
Table Of Contents

Cisco IOS Novell IPX Commands

access-list (IPX extended)

access-list (IPX standard)

access-list (SAP filtering)

clear ipx accounting

clear ipx cache

clear ipx sap

deny (extended)

deny (SAP filtering)

deny (standard)

dipx access-group

ipx accounting

ipx ipxwan

ipx route-cache

ipx accounting-list

ipx accounting-threshold

ipx accounting-transits

ipx advertise-default-route-only (RIP)

ipx advertise-to-lost-route

ipx backup-server-query-interval (EIGRP)

ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp

ipx broadcast-fastswitching

Cisco IOS Novell IPX Commands

access-list (IPX extended)

To define an extended Novell IPX access list, use the extended version of the access-list command in global configuration mode. To remove an extended access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol [source-network][[[.source-node] source-node-mask] | [.source-node source-network-mask.source-node-mask]] [source-socket] [][[[.destination-node] destination-node-mask] | [.destination-node destination-network-mask.destination-node-mask]] [destination-socket] [log] [time-range time-range-name]

no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol [source-network][[[.source-node] source-node-mask] | [.source-node source-network-mask.source-node-mask]] [source-socket] [][[[.destination-node] destination-node-mask] | [.destination-node destination-network-mask.destination-node-mask]] [destination-socket] [log] [time-range time-range-name]

Syntax Description


Number of the access list. This is a number from 900 to 999.


Denies access if the conditions are matched.


Permits access if the conditions are matched.


Name or number of an IPX protocol type. This is sometimes referred to as the packet type. Table 3 in the "Usage Guidelines" section lists some IPX protocol names and numbers.


(Optional) Number of the network from which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number; for example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on the source-network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the source-node argument. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the source-network argument. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal mask. Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.

The mask must immediately be followed by a period, which must in turn immediately be followed by the source-node-mask argument.


(Optional) Socket name or number (hexadecimal) from which the packet is being sent. Table 4 in the "Usage Guidelines" section lists some IPX socket names and numbers.

(Optional) Number of the network to which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on destination-network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the destination-node argument. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the destination-network argument. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal mask. Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.

The mask must immediately be followed by a period, which must in turn immediately be followed by the destination-node-mask argument.


(Optional) Socket name or number (hexadecimal) to which the packet is being sent. Table 4 in the "Usage Guidelines" section lists some IPX socket names and numbers.


(Optional) Logs IPX access control list violations whenever a packet matches a particular access list entry. The information logged includes source address, destination address, source socket, destination socket, protocol type, and action taken (permit/deny).

time-range time-range-name

(Optional) Name of the time range that applies to this statement. The name of the time range and its restrictions are specified by the time-range command.


No access lists are predefined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The log keyword was added.


The following keyword and argument were added:



Usage Guidelines

Extended IPX access lists filter on protocol type. All other parameters are optional.

If a network mask is used, all other fields are required.

Use the dipx access-group command to assign an access list to an interface. You can apply only one extended or one standard access list to an interface. The access list filters all outgoing packets on the interface.

Note For some versions of NetWare, the protocol type field is not a reliable indicator of the type of packet encapsulated by the IPX header. In these cases, use the source and destination socket fields to make this determination. For additional information, contact Novell.

Table 3 lists some IPX protocol names and numbers. Table 4 lists some IPX socket names and numbers. For additional information about IPX protocol numbers and socket numbers, contact Novell.

Table 3 Some IPX Protocol Names and Numbers 

IPX Protocol Number (Decimal)
IPX Protocol Name
Protocol (Packet Type)



Wildcard; matches any packet type in 900 lists.



Undefined; refer to the socket number to determine the packet type.



Routing Information Protocol (RIP).



Service Advertising Protocol (SAP).



Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX).



NetWare Core Protocol (NCP).




Table 4 Some IPX Socket Names and Numbers 

IPX Socket Number (Hexadecimal)
IPX Socket Name



Wildcard used to match all sockets.



Cisco IPX ping packet.



NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) process.



Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) process.



Routing Information Protocol (RIP) process.



Novell NetBIOS process.



Novell diagnostic packet.



Novell serialization socket.



Dynamic sockets; used by workstations for interaction with file servers and other network servers.



Sockets as assigned by Novell, Inc.



IPX Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (Enhanced IGRP).



Novell standard ping packet.

To delete an extended access list, specify the minimum number of keywords and arguments needed to delete the proper access list. For example, to delete the entire access list, use the following command:

no access-list access-list-number

To delete the access list for a specific protocol, use the following command:

no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol


The following example denies access to all RIP packets from the RIP process socket on source network 1 that are destined for the RIP process socket on network 2. It permits all other traffic. This example uses protocol and socket names rather than hexadecimal numbers.

access-list  900  deny  -1 1 rip 2 rip
access-list  900  permit  -1

The following example permits type 2 packets from any socket from host 10.0000.0C01.5234 to access any sockets on any node on networks 1000 through 100F. It denies all other traffic (with an implicit deny all):

Note This type is chosen only as an example. The actual type to use depends on the specific application.

access-list 910 permit 2 10.0000.0C01.5234 0000.0000.0000 0   1000.0000.0000.0000 F.FFFF.FFFF.FFFF 0

The following example provides a time range to the access list:

time-range no-spx
 periodic weekdays 8:00 to 18:00
ipx access-list extended test
 permit spx any all any all time-range no spx

Related Commands


access-list (IPX standard)

Defines a standard IPX access list.

deny (extended)

Sets conditions for a named IPX extended access list.

dipx access-group

Applies generic input and output filters to an interface.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.

ipx input-network-filter

Controls which networks are added to the routing table of the Cisco IOS software.

ipx output-network-filter

Controls which servers are included in the GNS responses sent by the Cisco IOS software.

ipx router-filter

Filters the routers from which packets are accepted.

permit (IPX extended)

Sets conditions for a named IPX extended access list.

priority-list protocol

Establishes queueing priorities based on the protocol type.

access-list (IPX standard)

To define a standard IPX access list, use the standard version of the access-list command in global configuration mode. To remove a standard access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source-network[.source-node[source-node-mask]] [destination-network[.destination-node [destination-node-mask]]]

no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source-network[.source-node[source-node-mask]] [destination-network[.destination-node [destination-node-mask]]]

Syntax Description


Number of the access list. This is a number from 800 to 899.


Denies access if the conditions are matched.


Permits access if the conditions are matched.


Number of the network from which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on source-network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to source-node. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


(Optional) Number of the network to which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on destination-network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to destination-node. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


No access lists are predefined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Standard IPX access lists filter on the source network. All other parameters are optional.

Use the ipx access-group command to assign an access list to an interface. The access list filters all outgoing packets on the interface.

To delete a standard access list, specify the minimum number of keywords and arguments needed to delete the proper access list. For example, to delete the entire access list, use the following command:

no access-list access-list-number

To delete the access list for a specific network, use the following command:

no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source-network


The following example denies access to traffic from all IPX networks (-1) to destination network 2:

access-list 800 deny -1 2

The following example denies access to all traffic from IPX address 1.0000.0c00.1111:

access-list 800 deny 1.0000.0c00.1111

The following example denies access from all nodes on network 1 that have a source address beginning with 0000.0c:

access-list 800 deny 1.0000.0c00.0000 0000.00ff.ffff

The following example denies access from source address 1111.1111.1111 on network 1 to destination address 2222.2222.2222 on network 2:

access-list 800 deny 1.1111.1111.1111 0000.0000.0000 2.2222.2222.2222 0000.0000.0000


access-list 800 deny 1.1111.1111.1111 2.2222.2222.2222

Related Commands


access-list (IPX extended)

Defines an extended Novell IPX access list.

deny (standard)

Sets conditions for a named IPX access list.

dipx access-group

Applies generic input and output filters to an interface.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.

ipx input-network-filter

Controls which networks are added to the routing table of the Cisco IOS software.

ipx output-network-filter

Controls the list of networks included in routing updates sent out an interface.

ipx router-filter

Filters the routers from which packets are accepted.

priority-list protocol

Establishes queueing priorities based on the protocol type.

access-list (SAP filtering)

To define an access list for filtering Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) requests, use the SAP filtering form of the access-list command in global configuration mode. To remove the access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} network[.node] [network-mask.node-mask] [service-type [server-name]]

no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} network[.node] [network-mask.node-mask] [service-type [server-name]]

Syntax Description


Number of the SAP access list. This is a number from 1000 to 1099.


Denies access if the conditions are matched.


Permits access if the conditions are matched.


Network number. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node specified on the network. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to network and node. Place ones in the bit positions to be masked.


(Optional) Service type on which to filter. This is a hexadecimal number. A value of 0 means all services.

Table 5 in the "Usage Guidelines" section lists examples of service types.


(Optional) Name of the server providing the specified service type. This can be any contiguous string of printable ASCII characters. Use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose strings containing embedded spaces. You can use an asterisk (*) at the end of the name as a wildcard to match one or more trailing characters.


No access lists are predefined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When configuring SAP filters for NetWare 3.11 and later servers, use the server's internal network and node number (the node number is always 0000.0000.0001) as its address in the access-list command. Do not use the network.node address of the particular interface board.

Table 5 lists some sample IPX SAP types. For more information about SAP types, contact Novell. Note that in the filter (specified by the service-type argument), we define a value of 0 to filter all SAP services. If, however, you receive a SAP packet with a SAP type of 0, this indicates an unknown service.

Table 5 Sample IPX SAP Services

Service Type (Hexadecimal)




User group


Print server queue


File server


Job server


Print server


Archive server


Queue for job servers


Network Application Support Systems Network Architecture (NAS SNA) gateway


Time Synchronization value-added process (VAP)


Dynamic SAP


Advertising print server


Btrieve VAP 5.0




TES—NetWare for Virtual Memory System (VMS)


NetWare access server


Named Pipes server


Portable NetWare—UNIX




Test server


NetWare management (Novell's Network Management Station [NMS])


NetWare management (NMS console)

To delete a SAP access list, specify the minimum number of keywords and arguments needed to delete the proper access list. For example, to delete the entire access list, use the following command:

no access-list access-list-number

To delete the access list for a specific network, use the following command:

no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} network


The following access list blocks all access to a file server (service Type 4) on the directly attached network by resources on other Novell networks, but allows access to all other available services on the interface:

access-list 1001 deny -1 4
access-list 1001 permit -1

Related Commands


deny (SAP filtering)

Sets conditions for a named IPX SAP filtering access list.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.

ipx input-sap-filter

Controls which services are added to the routing table of the Cisco IOS software SAP table.

ipx output-gns-filter

Controls which servers are included in the GNS responses sent by the Cisco IOS software.

ipx output-sap-filter

Controls which services are included in SAP updates sent by the Cisco IOS software.

ipx router-sap-filter

Filters SAP messages received from a particular router.

permit (SAP filtering)

Sets conditions for a named IPX SAP filtering access list.

priority-list protocol

Establishes queueing priorities based on the protocol type.

clear ipx accounting

To delete all entries in the accounting database when IPX accounting is enabled, use the clear ipx accounting command in EXEC mode.

clear ipx accounting [checkpoint]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Clears the checkpoint database.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Specifying the clear ipx accounting command with no keywords copies the active database to the checkpoint database and clears all entries in the active database. When cleared, active database entries and static entries, such as those set by the ipx accounting-list command, are reset to zero. Dynamically found entries are deleted.

Any traffic that traverses the router after you issue the clear ipx accounting command is saved in the active database. Accounting information in the checkpoint database at that time reflects traffic prior to the most recent clear ipx accounting command.

You can also delete all entries in the active and checkpoint database by issuing the clear ipx accounting command twice in succession.


The following example first displays the contents of the active database before the contents are cleared. Then, the clear ipx accounting command clears all entries in the active database. As a result, the show ipx accounting command shows that there is no accounting information in the active database. Lastly, the show ipx accounting checkpoint command shows that the contents of the active database were copied to the checkpoint database when the clear ipx accounting command was issued.

Router# show ipx accounting

Source Destination Packets Bytes
0000C003.0000.0c05.6030 0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 72 2880
0000C001.0260.8c8d.da75 0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 14 624
0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 0000C001.0260.8c8d.da75 62 3110
0000C001.0260.8c8d.e7c6 0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 20 1470
0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 0000C001.0260.8c8d.e7c6 20 1470

Accounting data age is      6

Router# clear ipx accounting
Router# show ipx accounting

Source Destination Packets Bytes

Accounting data age is      0

Router# show ipx accounting checkpoint

Source Destination Packets Bytes
0000C003.0000.0c05.6030 0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 72 2880
0000C001.0260.8c8d.da75 0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 14 624
0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 0000C001.0260.8c8d.da75 62 3110
0000C001.0260.8c8d.e7c6 0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 20 1470
0000C003.0260.8c9b.4e33 0000C001.0260.8c8d.e7c6 20 1470

Accounting data age is      6

Related Commands


ipx accounting

Enables IPX accounting.

ipx accounting-list

Filters networks for which IPX accounting information is kept.

ipx accounting-threshold

Sets the maximum number of accounting database entries.

ipx accounting-transits

Sets the maximum number of transit entries that will be stored in the IPX accounting database.

show ipx accounting

Displays the active or checkpoint accounting database.

clear ipx cache

To delete entries from the IPX fast-switching cache, use the clear ipx cache command in EXEC mode.

clear ipx cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The clear ipx cache command clears entries used for fast switching and autonomous switching.


The following example deletes all entries from the IPX fast-switching cache:

clear ipx cache

Related Commands


ipx route-cache

Enables IPX fast switching.

show ipx cache

Displays the contents of the IPX fast-switching cache.

clear ipx sap

To clear IPX SAP entries from the IPX routing table, use the clear ipx sap command in EXEC mode.

clear ipx sap {* | sap-type | sap-name}

Syntax Description


Clears all IPX SAP service entries by marking them invalid.


Specifies the type of services that you want to clear by marking as invalid. This is an four-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a service type. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFF. You do not need to specify leading zeros in the service number. For example, for the service number 00AA, you can enter AA.


Specifies a certain name of service so that you can clear IPX SAP service entries that begin with the specified name. The name can be any contiguous string of printable ASCII characters. You can use an asterisk (*) at the end of the name as a wildcard to match one or more trailing characters. For example, to clear all services that begin with the name "accounting," enter the command clear ipx sap accounting* to clear all services that begin with the name "accounting". Use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose strings containing embedded spaces.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the clear ipx sap command to research problems with the service table.


The following example clears all service entries from the IPX routing table:

clear ipx sap *

deny (extended)

To set conditions for a named IPX extended access list, use the deny command in access-list configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

deny protocol [source-network][[[.source-node] source-node-mask] | [.source-node source-network-mask.source-node-mask]] [source-socket] [destination-network][[[.destination-node] destination-node-mask] | [.destination-node destination-network-mask.destination-node-mask]] [destination-socket] [log] [time-range time-range-name]

no deny protocol [source-network][[[.source-node] source-node-mask] | [.source-node source-network-mask.source-node-mask]] [source-socket] [destination-network][[[.destination-node] destination-node-mask] | [.destination-node destination-network-mask.destination-node-mask]] [destination-socket] [log] [time-range time-range-name]

Syntax Description


Name or number of an IPX protocol type. This is sometimes referred to as the packet type. You can also use the word any to match all protocol types.


(Optional) Number of the network from which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of 0 matches the local network. A network number of -1 matches all networks. You can also use the keyword any to match all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number; for example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on the source-network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the source-node argument. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the source-network argument. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal mask. Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.

The mask must immediately be followed by a period, which must in turn immediately be followed by the source-node-mask argument.


(Optional) Socket name or number (hexadecimal) from which the packet is being sent. You can also use the keyword all to match all sockets.


(Optional) Number of the network to which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of 0 matches the local network. A network number of -1 matches all networks. You can also use the keyword any to match all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on the destination-network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the destination-node argument. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the destination-network argument. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal mask. Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.

The mask must immediately be followed by a period, which must in turn immediately be followed by the destination-node-mask argument.


(Optional) Socket name or number (hexadecimal) to which the packet is being sent.


(Optional) Logs IPX access control list violations whenever a packet matches a particular access list entry. The information logged includes source address, destination address, source socket, destination socket, protocol type, and action taken (permit/deny).

time-range time-range-name

(Optional) Name of the time range that applies to this statement. The name of the time range and its restrictions are specified by the time-range command.


No access lists are defined.

Command Modes

Access-list configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following keyword and argument were added:



Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ipx accounting command to specify conditions under which a packet cannot pass the named access list.

For additional information on IPX protocol names and numbers, and IPX socket names and numbers, see the access-list (IPX extended) command.


The following example creates an extended access list named sal that denies all SPX packets:

ipx access-list extended sal
deny spx any all any all log
 permit any

The following example provides a time range to deny access :

time-range no-spx
 periodic weekdays 8:00 to 18:00
ipx access-list extended test
 permit spx any all any all time-range no spx

Related Commands


access-list (IPX extended)

Defines an extended Novell IPX access list.

dipx access-group

Applies generic input and output filters to an interface.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.

permit (IPX extended)

Sets conditions for a named IPX extended access list.

show ipx access-list

Displays the contents of all current IPX access lists.

deny (SAP filtering)

To set conditions for a named IPX SAP filtering access list, use the deny command in access-list configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

deny network[.node] [network-mask.node-mask] [service-type [server-name]]

no deny network[.node] [network-mask.node-mask] [service-type [server-name]]

Syntax Description


Network number. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of 0 matches the local network. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on network. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to network and node. Place ones in the bit positions to be masked.


(Optional) Service type on which to filter. This is a hexadecimal number. A value of 0 means all services.


(Optional) Name of the server providing the specified service type. This can be any contiguous string of printable ASCII characters. Use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose strings containing embedded spaces. You can use an asterisk (*) at the end of the name as a wildcard to match one or more trailing characters.


No access lists are defined.

Command Modes

Access-list configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ipx accounting command to specify conditions under which a packet cannot pass the named access list.

For additional information on IPX SAP service types, see the access-list (SAP filtering) command.


The following example creates a SAP access list named MyServer that denies MyServer to be sent in SAP advertisements:

ipx access-list sap MyServer
 deny 1234 4 MyServer

Related Commands


access-list (SAP filtering)

Defines an access list for filtering SAP requests.

dipx access-group

Applies generic input and output filters to an interface.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.

permit (SAP filtering)

Sets conditions for a named IPX SAP filtering access list.

show ipx access-list

Displays the contents of all current IPX access lists.

deny (standard)

To set conditions for a named IPX access list, use the deny command in access-list configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

deny source-network[.source-node [source-node-mask]] [destination-network[.destination-node [destination-node-mask]]]

no deny source-network[.source-node [source-node-mask]] [destination-network[.destination-node [destination-node-mask]]]

Syntax Description


Number of the network from which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of 0 matches the local network. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on the source-network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to the source-node argument. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


(Optional) Number of the network to which the packet is being sent. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFE. A network number of 0 matches the local network. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Node on the destination-network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).


(Optional) Mask to be applied to destination-node argument. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.


No access lists are defined.

Command Modes

Access-list configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ipx accounting command to specify conditions under which a packet cannot pass the named access list.

For additional information on creating IPX access lists, see the access-list (IPX standard) command.


The following example creates a standard access list named fred. It denies communication with only IPX network number 5678.

ipx access-list standard fred
deny 5678 any
permit any

Related Commands


access-list (IPX standard)

Defines a standard IPX access list.

dipx access-group

Applies generic input and output filters to an interface.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.


Sets conditions for a named IPX access list.

show ipx access-list

Displays the contents of all current IPX access lists.

dipx access-group

To apply generic input and output filters to an interface, use the ipx access-group command in interface configuration mode. To remove filters, use the no form of this command.

ipx access-group {access-list-number | name} [in | out]

no ipx access-group {access-list-number | name} [in | out]

Syntax Description


Number of the access list. For standard access lists, access-list-number is a number from 800 to 899. For extended access lists, the value for the access-list-number argument is a number from 900 to 999.


Name of the access list. Names cannot contain a space or quotation mark and must begin with an alphabetic character to prevent ambiguity with numbered access lists.


(Optional) Filters inbound packets. All incoming packets defined with either standard or extended access lists are filtered by the entries in this access list.


(Optional) Filters outbound packets. All outgoing packets defined with either standard or extended access lists and forwarded through the interface are filtered by the entries in this access list. This is the default when you do not specify an input (in) or output (out) keyword in the command line.


No filters are predefined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Generic filters control which data packets an interface receives or sends out based on the packet source and destination addresses, IPX protocol type, and source and destination socket numbers. You use the standard access-list and extended access-list commands to specify the filtering conditions.

You can apply only one input filter and one output filter per interface or subinterface.

When you do not specify an input (in) or output (out) filter in the command line, the default is an output filter.

You cannot configure an output filter on an interface where autonomous switching is already configured. Similarly, you cannot configure autonomous switching on an interface where an output filter is already present. You cannot configure an input filter on an interface if autonomous switching is already configured on any interface. Likewise, you cannot configure input filters if autonomous switching is already enabled on any interface.


The following example applies access list 801 to Ethernet interface 1. Because the command line does not specify an input filter or output filter with the keywords in or out, the software assumes that it is an output filter.

interface ethernet 1
 ipx access-group 801

The following example applies access list 901 to Ethernet interface 0. The access list is an input filter access list as specified by the keyword in.

interface ethernet 0
 ipx access-group 901 in

To remove the input access list filter in the previous example, you must specify the in keyword when you use the no form of the command. The following example correctly removes the access list:

interface ethernet 0
 no ipx access-group 901 in

Related Commands


access-list (IPX extended)

Defines an extended Novell IPX access list.

access-list (IPX standard)

Defines a standard IPX access list.

deny (extended)

Sets conditions for a named IPX extended access list.

deny (standard)

Sets conditions for a named IPX access list.

ipx accounting

Defines an IPX access list by name.

permit (IPX extended)

Sets conditions for a named IPX extended access list.


Sets conditions for a named IPX access list.

priority-list protocol

Establishes queueing priorities based on the protocol type.

ipx accounting

To enable IPX accounting, use the ipx accounting command in interface configuration mode. To disable IPX accounting, use the no form of this command.

ipx accounting

no ipx accounting

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

IPX accounting allows you to collect information about IPX packets and the number of bytes that are switched through the Cisco IOS software. You collect information based on the source and destination IPX address. IPX accounting tracks only IPX traffic that is routed out an interface on which IPX accounting is configured; it does not track traffic generated by or terminated at the router itself.

The Cisco IOS software maintains two accounting databases: an active database and a checkpoint database. The active database contains accounting data tracked until the database is cleared. When the active database is cleared, its contents are copied to the checkpoint database. Using these two databases together allows you to monitor both current traffic and traffic that has previously traversed the router.

IPX accounting statistics will be accurate even if IPX access lists are being used or if IPX fast switching is enabled. Enabling IPX accounting significantly decreases performance of a fast switched interface.

IPX accounting does not keep statistics if autonomous switching is enabled. In fact, IPX accounting is disabled if autonomous or SSE switching is enabled.


The following example enables IPX accounting on Ethernet interface 0:

interface ethernet 0
 ipx accounting

Related Commands


clear ipx accounting

Deletes all entries in the accounting database when IPX accounting is enabled.

ipx accounting-list

Filters networks for which IPX accounting information is kept.

ipx accounting-threshold

Sets the maximum number of accounting database entries.

ipx accounting-transits

Sets the maximum number of transit entries that will be stored in the IPX accounting database.

show ipx accounting

Displays the active or checkpoint accounting database.

ipx ipxwan

To enable the IPX wide-area network (IPXWAN) protocol on a serial interface, use the ipx ipxwan command in interface configuration mode. To disable the IPXWAN protocol, use the no form of this command.

ipx ipxwan [local-node {network-number | unnumbered} local-server-name retry-interval retry-limit]

no ipx ipxwan

Syntax Description


(Optional) Primary network number of the router. This is an IPX network number that is unique across the entire internetwork. On NetWare 3.x servers, the primary network number is called the internal network number. The device with the higher number is determined to be the link master. A value of 0 causes the Cisco IOS software to use the configured internal network number.


(Optional) IPX network number to be used for the link if this router is the one determined to be the link master. The number is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 0 to FFFFFFFD. A value 0 is equivalent to specifying the keyword unnumbered.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA, you can enter AA.


(Optional) Specifies that no IPX network number is defined for the link. This is equivalent to specifying a value of 0 for the network-number argument.


(Optional) Name of the local router. It can be up to 47 characters long, and can contain uppercase letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and at signs (@). On NetWare 3.x servers, this is the router name. For our routers, this is the name of the router as configured via the hostname command; that is, the name that precedes the standard prompt, which is an angle bracket (>) for EXEC mode or a pound sign (#) for privileged EXEC mode.


(Optional) Retry interval, in seconds. This interval defines how often the software will retry the IPXWAN start-up negotiation if a start-up failure occurs. Retries will occur until the retry limit defined by the retry-limit argument is reached. It can be a value from 1 to 600. The default is 20 seconds.


(Optional) Maximum number of times the software retries the IPXWAN start-up negotiation before taking the action defined by the ipx ipxwan error command. It can be a value from 1 through 100. The default is 3.


IPXWAN is disabled.

If you enable IPXWAN, the default is unnumbered.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following keyword and argument were added:



Usage Guidelines

If you omit all optional arguments and keywords, the ipx ipxwan command defaults to ipx ipxwan 0 unnumbered router-name (which is equivalent to ipx ipxwan 0 local-server-name), where router-name is the name of the router as configured with the hostname global configuration command. For this configuration, the show ipx interface command displays ipx ipxwan 0 0 local-server-name.

If you enter a value of 0 for the network-number argument, the output of the show running-config EXEC command does not show the 0 but rather reports this value as "unnumbered."

The name of each device on each side of the link must be different.

IPXWAN is a start-up end-to-end options negotiations protocol. When a link comes up, the first IPX packets sent across are IPXWAN packets negotiating the options for the link. When the IPXWAN options have been successfully determined, normal IPX traffic starts. The three options negotiated are the link IPX network number, internal network number, and link delay (ticks) characteristics. The side of the link with the higher local-node number (internal network number) gives the IPX network number and delay to use for the link to the other side. Once IPXWAN finishes, no IPXWAN packets are sent unless link characteristics change or the connection fails. For example, if the IPX delay is changed from the default setting, an IPXWAN restart will be forced.

To enable the IPXWAN protocol on a serial interface, you must not have configured an IPX network number (using the ipx network interface configuration command) on that interface.

To control the delay on a link, use the ipx delay interface configuration command. If you issue this command when the serial link is already up, the state of the link will be reset and renegotiated.


The following example enables IPXWAN on serial interface 0:

interface serial 0
 encapsulation ppp
 ipx ipxwan

The following example enables IPXWAN on serial interface 1 on device CHICAGO-AS. When the link comes up, CHICAGO-AS will be the master because it has a larger internal network number. It will give the IPX number 100 to NYC-AS to use as the network number for the link. The link delay, in ticks, will be determined by the exchange of packets between the two access servers.

On the local access server (CHICAGO-AS):

interface serial 1
 no ipx network
 encapsulation ppp
 ipx ipxwan 6666 100 CHICAGO-AS

On the remote router (NYC-AS):

interface serial 0
 no ipx network
 encapsulation ppp
 ipx ipxwan 1000 101 NYC-AS

Related Commands



Sets the encapsulation method used by the interface.


Specifies or modify the host name for the network server.

ipx delay

Sets the tick count.

ipx ipxwan

Sets an internal network number for use by IPXWAN.

ipx ipxwan error

Defines how to handle IPXWAN when IPX fails to negotiate properly at link startup.

ipx ipxwan static

Negotiates static routes on a link configured for IPXWAN.

ipx network

Enables IPX routing on a particular interface and optionally selects the type of encapsulation (framing).

show ipx interface

Displays the status of the IPX interfaces configured in the Cisco IOS software and the parameters configured on each interface.

ipx route-cache

To enable IPX fast switching, use the ipx route-cache command in interface configuration mode. To disable fast switching, use the no form of this command.

ipx route-cache

no ipx route-cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Fast switching is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Fast switching allows higher throughput by switching packets using a cache created by previous transit packets. Fast switching is enabled by default on all interfaces that support fast switching, including Token Ring, Frame Relay, PPP, Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), and ATM.

On ciscoBus-2 interface cards, fast switching is done between all encapsulation types. On other interface cards, fast switching is done in all cases except the following: transfer of packets with sap encapsulation from an Ethernet, a Token Ring, or an FDDI network to a standard serial line.

You might want to disable fast switching in two situations. One is if you want to save memory on the interface cards: fast-switching caches require more memory than those used for standard switching. The second situation is to avoid congestion on interface cards when a high-bandwidth interface is writing large amounts of information to a low-bandwidth interface.

Note CiscoBus (Cbus) switching of IPX packets is not supported on the MultiChannel Interface Processor (MIP) interface.


The following example enables fast switching on an interface:

interface ethernet 0
 ipx route-cache

The following example disables fast switching on an interface:

interface ethernet 0
 no ipx route-cache

Related Commands


clear ipx cache

Deletes entries from the IPX fast-switching cache.

ipx watchdog

Causes the Cisco IOS software to respond to the watchdog packets of a server on behalf of a remote client.

show ipx cache

Displays the contents of the IPX fast-switching cache.

show ipx interface

Displays the status of the IPX interfaces configured in the Cisco IOS software and the parameters configured on each interface.

ipx accounting-list

To filter networks for which IPX accounting information is kept, use the ipx accounting-list command in global configuration mode. To remove the filter, use the no form of this command.

ipx accounting-list number mask

no ipx accounting-list number mask

Syntax Description


Network number. This is an eight-digit hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a network cable segment. It can be a number in the range 1 to FFFFFFFD.

You do not need to specify leading zeros in the network number. For example, for the network number 000000AA you can enter AA.


Network mask.


No filters are predefined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The source and destination addresses of each IPX packet traversing the router are compared with the network numbers in the filter. If there is a match, accounting information about the IPX packet is entered into the active accounting database. If there is no match, the IPX packet is considered to be a transit packet and may be counted, depending on the setting of the ipx accounting-transits global configuration command.


The following example adds all networks with IPX network numbers beginning with 1 to the list of networks for which accounting information is kept:

ipx accounting-list 1 0000.0000.0000

Related Commands


clear ipx accounting

Deletes all entries in the accounting database when IPX accounting is enabled.

ipx accounting

Enables IPX accounting.

ipx accounting-threshold

Sets the maximum number of accounting database entries.

ipx accounting-transits

Sets the maximum number of transit entries that will be stored in the IPX accounting database.

show ipx accounting

Displays the active or checkpoint accounting database.

ipx accounting-threshold

To set the maximum number of accounting database entries, use the ipx accounting-threshold command in global configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

ipx accounting-threshold threshold

no ipx accounting-threshold threshold

Syntax Description


Maximum number of entries (source and destination address pairs) that the Cisco IOS software can accumulate.


512 entries

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The accounting threshold defines the maximum number of entries (source and destination address pairs) that the software accumulates. The threshold is designed to prevent IPX accounting from consuming all available free memory. This level of memory consumption could occur in a router that is switching traffic for many hosts. To determine whether overflows have occurred, use the show ipx accounting EXEC command.


The following example sets the IPX accounting database threshold to 500 entries:

ipx accounting-threshold 500

Related Commands


clear ipx accounting

Deletes all entries in the accounting database when IPX accounting is enabled.

ipx accounting

Enables IPX accounting.

ipx accounting-list

Filters networks for which IPX accounting information is kept.

ipx accounting-transits

Sets the maximum number of transit entries that will be stored in the IPX accounting database.

show ipx accounting

Displays the active or checkpoint accounting database.

ipx accounting-transits

To set the maximum number of transit entries that will be stored in the IPX accounting database, use the ipx accounting-transits command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ipx accounting-transits count

no ipx accounting-transits

Syntax Description


Number of transit entries that will be stored in the IPX accounting database.


0 entries

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Transit entries are those that do not match any of the networks specified by ipx accounting-list global configuration commands. If you have not defined networks with ipx accounting-list commands, IPX accounting tracks all traffic through the interface (all transit entries) up to the accounting threshold limit.


The following example specifies a maximum of 100 transit records to be stored in the IPX accounting database:

ipx accounting-transits 100

Related Commands


clear ipx accounting

Deletes all entries in the accounting database when IPX accounting is enabled.

ipx accounting-list

Filters networks for which IPX accounting information is kept.

ipx accounting-threshold

Sets the maximum number of accounting database entries.

show ipx accounting

Displays the active or checkpoint accounting database.

ipx advertise-default-route-only (RIP)

To advertise only the default RIP route via the specified network, use the ipx advertise-default-route-only command in interface configuration mode. To advertise all known RIP routes out the interface, use the no form of this command.

ipx advertise-default-route-only network

no ipx advertise-default-route-only network

Syntax Description


Number of the network through which to advertise the default route.


All known routes are advertised out the interface.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you specify the ipx advertise-default-route-only command, only a known default RIP route is advertised out the interface; no other networks will be advertised. If you have a large number of routes in the routing table, for example, on the order of 1000 routes, none of them will be advertised out the interface. However, if the default route is known, it will be advertised. Nodes on the interface can still reach any of the 1000 networks via the default route.

Specifying the ipx advertise-default-route-only command results in a significant reduction in CPU processing overhead when there are many routes and many interfaces. It also reduces the load on downstream routers.

This command applies only to RIP. Enhanced IGRP is not affected when you enable this command. It continues to advertise all routes that it knows about.

Note Not all routers recognize and support the default route. Use this command with caution if you are not sure if all routers in your network support the default route.


The following example enables the advertising of the default route only:

interface ethernet 1
 ipx network 1234
 ipx advertise-default-route-only 1234

Related Commands


ipx default-route

Forwards to the default network all packets for which a route to the destination network is unknown.

ipx advertise-to-lost-route

To enable the sending of lost route mechanism packets, use the ipx advertise-to-lost-route command in global configuration mode. To disable the flooding of network down notifications that are not part of the Novell lost route algorithm, use the no form of this command.

ipx advertise-to-lost-route

no ipx advertise-to-lost-route

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You may reduce congestion on slow WAN links when there are many changes in an unstable network by turning off part of the Novell lost route algorithm. To turn off part of the Novell lost route algorithm, use the no ipx advertise-to-lost-route command.

Note The side effect of disabling the Novell lost route algorithm is longer convergence times in networks with multiple paths to networks.


The following example enables the Novell lost route algorithm:

ipx advertise-to-lost-route

ipx backup-server-query-interval (EIGRP)

To change the time between successive queries of each Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) neighbor's backup server table, use the ipx backup-server-query-interval command in global configuration mode. To restore the default time, use the no form of this command.

ipx backup-server-query-interval interval

no ipx backup-server-query-interval

Syntax Description


Minimum time, in seconds, between successive queries of each Enhanced IGRP neighbor's backup server table. The default is 15 seconds.


15 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A lower interval may use more CPU resources, but may cause lost server information to be retrieved from other servers' tables sooner.


The following example changes the server query time to 5 seconds:

ipx backup-server-query-interval 5

ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp

To configure the percentage of bandwidth that may be used by Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) on an interface, use the ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number percent

no ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp as-number

Syntax Description


Autonomous system number.


Percentage of bandwidth that Enhanced IGRP may use.


50 percent

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enhanced IGRP will use up to 50 percent of the bandwidth of a link, as defined by the bandwidth interface configuration command. This command may be used if some other fraction of the bandwidth is desired. Note that values greater than 100 percent may be configured; this may be useful if the bandwidth is set artificially low for other reasons.


The following example allows Enhanced IGRP to use up to 75 percent (42 kbps) of a 56-kbps serial link in autonomous system 209:

interface serial 0
 bandwidth 56
 ipx bandwidth-percent eigrp 209 75

Related Commands


bandwidth (interface)

Sets a bandwidth value for an interface.

ipx router

Specifies the routing protocol to use.

ipx broadcast-fastswitching

To enable the router to fast switch IPX directed broadcast packets, use the ipx broadcast-fastswitching command in global configuration mode. To disable fast switching of IPX directed broadcast packets, use the no form of this command.

ipx broadcast-fastswitching

no ipx broadcast-fastswitching

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



The default behavior is to process switch directed broadcast packets.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A directed broadcast is one with a network layer destination address of the form net.ffff.ffff.ffff. The ipx broadcast-fastswitching command permits the router to fast switch IPX directed broadcast packets. This may be useful in certain broadcast-based applications that rely on helpering.

Note that the router never uses autonomous switching for eligible directed broadcast packets, even if autonomous switching is enabled on the output interface. Also note that routing and service updates are always exempt from this treatment.


The following example enables the router to fast switch IPX directed broadcast packets:

ipx broadcast-fastswitching


Posted: Tue Jul 24 02:27:38 PDT 2007
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