
Table Of Contents

Starting and Stopping WCS

Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Windows

Starting Cisco WCS as a Windows Application

Starting Cisco WCS as a Windows Service

Stopping the Cisco WCS Application for Windows

Stopping the Cisco WCS Service for Windows

Checking the Cisco WCS for Windows Service Status

Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Linux

Starting the Cisco WCS for Linux Application

Stopping the Cisco WCS for Linux Application

Checking the Cisco WCS for Linux Status

Starting and Stopping the Cisco WCS Web Interface

Starting a Cisco WCS User Interface

Stopping a Cisco WCS User Interface

Starting and Stopping WCS

This chapter describes how to start and stop the Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS). This chapter contains these sections:

Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Windows

Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Linux

Starting and Stopping the Cisco WCS Web Interface

Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Windows

Follow the instructions in these sections to start and stop Cisco WCS for Windows:

Starting Cisco WCS as a Windows Application

Starting Cisco WCS as a Windows Service

Stopping the Cisco WCS Application for Windows

Stopping the Cisco WCS Service for Windows

Checking the Cisco WCS for Windows Service Status

Starting Cisco WCS as a Windows Application

When Cisco WCS is installed as a Windows application, follow these steps to start Cisco WCS as a Windows application:

Step 1 From the Windows START button, select the Programs menu.

Step 2 Click Wireless Control System/Start WCS.

The start Cisco WCS script opens a Start WCS DOS window, which displays many Created table and Process: Started messages. When the Start WCS DOS window displays Please connect your client to the web server on port 80, Cisco WCS has started and is ready to host Cisco WCS User Interfaces (clients).

Note Cisco WCS might display Start Cisco WCS Server, Solid Database, and Apache windows, which you can minimize. DO NOT CLOSE any of these windows, or you might abnormally halt Cisco WCS.

Starting Cisco WCS as a Windows Service

When Cisco WCS is installed as a service, follow these steps to start Cisco WCS:

Step 1 From the Windows START button, select the Programs menu.

Step 2 Select Wireless Control System/Start WCS. The start Cisco WCS script opens a Start WCS DOS window, which displays these messages:

The Nms Server service is starting. . The Nms Server service was started successfully.
Launching Server Status Window

The Start WCS DOS window displays the WCS Status window.

Step 3 Close the Start WCS DOS window and view the current Cisco WCS Service status in the Wireless Control System Status window. When the WCS Status window displays the Wireless Control System Server is Up message, the Cisco WCS service has started and is ready to host Cisco WCS User Interfaces (clients).

You can close the Wireless Control System Status window at any time. When you want to view the current Cisco WCS status, select the Programs menu from the Windows START button and select Wireless Control System/Check Server Status to view the Wireless Control System Status window again.

Stopping the Cisco WCS Application for Windows

You can stop the Cisco WCS application at any time.

Note If there are any Cisco WCS users logged in when you stop Cisco WCS, the WCS sessions stop functioning.

Follow these steps to stop Cisco WCS as a Windows application:

Step 1 From the Windows START button, select the Programs menu, and select Wireless Control System/Stop WCS.

The stop Cisco WCS script opens a Stop WCS DOS window, which displays the Shutdown Web NMS Server window.

Step 2 The Stop WCS window prompts you to press any key. Press any key to stop WCS.

Stopping the Cisco WCS Service for Windows

You can stop the Cisco WCS service at any time.

Note If there are any WCS users logged in when you stop WCS, the WCS sessions stop functioning.

To stop WCS as a Windows service, select the Programs menu from the Windows Start button and select Wireless Control System/Stop WCS.

Checking the Cisco WCS for Windows Service Status

When Cisco WCS is installed as a Service, it runs in the background. That is, it has no windows open, so you cannot directly view its current status. To allow you to check the Cisco WCS Service status, the Cisco WLAN Solution has a convenient Cisco WCS Status utility.

To activate the Cisco WCS Status utility, from the Windows START button, select the Programs menu, and select Wireless Control System/Check Server Status.

The Check Server Status script launches the Check Server Status DOS window, which in turn launches the Wireless Control System Server Status window.

When the Cisco WCS Service is active, the Wireless Control System Server Status window reports that the Wireless Control System Server is Up. When the Cisco WCS Service is  inactive, the Wireless Control System Server Status window reports that the Wireless Control System Server is down.

Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Linux

Follow the instructions in these sections to start and stop Cisco WCS for Linux:

Starting the Cisco WCS for Linux Application

Stopping the Cisco WCS for Linux Application

Checking the Cisco WCS for Linux Status

Starting the Cisco WCS for Linux Application

Cisco WCS for Linux is always installed as an application, and you can start the Cisco WCS for Linux application at any time. When Cisco WCS has been installed on the Linux server, you can start Cisco WCS at any time. Follow these steps to start Cisco WCS for Linux:

Step 1 Log into the system as root.

Step 2 Using the Linux CLI, navigate to the default /opt/WCS30 directory (or the directory chosen during installation).

Step 3 Enter ./StartWCS to start WCS.

Step 4 Enter ./CheckServerStatus to open the Wireless Control System Server Status window.

WCS is started and is ready to host users when the Start Wireless Control System Server Status window displays this message:

Wireless Control System Server is up. Please connect your clients (Cisco WCS User
Interfaces) using Http Port: 80 or Https Port: 443

Stopping the Cisco WCS for Linux Application

You can stop the Cisco WCS for Linux application at any time.

Note If there are any WCS users logged in when you stop WCS, the WCS sessions stop functioning.

Follow these steps to stop Cisco WCS for Linux:

Step 1 Log into the system as root.

Step 2 Using the Linux CLI, navigate to the default /opt/WCS30 directory (or the directory chosen during installation).

Step 3 Enter ./StartWCS to start Cisco WCS.

Checking the Cisco WCS for Linux Status

You can check the status of the Cisco WCS for Linux at any time. Follow these steps to check the Cisco WCS for Linux status:

Step 1 Log into the system as root.

Step 2 Using the Linux CLI, navigate to the default /opt/WCS30 directory (or the directory chosen during installation).

Step 3 Enter ./CheckServerStatus to view the Wireless Control System Server Status window. When WCS is running, the WCS Server Status window shows this message:

Wireless Control System Server is up. Please connect your clients using Http Port: 80 or Https Port: 443

When WCS is not running, the WCS Server Status window usually shows this message:

Wireless Control System Server is down. Checking if database has started...

Step 4 To close the Wireless Control System Server Status window, click Close in the Wireless Control System Server Status window or enter CTRL-C in the ./StartWCS window.

Starting and Stopping the Cisco WCS Web Interface

This section describes how to start and stop a user session on the Cisco WCS GUI.

Starting a Cisco WCS User Interface

Follow these steps to start a session on the Cisco WCS GUI:

Step 1 Start Cisco WCS as described in the "Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Windows" section or in the "Starting and Stopping Cisco WCS for Linux" section.

Step 2 Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later.

Note Some Cisco WCS features might not function properly if you use a Web browser other than Internet Explorer 6.0 on a Windows workstation.

Step 3 In the browser's address line, enter https://localhost when the Cisco WCS user interface is on a WCS server. Enter https://wcs-ip-address when the Cisco WCS interface is on any other workstation.

Note Cisco recommends that you install Cisco WCS on a different machine than the Cisco WCS user interface.

Step 4 The Cisco WCS User Interface displays the Cisco WCS Login page. On the login page, enter your username and password. The default username is root and the default password is public.

The Cisco WCS User Interface is now active and available for use, and displays the Network Summary (Network Dashboard), which provides a summary of the Cisco WLAN Solution, including reported coverage holes, access point operational data, most recent detected rogue access points, and client distribution over time. Figure 8-1 shows a typical Network Summary page.

Figure 8-1 Network Summary Page

Stopping a Cisco WCS User Interface

To exit the WCS user interface, click Logout in the upper right corner of the page. The Cisco WCS User Interface displays the Cisco WCS Login page. You can use the browser's Back button to return to the previous cached page in the web browser, but if you attempt to access any of the parameters the Cisco WCS Login page appears.

You can also exit the Cisco WCS user interface by simply closing the browser window.

Exiting a Cisco WCS user interface session does not shut down Cisco WCS.

User Interface Session Stops When Cisco WCS is Shut Down

When a system administrator stops Cisco WCS during your Cisco WCS session, your session ends and the web browser displays this message: The page cannot be displayed.

Note When your Cisco WCS session is stopped by a WCS server shutdown, your session does not reassociate with Cisco WCS when the server restarts. You must restart the WCS session.


Posted: Mon Aug 29 08:45:43 PDT 2005
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