
Table of Contents

Upgrading to VNS 3.0 Software

Upgrading to VNS 3.0 Software

An upgrade from VNS 2.1 to VNS 3.0 software is performed in several steps. Since the port record structure has changed in the VNS 3.0 database with the addition of configurable cause codes (see the PBX type field in the section Port Information in Chapter 7), the upgrade procedure has to convert the database format as well as load the new software.

The upgrade procedure involves taking the standby VNS in a redundant pair off-line. The user will need to schedule a maintenance window of at least 5 hours when performing the upgrade. During the upgrade, there will not be a redundant VNS. You should carefully schedule this upgrade.

The upgrade from VNS 2.1 to VNS 3.0 software follows this sequence:

Performing an Upgrade to VNS 3.0

To upgrade both VNSs in a VNS redundant pair to VNS 3.0 software VNS, follow these steps:

The first 7 steps determine which is the standby VNS in the redundant pair, then shut it down.

Step 1 Log in to one of the VNSs in a redundant pair.

Step 2 Start the VNS CLI.

Step 3 From the VNS CLI main menu, select option 3, Modify an Entry. (The Modify an Entry submenu, which is identical to the Add an Entry submenu, will appear.)

Step 4 From the Modify an Entry submenu, select option 12, More VNS Info and Redundancy Info. (A More VNS Info and Redundancy menu appears.)

Step 5 Search through these records until you find the record with the VNS Operation Role of 2 which indicates that VNS is the standby unit.

In this procedure, since the role of active and standby will change between the two VNSs, this VNS will not be referred as VNS A; the currently active VNS will be referred to as VNS B.

Step 6 On VNS A's VNS Info and Redundancy Info menu set the Admin Status to 4 (shutdown).

Step 7 Tab down to Enter `c' to commit changes or `q' to quit [ ] field. Enter c to commit the record. The VNS process will shut down after the grace period.

The next 2 steps (Step 7 and Step 8) copy the new software tar file onto the VNS.

Step 8 FTP the tar format software release to /tmp onto VNS A.

Note Software releases are made available through Cisco Customer Service. Contact Cisco Customer Service to find the location of the FTP server containing the VNS software.

Step 9 Untar the file:

tar xvf VNS_QSIG3.0.tar

This will create a directory QSIG3.0 in the /tmp directory.

The next 2 steps (step 10 and step 11) prepare to VNS 2.1 database on VNS A to be replaced by the VNS 3.1 database format.

Step 10 Remove the VNS 2.1 database:

rm -rf /usr/db_21

Step 11 Move current VNS 2.1 database into /usr/db_21 directory:

mv -f /usr/vns/db /usr/db_21

The next step (step 12) uninstalls the VNS 2.1 software:

Step 12 Execute the vsn_uninstall script to uninstall VNS 2.1 software:


The next step (step 13) installs the VNS 3.0 software:

Step 13 Execute the VNS_install script. You have to choose whether you are installing QSIG or AT&T 4ESS software:

./VNS_install qsig 8.2.5 or ./VNS_install 4ess 8.2.5

Where qsig for 4ess is the Stack Type (the protocol) of the software you are installing and it is followed by the switched software release running in your network. 8.2.5 is the default switched software release, but your network could also be running 8.5.0. If you do not enter the stack type (qsig or 4ess) and the switched software release (8.2.5 or 8.5.0), you will receive an error message. The error message, which prompts you to enter the missing information, will be similar to the following:

Wrong Stack Name provided. Must enter 'qsig' OR '4ess'.

The next step (step 14) converts the database to the VNS 3.0 format.

Step 14 Execute the vns_convert script to convert the database:

vns_convert /usr/db_21 /usr/vns/db

The next steps (step 15 and step 16) shut down the active VNS (VNS B) and bring up VNS A with the VNS 3.0 software

Step 15 Log into VNS B (that is, the VNS on which you did not load VNS 3.0 software) and shut it down, by repeating step 3 through step 7.

Caution Make sure to leave VNS B in the shutdown state. If both VNSs become active before one is up and running VNS 3.0 software, you could get them in a database mismatch state.

Step 16 Reboot the VNS A on which you just loaded VNS 3.0 software.

sync, sync, reboot

VNS A will now come up with VNS 3.0 software and a VNS 3.0 database.

Step 17 Before proceeding, test VNS A. Run the VNS CLI and make sure that this VNS is able to make calls.

The next steps (step 18 to step 22) load the VNS 3.0 software on VNS B, which you shut down in step 15.

Step 18 FTP the tar format software release to /tmp onto VNS B.

Step 19 Untar the file:

tar xvf VNS_QSIG3.0.tar

This will create a directory QSIG3.0 in the /tmp directory.

Note You won't have to convert the VNS 2.1 database on VNS B because when it comes up, it will be updated by VNS A with the VNS 3.0 database that is now active.

Step 20 Execute the vns_uninstall script on VNS B to uninstall VNS 2.1 software:


The next step installs the VNS 3.0 software on VNS B:

Step 21 Execute the VNS_install script. You have to choose whether you are installing QSIG or AT&T 4ESS software:

./VNS_install qsig 8.2.5 or ./VNS_install 4ess 8.2.5

As described in step 13, you must enter the Stack Type (qsig or 4ess) and the switched software release (8.2.5 or 8.5.0) to run the VNS_install script.

Step 22 After the VNS 3.0 software is loaded on VNS B, make sure that VNS A is active, then reboot this VNS B:

sync, sync, reboot

VNS B will startup and receive a database update from the active VNS A.

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