
Table of Contents

Using the QuickStart Wizard

Using the QuickStart Wizard

The QuickStart wizard helps you set up the SSL appliance rapidly using the most basic information. To perform a more advanced configuration, use the configuration manager as described in Chapter 5. The version of the QuickStart wizard presented in this chapter is available only from a CLI-based management session. See Chapter 6 for information about using the Secure Server wizard from a GUI-based management session.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Initiating a Management Session

Use the appropriate instructions below to initiate a management session with the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator.

Serial Management and IP Address Assignment

Follow these steps to initiate a management session via a serial connection and set an IP address for the device.

Note   The default terminal settings on the SSL devices and modules is 80 columns by 25 lines. To ensure the best display and reduce the chance of graphic anomalies, please use the same settings with the serial terminal software. The device terminal settings can be changed, if necessary. Use the standard ANSI setting on the serial terminal software.

    1. Attach the included null modem cable to the appliance port marked "CONSOLE". Attach the other end of the null modem cable to a serial port on the configuring computer.

    2. Launch any terminal emulation application that communicates with the serial port connected to the appliance. Use these settings: 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.

    3. Press Return. Initial information is displayed followed by an SCA> prompt.

    4. Enter Privileged and Configuration modes and set the IP address using the following commands. Replace the IP address in the example with the appropriate one.

    SCA> enable SCA# configure (config[SCA])# ip address (config[SCA])#
    Note   When prompted to supply a file name during serial management, you must supply it as a URL in the form of HOST/PATH/FILENAME using the http://, https://, ftp://, or tftp:// prefix.


After you have assigned an IP address to the Cisco Secure Content Accelerator using the serial connection or remote configuration manager, you can connect to the appliance via telnet.

    1. Initiate a telnet session with the IP address previously assigned to the appliance.

    2. An SCA> prompt is displayed.

    Note   When prompted to supply a file name during a telnet management session, you must supply it as a URL in the form of HOST/PATH/FILENAME using the http://, https://, ftp://, or tftp:// prefix.

Remote Configuration Manager Application

Use the appropriate instructions below to run the CLI configuration manager.


Enter csacfg at a Linux shell prompt.


Enter csacfg at a Unix shell prompt.

Windows NT and Windows 2000 Software

To start the configuration manager, use the Start menu and point to Programs>Cisco Systems and click Cisco Secure Content Acc. Manager, or double-click the shortcut on the desktop.

Starting the QuickStart Wizard

Follow the instructions below appropriate to the management session initiated.

Using a Serial or Telnet Connection

After initiating a management session as described previously, start the QuickStart wizard via a serial or telnet connection by entering these commands:

enable quick-start

If you are using telnet, go to "Using the QuickStart Wizard" below.

If you are using a serial connection and the device has not been assigned an IP address, you are prompted to assign a hostname and IP address before beginning the QuickStart configuration process.

Would you like to specify a hostname and IP address for this device?: Enter the hostname for this device:

The hostname is a user-specified device name. In this example, we use the name myDevice. When prompted for them, enter the IP address, netmask, and default gateway for the device. You are prompted to accept the information before continuing with configuration.

The following configuration will be saved to the device. Hostname : myDevice Ip address : Netmask : Default gateway addr : Is the above information correct? (y/n):

Enter y if the listing is correct. Go to "Using the QuickStart Wizard" below. Enter n if the information is incorrect. You are prompted for the configuration information again.

Using the Remote Configuration Manager

Run the configuration manager as described previously. Enter the command show device list to list all Cisco Secure Content Accelerator devices detected by the configuring computer.

Note   When the appliance is configured in the default two-port mode, the configuring computer must be connected via the "Server" port. If the appliance is configured to use one-port mode, the configuring computer must be connected via the "Network" port.

If only the new device is listed, attach the configuration manager and enter Privileged mode using the following command sequence, entering the appropriate IP address and netmask when prompted:

attach CS-macaddress must be assigned an ip address before attaching. Enter an IP address for CS-macaddress: Enter the netmask for CS-macaddress (suggested netmask):

If more than one device is listed, attach the configuration manager and enter Privileged mode by using the following command sequence, entering the appropriate IP address and netmask when prompted:

on CS-macaddress attach CS-macaddress must be assigned an ip address before attaching. Enter an IP address for CS-macaddress: Enter the netmask for CS-macaddress (suggested netmask):

In either case, macaddress is the hyphen-delimited MAC address of the device. A netmask is suggested. The following prompt appears.

Would you like to use the QuickStart wizard for CS-ipaddress? (y/n):

(The IP address is the same as the one you assigned to the device.) Type y to continue with the QuickStart wizard. Typing n launches the configuration manager. Go to "Using the QuickStart Wizard".

Using the QuickStart Wizard

Note   Screen text displayed in this section reflects that found in the QuickStart wizard for the remote configuration manager. Information for appropriate responses through all configuration manager methods is presented.

Read the opening screen information and respond to the prompt.

Would you like to use the QuickStart wizard to create an ssl-server? (y/n):

If you do not have a key and certificate available and do not wish to use a default key and certificate, enter n or q. If you have read and agree with the introductory information, enter y. The following text is be displayed:

Enter a name for your ssl-server:

Enter a name for the logical secure server ("ssl-server") you are configuring. The name is used for identification purposes only. (In this example, we name the server myServer.) If it already exists, you are asked to provide a different name.

Note   Secure server names can consist of Arabic numerals and upper- and lowercase alphabetic, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. Secure server names must begin with an alphabetic character and have a limit of 15 characters.

Enter the IP address for 'myServer':

This is the IP address of the real server to which the clear text should be sent.

Enter the SSL port [443]:

Enter the TCP service port for the appliance to monitor for secure connection requests. The default is 443, but you can specify a different number. You cannot specify a TCP service port already configured to the same IP address.

Enter the clear text port:

Enter the number of the TCP service port for the SSL appliance to use to send clear text to the server. If you specify TCP service port 80, you are warned that the port will be unavailable for non-SSL requests. (See Chapter 3 for a discussion of port blocking.) You can abort the current clear text port designation and enter a different TCP service port, or approve using TCP service port 80 for clear text.

You have completed TCP service port configuration of the logical secure server and are ready to specify a key to use.

CONFIGURE SSL-SERVER 'myServer' KEY SSL-server name : myServer Ip address : Secure Port : 443 Clear Port : 80 Each ssl-server is associated with a key. 1. Key is stored in a file on a disk. 2. Want to use an existing or default Key. Choose the option corresponding to your situation (1/2):
Note   If you are using a key created with an IIS or non-PEM-encoded key or certificate, use the default keys and certificates included with SSL device. After configuring the device with the QuickStart wizard, use the configuration manager to load your own certificate and key. See "Example: Setting up a Secure Server" in Chapter 5 and "SSL Configuration Command Set" in Appendix C.

If you have the key on disk or available via a URL, type 1.

Enter the name of the key for ssl-server 'myServer':

Enter the name to assign a key. This name is used for identification only.

Note   Key names can consist of Arabic numerals and upper- and lowercase alphabetic, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. Key names must begin with an alphabetic character and have a limit of 15 characters.

Enter PEM encoded X509 private key filename:

Enter the file name and path or the URL for the key as prompted. If the QuickStart wizard is unable to find or load the file, you receive an error message and are allowed to restart key assignment. After the key is properly loaded, configure the certificate as described below.

To use a key already loaded into the appliance (including defaults) rather than key on disk, type 2 when prompted to choose an option. All available keys are displayed. Enter the name of the key to use. If you enter an invalid key name, you receive an error message and are prompted to re-enter the key name.

After the key has been properly loaded, you are shown a summary and asked to configure a certificate.

CONFIGURE SSL-SERVER 'myServer' CERTIFICATE SSL-server name : myServer Ip address : Secure Port : 443 Clear Port : 80 Key name : default Each ssl-server is associated with a certificate. 1. Certificate is stored in a file on a disk. 2. Want to use an existing or default Certificate. Choose the option corresponding to your situation (1/2):

If you have the certificate on disk or available via a URL, type 1.

Enter the name of the certificate for ssl-server 'myServer':

Enter the name to assign the certificate. This name is used for identification only.

Note   Certificate names can consist of Arabic numerals and upper- and lowercase alphabetic, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. Certificate names must begin with an alphabetic or underscore character and have a limit of 127 characters.

Enter PEM encoded X509 private certificate filename:

Enter the file name and path or URL for the certificate as prompted. If the QuickStart wizard is unable to find or load the file, you receive an error message and are allowed to restart certificate assignment. After the certificate is properly loaded, configure a security policy as described below.

To use a certificate already loaded into the appliance (including default certificates) rather than certificate on disk, type 2 when prompted to choose an option. All available certificates are displayed. Enter the name of the certificate to use. If you enter an invalid certificate name, you receive an error message and are prompted to re-enter the certificate name.

Note   When using default keys and certificates, the certificate and key you choose must match. The pre-loaded "Default" and "Default-512" keys and certificates are interchangeable and can be used in combination. The "Default-1024" key and certificate must be used in conjunction. If you have entered a key and certificate that cannot be used together, you are asked to whether to re-enter the key and certificate. If you do not choose to re-enter the key and certificate, your choices are accepted, but the secure server is not configured correctly and will not function properly.

After the certificate has been properly loaded, you are shown a summary and asked to specify a security policy.

CONFIGURE SSL-SERVER 'myServer' SECURITY POLICY SSL-server name : myServer IP address : Secure Port : 443 Clear Port : 80 Key name : default Cert name : default You need to enter a security policy for ssl-server 'myServer'. To simplify the encryption algorithms, you have 3 options: strong - RSA key size of 1024, DES_SHA1, 3DES_SHA1, ARC4_MD5 and ARC4_SHA1 weak - RSA key size of 512, exp DES_SHA1, ARC2_MD5, ARC4_MD5 and ARC4_SHA1 default - RSA key size of 1024, ARC4_MD5, ARC4_SHA1 and exp ARC4_MD5, ARC4_SHA1, MD5

ARC4 is compatible with RC4™ RSA Data Security; ARC2 is compatible with RC2™ RSA Data Security.

Enter the security policy for ssl-server 'myServer' [default]:

At the prompt, enter the name of the security policy to use. The "strong" policy includes the most secure algorithms. The "weak" policy algorithms are less secure and appropriate for export use. The "default" policy algorithms are those most commonly used. See Chapter 3 for more algorithm information. If you enter an invalid security policy name, you receive an error message and are prompted to re-enter the name.

After the name of the security policy is accepted, you are prompted to verify the logical secure server configuration.

SSL-SERVER 'myServer' SUMMARY The following SSL-server will be created: SSL-server name : myServer IP address : Secure Port : 443 Clear Port : 80 Key name : default Cert name : default Security Policy name : strong Is the above information correct? (y/n) :

If the information is correct, type y. The logical secure server you have configured is created. If you type n, the server configuration process restarts using the current secure server.

Would you like to use the QuickStart wizard to create another ssl-server? (y/n):

Type y to begin the server configuration process again with a new server. Type n to set a configuration (enable) password for the device.

SETUP CONFIGURATION PASSWORD PROTECTION Would you like to set a password to protect configuration of the SSL-R? (y/n):

Type y, and enter a password. Re-enter it to confirm.

You must set an enable password for the device to ensure its configuration security. The password you enter is not displayed.

Would you like to set a name for this device? (y/n/q):

Type y, and enter a name for the SSL appliance.

A default gateway is needed to connect outside of your local subnet. Would you like to set a default gateway for this device? (y/n/q): y Enter a default gateway for this device:

A default gateway is needed for the device to connect outside of the local subnet. Type y, and enter the IP address at the prompt.

A summary screen shows information about the device, keys, certificates, security policies, and the logical secure servers configured on it.

SCA myDevice Keys ----------------------------------- Name Id RC V ----------------------------------- default 1 0 Y default-512 2 0 Y default-1024 3 0 Y Certificates ---------------------------------------------------------- Name Id RCCG RCPS V ---------------------------------------------------------- default 1 0 0 Y default-512 2 0 1 Y default-1024 3 0 0 Y Certificates *no certificate list entries* Certificate groups *no certificate group list entries* Security Policies ------------------------------------------ Name Id RC Policy List ------------------------------------------ default 1 0 ARC4-MD5,ARC4-SHA,EXP-ARC4-MD5,EXP-ARC4-SHA
NULL-SHA,EXP-DES-CBC-SHA SSL Servers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Secure SSL IP KC PKey Secpolicy Id Plaintext IP Cert CA Group ---------------------------------------------------------------------- myServer Y myKey strong 001 myCert

The list of keys includes all those loaded into the device. The columns and their descriptions are shown in the table below.

Column Description


The number of the key as loaded into the device

RC (Reference Count)

The number of logical secure servers using the key

V (Validity)

The validity of the key as loaded into the device

The list of certificates includes all certificates loaded into the device. The columns and their descriptions are shown in the table below.

Column Description


The number of the certificate as loaded into the device

RCCG (Reference Count Certificate Group)

The number of certificate groups using the certificate

RCPS (Reference Count Proxy Server)

The number of SSL servers using the certificate

V (Validity)

The validity of the certificate as loaded into the device; "Y" indicates the certificate is valid, "N" indicates the certificate is invalid

The list of security policies includes all those configured on the device. The columns and their descriptions are shown in the table below.

Column Description


The name of the security policy


The number of the security policy as loaded into the device

RC (Reference Count)

The number of SSL servers using the security policy


The names of the individual cryptographic schemes associated with each security policy

The list of SSL servers includes all those configured on the device. The columns and their descriptions are shown in the table below.

Column Description


The name of the SSL server


The number of the SSL server as loaded into the device

Secure SSL IP

The IP address and TCP service port to monitor for SSL transaction requests

Plaintext IP

The IP address and TCP service port used to send decrypted SSL traffic to the server


The validity of the key and certificate pair assigned to the SSL server; "U" indicates the key or certificate is not defined, "Y" indicates the key and certificate match, "N" indicates the key and certificate do not match


The name of the private key assigned to the SSL server


The name of the certificate assigned to the SSL server


The name of the security policy assigned to the SSL server

CA Group

The name of the certificate chain, if one has been assigned to the server

You are asked whether to save the configuration to flash memory.

Would you like to save your configuration to flash? (y/n):

If you type y, you will be asked to wait while the configuration is saved to flash, and the QuickStart wizard finishes. If you type n, the QuickStart wizard finishes.

Caution   If the configuration is not saved to flash memory, the configuration is lost during a power cycle or when the reload command is used.

Using the QuickStart Wizard with a Configured Appliance

If you wish to run the QuickStart wizard for a previously configured Cisco Secure Content Accelerator, follow these steps:

    1. Initiate a management session and start the configuration manager as described previously.

    2. Use the appropriate method to attach to the device (remote management only), depending upon the number of devices in the list returned by the show device list command.

    3. Enter Privileged mode.

    4. Enter the command quick-start. If multiple devices are in Privileged mode, enter on devname quick-start, where devname is the name of the device (remote only).

    5. Go to "Using the QuickStart Wizard".

Posted: Mon Aug 19 21:59:20 PDT 2002
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