
Table of Contents



Preface    ix

Audience    ix

Organization    x

Conventions    xi

Related Documentation    xi

Obtaining Documentation    xii

World Wide Web    xii

Documentation CD-ROM    xii

Ordering Documentation    xiii

Documentation Feedback    xiii

Obtaining Technical Assistance    xiv    xiv

Technical Assistance Center    xiv

Cisco TAC Website    xv

Cisco TAC Escalation Center    xvi

chapter 1

Overview    1-1

Introduction    1-1

Design Studio Features   1-4

U nderstanding How the Cisco CTE 1400 Works   1-5

Supported Formats    1-6

Understanding Wireless Device Limitations    1-8

Sample Design Scenario for Wireless Devices    1-9

chapter 2

Installing and Starting Design Studio    2-1

System Requirements    2-2

Installing Design Studio    2-2

S tarting Design Studio   2-3

Changing your Password    2-4

Connecting to a Different Cisco CTE 1400   2-5

Uploading a Secure Certificate to the Cisco CTE 1400   2-5

Installing the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator    2-6

Installing the Go.Web Simulator    2-7

Configuring Device Definitions    2-9

Changing a Device Definition    2-10

Adding a Device Definition    2-11

chapter 3

Design Studio Basics    3-1

Design Studio Concepts   3-1

Transformation Rules    3-1

Configuration and Project Files    3-2

XHTML Element Hierarchy    3-3

Navigating the Design Studio Window    3-5

Using the Project Tree    3-7

V iewing Page and Rule Information   3-8

Using the View Tabs    3-9

Finding Commands    3-10

Finding Text in the XHTML Source View    3-10

Moving the Toolbars    3-11

Design Studio Workflow    3-12

Working with Configuration Files and Projects    3-13

Creating, Opening, or Saving a Configuration File    3-14

Creating an HTML Project    3-15

Deleting a Project    3-16

Adding a Page to an HTML Project    3-17

Handling Page Redirects    3-18

Renaming a Page    3-19

Displaying Page Information    3-19

Deleting a Page    3-20

chapter 4

Creating Web Page Transformations    4-1

I dentifying a Page   4-1

Identifying a Page by Element Text    4-3

Identifying a Page by URL    4-6

Using an Identifier Rule for Multiple Pages    4-9

Creating Transformation Rules    4-10

S electing Content   4-16

Clipping Content    4-20

Ignoring Content    4-24

Modifying Content    4-26

Inserting Content    4-31

Well-Formed XML    4-35

Moving an Element Tag    4-36

Adding a Dialable Phone Number    4-39

Working with Pages    4-42

Dividing a Web Page into Several Pages   4-42

Specifying a Rule Location on a Dynamically Generated Page    4-48

W orking with Frames   4-49

Using the Contents of the noframes Element    4-50

Redirecting a Page to One of its Frames    4-52

Working with Tables    4-54

Retaining a Table Element    4-55

Converting a Table to a List    4-57

Working with Forms    4-61

W orking with Images   4-62

Using Alternate Text Instead of an Image    4-63

Retaining a Small Image    4-65

Working with Dynamically Generated Pages    4-66

W orking with JavaScript   4-67

CTE Processing of JavaScript    4-68

JavaScript Features Supported by the CTE    4-69

Guidelines for Design Studio Users    4-70

JavaScript Features Not Supported by the CTE    4-74

Importing Custom XSL   4-75

Importing a Custom XSL Template Rule on a Node    4-76

Using Several XSL Style Sheets for a Project   4-78

Previewing VoiceXML Support    4-81

Working with Conflicting or Dead Rules    4-82

Resolving Conflicting Rules    4-83

Evaluating Dead Rules    4-85

E diting Transformation Rules   4-85

chapter 5

Applying Rules to Several Elements   5-1

Introduction    5-2

A pplying Rules Based on Element Name or Text   5-4

Element Name    5-4

Element Text    5-9

Applying Rules Based on Depth    5-10

Applying Rules Based on Position    5-12

How the Depth and Position Settings Interact   5-14

Example: Applying a Rule to a Range of Positions    5-15

Example: Applying a Rule to Several Nested Tables    5-16

Applying Rules Based on Element Attribute Values    5-17

Example: Applying a Rule to All Occurrences of an Element with a Specified Attribute   5-18

Applying the Move Rule to Several Elements    5-19

Applying the Dial Number Rule to Several Elements    5-22

M anually Configuring the XPath Expression of an Element   5-24

chapter 6

Working with XML Projects    6-1

Creating an XML Project    6-2

Adding a Page to an XML Project    6-3

Updating an XSL Style Sheet    6-4

chapter 7

Publishing and Previewing Your Work    7-1

Publishing a Configuration File to a Cisco CTE 1400   7-1

Previewing Page Transformations    7-3

Using the Openwave Mobile Browser Simulator    7-3

Using the Go.Web Simulator    7-5

Using a Browser    7-7

chapter 8

Specifying Transformation Rules in HTML Files    8-1

I ntroduction   8-1

CTE XHTML Extensions    8-3

Using CTE XHTML Extensions in Source HTML    8-8

Specifying Transformations    8-8

Creating Dialable Numbers in HTML Content    8-11

Ignoring an Element in HTML Content    8-13

Hiding Device-Specific Content from Full Browsers    8-14

Managing Configuration Files When Using CTE XHTML Extensions    8-15

Merging the Default Configuration File on a CTE    8-16

appendix A

Transformation Examples    A-1

Template-Based Pages    A-1

Query and Results Pages    A-3

Dynamically Generated Content   A-5

Elements that Change Positions    A-7

Links to PDF Files or Other Binary Data Files    A-8

Custom XSL Rules    A-9

appendix B

Troubleshooting Design Studio    B-1

Design Studio Hangs or Will Not Connect to a CTE    B-2

Simulators Do Not Work    B-3

General Issues when Using Design Studio    B-3

Unexpected Transformation Results    B-5

Problems with Pages Containing JavaScript    B-7


Posted: Mon Aug 18 17:07:55 PDT 2003
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