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Quick Start Test

Quick Start Test

Quick Start Testing

The quick start procedures allow you to easily determine the operational status of an FastPAD and to bench test voice communications. The following procedures can be used to quickly determine the operational status of an FastPAD.

Point-to-Point Test

In this test, the composites of two FastPADs are connected back to back with a "132" cable supplied with the unit. Complete the following steps to perform the point-to-point test:

Step 1   Power up the system.

Step 2   Press the <Enter> key on the FastPAD front panel to select the local node.

Step 3   Use the <Up Arrow> or <Down Arrow> key to select the CONFIGURE function. Press the <Enter> key to display the CONFIGURE menu.

Step 4   Press the <Enter> key to select SYSTEM configuration.

Step 5   Press the <Down Arrow> key until the "Link Mgmt Protocol" field is displayed. Use the <Right Arrow> key to select "Point to Point" mode.

Step 6   Select Switch # "1" and Port # "1" on one unit and Switch # "1" and Port # "2"' on the other FastPAD.

Step 7   Press the <Enter> key twice to save the configuration. After the SYSTEM configuration is saved, the CONFIGURE menu is displayed.

Step 8   Select LINK configuration and press the <Enter> key.

Step 9   Use the <Right Arrow> and <Left Arrow> keys to set the Clock to INTERNAL and the Rate field to 64Kbps.

Step 10   Press the <Enter> key twice to save the configuration.

Step 11   Reboot both the units. The fault led will flash until the FastPADs are synchronized. The two FastPADs may take up to a few seconds to synchronize.

Step 12   The front panel displays the local FastPAD ID. (i.e., (1,1) at one FastPAD and (1,2) at the other).

Step 13   To call from (1,1) to (1,2), dial "#010200" for voice a call or "#010201" for a Fax connection. To call from (1,2) to (1,1), dial "#010100" for voice a call or "#010101" for a Fax connection.

Note At the completion of the point-to-point test, the Interface Protocol parameter in the SYSTEM configuration menu should be reset to LMI or ANSI mode and LINK configuration parameters should be configured for normal operation.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 13:28:38 PST 2001
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