttpSniffBean contains information about the HTTP client device. It obtains the information from the HTTP headers. Table B-1 provides information on the HttpSniffBean properties.

Table B-1: HttpSniffBean Properties
Bean Property Description


The bean sets clientBrowserName to the name of the browser that is running on the HTTP client device. Possible values are:

  • an empty string (unknown browser)

  • netscape (Netscape)

  • explorer (Internet Explorer)


The bean sets clientDeviceName to the type of the device running the HTTP client. Possible values are:

  • pc (personal computer)

  • pda (personal digital assistant)

  • wap (WAP phone)


The bean sets clientOSName to the name of the operating system that is running on the HTTP client device. Possible values are:

  • an empty string (unknown operating system)

  • ce (Windows CE)

  • nt (Windows NT)

In the NWSP web.xml file, the HttpSniffDecorator servlet is configured with a deployer-customizable post-decorator (httpSniff.jsp) that provides additional "browser sniffing" capabilities. Using this additional information about the client device, httpSniff.jsp modifies HttpSniffBean properties based on the characteristics that it detects. The intention is that the service-provider developer, who has knowledge of the client devices to expect, can modify httpSniff.jsp to provide better information on these devices. For example, the developer could modify httpSniff.jsp to use third-party browser-sniffing software.

Currently, httpSniff.jsp uses a JavaScript probe to detect client-device characteristics and sets HttpSniffBean properties to the appropriate values. In addition, it sets the clientDeviceName property to wap if it detects a WAP phone simulator.

L10nContextDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /l10n/*

Sets the value of the web application default localization (L10nContext) context. In the web.xml file, the initialization parameters for L10nContextDecorator define the default values for the current localization context. For information on the L0nContextDecorator servlet initialization parameters, see the "Setting a Default Localization Context" section.

LocaleDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: Varies

Sets the language, country, and (if used) variant of two HTTP session attributes:

The LocaleDecorator servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies the language.


Specifies the country.


Specifies the variant (if any).

In the web.xml file, the initialization parameters in a servlet declaration for a locale decorator define the locale. In the NWSP web.xml file, the servlet declaration for France is:

    <servlet> <servlet-name>France</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> <init-param> <param-name>language</param-name>         <param-value>fr</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>country</param-name> <param-value>FR</param-value> </init-param> ... </servlet>
In the web.xml file, LocaleDecorator is used with a servlet mapping, which indicates the locale value that will be tested. For example:

    <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>France</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/locale=fr/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Given the preceding servlet declaration and servlet mapping for France, the following URL would invoke LocaleDecorator and set the language and country of the current localization context (L10nContext) to fr and FR, respectively. It also sets the locale dimension of the user shape to fr/FR.


NoCacheDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /cache/*

Prevents caching of the HTTP response by the HTTP client. The NoCacheDecorator servlet writes HTTP headers into the response indicating that the response is not to be cached.

For information on caching the HTTP response, see the CacheDecorator servlet.

OriginalURLDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

Decorates the current HTTP request with an attribute named "originalURL". The attribute value is the original URL that was sent from the HTTP client to the HTTP server. The original URL is the URL of the current HTTP request before any servlet forwarding takes place.

The "originalURL" attribute contains the complete URL of the request, including any parameters. The parameters are included as a query string regardless of whether the method is GET or POST.

To capture the original URL for later use, a JSP page can use OriginalURLDecorator (whose servlet name in the web.xml file is OriginalURL). For example:

    <%-- Always capture original URL at start of each request. --%> <nav:decorate name="OriginalURL" /> <jsp:useBean id="originalURL" type="java.lang.String" scope="request"/> ... <jsp:param name = "okPage" value = "<%=originalURL%>" />

PermissionDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None
Class: class

Adds a permissionBean to the HTTP session. The bean is added as an HTTP session attribute named "permissionBean". The permissionBean contains Boolean variables indicating whether the current subscriber has permission to perform certain Cisco SESM web portal tasks, such as creating a subaccount.

The PermissionDecorator servlet is invoked on any JSP page where the page needs a permissionBean in order to determine the permissions that the subscriber has. For example, many JSP pages in NWSP need knowledge of subscriber permissions to determine what buttons (for example, the My Account and Accounts buttons) to display in the navigation bar.

Table B-2 provides information on the permissionBean properties.

Table B-2: permissionBean Properties
Bean Property Description


The value true indicates that the subscriber has the permissions needed to modify account information, such names, addresses, and so on. The value false indicates that the subscriber does not have the needed permissions.


The value true indicates that the subscriber has the permissions needed for service selection. The value false indicates that the subscriber does not have the needed permissions.


The value true indicates that the subscriber has the permissions needed for service subscription. The value false indicates that the subscriber does not have the needed permissions.


The value true indicates that the subscriber has the permissions needed for creating, deleting, and managing subaccounts. The value false indicates that the subscriber does not have the needed permissions.

RedirectRemainder Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /redirect/*

Sends a redirect response to the HTTP client. The redirection is from the current URL to a new URL, where the new URL is the remainder of the current URL after the current servlet name.

For example, because RedirectRemainder is mapped to the URL pattern /redirect/* in the NWSP web.xml file, the URL /redirect/next redirects to /next.

RemoveAttributeDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

Removes an attribute from one of the following scopes: request, session, or application. The RemoveAttributeDecorator servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies the name of the attribute.


Specifies the scope of the attribute: request, session, or application.

You can use this decorator to undo the decoration of other decorators. Given the following web.xml file declaration, when RefreshShape is requested, RemoveAttributeDecorator removes the "shape" attribute, which has session scope.

    <servlet> <servlet-name>RefreshShape</servlet-name> <servlet-class>     </servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> <init-param> <param-name>name</param-name> <param-value>shape</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>scope</param-name> <param-value>session</param-value> </init-param> <... </servlet>

SecureDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: None

If the current HTTP request does not use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, SecureDecorator redirects the request to a secure (HTTPS) version of the same request. As an example, if the request were:

The SecureDecorator servlet redirects the request to:

In the redirect, the new URL is based upon the current request not the original request. The current request is different from the original request when the original request invoked a servlet that has forwarded to the current servlet. The query string in the redirect is the same as the query string in the current request.

If the SecureDecorator servlet is successful in redirecting the request, the servlet sends the HTTP client an SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY (302) status code in the response. In addition, SecureDecorator servlet terminates the current request by throwing a ResponseCompleteNotice, which is wrapped inside a ServletException.

For information on redirecting a request without using SSL encryption, see the InsecureDecorator servlet.

ShapeDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /shape/*

Creates a Shape object for the user and ensures that there is a "shape" attribute with session scope that holds the Shape object. The Shape servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies a set of zero or more dimension IDs that the SESM software uses when it creates the dimensions for a user shape.

A Shape object encapsulates the set of characteristics that define the web resources available for a specific subscriber. A Shape object consists of one or more dimensions. Each dimension corresponds to a characteristic of the subscriber (for example, the browser software of the subscriber). The value of each dimension specifies one or more directories that the SESM software searches for requested resources for this subscriber.

For information on the ShapeDecorator servlet, see the "Configuring User-Shape Dimensions" section.

Snoop Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /snoop/*

For testing purposes, displays information about the HTTP session and request. The content type of the response that Snoop sends is "text/plain" so that you can view the information on different types of devices (for example, HTML browsers and WAP phones).

Snoop is used for debugging an SESM web application and is not used in production applications.

SESMSessionDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /session/*

Adds an attribute named "SESMSession" to the current HTTP request. The value of the attribute represents the active SESM session, which has been synchronized with the SSG.

If a new "SESMSession" attribute is successfully created and authenticated, initUser.jsp executes. The initUser.jsp page is a deployer-customizable decorator that you can modify to perform any subscriber-related initialization tasks that need to be accomplished after it is known that the user is authenticated. For example, initUser.jsp could be used to set the current localization (L10nContext) to the locale defined in the subscriber profile.

TestDimensionDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: Varies

For testing purposes, sets a dimension of the user shape to a specified value. The TestDimensionDecorator servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies the dimension ID.


Specifies a value for the dimension identified by id.

In the web.xml file, the initialization parameters in a servlet declaration for the test dimension decorator define the dimension ID and the value. In the NWSP web.xml file, the servlet declaration for WAPDevice is:

    <servlet> <servlet-name>WAPDevice</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> <init-param>         <param-name>id</param-name>         <param-value>device</param-value> </init-param> <init-param>         <param-name>value</param-name>         <param-value>wap</param-value> </init-param> ... </servlet>
In the web.xml file, TestDimensionDecorator is used with a servlet mapping, which indicates the dimension value that will be tested. For example:

    <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>WAPDevice</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/device=wap/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Given the preceding servlet declaration and servlet mapping for WAPDevice, the following URL would invoke TestDimensionDecorator and set the device dimension to wap.


TestUserDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: Varies

For testing purposes, authenticates a user name and password. The user names and passwords that can be authenticated with TestUserDecorator are those defined in the demo.txt file, which is used for demonstration mode. The TestDimensionDecorator servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies a user name given in the demo.txt file.


Specifies the password for the user identified in username.

In the web.xml file, the initialization parameters in a servlet declaration for a test user decorator define the user name and the password. In the NWSP web.xml file, the servlet declaration for golduser is:

    <servlet> <servlet-name>golduser</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> <load-on-startup>0</load-on-startup> <init-param> <param-name>username</param-name> <param-value>golduser</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>password</param-name> <param-value>cisco</param-value> </init-param> ... </servlet>
In the web.xml file, TestUserDecorator is used with a servlet mapping, which indicates the user name and password value that will be tested. For example:

    <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>golduser</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/user=golduser/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Given the preceding servlet declaration and servlet mapping for golduser, the following URL would invoke TestUserDecorator and try to authenticate the user name golduser with the password cisco.


UserDecorator Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /user/*

Ensures that the user is known. UserDecorator adds the user name as an attribute to the HTTP session. This may require the user to authenticate. If the user is not known, the getNewUser method is called.

Tip Many SESM JSP pages use UserDecorator as a pre-decorator to ensure that the subscriber cannot view a web page until authentication has occurred.

With UserDecorator, decoration is necessary until the user is known and the user is authenticated. SESM/SSG authentication can be lost without notification, leaving the web application with a user name but no SESM authentication. If you want to ensure that there is an authenticated user, invoke UserDecorator. For example, a JSP-page view might not care what the user name is, but by invoking UserDecorator, it ensures that the user is authenticated and that authentication takes place.

VirtualFile Servlet

Servlet Mapping: /vfile/*

Translates a virtual file name into an actual file name according to the current values for the dimensions of the user shape. The actual file name is a URI for a web resource. VirtualFile also attempts to find the resource located by the actual file name and, if it finds the resource, forwards the HTTP request to the resource. The VirtualFile servlet's initialization parameters include the following:



Specifies the path name for a virtual file.

You can specify the virtual file name in either of two ways:

In the web.xml file, you can specify the virtual file name as the value of the vfile initialization parameter to VirtualFile. Many of the NWSP views use this method to invoke VirtualFile. For example:

      <servlet-name>AccountLogonView</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> <init-param>         <param-name>vfile</param-name>         <param-value>/pages/accountLogon.jsp</param-value> </init-param> ... </servlet>
In a JSP page of an SESM web application, the VirtualFile servlet can be invoked when the web application needs to find a resource that may differ according to the user shape. The virtual file name is the remainder of the URL in a servlet chain. In the following example, a URL for /pages/help.jsp contains a servlet chain that invokes VirtualFile (which is mapped to the URL /vfile/*).

In a servlet chain, VirtualFile (vfile) must be located immediately before the virtual file name for the web resource—in the preceding example, immediately before /pages/help.jsp. For more information on the VirtualFile servlet, see "Mapping a Virtual File Name to an Actual File Name" section.

Posted: Thu Oct 24 07:55:03 PDT 2002
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