
Table of Contents

Dynamic Adaptive Routing Management Function

Dynamic Adaptive Routing Management Function


This management function makes it possible to interrogate the services offered by Dynamic Adaptive Routing (DAR) when the latter is active (see Configuration Manual). It offers an operator the possibility of displaying the information on the topology of the network presented in the DAR data base:


The syntax of the access code is as follows:


Note Refer to paragraph 2 for the breakdown of this code.

· SU Number:

48:User-friendly mode

· Password:

This password exists if it has been configured (LL by default). It corresponds to that configured for the dynamic line management function.


When the connection is established, the DAR function proposes a help menu containing the syntax of the available commands. The distributed message is as follows:

  List of DAR commands: LE, LH, DU CT_node-id_, CR_dnic-zo_, DZ_serial-number_, NS_dnic-zo_, MS, MZ

Upon reception of an erroneous command from the operator, the menu of the commands is again displayed on the screen.

Distribution of topology information

Command: LE (CR) to activate the distribution service and LH (CR) to deactivate it.

This service allows you to display the distribution of information packets exchanged between DAR function (i.e. Link State Protocol Data Unit or LSPDU). The operator connected is considered to be an adjacent DAR and is on the LSPDU distribution list. This means that he receives the LSPDUs as they are distributed in the network. This makes it possible to follow changes in line status and in node status in real time.

During the distribution of LSPDUs, it is possible to select another service of the DAR. The reply to the new service selected is inserted between two distributed LSPDUs.

An LSPDU is made up of a block containing a header of fixed length (28 bytes) and a variable part. The total length in bytes of the LSPDU is 46 + (k x 11) where k is the number of neighbours of the transmitting node.

The information contained in the header is given in Table 15-1 and that contained in the variable part is given in Table 15-2.

Table 15-1: Description of LSPDU header
Row (in hex.) Meaning


Indicator of LSPDU = 83.


Length of header in bytes = 1C.


Version = 01.


Address field length in bytes = 06.


Indicator of type of LSPDU distributed = 13 if the LSPDU is the one of the switch and 12 in the opposite case.


Version = 01.


Maximum number of synonym addresses = 00.



08 and 09

Total length of LSPDU in bytes.

0A and 0B

Life of LSPDU.

0C to 11

Serial number of transmitting node. (*)


Routing field number = 00.


LSPDU number = 00.

14 to 17

LSPDU sequence number.

18 and 19



Information field = 00 if the LSPDU is distributed periodically, 01 is the LSPDU is distributed exceptionally, 80 if the data base of the DAR is overloaded.


Input line number of the LSPDU in the module (= FF if the LSPDU comes from the data base of the local module).

Note On expiration of the validity threshold of an LSPDU of the data base, the DAR distributes the header of the LSPDU without the variable part.

(*) The serial number of a switch is obtained by chaining the reference and serials numbers of the MTB board of the switch with BCD/hexadecimal conversion of the serial number field. It may be consulted by means of the file transfer management function (hardware identification menu).

Remark: If the MTB field is not completed, the serial number is made up the reference and serial number of the MPB board.

Table 15-2:
Description of variable part of an LSPDU
Row (in hex.) Meaning



Code 1 = 22. (CUG zone)


Length of zone code 2 in bytes = 09.

1E and 23

Password of file transfer management function.


Simple CUG.



Code 2 = 01. (Alias list zone)


Length of zone code 1 in bytes = 07.


Length of module DNICZO in bytes = 04.

28, 29 ant 2A

DNICZO of transmitting node.


Module number.



Code 3 = 05. (Neighbour list)


Length of zone code 3 in bytes = 2 + number of neighbours of node x 11 (in hex.).

23 + (k x B)

Metrics of number of nodes crossed = 01.

24 + (k x B)

Load metric = 00. (not used).

25 + (k x B)

Financial metric = value of parameter 128.

26 + (k x B)

Error metric = 01. (not used)

27 + (k x B)


2C + (k x B)

Serial number of neighbour k.

2D + (k x B)

Output line number towards neighbour k in hex.

Route consultation

Command: DU (CR) with previous format selection

When the service is called, the DAR transmits the abbreviated list of updated routes. These are the shortest path routes for reaching the other nodes of the field from the consulted node. A field is all the nodes of the network equipped with the active DAR function. These routes are calculated periodically and are based upon topology information stored in the DAR data base.

The displayed information contains the list of all the network nodes for which there is a route in the present context of the DAR. For each node, the identity of the first adjacent node on the route and the line number enabling it to be reached are given. By default, the identity of the nodes is expressed in the form of DNICZO.

The command MS (CR) is used to modify the format of the replies. After the execution of this command, the identity of the nodes of the route will be indicated in the form of a serial number during the next DU calls.

The command MZ (CR) is used to return to the DNICZO format. When commands MS or MZ are run, the message OK is distributed on the screen.

The reply consists of a block containing the DU characters followed by the list of routes. The length of this list in bytes is 3 + (k x 11) in DNICZO format and 3 + (k x 15) in serial number format in which k is the number of LSPDUs contained in the DAR data base.

The information contained in the list of routes is given in Table 15-3.

Table 15-3: Description of abbreviated list of theoretical routes
Row1 (in hexa.) Row2 (in hexa.) Meaning





Number of nodes in table (max = FA).

Number of metrics in list of routes = 01.


03 to 06

07 to 0A


0C to 0D











03 to 08

09 to 0E


10 and 11











Number of the metric i = 00 (only one available at present).

Identification of remote module (DNICZOmodule or serial number depending on the requested format).

Identification of local module (DNICZOmodule or serial number depending on the requested format).



Identification of remote module k (DNICZOmodule or serial number according to the requested format).

Identification of adjacent module on the route from the local module to the remote module k for the metric i.3

Output line number from local module to adjacent module of the route in hex.3

Length of route for metric i.

1The row in bytes is given for the format in DNICZO.
2The row in bytes is given for the format in serial number.
3When one of the nodes of the domain cannot be reached by the DAR and its LSPDU has not been purged (life not expired) these fields are completed by FF.

Theoretical route consultation

Command: CT DNICZO (CR) or CT serial-number (CR) depending on the selected format.

By default, the DAR is the DNICZO format. Command MS (CR) is used to change to serial number format. Command MZ (CR) is used to return to DNICZO format. When MS or MZ are run, the message OK is distributed.

The DAR displays the route calculated to reach the specified node. This route is taken from the DAR context. It gives the list of all nodes to be crossed on the theoretical path to the remote node as well as the output line number of the local equipment and the total length of the path.

If the LSPDU of the remote node does not exist in the data base of the DAR, the response is KO.

A route is made up of a block containing the characters CT followed by information relative to the requested route. The length of the route in bytes is 4 + (k x 5) in DNICZO format and 4 + (k x 9) in serial number format, where k is the number of nodes in the route.

The information contained in the theoretical route is given in Table 15-4.

Table 15-4: Description of theoretical route
Row (in hex.) Row (in hex.) Meaing1



Number of metrics in route = 1




Number of the metric i = 00 (only one available at present)

02 and 03

02 and 03

Length of route for metric i

04 to 07

04 to 09

Identification of local module DNICZO module or serial number according to requested format



Output line number of local module on route in hex.2

09 to 0C

0B to 10

Identification of transit module on route for metric 2 (DNICZO module or serial number according to requested module)



Output line, number of transit module 1 on route in hexa2

04+ (kx5)


07+ (kx5)

04+ (kx7)


09+ (kx7)

Identification of transit module k on route for metric i (DNICZOmodule or serial number according to requested format)

(8+ (kx5)

0A+ (kx7)



04+ (Nx5)


07+ (Nx5)

04+ (Nx7)


07+ (Nx7)

Identification of remote module (DNICZOmodule or serial number according to requested format)

08+ (Nx5)

0A+ (Nx7)


1If the remote node is in the data base of the DAR, but there is no route to reach it, this field is completed with FFFF and the next fields are not filled in.
2In the case of multi-module equipment, it is the number of the outgoing line equipment which is entered in the route. This line may belong to a module different from the one which the operator and, in this case, the "local module outgoing the number" field is filled in to 88. The equipment outgoing line number is then entered in the corresponding "transmit" module line number" field.

Real route consultation

Command: CR DNICZO (CR)

The DAR transmits the real route to reach the specified node from the connected node. To obtain this route, the DAR transmits a call-request packet to the DAR of the remote node. The callback mechanism makes it possible to move up the list of crossed nodes to the calling DAR. The route given contains the list of all the nodes crossed towards the remote node as well as the outgoing line numbers of the nodes and the total lengh of the path.

This command also works when the crossed nodes do not belong to the DAR field; the local module and the remote module need only be equipped with the DAR function and that the transit nodes use the call return packet mechanism.

When the call is unsuccessful (remote node or DAR function of remote node unreachable), the route contains the list of all the nodes solicited.

If the DNICZO specified in the command is wrong or the call is not routable (node unknown in the data base of the DAR and not the second routing choice), the response is CRLIB.

If the DAR of the remote node (or of the local node) is already communicating with another DAR, the response is CROQP.

If the list of notes crossed up to the calling DAR is empty (for example: absence of ringback facility in the transit nodes), the answer is CRVID).

If, after a time-out of 3 minutes, the DAR of the remote node still has not replied to the CR request, the answer is CRTO.

A route is made up of a block containing the characters CR followed by information relative to the requested route.

The information contained in the real route is given in Table 15-5.

Table 15-5: Description of real route
Row (in hex.) Meaning


Number of metrics in route = 01


Number of the metric = FF

02 and 03

Length of route1

04 to 07

Identification of local node (DNICZOmodule with module = FF)


Output line number of local node on route in hex.2

09 to 0C

Identification of transit node number 1 on route for metric i (DNICZOmodule with module = FF)


Number 1 of transit node outgoing line on route for metric i in hexa (**).

04 + (kx5)


07 + (kx5)

Identification of transit node number k on route for metric i (DNICZOmodule with module = FF)

08 + (kx5)

Output line number of transit node k for metric i in hex. (**)

04 + (Nx5)


07 + (Nx5)

Identification of remote node (DNICZOmodule with module = FF)

08 + (Nx5)


1If the call is unsuccessful, this field is completed with FFFF.
2If the node crossed during the call does not allow the remote note to be reached, this field is completed with FF.
If the call is unsuccessful, all these fields are completed with FF and the identifier of the remote node corresponds to the last node consulted by the routing.

Note NOTE Unlike the theoretical routes, a real route is given only in DNICZO format and cannot be obtained in serial number format. In the case of multimodule equipment, the different modules of the equipment are not differentiated and the module field of the DNICZOmodule is completed with FF.

DNICZOmodule/serial-number correspondence

Command: NS DNICZO (CR) and DZ serial-number (CR)

These commands allow the conversion of a DNICZO into serial number(s) and a serial number into DNICZO. The notion of serial number is used by the DAR function to identify uniquely each module of the network. In multimodule equipment, this mechanism is needed in order to differentiate the modules which share the same DNICZO.

Command DZ followed by the serial number of the module (on 12 characters) is used to obtain the corresponding DNICZOmodule. The response is formatted as follows:

  DZ __ ____ __

In the case of multimodule equipment, the module number indicated is in the form F0, F1 or F2 (where 0, 1 or 2 corresponds to the module number). In the case of an isolated module, the module number is FF.

Command NS followed by the DNICZO of the equipment (on 6 characters) is used to obtain the corresponding serial number(s). Several serial numbers are obtained in the case of multimodule equipment or when several equipments have the same DNICZO; for example, equipment under configuration by default with the DNICZO at 90000. The response is formatted as follows:

  NS __ ____ ____ __. . . . . . . . . .

In the event of an erroneous command, the response is KO.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 13:49:57 PST 2001
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