
Table of Contents




Backend Server

Secure server responsible for offloading SSL processing for the client. A backend server listens for clear text from the client, encrypts the data, and connects via SSL to the server.



Digital information that proves the identify of the server; similar to a digital ID card. Certificates are issued by Certificate Authorities.


An encryption algorithm.


Flash memory

Memory area in which device configuration may be saved; configuration information not stored in the flash memory is lost during a power cycle or when the device is rebooted or reloaded.



A cipher used to encrypt and decrypt information. Two types of keys are used: public and private. Public keys are shared; private keys are not. Public and private keys work together: information encrypted by the public key can be decrypted only by the private key.

Key Strength

The length of a key, expressed in bits, e.g., 56 or 128. The greater the number of bits, the stronger the key.


Load Balancing

Distributing network traffic evenly over two or more servers to provide better response times and reduce server overload.

Logical Secure Server

The SSL configuration consisting of an IP address for the hardware web server providing content, an SSL TCP service port specification, a clear text port specification, a key association specifying the key and certificate to use when processing transactions, and a security policy specifying the cryptographic scheme(s) to use.


Remote Port

The user-specified non-secure TCP port used by the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator to send decrypted data to and receive data to be encrypted from the logical secure server.

Reverse-Proxy Server

A secure server responsible for offloading SSL processing for the client. The client browser is configured to use the IP address of the reverse-proxy server as a proxy. The reverse-proxy server is set to listen for clear text on the specified port (usually 81 or 8080). DNS information must be configured on the reverse-proxy server.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

An application-level protocol enabling secure transactions of data through privacy, authentication, and data integrity.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

An application-level protocol used to monitor and perform basic configuration of network devices.

Server Port

The user-specified secure TCP port monitored by the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator for secure transaction requests.

Posted: Mon Aug 19 21:55:11 PDT 2002
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