
Table of Contents

Using the Configuration Manager

Using the Configuration Manager

This chapter describes how to use the configuration manager to configure the SSL appliance. Refer to Chapter 3 for a brief introduction to how the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator appliance works with components of the SSL protocol and description of the information you need to begin configuration.

This chapter contains the following sections:


Whether used via serial or telnet connection or remotely, the command line interface configuration manager provides greater control over the SSL appliance than the QuickStart or Secure Server wizard alone.

The configuration manager allows you to control hardware and SSL portions of the appliance through a discreet mode and submode system as shown in the hierarchy diagram in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1: Configuration Manager Hierarchy

To configure items in a submode, activate the submode by entering a command in the mode above it. For example, to set the network interface speed or duplex you must first enter enable, configure, then interface network. To return to the higher Configuration mode, simply enter end or exit or press CTRL+D. The finished command returns to the Top Level from any mode. Appendix C lists all commands for SSL devices.

Note   The system prompts displayed by the configuration manager vary slightly depending upon the management session type used. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all prompts displayed in this chapter reflect those encountered with the remote configuration manager.

Configuration Security

Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices allow easy, flexible configuration without compromising the security of your network or their own configuration.


Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices use two levels of password protection: access- and enable-level. Access-level passwords control who can attach the remote configuration manager or access the device via telnet and serial connections. Enable-level passwords control who can view the same data available with access-level passwords as well as view sensitive data and configure the device.

SSL devices are shipped without passwords. Setting passwords is important because the device can be administered over a network. For more information about passwords, see the commands password access and password enable in Appendix C.

Access Lists

Access lists control which computers can attach to a specific device. No access lists exist when you first install the Secure Content Accelerator. You can restrict the computers allowed to manage the appliance by adding their IP addresses to one or more access lists for each device. For more information about configuring access lists, see the commands show access-list, access-list, snmp access-list, remote-management access-list, telnet access-list, and web-mgmt access-list in Appendix C.

Encrypted Management Sessions

To further protect the configuration security, you can specify that remote (non-serial and non-telnet) configuration sessions be encrypted using AES, DES, or ARC4. See remote-management encryption in Appendix C.

Factory Default Reset Password

If you have forgotten your access or enable password, you can use a factory-set password during a serial configuration session. When prompted for a password, enter FailSafe (case-sensitive). You are asked to confirm the action. The appliance reboots (reloads) with factory default settings.

Caution   All configuration is lost when using the factory default reset.

Initiating a Management Session

Use the appropriate instructions below to initiate a management session with the Secure Content Accelerator.

Serial Management and IP Address Assignment

Follow these steps to initiate a management session via a serial connection and set an IP address for the device.

Note   The default terminal settings on the SSL devices and modules is 80 columns by 25 lines. To ensure the best display and reduce the chance of graphic anomalies, please use the same settings with the serial terminal software. The device terminal settings can be changed, if necessary. Use the standard ANSI setting on the serial terminal software.

    1. Attach the included null modem cable to the appliance port marked "CONSOLE". Attach the other end of the null modem cable to a serial port on the configuring computer.

    2. Launch any terminal emulation application that communicates with the serial port connected to the appliance. Use these settings: 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.

    3. Press Return. Initial information is displayed followed by an SCA> prompt.

    4. Enter Privileged and Configuration modes and set the IP address using the following commands. Replace the IP address in the example with the appropriate one.

    SCA> enable SCA# configure (config[SCA])# ip address (config[SCA])#
    Note   When prompted to supply a file name during serial management, you must supply it as a URL in the form of HOST/PATH/FILENAME using the http://, https://, ftp://, or tftp:// prefix.


After you have assigned an IP address to the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator using the serial connection or remote configuration manager, you can connect to the appliance via telnet.

    1. Initiate a telnet session with the IP address previously assigned to the appliance.

    2. An SCA> prompt is displayed.

Running the Remote Configuration Manager

Use the appropriate instructions below to run the CLI configuration manager.


Enter csacfg at a Linux shell prompt.


Enter csacfg at a Unix shell prompt.

Windows NT and Windows 2000 Software

To start the configuration manager, use the Start menu and point to Programs>Cisco Systems and click Cisco Secure Content Acc. Manager, or double-click the shortcut on the desktop.

Using the Remote Configuration Manager

Enter show device list to display a list of all Cisco Secure Content Accelerators in the same broadcast domain as the configuring computer and those found using the discover port command. Devices are listed in the following format:

    Type Key Name Version MacAddr IPaddr

Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices are listed with the "CSS-SCA" device type. Note the MAC address of the device you wish to configure. It is used with the "CS-" prefix to identify a specific device when giving commands in the format CS-macaddress, where macaddress is the MAC address of the device.

Note   Identify an unnamed device as a specific appliance, match the last six digits of the serial number with the MAC address shown.

Specifying Devices

If only one device is listed, you can configure it by simply entering commands as listed. If multiple devices are listed, you must specify the device your commands should address. In these instances you must use the on prefix.

For example, entering show device list returns the following list of unattached devices:

    CSS-SCA Ru sslDev1 ... CSS-SCA Ru sslDev2 ... CSS-SCA Ru sslDev3 ... CSS-SCA Ru sslDev4 ...

To attach the configuration manager to the device sslDev3, enter this command:

on sslDev3 attach

The auto completer function can assist data entry. See "Editing and Completion Features" in Appendix C for details for using editing and auto completer features.

Working with Device Groups

The remote configuration manager allows you to create groups of devices for single management sessions. Most Top Level commands can target a group just as they would a single device. Using the device list above, the commands below create a device group named myGroup, add three devices, and display the group contents.

csacfg> group myGroup create (group[myGroup])> device sslDev1 (group[myGroup])> device sslDev2 (group[myGroup])> device sslDev4 (group[myGroup])> info group name: myGroup number of devices: 3 device: sslDev1 device: sslDev2 device: sslDev4 (group[myGroup])>

To remove a device from the group, use the no form of the command:

(group[myGroup])> no device sslDev2

Enter end to leave Group configuration mode. To send commands to every device in the group, use the on prefix.

on myGroup attach

You can simplify command entry for this group further by setting the on command to address the group myGroup by default.

set on-prefix myGroup

After entering this command, you do not need to use the on prefix when addressing the default target. For example, the on myGroup attach command becomes attach. You can still address another group instead of the default; simply specify its name following the on prefix. Change the on prefix target by re-entering the command, identifying the new group. View the on prefix target by entering show profile.

Note   Individual devices can also be set as the on prefix default target. Any command without the on prefix defaults to the group or device specified by the set on-prefix command.

For more information about Group Configuration commands, see "Group Configuration Command Set" in Appendix C.

Remote Configuration Caching

The remote configuration manager caches some management session information. Some changes made during a configuration session may not be displayed. Additionally, configuration changes from multiple concurrent configuration sessions may not be reflected in status and configuration displays. To obtain the most current configuration data, exit the configuration manager, and launch the application again or use the refresh command in the Privileged Command set.

Configuring the Device

When you configure an appliance to perform SSL offloading you are actually setting up one or more logical secure servers whose SSL-related configurations reside in the appliance. Each logical secure server has several attributes:

Example: Setting up Basic Device Parameters

This example describes how to use the configuration manager to set the basic SSL appliance configuration.

Note   The remote configuration instructions in this example assume only one Cisco Secure Content Accelerator is available for configuration or that you have set the on-prefix to a single device. If you have more than one SSL device available for configuration, refer to section "Specif ying Devices" presented previously in this chapter for device identification directions.

    1. Initiate a serial management session, and set the IP address of the device to

    SCA> enable SCA# config (config[CSS-SCA])# ip address (config[CSS-SCA])#

    2. If you wish to configure the server using the serial connection, continue with step 3.

If you wish to use a telnet connection, initiate a telnet session with the IP address assigned in step 1, and go to step 3.

If you wish to configure the server using the remote configuration manager, initiate a remote management session, attach to the appliance, and when prompted to use the QuickStart wizard, enter n. Go to step 3.

    3. Use the following commands to enter Privileged and Configuration modes and change the name of the SSL appliance to myDevice.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[CS-10-1-2-3])> hostname myDevice (config[CS-10-1-2-3])> end SCA> configure (config[myDevice])>

    4. Set the default router.

    (config[myDevice])> ip route default (config[myDevice])>

    5. Set an enable password to protect the appliance configuration. The password is requested whenever the enable command is given.

    (config[myDevice])> password enable Enter new password: Confirm password: (config[myDevice])> end SCA>

Example: Setting up a Secure Server

This example describes how to use the configuration manager rather than the QuickStart wizard to set up a secure server. In this example, the default SSL port (443) and remote port (81) are used.

    1. Enter Privileged, Configuration, and SSL Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    2. Enter Key Configuration mode and create a key named myKey. Load the PEM-encoded key file. Return to SSL Configuration Mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> key myKey create (config-ssl-key[myKey])> pem keyFile (config-ssl-key[myKey])> end (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    3. Enter Certificate Configuration mode and create a certificate named myCert. Then load the PEM-encoded certificate file. Return to SSL Configuration Mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> cert my create (config-ssl-cert[myCert])> pem certFile (config-ssl-cert[myCert])> end (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    4. Enter Security Policy Configuration mode and create a security policy named myPol. Assign the "strong" cryptography policy to it. Return to SSL Configuration mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> secpolicy myPol create (config-ssl-secpolicy[myPol])> crypto strong (config-ssl-secpolicy[myPol])> end (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    5. Enter Server Configuration mode and create a server named myServer. Assign the IP address Assign port 443 for monitoring for SSL connections and port 81 for sending clear text. Assign the key, certificate, and security policies just created. Then exit to Top Level mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> server myServer create (config-ssl-server[myServer])> ip address (config-ssl-server[myServer])> sslport 443 (config-ssl-server[myServer])> remoteport 81 (config-ssl-server[myServer])> key myKey (config-ssl-server[myServer])> cert myCert (config-ssl-server[myServer])> secpolicy myPol (config-ssl-server[myServer])> finished SCA>

    6. Save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or if the reload command when used.

    SCA> write flash SCA>

Example: Setting up a Backend Server

This example describes how to use the configuration manager to set up a backend server.

    1. Enter Privileged, Configuration, and SSL Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    2. Enter Backend Server Configuration mode and create a backend server named myBackServ.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> backend-server myBackServ create (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])>

    3. Assign an IP address and netmask to the backend server.

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> ip address

    4. Assign port 443 for SSL traffic and port 80 for clear text traffic.

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> localport 80 (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> remoteport 443

    5. Specify a security policy for the server.

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> secpolicy strong

    6. Exit to Privileged mode, and save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> finished SCA> write flash SCA>

Example: Setting up a Reverse-Proxy Server

This example describes how to use the configuration manager to set up a reverse-proxy server.

    1. Enter Privileged, Configuration, and SSL Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    2. Enter Reverse-Proxy Server Configuration mode and create a server named myRevServ.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> reverse-proxy-server myRevServ create (config-ssl-rproxy[myRevServ])>

    3. Assign port 8080 for clear text traffic.

    (config-ssl-rproxy[myRevServ])> localport 8080

    4. Specify a security policy for the server.

    (config-ssl-rproxy[myRevServ])> secpolicy strong

    5. Exit to Privileged mode and save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    (config-ssl-rproxy[myRevServ])> finished SCA> write flash SCA>
    Note   When using this configuration, client browsers must be set to use this device as a proxy.

Example: Configuring Encrypted Management Sessions

While the serial management sessions are secure due to their nature, they are not always convenient. You can set a passphrase and encryption method for remote configuration sessions to secure them.

    1. Initiate a serial management session, and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    myDevice> enable myDevice# config

    2. Set the remote management encryption method, selecting DES, and enter a passphrase (shared secret).

    (config[myDevice])# remote-management encryption DES (config[myDevice])# remote-management shared-secret Enter shared secret: Verify shared secret: (config[myDevice])#

When you attempt to attach to the SSL appliance using the remote configuration manager, this prompt is displayed:

myDevice requires secure communication. Enter passphrase for myDevice:

Enter the passphrase set previously.

You can change the TCP/UDP service port to be used when communicating with the device for management with the remote configuration manage. The TCP/UDP service port can be configured using any of the configuration connection options. You must save the configuration to flash and reboot for the port information to take effect.

(config[myDevice])# remote-management port 8089 (config[myDevice])# finished myDevice# write flash myDevice# reload

When the remote configuration manager is started, or the basic discover command is entered, the device is not found. You must enter the discover command using the TCP service port as an argument. The following command tells the configuration manager to use port 8089 to look for Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices.

SCA> discover port 8089

The device is listed following a show device list command. Attach to the device configured in this example using the following command:

SCA> attach ip port 8089
Note   If the device has been discovered by the Secure Content Accelerator, you can attach to it by name, e.g., attach myDevice.

If a passphrase has been configured for the device, you are prompted for it. Return the device management TCP service port by entering this command in Configuration mode:

(config[myDevice])# remote-management port default

Example: Restricting Access using an Access List

Access lists permit or deny management access to the device or module. Up to 999 access lists can be configured. Access lists are created then assigned for use by the remote management, telnet, and Web management subsystems. An access list can be used by the SNMP subsystem as well. This example demonstrates how to create two access lists and assign each to a management subsystem.

    1. Attach to the device or module (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice)>

    2. Create an access list allowing management access to all IP addresses.

    (config[myDevice)]> access-list 1 permit

    3. Create an access list denying access from computers on a specific subnet.

    (config[myDevice)> access-list 2 deny

    4. Create an access list allowing access from a single computer.

    (config[myDevice])> access-list 3 permit

    5. Assign the second access list to the remote management subsystem.

    (config[myDevice])> remote-management access-list 2

    6. Assign the third access list to the telnet subsystem, allowing management access only from the specific IP address.

    (config[myDevice])> telnet access-list 3

    7. Exit to Privileged mode and save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    (config[myDevice])> finished SCA> write flash SCA>

Configuring an Ethernet Interface

The Ethernet interfaces on the SSL appliance can be configured at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps and half or full duplex. Attach to the device (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes. In the following example, the "Network" interface of myDevice is forced to full duplex. Make sure to save this configuration to flash.

(config[myDevice])> interface network (config-if[network])> duplex full (config-if[network])> speed 100 (config-if[network])> finished SCA>

Step-Up Certificates and Server-Gated Cryptography

Cisco Secure Content Accelerator support both Netscape International Step-Up Certificates and Microsoft Server-Gated Cryptography. Ephemeral RSA must be enabled for the device to function properly with these certificates. Load the certificate normally.

Note   You must specify that your certificate work with both Microsoft and Netscape browsers when requesting it from the CA. Otherwise, the server cannot support both browsers.

Configuring Certificate Groups

Certificate groups are collections of certificates used for certificate chains and client and server authentication. Certificate chains are used in certain circumstances such as when a known, trusted CA (such as Thawte or VeriSign) provides a certificate to attest that certificates created by an intermediary CA can be trusted. For example, a company can create its own certificates for internal use only; however, clients do not accept the certificates because they were not created by a known CA. When private certificates are chained with the trusted CA certificate, clients accept them during SSL negotiations.

Example: Configuring a Certificate Group

The locally created certificate, the intermediary CA certificate signed by a trusted CA, and any other intermediary certificates are loaded into individual certificate objects that are combined into a certificate group. This example demonstrates how to:

The name of the SSL device is myDevice. The name of the secure logical server is server1. The name of the DER-encoded, intermediary CA certificate is CACert. The name of the PEM-encoded certificate generated by the intermediary CA is localCertFile. The name of the certificate group is CACertGroup.

    1. Initiate a management session as described previously.

    2. Attach the configuration manager (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice)>

    3. Enter SSL Configuration mode and create an intermediary certificate named CACert, entering into Certificate Configuration mode. Load the DER-encoded file into the certificate object, and return to SSL Configuration mode.

    (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])> cert CACert create (config-ssl-cert[CACert])> der CACert (config-ssl-cert[CACert])> end (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    4. Create a certificate named localCert, load the PEM-encoded certificate file, and return to SSL Configuration mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> cert localCert create (config-ssl-cert[localCert])> pem localCertFile (config-ssl-cert[localCert])> end (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    5. Enter Certificate Group Configuration mode, create the certificate group CACertGroup, load the certificate object CACert, and return to SSL Configuration mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> certgroup CACertGroup create (config-ssl-certgroup[CACertGroup])> cert CACert (config-ssl-certgroup[CACertGroup])> end (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    6. Enter Server Configuration mode, create the logical secure server server1, assign an IP address, SSL and clear text ports, a security policy myPol, the certificate group CACertGroup, certificate localCert, key localKey (compatible with the local certificate), and exit to Privileged mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> server server1 create (config-ssl-server[server1])> ip address (config-ssl-server[server1])> localport 443 (config-ssl-server[server1])> remoteport 81 (config-ssl-server[server1])> secpolicy myPol (config-ssl-server[server1])> certgroup chain CACertGroup (config-ssl-server[server1])> cert localCert (config-ssl-server[server1])> key localKey (config-ssl-server[server1])> finished SCA>

    7. Save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    SCA> write flash SCA>

Example: Importing Certificate Groups

PKCS#7 certificate groups can be imported directly into the device. This example demonstrates how to import a PEM-encoded PKCS#7 file into the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator.

    1. Initiate a management session as described previously.

    2. Attach the configuration manager (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    3. Enter SSL Configuration mode.

    (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    4. Specify the PKCS#7 file to import, indicating the appropriate encoding (in this example, PEM). In this example, the name of the certificate group to create is myCertGroup. The certificate prefix is impt. (The certificate prefix is optional.)

(config-ssl[myDevice])> import pkcs7 myCertGroup pem impt certfile.pem

    5. The file is imported, and certificates and a certificate group are generated. The certificates are named incrementally from impt_1 to impt_N, where N is the number of certificates in the PKCS#7 file. The certificate with the highest incremented number is the server certificate.

    Note   See the entry in Appendix C for additional command options.

Using Client and Server Certificate Authentication

To further ensure transaction security, client or server certificate authentication can be configured on servers. Backend and reverse-proxy servers can be configured for server certificate authentication; basic secure servers can be configured for client certificate authentication. To use either of these certificate authentication methods, a certificate group must have been created.

Example: Configuring Server Certificate Authentication

Server certification authentication can be configured on both backend and reverse-proxy servers. The configuration procedure for both server types is nearly identical. This example demonstrates how to configure an existing backend server for server certificate authorization using the certificate group servTrustGroup. The domain name (for backend server configuration only) is Several options are available for authentication errors to ignore. In this example the backend server is set to not ignore errors, resulting in immediate disconnection.

    1. Initiate a management session as described previously.

    2. Attach the configuration manager (remote devices only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])>

    3. Enter SSL Configuration mode and Backend Server Configuration mode for the server myBackServ.

    (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])> backend-server myBackServ (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])>

    4. Enter the following commands to enable server certificate authentication, set the handling authentication of errors to the most stringent level, and assign the certificate group to use for comparison. (The final command must be entered on a single line.)

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> serverauth enable (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> serverauth ignore none (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> certgroup serverauth servTrustGroup

    5. Enter a domain name to use for certificate comparison. This is necessary only for backend servers when server certificate authentication is not set to ignore domain name errors. (The final command must be entered on a single line.)

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> serverauth domain-name ""

    6. Exit to Privileged mode, and save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    (config-ssl-backend[myBackServ])> finished SCA> write flash SCA>

Example: Configuring Client Certificate Authentication

Client certification authentication can be configured on basic secure servers. This example demonstrates how to configure an existing server for client certificate authorization using the certificate group clientTrustGroup. Several options are available for authentication error handling. In this example, the server is set to handle all errors by disconnecting the SSL session and redirecting the client to a standard HTML error page.

    1. Initiate a management session as described previously.

    2. Attach the configuration manager (remote devices only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])>

    3. Enter SSL Configuration mode and Server Configuration mode for the server myServ.

    (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])> server myServ (config-ssl-server[myServ])>

    4. Enter the following commands to enable client certificate authentication, set the handling of authentication of errors, and assign the certificate group to use for comparison.

    (config-ssl-server[myServ])> clientauth enable (config-ssl-server[myServ])> clientauth error all failhtml (config-ssl-server[myServ])> certgroup serverauth clientTrustGroup (config-ssl-server[myServ])> certgroup verifydepth 1

    5. Exit to Privileged mode, and save the configuration to flash memory. If it is not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    (config-ssl-server[myServ])> finished SCA> write flash SCA>

Generating Keys and Certificates

RSA private keys, certificates, and certificate signing requests can be generated directly on the device.

Example: Generating an RSA Key

    1. Enter Privileged, Configuration, SSL Configuration, and Key Configuration modes, creating a key named myGenKey.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])> key myGenKey create (config-ssl-key[myGenKey])>

    2. Enter the following command to generate a 1024-bit key using the seed string lemon. The key is displayed once using DES encryption. The resulting key is stored on the device as well as exported to a PEM-encoded file named mykey.pem. (This command must be entered on one line.)

    (config-ssl-key[myGenKey])> genrsa bits 1024 encrypt des seed lemon output mykey.pem

Example: Generating a Certificate

    1. Enter Privileged, Configuration, and SSL Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure (config[myDevice])> ssl (config-ssl[myDevice])>

    2. Enter the following command to generate a certificate using the key created in the previous example. An MD5 digest is displayed and the certificate is saved in a file named myGenCert. (This command must be entered on one line.)

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> gencsr key myGenKey digest md5 output myGenCert

Supporting SNMP

Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices have basic support for SNMP functions. The device is shipped with SNMP disabled. This example demonstrates how to set basic SNMP data.

Example: Configuring SNMP

    1. Initiate a management session as described previously.

    2. Attach the configuration manager (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure

    3. Enter SNMP data and enable SNMP. Access-list 1 has already been created. (See Appendix C for information for using the access-list command.) Return to Privileged mode.

    (config[myDevice])> snmp enable (config[myDevice])> snmp access-list 1 (config[myDevice])> snmp location "Main Office" (config[myDevice])> snmp contact "Administrator" (config[myDevice])> snmp default community ITS_Office (config[myDevice])> snmp trap-host v1 (config[myDevice])> snmp trap-type generic (config[myDevice])> end SCA>

    4. Save the configuration to flash memory. If not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    SCA> write flash SCA>

Supporting RIP

Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices support Routing Information Protocol (RIP) versions 1 and 2. This example demonstrates how to enable RIP version 1 packet usage.

Example: Configuring RIP

    1. Initiate a management session as described previously.

    2. Attach the configuration manager (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes.

    SCA> enable SCA> configure

    3. Enable reception and processing of RIP version 1 packets. Then return to Privileged mode.

    (config[myDevice])> rip v1 (config[myDevice])> end SCA>

    4. Save the configuration to flash memory. If not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or if the reload command is used.

    SCA> write flash SCA>

Supporting Other Secure Protocols

Along with SSL, Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices can support other secure protocols using TLS v1.0, SSL v2.0, and SSL v3.0. SFTP, IMAPS, POP3S, NNTPS, and LDAPS are some examples. The steps below show how to configure the SSL appliance for setting up a secure server to process only POP3S (S-POP) mail.

Example: Configuring a Secure Mail Server

Note   The steps in this example are abbreviated to show only relevant changes from the standard SSL server setup.

    1. Initiate a management session as described above. Attach the configuration manager to the device (remote only) and enter Privileged and Configuration modes. Enter a default router. Enter SSL Configuration mode.

    2. Enter Server Configuration mode and create a server named mySecureMail. Assign an IP address and netmask. Assign port 995 for monitoring for POP3S (S-POP) connections and port 110 for sending clear text. Assign the appropriate key, certificate, and security policy. Return to Privileged mode.

    (config-ssl[myDevice])> server mySecureMail create (config-ssl-server[myServer])> sslport 995 (config-ssl-server[myServer])> remoteport 110 (config-ssl-server[myServer])> finished SCA>

    3. Save the configuration to flash memory. If not saved, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

    SCA> write flash SCA>

Posted: Mon Aug 19 22:00:59 PDT 2002
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