
Table of Contents

Start Up of the Configuration Function

Start Up of the Configuration Function

Connection of an Asynchronous Terminal in Local Mode

Equipment Factory-Configured (except FastPadmp6)

Figure 2-1: Front Panel Indicators

When the FastPad equipment is in service (see Management functions manual for start-up), access to the configuration function is gained via an asynchronous terminal.

Equipment Configured on Site

Sequence of a Configuration Session

Figure 2-2 gives the sequence of a configuration session.

Figure 2-2: Sequence of a Configuration Session

Access to the Configuration Function

The configuration function can be reached via the management internal subscriber in each FastPad. It is accessed via an X.25 address which conforms to the same numbering system as defined across the network.


Access Method

The syntax of the access code to the configuration function is:

DNIC Z0 AB D is Nº Password (CR)

e.g. 90000099D10CC is the access code of the default configuration.

1) Refer to the management functions manual for a more detailed explanation of this access code.

2) An abbreviated access code can be configured (see class 7 of the configuration). In this case, a point (.) must be typed before the abbreviated code for the link to be established.

3) Access to the configuration function through the front panel is not recommended.

Error Messages

Typing an incorrect access code results in rejection of access to the function. An error code followed by a message in clear language is then displayed on the screen (see the chapter "Network Trouble Management" of the Management Functions Manual.)

Display of the Welcome Menu of the Configurator

Typing the access code defined in the preceding paragraph causes a welcome page of the following type to be displayed.


Figure 2-3: Welcome Page

1) A commands menu may be consulted whenever establishing the new configuration. Simply type H, when you are at class or recurrence level, followed by (CR).

2) Scrolling of the text on the screen of an asynchronous terminal can be stopped by sending X.OFF (CTRL/S character.)
To resume scrolling, send X.ON (CTRL/Q).

3) When the key code is not correct, type "CTRL/P", "CLR" and then the characters "CLR" to quit the configurator.

Menu of Commands

Commands Available at All Levels

F (CR)

To clear the call and start a selective reset (*) with the archiving of the configuration in EEPROM

V (CR)

To clear the call and start a selective reset (*) without archiving the configuration in EEPROM


Archiving of configuration in EEPROM without updating the operational configuration and without selective reset

I (CR)

To reset the equipment only in session ITO

Commands Available at Class Level


To view the whole configuration

DS Recurrence No. (CR)

To view the connection parameters of a line (in C12)

DA line No (CR)

To view the extension parameters of a line (in C13)

DE Recurrence No. (CR)

To view the parameters of the management functions, securized lines (SVC) or X.29 rerouting, compression or DLM/Virtual Router defined in C24.

DX Recurrence No. (CR)

To view the dynamic connection parameters of the B or D channels (ISDN) or frame relay profile defined in C30.

H (CR)

To obtain help.


To list the meaning of classes.


To list all the connection profiles used (in class 12, 24 and 30).


To list all the connection profiles used (in class 13)

PS Profile No. (CR)

For the contents of a connection profile.

PA Profile No. (CR)

For the contents of an extension profile.


To save the fixed configuration in EEPROM in the removable configuration.


To copy the removable configuration into the fixed configuration in EEPROM and in CONFIG RAM

Class No. (CR)

To access the requested class

SS (CR) (**)

Status of configuration supports

T (CR)

To view the Transparent BSC terminators

Commands Available at Recurrence Level


To return to the class level

H (CR)

To call for help


To view the meaning of recurrences


To view the meaning of the connection profiles


To view the meaning of the extension profiles


To save the fixed configuration in EEPROM into the removable configuration


To copy the removable configuration into the fixed configuration in EEPROM and in CONFIG RAM

Recurrence No. (CR)

To access the selected recurrence

Commands Available at Parameter Level


To validate a modification

D (CR)

To delete all parameters within the recurrence

S/Parameter No./

new value (CR) to modify a parameter (1)

C/R = Recurrence No. (CR)

To copy the parameters of the source into the destination recurrence

S/Parameter No./(CR)

To cancel the value of a parameter

The Copy and Delete commands are valid for classes 12, 13, 24 and 30.

(1) Except for classes 12, 24 and 30 where the syntax is: S/Row no./Parameter no./New value (CR)

(*) Selective reset of one or more lines takes place only if there is a modification of the connection or extension parameters in class 12 or 13 or C1 R1 before the output through F or V.

(**) The status of the configuration may be consulted at the class level by typing SS followed by (CR). The status of the configuration indicates the following information depending on its location:

As an example, when command SS is used, the configurator displays the following:

Figure 2-4: Display when Command SS is Typed

In the above example, modules 0 and 2 are not present.

Access protection of certain classes

Certain recurrences or classes that contain system data may be read-and/or write-protected. Access to these classes is therefore subject to the typing of a KEY code (from l to 8 alphanumeric characters) specified in the existing configuration (see C0R0, C2R0 and C2R1 in the class and recurrence chapter of this manual).

The display of the word "key" on the welcome page indicates that the system is waiting for a command.

This command may be:

Note The commands F, V, I, D, ISE and SA are inhibited. When an incorrect KEY is entered, the following message is displayed: "KEY code incorrect, command not possible."

Choice of Type of Reset

When the KEY code is validated, the "TYPE OF SESSION, ISE OR ITO?" message is displayed to allow the operator to specify the type of reset planned at the end of the configuration session.

Total Reset

Type ITO and (CR) for a complete reset if the changes affect all lines or the overall operation of the FastPad (classes not accessible during an ISE session, described below).

The commands F, V or SA are impossible during a ITO session.

Note A complete reset must be given after a modification on the class 32 or the parameter 90 of the class 12 of the frame relay line. A complete reset must be given after a modification on the parameters of the MLP bundle. After any modification on the virtual router, SNMP, the user must completely reset the system (ITO).

Selective Reset

Type ISE followed by (CR). In ISE, the classes/recurrences/parameters (general operation of FastPad) below are not accessible for modification:

· Class 1:

Identification OF CONFIGURATION (except for recurrence 1)

· Class 2:


· Class 3:


· Class 4:


· Class 14:


· Class 24:


All modifications outside these classes are updating the fixed configuration's EEPROM and RAM by the command "F".

The selective reset (ISE) of one or more lines by the command "F" or "V" is only possible when the parameters to modify are parameters in class 1, recurrence 1, and classes 12 or 13.

Note We strongly advise against the modification of the following parameters in the classes 12 or 30 during an ISE session.

· Class 12:


Parameter 4:

Number of the 1st group of incoming logical channels

Parameter 5:

Number of 1st incoming logical channel

Parameter 6:

Number of groups of incoming logical channels

Parameter 7:

Number of incoming logical channels

Parameter 8:

Number of the 1st group of mixed logical channels

Parameter 9:

Number of 1st mixed logical channel

Parameter 10:

Number of groups of mixed logical channels

Parameter 11:

Number of mixed logical channels

Parameter 12:

Number of the 1st group of outgoing logical channels

Parameter 13:

Number of 1st outgoing logical channel

Parameter 14:

Number of groups of outgoing logical channels

Parameter 15:

Number of outgoing logical channels

Parameter 90:

Number of PVCs or cluster

Parameter 91:

Position of first PVC or cluster

Parameter 94:

Securized virtual secrets

Modification of these parameters is still possible when the new value is lower than the existing value.


Because the classes 8, 17 and 19 refer to each other, these classes must be reset with an ITO.

Note Section "End of Configuration Session and Reset" of this chapter explains how to quit the configurator and initiate the reset.

Access to parameters and modifications

Access Method

When the KEY code and the (CR) and the type of session have been typed, the operator may access the parameters to be modified.

The system imposes a selection among the three configuration levels:

Figure 2-5: Selection Among Three Configuration Levels

Note It is not necessary to follow the numerical order of the classes, recurrences, and parameters.


Parameter 3, recurrence 1 of class 15 may be modified before parameter 1, recurrence 8 of class 3.

Access to parameters and modifications

From the welcome page of the configurator, the parameters to be modified are reached as follows:

Figure 2-6: Modifying Parameters on the Configurator's Welcome Page

The meeting of the line is not taken into account when the modifications involve parameters other than in classes 12 and 13 linked with the line. The modifications of these parameters requires the operator to use the command: ISE line-number.

* One or more lines may be reset without parameter modification by typing:

Figure 2-7: Resetting Lines without Parameter Modification

** When the key code is not correct, whatever the session (lSE or ITO), the configuration session cannot be closed with the commands "F", "V", "SA" or "I". To quit the configuration, type "CTRL/P", "CLR". This command cancels all the modifications entered during the session.

Figure 2-8:
Configurator Display and Operator Response

** This meaning does not apply to classes 12, 24 and 30:

*** Command valid only in classes 12, 13, 24 and 30.

Error Messages

The typing of an incorrect class, recurrence, or parameter number leads to the display of one of the following messages:




LINE No. NOT ACCESSIBLE (selective reset of an XX line).

LINE No. CAN NOT BE RESET (in class 1, recurrence 1 of XX).



The user is invited to type the correct number.

Typing a number of a write-protected class will display the following message:

"write-protected recurrence".

During archiving, in EEPROM, of the fixed operational configuration present in RAM, the following error messages may be displayed:




If the response is:


The last saved configuration is restored, and all modifications are lost.


The modifications are saved, and others are possible to reduce the size of the file to be compressed.

End of Configuration Session and Reset

To quit the configurator and initiate the equipment reset when you have finished making changes, type:

The reset from the new configuration can be checked by displaying the welcome page of the configurator (for example).

Figure 2-9: Welcome Page of the Configurator

If the identification is that of the customer and if the counter is incremented by 1 in relation to the preceding configuration version, the equipment has been reset with the new configuration.

If the identification is 9000 and the value of the counter 00, the new configuration is wrong and the equipment has been reset with the default configuration.

In this case, it is possible to access the erroneous configuration to modify it by setting up a new configuration session.

To quit a configuration session without resetting the equipment and without updating the operational configuration in RAM, type one of the following commands:

Note For a "call clearance" during a configuration session. The modifications made are saved. One need only re-establish the call to continue the modifications.

Posted: Thu Jan 25 13:56:57 PST 2001
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