
Table of Contents

CSR GUI Functionalities
Activating the GUI
Configuring CSR with the GUI
Updating Active Datasets
Updating Inactive Datasets
CSR Commands
Checking CSR Version
Multiple GUI Operation

CSR GUI Functionalities

This chapter describes CSR functionalities and commands, and contains the following sections:

Activating the GUI

Step 1   To start the GUI, enter the following command at the system prompt:

/usr/local/csr/gui/csrgui &

The Login dialog box appears in Figure 4-1 "Login Dialog Box", as shown below:

Figure 4-1   Login Dialog Box

Step 2   Enter the information in the Login dialog box as follows:

    a. Enter the user name. The range is 1 to 32 characters.

    b. Enter the password. The range is 1 to 32 characters.

    c. Enter the host name where the database is located. This can be a remote or local machine. The range is 1 to 32 characters.

    d. Enter the port number. This is the port on the system for the database connection. The range is 1 to 32767.

    e. Enter the DB Name. This is the name of the database to be connected to. The range is 1 to 32 characters.

    f. Click Login.

If the login is successful, the CSR window appears. Otherwise, a login failure message appears and the Login dialog box reappears. After three unsuccessful login attempts, the GUI shuts down.

Alternatively, click Cancel to exit from the GUI.

Note    Information from the last successful login is saved to the CSRLoginProperties file in the current working directory. When the Login dialog box appears next time, the login information, excluding the password, is displayed.

Configuring CSR with the GUI

This section describes how to use the Configuration Management tab in the CSR window for the following purposes:

Changing Configuration Settings

To change configuration settings, log in to CSR and click the Configuration Management tab in the CSR window. When the following screen (Figure 4-2 "Configuration Management Tab in CSR Window") appears, use the Configuration Settings area on the screen to make changes.

Figure 4-2   Configuration Management Tab in CSR Window

Changing Log Levels

To change the logging level for the messages to be logged to syslog, select from the Logging Level pull-down menu. The following menu appears (Figure 4-3 "Logging Level Pull-down Menu"):

Figure 4-3   Logging Level Pull-down Menu

The available levels are as follows:

See "Logging," for more detail on syslog.

Changing App Priority

App Priority is the priority of the CSR with respect to the connection to the gatekeeper. If two CSRs are connected to the gatekeeper, the gatekeeper uses this priority number to distinguish which one should be used first.

To change App Priority, enter a number from 1 to 9 in the App Priority box.

Changing Connection Port

Incoming Connection Port is the port where CSR listens for gatekeeper connection and where the simulator that acts as a client is connected to the CSR. It is normally used for testing because gatekeepers do not act as clients.

To change ports, enter a number from 1 to 32767. Entering zero disables the server connectivity.

Enabling Test Routes Accounting

This option enables accounting associated with the test routes. When this option is enabled and a test route is issued, the call accounting units are updated. If you are testing new functionalities relating to call counts through the GUI, this must be enabled.

To enable this option, click the checkbox to the left of the option.

Saving Configuration Settings

The Save Changes option saves the current configuration settings to the system. To save the settings, click Save Changes.

Adding, Modifying, and Removing Gatekeepers

To add, modify, and remove gatekeepers, log in to CSR and select the Configuration Management tab in the CSR window. Use the Current Gatekeepers area on the screen to add, modify, or remove gatekeepers.

Adding Gatekeepers

This section describes the steps to add a gatekeeper and its associated messages and filters.

Step 1   To add a gatekeeper, click Add in the Current Gatekeepers area. The following dialog box appears (Figure 4-4 "Registered Messages and Filters Dialog Box for a New Gatekeeper"):

Figure 4-4   Registered Messages and Filters Dialog Box for a New Gatekeeper

Step 2   Enter the ID of the gatekeeper to be added. The range is 1 to 64 characters.

Step 3   Enter the remote address (IP address) of the gatekeeper to be connected to. The format is xxxx where x is a number from 0 to 255.

Step 4   Enter the port on the gatekeeper to be used for connection. The range is 1 to 32767.

Step 5   Click Connected or Disconnected to connect the gatekeeper to or disconnect the gatekeeper from the CSR. The default is Connected.

Step 6   To select a message to be associated with the gatekeeper, check the checkbox next to the message shown, as follows (Figure 4-5 "Registered Messages and Filters Checkbox"):

Figure 4-5   Registered Messages and Filters Checkbox

Step 7   To display the existing filters for the message, click the round button to the far left of the message. The following screen appears (Figure 4-6 "Filter display in the Registered Messages and Filters Dialog Box"):

Figure 4-6   Filter display in the Registered Messages and Filters Dialog Box

Step 8   To add a filter to a message, right click the icon to the left of the message. A pop-up menu containing the available filters appears (Figure 4-7 "Filters Pop-up Menu"):

Figure 4-7   Filters Pop-up Menu

Step 9   Click a filter on the pop-up menu.

Step 10   Enter or select a value for the filter, as shown in the following sample displays (Figure 4-8 "Sample Filter Display", Figure 4-9 "Sample Filter Display"):

Figure 4-8   Sample Filter Display

Figure 4-9   Sample Filter Display

Step 11   To delete a filter to the message, select from the pull-down menu for the filter. The following screen appears (Figure 4-10 "Delete Filter Display"):

Figure 4-10   Delete Filter Display

Step 12   Click Delete.

Step 13   Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Note    If the maximum number of filters of a particular type has already been added to a message, an error message appears.

Modifying Gatekeepers

This section describes how to modify an existing gatekeeper.

Step 1   Select a gatekeeper from the gatekeeper list in the Current Gatekeepers area, as follows (Figure 4-11 "Current Gatekeepers Area in CSR Window").

Figure 4-11   Current Gatekeepers Area in CSR Window

Step 2   Click Modify. The following dialog box appears (Figure 4-12 "Registered Messages and Filters Dialog Box for an Existing Gatekeeper").

Figure 4-12   Registered Messages and Filters Dialog Box for an Existing Gatekeeper

Step 3   To modify a message and its filters associated with the gatekeeper, click the round button to the left of the message.

Step 4   Use the steps in adding messages and filters in the "Adding Gatekeepers" section.

Step 5   Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Removing Gatekeepers

This section describes how to remove an existing gatekeeper.

Step 1   To remove an existing gatekeeper, select a gatekeeper from the gatekeeper list in the Current Gatekeepers area.

Step 2   Click Remove. The following message appears (Figure 4-13 "Delete Gatekeeper Message").

Figure 4-13   Delete Gatekeeper Message

Step 3   Click Yes to remove the gatekeeper, or click No to retain the gatekeeper.

Setting Threads for Processing Calls and Call Queue Size

This section describes how to set the number of working threads for processing calls in the queue and the maximum number of calls allowed to be queued.

Step 1   In the Configuration Management screen in the CSR window, click Advanced. The Advanced Configuration dialog box appears (Figure 4-14 "Advanced Configuration Dialog Box"):

Figure 4-14   Advanced Configuration Dialog Box

Step 2   To set the number of working threads for processing calls in the queue, enter the number of threads for pool.

This number should equal to the number of processors of the host machine, plus one. It can be modified to enhance the performance of the CSR in different environments.

Step 3   To enter the maximum number of calls allowed to be queued, enter a number for "Maximum Queue Size."

The default is 5000. If this number is too low, the gatekeeper connection waits for the CSR to catch up. If this number is too high, the turnaround time per message may be too long during busy hours and the gatekeeper routes the call on its own.

Step 4   Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Swapping Datasets

This section describes how to swap an active and inactive dataset.

Step 1   In the Configuration Management screen in the CSR window, click Swap Active/Inactive Datasets. The following message appears (Figure 4-15 "Swap Dataset Message"):

Figure 4-15   Swap Dataset Message

Step 2   Check the checkbox to the left of "Load Dataset into CSR.".

Step 3   Click Swap to swap the datasets, or click Cancel to cancel swapping.

Updating Active Datasets

This section describes how to update active datasets by using the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window to create, modify, and delete the following items.

After you log in to CSR and select the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, the following screen appears (Figure 4-16 "Active Dataset Tab in CSR Window"):

Figure 4-16   Active Dataset Tab in CSR Window

The following sections describe functionalities and operations of the Active Dataset tab.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Carriers

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete carriers.

Creating Carriers

Note    At least one contact list must be created before a carrier can be created. There must be a single carrier of "Home" type created for the provisioned data. See the "Deleting Contact Lists" section on page 4-21.

Step 1   In the Active Dataset screen in the CSR window, if Carriers is not selected in the Selection box, click the down arrow in that box. A pull-down menu appears (Figure 4-17 "Carrier Selection Box in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-17   Carrier Selection Box in Active Dataset

Step 2   Select Carriers from the pull-down menu, then click New. The New Carrier dialog box appears (Figure 4-18 "Dialog Box for New Carrier in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-18   Dialog Box for New Carrier in Active Dataset

The carrier key is the primary key of this carrier in the Carriers table. When a new carrier is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Carrier ID box, enter the ID of the carrier. The range is 1 to 64 characters.

Step 4   In the Carrier name box, enter name of the carrier. The range is 1 to 64 characters.

Step 5   In the Carrier Type box, click the down arrow, then select the type of carrier from the pull-down menu.

Step 6   In the Max Ingress Units box, enter the maximum number of ingress units this carrier may originate across all routes serviced by this carrier. The range is 0 to 2147483647. This is optional.

Step 7   In the Rule box, click the down arrow, then select the rule this carrier applies to from the pull-down menu.

Step 8   In the Max Egress Units box, enter the maximum number of egress units that this carrier may terminate across all routes serviced by this carrier. The range is 0 to 2147483647. This is optional.

Step 9   In the Contact List box, click the down arrow, then select the contact list that this carrier applies to from the pull-down menu.

Step 10   To make this carrier active, click the checkbox to the left of "Active."

Step 11   Click Add to add this carrier to the provisioned data, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Carriers

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, if "Carrier" is not selected in the Selection box, click the down arrow in that box, then select Carrier from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Carriers area, select a carrier by double-clicking that carrier on the list. Carrier information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-19 "Dialog Box for an Existing Carrier in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-19   Dialog Box for an Existing Carrier in Active Dataset

Step 3   Change the information accordingly.

Step 4   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Deleting Carriers

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, if Carriers is not selected in the Selection box, click the down arrow in that box, then select Carrier from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Carriers area, click a carrier. You can select more than one carrier by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each carrier.

Step 3   Click Delete. The following message appears (Figure 4-20 "Delete Carrier Message in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-20   Delete Carrier Message in Active Dataset

Step 4   Click Yes to delete the carrier, or click No to stop deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete a carrier by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the carrier.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Contacts

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete contacts.

Creating Contacts

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab screen in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Contacts from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New. The following dialog box appears (Figure 4-21 "Dialog Box for New Contact in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-21   Dialog Box for New Contact in Active Dataset

The contact key is the primary key of this contact in the Contacts table. When a new contact is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Address Type box, click the down arrow, then select an address type from the pull-down menu.

Step 4   In the RAS Address box, enter address of the contact (IP Address or Gatekeeper ID).

Step 5   In the Cost box, enter cost associated with this contact. The entry must be greater than 0. This is optional.

Step 6   In the Priority box, enter priority of this contact. The entry must be greater than 0. This is optional.

Step 7   Click New to add this contact, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Contacts

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab screen in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Contacts from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Contacts area, select a contact by double-clicking on that contact on the list. Contact information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-22 "Dialog Box for an Existing Contact in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-22   Dialog Box for an Existing Contact in Active Dataset

Step 3   Change the information accordingly.

Step 4   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Change to cancel the changes.

Deleting Contacts

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Contacts from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Contacts area, click a contact. You can select more than one contact by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each contact.

Step 3   Click Delete. A Delete message appears:

Step 4   Click Yes to delete the contact, or click No to stop the deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete a contact by clicking Delete when you are in the screen for modifying the contact.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Contact Lists

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete Contacts Lists.

Creating Contact Lists

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Contact Lists from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New. The following dialog box appears (Figure 4-23 "Dialog Box for New Contact List in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-23   Dialog Box for New Contact List in Active Dataset

The key shown on the screen is the primary key of this contact list in the Contact List table. When a new contact list is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Contact List Name box, enter the name of the contact list. The range is 1 to 64 characters.

Step 4   In the Available Contacts box, you can select a contact and click Add to add that contact to the Associated Contacts box.

Step 5   In the Associated Contacts box, you can select a contact and click Remove to remove that contact from the box and return it to the Available Contacts box.

Step 6   Click Add to add this contact list, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Contact Lists

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Contact Lists from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Contact Lists area, select a contact list by double-clicking on that contact list. Contact list information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-24 "Dialog Box for an Existing Contact List in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-24   Dialog Box for an Existing Contact List in Active Dataset

Step 3   Change the information accordingly.

Step 4   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Deleting Contact Lists

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Contact Lists from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Contact Lists area, click a contact list. You can select more than one list by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each contact list.

Step 3   Click Delete. A Delete message appears.

Step 4   Click Yes to delete the contact list, or click No to stop the deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete a contact list by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the list.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Egress Route Attributes

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete Egress Route Attributes.

Creating Egress Route Attributes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Egress Route Attributes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New. The following screen appears (Figure 4-25 "Dialog Box for New Egress Route Attribute in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-25   Dialog Box for New Egress Route Attribute in Active Dataset

The key shown on the screen is the primary key of this egress route attribute in the Egress Route Attributes table. When a new egress route attribute is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Name box, enter the name of this egress route attribute. The range is 1 to 64 characters. This entry is optional.

Step 4   In the Cost box, enter the cost associated with this egress route attribute. The entry must be greater than 0. This entry is optional.

Step 5   In the Max % box, enter the maximum percentage of calls that the associated carrier may terminate on a route associated with this route attribute. The range is 0 to 100. This entry is optional.

Step 6   In the Max Units box, enter the maximum number of egress units this carrier may terminate on a route associated with this route attribute. This entry is optional.

Step 7   In the Carrier box, click the down arrow, then select a carrier from the pull-down menu. This is the carrier this egress route applies to.

Step 8   In the Qos box, enter the quality of service associated with this route attribute. The range is 1 to 9. This entry is optional.

Step 9   In the Contact List box, click the down arrow, then select a contact list from the pull-down menu. This is the contact list this egress route applies to.

Step 10   In the Date/Time area, click Daily, Weekly, Absolute or Constant. The egress route attribute is being applied according to these time segments.

    a. If you select Daily, enter Start Time and End Time. Use the format shown in the example at the bottom of the Date/Time area:

hour(0-23):min (0-60):sec (0-60)

    b. If you select Weekly, select day of the week from the pull-down menu and enter the Start Time and the End Time.

    c. If you select Absolute, enter the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time.

The Start Date is the date when the egress route attribute becomes active. The End Date is the date when it becomes inactive. Use the formats shown in the example at the bottom of the Date/Time area:

4 digit year-2 digit month-2 digit day for date, as in 2002-12-03
hour(0-23):min (0-60):sec (0-60) for time, as in 12:59:10

    d. If you select Constant, the egress route attribute is applied at all times of all days.

Note    If two RouteAttributes exist in the same timeframe with the same date and time constraint, the RouteAttribute is "nondeterminstic." That is, the order of selection among time intervals of the same type that overlap cannot be determined.

Step 11   In the Available Routes box, click Add or Remove to add or remove a route from the Associated Routes box respectively.

Step 12   Click Add to add this egress route attribute, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Egress Route Attributes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Egress Route Attributes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click the down arrow in the Carriers box, then select the appropriate carrier from the pull-down menu. A list of Egress Route Attribute names of the selected carrier appears (Figure 4-26 "List of Egress Route Attribute Names in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-26   List of Egress Route Attribute Names in Active Dataset

Step 3   From the list, select an Egress Route Attribute by double-clicking on that attribute. Egress Route Attributes information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-27 "Dialog Box for an Existing Egress Route Attribute in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-27   Dialog Box for an Existing Egress Route Attribute in Active Dataset

Step 4   Change the information accordingly.

Step 5   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Deleting Egress Route Attributes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab screen in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Egress Route Attributes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click the down arrow in the Carriers box, then select the appropriate carrier from the pull-down menu.

Step 3   In the Egress Route Attribute list, select an attribute. You can select more than one attribute by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each attribute.

Step 4   Click Delete.

A Delete message appears:

Step 5   Click Yes to delete the attribute, or click No to stop the deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete an attribute by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the attribute.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Ingress Route Attributes

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete Ingress Route Attributes.

Creating Ingress Route Attributes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Ingress Route Attributes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New. The New Ingress Route Attribute dialog box appears (Figure 4-28 "Dialog Box for New Ingress Route Attribute in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-28   Dialog Box for New Ingress Route Attribute in Active Dataset

The key shown on the screen is the primary key of this Ingress Route Attribute in the Ingress Route Attributes table. When a new ingress route attribute is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Name box, enter the name of this ingress route attribute. The range is 1 to 64 characters. This entry is optional.

Step 4   In the Cost box, enter the cost associated with this ingress route attribute. The entry must be greater than 0. This entry is optional.

Step 5   In the Max % box, enter the maximum percentage of calls that the associated carrier may originate on a route associated with this route attribute. The range is 0 to 100. This entry is optional.

Step 6   In the Max Units box, enter the maximum number of ingress units that this carrier may originate on a route associated with this route attribute. This entry is optional.

Step 7   In the Carrier box, click the down arrow, then select a carrier from the carrier pull-down menu. This is the carrier that this ingress route applies to.

Step 8   In the Date/Time area, select Daily, Weekly, Absolute, or Constant.

The Ingress Route Attribute is being applied according to these time segments:

    a. If you select Daily, enter Start Time and End Time.

Use the format shown in the example at the bottom of the Date/Time area:

hour(0-23):min (0-60):sec (0-60)

    b. If you select Weekly, select day of the week from the pull-down menu and enter the Start Time and the End Time.

    c. If you select Absolute, enter the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time.

The Start Date is the date when the ingress route attribute becomes active. The End Date is the date when it becomes inactive.

Use the formats shown in the example at the bottom of the Date/Time area:

4 digit year-2 digit month-2 digit day for date, as in 2002-12-03
hour(0-23):min (0-60):sec (0-60) for time, as in 12:59:10

    d. If you select Constant, this indicates that the ingress route attribute applies at all times of all days.

Note    If two RouteAttributes exist in the same time frame with the same date and time constraint, the RouteAttribute is "nondeterminstic." That is, the order of selection among time intervals of the same type that overlap cannot be determined.

Step 9   In the Available Routes box, click Add or Remove to add or remove a route from the Associated Routes box respectively.

Step 10   Click Add to add this ingress route attribute, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Ingress Route Attributes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Ingress Route Attributes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click the down arrow in the Carriers box, then select the appropriate carrier from the pull-down menu. A list of Ingress Route attribute names of the selected carrier appears.

Step 3   In the list, select an ingress route attribute by double-clicking that attribute. Ingress Route Attributes information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-29 "Dialog Box for an Existing Ingress Route Attribute in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-29   Dialog Box for an Existing Ingress Route Attribute in Active Dataset

Step 4   Change the information accordingly.

Step 5   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to leave the changes.

Deleting Ingress Route Attributes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Ingress Route Attributes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click the down arrow in the Carriers box, then select the appropriate carrier from the pull-down menu.

Step 3   In the Ingress Route Attribute list, select an attribute. You can select more than one attribute by holding down the Ctrl key while doing the mouse-click.

Step 4   Click Delete.

A Delete message appears.

Step 5   Click Yes to delete the attribute, or click No to stop the deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete an attribute by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the attribute.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Match Patterns

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete Match Patterns.

Creating Match Patterns

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Match Patterns from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New. The following New Pattern dialog box appears (Figure 4-30 "Dialog Box for New Pattern in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-30   Dialog Box for New Pattern in Active Dataset

The Pattern Key on this screen is the primary key of this pattern in the Match Patterns Table. When a new pattern is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Pattern box, enter the match pattern that a DNIS is to mapped to.

This entry can include 0-9, A-F, *, and period (.).

Step 4   In the Route box, enter the route that applies to this pattern.

Step 5   Click Add to add this pattern, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Match Patterns

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Match Patterns from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Match Pattern area, select a pattern by double-clicking on that pattern. Match Pattern information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-31 "Dialog Box for New Match Pattern in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-31   Dialog Box for New Match Pattern in Active Dataset

Step 3   Change the information accordingly.

Step 4   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to leave the changes.

Deleting Match Patterns

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Match Patterns from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Match Pattern area, select a pattern. You can select more than one pattern by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each pattern.

Step 3   Click Delete. A Delete message appears.

Step 4   Click Yes to delete the pattern, or click No to stop the deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete a pattern by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the pattern.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Routes

This section describes the steps to create, modify, and delete routes.

Creating Routes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Match Patterns from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New. The New Route dialog box appears (Figure 4-32 "Dialog Box for New Route in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-32   Dialog Box for New Route in Active Dataset

The key shown on the screen is the primary key of this route in the Route table. When a new route is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Name box, enter the name of the route. The range is 1 to 64 characters. This entry is optional.

Step 4   In the Rule box, click the down arrow, then select from the pull-down menu a rule that applies to the patterns to be used.

Step 5   Click QoS Relationships. The QoS Relationships dialog box appears (Figure 4-33 "QoS Relationships Dialog Box in Active Dataset").

Figure 4-33   QoS Relationships Dialog Box in Active Dataset

    a. In the Ingress Carrier box, click the down arrow, then select the ingress carrier from the pull-down menu.

    b. In the Egress Carrier box, click the down arrow, then select the egress carrier from the pull-down menu.

    c. In the QoS Value box, enter a number larger than zero.

    d. Click Add or Remove to add or remove the QoS relationship.

    e. Click OK to complete adding the relationship or click Cancel to exit without adding the relationship.

Step 6   In the Available Patterns box, select a pattern and click Add to add a pattern to the route. The patterns in this box are not bound to this route until they are added to the Patterns in Route box. Click Remove to remove a pattern bound to the route.

Note    A pattern can be bounded to only one route at a time. If you add a pattern to the Patterns in Route list, that pattern is removed from all other routes.

Step 7   Click Add to add this route, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Routes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Match Patterns from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Routes area, select a route by double-clicking the route. Routes information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-34 "Dialog Box for an Existing Route in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-34   Dialog Box for an Existing Route in Active Dataset

Step 3   Change the information accordingly.

Step 4   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to leave the changes.

Deleting Routes

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Routes from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Routes area, select a route. You can select more than one route by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each route.

Step 3   Click Delete. A Delete message appears.

Step 4   Click Yes to delete the route, or click No to stop the deletion.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete a route by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the route.

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Rules

This section describes the steps to create, modify and delete rules.

Creating Rules

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Rules from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   Click New.

The New Rule dialog box appears (Figure 4-35 "Dialog Box for New Rule in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-35   Dialog Box for New Rule in Active Dataset

The key shown on the screen is the primary key of this rule in the Rules table. When a new rule is being created, "%%%%" is displayed.

Step 3   In the Name box, enter the name of the rule. The range is 1 to 64 characters.

Step 4   In the Min QoS box, enter the lowest QoS level associated with this rule. The range is 1 to 9.

Step 5   Click the checkbox to the left of Is Default Rule to select this rule as the default rule.

Note    One rule must be made the default rule for the provisioned data to be valid.

Step 6   In the Rejection Rules (Ingress) area, check the checkbox next to the rule that you want to activate as a rejection rule as follows:

Note    This rule rejects a call if the percentage of calls originated by this ingress carrier to a specific route or match pattern exceeds the maximum percentage defined in the ingress route attributes for this ingress carrier. For example, if the maximum percentage is set to 40 percent, the first call made by carrier A to route R succeeds and 100 percent of the calls to route R are now made from ingress carrier A. The second call from the same carrier to the same DNIS fails.

Note    The core CSR has not been customized for Call Minute Accounting. "Units" means "call attempts". Once a specific carrier has attempted more calls than configured against "Max Ingress Units" in the Carrier menu, its calls are rejected.

Step 7   In the Rejection Rules (Egress) area, check the checkbox to the left of the rule that you want to activate as a rejection rule as follows:

Note    The core CSR has not been customized for Call Minute Accounting. "Units" means "call attempts". Once a specific carrier has attempted more calls than configured against "Max Ingress Units" in the Carrier menu, its calls are rejected.

Step 8   In the Selection Rules area, check the checkbox next to the rule you want to activate.

Each selection rule must have an associated priority if it is selected. Valid priority levels are from 1 to 5. The following rules can be applied for selecting an egress carrier:

Note    Carriers with a null maxPercentage value are not moved to the deselect list.

Step 9   Click Add to add this rule, or click Cancel to exit.

Modifying Rules

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Rules from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Rule area, select a rule by double-clicking the rule. Rule information similar to the following appears (Figure 4-36 "Dialog Box for Existing Rule in Active Dataset"):

Figure 4-36   Dialog Box for Existing Rule in Active Dataset

Step 3   Change the information accordingly.

Step 4   Click Modify to save the changes, or click Cancel to leave the changes.

Deleting Rules

Step 1   In the Active Dataset tab in the CSR window, click the down arrow in the Selection box, then select Rules from the pull-down menu.

Step 2   In the Rule area, select a rule. You can select more than one rule by holding down the Ctrl key by clicking each rule.

Step 3   Click Delete. A Delete message appears.

Step 4   Click Yes to delete the rule, or click No to quit deleting.

Note    Alternatively, you can delete a rule by clicking Delete when you are in the dialog box for modifying the rule.

Verifying Datasets

To verify whether a dataset is valid, click Verify Dataset in the Dataset Commands area.

This command ensures that all the provisioned data for the active dataset is valid. If the dataset is not valid, it cannot be loaded into the active CSR memory. After verification, a message with the verification results appears.

Note   You can use a name and an ID for a carrier, contact, contact list, route attribute, match pattern, route, and rule. The ID must be unique.

Updating Inactive Datasets

This section describes how to update inactive datasets by using the Inactive Dataset tab in the CSR window to create, modify, and delete the following items.

After you log in to CSR and click the Inactive Dataset tab in the CSR window, the following screen appears (Figure 4-37 "Inactive Dataset Tab in CSR Window"):

Figure 4-37   Inactive Dataset Tab in CSR Window

Only one functionality in the Inactive Dataset tab is different from those in the Active Dataset tab. The additional functionality, Destroy Dataset, is described in the following section. See "Updating Active Datasets" section for details on all other functionalities.

Destroying Inactive Datasets

Step 1   In the Inactive Dataset tab in the CSR window, click Destroy Dataset. A Destroy message appears (Figure 4-38 "Destroy Message in Inactive Dataset"):

Figure 4-38   Destroy Message in Inactive Dataset

Step 2   Click Yes to destroy the inactive dataset, or No to quit destroying.

Activating Inactive Datasets

An inactive dataset is not loaded into the CSR memory, with the exception of test commands. To place the dataset in the CSR memory for routing, use the following steps:

Step 1   In the Inactive Dataset tab in the CSR window, click Verify Dataset in the Dataset Commands area to verify the inactive dataset.

Step 2   Click the Configuration Management tab, and click Swap Active/Inactive Datasets to swap the inactive dataset to active dataset.

Step 3   In the Select Dataset box, click Load Dataset into CSR.

Step 4   Click Swap to swap the datasets, or click Cancel to cancel swapping.

Also see "Swapping Datasets" section.

CSR Commands

This section describes how to use the CSR Commands tab in the CSR window for the following functionalities:

Sending Test Route Request Commands to an Active CSR Application

Step 1   Click the CSR Commands tab in the CSR window. The following screen appears (CSR Commands Tab in CSR Window):

Figure 4-39   CSR Commands Tab in CSR Window

Step 2   In the ANI box, enter the origination pattern.

Step 3   In the DNIS box, enter the pattern dialed.

Step 4   In the Source Carrier Id box, enter the ingress carrier to be used for testing.

Step 5   In the Destination Carrier Id box, enter the test egress carrier.

Note    If an egress carrier is specified, the call is ignored. It is assumed that the egress carrier has been found.

Step 6   In the Time box, enter the simulated time to test time-sensitive calls. If this is not specified, the current time is used. The format and an example for time entry are shown below:

hour(0-23):min (0-60):sec (0-60) for time, as in 12:59:10

This entry is optional.

Step 7   In the Date box, enter the simulated date to test date-sensitive and time-sensitive calls.

If this is not specified, the current date is used. Format and example for date entry are:

4 digit year-2 digit month-2 digit day for date, as in 2002-12-03

Step 8   Click the button to the left of Active or Inactive for the provisioned dataset for running the test. This dataset is stored in the CSR database. The current dataset in CSR memory is not used.

Step 9   Click Send Test to CSR to send the request to the CSR for processing. Test results are automatically displayed at end of test. They are stored in the database for later retrieval.

Step 10   To display test results as needed, click Show Test Results. The test results appears (Figure 4-40 "Test Results Generated by the CSR Commands Tab"). The list usually contains selected carriers followed by unselected carriers.

Figure 4-40   Test Results Generated by the CSR Commands Tab

Step 11   To display a log of actions used to process the test results, click Show Log. The following screen appears (Figure 4-41 "Log Entries Generated by the CSR Commands Tab"):

Figure 4-41   Log Entries Generated by the CSR Commands Tab

The log messages, normally routed to syslog, are logged to the database. The logging level is set to Informational for all test requests. See "Logging" for more detail on syslog.

The following sections describes other CSR functionalities in the CSR Commands tab in the CSR window.

Updating Logging Level

To specify the logging level, click Update Logging Level.

Loading the Active Dataset

To load the active dataset into memory for use, click Load Active Dataset. Because calls are always in progress, both datasets can be in use simultaneously. Calls currently in progress use the old dataset and new calls use the new dataset.

Resetting Call Accounting

To reset all call units to zero, click Reset Call Accounting. This sets all accounting per carrier and per route/carrier for the CSR. This is the same data used by the Test Route Request functionality.

Updating Gatekeepers

To update the CSR gatekeepers table, click Update GateKeepers. The CSR unregisters each message type from each gatekeeper and reconnects the gatekeepers on the current list.

Cleaning Test Results

To purge all the test requests (inputs and outputs) from the database, click Clean Test Results.

Checking CSR Version

To check the CSR version number, select the About tab in the CSR window.

Multiple GUI Operation

Multiple GUIs can run against a single database and multiple databases. If all users are working in a read-only mode, the following results occur:

Posted: Sun Jan 19 07:26:46 PST 2003
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