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Table Of Contents
SCCP: Modifying Soft-Key Display
SIP: Modifying Soft-Key Display
Verifying Soft-Key Configuration
Verifying Flash Soft-Key Configuration
Configuration Examples for Soft-Keys
Modifying Soft-Key Display: Example
Modifying the HLog Soft Key for Ephone Hunt Groups: Example
Enabling Flash Soft Key for PSTN Calls: Example
Park and Transfer Blocking: Example
Feature Information for Soft Keys
Customizing Soft Keys
Last Updated: June 20, 2007This chapter describes the soft-key features in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME).
Finding Feature Information in This Module
Your Cisco Unified CME version may not support all of the features documented in this module. For a list of the versions in which each feature is supported, see the "Feature Information for Soft Keys" section.
Configuration Examples for Soft-Keys
Feature Information for Soft Keys
Information About Soft Keys
To customize soft keys on IP phones, you should understand the following concepts:
Soft Keys on IP Phones
You can customize the display and order of soft keys that appear during various call states on individual IP phones. Soft keys that are appropriate in each call state are displayed by default. Using phone templates, you can delete soft keys that would normally appear or change the order in which the soft keys appear. For example, you might want to display the CFwdAll and Confrn soft keys on a manager's phone and remove these soft keys from a receptionist's phone.
You can modify soft keys for the following call states:
Alerting—When the remote point is being notified of an incoming call, and the status of the remote point is being relayed to the caller as either ringback or busy.
Connected—When the connection to a remote point is established.
Hold—When a connected party is still connected but there is temporarily no voice connection.
Idle—Before a call is made and after a call is complete.
Seized—When a caller is attempting a call but has not yet been connected.
Ringing—For Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version. After a call is received and before the call is connected.
Not all soft keys are available in all call states. Use the CLI help to see the available soft keys for each call state. The soft keys are as follows:
Acct—Short for "account code." Provides access to configured accounts.
Answer—Picks up incoming call.
Callback—Requests callback notification when a busy called line becomes free.
CFwdALL—Short for "call forward all." Forwards all calls.
Confrn—Short for "conference." Connects callers to a conference call.
DND—Short for "do not disturb." Enables the do-not-disturb features.
EndCall—Ends the current call.
GPickUp—Short for "group call pickup." Selectively picks up calls coming into a phone number that is a member of a pickup group.
Flash—Short for "hookflash." Provides hookflash functionality for public switched telephone network (PSTN) services on calls connected to the PSTN via a foreign exchange office (FXO) port.
HLog—Places the phone of an ephone-hunt group agent into the not-ready status or, if the phone is in the not-ready status, it places the phone into the ready status.
Hold—Places an active call on hold and resumes the call.
Login—Provides personal identification number (PIN) access to restricted phone features.
NewCall—Opens a line on a speakerphone to place a new call.
Park—Places an active call on hold so it can be retrieved from another phone in the system.
PickUp—Selectively picks up calls coming into another extension.
Redial—Redials the last number dialed.
Trnsfer—Short for "call transfer." Transfers an active call to another extension.
You change the soft-key order by defining a phone template and applying the template to one or more phones. You can create up to 20 phone templates for SCCP phones and ten templates for SIP phones. Only one template can be applied to a phone. If you apply a second phone template to a phone that already has a template applied to it, the second template overwrites the first phone template information. The new information takes effect only after you generate a new configuration file and restart the phone, otherwise the previously configured template remains in effect.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1, customizing the soft key display for IP phones running SIP is supported only for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE.
For configuration information, see the "How to Customize Soft Keys" section.
Account Code Entry
The Cisco Unified IP Phones 7940 and 7940G and the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7960 and 7960G allow phone users to enter account codes during call setup or when connected to an active call using the Acct soft key. Account codes are inserted into call detail records (CDRs) on the Cisco Unified CME router for later interpretation by billing software.
An account code is visible in the output of the show call active command and the show call history command for telephony call legs and is supported by the CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB. The account code also appears in the "account-code" RADIUS vendor-specific attribute (VSA) for voice authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA).
To enter an account code during call setup or when in a connected state, press the Acct soft key, enter the account code using the phone keypad, then press the # key to notify Cisco Unified CME that the last digit of the code has been entered. The account code digits are processed upon receipt of the # and appear in the show output after processing.
No configuration is required for this feature.
If Cisco Unified CME does not receive a #, each account code digit is processed only after a timer expires. The timer is 30 seconds for the first digit entered, then x seconds for each subsequent digit, where x equals the number of seconds configured with the timeouts interdigit (telephony-service) command. The default value for the interdigit timeout is 10 seconds. The account code digits do not appear in show output until after being processed.
Hookflash Soft Key
The Flash soft key provides hookflash functionality for calls made on FXO trunks. Certain public switched telephone network (PSTN) services, such as three-way calling and call waiting, require hookflash intervention from a phone user. A soft key, labeled Flash, provides this hookflash functionality for IP phones that use foreign exchange office (FXO) lines attached to the Cisco Unified CME system.
When a Flash soft key is enabled on an IP phone, it can provide hookflash functionality during all calls except for local IP-phone-to-IP-phone calls. Hookflash-controlled services can be activated only if they are supported by the PSTN connection that is involved in the call. The availability of the Flash soft key does not guarantee that hookflash-based services are accessible to the phone user.
For configuration information, see the "Enabling Flash Soft Key" section.
Feature Blocking
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, individual soft-key features can be blocked on one or more phones. You specify the features that you want blocked by adding the features blocked command to an ephone template. The template is then applied under ephone configuration mode to one or more ephones.
If a feature is blocked using the features blocked command, the soft key is not removed, but it does not function. For configuration information, see the "Configuring Feature Blocking" section.
To remove a soft-key display, use the appropriate no softkeys command. See the "SCCP: Modifying Soft-Key Display" section.
How to Customize Soft Keys
This section contains the following tasks:
SCCP: Modifying Soft-Key Display
SIP: Modifying Soft-Key Display
Verifying Soft-Key Configuration
Verifying Flash Soft-Key Configuration
Configuring Feature Blocking
SCCP: Modifying Soft-Key Display
To modify the display of soft-keys, perform the following steps.
Cisco CME 3.2 or a later version.
Cisco Unified 4.2 or a later version to enable soft keys during the ringing call state.
The HLog soft key must be enabled with the hunt-group logout HLog command before it will be displayed. For more information, see the "SCCP: Configuring Hunt Groups" section on page 614.
The Flash soft key must be enabled with the fxo hook-flash command before it will be displayed. For configuration information, see the "Enabling Flash Soft Key" section.
The third soft-key button on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G is reserved for the Message soft key. For these phones' templates, the third soft-key defaults to the Message soft key. For example, the softkeys idle Redial Dnd Pickup Login Gpickup command configuration displays, in order, the Redial, DND, Message, PickUp, Login, and GPickUp soft keys.
The NewCall soft key cannot be disabled on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G.
configure terminal
ephone-template template-tag
softkeys alerting {[Acct] [Callback] [Endcall]}
softkeys connected {[Acct] [Confrn] [Endcall] [Flash] [Hlog] [Hold] [Park] [Trnsfer]}
softkeys hold {[Newcall] [Resume]}
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [Dnd] [Gpickup] [Hlog] [Login] [Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial]}
softkeys seized {[Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Gpickup] [Hlog] [Pickup] [Redial]}
softkeys ringing {[Answer] [Dnd] [HLog]}
ephone phone-tag
ephone-template template-tag
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file and restart the phones. See the "SCCP: Generating Configuration Files for SCCP Phones" section on page 267.
SIP: Modifying Soft-Key Display
To modify the display of soft keys on SIP phones for different call states, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
This feature is supported only for Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE.
You can download a custom soft key XML file from a TFTP server, however if the soft key XML file contains an error, the soft keys might not work properly on the phone. We recommend the following procedure for creating a soft key template in Cisco Unified CME.
configure terminal
voice register template template-tag
softkeys connected {[Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold] [Trnsfer]}
softkeys hold {[Newcall] [Resume]}
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [Newcall] [Redial]}
softkeys seized {[Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Redial]}
voice register pool pool-tag
template template-tag
Command or Action PurposeStep 1
Example:Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
configure terminal
Example:Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
voice register template template-tag
Example:Router(config)# voice register template 9
Enters voice register template configuration mode to create a SIP phone template.
template-tag—Range: 1 to 10.
Step 4
softkeys connected {[Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold] [Trnsfer]}
Example:Router(config-register-template)# softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer
(Optional) Configures an SIP phone template for soft-key display during the call-connected state.
You can enter the keywords in any order.
Default is all soft keys are displayed in alphabetical order.
Any soft key that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
Step 5
softkeys hold {[Newcall] {Resume]}
Example:Router(config-register-template)# softkeys hold Resume
(Optional) Configures a phone template for soft-key display during the call-hold state.
Default is that the NewCall and Resume soft keys are displayed in alphabetical order.
Any soft key that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
Step 6
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [Newcall] [Redial]}
Example:Router(config-register-template)# softkeys idle Newcall Redial Cfwdall
(Optional) Configures a phone template for soft-key display during the idle state.
You can enter the keywords in any order.
Default is all soft keys are displayed in alphabetical order.
Any soft key that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
Step 7
softkeys seized {[Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Redial]}
Example:Router(config-register-template)# softkeys seized Endcall Redial Cfwdall
(Optional) Configures a phone template for soft-key display during the seized state.
You can enter the keywords in any order.
Default is all soft keys are displayed in alphabetical order.
Any soft key that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
Step 8
Example:Router(config-register-template)# exit
Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Step 9
voice register pool pool-tag
Example:Router(config)# voice register pool 36
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
Step 10
template template-tag
Example:Router(config-register-pool)# template 9
Applies a SIP phone template to the phone you are configuring.
template-tag— Template tag that was created with the voice register template command in Step 3
Step 11
Example:Router(config-register-pool)# end
Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file and restart the phones. See the "SIP: Generating Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones" section on page 270.
Verifying Soft-Key Configuration
Step 1
show running-config
Use this command to verify your configuration. In the following example, the soft-key display is modified in phone template 7 and the template is applied to SIP phone 2. All other phones use the default arrangement of soft keys.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
ring feature secondary
number 126 secondary 1261
description Sales
name Smith
call-forward busy 500 secondary
call-forward noan 500 timeout 10
huntstop channel
no huntstop
no forward local-calls
voice register template 7
session-transport tcp
softkeys hold Resume Newcall
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Cfwdall
softkeys connected Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Hold
voicemail 52001 timeout 30
voice register pool 2
id mac 0030.94C2.A22A
number 1 dn 4
template 7
dialplan 3
Step 2
show telephony-service ephone-template
show voice register template template-tag
This command displays the contents of individual templates.
Router# show telephony-service ephone-template
ephone-template 1
softkey ringing Answer Dnd
conference drop-mode never
conference add-mode all
conference admin: No
Always send media packets to this router: No
Preferred codec: g711ulaw
User Locale: US
Network Locale: US
Router# show voice register template 7
Temp Tag 7
Attended Transfer is enabled
Blind Transfer is enabled
Semi-attended Transfer is enabled
Conference is enabled
Caller-ID block is disabled
DnD control is enabled
Anonymous call block is disabled
Voicemail is 52001, timeout 30
KPML is disabled
Transport type is tcp
softkey connected Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Hold
softkey hold Resume Newcall
softkey idle Newcall Redial Cfwdall
Enabling Flash Soft Key
To enable the flash soft key, perform the following steps.
The IP phone must support soft-key display.
configure terminal
fxo hook-flash
restart all
Verifying Flash Soft-Key Configuration
Step 1
Use the show running-config command to display an entire configuration, including Flash soft key, which is listed in the telephony-service portion of the output.
Router# show running-config
fxo hook-flash
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
Step 2
Use the show telephony-service command to show only the telephony-service portion of the configuration.
Configuring Feature Blocking
To configure feature blocking for SCCP phones, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
configure terminal
ephone-template template-tag
features blocked [CFwdAll] [Confrn] [GpickUp] [Park] [PickUp] [Trnsfer]
ephone phone-tag
ephone-template template-tag
Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 for each phone to which the template should be applied.
Command or Action PurposeStep 1
Example:Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
configure terminal
Example:Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
ephone-template template-tag
Example:Router(config)# ephone-template 1
Enters ephone-template configuration mode.
template-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this template during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 20.
Step 4
features blocked [CFwdAll] [Confrn] [GpickUp] [Park] [PickUp] [Trnsfer]
Example:Router(config-ephone-template)# features blocked Park Trnsfer
Prevents the specified soft key from invoking its feature.
CFwdAll—Call forward all calls.
GpickUp—Group call pickup.
Park—Call park.
PickUp—Directed or local call pickup. This includes pickup last-parked call and pickup from another extension or park slot.
Trnsfer—Call transfer.
Step 5
Example:Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Step 6
ephone phone-tag
Example:Router(config)# ephone 25
Enters ephone configuration mode.
phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones for a particular Cisco Unified CME system is version- and platform-specific. For the range of values, see the CLI help.
Step 7
ephone-template template-tag
Example:Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 1
Applies an ephone template to an ephone.
template-tag—Template number that you want to apply to this ephone.
To view your ephone-template configurations, use the show telephony-service ephone-template command.
Step 8
Example:Router(config-ephone)# restart
Performs a fast reboot of this ephone. Does not contact the DHCP or TFTP server for updated information.
If you are applying the template to more than one ephone, you can use the restart all command in telephony-service configuration mode to reboot all the phones so they have the new template information.
Step 9
Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 for each phone to which the template should be applied.
Step 10
Example:Router(config-ephone)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Verifying Feature Blocking
Step 1
Use the show running-config command to display the running configuration, including ephone templates and ephone configurations.
Step 2
Use the show telephony-service ephone-template command and the show telephony-service ephone command to display only the contents of ephone templates and the ephone configurations.
Configuration Examples for Soft-Keys
This section contains the following examples:
Modifying Soft-Key Display: Example
Modifying the HLog Soft Key for Ephone Hunt Groups: Example
Enabling Flash Soft Key for PSTN Calls: Example
Park and Transfer Blocking: Example
Conference Blocking: Example
Modifying Soft-Key Display: Example
The following example modifies soft-key display on four phones by creating two ephone templates. Ephone template 1 is applied to ephone 11, 13, and 15. Template 2 is applied to ephone 34. The soft-key displays on all other phones use the default arrangement of keys.
ephone-template 1
softkeys idle Redial Newcall
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Trnsfer
ephone-template 2
softkeys idle Redial Newcall
softkeys seized Redial Endcall Pickup
softkeys alerting Redial Endcall
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Trnsfer
ephone 10
ephone-template 2
ephone 13
ephone-template 1
ephone 15
ephone-template 1
ephone 34
ephone-template 2
Modifying the HLog Soft Key for Ephone Hunt Groups: Example
The following example establishes the appearance and order of soft keys for phones that are configured with ephone-template 7. The Hlog key is available when a phone is idle, when it has seized a line, or when it is connected to a call. Phones without soft keys can use the standard HLog codes to toggle ready and not-ready status.
hunt-group logout HLog
fac standard
ephone-template 7
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer Hlog
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
Enabling Flash Soft Key for PSTN Calls: Example
The following example enables the Flash soft key for PSTN calls through an FXO voice port.
fxo hook-flash
Park and Transfer Blocking: Example
The following example blocks the use of Park and Transfer soft keys on extension 2333.
ephone-template 1
features blocked Park Trnsfer
ephone-dn 2
number 2333
ephone 3
button 1:2
ephone-template 1
Conference Blocking: Example
The following example blocks the conference feature on extension 2579, which is on an analog phone.
ephone-template 1
features blocked Confrn
ephone-dn 78
number 2579
ephone 3
ephone-template 1
mac-address C910.8E47.1282
type anl
button 1:78
Where to Go Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file and restart the phones. For more information, see "Generating Configuration Files for Phones" on page 265.
Ephone Templates
The softkeys commands are included in ephone templates that are applied to one or more individual ephones. For more information about templates, see "Creating Templates" on page 927.
HLog Soft Key
The HLog soft key must be enabled with the hunt-group logout HLog command before it will be displayed. For more information, see "Configuring Call-Coverage Features" on page 581.
Additional References
The following sections provide references related to Cisco Unified CME features.
Related Documents
Related Topic Document TitleCisco Unified CME configuration
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference
Cisco IOS commands
Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference
Cisco IOS configuration
Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library
Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME
Technical Assistance
Feature Information for Soft Keys
Table 56 lists the features in this module and enhancements to the features by version.
To determine the correct Cisco IOS release to support a specific Cisco Unified CME version, see the Cisco Unified CME and Cisco IOS Software Version Compatibility Matrix at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps4625/products_documentation_roadmap09186a0080189132.html.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which Cisco IOS software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http://www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 56 lists the Cisco Unified CME version that introduced support for a given feature. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent versions of Cisco Unified CME software also support that feature.
Posted: Wed Aug 15 14:14:54 PDT 2007
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