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This chapter provides a summary of the command-line interface (CLI) commands included in the Cisco Cache Software Command Reference. The command summary tables are grouped alphabetically in five categories: user level EXEC commands, privileged level EXEC commands, global configuration commands, interface configuration commands, and show EXEC commands. The CLI can be accessed through the console port or Telnet.
Cache software commands are not case sensitive. You can abbreviate commands and parameters as long as they contain enough letters to be different from any other currently available commands or parameters. You can scroll through the last 20 commands stored in the history buffer, and enter or edit the command at the prompt. (See Table 1-1.)
Keystroke Combinations | Function |
Ctrl-A | Jumps to the first character of the command line. |
Ctrl-B or the left arrow key | Moves the cursor back one character. |
Ctrl-C | Escapes and terminates prompts and tasks. |
Ctrl-D | Deletes the character at the cursor. |
Ctrl-E | Jumps to the end of the current command line. |
Ctrl-F or the right arrow key1 | Moves the cursor forward one character. |
Ctrl-K | Deletes from the cursor to the end of the command line. |
Ctrl-L | Repeats the current command line on a new line. |
Ctrl-N or the down arrow key1 | Enters the next command line in the history buffer. |
Ctrl-P or the up arrow key1 | Enters the previous command line in the history buffer. |
Ctrl-T | Transposes the character at the cursor with the character to the left of the cursor. |
Ctrl-U; Ctrl-X | Deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the command line. |
Ctrl-W | Deletes the last word typed. |
Esc-B | Moves the cursor back one word. |
Esc-D | Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word. |
Esc-F | Moves the cursor forward one word. |
Delete key or Backspace key | Erases a mistake when entering a command; reenter the command after using this key. |
1The arrow keys function only on ANSI-compatible terminals such as VT100s. |
There are two EXEC access levels: privileged and user. The enable and disable commands switch between the two levels. The user level EXEC command line is available to users if they enter a valid password. The user level EXEC commands are a subset of the privileged level EXEC commands. The user level EXEC prompt is the host name followed by a right angle bracket (>). The prompt for the privileged level EXEC command line is the pound sign (#). To execute an EXEC command, enter the command at the EXEC system prompt and press the Return key. In the following example, a user accesses the privileged level EXEC command line from the user level.
Console> enable
Use the Delete or Backspace key sequences to edit commands when you type commands at the EXEC prompt.
As a shortcut, you can abbreviate commands to the fewest letters that make them unique. For example, the letters sho can be entered for the show command.
Certain EXEC commands display multiple screens with the following prompt at the bottom of the screen:
Press the Spacebar to continue the output, or press Return to display the next line. Press any other key to return to the prompt. Also, at the --More-- prompt, you can enter a ? to display the help message.
To leave EXEC mode, use the exit command at the system prompt:
Console# exit
To enter the global configuration mode, use the configure EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.
Console# configure
To exit global configuration mode, use the end global configuration command:
Console(config)# end
You can also exit global configuration mode by entering the exit command or pressing Ctrl-Z.
To enter interface configuration mode, use the interface global configuration command. The following example demonstrates how to enter the interface configuration mode:
Console# config
Console(config)# interface ?
FastEthernet Select a fast ethernet interface to configure
GigabitEthernet Select a gigabit ethernet interface to configure
Console(config)# interface fastethernet ?
<0-3>/ FastEthernet slot/port
Console(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
The interface configuration commands are:
These commands are described in the "Interface Configuration Command Summary" section.
To exit interface configuration mode, enter exit to return to global configuration mode:
cache4J(config-if)# exit
The user interface provides error isolation in the form of an error indicator, a caret symbol (^). The ^ symbol appears at the point in the command string where you have entered an incorrect command, keyword, or argument.
In the following example, suppose you want to set the clock. Use context-sensitive help to check the syntax for setting the clock.
An example of a mistake is:
Console# clock 1222
%Invalid input detected at `^' marker.
Console# clock ?
read-calendar Read the calendar and update system clock
set Set the time and date
update-calendar Update the calendar with system clock
Console# clock
The help output shows that the set keyword is required. Check the syntax for entering the time:
Console# clock set ?
<0-23>: Current Time (hh:mm:ss)
Console# clock set
Enter the current time in 24-hour format with hours, minutes, and seconds separated by colons:
Console# clock set 13:32:00
% Incomplete command.
The system indicates that you need to provide additional arguments to complete the command. Press the Up Arrow to automatically repeat the previous command entry. Then add a space and question mark (?) to display the additional arguments:
Console# clock set 13:32:00 ?
<1-31> Day of the month
January Month of the year
. . .
Enter the day and month as prompted and use the question mark for additional instructions:
Console# clock set 13:32:00 23 December ?
<1993-2035> Year
Now you can complete the command entry by entering the year:
Console# clock set 13:32:00 23 December 00
%Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
The caret symbol (^) and help response indicate an error with the 00 entry. To display the correct syntax, press Ctrl-P or the Up Arrow. You can also reenter the command string, and then enter a space character, a question mark, and press Enter:
Console# clock set 13:32:00 23 December ?
<1993-2035> Year
Console# clock set 13:32:00 23 December
Enter the year using the correct syntax and press Return to execute the command:
Console# clock set 13:32:00 23 December 2000
WARNING: Setting the clock may cause a temporary service interruption.
Do you want to proceed? [no] yes
Sat Dec 23 13:32:00 EST 2000
You can obtain help when you enter commands by using the following methods:
Console# cl?
clear clock
Console# clock ?
clear Clear the current time from the battery-backed clock
save Save the current time into the battery-backed clock
set Set the local time and date
To avoid losing new configurations, save them to NVRAM using the copy or write commands, as shown in the following example:
Console# copy running-config startup-config
Console# write
See the command description for the copy running-config startup-config command for more information on "running" and "saved" configuration modes.
The EXEC commands are entered in the EXEC mode. Table 1-2 lists the user level EXEC commands. Table 1-3 lists the privileged level EXEC commands.
User EXEC Command | Syntax | Description |
cd | cd | Changes the current directory. |
cpfile | cpfile oldfilename newfilename | Copies sysfs files. |
delfile | del filename | Removes a file. |
deltree | deltree directory | Removes directory and all subdirectories. |
dir | dir [directory] | Displays files in long list format. |
dnslookup | dnslookup {host | domain-name} | Resolves host name (DNS). |
enable | enable | Accesses privileged EXEC commands. |
exit | exit | Exits from terminal session. |
help | help | Assistance for command line-interface. |
lls | lls [directory] | Displays directory files in long list format. |
ls | ls [directory] | Displays files in directory. |
mkdir | mkdir directory | Makes directory. |
mkfile | mkfile filename | Makes file (for testing). |
ping | ping {hostname | ip-address} | Sends echo packets. |
pwd | pwd | Displays path name of the present working directory. |
rename | rename sourcefile destinationfile | Renames a file (path name). |
rmdir | rmdir directory | Removes directory. |
type | type filename | Displays a file. |
whoami | whoami | Displays current user's login name. |
Privileged EXEC Command | Syntax | Description |
cache | cache {clear [force] | reset | synchronize} | Cache commands. |
cd | cd | Changes directory. |
cfs | cfs {clear diskname [force] | format | Cache file system commands. |
check superuser | check superuser passwords | Checks whether superuser accounts are password-protected. |
clear | clear {bypass {counters | list} | cache [force] | dns-cache | logging | statistics {all | dns-cache | | Resets counters and functions to default settings. |
clock | clock {read-calendar | set time day month year | update-calendar} | Sets system clock. |
configure | configure | Enters configuration mode from privileged EXEC mode. |
copy | copy {disk {flash imagename | startup-config filename} | flash disk imagename | ftp flash {hostname | ipaddress} remotedir remotefilename | running-config {disk filename | startup-config | tftp {hostname | ipaddress} filename} | startup-config {disk filename | tftp {hostname | ipaddress} filename} | tech-support {disk | Copies configuration or image files to and from Flash memory, disk, or remote hosts. |
cpfile | cpfile oldfilename newfilename | Copies a file. |
debug | debug | Configures debugging functions. |
delfile | del filename | Removes a file. |
deltree | deltree directory | Removes a directory and its subdirectories. |
dir | dir [directory] | Displays files in long list format. |
disable | disable | Turns off privileged EXEC commands. |
disk | disk {create partition_name partition_size swfs | erase-all-partitions disk_name | manufacture disk_name {cfs | mediafs} | partition partition_name partition_size {cfs | mediafs | sysfs} | prepare disk_name {cfs | mediafs}} | Disk management commands. |
dnslookup | dnslookup {host | domain-name} | Resolves a host name (DNS). |
enable | enable | Accesses privileged EXEC commands. |
exit | exit | Exits from the EXEC and configuration command levels to user level. |
help | help | Assistance for command-line interface. |
install | install paxfilename | Installs a new version of the Cache software. |
lls | lls [directory] | Displays files in long list format. |
ls | ls [directory] | Lists files in directory. |
mediafs | mediafs {format partition_name | mount partition_name | sync partition_num | unmount partition_num} | Performs maintenance on the media file system. |
mkdir | mkdir directory | Makes a directory. |
mkfile | mkfile filename | Makes a file (for testing). |
no debug | no debug | Disables debugging. |
ntpdate | ntpdate {hostname | ip-address} | Sets the NTP server name. |
ping | ping {hostname | ip-address} | Sends echo packets. |
pre-load force | pre-load force | Forces the pre-load operation. |
pwd | pwd | Displays present working directory. |
reload | reload | Halts and performs a cold restart. |
rename | rename sourcefile destinationfile | Renames a file (path name). |
rmdir | rmdir directory | Removes a directory. |
sysfs | sysfs {check disk name | format disk name | mount {disk name {local1 | local2}} | repair disk name | sync | unmount {local1 | local2}} | Maintains system file system. |
terminal | terminal monitor | Configures current console debug command output. |
transaction-log force | transaction-log force {archive | export} | Forces archive of working log file to make a transaction log file. |
type | type filename | Displays contents of a file. |
undebug | undebug | Disables debugging functions (see also debug). |
whoami | whoami | Displays current user's name. |
write | write [erase | memory | terminal] | Writes running configuration to memory or terminal. |
The global configuration Content Engine commands are entered in the global configuration mode. Table 1-4 lists the global configuration commands.
Global Configuration Command | Syntax | Description |
bypass | bypass {auth-traffic enable | load {enable | in-interval seconds | out-interval seconds | time-interval minutes} | static {clientipaddress {clientipaddress | any-server} | any-client serveripaddress} | timer minutes} | Configures bypass functions. |
clock timezone | clock timezone {timezone hoursoff minutesoff} | Configures time-of-day clock. |
dns-cache | dns-cache size maxsize | Configures DNS cache. |
end | end | Exits configuration and privileged EXEC modes. |
error-handling | error-handling {reset-connection | send-cache-error | transparent} | Customizes how Content Engine handles errors. |
exec-timeout | exec-timeout timeout | Configures exec timeout. |
exit | exit | Exits configuration and privileged EXEC modes. |
ftp | ftp {age-multiplier directory-listing dl_time file fo_time | max-ttl {days directory-listing dlmax_days file fmax_days | hours directory-listing dlmax_hours file fmax_hours | minutes directory-listing dlmax_ min file fmax_min | seconds directory-listing dlmax_ sec file fmax_sec} | min-ttl min_minutes | object max-size size | proxy {anonymous-pswd | Configures FTP caching services. |
gui-server | gui-server {enable | port port} | Configures GUI server. |
help | help | Assistance for command-line interface. |
hostname | hostname name | Configures the system's network name. |
http | http {age-multiplier {text texttime binary bintime} | anonymizer enable | append {via-header | x-forwarded-for-header} | authenticate-strip-ntlm | cache-authenticated | cache-cookies | cache-on-abort {enable | max-threshold maxthresh | min-threshold minthresh | percent percenthresh} | l4-switch enable | max-ttl {days text textdays binary bindays | hours text texthours binary binhours | minutes text textminutes binary binminutes | seconds text textseconds binary binseconds} | min-ttl minutes | object {max-size maxsize | url-validation enable} | persistent-connections {all | client-only | server-only | | Configures HTTP-related parameters. |
https | https {incoming port | outgoing {host | Configures HTTPS-related parameters. |
icp | icp {client {{add-remote-server {hostname | ipaddress} {parent | sibling} icp-port icpport http-port httpport [restrict domainnames]} | enable | exclude domainnames | max-fail retries | max-wait timeout | modify-remote-server {hostname | ipaddress} {http-port port | icp-port port | parent | restrict domainnames | sibling}} | server {enable | port icpport | remote-client {hostname | ipaddress} {fetch | no-fetch}}} | Configures Internet Cache Protocol parameters. |
interface | Configures a Fast Ethernet or | |
ip | ip {default-gateway ipaddress | domain-name domainname | name-server ipaddress | route destaddrs netmask gateway} | Internet Protocol configuration commands. |
logging | logging {console {enable | priority loglevels} | disk {enable | filename filename | priority loglevels | recycle size}| facility facility | host {ip-address | priority loglevels} | Configures system logging (syslog). |
no | no command | Negates a command or sets its defaults. |
ntp | ntp server {hostname | ip-address} | Configures Network Time Protocol (NTP). |
pre-load | pre-load {concurrent-requests number | depth-level-default level_number | enable | fetch {directory dir_names | domain domain_names | suffix suffix_names} | no-fetch {directory dir_names | domain domain_names | suffix suffix_names} | schedule {every-day [start-time time [end-time time]] | every-week {Days of week [start-time time [end-time time]]}} | traverse-other-domains | url-list-file path} | Configures the Content Engine to fetch and preload content. |
proxy-protocols | proxy-protocols {outgoing-proxy exclude domain | transparent {default-server | original-proxy}} | Configures proxy protocols-related parameters. |
rtsp proxy | rtsp proxy {incoming port | l4-switch enable | media-real {enable | ip-address ipaddress | license-key keyword}} | Enables or disables the Real- Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) proxy and configures the RTSP proxy IP address and the redirector port number. |
rule | rule {block options | enable | freshness-factor exp_time options | no-cache options | no-proxy options | redirect url-regsub regexpr substitute | refresh options | rewrite url-regsub regexpr substitute | selective-cache options | use-proxy {hostname | ipaddress} port options | use-server {hostname | ipaddress} port options} | Sets the rules by which the Content Engine filters web traffic. |
snmp-server community | snmp-server community string | Enables SNMP; sets community string. |
snmp-server contact | snmp-server contact line | Text for MIB object sysContact. |
snmp-server enable traps | snmp-server enable traps | Enables SNMP traps. |
snmp-server host | snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address} communitystring | Specifies hosts to receive SNMP traps. |
snmp-server location | snmp-server location line | Specifies path for MIB object sysLocation. |
tcp | tcp {client-mss maxsegsize | client-receive-buffer kbytes | client-rw-timeout seconds | client-satellite | client-send-buffer kbytes | keepalive-probe-cnt count | keepalive-probe-interval seconds | keepalive-timeout seconds | server-mss maxsegsize | server-receive-buffer kbytes | server-rw-timeout seconds | server-satellite | server-send-buffer kbytes | type-of-service enable} | Configures TCP parameters. |
transaction-logs | transaction-logs {archive {interval {every-day {at time | every hour} | every-hour {at minute | every interval}} | max-file-size filesize} | | Configures transaction logging. |
username | username name {password [0 | 1] word | privilege {0 | 15}} | Establishes username authentication. |
wccp custom-web-cache | wccp custom-web-cache router-list-num num port port [[hash-destination-ip] [hash-destination-port] [hash-source-ip] [hash-source-port] [password passw] [weight percentage]] | Configures custom web caching service. |
wccp flow-redirect | wccp flow-redirect enable | Redirects moved flows. |
wccp home-router | wccp home-router ip-address | Specifies WCCP Version 1 home router IP address. |
wccp media-cache | wccp media-cache router-list-num num [[l2-redirect] [password passw] [weight percentage]] | Enables the Content Engine to accept redirected RTSP traffic. |
wccp port-list | wccp port-list listnum portnum | Associates ports with specific WCCP Version 2 dynamic services. |
wccp reverse-proxy | wccp reverse-proxy router-list-num number [password key] [weight percentage] | Configures reverse proxy web caching service. |
wccp router-list | wccp router-list number ip-address | Creates a router list for use in WCCP services. |
wccp service-number | wccp service-number servnumber router-list-number routnumber port-list-number plistnumber | Enables up to eight dynamic WCCP redirection services on the Content Engine. |
wccp shutdown | wccp shutdown max-wait seconds | Sets the maximum time interval over which the Content Engine will perform a clean shutdown. |
wccp slow-start | wccp slow-start enable | Accepts load in slow-start mode. |
wccp version | wccp version {1 | 2} | Specifies WCCP version number. |
wccp web-cache | wccp web-cache router-list-num number [password key] [weight percentage] | Configures standard web caching service. |
The interface configuration Content Engine commands are entered in the interface configuration mode.
The following example demonstrates how to enter the interface configuration mode for a Fast Ethernet port:
Console# config
Console(config)# interface ?
FastEthernet Select a fast ethernet interface to configure
GigabitEthernet Select a gigabit ethernet interface to configure
Console(config)# interface fastethernet ?
<0-3>/ FastEthernet slot/port
Console(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
Console(config-if)# ?
Configure Interface commands:
autosense Interface autosense
bandwidth Interface bandwidth
exit Exit from this submode
full-duplex Interface fullduplex
half-duplex Interface halfduplex
ip Interface Internet Protocol Config commands
no Negate a command or set its defaults
shutdown Shutdown the specific interface
To exit the interface configuration mode, enter exit to return to the global configuration mode.
Console(config-if)# exit
Table 1-5 lists the interface configuration commands.
Interface Command | Syntax | Description |
autosense | autosense | Sets current interface to autosense. |
bandwidth | bandwidth mbits | Sets specified interface linespeed (10, 100 Mbps). |
exit | exit | Exits from interface mode. |
fullduplex | fullduplex | Sets current interface to full-duplex mode. |
halfduplex | halfduplex | Sets current interface to half-duplex mode. |
ip | ip {address ip-address ip-subnet} | Configures specified interface Internet Protocol parameters. |
no | no {autosense | bandwidth | fullduplex | halfduplex | ip | shutdown} | Negates a command or set its defaults. |
shutdown | shutdown | Shuts down the specified interface. |
The Content Engine show commands are entered in the EXEC mode. Table 1-6 lists the show commands.
EXEC show Command | Syntax | Description |
show arp | show arp | Displays ARP entries. |
show bypass | show bypass [list] [statistics {auth-traffic | load}] [summary] | Displays Content Engine bypass configuration. |
show cfs | show cfs {statistics | volumes} | Displays cache file system status. |
show clock | show clock [detail] | Displays the system clock. |
show debugging | show debugging | Displays the state of each debugging option. |
show disk-partitions | show disk-partitions diskname | Displays disk partition information. |
show disks | show disks | Displays disk names and SCSI identifiers. |
show dns-cache | show dns-cache | Displays DNS cache information. |
show error-handling | error-handling {reset-connection | send-cache-error | transparent} | Sets error-handling options. |
show flash | show flash | Displays Flash memory information. |
show ftp | show ftp | Displays the configuration of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) on the Content Engine. |
show gui-server | show gui-server | Displays the GUI server parameters. |
show hardware | show hardware | Displays system hardware configuration. |
show hosts | show hosts | Displays IP domain name, name servers, and |
show http | show http {age-mult | all | anonymizer | append | authenticate-strip-ntlm | cache-authenticated | cache-cookies | cache-miss | cache-on-abort | object | persistent-connections | proxy | reval-each-request | ttl} | Displays HTTP-related caching parameters. |
show https | show https proxy | Displays HTTPS-related parameters. |
show icp | show icp {client | root | server} | Displays Internet Cache Protocol (ICP) information. |
show interface | show interface {FastEthernet slot/port | GigabitEthernet slot/port | scsi number} | Displays hardware interface information. |
show ip routes | show ip routes | Displays IP routing table. |
show logging | show logging | Displays system logging (syslog) criteria. |
show mediafs | show mediafs volumes | Displays media file system information. |
show memory | show memory | Displays memory blocks and statistics. |
show ntp | show ntp status | Displays the NTP parameters. |
show pre-load | show pre-load | Displays information about the pre-load configuration. |
show processes | show processes [cpu | memory] | Displays processes. |
show proxy-protocols | show {all | outgoing-proxy | transparent} | Displays proxy protocols-related parameters. |
show rtsp | show rtsp {all | proxy} | Displays the RTSP configurations. |
show rule | show rule{action {action-type {all | pattern pattern-type}} | Displays the Rules Template configuration information. |
show running-config | show running-config | Displays current operating configuration. |
show snmp | show snmp | Displays SNMP statistics. |
show startup-config | show startup-config | Displays startup configuration. |
show statistics | show statistics {bypass [auth-traffic | load | summary] | cfs | dns-cache | ftp | http {ims | object | performance | proxy outgoing | requests | savings | usage} | https | icmp | icp | Displays statistics. |
show sysfs | show sysfs volumes | Displays system file system (sysfs) information. |
show tcp | show tcp | TCP configuration. |
show tech-support | show tech-support [page] | Displays system information for Cisco technical support. |
show transaction-logging | show transaction-logging | Displays transaction logging information. |
show user | show user username name | Displays user information. |
show users | show users | Displays all users. |
show version | show version | Displays system version. |
show wccp | show wccp {content-engines | flows {custom-web-cache | reverse-proxy | web-cache}[summary] | routers | services [detail] | slowstart {custom-web-cache | reverse-proxy | web-cache}| status} | Displays WCCP information. |
Posted: Fri Jun 22 16:52:43 PDT 2001
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