
Table Of Contents

Logging In and Out of Cisco Unity Express

Logging In to Voice-Mail Administration for the First Time



What to Do Next

Logging In to Cisco Unity Express

Logging Out of Cisco Unity Express

Logging In and Out of Cisco Unity Express

This chapter describes processes for logging in and logging out and contains the following sections:

Logging In to Voice-Mail Administration for the First Time

Logging In to Cisco Unity Express

Logging Out of Cisco Unity Express

Note You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or later as the web browser. The Netscape browser is not supported on Cisco Unity Express.

Logging In to Voice-Mail Administration for the First Time

Use this procedure the first time you log in to the voice-mail system. The system asks you to create a new password.


You will need the following information to log in to Cisco Unity Express for the first time:

IP address of the Cisco Unity Express module.

If you or another administrator selected the random password generation option during the initialization procedure, you need the random password generated for you by the system. If the blank password option was selected, you do not need a password to access the system.

A new password, 3 to 21 characters in length, comprised of letters, numbers, and the special characters underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-). Spaces are not allowed in the password.


Follow these steps to log in for the first time:

Step 1 Open your browser and enter http://a.b.c.d/Web, where a.b.c.d is the IP address of the module. Be sure to enter Web with upper- and lowercase letters as shown here.

The Authentication window appears:

This window verifies that the user trying to log in is configured on the Cisco Unity Express system.

If you have just completed the initialization wizard, the Authentication window may appear to be unresponsive. The system may be updating the databases with the new users and system values; this process may take a few minutes.

Step 2 In the User Name field, enter the user ID of a user identified as an Cisco Unity Express administrator. This user ID is not the same as the user ID that started the initialization wizard. The user ID is case-sensitive; be sure to type the user ID with correct upper- and lowercase letters.

Step 3 Do one of the following:

If the system generates random passwords, tab to or click in the Password field and enter the password that was generated for you during the initialization procedure.

If the system does not generate random passwords, go to Step 4.

Step 4 Click Login.

If the user ID and password are correct, the Password Expired window appears:

Step 5 Do one of the following:

If you have a randomly generated password, enter it in the Current password field.

If the system does not generate random passwords, go to Step 6.

Step 6 In the New password field, enter your new password. Be sure to type the upper- and lowercase letters carefully.

Step 7 In the Confirm new password field, retype the password from Step 6.

Step 8 Click Apply.

The Logged Out window appears:

Step 9 Click Login again to re-enter the system. Use your new password to access the GUI windows.

What to Do Next

After logging in to the system, see "Navigating Through the Cisco Unity Express GUI Windows" section on page 49.

Logging In to Cisco Unity Express

Logging in to Cisco Unity Express is very straightforward.

Note If this is the first time you are logging in to the system, see "Logging In to Voice-Mail Administration for the First Time".

Follow these steps to log in to Cisco Unity Express.

Step 1 Open your browser and enter http://a.b.c.d/Web, where a.b.c.d is the IP address of the module. Be sure to enter Web with upper- and lowercase letters as shown here.

The Authentication window appears:

Step 2 In the User Name field, enter your user ID. The user ID is case-sensitive; be sure to type the user ID with correct upper- and lowercase letters.

Step 3 In the Password field, enter your password. The password is case-sensitive; be sure to type the password with correct upper- and lowercase letters.

Step 4 Click Login.

If the user ID and password were entered correctly, the Home window appears:

All voice-mail administration activity uses the menus on this window. See "Navigating Through the Cisco Unity Express GUI Windows" on page 49 for a description of the different menus.

Logging Out of Cisco Unity Express

Log out of Cisco Unity Express when you finish your current set of tasks so that unauthorized personnel will not have access to the administration functions.

Follow these steps to log out of Cisco Unity Express.

Step 1 Before logging out of the system, save changes to the windows on which you were working. (Use the Administration > Control Panel option to save your data.) Logging out does not automatically save new field entries.

Step 2 When you are ready to log out of Cisco Unity Express, go to the upper right corner of the Home window and click Logout.

The Logged Out window appears:

Step 3 Do one of the following:

Click Login again to re-enter the administration windows.

Close the application.


Posted: Fri Jan 13 04:26:20 PST 2006
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