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Table Of Contents
Creating Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Prerequisites for Extension Assigner
Restrictions for Extension Assigner
Information About Extension Assigner
Files Included in this Release
How to Configure Extension Assigner
Determining Which Extension Numbers to Assign to the New Phones and Plan Your Configuration
Specifying the Extension That Installation Technicians Call to Assign Extension Numbers
Specifying Whether the Extension Used to Access Extension Assigner Is Dialed Automatically
Configuring the Extension Assigner Feature
Configuring Temporary Extension Numbers for Phones That Use Extension Assigner
Configuring Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to Phones
Configuring Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses
Configuring the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration
Provide the Installation Technician with the Needed Information
Assigning New Extension Numbers
Unassigning the Current Extension Number
Reassigning the Current Extension Number
Configuration Examples for Extension Assigner
Feature Information for Extension Assigner
Creating Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Last Updated: March 26, 2007This chapter describes the Extension Assigner feature in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME).
Finding Feature Information in This Module
Your Cisco Unified CME version may not support the feature documented in this module. For a list of the versions in which this feature is supported, see the "Feature Information for Extension Assigner" section.
Prerequisites for Extension Assigner
Restrictions for Extension Assigner
Information About Extension Assigner
How to Configure Extension Assigner
Configuration Examples for Extension Assigner
Feature Information for Extension Assigner
Prerequisites for Extension Assigner
Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)XC or a later release
Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3) or a later version
The following features must be enabled:
Auto-register-ephone (the default)
Restrictions for Extension Assigner
The number of phones that you install cannot exceed the maximum number of phones supported by the router chassis. To find the maximum number of phones for a particular router and Cisco Unified CME version, see the appropriate Cisco Unified CME Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products for your Cisco IOS release.
Do not edit the Tcl script that is provided with this feature.
When loading the Tcl script for extension assigner, you must configure it to use English as the language.
Information About Extension Assigner
To use extension assigner, you should understand the following concepts:
Files Included in this Release
Extension Assigner Overview
This feature enables installation technicians to assign extension numbers to Cisco Unified CME phones without administrative access to the server, typically during the installation of new phones or the replacement of broken phones. However, before an installation technician can use this feature, the system administrator must first configure Cisco Unified CME to allow specific extensions to be assigned. The system administrator must also provide the installation technician with the information necessary for assigning extension numbers to phones. The installation technician can then assign extension numbers to phones with access to only the phones themselves and with no further intervention from the administrator.
The documentation for this feature consists of two groups of procedures, one for installation technicians and one for system administrators. This section describes both of these sets of procedures.
Procedures for System Administrators
Before an installation technician can assign new extension numbers to phones, you must complete these procedures:
Determine which extension numbers will be assigned to the new phones and plan your configuration.
Download the appropriate Tcl script and associated audio prompt files and place them in the correct directory.
Configure the Cisco Unified CME router to:
Configure and load the appropriate Tcl script.
Specify the extension that the installation technician calls to assign extension numbers.
Optionally specify whether the extension used to assign extension numbers is dialed automatically.
Specify the password that the installation technician enters to assign extension numbers.
Configure the extension assigner feature.
Configure ephone-dns with temporary extension numbers.
Configure ephone-dns with the extension numbers that the installation technician can assign to phones.
Configure ephones with temporary MAC addresses for each phone that will be assigned an extension number by the installation technician.
Optionally configure the router to automatically save your configuration.
Provide the installation technician with the information needed to assign extension numbers to the new phones.
Before you can configure this feature, you must understand how the extension assigner application works and what information the installation technician needs to assign extension numbers to phones.
You must also determine which extension numbers to assign to the new phones.
Other information you must provide to the installation technician involves the tasks that the installation technician must perform. These tasks include:
Dialing a configurable extension number to access the extension assigner application
Entering a configurable password
Entering a tag that references the extension number that will be assigned to the phone
Therefore, you must make the following decisions:
Which extension number must be dialed to access the extension assigner application.
Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook.
What password the installation technician must enter to access the extension assigner application.
What type of tag numbers to use to reference the extension number to assign to the phone.
What specific tag numbers to use to reference the extension number to assign to the phone.
The first three decisions are straightforward, but the last two tag number decisions require some knowledge of how the extension assigner feature works.
This feature is implemented using a Tcl script and audio files. To run this script, the installation technician plugs in the phone, waits for a random extension number to be assigned by the autoassign feature, and dials a specified extension number. Extension assigner requires that both the autoassign feature and autoregister feature are enabled and configured as described in earlier versions.
After the phones have registered and received their temporary extension numbers, the installation technician can access extension assigner and enter a tag number. This tag number is used to reference the extension number and must match either an ephone tag or a similar new tag called the provision-tag.
You must decide on which tag you want to use before you configure your ephone and ephone-dn entries.
The advantage of using the provision-tag is that you can make it easier for the installation technician to assign extension numbers because you can configure the tag to match the primary extension number or some other unique identifier for the phone, such as a jack number.
The disadvantage is that you configure an additional keyword for each ephone entry, as shown in the following example:
ephone 1
provision-tag 9001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
If you decide to use the ephone tag, it will require less configuration. However, the installation technician will enter an arbitrary tag number instead of the actual extension number when configuring a phone. This restriction is because the number of ephone tags that you can configure is limited by your license. For example, if you use the ephone tag and you have a 100-user license, the installation technician cannot enter 9001 for the tag because you can configure only ephone 1 to ephone 100.
Note that each ephone entry that you configure must also include a temporary MAC address. As shown in the above example, this address should begin with 02EA.EAEA and can end with any unique number. We strongly recommend that you can configure this unique number to match the ephone tag.
You do not have to configure any ephone entries for the extension number that are randomly assigned. The autoassign feature automatically creates an ephone entry for each new phone when it registers. The autoassign feature then automatically assigns an ephone-dn entry if there is an available ephone-dn that has one of the tag numbers specified by the auto assign command. The resulting ephone configurations have the actual MAC address of the phone and a button with the first available ephone-dn designated for the autoassign feature.
As shown in the following example, you configure at least one ephone-dn for a temporary extension and specify which ephone-dns the autoassign feature will assign to the temporary ephone entries:
auto assign 101 to 105
ephone-dn 101
number 0001
When the installation technician assigns an extension number to a phone, the temporary MAC address is replaced by the actual MAC address and the ephone entry created by the autoregister feature is deleted. The number of ephone-dns that you configure for the autoassign feature determines how many phones you can plug in at one time and get an automatically assigned extension. If you define four ephone-dns for autoassign and you plug in five phones, one phone will not get a temporary extension number until you assign an extension to one of the other four phones and reset the fifth phone. You are permitted to set the max-ephone value higher than the number of purchased Cisco Unified CME phone seat licenses for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using extension assigner.
In addition to configuring one ephone-dn for each temporary extension number that is assigned automatically, you also must configure an ephone-dn entry for each extension number that is assigned by the installation technician.
Therefore, to complete the configuration, as shown in the following example, you must:
Specify whether to use the ephone or the provision-tag number to reference the extension
number to assign to the phone. Set this when the feature is enabled with the new extension-assigner tag-type command provided with this feature.•
Configure an ephone-dn for each temporary extension number that is assigned automatically.
Configure an ephone-dn for each extension number that you want the installation technician to assign to a phone.
Configure an ephone with a temporary MAC address for each phone that is assigned an extension number by the installation technician. Optionally, this ephone definition can include the new provision-tag. For more information, see the "Configuring Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses" section.
extension-assigner tag-type provision-tag
auto assign 101 to 105
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 6001
ephone-dn 101
number 0001
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone 1
provision-tag 6001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
Because you must configure two ephone-dns for each extension number that you want to assign, you may exceed your max-dn setting. You are permitted to set the max-dn value higher than the number allowed by your license for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using extension assigner.
Assuming that your max-dn setting is set high enough, your max-ephone setting determines how many phones you should plug in at one time. For example, if your max-ephone setting is ten more than the number of phones to which you want to assign extension numbers, the you can plug in ten phones at a time. If you plug in eleven phones, one phone will not register or get a temporary extension number until you assign an extension to one of the first ten phones and reset the eleventh phone.
After you have configured your ephone and ephone-dn entries, you can complete your router configuration by optionally configuring the router to automatically save your configuration. If the router configuration is not saved, any extension assignments made by the installation technician will be lost when the router is restarted. The alternative to this optional procedure is to have the installation technician connect to the router and enter the write memory command to save the router configuration.
The final task of the system administrator is to document the information that the installation technician needs to assign extension numbers to the new phones. You can also use this documentation as a guide when you configure Cisco Unified CME to implement this feature. This information includes:
How many phones the installation technician can plug in at one time
Which extension number to dial to access the extension assigner application
Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook
What password to enter to access the application
Which tag numbers to enter to assign en extension to each phone
Because this feature is implemented using a Tcl script and audio files, you must place the script and associated audio prompt files in the correct directory. Do not edit this script; just configure Cisco Unified CME to load the appropriate script.
Procedures for Installation Technicians
This feature is implemented using a Tcl script and audio prompt files that enable the installation technician to assign an extension number to a new Cisco Unified CME phone by performing the following procedure:
Step 1
Plug in a specified number of new phones.
Step 2
Wait for the phones to be assigned temporary, random extension numbers.
Step 3
Dial a specified number to access the extension assigner application.
Step 4
Enter a specified password.
Step 5
Enter a tag that references an extension number and enables the installation technician to perform one of the following tasks:
Assign a new extension number to a phone.
Unassign the current extension number.
Reassign an extension number.
The system administrator provides the installation technician with all of the information needed to perform this procedure.
Files Included in this Release
The app-cme-ea- or later archive file provided for the extension assigner feature includes a readme file, a Tcl script, and several audio prompt files. If you want to replace the audio files with files that use a language other than English, you must not change the name of the files. The Tcl script is written to use only the following list of the filenames:
app-cme-ea- (script)
en_cme_tag_assign_phone.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone_idle.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone_inuse.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone_unreg.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_available.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_extension.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_invalid.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_unassign_phone.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_action_cancelled.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_assign_failed.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_assign_success.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_contact_admin.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_disconnect.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_ephone_tagid.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_invalid_password.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_invalidoption.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_noentry.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_password.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_unassign_failed.au (audio file)
en_cme_tag_unassign_success.au (audio file)
en_eight.au (audio file)
en_five.au (audio file)
en_four.au (audio file)
en_nine.au (audio file)
en_one.au (audio file)
en_seven.au (audio file)
en_six.au (audio file)
en_three.au (audio file)
en_two.au (audio file)
en_zero.au (audio file)
How to Configure Extension Assigner
This section consists of tasks for both the system administrator and installation technician.
Before the installation technician can use extension assigner, the system administrator must perform the following tasks:
Determining Which Extension Numbers to Assign to the New Phones and Plan Your Configuration (required)
Downloading the Tcl Script (required)
Configuring the Tcl Script (required)
Specifying the Extension That Installation Technicians Call to Assign Extension Numbers (required)
Specifying Whether the Extension Used to Access Extension Assigner Is Dialed Automatically (optional)
Configuring the Extension Assigner Feature (optional)
Configuring Temporary Extension Numbers for Phones That Use Extension Assigner (required)
Configuring Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to Phones (required)
Configuring Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses (required)
Configuring the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration (optional)
Provide the Installation Technician with the Needed Information (required)
The installation technician can use extension assigner to perform following tasks:
Assigning New Extension Numbers
Unassigning the Current Extension Number
Reassigning the Current Extension Number
To troubleshoot your installation, see the "Verifying Extension Assigner" section.
Determining Which Extension Numbers to Assign to the New Phones and Plan Your Configuration
After you determine which extension number to assign to each phone, you must make the following decisions:
Which extension number must be dialed to access the extension assigner application.
Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook.
What password the installation technician must enter to access the extension assigner application.
Whether to use the ephone or the provision-tag number to reference the extension number to assign to the phone.
How many temporary extension numbers to configure. This will determine how many temporary ephone-dns and temporary MAC addresses to configure.
What specific tag numbers to use to reference the extension number to assign to the phone.
Downloading the Tcl Script
Perform this procedure to download the Tcl script and audio prompt files for the extension assigner feature. As with all other Tcl scripts, you can download this script to a TFTP server or to the Cisco Unified CME system's flash memory. For more information about how to use Tcl scripts, see Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide for your Cisco IOS release.
Do not edit the Tcl script.
Go to the Cisco Unified CME software download website at http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-iostsp.
Download the Cisco Unified CME extension assigner tar archive to a TFTP server or to the Cisco Unified CME system's flash memory.
archive tar /xtract source-url destination-url
Command or Action PurposeStep 1
Go to the Cisco Unified CME software download website at http://www.cisco.com/pcgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-iosts.
Gives you access to Cisco Unified CME software downloads.
This Web site is only available to registered Cisco.com users.
Step 2
Download the Cisco Unified CME extension assigner tar archive to a TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME router.
Downloads the Cisco Unified CME extension assigner tar archive called app-cme-ea- (or a later version) to a TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME router.
This tar archive contains the extension assigner Tcl script and the default audio files that you need for the extension assigner service.
Step 3
Example:Router# enable
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 4
archive tar /xtract source-url destination-url
Example:Router# archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash:
Uncompresses the files in the Cisco Unified CME extension assigner app-cme-ea- or later archive file and copies them to a location that is accessible by the Cisco Unified CME router.
source-url—URL of the source of the extension assigner TAR file. Valid URLs can refer to TFTP or HTTP servers or to flash memory.
location—URL of the destination of the extension assigner TAR file, including its Tcl script and audio files. Valid URLs can refer to TFTP or HTTP servers or to flash memory.
Configuring the Tcl Script
Perform this procedure to configure and load the Tcl script for the extension assigner feature. This procedure also specifies the password that installation technicians enter to access the extension assigner application. For more information about how to use Tcl scripts, see Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide for your Cisco IOS release.
For extension assigner, you must configure the Tcl script to use English as the language.
To change the password, you must remove the existing extension assigner service and create a new service that defines a new password.
configure terminal
service service-name location
param ea-password password
paramspace english index number
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location location
paramspace english prefix en
Specifying the Extension That Installation Technicians Call to Assign Extension Numbers
Perform this procedure to specify the extension number that installation technicians call to access the extension assigner application.
configure terminal
dial-peer voice tag voip
service service-name outbound
destination-pattern string
session target ipv4:destination-address
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
Command or Action PurposeStep 1
Example:Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
configure terminal
Example:Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
dial-peer voice tag voip
Example:Router(config)# dial-peer voice 5999 voip
Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
tag—Number used during configuration tasks to identify this dial peer.
Step 4
service service-name outbound
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# service EA out-bound
Loads and configures the extension assigner application on a dial peer.
service-name—Name that identifies the voice application. This is a user-defined name and does not have to match the script name. In this case, the name must match the name that you used to load the extension assigner Tcl script in the "Configuring the Tcl Script" section.
outbound—Indicates that this is an outbound dial peer. It is required for extension assigner.
Step 5
destination-pattern string
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# destination pattern 5999
Specifies either the prefix or the full E.164 telephone number (depending on the dial plan) for a dial peer.
string—Series of digits that specify a pattern for the E.164 or private dialing plan telephone number. In this case, it is the extension number that the installation technician calls when assigning an extension number to a phone.
Step 6
session target ipv4:destination-address
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4:
Designates a network-specific address to receive calls from a VoIP dial peer.
destination—IP address of the dial peer to receive calls. In this case, it must be the IP address for the Cisco Unified CME interface on the same router.
Step 7
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
Specifies how an H.323 or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) gateway relays dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones between telephony interfaces and an IP network. Extension assigner requires that you use h245-alphanumeric.
h245-alphanumeric—Forwards DTMF tones by using the H.245 "alphanumeric" User Input Indication method. Supports tones from 0 to 9, *, #, and from A to D.
Step 8
codec codec
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# codec g711ulaw
Specifies the voice coder rate of speech for a dial peer.
codec—Option that represents the correct voice decoder rate.
Step 9
no vad
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# no vad
Disables voice activity detection (VAD) for the calls using a particular dial peer. Extension assigner requires this.
Step 10
Example:Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Specifying Whether the Extension Used to Access Extension Assigner Is Dialed Automatically
Perform this procedure to specify whether the extension number that installation technicians call to access the extension assigner application is dialed automatically. Because this functionality should only be available for the temporary extension numbers, you should configure it only for the ephone-dns for those extensions.
This functionality is provided by the trunk command as described in the Cisco Unified Communications Express Command Reference. To see an example of how to use the trunk command with ephone-dns for the temporary extension numbers configured for extension assigner, see the "Configuring Temporary Extension Numbers for Phones That Use Extension Assigner" section.
Configuring the Extension Assigner Feature
Perform this procedure to specify whether to use ephone tags (the tag numbers of your ephone configurations) or provision-tags to reference the extension number. By default, the extension assigner is enabled and configured to use the ephone tag.
The advantage of using the provision-tag is that you can make it easier for the installation technician to assign extension numbers because you can configure the tag to match the primary extension number or some other unique identifier for the phone, such as a jack number. The disadvantage is that you configure an additional keyword for each ephone entry.
If you decide to use the ephone tag, it requires less configuration but the installation technician will have to enter an arbitrary tag number instead of the actual extension number when configuring a phone. This restriction is caused by the fact that the number of ephone tags that you can configure is limited by your license. For example, if you use the ephone tag and you have a 100-user license, the installation technician cannot enter 9001 for the tag because you can configure only ephone 1 to ephone 100.
configure terminal
extension-assigner tag-type {ephone-tag | provision-tag}
Configuring Temporary Extension Numbers for Phones That Use Extension Assigner
Perform this procedure to create ephone-dns to use as temporary extension numbers for any Cisco Unified CME phones to which you want the installation technician to assign extension numbers. These extensions numbers are automatically assigned to phones when they register and enable the installation technician to then assign new extension numbers.
This procedure also configures the trunk command to enable each extension number to automatically dial the extension assigner application.
The readme file that is included with the script contains some sample entries for this procedure that you can edit to fit your needs.
configure terminal
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
trunk digit-string [timeout seconds]
name name
auto assign dn-tag to dn-tag
Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each phone.
Command or Action PurposeStep 1
Example:Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
configure terminal
Example:Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Example:Router(config)# ephone-dn 90
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and optionally assigns it dual-line status.
dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone-dn during configuration tasks.
dual-line—(Optional) Enables an ephone-dn with one voice port and two voice channels, which supports features such as call waiting, call transfer, and conferencing with a single ephone-dn.
We recommend that you use single-line mode for your temporary extension numbers.
Step 4
number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
Example:Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 9000
Configures a valid extension number for this ephone-dn instance.
number—String of up to 16 digits that represents a telephone or extension number to be associated with this ephone-dn.
secondary—(Optional) Allows you to associate a second telephone number with an ephone-dn.
no-reg—(Optional) Specifies that this number should not register with the H.323 gatekeeper. Unless you specify one of the optional keywords (both or primary) after the no-reg keyword, only the secondary number is not registered.
Step 5
trunk digit-string [timeout seconds]
Example:Router(config-ephone-dn)# trunk 9000
(Optional) Configures the extension number to automatically dial the extension assigner application.
digit-string—The number of the extension assigner application. This number must match the number that you configured in "Specifying the Extension That Installation Technicians Call to Assign Extension Numbers" section
timeout seconds—(Optional) Interdigit timeout between dialed digits, in seconds. Range is 3 to 30. Default is 3.
Step 6
name name
Example:Router(config-ephone-dn)# name hardware
(Optional) Associates a name with this ephone-dn instance. This name is used for caller-ID displays and in the local directory listings.
You must follow the name order that is specified in the directory command in telephony-service configuration mode (either first-name-first or last-name-first).
Step 7
Example:Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Exits ephone-dn configuration mode
Step 8
Example:Router(config)# telephony-service
Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 9
auto assign dn-tag to dn-tag
Example:Router(config-telephony)# auto assign 90 to 99
Automatically assigns ephone-dn tags to Cisco Unified IP phones as they register for service with a Cisco Unified CME router. The ephone-dn tags that you specify in this command must match the tags that you configured earlier in this procedure.
Step 10
Example:Router(config-telephony)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Configuring Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to Phones
Perform this procedure to create ephone-dns for extensions numbers that installation technicians can assign to phones.
The readme file provided with this feature contains some sample entries for this procedure that you can edit to fit your needs.
configure terminal
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
name name
Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each extension number that you want to assign.
Configuring Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses
Perform this procedure to create ephones with temporary MAC addresses for any Cisco Unified CME phones to which you want the installation technician to assign extension numbers. When the installation technician assigns a new extension number to a phone, this MAC address is overwritten by the actual MAC address of the phone. The ephone entry that was created by the extension assigner for the temporary extension number is then deleted.
You must also set the max-ephone value be at least one greater than the number of phones to which you want to assign extension numbers. This will allow the autoregister feature to automatically create at least one ephone for your temporarily extension numbers. Assuming that your max-dn setting is set high enough, your max-ephone setting determines how many phones you should plug in at one time. For example, if your max-ephone setting is ten more than the number of phones to which you want to assign extension numbers, the you can plug in ten phones at a time. If you plug in eleven phones, one phone will not register or get a temporary extension number until you assign an extension to one of the first ten phones and reset the eleventh phone.
If you want to use Cisco VG224 analog voice gateways with extension assigner, you need a minimum of 24 temporary ephones available for each gateway because they will attempt to temporary register all 24 of their ports as ephones.
You are permitted to set the max-ephone value higher than the number of purchased CME phone seat licenses is for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using extension assigner.
The readme file provided with this feature contains some sample entries for this procedure that you can edit to fit your needs.
configure terminal
ephone phone-tag
provision-tag number
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.number
type phone-type [addon 1 module-type [2 module-type]]
Repeat steps 3 to 7 for each phone.
Command or Action PurposeStep 1
Example:Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
configure terminal
Example:Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
ephone phone-tag
Example:Router(config)# ephone 20
Enters ephone configuration mode.
phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones is version and platform-specific. Type ? to display range.
If you use the ephone-tag keyword with the extension-assigner tag-type command, this tag is used to reference the extension number and must match the number that the installation technician enters when assigning an extension.
Step 4
provision-tag number
Example:Router(config-ephone)# provision-tag 20
(Optional) Specifies a unique sequence number that is used by the extension assigner application only if you use the provision-tag keyword with the extension-assigner tag-type command.
number—Unique sequence number that identifies which ephone configuration and extension numbers to assign to a phone. This number must match the number that the installation technician enters when assigning an extension.
Step 5
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.number
Example:Router(config-ephone)# mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0020
Specifies a temporary MAC address number for this ephone. For the extension assigner, this MAC address should begin with 02EA.EAEA.
number—We strongly recommends that you make this number the same as the ephone number.
Step 6
type phone-type [addon 1 module-type [2 module-type]]
Example:Router(config-ephone)# type 7960 addon 1 7914
Specifies the type of phone.
For Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, the only types to which you can apply an add-on module are 7960, 7961, 7961GE, and 7970. For Cisco CME 3.4 and earlier versions, the only type to which you can apply an add-on module is 7960.
phone-type—Type ? to display valid phone types or see the type command in the Cisco Unified Communications Express Command Reference.
module-type—Valid entry is the following:
7914—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7914 Expansion Module.
Step 7
button button-number{separator}dn-tag
Example:Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1
Associates a button number and line characteristics with an extension (ephone-dn). Maximum number of buttons is determined by phone type.
The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910 has only one line button, but can be given two ephone-dn tags.
button-number—Number of a line button on an IP phone, starting with 1 as the top button.
dn-tag—Unique sequence number of the ephone-dn that you want to appear on this button. For overlay lines (separator is o or c), this argument can contain up to 25 ephone-dn tags, separated by commas
Step 8
Example:Router(config-ephone)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Configuring the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration
Perform this procedure to configure the parameters for automatically saving your router configuration. If the router configuration is not saved, any extension assignments made by the installation technician will be lost when the router is restarted. We recommend that you configure your router to save your configuration every 30 minutes.
The alternative to this optional procedure is to have the installation technician connect to the router and manually issue the "write memory" command to save the router configuration.
configure terminal
kron policy-list list-name
cli write
kron occurrence occurrence-name [user username] in [[numdays:]numhours:]nummin {oneshot | recurring}
policy-list list-name
Provide the Installation Technician with the Needed Information
Before the installation technician can assign extension numbers to the new phones, you must provide the following information:
How many phones the installation technician can plug in at one time. This is determined by the number of temporary MAC addresses that you configured.
Which extension number to dial to access the extension assigner application.
Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook.
What password to enter to access the application.
Which tag numbers to enter to assign an extension to each phone.
Assigning New Extension Numbers
Initially, when you install your phones, they are assigned a temporary, random extension number to enable you to access extension assigner and assign new extension numbers.
Step 1
Get the information you need to use extension assigner from your system administrator. For a list of this information, see the "Provide the Installation Technician with the Needed Information" section.
Step 2
Dial the appropriate extension number to access the extension assigner system.
Step 3
Enter the password for the extension assigner and press #.
Step 4
Enter the ID number that represents this phone's extension and press #.
Step 5
If the extension is not assigned to another phone, press 1 to confirm that you want to assign the extension to your phone, then hang up. After the phone resets, the assignment is complete.
Step 6
If the extension is assigned to another phone that is idle:
Press 2 to confirm that you want to unassign the extension from the other phone.
Hang up.
Repeat this procedure beginning at Step 2.
Step 7
If the extension is assigned to another phone that is in use, either:
Return to Step 5 to enter another extension number.
Perform the procedures in the "Unassigning the Current Extension Number" section and then repeat this procedure beginning at Step 2.
Unassigning the Current Extension Number
After the new extension number is assigned, you may find that you assigned the wrong number or that your original dial plan has changed. If this is the case, you can unassign the number so that it can be used by an another phone.
Step 1
Get the information you need to use extension assigner from your system administrator. For a list of this information, see the "Provide the Installation Technician with the Needed Information" section.
Step 2
Dial the appropriate extension number to access the extension assigner system.
Step 3
Enter the password for the extension assigner and press #.
Step 4
Enter the ID number that represents this phone's extension and press #.
Step 5
When you enter the ID number for the extension that is currently assigned to this phone, you are prompted to press 2 to confirm that you want to unassign the extension from the phone.
Step 6
Hang up.
Reassigning the Current Extension Number
Use this procedure if you:
Need to replace a broken phone
Find that you assigned the wrong number
You can reassign a new extension number to a phone if that number:
Is not assigned to another phone
Is assigned to another phone but the phone is currently idle or you unassign the extension
Step 1
Get the information you need to use extension assigner from your system administrator. For a list of this information, see the "Provide the Installation Technician with the Needed Information" section.
Step 2
Dial the appropriate extension number to access the extension assigner system.
Step 3
Enter the password for the extension assigner and press #.
Step 4
Enter the ID number that represents this phone's extension and press #.
Step 5
If the extension is not assigned to another phone, press 1 to confirm that you want to assign the extension to your phone, then hang up. After the phone resets, the reassignment is complete.
Step 6
If the extension is assigned to another phone that is idle:
Press 2 to confirm that you want to unassign the extension from the other phone.
Hang up
Perform the procedure in the "Assigning New Extension Numbers" section.
Step 7
If the extension is assigned to another phone that is in use, either:
Return to Step 5 to enter another extension number.
Perform the procedures in the "Unassigning the Current Extension Number" section and "Assigning New Extension Numbers" section.
Verifying Extension Assigner
Step 1
Use the debug ephone extension-assigner command to display status messages produced by the extension assigner application.
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: ephone_query: inCallID=47, tag=4, ephone_tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: extAssigner_IsEphoneMacPreset: ephone_tag = 4, ipKeyswitch.max_ephones = 96
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: extAssigner_IsEphoneMacPreset: ephone_ptr->mac_addr_str = 000B46BDE075, MAC_EXT_RESERVED_VALUE = 02EAEAEA0000
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: callID = 47
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: vdbPtr->physical_interface_type (26); CV_VOICE_EFXS (26)
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: vdbPtr->type (6); CC_IF_TELEPHONY (6)
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: htsp->sig_type (26); CV_VOICE_EFXS (26)
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: dn = 4, chan = 1
*Jun 9 19:08:10.627: ephone_query: EXTASSIGNER_RC_SLOT_ASSIGNED_TO_CALLING_PHONE
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: ephone_unassign: inCallID=47, tag=4, ephone_tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: extAssigner_IsEphoneMacPreset: ephone_tag = 4, ipKeyswitch.max_ephones = 96
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: extAssigner_IsEphoneMacPreset: ephone_ptr->mac_addr_str = 000B46BDE075, MAC_EXT_RESERVED_VALUE = 02EAEAEA000
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: is_ephone_auto_assigned: button-1 dn_tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: is_ephone_auto_assigned: NO
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: callID = 47
*Jun 9 19:08:22.763: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: vdbPtr->physical_interface_type (26); CV_VOICE_EFXS (26)
*Jun 9 19:08:22.767: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: vdbPtr->type (6); CC_IF_TELEPHONY (6)
*Jun 9 19:08:22.767: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: htsp->sig_type (26); CV_VOICE_EFXS (26)
*Jun 9 19:08:22.767: SkinnyGetActivePhoneIndexFromCallid: dn = 4, chan = 1
*Jun 9 19:08:29.795: ephone-4[8]:fStationOnHookMessage: Extension Assigner request restart, cmd=2, new mac=02EAEAEA0004, ephone_tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:30.063: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_NORMAL: ephone-4:SEP000B46BDE075 IP: Socket:8 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered normally.
*Jun 9 19:08:30.063: ephone-4[8][SEP000B46BDE075]:extAssigner_assign: new mac=02EAEAEA0004, ephone-tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:30.063: extAssigner_simple_assign: mac=02EAEAEA0004, tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:30.063: ephone_updateCNF: update cnf_file ephone_tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:30.063: extAssigner_assign: restart again (mac=02EAEAEA0004) ephone_tag=4
*Jun 9 19:08:30.131: %IPPHONE-6-REG_ALARM: 23: Name=SEP000B46BDE075 Load=8.0(2.0) Last=Reset-Restart
*Jun 9 19:08:30.135: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER_NEW: ephone-7:SEP000B46BDE075 IP: Socket:10 DeviceType:Phone has registered.
*Jun 9 19:08:30.503: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_NORMAL: ephone-7:SEP000B46BDE075 IP: Socket:10 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered normally.
*Jun 9 19:08:43.127: %IPPHONE-6-REG_ALARM: 22: Name=SEP000B46BDE075 Load=8.0(2.0) Last=Reset-Reset
*Jun 9 19:08:43.131: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-7:SEP000B46BDE075 IP: Socket:13 DeviceType:Phone has registered.
Step 2
Use the debug voip application script command to display status messages produced by the server as it runs the assigner application Tcl script.
Jun 20 23:17:45.795: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: TCL: ***** >>> app-cme-ea- <<< *****
Jun 20 23:17:45.799: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: TCL: ***** >>> Cisco CME Extension Assigner Application <<< ****
Jun 20 23:17:45.799: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> PROMPT: Enter password <<<
Jun 20 23:17:54.559: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> Collect Password Status = cd_005 <<<
Jun 20 23:17:54.563: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> INFO: Authentication Successful <<<
Jun 20 23:17:54.563: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> PROMPT: Please enter the phone tag number followed by the # key. Press * to re-enter the tag number <<<
Jun 20 23:17:59.839: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> Ephone TAG Digit Collect Status = cd_005 <<<
Jun 20 23:17:59.843: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> INFO: Phone Query result = 1 <<<
Jun 20 23:17:59.843: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> PROMPT: Ephone Tag 6 is available <<<
Jun 20 23:17:59.843: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> PROMPT: To assign extension to Phone, press 1 to confirm, 9 to cancel <<<
Jun 20 23:17:59.851: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> INFO: ephone 6 is available <<<
Jun 20 23:18:20.375: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> INFO: TAPS Status = cd_005 <<<
Jun 20 23:18:20.379: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> PROMPT: Extension assignment is successful <<<
Jun 20 23:18:20.379: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> INFO: Ephone extension is assigned successfully <<<
Jun 20 23:18:28.975: //22//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: **** >>> TCL: Closing Cisco CM
Step 3
Use the debug ephone state command as described in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.
Configuration Examples for Extension Assigner
This example for extension assigner shows a router configuration that has these characteristics:
The extension that the installation technician dials to access the extension assigner application is 0999.
The password that the installation technician enters to access the extension assigner application is 1234.
The auto assign command is configured to assign extensions 0001 to 0005.
The installation technician can use extension assigner to assign extension numbers 6001 to 6005.
The extension assigner uses the provision-tag to identify which ephone configuration and extension numbers to assign to the phone.
The auto-reg-ephone command is shown but is not required, as it is enabled by default.
The kron command is used to automatically save the router configuration.
The max-ephone and max-dn settings of 51 are high enough to allow the installation technician to assign extensions to 50 phones, plugging them in one at a time. If the installation technician is assigning extensions to 40 phones, eleven can be plugged in one at a time. There is an exception if you use Cisco VG224 Analog Voice Gateways. Extension assigner creates 24 ephones for each Cisco VG224 Analog Voice Gateway, one for each port.
Router# show running-config
version 12.4
no service password-encryption
hostname Test-Router
boot system flash:c2800nm-ipvoice-mz.2006-05-31.GOPED_DEV
enable password ww
no aaa new-model
resource policy
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool pool21
option 150 ip
no ip domain lookup
service EA flash:ea/app-cme-ea-
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
param ea-password 1234
paramspace english location flash:ea/
paramspace english prefix en
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed 100
no keepalive
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.21
encapsulation dot1Q 21
ip address
ip http server
dial-peer voice 999 voip
service EA out-bound
destination-pattern 0999
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
extension-assigner tag-type provision-tag
max-ephones 51
max-dn 51
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 101 to 105
system message Test-CME
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jun 14 2006 05:37:34
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 6001
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 6002
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 6003
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 6004
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 6005
ephone-dn 101
number 0101
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 102
number 0102
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 103
number 0103
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 104
number 0104
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 105
number 0105
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone 1
provision-tag 101
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
ephone 2
provision-tag 102
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0002
button 1:2
ephone 3
provision-tag 103
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0003
button 1:3
ephone 4
provision-tag 104
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0004
button 1:4
ephone 5
provision-tag 105
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0005
button 1:5
kron occurrence backup in 30 recurring
policy-list writeconfig
kron policy-list writeconfig
cli write
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
logging synchronous
no scheduler max-task-time
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Additional References
The following sections provide references related to extension assigner.
Related Documents
Related Topic Document TitleCisco Unified CME configuration
Cisco Unified Communications Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco IOS voice configuration
Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library
Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference
Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference
Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME
Technical Assistance
Feature Information for Extension Assigner
Table 12 lists the features in this module and enhancements to the features by version.
To determine the correct Cisco IOS release to support a specific Cisco Unified CME version, see the Cisco Unified CME and Cisco IOS Software Version Compatibility Matrix at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps4625/products_documentation_roadmap09186a0080189132.html.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which Cisco IOS software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http://www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 12 lists the Cisco Unified CME version that introduced support for a given feature. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent versions of Cisco Unified CME software also support that feature.
Posted: Wed Aug 15 14:34:36 PDT 2007
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