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Table Of Contents
Monitoring Global Load-Balancing Status
Understanding GSS Logging Levels
Viewing Device Logs from the CLI
Viewing the System Log from the GUI
Printing and Exporting GSSM Data
Monitoring GSS Performance
The Cisco GSS software features a number of tools for monitoring the status of your GSS devices and of global load balancing on your GSS network. These include CLI-based commands for determining the status of your GSSs, GSSMs, and the embedded GSS database. In addition, the GSSM GUI contains windows that display the status of global server load balancing activity, for example, tabulating answer and DNS rule hit counts.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Monitoring GSS Device Status
Monitoring Global Load-Balancing Status
Printing and Exporting GSSM Data
Monitoring GSS Device Status
The following sections address the various GSS features for monitoring the health of your GSS devices and components.
GSSs and GSSMs
You can easily monitor the status of your GSSs and GSSMs from both the CLI and the GSSM GUI.
Monitoring the Online Status of GSS Devices from the CLI
Use the gss command to display the online status and resource usage of your GSS servers.
To monitor the status of a GSS device from the CLI:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the gss command to display the current running status of the GSS device that you have logged on to, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# gss status
Cisco GSS( GSS Manager - primary [Wed May 22 17:43:36 GMT 2002]
Normal Operation [runmode = 5]
Cisco GSS( GSS Manager - primary [Thu Aug 1 22:25:30 UTC 2002]
Normal Operation [runmode = 5]
0.0 0.3 Jul23 900 system
0.0 0.4 Jul23 1161 database
0.0 2.0 Jul23 1165 tomcat
0.0 0.1 Jul23 1438 apache
0.0 2.3 Jul23 1177 crm
0.0 1.8 Jul23 1202 crdirector
0.0 0.1 Jul23 1191 dnsserver
0.0 0.1 Jul23 1233 keepalive
0.0 0.1 Jul23 1213 boomerang
0.0 2.2 Jul23 1026 nodemgr
0.0 0.0 Jul23 419 syslogd
--- --- --- --- ucd-snmpd [DISABLED]
Monitoring the Status of Your GSS Network from the CLI
Use the show statistics command to view the status of any request routing and load balancing component on your GSS devices, including answers, keepalives, domains, DNS rules, and so on.
The following sections provide instructions about using and interpreting the output of the various show statistics command options.
Monitoring the Status of the Boomerang Server on Your GSS
The boomerang server is a server load-balancing component of the GSS that uses calculations of network delay provided by DNS races between content routing agents (CRAs) to determine which server is best able to respond to a given request.
Use the show statistics boomerang command option to view boomerang activity such as DNS races on your GSS device on a domain-by-domain or on a global basis.
To view DNS race statistics:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the show statistics boomerang command to display current boomerang server statistics for a particular domain, or across all domains managed by your GSS, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# show statistics boomerang global
Boomerang global statistics:
Total races: 24
Step 4
Refer to the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference for a detailed explanation of show statistics command syntax and usage.
Monitoring the Status of the DNS Server on Your GSS
The DNS server component tracks all DNS-related traffic to and from your GSS device, including information about DNS queries received, responses sent, queries dropped and forwarded, and so on.
Using the show statistics dns command option, you can view DNS statistics with regard to your GSS request routing and server load-balancing components such as DNS rules, domains, and domain lists.
To view DNS statistics:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the show statistics boomerang command to display current boomerang server statistics for a particular domain or across all domains managed by your GSS, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# show statistics dns domain
www\.foo.*\.com hitCount=11
Step 4
Refer to the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference for a detailed explanation of show statistics command syntax and usage.
Monitoring the Status of Keepalives on Your GSS
The keepalive engine on your GSS device monitors the online status of keepalive objects across your GSS network.
Using the show statistics keepalive command option, you can view statistics about the health of your GSS keepalives globally or by keepalive type.
To view keepalive statistics:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the show statistics keepalive command to display current keepalive engine statistics for your GSS network. You can view statistics for all keepalive types on your network, or limit statistics to a particular keepalive type such as ICMP, KAL-AP, or CRA. For example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# show statistics keepalive icmp all
IP: GID: 68
LID: 1
Keepalive =>
Status: ONLINE
Transitions: 0
Total Packets Received: 0
Total Packets Sent: 0
Total KAL Successes: 0
Total KAL Failures: 0
Step 4
Refer to the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference for a detailed explanation of show statistics command syntax and usage.
Monitoring GSS Device Status from the GUI
To monitor the status of your GSS devices from the GSSM GUI:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the RESOURCES button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Global Site Selectors option. The GSS list window appears.
Step 3
Click the Edit icon for the GSS or GSSM that you wish to monitor. The device type (GSS or GSSM) appears in the Node Services column.
The GSS details window appears, displaying configuration and status information about the device, including:
Status—Online status
Version—Software version currently loaded on the device
Node services—Current role of the device (GSS, primary or standby GSSM, or both)
IP address—Network address of the device
Host name—Network host name of the device
MAC—Machine address of the device
Step 4
Click Cancel to return to the GSS list window.
GSSM Database
A variety of features let you monitor the status of the GSSM database and its contents.
Monitoring the Database Status
To verify that the GSS database on the GSSM is functioning properly:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the gssm database status command to display the current running status of the GSS device that you have logged on to, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# gssm database status
GSSM database is running.
Validating Database Records
To validate the records in your GSSM database:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the gssm database validate command to validate the content of your GSSM database, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# gssm database validate
GSSM database passed validation.
Creating a Database Validation Report
Should you encounter problems while attempting to validate your GSSM database, you can generate a report, called validation.log, that details which database records failed validation.
To generate a database validation report:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the gssm database report command to generate a validation report on the content of your GSSM database, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# gssm database report
GSSM database validation report written to validation.log.
Step 4
Once you have generated your validation report, use the type command to view its contents, for example:
gss1.yourdomain.com# type validation.log
Start logging at Wed May 22 22:39:34 GMT 2002
- storeAdmin Validating ... Wed May 22 22:39:36 GMT 2002 -
- ObjectId Object_Name.Field_Name Description -
Validating FactoryInfo
Validating answerElement
Validating answerGroup
70 answerGroup.OwnerId Many-To-One List
Validating CachingConfig
Validating ClusterConfig
Validating CmdControl
Validating CmdPurgeRd
Validating CmdUpdate
Validating ConfigProperty
Validating Customer
Validating DistTree
Validating DnsRule
Validating DomainElement
Validating DomainGroup
Validating ENodeConfig
Validating ENodeStatus
Validating KeepAliveConfig
Validating KeepAlive
Validating Location
Validating OrderedanswerGroup
Validating Owner
Validating Region
Validating RequestHandler
Validating RoutedDomain
Validating RoutingConfig
Validating RrConfig
Validating RrStatus
Validating SNodeConfig
Validating SourceAddressElement
Validating SourceAddressGroup
Validating SpInfo
Validating SystemConfig
Validating UpdateInfo
Validating UserConfig
Validating VirtualCDN
Validating WlpanswerElement
Validating User Validations
End of file validation.log
Monitoring Global Load-Balancing Status
From the GSSM GUI, you can monitor the status of global load balancing on your GSS network using a variety of features that filter and condense GSS traffic and statistics.
Use the sections that follow to learn more about how to monitor global load balancing from the GSSM GUI.
Answer Hit Counts
The answer hit counts feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of your GSS answer resources and the number of times that user requests have been directed to each answer device. Looking at answer hit counts is one way to judge how well your GSS resources are being used in responding to user requests.
To view the number of hits recorded by each of your GSS answers:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Answer Hit Counts option. The GSSM Answer Hit Counts window appears. (See Figure 4-1.) The window displays the following information:
Answer—IP address of the answer device
Name—Name assigned to the answer using the GSSM GUI
Type—Type of answer: VIP (virtual IP address), NS (name server), or CRA (content routing agent)
Location—GSS network location into which the answer has been grouped
Name of the GSSM or GSS—Number of requests directed to the answer by each GSS device
Figure 4-1 GSSM Answer Hit Counts Window
Step 3
Click the column headers of any of the displayed columns to sort your answers by a particular property.
Answer Keepalive Statistics
The answer keepalive statistics feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of the online status of your GSS answer resources. For each answer configured on your GSS, the answer keepalive statistics feature displays the number of keepalive probes that have been directed to that answer by the primary and the standby GSSM, as well as information about how that keepalive probe was handled. If a large number of keepalive probes are being rejected or are encountering transition conditions, the answer may be off line or may be having problems staying on line.
To view the online status of each of your GSS answers:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Answer KeepAlive Statistics option. The Answer KeepAlive Statistics window appears. (See Figure 4-2.) The window displays the following information:
Answer—IP address of the answer device being probed
Name—Name assigned to the answer using the GSSM GUI
Type—Type of answer: VIP (virtual IP address), NS (name server), or CRA (content routing agent)
Location—GSS network location into which the answer has been grouped
Name of the GSSM or GSS—Number of keepalive probes directed to the answer by each GSS device, as well as a record of how those probes were handled. Statistics are presented in the following order:
Keepalive packets sent—Total number of KAL probes sent to the answer by each GSS on the network
Keepalive packets received—Total number of KAL probes recorded by the answer
Keepalive positive probe count—Total number of KAL probes received to which a positive (OK) response was returned
Keepalive negative probe count—Total number of KAL probes received to which a negative response was returned
Keepalive transition count—Total number of KAL transitions (for example, from the INIT to the ONLINE state) experienced by the keepalive
Figure 4-2 Answer Keepalive Statistics Window
Step 3
Click the column headers of any of the displayed columns to sort your answers by a particular property.
Answer Status
The answer status feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of your GSS answer resources and their online status. Answers can be sorted by IP address, name, type, location, or online status according to a particular device.
To view the status of your GSS answers:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Answer Status option. The GSSM Answer Status window appears. (See Figure 4-3.) The window displays the following information:
Answer—IP address of the answer device
Name—Name assigned to the answer using the GSSM GUI
Type—Type of answer: VIP (virtual IP address), NS (name server), or CRA (content routing agent)
Location—GSS network location into which the answer has been grouped
Name of the GSSM or GSS—Online status of the answer according to the named device
Figure 4-3 GSSM Answer Status Window
Step 3
Click the column headers of any of the displayed columns to sort your answers by a particular property.
DNS Rule Hit Count
The DNS rule hit count feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of your global load-balancing rules, as well as information about how many queries were processed by each rule and how many of those processed queries were successfully matched with answers.
To view the status of your DNS rules:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the DNS Rule Hit Counts option. The DNS Rule Hit Counts window appears. (See Figure 4-4.) The window displays the following information:
Name—Name assigned to the answer using the GSSM GUI.
Owner—GSS owner to which the DNS rule has been assigned.
Name of the GSSM or GSS—Gross hit count and successful hit count for the DNS rule from the listed GSS device. Refer to the legend that appears below the listed DNS rules if you are confused about which number represents gross hits and which represents successful requests served.
Figure 4-4 GSSM DNS Rule Hit Count Window
Step 3
Click the column headers of any of the displayed columns to sort your DNS rules by a particular property.
Domain Hit Counts
The domain hit count feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of the hosted domains that your GSS is serving, as well as information about how many queries were directed to each domain by your DNS rules. The domain hit counts feature tracks the traffic directed to individual domains, not GSS domain lists, which may include one or more domains.
To view the status of your hosted domains:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Domain Hit Counts option. The GSSM Domain Hit Counts window appears. (See Figure 4-5.) The window displays the following information:
Domain—DNS domains for which your GSS is responsible; these are the domains contained in your domain lists
Name of the GSSM or GSS—Gross number of requests for the listed domain from each GSS device
Figure 4-5 GSSM Domain Hit Counts Window
Step 3
Click the column headers of any of the displayed columns to sort the listed domains by a particular property.
Source Address Hit Counts
The source address hit counts feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of incoming requests received by each of your source addresses (that is, those addresses from which DNS queries to your GSS originate) from each of your GSS devices. The source address hit counts feature tracks requests from individual address blocks, not from GSS source address lists, which may contain one or more address blocks.
To view the hit count for your source address lists:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Source Address Hit Counts option. The Source Address Hit Counts window appears. (See Figure 4-6.) The window displays the following information:
Source Address Block—Address or range of addresses from which DNS queries originate. Source address blocks make up GSS source address lists.
Name of the GSSM or GSS—Gross number of hits received by the listed GSS device from each address or address block.
Figure 4-6 Source Address Hit Counts Window
Global Statistics
The global statistics feature of the GSSM GUI provides you with an overview of your GSS network, providing average statistics for DNS requests received by each GSS device and keepalive messages sent to your answers, as well as the online status of each GSS device.
To view the status of your GSS network:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the MONITORING button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the Global Statistics option. The GSSM Global Statistics window appears. (See Figure 4-7.) The window displays the following information:
GSS status—Online status of each GSS device
Unmatched DNS queries—Gross number of DNS queries received by each listed device for which no answer could be found
DNS queries/sec—Average number of DNS queries received each second by each listed GSS device
Keepalive probes/sec—Average number of keepalive probes received by each listed GSS device each second
Figure 4-7 GSSM Global Statistics Window
Viewing Log Files
The GSS maintains logged records for a wide range of GSS network activity in the gss.log file as well as through the system logs feature of the GSSM.
Use the sections below to help you audit logged information about your GSS devices.
Understanding GSS Logging Levels
The GSS employs eight separate logging levels to identify the wide range of critical and noncritical logged events that may occur on a GSS device.
Table 4-1 lists these different logging levels and explains their meanings.
Viewing Device Logs from the CLI
Each GSS device contains a variety of log files that retain records of both GSS-related activity and the functioning of various GSS subsystems. You can access these log files using the CLI to troubleshoot problems or better understand the behavior of GSS device.
The sections that follow explain how to access and view the contents of log files on your GSS devices.
Viewing the gss.log File from the CLI
The gss.log file pulls together information that might be of interest or use to customers, such as keepalive, availability, and load statistics for GSS devices. This log file can be viewed from the CLI using the show logs command.
Refer to documentation of the show logs command in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference for a list of the various log files that are displayed using the show logs command.
The show logs command outputs all logged information to your terminal session. This output may be quite large and exceed the buffer size that you have set. If you wish to capture all logged information, adjust the size of your screen buffer. Otherwise, use the tail or follow options to limit the output of the file.
To view logged GSS messages in the gss.log file:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
Enable privileged EXEC mode, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> enable
Step 3
Use the show logs command to display logged information for the device on your terminal, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com# show logs
Jul 14 21:42:01 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29410)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:02 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29412)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:02 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Retrying IP [] (Retry Count 3)
Jul 14 21:42:07 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Timeout: Found outstanding KAL []
Jul 14 21:42:07 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29411)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:07 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Retrying IP [] (Retry Count 1)
Jul 14 21:42:09 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALCRA[1240] rtt_task: waiting 10000 mseconds
Jul 14 21:42:12 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29412)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:12 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Retrying IP [] (Retry Count 2)
Jul 14 21:42:16 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Sending circuit keepalive => []
Jul 14 21:42:16 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Sending circuit keepalive => []
Jul 14 21:42:16 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Sending circuit keepalive => []
Jul 14 21:42:16 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Sending circuit keepalive => []
Jul 14 21:42:16 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Sending circuit keepalive => []
Jul 14 21:42:16 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Sending circuit keepalive => []
Jul 14 21:42:17 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29410)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:17 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29413)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:17 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Retrying IP [] (Retry Count 3)
Jul 14 21:42:19 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALCRA[1240] rtt_task: waiting 10000 mseconds
Jul 14 21:42:22 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Timeout: Found outstanding KAL []
Jul 14 21:42:22 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29411)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:22 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Retrying IP [] (Retry Count 1)
Jul 14 21:42:22 gss-css2 NMR-7-NODEMGR[1035] Checking process queue for defunct members.
Jul 14 21:42:27 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] KAL-AP (seq# 29412)=> Host
Jul 14 21:42:27 gss-css2 KAL-7-KALAP[1240] Retrying IP [] (Retry Count 2)
Step 4
To limit the output of the show logs command, do one of the following:
Use the tail option of the show logs command to view just the last ten lines of logged information, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com# show logs tail
Use the follow option of the show logs command to view data that is appended to the end of the log as it grows.
Viewing Subsystem Log Files from the CLI
In addition to the gss.log file, each GSS device maintains a number of additional log files that record subsystem-specific information, for example for the keepalive engine or DNS server component of the GSS. Although these log files are not generally associated with specific CLI commands as the gss.log file is, any of them can be viewed from the CLI using the type EXEC command.
Many GSS subsystem logs output all logged information to your terminal session. This output may be quite large and exceed the buffer size that you have set. If you wish to capture all logged information, adjust the size of your screen buffer. Otherwise, use the tail or follow options to limit the output of the file.
To view your GSS subsystem log files:
Step 1
Log on to the CLI, following the instructions in the Cisco Global Site Selector Command Reference. The Cisco CLI prompt appears.
Step 2
From EXEC mode, navigate to the directory containing the log file or files that you wish to view, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> cd sysout
Step 3
Use the type command to display the contents of the log file, for example:
gssm1.yourdomain.com> type dnsserver.log
Starting dnsserver: Mon Jul 1 13:52:50 UTC 2002 [(1221)]
2002-07-10 16:23:08 relog: Booting...
Starting dnsserver: Wed Jul 10 16:23:33 UTC 2002 [(1201)]
End of file dnsserver.log
Viewing the System Log from the GUI
From the GSSM GUI, you can view messages logged in the GSS system.log file. This log presents the logged information that is most likely of interest to GSS administrators. However, the system.log file presents only a subset of all logged information. See the "Viewing Subsystem Log Files from the CLI" section for information about viewing the entire contents of individual GSS log files.
To view the GSS system logs:
Step 1
From the GSSM, click the TOOLS button.
Step 2
From the drop-down list, choose the System Logs option. The GSSM System Logs window appears. (See Figure 4-8.) The window displays the following information:
Time—Time in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) at which the logged event occurred on the GSS device
Node type—Type of GSS node (GSS or GSSM) on which the logged event occurred
Node name—Name assigned to the GSS device using the GSSM GUI
Module—GSS component logging the message, for example, server or storeAdmin
Severity— Severity of the logged message; system log messages are rated using one of four severity levels, as follows:
Fatal—Indicates that the GSS or one of its components failed. Fatal errors are rare and are usually caused by exceptions from which it is impossible to recover, or by the failure of a GSS component to initialize properly.
Warning—Indicates a noncritical error or unexpected condition.
Info—Provides information about the normal operation of the GSS and its components.
Debug—Provides very detailed information about the internal operations of the GSS or one of its components. Debug log messages are intended for use by Cisco support engineers in their efforts to troubleshoot a problem.
Description—User-friendly text description that explains the event
Message—Information about any relevant conditions encountered while the event was being logged
Figure 4-8 GSSM System Logs Window
Step 3
Click the column headers of any of the displayed columns to sort the listed domains by a particular property.
System Log Messages
Table 4-2 lists common GSS system messages that may be encountered in the system log using the Tools > System Log feature. Error messages are listed alphabetically, and each error message is accompanied by a brief description. Contact a Cisco technical support representative if you require more detailed information about the purpose of a message.
Printing and Exporting GSSM Data
You can send any data displayed on the GSSM GUI to a local or network printer configured on your workstation, or export that data to a flat file for use with other office applications.
When printing or exporting data, all information displayed on the GSSM GUI window is dumped. You cannot select individual pieces of data to output.
To print or export GSSM data:
Step 1
From the GSSM, navigate to the list or details window containing the data that you wish to print or export.
Step 2
Do one of the following:
To export the data, click the Export button. You are prompted to either save the exported data as a comma-separated value (CSV) file or open it using your designated CSV editor. Choose one or the other.
To print the data, click the Print button. The print dialog appears, allowing you to choose a printer.
Posted: Mon Mar 21 11:16:08 PST 2005
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