
Table of Contents

About Videum Hardware and Software
Introduction to the Videum Solutions
Introduction to the Videum Software
Audio Panel
Videum Capture
Videum Configure
Using Online Help

About Videum Hardware and Software

Introduction to the Videum Solutions

Videum AV is a high-performance video and audio capture board and software solution that allows you to turn your PC into a streaming Internet video server using Cisco IP/TV streaming video server.

Videum AV easily inserts into an available PCI slot. Videum AV includes software that allows you to:

Videum captures in Windows AVI file format, audio in Windows WAV audio format and still images in Windows BMP or JPEG file formats. In addition, a microphone input and stereo speaker output jacks are provided. Additional information is given in Appendix B, "Videum Hardware Specifications."

Hardware Description

Videum AV and VO Capture Solutions

The Videum AV capture card is powered by Winnov's own multimedia processing chip, WAVI. WAVI is a result of several years of research and development and provides extra functionality allowing software capture features to go far beyond other capture products. Videum AV includes both audio and video capabilities.

WAVI enables digital audio and video capture that is synchronized at capture time. These solutions also include a composite video input, and S-Video input, as well as Winnov's Multimedia Extension Connector (MXC) for a color video camera that ships with Winnov's Videum Conference Pro video conferencing kit.

Videum Specifications

This section contains hardware, connector, and pinout specifications for Videum AV.

Hardware Specifications

Table 1-1 shows the Videum capture board hardware specifications.

Table 1-1   Videum Capture Board Hardware Specifications

Parameter Characteristics


4.7 in. x 6.3 in.

Port Address

160-16F, auto-moves to 150, 140 (120, 110 or 100)

Video Sampling

Flexible image size: 32x24 to 704x576

Hardware video compression for 30fps, 640x480 pixel capture to hard drive

Audio Sampling

8, 11.025, 16, 22.05, 24, 44.1, 48 KHz; 8-bit mono or 16-bit stereo

Connector Specifications

Table 1-2 shows the specifications for each of the connectors on the Videum AV.

Table 1-2  

Connector Characteristics

Audio Input

1/8-in. stereo mini-jack, 4 Watts RMS amplification per channel to 4-Watt speakers (8 ohm or 16 ohm only)

Line/Mic In

1/8-in. stereo min-jack for a dynamic or electret bia microphone

Aux In

1/8-in. stereo mini-jack with 1 Vp-p and 10K-ohm input impedance.

Composite Video In

RCA jack with 1 Vp-p and 75-ohm input impedance


8-pin mini-DIN. (Pinouts are listed in Table 1-4).

S-Video In

4-pin mini-DIN with 75-ohm input impedance

CD Audio

5-pin connector with stereo line level inputs

Videum Connector Specifications


Table 1-3 gives the pinout for the CD audio connector.

Table 1-3  

Pin Assignment

1, 3, 5



Left audio


Right audio

CD Audio Connector Pinout

The MXC (video in) connector can provide audio and video input as well as power and control output. Table 1-4 gives the pinout for the MXC connector.

Table 1-4  

Pin Assignment








+5 VDC at 500 mA (unregulated from PC motherboard)




Line level audio


5V at 500 mA (regulated)


Composite video

Multimedia Extension (MXC) Pinout

Video and Audio Formats

Videum products support the following video formats:

Videum products support the following audio formats:

Introduction to the Videum Software

The Videum software package includes a number of applications that allow you to capture audio, video, and still images in a variety of ways. You can also control video and still image tones, audio levels, view live video, and capture multimedia clips for other documents. The software also includes audio drivers that are compatible with Windows Sound System and video drivers compatible with Video for Windows. As a result, any audio, video, or still image clip can be dragged to any Cisco IP/TV application that supports drag and drop for viewing and incorporation.

Each of the Videum applications is accessed through the Winnov Videum group (Figure 1-1) and is described in the following sections.

Figure 1-1   Videum Group

The Videum menu contains access to all of the Videum software components. The software allows you to configure your system, set video and audio characteristics, and capture audio, video, and still images.

Audio Panel

The Audio Panel (Figure 1-2) allows you to control the audio input and output mix.

Figure 1-2   Audio Panel

For more information about using the Audio Panel, see the"Setting Audio Characteristics" section.

Videum Capture

Videum Capture allows you to quickly capture and view video and audio clips and still images and view or play them back right away. Once you like a clip, the captured audio and video can be streamed by Cisco IP/TV. Videum Capture is shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3   Videum Capture

For more information about using Videum Capture, see the chapter "Capturing Audio, Video, and Images with Videum Capture."

Videum Configure

The Videum Configure application (Figure 1-4) allows you to set audio and video properties for the Videum Capture applet and all other video applications.

Figure 1-4   Videum Configure

You may have a More button on your configure window depending on the hardware and software you have installed. This button allows you to set additional video characteristics. For more information about using Videum Configure, see the chapter "Capturing Audio, Video, and Images with Videum Capture."

Using Online Help

An extensive online help system comes with your new Videum software. The help system is in the standard format for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0.

To access help, choose Contents or Help from the Help menu in any of the Videum applications or choose Videum Help from the Videum menu. Context-sensitive help is also available by clicking the Help button in most dialog boxes or selecting a window and pressing the F1 key.

Posted: Wed Apr 23 10:30:07 PDT 2003
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