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Table Of Contents
Configuring the System Using the Initialization Wizard
Overview of the Initialization Wizard
Description of the Initialization Wizard
Configuration Data Required for the Initialization Wizard
Buttons on the Initialization Wizard Windows
Starting the Initialization Wizard for Cisco CallManager
Configuring the System Using the Initialization Wizard
This chapter describes the initial configuration process and contains the following sections:
Overview of the Initialization Wizard
Starting the Initialization Wizard for Cisco CallManager
You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or later as the web browser. The Netscape browser is not supported on Cisco Unity Express.
Overview of the Initialization Wizard
After the hardware and software are installed, start the Cisco Unity Express GUI. The GUI allows you to configure users, voice mailboxes, and other features of voice mail and auto attendant.
This section describes the procedures and information required to use the initialization wizard and contains the following sections:
Description of the Initialization Wizard
Configuration Data Required for the Initialization Wizard
Buttons on the Initialization Wizard Windows
Description of the Initialization Wizard
The initialization wizard is a software tool with a series of windows that help you configure Cisco Unity Express. The wizard starts automatically the first time you log in to the GUI.
Some of the information shown on the wizard windows comes from system parameters configured during the installation of the Cisco CallManager system, including:
Telephone users and their extensions.
IP address for the primary Cisco CallManager server and IP addresses for the secondary and tertiary servers if they will be used in case the primary server is unavailable.
User ID and password for web access to Cisco CallManager.
JTAPI user ID and password.
The remaining wizard information consists of default values calculated by Cisco Unity Express or values you must supply, including:
Cisco Unity Express administrator user ID and password.
Users who should be assigned mailboxes.
Primary extension for each user, especially for users who have more than one extension.
Users who will be assigned administrative privilege.s
Size of a new mailbox.
Maximum length of a voice-mail message.
Length of time a message can be stored on the system.
Whether passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs) are required for new users.
Telephone numbers for accessing the voice-mail system, the auto-attendant system, the operator, and the AVT.
These values are described in more detail in the next section, "Configuration Data Required for the Initialization Wizard".
When you have entered all the data required in the wizard windows, the system updates the Cisco Unity Express and Cisco CallManager databases with this new information. At that point, you can log in to the system and add or modify the information for any user, mailbox, or system component.
Configuration Data Required for the Initialization Wizard
A series of windows appear that require the following information:
(Required) To start the initialization wizard, you need the IP address of the module that contains the Cisco Unity Express application.
(Required) Your Cisco Unity Express administrator user ID and password.
Cisco Unity Express requires an administrator to configure the router and other system components. During the software installation process, the system installer created a user ID and password that are used to log in to Cisco Unity Express software.
Cisco Unity Express does not treat this administrator as a telephone user.
(Required) The IP address of the primary Cisco CallManager server. IP addresses for the secondary and tertiary servers are optional.
(Required) The user IDs and passwords for the Cisco CallManager JTAPI user and web user.
(Required) The name, user ID, and extension number for each telephone user, whether each user will require a voice mailbox, and which users will be identified as administrators. Administrators have full access to all the voice-mail and auto-attendant parameters. Nonadministrative voice-mail users have limited access to system configuration tasks.
Users may have been configured on the Cisco CallManager. You may copy some or all of these users to the Cisco Unity Express database.
Some users or extensions may not require a voice mailbox. For example, a lobby extension, a conference room extension, or a visitor office extension should not be assigned a mailbox. Review the purpose of each extension carefully so that mailbox storage space is used efficiently.
(Required) The policy for handling passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs).
You must determine the level of security for your voice-mail system. Requiring new users to have a password to access the GUI and a PIN to access their voice mailbox helps discourage unauthorized personnel from gaining entry to the system or to another user's mailbox. However, not assigning a password and PIN makes it easier for a user to enter the system or mailbox the first time.
Decide whether Cisco Unity Express should generate a random password and a random PIN for each new user or if the password and PIN should be blank. In either case, each new user and each user copied from Cisco CallManager are required to change the password and the PIN when logging in to the system for the first time.
(Optional) The default language that the user hears when accessing the voice-mail system.
The default language was selected at the time of purchase of Cisco Unity Express. See the Release Notes for Cisco Unity Express Release 2.2 for a list of available languages.
(Optional) The default mailbox size.
The mailbox size represents the total number of seconds from all messages stored in a user's box. Cisco Unity Express calculates a default value based on the maximum number of mailboxes and the maximum storage space on the system. You can change the size value for individual users who require more or less storage space than the default.
(Optional) The default message length.
The message size represents the maximum number of seconds for any message stored in a voice mailbox. Callers who try to leave a longer message will be cut off when the maximum time is reached. Cisco Unity Express calculates a default value based on the default storage space for a mailbox. You can change the length value for individual users who require longer messages than the default.
(Optional) The default message storage time.
The message storage time is the number of days for which the system will save old messages. As a message approaches this storage time, the system alerts the user to resave or delete the message. If the user takes no action when the maximum storage time is reached, the system deletes the message.
(Required) Telephone numbers for:
Voice-mail system
Users dial the voice-mail system telephone number to retrieve their voice messages.
Voice-mail operator extension
While in the voice-mail system, users dial the voice-mail operator extension number to reach the voice-mail operator.
Auto attendant
Callers dial the auto-attendant telephone number to reach the auto-attendant system.
Auto-attendant operator extension
The auto-attendant application dials the auto-attendant operator extension number when a caller presses "0" for the operator.
Administration via Telephone (AVT) number
Administrators dial the AVT number to access the AVT to modify or create prompts and greetings.
CautionThe voice-mail telephone number, auto-attendant telephone number, and AVT number should be unique values. If they are not, a user who tries to call the operator while in the voice-mail system will be directed back to the voice-mail system or the AVT. Also, an outside caller who presses the button for the operator might be connected to the voice-mail system or the AVT.
Activity Timer
The system has a timer that checks if the GUI is being used. If the GUI has been started but no windows or fields are accessed for a while, the system displays the following window shortly before the timer expires:
If you do not click Resume, the system will cancel your activity and log you off the GUI. Data that was not saved is lost. Be sure to have all the appropriate configuration information available while you run the initialization wizard.
Buttons on the Initialization Wizard Windows
Table 6 describes the buttons used only on the initialization wizard windows. None of the other GUI windows use them.
Starting the Initialization Wizard for Cisco CallManager
Follow these steps to begin the initialization wizard for Cisco CallManager systems.
Step 1
On your PC, open your web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or later is preferred).
Step 2
In the Address box, enter http://a.b.c.d/Web, where a.b.c.d is the IP address of the module. Be sure to enter Web with upper- and lowercase letters as shown here.
The Authentication window appears:
Step 3
In the User Name field, enter the user ID for the Cisco Unity Express administrator. The user ID is case-sensitive; be sure to type the user ID with correct upper- and lowercase letters.
This administrator ID and the password were created by the installer during the software installation process. This ID is used only for logging in to Cisco Unity Express and is not considered a telephone user.
Step 4
Tab to or click on the Password field and enter the password for the Cisco Unity Express administrator. The password is case-sensitive; be sure to type the password with correct upper- and lowercase letters. Asterisks (*) will appear for each character in the password.
Step 5
Click Login.
The Cisco Unity Express window appears:
The following options are available from this window:
View current settings—Use this option to display several system parameters that were defined when the Cisco CallManager software was installed. See Step 6 below.
Run Initialization Wizard—Use this option to start the initialization wizard configuration procedure. See Step 8 below.
Skip Initialization Wizard and Log off—Use this option only if you are using the Cisco Unity Express CLI command interface to configure the system parameters.
Log off (Run Initialization Wizard later)—Use this option to log off the system without starting the initialization wizard. You may run the initialization wizard at a later time.
Step 6
To display the current settings for system parameters, click View current settings.
The Current Settings window appears:
These values were configured on the Cisco CallManager application. They cannot be changed from this window. Run the initialization wizard to change the values.
Step 7
Click Cancel to close this window. The Cisco Unity Express window appears again.
Step 8
To start the initialization wizard, click Run Initialization Wizard.
The CallManager Login window appears:
Step 9
The IP address of the CallManager server appears in the Primary CallManager field. If this value is not correct, enter the correct IP address.
Step 10
(Optional) The Secondary CallManager field is optional. To use a secondary Cisco CallManager server, enter the IP address of the server.
Step 11
(Optional) The Tertiary CallManager field is optional. To use a tertiary Cisco CallManager server, enter the IP address of the server.
Step 12
In the Web User Name field, enter the user ID for the Cisco CallManager web administrator.
Step 13
In the Web Password field, enter the password for the Cisco CallManager web administrator.
Step 14
In the JTAPI User Name field, enter the user ID for the Cisco CallManager JTAPI user.
Step 15
In the JTAPI Password field, enter the password for the Cisco CallManager JTAPI user.
Step 16
Click Next.
The Import CCM Users window appears:
Use this window to copy user data configured on Cisco CallManager to the Cisco Unity Express database. When this window first appears, no users are displayed.
Step 17
Do one of the following:
To add users later, go to Step 27.
To add users now, click Add.
The CallManager User Search window appears:
When this window first appears, no users are displayed.
Step 18
Enter a maximum of 200 user IDs of Cisco CallManager users who should be imported. Separate the user IDs with a space, comma, tab, or carriage return.
Step 19
Click Find.
A status window appears while Cisco Unity Express searches for the users' data:
When the search is complete, the Search Results window appears:
This window displays the results of the search. Users found in the Cisco CallManager database have check boxes next to their user IDs.
Step 20
If you scroll through the list and do not see one or more users that you need, click Back to Search and repeat Step 17 to Step 19.
Step 21
After you find one or more users that you want to copy to Cisco Unity Express, do one of the following:
To copy all the users in the display, check the box next to User ID. This places a check mark in the box next to each user ID.
To copy some of the users, check the box next to the specific user IDs.
Step 22
Click Add to Import List.
The Import CCM Users window appears with the list of users:
Table 7 describes the columns on this window:
You can copy any or all of those users into the Cisco Unity Express database. A check mark automatically appears next to each username.
Copy at least one of the users, and designate one as the administrator. When the initialization process is complete, make a note of the user's ID and password. You will need this to log back in to Cisco Unity Express.
Step 23
All the users in the list will be copied to the Cisco Unity Express database unless you remove the check marks next to the user IDs. In the column to the left of the users' names, do one of the following:
To copy all the users in the list to the Cisco Unity Express database, leave the check marks as they are and go to Step 24.
To remove a check mark, check the box next to each user ID that should not be copied to the Cisco Unity Express database. Users who are not in the Cisco Unity Express database will not have a voice mailbox.
Step 24
In the Primary column, use the drop-down menu to select a primary extension for that user.
The primary extension is the mailbox for saving and retrieving voice-mail messages. If no primary extension is designated for a user, that user cannot receive or retrieve voice-mail messages.
In this field, None means that none of the displayed extensions for the user is the primary extension. You can designate a mailbox for this user now, but the user cannot access it until you configure the user's primary extension at a later time.
Step 25
In the Mailbox column, do one of the following:
To create mailboxes for each of the users, check the box next to Mailbox. This places a check mark in each user's box in the column. Cisco Unity Express creates the mailboxes when the initialization process is complete.
Checking this box creates a mailbox for all users displayed in the list. If you selected specific users in Step 23, do not check this box.
To create mailboxes for specific users, check the box in the Mailbox column for each user who should have a mailbox.
Step 26
In the Administrator column, do one of the following:
Administrators have access to all system configuration and maintenance capabilities.
To allow all users to configure the Cisco Unity Express system, check the box next to Administrator. If you selected specific users in Step 23, do not check this box.
To allow specific users to configure the system, check the box in the Administrator column next to each user who should have this permission.
Step 27
Click Next.
The Defaults window appears:
The values shown on this window are Cisco Unity Express default values. These values affect all users and mailboxes in the voice-mail system.
Step 28
The Language field indicates the language used for all voice-mail system messages and prompts heard by the telephone user. In Release 2.0 and later, the language purchased with Cisco Unity Express appears.
Step 29
In the Password & PIN options fields, do the following:
CautionYou must determine the level of security for your voice-mail system. Requiring a new user to have a password to access the GUI and a PIN to access the voice mailbox helps discourage unauthorized personnel from gaining entry to the system or to another user's mailbox. However, not assigning a password and PIN makes it easier for a user to enter the system or mailbox the first time. Decide whether Cisco Unity Express should generate a random password and a random PIN for each new user or if the password and PIN should be blank. In either case, the user is required to change the password and the PIN when logging in to the system for the first time.
The default is to generate a random password for each user. To leave the password blank for all new users, click the Blank password radio button.
The default is to generate a random PIN for each user. To leave the PIN blank for all new users, click the Blank PIN radio button.
The values in the next three fields are automatically assigned to all new mailboxes.
Step 30
In the Mailbox Size field, enter the maximum number of seconds of stored messages allowed for each mailbox.
Step 31
In the Maximum Caller Message Size field, enter the number of seconds for the maximum length of any message stored in the voice-mail system.
Step 32
In the Message Expiry Time field, enter the number of days for which old messages are stored. When a message has been stored for this length of time, the user can resave it or delete it.
Step 33
Click Next.
The Call Handling window appears:
If these fields were not previously configured using the Cisco Unity Express CLI commands, they will be blank.
CautionThe Voice Mail Number field, Auto Attendant Access Number field, and Administration via Telephone field should contain different values. If they do not, a user who tries to call the operator while in the voice-mail system will be directed back to the voice-mail system or the AVT. Also, an outside caller who tries to get to the operator will be connected to the voice-mail system or the AVT.
Step 34
In the Voice Mail Number field, enter the telephone number that users dial to retrieve their voice messages. The telephone number should not have spaces, dashes, or periods.
Step 35
In the Voice Mail Operator Extension field, enter the telephone extension for the voice-mail operator. A voice-mail user dials this extension to reach the operator.
Step 36
In the Auto Attendant Access Number field, enter the telephone number that callers dial to access the auto attendant.
Step 37
In the Auto Attendant Operator Extension field, enter the telephone extension for the auto-attendant operator. Auto attendant dials this extension when the caller presses "0" for the operator.
Step 38
In the Administration via Telephone Number field, enter the telephone number or extension that administrators dial to access the AVT. (Administrators access the AVT to modify or create prompts and greetings.)
Step 39
Click Next.
If any two of the Voice Mail Number, Auto Attendant Access Number, and Administration via Telephone Number fields have the same number, an error message appears:
Step 40
Click OK and repeat Step 34 to Step 39.
The first of two Commit windows appears:
This window displays the current values of the initialization parameters. Use the scrollbar to view the other parameters:
At this point, none of these values has been saved to the Cisco Unity Express database.
Step 41
If any value is not correct, click Back to return to the appropriate window and change the value.
Step 42
When all the values are correct, check the box next to Finally to save the values.
Step 43
Click Finish to complete the initialization.
The default values are stored in the Cisco Unity Express database. The Administrators group is created.
You can change any of these parameters by using other menu options described in "Cisco Unity Express Windows and Menus" on page 52.
The Initialization Wizard Status window appears:
Table 8 describes the fields on this window.
If Failed appears in any of the status fields, contact the person who installed your system for assistance.
Step 44
Write down the user IDs and passwords for the users. Keep them in a secure place.
Use the administrator's user ID and password to log back in to Cisco Unity Express.
Give these user IDs and passwords to the users so that they can log in to their voice mailboxes.
Step 45
Do one of the following:
You must reload Cisco Unity Express to update the databases with the users and values entered in the initialization wizard.
Click Logout to exit the initialization wizard. Cisco Unity Express and Cisco CallManager do not update their databases with the values entered on these windows.
Click Reload Unity Express to update the Cisco Unity Express and Cisco CallManager databases. A verification window appears:
Do one of the following:
Click OK to start the reload. As the databases are updated, the window may pause or the Logged Out window may appear but may not respond for a short while.
Click Cancel to continue without reloading.
The Logged Out window appears:
Step 46
Click Login again to enter the GUI administration environment.
See "Logging In to Voice-Mail Administration for the First Time" on page 43 to change your password and to start Cisco Unity Express.
Posted: Fri Jan 13 04:24:47 PST 2006
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