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Table Of Contents
Configuring Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Configuring Cisco CallManager for Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Adding CTI Route Points in Cisco CallManager
Adding CTI Ports in Cisco CallManager
Creating a Cisco CallManager User for Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Configuring the Cisco CRA Engine for Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Configuring Directory Information
Configuring the JTAPI Subsystem on the Cisco Customer Response Application Engine
Adding a New Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Customizing Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Configuring an Instance of Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Configuring Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
This section provides information about configuring CiscoCallManager and the Cisco Customer Response Application Engine (Cisco CRA Engine) in preparation for deploying your CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant (CiscoCallManagerAA).
Perform the following procedures to configure your CiscoCallManagerAA:
Configuring CiscoCallManager for CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant
Configuring the CiscoCRAEngine for CiscoCallManager AutoAttendant
Customizing CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant
Configuring Cisco CallManager for Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Before you can use CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant (CiscoCallManagerAA), you must configure CiscoCallManager. The following steps illustrate the basic configuration principles and describe a simple configuration to test your installation.
Adding CTI Route Points in CiscoCallManager
Adding CTI Ports in CiscoCallManager
Creating a CiscoCallManager User for CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant
Adding CTI Route Points in Cisco CallManager
To add a CTI route point in CiscoCallManager for CiscoCallManager AutoAttendant (CiscoCallManagerAA), perform the following steps:
Step 1
On the CiscoCallManager server, choose
Start > Programs > Cisco CallManager 3.1 > CallManager Administration.
You can also connect to the Cisco CallManager web server using any computer on your network by using the following URL:
http :// servername/ ccmAdmin
where servername is the DNS name or IP address of your Cisco CallManager server.
You will be prompted for a network username and password.
Step 2
Choose Device > Add a New Device.
Step 3
Use the Device Type drop-down arrow to select CTI Route Point.
Step 4
Click Next.
Step 5
In the Device Name field, enter a name of your choice for the CTI route point. Choose a name that is descriptive.
Step 6
In the Device Pool field, select the device pool for this CTI route point. If no other pool has been created, select Default.
Step 7
Click Insert.
Step 8
In the left pane of the CTI Route Point Configuration window, click Line1-clicktoadd.
Step 9
In the Directory Number field, enter the directory number for this CTI route point. This is the number that users will dial to reach this CTI route point (for example, 4000).
Step 10
Click Insert and Close. Now you need to add CTI ports to CiscoCallManager.
Adding CTI Ports in Cisco CallManager
All CTI ports in a CTI port group must have consecutive directory numbers. For example, if you want four CTI ports in a particular CTI port group, and the first is number 9001, the rest of the ports will automatically be configured 9002 through 9004.
To add CTI ports in CiscoCallManager, perform the following steps:
Step 1
On the Cisco CallManager server, choose Start>Programs>CiscoCallManager 3.1>CallManagerAdministration
You can also connect to the Cisco CallManager web server using any computer on your network by using the following URL:
http :// servername/ ccmAdmin
where servername is the DNS name or IP address of your Cisco CallManager server.
Step 2
Choose Device>AddaNewDevice.
Step 3
Use the Device Type drop-down arrow to select Phone and click Next.
Step 4
Use the Phone Type drop-down arrow to select CTI Port and click Next.
Step 5
In the Device Name field, enter a name for the device (for example, CTI_Port1).
Step 6
Use the Device Pool drop-down arrow to select the device pool for this CTI port. If there is no other pool, select Default .
Step 7
Click Insert.
Step 8
In the left pane of the Phone Configuration window, click Line1-clicktoadd.
Step 9
In the Directory Number field, enter the directory number of this CTI port (for example, 4001).
CTI port groups must contain sequential CTI port directory numbers.
Step 10
Click Insert and Close.
You can continue to add ports using consecutive numbers. After you have added and configured CTI ports for CiscoCallManagerAA, configure a CiscoCallManager user for the CiscoCallManagerAA.
Creating a Cisco CallManager User for Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
To create a CiscoCallManager user for CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant (CiscoCallManagerAA), perform the following steps:
Step 1
On the Cisco CallManager server, choose Start>Programs>CiscoCallManager3.1>CallManagerAdministration.
You can also connect to the Cisco CallManager web server by using the following URL:
http :// servername/ ccmAdmin
where servername is the DNS name or IP address of your Cisco CallManager server.
You will be prompted to enter the network password.
Step 2
Choose User>AddaNewUser.
Step 3
In the Add a New User page, enter the first name (for example, JTAPI ), last name (for example, User), and UserID (for example, JTAPIUser).
Step 4
Enter a password of your choice in the User Password and Confirm Password fields.
Step 5
At the PIN field, enter a numeric Personal Identification Number (PIN) of your choice. Confirm the PIN number.
Step 6
Click the Enable CTI Application Use check box.
When you create a CiscoCallManager user for CiscoCallManagerAA, you must click the EnableCTIApplicationUse check box on the CiscoCallManager Add a New User page. If you do not click the Enable CTI Application Use check box, the Cisco CRA Engine will be unable to receive calls from CiscoCallManager.
Step 7
Click Associate Devices.
Step 8
In the User Devices Assignment Window, check the boxes associated with the Device Name fields.
In order to use the examples provided here, check the following items.
Step 9
Make sure the No Primary Extension radio button is selected.
Step 10
Click Insert.
Configuring the Cisco CRA Engine for Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
Once you have configured CiscoCallManager for CiscoCallManager AutoAttendant, configure the CiscoCustomerResponseApplication (CiscoCRA) Engine to communicate with CiscoCallManager and the CiscoIPTelephonyDirectory. To do this, perform the following procedures:
Configuring Directory Information
Configuring the JTAPI Subsystem on the CiscoCustomer ResponseApplicationEngine
Adding a New CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant
Configuring Directory Information
The Cisco IP Telephony Directory server stores two types of information used by your CiscoCustomerResponseApplication (CiscoCRA) Engine. First, it stores directory information, which includes CTI port and routing configurations. Second, it contains the repository subdirectory, which stores the applications you create with the CiscoCRAEngine.
If your Cisco IP Telephony solution includes one application server and one CiscoIPTelephony directory, the directory configuration information will be the same for both the directory and the repository.
It is also possible for the application server to receive directory information from one Cisco IP Telephony Directory and application script from a repository on another server. In this scenario, the directory and repository would have different configurations.
For efficient management of resources, each type of configuration is stored as a profile on the Cisco IP Telephony Directory server. In the event of a system failure or reallocation of application servers, you can upload a directory profile from the CiscoIPTelephonyDirectory to a replacement application server.
Directory profiles can only be used by one application server at a time.
Repository profiles can be used to centralize the storage of application script. Unlike directory profiles, repository profiles may be shared by more than one application server.
To configure Directory information on the application server, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Connect to the Application Administration web server by using the following URL:
http :// servername/ AppAdmin
where servername is the DNS name or IP address of your application server.
If you are using the computer that is running the application server, you can connect to the web pages by choosing:
Start > Programs > Cisco CRA Administrator > Application Administration.
You will be prompted to enter the network username and password.
Step 2
At the CiscoCustomer Response Setup page, click Setup.
Step 3
Use Table4-1 to fill in the fields.
Step 4
Click the Initialize profile check box and click OK.
Step 5
At the Install Application Scripts Installation completed prompt, click MainMenu.
Step 6
If you want to maintain separate profiles for your directory and repository configurations, click the Use a Different Repository Profile check box.
By default, the application server will use the directory configuration information to build the application repository configuration.
Step 7
Click Update to enter your changes.
If you clicked the Use a Different Repository Profile check box, the repository configuration window appears. Complete these fields with the configuration information appropriate for your repository directory.
Configuring the JTAPI Subsystem on the Cisco Customer Response Application Engine
After you complete the directory configuration, you must configure the JTAPI subsystem on the CiscoCustomerResponseApplicationEngine (CiscoCRAEngine). The CiscoCRAEngine uses the JTAPI subsystem to send and receive calls from CiscoCallManager.
To configure the JTAPI Subsystem, perform the following steps:
Step 1
At the Application Administration Main Menu, click the JTAPI link in the Options column.
Step 2
In the CallManager field, enter the IP address or DNS name of the CiscoMCS running CiscoCallManager.
Step 3
In the Username field, enter the CiscoCallManager UserID you defined in "Creating a CiscoCallManager User for CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant" section (for example, JTAPIUser).
Step 4
Enter the password you defined for this UserID in the Password field.
Step 5
Click Update to enter your changes.
Adding a CTI Port Group
To add a CTI Port Group, perform the following steps:
Step 1
On the JTAPI configuration page, click the Add new CTI Port Group link.
Step 2
On the Add a new CTI Port Group page, use the Type drop-down arrow to select Applications and click Next.
Step 3
On the CTI Port Group Configuration page, enter 1 in the Number field.
Step 4
In the Initial CTI Port field, enter the first CTI Port directory number you established in Step 11 of the "Adding CTI Ports in CiscoCallManager" section . If you are using the provided sample values, enter 4001.
Step 5
In the Last CTI Port field, enter the CTI Port directory number of the last CTI port you defined in CiscoCallManager. If you are using the provided sample values, enter 4004.
CTI port groups must contain sequential CTI port directory numbers.
Step 6
Click Update.
Adding a New Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
When you have configured the appropriate subsystem on the CiscoCustomer ResponseApplication (CiscoCRA) Engine, you can use one of the sample scripts to create an application and start the CiscoCRAEngine.
To add a new CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Connect to the Application Administration web server by using the following URL:
http :// servername/ AppAdmin
where servername is the DNS name or IP address of your Cisco CRA Engine.
Step 2
At the Application Administration Main Menu, click the Telephony Application link in the Options column.
Step 3
Click the Add New Application link on the Application page.
Step 4
At the Application Configuration page, use the drop-down arrow to select the aa.aef script. The system populates the ScriptName field with "aa.aef." Click Next.
Step 5
Enter a name for the application in the Application Name field.
Step 6
At the Application Parameters Configuration page, provide the CTI route point for this Application (for example, 4000).
Step 7
In the Maximum Number of Sessions field, enter the number of CTI ports you added in CiscoCallManager. If you are using the provided sample values, enter 4.
Step 8
In the OperExtn field, enter the extension of the phone that will be used by the human operator and click Update.
Step 9
Select Main Menu > Engine.
Step 10
On the Engine page, click Start.
When the Engine status is
and the subsystems indicate they arein service
, the Cisco CallManager AA is functional. You can call into the Cisco CallManager AA by dialing the directory number of the CTI route point you added to Cisco CallManager. If you are using the provided sample values, dial 4000.
Customizing Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
By default, CiscoCallManagerAA plays back a prerecorded welcome prompt and spells out user names. You can customize your CiscoCallManagerAA by adding your own welcome prompt and recordings of your users' spoken names:
Configuring an Instance of CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant
Configuring an Instance of Cisco CallManager AutoAttendant
To configure an existing CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant (CiscoCallManagerAA), perform the following steps:
Step 1
Select Applications from the application administration main menu.
Step 2
Select the instance of CiscoCallManagerAA that you wish to configure and click Next .
Step 3
You can make the following configuration changes:
Application Name—the name of the application.
CTI Route Point—the number used to reach this application.
Maximum Number of Sessions—the maximum number of sessions possible for this application.
Enabled—whether the application is enabled or not.
operExtn—the extension of the phone that will be used by the human operator.
welcomePrompt—the prompt used as the welcome prompt for CiscoCallManagerAA. See the "Configuring the Welcome Prompt" section for information about how to upload prompts.
Configuring Prompts
The Media Configuration page also allows you to upload new prompts to the CiscoCRAEngine, modify existing prompts, and configure the UDP port.
The following topics are included:
Recording the Welcome Prompt
Configuring the Welcome Prompt
Uploading a Batch of Spoken Names
General Media Configuration
The General Media Configuration page shows the two directory paths that the CiscoCRAEngine uses to store System and User prompts, and the Starting UDP Port field.
The prompt path information shown on the General Media Configuration page is for your information only. You cannot modify these paths. System prompts are general-use type prompts, and many are included with CiscoCRA. (You may also record your own). User prompts are the prompts you create for specific applications.
The Starting UDP port field is used to specify the first UDP port for sending and receiving UDP data. CiscoCustomerResponseApplications uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) protocol to send and receive media packets over the IP network. The Starting UDP port field is pre-populated with a default value. The default value for this field corresponds to the normal configuration for Cisco networking equipment and ensures the highest possible audio quality for calls to CiscoCustomerResponseApplications.
Recording the Welcome Prompt
You can record prompts for CiscoCallManagerAA on any computer using Microsoft Sound Recorder. Save the prompt as a .wav file in CCITT (µ -law) 8kHz, 8-bit, Mono format. (You can use another audio application to record the welcome prompt if it supports this format.)
To record a prompt using Microsoft Sound Recorder, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Select the following option from the Windows Start menu:
Programs > Accessories > Multimedia > Sound Recorder.
Step 2
Click the Record button (red), and record your greeting into the microphone.
Step 3
Click the Stop button (black) when you have finished recording.
Step 4
To check your greeting:
Click the Rewind button (left-pointing arrows) or drag the slider back to the beginning of the recording.
Click the Play button (right-pointing arrow) button.
Step 5
When you are satisfied with your greeting, save the recording.
Select File > Save As.
Click Change to set the recording options. (You can also do this by selecting Properties from the Sound Recorder File menu).
Figure 4-1 Sound Selection Window
Use the Format drop-down arrow, select CCITT µ-law.
Use the Attributes drop-down arrow to select 8.000 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono 7 kb/sec.
Click Save As and enter a name for this format.
Click OK to close the Sound Selection window.
Browse to the directory of your choice, preferably a directory that you have set aside for prompts.
Enter the file name, and click Save.
Configuring the Welcome Prompt
The Media Configuration Page allows you to upload new prompts, or to modify existing prompts stored on the CiscoCRAEngine.
To add or modify prompts, perform the following steps:
Step 1
On the Application Administration Main Menu, click Media . The system displays the Media Subsystem Configuration page.
Step 2
Click the Prompts link. The system displays the Prompt Configuration page.
Step 3
To replace an existing prompt with a new .wav file, click the arrow in the Upload column for the prompt you want to modify. To create a new prompt, click the Add a new prompt link. The system displays the Prompt File Name page.
Step 4
Enter the name of the .wav file you want to use to replace the existing prompt, or to use as a new prompt. If you are adding a new prompt, enter a name for the prompt as it resides on the Cisco application server.
Step 5
When you have provided the .wav file and prompt name information, click Upload.
Uploading a Spoken Name
To upload CiscoCallManagerAutoAttendant (CiscoCallManagerAA) spoken names in your users' voices, upload the corresponding .wav files into the Directory:
Step 1
Ask users to record their names in the manner prescribed in the "Recording the Welcome Prompt" section , and to save their files as userId.wav , where userId is their user name.
Step 2
Using the Cisco application server computer (this process cannot be done remotely), connect to the spoken name web page with the following URL:
where servername is the DNS name or IP address of your application server.You can also choose Start > Programs > Cisco IP IVR > SpokenNameUpload.
Step 3
Click the Change button and click OK.
Step 4
Click the Browse button to locate the spoken name wav file you would like to upload. The Choose file navigation window appears.
Step 5
When you have located the appropriate file, click Open.
Step 6
Confirm that you have identified the appropriate path and file and click Upload.
Uploading a Batch of Spoken Names
If you need to upload a large number of spoken names at once, use the SpokenNameBulkUpload.bat utility, provided on the application server. To upload a batch of spoken names, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Ask users to record their names in the manner prescribed in the "Recording the Welcome Prompt" section , and to save their files as userId.wav , where userId is their user name.
Step 2
Collect these files in a directory on the Cisco application server computer.
Step 3
Upload the contents of the local directory to your Cisco IP Telephony Directory using the following DOS command:
SpokenNameBulkUpload directory true|false
where directory is the directory on your hard drive where the .wav files are located.Use the true|false parameter to choose to replace existing spoken names in the Cisco IP telephony directory or not:
true—replaces any spoken name .wav files in the directory with spoken name .wav files of the same name.
false—does not replace spoken name .wav files in the directory with spoken name .wav files of the same name.
Posted: Tue Mar 16 17:09:52 PST 2004
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