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The following sections explain how to use testing options in the tools menu.
The call forwarding rule tester lets you see how Cisco Personal Assistant would forward a hypothetical incoming call based on your actual rules.
Use the rule tester when you want to put a rule, or set of rules, to the test. You might choose to do this after building a rule and activating a rule-set to see if the rule applies to a specific caller or to an incoming call that reaches you at a specific time of day.
The call forwarding rule tester is also a good way to diagnose a call forwarding problem. For example, if Personal Assistant did not forward a phone call in the way that you anticipated, enter the name of the real caller, the time of day and date during which the call was placed, and the rule tester can help you figure out what part of your rule-set Personal Assistant would apply to the incoming call.
Before you begin to use the call forwarding rule tester, you need to create a rule-set, add at least one rule to it, then activate the rule-set. For instructions on these procedures, see the "Building Rules" section.
Personal Assistant opens the Call Forwarding Rule Tester page.
Step 2 Enter the information that you want to try out in your hypothetical incoming call.
The call forwarding rule tester allows you to specify up to four factors:
You can combine these factors to test a hypothetical call in which the caller, time, date and year date are all specified. Or you can choose one factor, such as the time of day. The combination of factors is up to you.
Step 3 Click Test.
If one of your rules applies to the call conditions that you specified, Personal Assistant displays the rule.
If none of your rules applies to the incoming call conditions that you specified, Personal Assistant displays the message: "No matching rule found." When none of your rules matches the conditions of a real incoming call, Personal Assistant simply forwards the call to your desk phone, which is your default phone.
The following sections explain what the Dial Rule Tester is and why you might use it.
The dial rule tester lets you preview how Personal Assistant will dial or recognize a phone number based on dial rules that are set up by you or, more typically, by your system administrator.
Dial rules simply determine the string of digits that Personal Assistant uses to place outbound calls and to recognize inbound calls. For example, dial rules are responsible for filling in the rest of the phone number when you call extension 1-2-3-4 to reach a colleague at work. The dial rule tester works in tandem with dial rules so that you can see exactly how Personal Assistant will process or recognize a phone number.
See the "When to Use the Dial Rule Tester" section.
Use the dial rule tester to see how a phone number that you have entered in your personal address book will be processed or recognized by Personal Assistantwhether Personal Assistant uses the number to make an outbound call or to identify an inbound call.
For example, if you entered the phone number 555-4567 in your personal address book, you might want to test whether the dial rules set up by your system administrator tell Personal Assistant to dial the number as 9-555-4567. (In this case, the prefix "9" would allow external calls to be placed from your work phone.)
Dial rules set up by your system administrator probably cover most, if not all, necessary prefix modifications that you need Personal Assistant to make. However, if you use the Dial Rule page of the Cisco Personal Assistant User interface to set up your own dial rules, it is a good idea to use the dial rule tester to try them out. The dial rule tester can reveal whether Personal Assistant would prefix an outbound call appropriately. For more information on setting your own dial rules, see the "Setting Dial Rules" section.
Personal Assistant opens the Dial Rule Tester page.
Step 2 Enter a phone number in the first field and click Test. If you want to test how dial rules apply to a phone number in your personal address book, use the first field to enter the number exactly as it appears in your address book.
Personal Assistant displays the number in the second field, showing prefix modifications determined by the most applicable dialing rule.
Posted: Thu Apr 24 14:17:04 PDT 2003
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