This chapter describes periodic maintenance procedures, troubleshooting procedures, and the replacement of major parts for the MGX 8220.
Caution For protection against shock hazard, verify both power cords are disconnected before servicing the unit.
Caution Vergewissern sie sich, däss beide Netzkäbel vom Gerät getrennt sind, bevor Sie mit den Wärtungsärbeiten beginnen.
Caution Pour iviten tout danger, dibrancher les deux cordons d'alimentation avant toute intervention de maintenance sur cet equipement.
Preventive Maintenance
Most monitoring and maintenance of the MGX 8220 shelf is done using the operating system software. Preventive maintenance of the MGX 8220 shelf hardware is minimal.
1. Periodically check the node supply voltage and internal cabinet temperature. The temperature should not exceed 50\xb0 C.
2. Periodically check the event log with the dsplog command.
3. Periodically check the network alarm status with the dspalms command.
4. Ensure that the cooling unit intake grills and the exhaust plenum are clear.
Troubleshooting the MGX 8220 Shelf
This section describes basic troubleshooting steps to be taken for some of the more obvious node failures. (See Table 8-1.) This is not an exhaustive set of procedures, and does not take into account any of the diagnostic or network tools available to troubleshoot the MGX 8220 shelf. See Chapter 5, "Service Configuration," for information on commands and command usage.
General Troubleshooting Procedures
The MGX 8220 shelf run self-tests continuously to ensure proper function. When the unit finds an error condition that affects its operation, it downs the card or line that is affected. If it is caused by a card failure and there is a redundant card, the failed card is downed and the standby card becomes the active card.
The fail lights on the cards indicate that the system has found these cards defective in some mode, and now considers them as failed cards. See Table 8-1to find the cause and obtain information on replacing the failed component.
Table 8-1 Troubleshooting the MGX 8220 Shelf Node
Probable Cause
No front panel LEDs are lighted.
Circuit breakers on the MGX 8220 shelf power entry modules switched off.
Press the black button on the power entry modules to switch on the circuit breakers. If a problem persists, pull all cards and power supplies out to see if a shorted card or supply exists.
MGX 8220 shelf power cord plug disconnected from AC supply.
Reconnect power cord.
Card front panel FAIL LED lit.
Card failed self-test.
Check status of card at control console entering the dspcds screen. If the alarm is confirmed, try the card reset (resetcd command). Finally, remove and replace the card.
Card STBY LED on.
Card is off-line.
Not a problem as long as a primary card is active.
BNM major or minor LED on.
Service-affecting (major) or nonservice affecting (minor) system fault.
Check event log to identify problem reported.
Network trunk failed.
Observe port LEDs on each BNM. Use control console dsplnto locate failure.
Internal temperature is higher than normal resulting from blocked air flow or defective fan.
Check front of cooling assembly for freedom of air flow. Replace the assembly that might have failed or slowed. Check free air flow in plenum chamber, remove blockage if necessary.
If no other alarm indications, a fault occurred in the past but has been cleared.
Column CardState indicates the status of the card in the card in that slot.
Active indicates when a card has become active.
Empty indicates that the active ASC does not recognize that a card is installed in that slot.
Standby indicates that a card is in standby.
Mismatch indicates that there is some condition that does not allow the active ASC to complete the initialization of the card in the slot.
Failed indicates that the card has failed the initialization and configuration.
Unknown indicates that the active ASC was not able to identify the card installed in the slot.
Column CardType indicates the type of card that is installed in that slot.
Column CardAlarm indicates if any major or minor alarms exist for that slot.
Column Redundancy indicates if the redundancy state has changed.
The output from the dspcds command is a two screen display—First screen displays the card status and the second screen displays the backplane and node information.
NodeName: axis_sh1
Date: 01/15/1998
Time: 14:14:40
TimeZone: PST
TimeZoneGMTOff: -8
shelfIntegratedAlarm: Minor
BkplnSerialNum: 135797
BkplnType: 1
BkplnFabNumber: 218412-00
BkplnHwRev: bb
Syntax : dspcds
The AXIS shelf controller (ASC) maintains a set of log files, which contain the messages logged by the ASC and the individual service modules. The logs are stored on the ASC hard disk. There are five logs, each log contains the events for one day. The logs are rotated daily, therefore there should always be events for five days. Each log file contains information about configuration changes and errors that occurred in the shelf on a particular day. The commands used by the user to change the configuration are also logged in these log files.
Note Each file has a maximum size of 1.4 MB. When a day's log exceeds 1.4 MB, the last entry in the log
is overwritten each time a new message is logged. This process is repeated until a new file is created
the next day.
The log file can be displayed only from the command-line interface (CLI). The CLI command used to display the log is dsplog.
dsplog (slot#) | (slot# day offset)
The day offset means offset from today.
Examples: dsplog 7 1 would display the events for slot 7 that occurred yesterday.
dsplog 12 3 would display the events for slot 12, 3 days ago.
dsplog 5 would display the events for slot 5 today.
dsplog displays all the logs starting from the most current and proceeding backwards.
Each line of the log display is one log entry in the following fixed format:
01/21/1998-08:34:36 5 cmm 4024 FRSM going active
Displayed Log Message Format
The messages logged are displayed in the following syntax:
The slot number of the card that logged this message.
Task Name/User Id
Name of the task that logged this message, or if it is command log then specifies the user ID.
Log Code
Numeric value that specifies the log code.
Log String
The log string associated with the log code.
Log Specific information
Addtional information on the specific instance of this log.
For example, if a line is in LOS, the line number is displayed.
Sample log messages:
Searching ..done
04/09/1998-13:57:46 7 clt 6050 Channel in alarm : LCN #21
04/09/1998-15:33:26 7 SuperUser 0 addln 4
04/09/1998-14:29:22 8 talarm 4057 Line Rx LOF alarm on : line: 8
Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
Log Codes
The log codes used in the log messages are broadly classified as shown in Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Log Code Ranges for Various Cards
Log Code Range
Module Logging Messages
Not Used
ASC Log Codes
Table 8-3 ASC Log Codes
Error Number
Display Log String
Detail Description
Out of Heap Space
SCM task is running out of heap space, malloc failed.
Sar Operation Failed
Failed to enable, disable, or send data on an LCN. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure and the LCN number are displayed.
Switch Over Failed
Not used.
Queue Error
Encountered Data queue overflow error while queuing data. The particular card index is also displayed.
Unknown number
Error occurred while sending a Frame. Unrecognizable Frame type.
Seq_num not match
Not used.
Out of xmt buffer
Error occurred due to shortage of transmit buffers in the SCM. Information describing the specific instance is also displayed.
Msg queue rcv/send
Failed to receive/send message from/to the message queue.
Unknown card
Invalid card slot number conveyed by the slave. Information describing the specific instance is also displayed.
Invalid alarm type
Not used.
Creating semId fail
Error occurred while creating a semaphore.
Tx mgmbuf ret twice
Same management transmit buffer returned twice as a free buffer.
Tx mgmbuf alloc twice
Same buffer allocated twice from the management-free buffers pool.
All self test results are cleared
All self-test counters and results have been cleared.
Self test failed; card is reset
Self-test failed on the card and the card has been reset.
Bad shelf slot num
Invalid shelf slot number encountered. Information regarding the specific instance is also displayed.
Unknown aum msg
Unknown message type received while processing the messages from BNM.
Unknown scm msg
Unknown message type from SCM. Information regarding the type, source, and destination of the message is also displayed.
Array out of bounds
Not used.
General error
Some general error occurred, for example invalid slot number, ASC disk read/write error, checksum failure, bad unexpected response, malloc errors, or send/receive failures. Information describing the specific instance is also displayed.
Standby BRAM download err
Failed to download the firmware to the card.
Slave failed ack
No ACK received from the slave.
Slave ack timeout
Error occurred while sending messages through message queues to other tasks. No response to the messages sent.
Aum arbit err
Not used.
Malloc err
Failed to allocate memory. Running out of memory space.
msg data err
Invalid message received or message missing some information.
err from msg rcv call
Invalid message received from another task.
no response
Failed to receive response from another task in a particular amount of time, especially while trying to propagate the change in the card state to other tasks.
Standby card firmware update, as active card firmware revision is higher than the standby revision.
Standby firmware update when active is native to shelf and standby is not native.
switch reason
Standby card has been allowed to gain mastership as the firmware revision in the standby card is higher than the active firmware.
switch reason
Standby card has been allowed mastership because the active was not native to shelf and the standby was native to shelf.
switch reason
Not used.
Overrides do not change standby if standby firmware revision is Release 2 or Release 3.
switch reason
Standby card has been allowed mastership because standby firmware version is higher than active.
SMM-related information regarding the card state and other information useful for debugging and administration has been logged.
communication up, slot
Message received, which states that an SM card is responding while polling. Additional information about the slot number and the card state is also displayed.
communication down, slot
Message received, which states that an SM card is not responding while polling.
card inserted, slot
SM card insertion detected while monitoring the slot states of the shelf.
card removed, slot
SM card removal detected while monitoring the slot states of the shelf.
SM card state change
Message received, which reports the change in card state. Information about the present card state is also displayed.
Both Mastership Asserted, cardState
Both cards have asserted mastership state.
Major Alarm: Connections exist on removed SM
Connections exist on the removed SM card and a major alarm has been logged.
Clear Alarm: Connections exist on removed SM
Clear the alarm caused by the switchover of a card with existing connections by a new card.
card ready de asserted, slot n
SM card failure detected. Additional Information about the slot number is displayed.
standby F/W update failed
Error occurred while updating the firmware version in the standby card. Operation incomplete.
BERT informational
Error occurred in a BERT-related module. Additional information describing the specific instance of error is displayed.
Unable to spawn ascSrmDetectedTask
Error occurred while spawning the SRM detected task.
Error in srm common task message
Invalid message received from the SRM task. Additional information describing the specific instance of the error is displayed.
SRM peer mismatch detected
Type mismatch between the active and the redundant service module card types.
SRM config. mismatch detected
Type mismatch between the active and the redundant card configurations.
SRM card failed
SRM card failure detected. Additional information about the card is also displayed.
switchcc reason
Standby ASC card has been allowed mastership, because the active ASC does not have an SRM card. Additional information describing the specific instance is displayed.
Q not present
Error occurred while accessing the ATM message queue. Failed to get the number of messages in the queue.
atmRx task spawn fail
Failed to spawn the ATM receiver task.
error in recv msg Q
Error occurred while receiving message from the ATM message queue.
PDU received bigger than 2032
The length of the PDU received through the ATM receive queue exceeds the maximum value.
snmp pdu auth parse err
Authentication in SNMP PDU failed while parsing.
snmp varbind parse err
Failed trying to parse varbinds in SNMP PDU.
mgmt buffer shortage
Not used.
SR agent gen err
SNMP PDU to be forwarded to the agent failed authentication.
destination of PDU unknown
Not used.
err making varbind for trap PDU
Not used.
unable to open SNMP-161 port
Error occurred while opening the SNMP UDP port 161.
unable to bind SNMP-161 port
Error occurred while binding the SNMP UDP port 161.
message recv call
generated error
General NMIM error occurred like malloc failure, message queue send/receive failure, and so on. Additional information describing the specific instance is displayed.
sendto - call err, or did not xmt all data
Failed to transmit the IP data packet. System call error or failed to transmit all the data.
executing STANDBY card code, wrong thread
Executing wrong thread. STANDBY card code has been executed.
local IP address not programmed
No interface has been configured with a local IP address.
receive size error
Failed to receive the SNMP PDU. System call error.
tx data size error
Invalid packet data length. Packet cannot be sent.
error number =
General NMIM error occurred, for example, queue send failure, bad source address, and authentication failure.
general error
Not used.
msg send error
Failed to send a message to another task through a message queue.
LCN out of range
Not used.
xmt buffer not available
Failed to send an OAM cell. Transmit buffers not available.
xmt failure
Error occurred while transmitting the OAM cell. SAR transmit queue is full.
cell type error
Invalid OAM cell type.
msg rcv error
Error occurred while receiving a message from another task through a message queue.
rcv failure
Error occurred while receiving an OAM cell from the SAR module.
VC table full
The OAM VC table if full. Cannot accept one more entry.
VC entry not found
Not used.
VC state error
OAM VC table is not in the expected state to execute the particular command from another task.
unknown command
Unknown OAM command received from another task.
AUM LCN list ptr is 0
OAM cell missing the list of LCNs.
AUM req send AIS again
BNM (AUM) has sent the command to send the AIS cells for the same VC, again.
Receive Queue Error
LMI task failed to receive a message sent by another task through a message queue.
Transmit Queue Error
LMI task failed to transmit a message to another task through a message queue.
Bad Source ID
Message received from an unknown source through a message queue. Bad source ID.
Bad Destination ID
Message not meant for LMI task has been received through a message queue. Bad destination ID.
Bad Slot number
Message received from another task refers to an invalid slot number.
Invalid message
Invalid message received from another task.
Received PDU too long
Size of the PDU received from the SCM message queue exceeds the maximum length.
No tx buffers available
Error occurred while sending LMI PDUs to SCM. Transmit buffers not available.
Invalid LCN number. LCN exceeds the maximum value or it is below zero.
Minor Alarm: LM failure
LMI module failure triggered a minor alarm.
Clear Alarm: LMI failure
Cleared the minor alarm caused by LMI failure. LMI port is up.
Conn Status Req failure
Failed to get the connection status of the SM cards.
Bad Prefix Port Received
Received an invalid address prefix registration message.
Bad Prefix (pre-existing) received
Not used.
Bad ATM address received
ATM address received for registering/deregistering/clearing the port prefix is invalid.
No system memory available
Insufficient system memory. Failed to malloc.
Bad maximum LCN number
Invalid maximum LCN number encountered while processing SCM messages.
Bad LCN counter
Invalid LCN number encountered.
Bad VPI counter
Invalid VPI number encountered while processing SCM messages.
Bad start and more bits
Invalid start and more bits.
Failed to malloc
Malloc failed. LMI task running out of memory.
ACRED: Could not send MSG to SM
Failed to send a message to SM. Additional information describing the particular instance is displayed.
General ACRED error. Additional information describing the specific instance is displayed.
ACRED: Informational
Information useful for debugging and maintenance that describes the critical control flow, has been logged.
ACRED: Memory corruption in system
Memory corruption occurred in the system.
ACRED: State Time out
Timed out in a particular state after several retries. Moved to failed state.
ACRED: Wrong msg rcvd
Invalid message received from another task. Additional information describing the specific instance is displayed.
ACRED: Download BRAM Failed
Failed to download BRAM from ASC to SM.
ACRED: Upload BRAM Failed
Error occurred while uploading the SM configuration file to the ASC disk.
BNM Log Codes
Table 8-4 BNM Log Codes
Error Number
Display Log String
Detail Description
Received message length not correct for message type
Length of the message received from another task is invalid for the message type.
Unknown message type from SMM task
Received a message of unknown type from the SMM task.
Unknown message type from SCM task
Received a message of unknown type from the SCM task.
Unexpected message from a task
Received a message from an unknown source. Source ID is Invalid.
Misdirected message in AUM message queue
Received a message not destined for the BNM task.
Failure while trying to transmit message to VxWorks message queue
BNM task failed to send a message to another task through a VxWorks message queue.
Failure while trying to receive message from VxWorks message queue
BNM task failed to receive a message from another task through a VxWorks message queue.
Specified slot number is out of recognized range
Invalid slot number specified.
Specified shelf number is out of recognized range
Not used.
Specified LCN is out of range
Not used.
Invalid Core Card State specified
Core card state information specified by a message from another task is invalid.
Invalid Slot State specified
Slot reset state information specified by a message from another task is invalid.
Invalid signal name specified
Invalid signal name specified by the message from the SMM task.
Invalid signal state specified
Invalid signal state specified by the message from the SMM task.
Error in aumAddConn while rebuilding from BRAM
Error occurred while rebuilding connections from the BRAM. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
Internal FW Error. Access to unrecognized PIO port
Invalid PIO port specified to read from a device.
Internal FW Error. Access to unknown I/O port
Invalid device I/O port specified to read from a device.
Internal FW Error. Connection database corrupted
Not used.
Internal FW Error. LCN linked list corrupted
Error occurred while building the LCN list for OAM cells. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
Internal FW Error. Unrecognized AUM port
Invalid BNM (AUM) port.
Internal FW Error. Unrecognized clock source
Invalid mux clock source encountered while configuring clock mux.
Internal FW Error. Unrecognized clock mux
Invalid clock mux.
Internal FW Error. Unrecognized port number
Invalid port number encountered while enabling/disabling the line transmission function.
Internal FW Error. Unrecognized counter
Invalid counter number encountered.
Internal FW Error. ADC timeout
ADC error occurred. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
Internal FW Error. Unrecognized fan tray
Invalid fan tray number encountered.
HW Error. XILINX fails to respond to INIT signal
Not used.
HW Error. XILINX fails to respond with DONE signal
Error occurred while downloading Xilinx image. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
HW Error. XILINX Init pin went low during download
Error occurred while downloading Xilinx image.
HW Error. PLL failure (E3 port)
Not used.
HW Error. Invalid Front Card Type
Invalid front card type. BNM cannot stay in the active state.
HW Error. ADC Zero Calibration Error
ADC zero calibration error occurred.
HW Error. ADC Mid-range Calibration Error
ADC mid-range voltage calibration error occurred.
HW Error. BNM Card NOVRAM Checksum Error
BNM front card NOVRAM checksum error occurred.
HW Error. Backplane NOVRAM Checksum Error
BNM backplane NOVRAM checksum error occurred.
Cannot allocate memory:
Failed to allocate memory. BNM task running out of memory space.
Line clock update
Line clock updated.
Line clock changed to =
Line clock changed. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
Line alarm
Line alarm trap generated as the line alarm state bits changed.
Line statistical alarm
Line statistics alarm trap generated.
PLCP alarm
PLCP alarm trap generated as the PLCP alarm state bits changed.
PLCP statistical alarm
PLCP statistics alarm trap generated.
Function module alarm
Function module major alarm trap generated.
Line module alarm
Line module major alarm trap generated. Back card not present.
ASM alarm
Shelf major alarm trap generated.
BRAM Conn Update error in
Error occurred while updating BNM connection information on the BRAM.
BNM mastership change
Change in BNM card mastership state.
Mesg from ASC to set FWREADY =
Received a message from the SMM task to set the BNM firmware ready.
Line configuration does not match with BNM card
Line configuration mismatch occurred with the BNM card.
BNM cardType of the other card set does not match
Card type of the standby BNM card does not match with the active card type.
BNM cardType =
Information about the BNM card type.
BNM Initialization error,
Error occurred while initializing BNM. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
BNM incompatible module,
BNM incompatibility error.
BNM FPGA Download Error,
Error occurred while downloading image from FPGA. Additional information regarding the specific instance is displayed.
BNM Init Info:
Information useful for debugging/administration purposes.
SRM Log Codes
Table 8-5 SRM Log Codes
Error Number
Display Log String
Detail Description
Fail to allocate a semaphore ID
Failed to create a VxWorks semaphore while initializing SRM control structures.
Line Configuration Failure
Failed to configure a line. The particular port number is also displayed.
Unable to get a message from the message queue
Error occurred while receiving a message by another task through the message queue.
Misdirected message in SRMT message queue
Message not intended for the SRM task has been received through the message queue.
Received message length not correct for message type
Length of the message received through the message queue is invalid for the particular message type.
Invalid Core card state specified
Not used.
Unexpected message from a task
Received a message from unknown source. Source ID is invalid.
Unknown message type from SMM task
Received a message of unknown type from the SMM task.
Cannot allocate memory:
Failed to allocate memory. SRM task running out of memory space.
Fail to load ENCODER 0
Failed to load SRM FPGA encoder 0.
Fail to load ENCODER 1
Failed to load SRM FPGA encoder 1.
Fail to load ENCODER 2
Failed to load SRM FPGA encoder 2.
Fail to load DECODER 0
Failed to load SRM FPGA decoder 0.
Fail to load DECODER 1
Failed to load SRM FPGA decoder 1.
Fail to load CLOCK
Failed to load SRM FPGA clock control.
Fail to load FPGA
Failed to load FPGA image.
Invalid PIO Number
Invalid device I/O port specified to read from a device.
Invalid PIO PORT Number
Invalid PIO port specified to read from a device.
Line interface is not ready
Not used.
Too many XFEAC requests
Too many far-end loopback requests have been received.
The FE Lpbk line number is invalid
Invalid far-end loopback line number encountered while processing the loopback requests.
E3 is not supported
Card type E3 is not supported.
Line is in alarm
Not used.
Unknown current state
Current state of the SRM card is unknown.
Configured from BRAM
Loading SRM configuration from the BRAM.
Configured with default value
SRM card configuration in the BRAM is invalid. Using default SRM configuration.
Line configuration is incorrect
Invalid line configuration. Switching to the standby state.
Unable to initialize HW
Hardware initialization failed. Fail LED is turned on.
Enter into a dead end state
SRM task has entered a dead end state.
Unknown core card state message from SMM
Core card state message received from the SMM task through the message queue is invalid.
Access BRAM failed
Access to BRAM failed. Additional information regarding the address, size, and offset of the read/write operation is displayed.
Fail to access the remote BRAM
Access to a remote BRAM failed.
Clear configuration
SRM card configuration in the BRAM is cleared. BRAM configuration is no longer valid.
Unable to break a T1 connection inside I-Cube
Unable to break a T1 connection inside the I-Cube.
Unable to make a T1 Connection inside I-Cube
Unable to make a T1 connection inside the I-Cube.
Invalid SM slot number
Invalid service module slot number encountered.
Invalid DS3 configuration pointer
DS3 configuration pointer is invalid, possibly null.
Line in alarm state
Line major/minor/clear alarm trap generated and sent to the manager.
Loss of clock
Loss of line interface clock.
Receive a FEAC from a far end
Received a FEAC from a far end. The line number through which it is received is displayed.
Fail to get an SRM Image from GRAM
Failed to download the SRM image from the GRAM.
Fail to download I-Cube Image
Failed to download the I-Cube image.
AUSM Log Codes
Table 8-6 AUSM Log Codes
Error Number
Display Log String
Detail Description
Hardware Error
Hardware errors that were encountered by the card.
Message Rx Error
Message sent by the ASC to the SM is not a data frame. SM is expecting an auto card Request.
Message Tx Error
Error while trying to respond to ASC auto card request.
Other OS Error
Error when OS calls fail. Specific area of failure is displayed.
Unknown Message Received
Card manager received an unknown message. The message that is expected is displayed.
Error in Getting Semaphore
Error while trying to get semaphore. The semaphore details are displayed.
Backcard Missing
Backcard was missing when the card came up.
Unknown Backcard Type
AUSM is unable to recognize back card.
Mismatch Backcard
This is not the correct back card for this AUSM card.
AUSM going active
AUSM card becoming active.
AUSM going to standby
AUSM card going to standby.
Backcard is removed
Backcard was removed.
Backcard is inserted (causing a reset)
Backcard was inserted or already present.
Channel in alarm
Channel has gone into an alarm. The channel number is displayed.
Channel out of alarm
Channel has come out of an alarm. The channel number is displayed.
Port out of alarm
Port has come out of an alarm. The port number is displayed.
Port in alarm
Port has gone into an alarm. The port number is displayed.
Line alarm off
Line has come out of an alarm. The line number is displayed.
Line Rx LOS alarm on
Line number displayed is in receive LOS alarm.
Line Rx AIS alarm on
Line number displayed is in receive AIS alarm.
Line Rx LOF alarm on
Line number displayed is in receive LOF alarm.
Line Rx RAI alarm on
Line number displayed is in receive RAI alarm.
Invalid ILMI Community String Received
SNMP community string received through the ILMI interface is invalid. The received community string is also displayed.
ILMI ASN1 Parse Error
Error while trying to parse the SNMP PDU received.
ILMI Invalid PDU Type
SNMP PDU received is unknown. PDU other than GET, SET, GET-NEXT, and TRAP.
Bad SNMP version number
SNMP version in the PDU received is bad.
ILMI - Authentication parse error
Unable to parse authentication received in SNMP PDU.
ILMI - Error Build/Send Get Request Packet
Error while trying to build SNMP GET/SET PDU.
ILMI - Error receiving msg
Unable to receive ILMI message.
ILMI - Error Build/Send Trap Packet
Error trying to build ILMI TRAP PDU.
ILMI - Trap Message Queue is full
ILMI trap message queue is full.
ILMI - Egress Queue enque failed
Error while trying to enque ILMI SNMP packet in egress ILMI queue.
ILMI - Cannot Create message queues
Unable to create message queue for ILMI task.
Failed to add a line
Failed to add line either due to invalid parameter or line already enabled. Addtional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Failed to delete a line
Line trying to be deleted does not exist.
Failed to modify a line
Line trying to be modified does not exist or modification of the parameter is not allowed.
Failed to add a port
Failed trying to add port. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Failed to add a channel
Failed trying to add channel. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Failed to delete a port
Failed trying to delete port. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Failed to delete a channel
Failed trying to delete channel. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Failed to modify a port
Failed to modify port. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Failed to modify a channel
Failed to modify channel. Additional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Command to SAR failed
Command issued to SAR failed.
Updating ASC MIB failed
Failed trying to update ASC MIB. Additional information describing the reason for ASC MIB is displayed.
Undoing channel config. failed
Failed while trying to undo channel configuration,. Undoing channel configuration because of ASC MIB updated failure.
Undoing delete with add chan failed
Failed while trying to undo delete channel (by adding the channel back). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing add with delete chan failed
Failed while trying to undo add channel (by deleting the channel). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing modify with modify chan failed
Failed while trying to undo modify channel. Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Added line
Line number added is displayed along with the log string.
Deleted line
Line number deleted is displayed along with the log string.
Modified line
Line number modified is displayed along with the log string.
Added port
Port number added is displayed along with the log string.
Deleted port
Port number deleted is displayed along with the log string.
Modified port
Port number modified displayed is along with the log string.
Added channel
Channel number added is displayed along with the log string.
Deleted channel
Channel number deleted is displayed along with the log string.
Modified channel
Channel number modified is displayed along with the log string.
Rate Control feature changed to
Rate control feature is changed. Whether it is turned on or off is displayed.
AUSM got time from ASC
AUSM received date and time from the ASC.
ASC request to go to default
AUSM received message from ASC to use default values for configuration.
AUSM using the default Config.
AUSM card is using default values for configuration parameters.
ASC sent slot number to SM
AUSM received slot information from ASC. Displays the slot number after validation.
Added Egress Queue
A new egress queue has been added. Egress queue number is displayed.
Deleted Egress Queue
An egress queue is deleted, queue number is displayed.
Modified Egress Queue
Egress queue is modified, queue number is displayed.
CSE decision not read
Cell DMA has not read the service decision for Egress queue servicing.
CSE Enable Failed
Cell service engine enable failed.
Invalid Connection Request
Connection request from CDMA is neither for VCC or VPC connection.
PLPP write FIFO full
Failed while trying to write to PLPP FIFO.
CDMA Exception
A CDMA exception has occurred.
Duplicate Connection Open
Found a duplicate entry while trying add to address translation table.
Unknown connection close
Did not find entry in address translation table for closing.
IBS queue full
Found IBS queue full while trying to enqueue cell.
ABR queue full
Found ABR queue full while trying to enqueue cell.
No free ingress data buffers
Could not find free buffer from ingress free data pool.
No free ingress ILMI buffers
Could not find free buffer from ingress ILMI free pool.
No free ingress OAM buffers
Could not find free buffer from ingress OAM-ree pool
cellDmaEnablePort Failed
Failed trying to enable CDMA for a port. Port number is displayed.
CDMA Ping Error
Cell DMA module is not responding.
Error from CDMA
Cell DMA reports error. Addtional information on the specific instance is displayed.
Cannot Load CDMA firmware
Unable able to load CDMA firmware.
Cell DMA Enable Failed
Failed to enabled cell DMA.
Foresight Enable Failed
Failed to start Fore Sight interrupt service routine.
PLPP FIFO overflow has occurred.
Failed to Add Egress Q
Failed to add egress queue to specified port.
Failed to modify Egress Q
Failed to modify egress queue parameters.
Failed to delete Egress Q
Deletion of egress queue failed.
BERT error
Error in BERT. Details on the specific instance of BERT failure is displayed.
AUSM out of xmt buffer
AUSM card is out of buffers, malloc failed.
Invalid value
Invalid value for parameters. Additional information on the specific parameter is displayed.
Undoing delete with add line failed
Failed while trying to undo delete line (by adding the line back). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing add with delete line failed
Failed while trying to undo add line (by deleting the line). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing modify with modify line failed
Failed while trying to undo modify line. Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing delete with add port failed
Failed while trying to undo delete port (by adding the port back). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing add with delete port failed
Failed while trying to undo add port (by deleting the port). Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Undoing modify with modify port failed
Failed while trying to undo modify port. Trying to undo because of ASC MIB update failure.
Updating BNM failed
Failed to update BNM. Addtional information describing the specific instance of failure is displayed.
Replacing Parts
After an alarm occurs, use the MGX 8220 shelf software to isolate the problem. If an MGX 8220 shelf part has failed, it must be replaced.
Caution Only authorized personnel should remove and replace parts on the MGX 8220 system.
Parts should be replaced by personnel who have taken Cisco training courses or have been trained by a qualified system manager. For assistance in diagnosing or replacing a failed part, contact Cisco TAC.
Save the electrostatic bag, foam, and carton. These packaging materials are needed to return the failed part to Cisco.
Replacing a Front Card
This section describes how to replace an MGX 8220 front card.
The MGX 8220 shelf front cards are
MGX 8220 shelf controller (ASC)
Broadband network module (BNM)
Service redundancy module (SRM)
Service modules
ATM inverse multiplexer network module (IMATM)
Caution Ground yourself before handling the MGX 8220 shelf cards by placing a wrist strap on your wrist and clipping the wrist strap lead to the cabinet.
When a card has failed, the red fail light for that card turns on. Before replacing it, check to see if the card needs to be reseated and check that the appropriate back card is correctly installed. After reseating the card, wait for it to run its self-tests to see if the active light comes on. If the card is seated correctly, but the fail light is still on, replace the card.
When replacing a card that has no redundant equivalent, the service provided by that card will be disrupted. Replacing a nonredundant ASC or BNM card brings down the entire shelf. Replacing a FRSM card brings down the channels that are serviced by that card.
To remove a front card, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Insert a small flathead screwdriver into the slot in the retaining tab and press until the latch springs open.
Step 2 Gently pull the card out of the card cage.
To install a front card, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Position the card guides over the appropriate slot at the top and bottom of the card cage.
Step 2 Gently slide the card all the way into the slot and press the retaining tab until it snaps into the vertical position.
Replacing a Back Card
Back cards are retained through two screws—one at the top of the faceplate and one at the bottom of the faceplate. Back cards contain very few active components (if any) and rarely need replacing.
To remove a back card, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Remove any cables connected to the back card.
Step 2 Use a flat screwdriver to unscrew the two retaining screws in the back card's faceplate.
Step 3 Pull the two extraction levers into the horizontal position. This will start the card extraction.
Step 4 Gently pull the card out of the card cage.
To install a back card, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Position the extraction levers so that they lie flush with the card's faceplate.
Step 2 Position the rear card guides over the appropriate slot at the top and bottom of the card cage.
Step 3 Gently slide the card all the way into the slot.
Step 4 Tighten the two captive screws on the back card's faceplate.
Tighten the upper and lower screws alternately to prevent misalignment of the card. Tighten the screws to secure the card. Do not overtighten.
Warning Cards must be inserted in the correct slot positions. This is particularly true with back cards. If service module back cards are inserted into slots intended only for ASC and/or BNM back cards (slots 1, 2, 3, and 4) damage to the card and backplane can result. If you accidentally attempt to insert a service module back card into slots 1, 2, 3, or 4 and have difficulty in operating the shelf, examine the backplane pins and the connector on the wrongly inserted back card to see if they have been bent or damaged.
Replacing a DC Power Entry Module
DC power entry modules (PEMs) contain few active components so they should rarely need replacement. Access is from the back of the shelf. To remove a PEM, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Press the red button on the power entry module you need to replace. This removes power from the module.
Step 2 Disconnect the 48V DC power cable from the module.
Step 3 Pull out the power entry module from its slot.
Step 4 Slide in the replacement module until its connector seats in its socket.
Step 5 Replace the 48V DC power cable.
Step 6 Press the black button on the power entry module until it latches in the IN position.
Replacing the Cooling, Booster, Plenum, and AC Power Assemblies
To replace the assembly, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Remove any cables at the rear of the assembly that connect to the shelf or other modules.
Step 2 Remove the screws attaching the assembly to the rack.
Step 3 Pull the assembly out of the rack.
Step 4 Slide the new assembly into the rack.
Step 5 Use the screws to attach the assembly to the rack.
Step 6 Reconnect the cables from the shelf or other modules to the new assembly.
Warning If you replace the cooling assembly with power applied to the shelf, you must work quickly to prevent heat buildup in the shelf, which could damage the cards.