
Table of Contents

System Files and Responses

System Files and Responses


Included in APS system files is a README file that describes installation steps and general operation information:

Access Product Supervisor (APS) ------------------------------- Before extracting the APS file set by "tar" from a tape or a tar file, make sure you have enough disk space (about 9 MB). There is no particular requirement about where the APS file set should locate and who the owner should be. The installation script will create a symbolic link at /usr/APS if necessary to point to the real APS location. Create a directory to contain the APS file set. Change the current working directory to the above directory and extract the APS file set by tar. The following is a sample of the above steps: mkdir /home/stratacom/APS (require 9 MB disk space) cd /home/stratacom/APS tar xvf /dev/tape (or, zcat aps.tar.Z | tar xvf -) If you are reading this README file on line, you have already done the above file extraction steps and you are right here. Installation Steps: ------------------- To install APS, change your current working directory to the directory where this README file locates and run install script "./aps_install". You need to be super-user (root) to install the product. This installation also requires HP OpenView be installed before. The installation process is logged in "/tmp/aps_install.log". Please check it for installation status. Three UDP port numbers are used by APS servers. The default values are defined in "/usr/APS/national/tables/". Please take a few minutes to register these services in the NIS database (if any) or file /etc/services to ensure they don't conflict with other servers in your system. APS programs will consult with the NIS database (if any) or /etc/services first to get the port number. The default port numbers defined in "/usr/APS/national/tables/" will be used only when the above services are not registered. Please verify that X.25 parameters, e.g. X.25 port number, defined in "/usr/APS/national/tables/aps.conf" are appropriate for your system. Please use your workstations' IP addresses as the SNMP managers' IP addresses by uncommenting the lines "#snmp_manager_ip =XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WW" in the above file. After you modify the file "/usr/APS/national/tables/aps.conf", please restart the APS alarm daemon by the following command: % su $ /usr/OV/bin/ovstop aps_ald $ /usr/OV/bin/ovstart aps_ald The above step is also required if you change the APS service port numbers. The APS directory tree structure is as follows: /usr/APS | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | alarm_files | bin bitmaps fields icons lrf national registration symbols | | | | | | app-defaults C C tables C C Brief Descriptions: ------------------- /usr/APS: (Possibly a symbolic link to) APS root directory; contains "aps_install" and "aps_uninstall" shell scripts and this "README" file; alarm_files: Scripts and log files generated by APS alarm daemon; app-defaults: Motif resource files; bin: APS executable programs and scripts; bitmaps/C: OVw bitmap registration files for APS; fields/C: OVw field registration files for APS; icons: Icon bitmap files; lrf: OVw local registration file for APS alarm daemon; national/tables: External string table files; can be used for internationalization purpose; registration/C: OVw application registration files for APS; symbols/C: OVw symbol registration files for APS; Executable Programs: -------------------- Executable programs and shell scripts are kept under /usr/APS/bin: aps: HP OpenView "Map Application", runs with ovw; aps_ald: Alarm daemon, started/stopped by ovstart/ovstop; APS installation script starts it as well using ovstart; it communicates with aps; aps_ft: File transfer program; started by aps when user selects ovw menu item "StrataCom->APS->File Transfer..."; aps_mon: Monitor daemon, handles polling, started/stopped by aps; it communicates with aps; aps_pw: Port window management program; started by aps when user selects ovw menu item "StrataCom->APS->Ports..."; SoftwareDownload: Shell script to download software using the batch mode support of the file transfer program; aps_term: Shell script to run a command in an Xterm and wait for user input; command_wait: Shell script to execute a command and wait until the user types <return>; rm_ovwobj: Utility program to remove APS objects from ovw; it is used by APS uninstallation script; Start up APS programs: ---------------------- At this point, you have successfully installed APS. Before launching the APS programs, make sure HP OpenView servers were started by: % /usr/OV/bin/ovstatus By looking at the output of the above command, you will find out the current status of each HP OpenView server. If there is any problem with any server, do the following to restart the HP OpenView servers: % su ( note: required if you are not root at this point. ) $ /usr/OV/bin/ovstop $ /usr/OV/bin/ovstart $ exit ( note: required if you are not root at this point. ) % /usr/OV/bin/ovstatus ( note: check server status again. ) After checking the status of HP OpenView servers, you can start the APS programs by: % /usr/OV/bin/ovw As mentioned in "Executable Programs" section, "Map Application" aps runs with ovw. When aps is started by ovw, aps starts aps_mon. Programs aps_ft and aps_pw are started in demand when user selects an ovw menu item. Daemon aps_ald is special here in the sense that it is still running even when user exits ovw program, which will end aps and aps_mon programs. Uninstall APS: -------------- You can uninstall APS by entering "/usr/APS/aps_uninstall" from directory "/usr". It requires super-user (root) permission to run the uninstallation script, which will unregister APS from HP OpenView and optionally remove all APS files as follows: * Stop APS alarm daemon aps_ald; * Clean up ovw database; * Remove ovw links; * Remove X11 resource links; * Inform ovw about the clean up; * Clean up /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf (may take 15 minutes); * Remove all APS files (optionally); Please check log file "/tmp/aps_uninstall.log" for uninstallation status.

Response to tar Command

When you extract APS files from the tape drive to the disk with the tar command, the screen displays the following:

x ./bin/aps, 2211840 bytes, 4320 tape blocks x ./bin/aps_ald, 106496 bytes, 208 tape blocks x ./bin/aps_ft, 2129920 bytes, 4160 tape blocks x ./bin/SoftwareDownload, 438 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./bin/aps_pw, 2629632 bytes, 5136 tape blocks x ./bin/aps_mon, 770048 bytes, 1504 tape blocks x ./bin/command_wait, 144 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./bin/aps_term, 745 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./bin/rm_ovwobj, 712704 bytes, 1392 tape blocks x ./app-defaults/Aps, 199 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./app-defaults/Apsft, 22036 bytes, 44 tape blocks x ./app-defaults/Apspw, 330 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./icons/apsft.xbm, 1880 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ./icons/apspw.xbm, 1880 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ./lrf/aps_ald.lrf, 69 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./registration/C/aps_app, 5484 bytes, 11 tape blocks x ./fields/C/aps_field, 22302 bytes, 44 tape blocks x ./symbols/C/aps_symbol, 592 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps.20.m, 488 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps.20.p, 488 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps.44.m, 1724 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps.44.p, 1724 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps_net.20.p, 461 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps_net.20.m, 455 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps_net.44.p, 1736 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ./bitmaps/C/aps_net.44.m, 1730 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ./national/tables/aps.msg, 1250 bytes, 3 tape blocks x ./national/tables/aps.conf, 38085 bytes, 75 tape blocks x ./national/tables/debug.conf, 36681 bytes, 72 tape blocks x ./national/tables/apsft.mes, 2455 bytes, 5 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 358 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 777 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 989 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 951 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 574 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 253 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 163 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ./national/tables/, 652 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ./national/tables/trapd.FastPADmp.conf, 173577 bytes, 340 tape blocks x ./aps_install, 15574 bytes, 31 tape blocks x ./aps_uninstall, 9730 bytes, 20 tape blocks x ./README, 6747 bytes, 14 tape blocks

Setting Sunlink X.25 Parameters

To configure a SunNet X.25 port to be connected to a FastPDmp, you must run /usr/sunlink/x25/x25config to reconfigure the kernel when installing SunNet X.25.

Enter parameter setting as shown below. If you need to reconfigure parameters after installation, /usr/sunlink/x25/edit.x25params is used to edit the file /usr/sunlink/x25/edit.x25paramsn, where n is the workstation port connected to the FastPAD network (see below). The configuration file itself has three parts: an interface section, a link section, nd an x25 packet level section.

Note The order of parameters within a section can vary.
rbl@sunfish-23>/usr/sunlink/x25/edit.x25params x25params2
you *should* be root to run this script. If you are not, you will not be able to update the necessary files. Continue anyway? (y/n) [y]: y Modifying ./x25params2. Use "?" at any prompt to obtain additional information. If you wnat to find out what the defaults are you can look in /usr/sinlink/x25/samples/x25params. You can run /usr/sinlink/x25/x25config -d ./x25params2 to find out what values will be used when the defaults have been applied.

Interface Section

Interface number [0]: 2
Note Enter "2" if connecting the FastPADmp to HSI port 0 (as receommended). The mapping is as follows:
0 - CPU port A on Sun-3/4 or SPARCstation
1 - CPU port B on Sun-3/4 or SPARCstation
2 - HSI/S port 0
3 - HSI/S port 1
4 - HSI/S port 2
5 - HSI/S port 3

Link Section

Link type (hdlc/llc)? [hdlc]: hdlc
Enter the baud rate of the physical line [9600]: 64000
HDLC poll timeout (ms) [default]: default
HDLC idletimeout (ms) [default]: default
HDLC busy timeout (ms) [default]: default
HDLC reject timeout (ms) [default]: default
HDLC ACK timeout (ms) [default]: default
HDLC max delay before ACK (ms) [default]: default
HDLC maximum frame size (ms) [default]: default
HDLC max number of retransmissions (ms) [default]: default
HDLC window size (ms) [default]: default
X.25 version (1980/1984)? [1984]: 1984
Enter the full X.121 address for link 2 (or "null" if none) [null]: null

Note The workstation is considered an "address-less" terminal in this application. The X.121 address associated with the FastPADmp port to which the workstation is connected is considered as the X.121 address of the APS station.
You entered a NULL X.121 address

X.25 Packet Level Section

X.25 default throughput (in bits per second)? [9600]: 9600
X.25 default packet size [default]: default
Perform flow control negotiation (y/n) [default]: default
Enter the range of incoming lcn or "empty" [empty]: empty
Enter the range of two-way lcn or "empty" [1-25]: 1-25
Enter the range of outgoing lcn or "empty" [empty]: empty
Enter the X.25 Call Request timeout (s) [default]: default
Enter the X.25 Reset Request timeout (s) [default]: default
Enter the X.25 Clear Request timeout (s) [default]: default
Enter the number of X.25 Restart Request retries [default]: default
Enter the number of X.25 Call Request retries [default]: default
Enter the number of X.25 Reset Request retries [default]: default
Enter the X.25 socket send space [default]: default
Enter the X.25 socket receive space [default]: default
Send D-bit in originated calls? (y/n) [default]: default
Exclude the DNIC in the called address for local calls? (y/n) [n]: n
The calling address is:
full: Send the complete X.121 (DNIC, NTN, and Subaddress).
no_dnic: Exclude the DNIC (i.e. send the NTN and Subaddress).
subaddress_only: Send only the subaddress.
Choose one of the above [full]: full
Prepend a prefix digit to calling and called addresses that have a DNIC? 9y/n) [n]: n Install (or update) ./x25params2? (y/n) [y]: y Saving original: ./x25 params2 => ./x25params2.530
./x25params2 installed. rbl@sunfish>

Installation Screen

When you enter aps_install, the system responds with:

______________________/ Access Product Supervisor (APS) Installation /______ ----------------------------------------------- Version 8.0-1.0.3 Copyright (c) 1995 StrataCom Inc. All rights reserved. You need to be super-user (root) to install APS. This installation also requires HP OpenView be installed before. Continue the installation [yes]: Linking "/usr/APS" to "/home/my_dir/APS"... Creating links for ovw registration files... Creating links for X11 resource files... Informing ovw about the new registration files, please wait... Merging trap configuration into OpenView... (old file --> trapd.conf.bak) Register aps_ald with ovspmd and starting aps_ald... Three UDP port numbers are used by APS servers. The default values are defined in "/usr/APS/national/tables/". Please take a few minutes to register these services in the NIS database (if any) or file /etc/services to ensure they don't conflict with other servers in your system. APS programs will consult with the NIS database (if any) or /etc/services first to get the port number. The default port numbers defined in "/usr/APS/national/tables/" will be used only when the above services are not registered. Please verify that X.25 parameters, e.g. X.25 port number, defined in "/usr/APS/national/tables/aps.conf" are appropriate for your system. Please use your workstations' IP addresses as the SNMP managers' IP addresses by uncommenting the lines "#snmp_manager_ip =XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WW" in the above file. After you modify the file "/usr/APS/national/tables/aps.conf", please restart the APS alarm daemon by the following command: % su $ /usr/OV/bin/ovstop aps_ald $ /usr/OV/bin/ovstart aps_ald The above step is also required if you change the APS service port numbers. APS installation completed. Please check log file "/tmp/aps_install.log" for installation status.

Example aps_conf File

Below is an example aps_conf file:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # aps.conf: configuration file of APS # # Please verify that X.25 parameters, e.g. X.25 port number, are # appropriate for your system. Please use your workstations' IP # addresses as the SNMP managers' IP addresses by uncommenting # the lines "#snmp_manager_ip =XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WW". # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2 fields, delimiter = 2 61 GENERAL_TABLE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MONITORING PARAMETERS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # X.25 # ---- ILinkX25Id =2 # Number of port on the X.25 HSI card used for the events # ICallTimeoutX25 =5 # Timeout (in seconds) for X.25 call # ISendTimeOutX25 =5 # Timeout (in seconds) for send X.25 data # IReceiveTimeOutX25 =5 # Timeout (in seconds) for receive X.25 data. # DATABASE # -------- # IDefaultPollingFrequency =10 # Default frequency of polling (in minutes) # STATE SERVER DATA # ----------------- CFlagBusyState =Y # N(NO:node displays UNREACHABLE) # Y(YES:node displays"FUNCTION BUSY") # SCHEDULER # --------- IMaxPollingRequests =20 # maximum count for simultaneous polling requests # CPollOnStartUp =Y # Polling active at startup of APS : N(NO) Y(YES) # CUsePollingDelay =Y # Use polling threshold: N(NO) Y(YES) # IPollingDelay =60 # Polling threshold (in seconds) # EVENTS # ------- CLogEvr00 =Y # store EVR family 0 : N(NO) Y(YES) # CAlarmToSNMP =Y # forward events as SNMP traps: N(NO) Y(YES) # UsMaxNumberVcs =5 # maximum count of simultaneous Virtual Circuits # LTimeOutRecept =30 # Timeout to clear VC on receive timeout (in seconds) # CUseDNICZO =N # Use DNICZO to identify the calling node N(NO) Y(YES) # apsctrl # ------- IProcessMonitorPeriod =60 # monitoring period for process(es) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2 fields, delimiter = 2 61 SNMP_TABLE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURE SNMP TRAPS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_offset =90000 # starting snmp number snmp_category =900 snmp_enterprise =. # Must uncomment the following lines and use your workstations' IP addresses #snmp_manager_ip =XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW #snmp_manager_ip =XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 6 fields, delimiter | 6 124 EVENT_TABLE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURE EVENTS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Entry Syntax for Events: <Family>|<Number> # <Family> and/or <Number> may be in decimal (e.g. "3:32") # or hex (e.g. "0x3|0x20") or mixed (e.g. "3|0x20") # or "ALL" or "NONE" # (Events _not_ specified have severity NORMAL. Values allowed # for severity: NORMAL,MINOR,MAJOR,WARNING. Values allowed # for scope: NODE, MODULE, PORT.) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #FAM EVT SEVERITY SCOPE CLEARS... # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x00|0x00|MAJOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # System Restart after crash 0x00|0x01|NORMAL |NODE |ALL |ALL # FastPADmpr reset 0x00|0x02|MINOR |MODULE|NONE|NONE # FastPADmpr Module 0 failure 0x00|0x03|MINOR |MODULE|NONE|NONE # FastPADmpr Module 1 failure 0x00|0x04|MINOR |MODULE|NONE|NONE # FastPADmpr Module 2 failure 0x00|0x05|NORMAL |NODE |ALL |ALL # FastPADmp reset 0x00|0x0E|WARNING|MODULE|NONE|NONE # FastPADmpr Module 0 offline 0x00|0x0B|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Startcard problem 0x00|0x0F|NORMAL |MODULE|0x00|0x0E # FastPADmpr Module 0 online 0x00|0x10|WARNING|MODULE|NONE|NONE # FastPADmpr Module 1 offline 0x00|0x11|NORMAL |MODULE|0x00|0x10 # FastPADmpr Module 1 online 0x00|0x12|WARNING|MODULE|NONE|NONE # FastPADmpr Module 2 offline 0x00|0x13|NORMAL |MODULE|0x00|0x12 # FastPADmpr Module 2 online 0x01|0x13|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Erroneous command received 0x01|0x14|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Data received before command ACK 0x01|0x16|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Billing ticket threshold exceeded 0x01|0x17|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Oldest detailed billing ticket lost 0x01|0x21|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download refused: no RAM 0x01|0x22|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download refused: no Flash PROM 0x01|0x23|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x21 # Download complete: no error 0x01|0x23|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x22 # Download complete: no error 0x01|0x23|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x24 # Download complete: no error 0x01|0x23|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x25 # Download complete: no error 0x01|0x23|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x26 # Download complete: no error 0x01|0x24|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download failed: checksum error 0x01|0x25|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download failed: incomplete load 0x01|0x26|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download failed: bad version 0x01|0x28|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Upload refused: no RAM 0x01|0x29|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Upload refused: no Flash PROM 0x01|0x2A|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x28 # Upload complete: no error 0x01|0x2A|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x29 # Upload complete: no error 0x01|0x2A|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x2B # Upload complete: no error 0x01|0x2A|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x2C # Upload complete: no error 0x01|0x2A|NORMAL |NODE |0x01|0x2D # Upload complete: no error 0x01|0x2B|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Upload failed: checksum error 0x01|0x2C|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Upload failed: incomplete load 0x01|0x2D|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Upload failed: bad version 0x01|0x31|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # LC unavailable for MAP session 0x01|0x32|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Maximum MAP sessions 0x01|0x34|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # MAP session open failed 0x01|0xC0|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Sample number exceeded 0x01|0xC1|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Sampling counter full 0x01|0xC2|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Hour counter full 0x01|0xC3|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Threshold-Exceeded counter full 0x01|0xC4|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Day counter full 0x01|0xC5|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Configuration error 0x01|0xD0|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Configuration parameter invalid on DLM 0x01|0xE3|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call received with incorrect password 0x01|0xE5|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call received with incorrect parameter 0x01|0xE9|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Incorrect Statistics function command 0x02|0x00|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Maximum VCs reached 0x02|0x02|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call Request too long 0x02|0x03|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call Request too short 0x02|0x05|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Calling address too short 0x02|0x08|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Incorrect facility in Call 0x02|0x09|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Duplicate facility in Call 0x02|0x0B|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Unauthorized facility in Call 0x02|0x0C|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Routing impossible in Call 0x02|0x0F|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call Confirmation too long 0x02|0x10|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call Confirmation too short 0x02|0x12|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Call Confirmation error 0x02|0x14|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Duplicate facility in Call Confirmation 0x02|0x15|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Unauthorized facility in Call Confirmation 0x02|0x17|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Invalid throughput class in Call Confirmation 0x02|0x18|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Invalid window size in Call Confirmation 0x02|0x20|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Non-numeric address in Call Request 0x02|0x22|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Too many ZO's in Call Request 0x02|0x23|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Non-numeric address in Call Confirmation 0x02|0x26|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Invalid packet size in Call Confirmation 0x02|0x27|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Incomplete called address in call confirmation 0x02|0x28|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Incorrect PDN line table 0x02|0x29|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Decompacted address not found 0x02|0x2A|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Compacted address not found 0x02|0x2B|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Decompacting not possible 0x02|0x2C|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Compacting not possible 0x02|0x2E|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Internal subscriber offline 0x02|0x30|NORMAL |NODE |NONE|NONE # Output line down 0x02|0x31|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Non-numeric address in Clear 0x02|0x32|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Inconsistent lengths in Clear 0x02|0x33|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Non-standard length in Clear 0x02|0x34|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Incorrect facility in Clear 0x02|0x35|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Duplicate facility in Clear 0x02|0x36|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Unauthorized Call Return 0x02|0x3C|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Inconsistent Call Return type 0x02|0x3D|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Unmanaged utility in Call Request on X.75 0x02|0x3E|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Unmanaged utility in Call Confirmation on X.75 0x02|0x3F|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Unmanaged utility in Clear on X.75 0x02|0x40|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Missing "Call-ID" utility in Call Request on X.75 0x02|0x41|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # CUG present in Call Request on X.75 0x02|0x50|NORMAL |PORT |0x02|0x51 # Routable line online 0x02|0x51|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Routable line offline 0x03|0x00|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown address in X.25 frame 0x03|0x01|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Incorrect length in X.25 frame 0x03|0x02|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Inverted address in X.25 frame 0x03|0x03|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown command in X.25 frame 0x03|0x04|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown response in X.25 frame 0x03|0x05|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 frame without F-bit after P-bit 0x03|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 frame with F-bit after no P-bit 0x03|0x07|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 frame in DISCONNECTED mode 0x03|0x08|MAJOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Level 2 retry with Level 1 down 0x03|0x09|NORMAL |PORT |0x03|0x08 # X.25 Level 2 retry with Level 1 up 0x03|0x0A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 frame in CONNECTED mode 0x03|0x0B|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid X.25 frame in FRMR state 0x03|0x0C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 frame with incorrect N(R) received 0x03|0x0E|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 frame out of sequence or duplicate N(R) 0x03|0x0F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 frame received outside sequence window 0x03|0x12|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid expiration of T1 timeout on X.25 0x03|0x13|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 packet received with invalid GFI 0x03|0x14|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Restart or Restart Confirmation not on LC#0 0x03|0x15|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Restart Confirmation without Restart sent 0x03|0x16|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected packet during X.25 Restart 0x03|0x17|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Re-sending X.25 Restart on timeout 0x03|0x18|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 packet on un-configured LC 0x03|0x19|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 packet on free LC 0x03|0x1A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Clear Confirmation received on free LC 0x03|0x1B|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Clear received on free LC 0x03|0x1C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Clear Confirmation received without Clear sent 0x03|0x1D|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 packet received after Clear 0x03|0x1E|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 packet on established SVC 0x03|0x1F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 Call received after Call sent 0x03|0x20|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Call collision 0x03|0x21|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 packet received after Call 0x03|0x22|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown packet type received on X.25 0x03|0x23|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Awaiting Clear Confirmation after timeout on X.25 0x03|0x24|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Awaiting Call Confirmation after timeout on X.25 0x03|0x25|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Reset Confirmation received without Reset sent 0x03|0x26|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected packet received after X.25 Reset 0x03|0x27|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Consecutive X.25 Interrupt packets received 0x03|0x28|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Interrupt Confirmation received without Interrupt 0x03|0x29|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Data packet received outside sequence window 0x03|0x2A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Data packet received out of sequence 0x03|0x2B|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Packet with incorrect N(S) received 0x03|0x2C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 REJ packet received 0x03|0x2F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid X.25 packet received via PVC 0x03|0x30|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 frame retried N times without ACK 0x03|0x31|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 frame with Frame Level down 0x03|0x32|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 frame with Frame Level disconnecting 0x03|0x33|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected X.25 frame with Frame Level connecting 0x03|0x36|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Reset received with reason unknown 0x03|0x37|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # X.25 Reset sent with reason unknown 0x04|0x00|MAJOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Link Level down 0x04|0x01|NORMAL |PORT |0x04|0x00 # Link Level up 0x05|0x01|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Loss of frames in I/O controller 0x05|0x02|NORMAL |PORT |0x05|0x03 # Line signals 117/141 off 0x05|0x03|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Line signals 117/141 on (LocalLoopback) 0x05|0x81|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Loss of receive frames in I/O controller 0x05|0x88|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # MALFUNCTION received at physical level 0x05|0x8C|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # CRC error on Receive frame 0x05|0xBF|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Incomplete Byte received 0x05|0xFD|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Loss of sync flags 0x05|0xFE|NORMAL |PORT |0x05|0xFD # Restoral of sync flags 0x06|0x97|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # LSCP activation failure on Async 0x06|0x98|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Incorrect baud rate or stop bits on Async 0x06|0x99|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Excess rate detected on Async 0x06|0x9A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Terminal disconnected after 200ms on Async 0x06|0x9D|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Videotex service not available on Async 0x06|0x9E|NORMAL |PORT |0x06|0x9F # Terminal data rate recognized on Async 0x06|0x9F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Terminal data rate not recognized on Async 0x08|0x92|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Call in progress cut off 0x08|0xA0|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Phone line: call setup timeout 0x08|0xA1|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Phone line: command entry without Call 0x08|0xA2|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Too many commands without Call 0x08|0xA7|NORMAL |NODE |0x08|0xA8 # Activation of ECPN succeeded 0x08|0xA8|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Activation of ECPN failed 0x08|0xA9|NORMAL |NODE |0x08|0xAA # Inactivation of ECPN succeeded 0x08|0xAA|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Inactivation of ECPN failed 0x09|0x00|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown address in SDLC Frame 0x09|0x01|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid length in SDLC Frame 0x09|0x03|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown command in SDLC Frame 0x09|0x04|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown response in SDLC Frame 0x09|0x0C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Incorrect N(R) in SDLC Frame 0x09|0x0E|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Sequence error or duplicate SDLC frame 0x09|0x0F|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # SDLC Frame outside window 0x09|0x10|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # FRMR SDLC Frame Remote side only 0x09|0x11|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Data transfer retries exceeded on SDLC 0x09|0x12|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Test phase retries exceeded on SDLC 0x09|0x13|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ID phase retries exceeded on SDLC 0x09|0x14|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Mode positioning phase retries exceeded on SDLC 0x09|0x15|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # DISC retries exceeded on SDLC 0x09|0x16|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Connection T1 timeout on SDLC 0x09|0x17|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # SNRM polling T1 timeout on SDLC 0x09|0x31|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # SDLC Frame error received on VC not established 0x09|0x32|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # SDLC UA Frame error received on remote circuit 0x09|0x33|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # SDLC UA Frame error received on local circuit 0x09|0x35|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # XID Frame error received on SDLC 0x09|0x84|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid Call in SDLC FRONT mode 0x09|0x89|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Backup Call retries exhausted on SDLC 0x09|0x8B|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Call retries exhausted on SDLC 0x09|0x8C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Protocol Error in Call on SDLC 0x09|0x8D|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected PSH-LLC on SDLC 0x09|0x8E|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected Frame on SDLC 0x09|0x8F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Sequence error in PSH-LLC on SDLC 0x09|0x91|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected packet in Data Transfer on SDLC 0x09|0x95|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Transmission timeout on SDLC 0x09|0x96|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # I-Frame during send on SDLC 0x09|0x97|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # RR with P/F=0 during send on SDLC 0x09|0x98|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # RR with P/F=1 during send on SDLC 0x09|0x99|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # RNR with P/F=0 during send on SDLC 0x09|0x9A|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # RNR with P/F=1 during send on SDLC 0x09|0x9B|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # REJ with P/F=0 during send on SDLC 0x09|0x9C|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # REJ with P/F=1 during send on SDLC 0x09|0x9D|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Packet with 2nd PSH on SDLC 0x09|0x9E|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Transmit Report message in receive state on SDLC 0x09|0x9F|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Transmit Report message in blocked state on SDLC 0x09|0xC0|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # QUA during Data Transfer on SDLC 0x09|0xC1|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown packet in Data Transfer on SDLC 0x09|0xC2|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Command packet unknown on SDLC 0x09|0xCD|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected QLLC packet on SDLC 0x09|0xCE|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected QLLC packet-2 on SDLC 0x09|0xCF|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # QLLC Clear on SDLC 0x0A|0x00|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for unknown cause on VIP 0x0A|0x02|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for frame too long on VIP 0x0A|0x03|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for receive time out on VIP 0x0A|0x04|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for VRC error on VIP 0x0A|0x05|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for LRC error on VIP 0x0A|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for not available to X.25 on VIP 0x0A|0x07|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT received for lost character on VIP 0x0A|0x08|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT transmitted for cause unknown on VIP 0x0A|0x0E|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Protocol violation on VIP 0x0A|0x0F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Event prohibited in VIP physical 0x0A|0x11|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # NAK screen on VIP 0x0A|0x12|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # BSY screen on VIP 0x0A|0x13|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # PGOF screen on VIP 0x0A|0x14|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # NAK printer on VIP 0x0A|0x15|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # BSY printer on VIP 0x0A|0x16|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # NA printer on VIP 0x0A|0x17|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Re-initialization of VIP equipment 0x0A|0x18|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Too many NAKs on VIP 0x0A|0x19|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Too many NAKs or NAs from printer on VIP 0x0A|0x1F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Protocol violation on VIP 0x0A|0x25|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown VIP address 0x0A|0x2F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Event prohibited in VIP connection 0x0A|0x30|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Flow toward host blocked on VIP 0x0A|0x31|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Response timeout on VIP 0x0A|0x40|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Reception reset cause unknown on VIP 0x0B|0x01|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Call refused, unknown node on FR/TVIP/BSC 0x0B|0x03|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Messages aborted on FR/TVIP/BSC 0x0B|0x16|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # VC Call refused on host side on FR/TVIP/BSC 0x0B|0x22|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # VC Call refused on controller side on FR/TVIP/BSC 0x0C|0x02|MAJOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Line down on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x03|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TPAD collision on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x20|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown data on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x21|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown control character on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x22|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown station on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x23|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown controller on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x24|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown CA-DA/BCC parity error on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x25|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Wrong controller responded to poll on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x30|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ENQ-SEL counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x31|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TTD-SEL counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x32|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ENQ.Rx counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x33|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # NAK.Rx counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x34|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # EOT.Tx counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x35|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ENQ.Tx counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x36|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # NAK.Tx counter overflow on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x43|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ENQ collision on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x44|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # IT (ENQ) collision on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x48|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # ENQ message refused on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x70|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Message too long on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x71|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Timeout occurred to 2780/3780 on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x77|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # No STX character present on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x79|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Timeout during receive from 3270 on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x80|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Parity error in single-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x81|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Parity error in first-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x82|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Parity error in intermediate-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x83|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Parity error in last-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x90|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # BCC error in single-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x91|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # BCC error in first-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x92|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # BCC error in intermediate-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x93|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # BCC error in last-block on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x98|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Protocol violation on DLC/BSC 0x0C|0x99|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Reserved event for 2780/3780 occurred on DLC/BSC 0x0D|0x01|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Multi-frame in window guard region on MLP 0x0D|0x02|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Multi-frame outside the window on MLP 0x0D|0x03|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Timeout of MT4 occurred on MLP 0x0D|0x04|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Timeout of MT1 occurred on MLP 0x0D|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid multi-frame (R=1) received on MLP 0x0D|0x07|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Multi-frame (R=1) ignored on MLP 0x0D|0x08|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invalid multi-frame (C=1) received on MLP 0x0D|0x09|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Multi-frame (C=1) ignored on MLP 0x0D|0x0A|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Multi-frame length=2 on MLP 0x0D|0x0B|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Multi-frame (R=1, C=1) received on MLP 0x0D|0x0C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Reset Multi-frame during data transfer on MLP 0x0D|0x0D|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Timeout of MT3 occurred on MLP 0x0D|0x0F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Bundle changed state on MLP 0x0E|0x05|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Failure type B1 on PSTN 0x0E|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Failure type A/C on PSTN 0x0E|0x07|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Failure type B2/D on PSTN 0x0E|0x08|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Failure type E on PSTN 0x0E|0x0B|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Backup link failed on PSTN 0x10|0x10|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Maximum retransmissions exhausted on VC/N4 0x10|0x20|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TPDU DT with unexpected number on VC/N4 0x10|0x21|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TPDU ED with unexpected number on VC/N4 0x10|0x22|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TPDU EA not corresponding with an ED on VC/N4 0x10|0x23|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TPDU DT expected number outside window on VC/N4 0x10|0x25|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Reference number unknown on VC/N4 0x10|0x26|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # TPDU format error on VC/N4 0x10|0x27|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown TPDU on VC/N4 0x10|0x55|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Protocol error on VC/N4 0x10|0x60|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # No more LC resources on VC/N4 0x10|0x61|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # No more reference numbers on VC/N4 0x11|0x05|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Clear signal from network on VC/IR 0x11|0x10|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Maximum Call retries exceeded on VC/IR 0x11|0x11|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Wait-to-Reconnect timeout on VC/IR 0x11|0x15|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Clear signal in error on VC/IR 0x11|0x20|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # No TPDU PI in incoming Call on VC/IR 0x11|0x21|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # NSAP error on VC/IR 0x11|0x22|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Attempt to restore unknown connection on VC/IR 0x11|0x23|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Call data error on VC/IR 0x11|0x24|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # No Call data on VC/IR 0x11|0x25|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Inconsistent Call data Confirmation on VC/IR 0x11|0x26|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Data received while awaiting Call Confirmation on VC/IR 0x11|0x30|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Repeat call OK during disconnect on VC/IR 0x11|0x31|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Clear signal during Invitation-to-Clear on VC/IR 0x11|0x32|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Remote side cleared from network on VC/IR 0x11|0x33|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Invitation-to-Clear in Opened state on VC/IR 0x11|0x50|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # No more Logical Channels available on VC/IR 0x11|0x51|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Network connection reference lost on VC/IR 0x12|0x00|MAJOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Line Level down on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x01|NORMAL |PORT |0x12|0x00 # Line Level up on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x02|NORMAL |PORT |0x12|0x03 # Physical Management activation on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x03|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Physical Management inactivation on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x04|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Physical Management error signal on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x05|NORMAL |PORT |0x12|0x04 # Physical Management error recovery on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x06|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # CRC error on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x07|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT sequence received on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x08|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Reset error on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x09|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Overrun/Underrun on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x0A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Previous frame lost on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x0B|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # CRC error and previous frame lost on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x0C|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # ABORT sequence and previous frame lost on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x0D|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Reset error and previous frame lost on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x0E|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Overrun and previous frame lost on ISDN-Line 0x12|0x31|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Received DM (F=1) in state 7/8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x34|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Received DM (F=0) in state 7/8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x36|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # SABME retries in state 5 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x37|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # DISC retries in state 6 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x38|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Poll status in state 8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x39|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # N(R) error in state 7/8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x3A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # FRMR received in state 7/8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x3B|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unused frame received on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x3C|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Unauthorized I-field in state 4-8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x3D|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame wrong size in state 4-8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x3E|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # N201 error in state 4-8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x3F|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame with 1-byte address in state 4-8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x40|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame too short in state 4-8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x41|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame with incorrect SAPI in state 4-8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x42|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame with more than 2-byte address field on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x43|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame with unknown SAPI/TEI on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x44|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # N(S) error in states 7, 8 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x45|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Control frame with C=0 on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x46|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Fixed TEI deletion on ISDN-Frame 0x12|0x90|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Content of Ei in error on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x91|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Primary access instead of basic access on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x92|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Channel B unavailable for incoming call on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x93|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Higher layer Ei not compatible on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x94|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Calling E.164 address not in list on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x95|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Timeout expired on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x96|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Call refused due to S0 behavior on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x97|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Call refused due to selected S0 on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x98|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Row Range in C10 inconsistent on ISDN-Call 0x12|0x99|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # MLP Call rejected on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA0|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Address translation error X.121 to E.164 on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA1|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Channel unavailable for outgoing call on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA2|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Insufficient context on Call on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA3|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Maximum VCs exceeded on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA4|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Profile C30 position inconsistent on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA5|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Profile C30 content inconsistent on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA6|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # B-channel not configured on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA7|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Backup retries exceeded on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xA8|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Backup attempts terminated on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xB0|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # B-channel disconnect indication on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xB1|NORMAL |PORT |0x12|0xB0 # B-channel connect indication on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xB3|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Connect failure on ISDN-Call 0x12|0xB4|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Disconnect failure on ISDN-Call 0x13|0x02|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Rerouting request refused due to syntax error on X.29 0x14|0x01|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Transmission failure on B/R 0x14|0x03|NORMAL |PORT |0x14|0x04 # Bridge online 0x14|0x04|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Bridge offline 0x14|0x05|NORMAL |PORT |0x14|0x06 # SLL Bridge online 0x14|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # SLL Bridge offline 0x14|0x08|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Duplicate IP or Ethernet address on B/R 0x14|0x09|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Address resolution failed on B/R 0x14|0x0A|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # IP Router error 0x14|0x0B|NORMAL |PORT |0x14|0x0C # IP Router online 0x14|0x0C|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # IP Router offline 0x14|0x0D|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # IP Router bad destination address 0x14|0x0E|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # IP Router timeout exceeded 0x14|0x0F|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # IP Router SLL error 0x14|0x10|NORMAL |PORT |0x14|0x11 # LAN/WAN interface online on B/R 0x14|0x11|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # LAN/WAN interface offline on B/R 0x15|0x02|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Unknown DLCI on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Selective frame drop on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x07|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Dropping all frames on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x08|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Data frame rejection threshold exceeded on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x10|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame too short on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x20|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # Frame too long on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x30|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Packet too short received from X.25 on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x40|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Packet too long received from X.25 on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x50|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Unexpected end of de-segmentation on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x60|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Extracted SEP inconsistent on DLC/MFR 0x15|0x8C|MINOR |PORT |NONE|NONE # CRC error on DLC/MFR 0x16|0x00|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Compression not available on requested VC 0x16|0x04|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Compression Reset due to internal cause 0x16|0x05|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Compression Reset due to external cause 0x16|0x06|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Data encryption disabled on VC 0x16|0x07|NORMAL |PORT |0x16|0x06 # Data encryption enabled on VC 0x17|0x02|WARNING|PORT |NONE|NONE # Connect failed local or remote on DLM 0x17|0x07|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Software incident on DLM 0x18|0x01|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # CRC error in CFG18 0x18|0x02|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Configuration size too large in CFG18 0x18|0x09|NORMAL |NODE |NONE|NONE # Network Clear in CFG18 0x18|0x14|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Download refused: unauthorized user in CFG18 0x18|0x15|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download refused: no buffers in CFG18 0x18|0x19|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Download refused: no RAM in CFG18 0x19|0x00|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Reception error on frame in CFG19 0x19|0x01|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Protocol error in CFG19 0x19|0x02|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # Reliability error in CFG19 0x19|0x03|NORMAL |NODE |0x19|0x04 # Data transfer enabled in CFG19 0x19|0x04|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Data transfer disabled in CFG19 0x19|0x05|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # Transmission error in CFG19 0x19|0x06|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # DLCI not configured in CFG19 0x19|0x07|WARNING|NODE |NONE|NONE # PLL structure event in CFG19 0x19|0x09|MINOR |NODE |NONE|NONE # CLASS 13 inconsistency in CFG19 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Table # # Useful in testing selected (or all) events without actually generating the # events in the network. apsald takes these entries as equivalent to actual # events occurring in a node in the network and acts exactly as if they were # received from the network. # # Each line describes the FAMILY and EVENT numbers desired to be simulated # along with the simulated X.25 source address, line number and event delay. # # The FAMILY and EVENT numbers are the first and second fields, respectively. # # The source X.25 address (DNIC and ZO) are together in the third field # along with the required subscriber number (99). DNIC and ZO may be modified # but subscriber must be 99. # # The line number (LINENO) simulating the event is the fourth field; if line number # is not applicable for the particular event, it must still be supplied but is # not used by the apsald. # # The delay between successive simulations of an event (in seconds) (DELAY) is the # fifth field; each simulated event may have the same or a different value. # # The debug table may be manually entered directly in this file, or it may be # appended to it from the file provided in the distribution, "debug.conf". If # you use the entries in debug.conf, you may want to substitute the DNIC and ZO, # LINENO and DELAY provided in the file for those of your choice. For example, you # may want to select a non-existent DNIC and ZO so that the simulated events # can be distinguished from the real ones in your event log. # # The table size, delimiter and name line below must be un-commented in order # to have the debug entries recognized. # # 5 fields, delimiter | #5 124 DEBUG_TABLE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #FAM | EVT | DNICZO99 | LINE | DELAY # COMMENT # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # e.g. # 0x03|0x08|90001099|1|10 # X.25 Link down # Append your debug entries below here.

aps_uninstall File

Previous versions of APS must be removed with the aps_uninstall command prior to APS installation. The aps_uninstall file is shown below:

#!/bin/sh # # Usage: aps_uninstall # # Uninstall Access Product Supervisor (APS) on the workstation. # PRODUCT_FULL_STR="Access Product Supervisor (APS)" PRODUCT_FULL_LEN="-------------------------------" PRODUCT_STR="APS" VERSION="8.0-1.0.2" CURRENT_DIR=\Qpwd\Q INSTALL_PARENT="/usr" INSTALLDIR="/usr/APS" IDEAL_LOG_FILE="/tmp/aps_uninstall.log" LOG_FILE="$IDEAL_LOG_FILE" BACKUP_LOG_FILE="/tmp/aps_uninstall$$.log" USE_LOG_FILE="yes" RM="/bin/rm -f" case "\Quname -sr\Q" in HP*) B_ECHO="echo" E_ECHO="\c" ;; Sun*) B_ECHO="echo -n" E_ECHO="" ;; esac ############################################################################## # # Echo the given string into stdout and log file $LOG_FILE # ############################################################################## echoAndLog() { echo "$1" if [ "$USE_LOG_FILE" = "yes" ] then echo "$1" >> $LOG_FILE fi } ############################################################################## # # Log the given string to log file $LOG_FILE # ############################################################################## logOnly() { if [ "$USE_LOG_FILE" = "yes" ] then echo "$1" >> $LOG_FILE fi } ############################################################################ # # Get boolean response # ############################################################################ getBoolResponse() { _captionStr="$1" _defArgValue=$2 _defValue="$_defArgValue" while(true) do # $B_ECHO "$_captionStr [$_defValue]: " $E_ECHO read boolResponse logOnly "$_captionStr [$_defValue]: $boolResponse" case "$boolResponse" in "") boolResponse=$_defArgValue return 0 ;; y | Y | ye | yes | Ye | Yes | YES) boolResponse="yes" return 0 ;; n | N | no | No | NO) boolResponse="no" return 0 ;; *) $B_ECHO "Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'. Hit Return to continue." $E\ _ECHO read x logOnly "Please respond with 'yes' or 'no'. Hit Return to continue." ;; esac # done } # ------- getBoolResponse() ------------- ############################################################################## # # Clear the log file $LOG_FILE # ############################################################################## startLog() { $RM $LOG_FILE # # Make sure log file has been removed. # If not, the user is not the owner of previous log file and current # installation process can not be logged. In this case, try using # the backup log file. # if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ] then LOG_FILE="$BACKUP_LOG_FILE" $RM $LOG_FILE # # If it still does not work, disable logging. # if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ] then USE_LOG_FILE="no" fi fi } ############################################################################## # # Display product heading # ############################################################################## dispHeader() { #clear echoAndLog " -${PRODUCT_FULL_LEN}-----------------" echoAndLog "_____________________/ ${PRODUCT_FULL_STR} Uninstallation /_____" echoAndLog " -${PRODUCT_FULL_LEN}-----------------" echoAndLog " Version ${VERSION}" echoAndLog echoAndLog " Copyright (c) 1995 StrataCom Inc. All rights reserved." echoAndLog } # ------- dispHeader() -------------- ############################################################################## # # Display end log messages # ############################################################################## dispUninstLog() { echoAndLog "The uninstallation process is logged in \"$LOG_FILE\"." echoAndLog } # ------- dispUninstLog() -------------- dispNormalUninstLog() { echoAndLog \ "Please check log file \"$LOG_FILE\" for uninstallation status." echoAndLog } # ------- dispNormalUninstLog() -------------- ############################################################################# # # The main script section # ############################################################################# startLog dispHeader # # Check if log file can be used # if [ "$USE_LOG_FILE" = "no" ] then echoAndLog \ "Can not create log file \"$LOG_FILE\". Uninstallation aborted." echoAndLog exit 1 fi # # Check if it is using backup log file # if [ "$LOG_FILE" = "$BACKUP_LOG_FILE" ] then echoAndLog \ "Warning: Can not create log file \"$IDEAL_LOG_FILE\". Backup log" echoAndLog \ " file \"$LOG_FILE\" is used." echoAndLog fi # # Prompt user about the uninstallation requirement # SHORT_STR="$PRODUCT_STR" echoAndLog \ "You need to be super-user (root) to uninstall $SHORT_STR. It is recommended" echoAndLog \ "that you start the uninstalltion script from directory \"$INSTALL_PARENT\" by" echoAndLog \ "entering \"$INSTALLDIR/aps_uninstall\". $SHORT_STR will be unregistered from" echoAndLog \ "HP OpenView. Please exit from all OVw sessions before continuing." echoAndLog getBoolResponse "Continue to uninstall $PRODUCT_STR" "yes" if [ "$boolResponse" = "no" ] then dispUninstLog exit 1 fi getBoolResponse "Do you wish to DELETE all $PRODUCT_STR files at the end" "no" if [ "$boolResponse" = "no" ] then DELETE_ALL_FILES="no" else DELETE_ALL_FILES="yes" fi # # Check write permissions # if [ ! \( -w "$INSTALL_PARENT" -a -w "$INSTALLDIR" \) ] then echoAndLog echoAndLog \ "Super-user (root) permission required. Uninstallation aborted." dispUninstLog exit 1 fi # # The following steps are needed only when HP OpenView is installed. # if [ -d "/usr/OV/registration/C" -a -d "/usr/OV/fields/C" \ -a -d "/usr/OV/symbols/C" -a -d "/usr/OV/bitmaps/C" \ -a -d "/usr/OV/bin" \ -a -x "/usr/OV/bin/ovw" \ -a -x "/usr/OV/bin/ovstop" \ -a -x "/usr/OV/bin/xnmevents" \ -a -f "/usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf" ] then # # Stop alarming daemon aps_ald # echoAndLog echoAndLog "Stopping $PRODUCT_STR alarm daemon aps_ald, please wait..." logOnly "/usr/OV/bin/ovstop aps_ald" /usr/OV/bin/ovstop aps_ald 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 # # Clean up ovw database # echoAndLog "Clean up ovw database, please wait..." if [ -x $INSTALLDIR/bin/rm_ovwobj ] then logOnly "$INSTALLDIR/bin/rm_ovwobj isFastPADmp" $INSTALLDIR/bin/rm_ovwobj isFastPADmp 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "$INSTALLDIR/bin/rm_ovwobj isFastPADmpNetwork" $INSTALLDIR/bin/rm_ovwobj isFastPADmpNetwork 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 fi logOnly "" # # Delete ovw symbolic links # echoAndLog "Deleting ovw links..." logOnly "$RM /usr/OV/registration/C/aps_app" $RM /usr/OV/registration/C/aps_app 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "$RM /usr/OV/fields/C/aps_field" $RM /usr/OV/fields/C/aps_field 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "$RM /usr/OV/symbols/C/aps_symbol" $RM /usr/OV/symbols/C/aps_symbol 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ -d ${INSTALLDIR}/bitmaps/C ] then cd ${INSTALLDIR}/bitmaps/C BITMAP_FILES="\Qls\Q" cd $CURRENT_DIR fi for i in $BITMAP_FILES do logOnly "$RM /usr/OV/bitmaps/C/$i" $RM /usr/OV/bitmaps/C/$i 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 done logOnly "" # # Delete X11 resource symbolic links # echoAndLog "Deleting X11 resource links..." if [ -d ${INSTALLDIR}/app-defaults ] then cd ${INSTALLDIR}/app-defaults RESOURCE_FILES="\Qls\Q" cd $CURRENT_DIR fi for i in $RESOURCE_FILES do logOnly "$RM /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/$i" $RM /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/$i 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "$RM /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/$i" $RM /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/$i 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 done logOnly "" # # Informing ovw about the clean up # echoAndLog "Informing ovw about the clean up, please wait..." logOnly "/usr/OV/bin/ovw -fields" /usr/OV/bin/ovw -fields 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "/usr/OV/bin/ovw -config" /usr/OV/bin/ovw -config 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "/usr/OV/bin/ovw -verify" /usr/OV/bin/ovw -verify 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "" # # Clean up trapd.conf # echoAndLog \ "Clean up /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf (may take 15 minutes), please wait..." FPNM_EVENTS=\ "\Qawk '$1 ~ /FastPADmp_/ {print $1;}' /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf\Q" for event in $FPNM_EVENTS do logOnly "/usr/OV/bin/xnmevents -delete $event" /usr/OV/bin/xnmevents -delete $event 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 done logOnly "/usr/OV/bin/xnmevents -event" /usr/OV/bin/xnmevents -event 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "" # # End of clean up when ovw # fi # # Removing the entire file set. # if [ \( "$DELETE_ALL_FILES"="yes" \) -a \( -d "$INSTALLDIR" \) ] then echoAndLog "Removing $PRODUCT_STR files..." logOnly "cd $INSTALLDIR" cd $INSTALLDIR 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "$RM -r *" $RM -r * 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 SOURCE_DIR="\Qpwd\Q" if [ -h "$INSTALLDIR" ] then SOURCE_DIR="\Qfile /usr/APS | awk '{ print $5; }' -\Q" fi logOnly "cd .." cd .. 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "rmdir $SOURCE_DIR" rmdir $SOURCE_DIR 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ -h "$INSTALLDIR" ] then logOnly "cd $INSTALL_PARENT" cd $INSTALL_PARENT 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 logOnly "$RM $INSTALLDIR" $RM $INSTALLDIR 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 fi if [ -d "$CURRENT_DIR" ] then logOnly "$cd $CURRENT_DIR" $cd $CURRENT_DIR 1>>$LOG_FILE 2>&1 else echoAndLog echoAndLog \ "Warning: current working directory has been deleted, use \"cd /\" to rescue." fi fi # # End of uninstallation # echoAndLog echoAndLog "${PRODUCT_STR} is uninstalled." dispNormalUninstLog

Posted: Thu Jan 25 14:24:11 PST 2001
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