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show cdma pdsn

show cdma pdsn accounting

show cdma pdsn accounting detail

show cdma pdsn accounting session

show cdma pdsn accounting session detail

show cdma pdsn accounting session flow

show cdma pdsn accounting session flow user

show cdma pdsn ahdlc

show cdma pdsn cluster controller

show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration

show cdma pdsn cluster controller member

show cdma pdsn cluster controller session

show cdma pdsn cluster controller statistics

show cdma pdsn cluster member

show cdma pdsn flow

show cdma pdsn pcf

show cdma pdsn resource

show cdma pdsn selection

show cdma pdsn session

show cdma pdsn statistics

show gprs access-point

show gprs access-point statistics

show gprs charging parameters

show gprs charging statistics

show gprs charging status

show gprs gtp ms

show gprs gtp parameters

show gprs gtp path

show gprs gtp pdp-context

show gprs gtp statistics

show gprs gtp status

show gprs gtp-director pending-request

show gprs gtp-director statistics

show gprs ms-address exclude-range

show gprs plmn ip address

show gprs qos status

show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class

show ip rtp header-compression

show ppp mux

show radius local-server statistics

show tech-support cdma pdsn

show wlccp wds

snmp-server enable traps cdma



standby use-interface




vrf (access-point configuration)

wlccp authentication-server client

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure

wlccp wds priority interface

show cdma pdsn

To display the status and current configuration of the PDSN gateway, use the show cdma pdsn command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn command:

7200-c5 image:

PRG5-7206-PDSN#show cdma pdsn
PDSN software version 1.2, service is enabled

A11 registration-update timeout 1 sec, retransmissions 5
Mobile IP registration timeout 300 sec
A10 maximum lifetime allowed 1800 sec
GRE sequencing is on
Maximum PCFs limit not set
Maximum sessions limit not set (default 8000 maximum) <<<<<<< changed
SNMP failure history table size 10
MSID Authentication is disabled
Ingress address filtering is disabled
Sending Agent Adv in case of IPCP Address Negotiation is disabled
Aging of idle users disabled

Number of pcfs connected 0
Number of sessions connected 0,
Simple IP flows 0, Mobile IP flows 0,
Proxy Mobile IP flows 0

7200-c6 image

PRG5-7206-PDSN#sho cdma pdsn
PDSN software version 1.2, service is enabled

A11 registration-update timeout 1 sec, retransmissions 5
Mobile IP registration timeout 300 sec
A10 maximum lifetime allowed 1800 sec
GRE sequencing is on
Maximum PCFs limit not set
Maximum sessions limit not set (default 20000 maximum) <<<<< changed
SNMP failure history table size 10
MSID Authentication is disabled
Ingress address filtering is disabled
Sending Agent Adv in case of IPCP Address Negotiation is disabled
Aging of idle users disabled

Number of pcfs connected 0
Number of sessions connected 0,
Simple IP flows 0, Mobile IP flows 0,
Proxy Mobile IP flows 0

show cdma pdsn accounting

To display the accouting information for all sessions and the corresponding flows, use the show cdma pdsn accounting command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn accounting

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

The counter names appear in abbreviated format.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn accounting command:

PDSN-6500#sh cdma pdsn accounting
UDR for session
session ID: 12
Mobile Station ID IMSI 123451234512357

A - A1:123451234512357
C - ' 'C3:0
D - D3: D4:000000000000
E - E1:0000
F - F1:00F1 F2:00F2 F5:00F5 F6:F6 F7:F7 F8:F8 F9:F9 F10:FA F14:00
G - G3:0 G8:0 G9:0 G10:0 G11:0 G12:0 G13:0 G14:655 G15:408 G16:378
I - I1:0 I4:0
Y - Y2:12

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address
B - B1: B2:mwts-mip-p1-user121@ispxyz.com
C - ' 'C2:36
D - D1:
F - F11:02 F12:01 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906326
Packets- in:0 out:0

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwts-mip-p1-user122@ispxyz.com
C - ' 'C2:37
D - D1:
F - F11:02 F12:01 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906326
Packets- in:0 out:0

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwts-mip-p1-user123@ispxyz.com
C - ' 'C2:38
D - D1:
F - F11:02 F12:01 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906326
Packets- in:0 out:0

UDR for session
session ID: 2
Mobile Station ID IMSI 00000000003

A - A1:00000000003
C - ' 'C3:0
D - D3: D4:000000000000
E - E1:0000
F - F1:00F1 F2:00F2 F5:00F5 F6:F6 F7:F7 F8:F8 F9:F9 F10:FA F14:00
G - G3:0 G8:0 G9:0 G10:0 G11:0 G12:0 G13:0 G14:201 G15:0 G16:0
I - I1:0 I4:0
Y - Y2:2

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwt10-sip-user1
C - ' 'C2:39
D - D1:
F - F11:01 F12:00 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0

UDR for session
session ID: 3
Mobile Station ID IMSI 00000000004

A - A1:00000000004
C - ' 'C3:0
D - D3: D4:000000000000
E - E1:0000
F - F1:00F1 F2:00F2 F5:00F5 F6:F6 F7:F7 F8:F8 F9:F9 F10:FA F14:00
G - G3:0 G8:0 G9:0 G10:0 G11:0 G12:0 G13:0 G14:241 G15:0 G16:0
I - I1:0 I4:0
Y - Y2:3

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwt10-sip-user1
C - ' 'C2:40
D - D1:
F - F11:01 F12:00 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0


show cdma pdsn accounting detail

To display accounting information for all sessions and the corresponding flows, and to display the counter names (along with the abbreviated names), use the show cdma pdsn accounting detail command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn accounting detail

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn accounting detail command:

PDSN-6500#sh cdma pdsn accounting detail
UDR for session
session ID: 12
Mobile Station ID IMSI 123451234512357

Mobile Station ID (A1) IMSI 123451234512357
Session Continue (C3) ' ' 0
Serving PCF (D3) Base Station ID (D4) 000000000000
User Zone (E1) 0000
Forward Mux Option (F1) 241 Reverse Mux Option (F2) 242
Service Option (F5) 245 Forward Traffic Type (F6) 246
Reverse Traffix type (F7) 247 Fundamental Frame size (F8) 248
Forward Fundamental RC (F9) 249 Reverse Fundamntal RC (F10) 250
DCCH Frame Format (F14) 0
Bad PPP Frame Count (G3) 0 Active Time (G8) 0
Number of Active Transitions (G9) 0
SDB Octet Count Terminating (G10) 0
SDB Octet Count Originating (G11) 0
Number of SDBs Terminating (G12) 0
Number of SDBs Originating G13 0
Number of HDLC Layer Bytes Received (G14) 655
In-Bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G15) 408
Out-bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G16) 378
IP Quality of Service (I1) 0
Airlink Quality of Service (I4) 0
R-P Session ID (Y2) 12

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

IP Address (B1), Network Access Identifier (B2)
Correlation ID (C2) ' ' 36
MIP Home Agent (D1)
IP Technology (F11) 02 Compulsory Tunnel indicator (F12) 01
Release Indicator (F13) 00
Data Octet Count Terminating (G1) 0
Data Octet Count Originating (G2) 0 Event Time G4:1023906326
Packets- in:0 out:0

UDR for session
session ID: 2
Mobile Station ID IMSI 00000000003

Mobile Station ID (A1) IMSI 00000000003
Session Continue (C3) ' ' 0
Serving PCF (D3) Base Station ID (D4) 000000000000
User Zone (E1) 0000
Forward Mux Option (F1) 241 Reverse Mux Option (F2) 242
Service Option (F5) 245 Forward Traffic Type (F6) 246
Reverse Traffix type (F7) 247 Fundamental Frame size (F8) 248
Forward Fundamental RC (F9) 249 Reverse Fundamntal RC (F10) 250
DCCH Frame Format (F14) 0
Bad PPP Frame Count (G3) 0 Active Time (G8) 0
Number of Active Transitions (G9) 0
SDB Octet Count Terminating (G10) 0
SDB Octet Count Originating (G11) 0
Number of SDBs Terminating (G12) 0
Number of SDBs Originating G13 0
Number of HDLC Layer Bytes Received (G14) 201
In-Bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G15) 0
Out-bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G16) 0
IP Quality of Service (I1) 0
Airlink Quality of Service (I4) 0
R-P Session ID (Y2) 2

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

IP Address (B1), Network Access Identifier (B2)
Correlation ID (C2) ' ' 39
MIP Home Agent (D1)
IP Technology (F11) 01 Compulsory Tunnel indicator (F12) 00
Release Indicator (F13) 00
Data Octet Count Terminating (G1) 0
Data Octet Count Originating (G2) 0 Event Time G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0

UDR for session
session ID: 3
Mobile Station ID IMSI 00000000004

Mobile Station ID (A1) IMSI 00000000004
Session Continue (C3) ' ' 0
Serving PCF (D3) Base Station ID (D4) 000000000000
User Zone (E1) 0000
Forward Mux Option (F1) 241 Reverse Mux Option (F2) 242
Service Option (F5) 245 Forward Traffic Type (F6) 246
Reverse Traffix type (F7) 247 Fundamental Frame size (F8) 248
Forward Fundamental RC (F9) 249 Reverse Fundamntal RC (F10) 250
DCCH Frame Format (F14) 0
Bad PPP Frame Count (G3) 0 Active Time (G8) 0
Number of Active Transitions (G9) 0
SDB Octet Count Terminating (G10) 0
SDB Octet Count Originating (G11) 0
Number of SDBs Terminating (G12) 0
Number of SDBs Originating G13 0
Number of HDLC Layer Bytes Received (G14) 241
In-Bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G15) 0
Out-bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G16) 0
IP Quality of Service (I1) 0
Airlink Quality of Service (I4) 0
R-P Session ID (Y2) 3

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

IP Address (B1), Network Access Identifier (B2)
Correlation ID (C2) ' ' 40
MIP Home Agent (D1)
IP Technology (F11) 01 Compulsory Tunnel indicator (F12) 00
Release Indicator (F13) 00
Data Octet Count Terminating (G1) 0
Data Octet Count Originating (G2) 0 Event Time G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0


show cdma pdsn accounting session

To display the accounting information for the session identified by the msid, and the acounting information for the flows tied to the session, use the show cdma pdsn accounting session command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn accounting session msid

Syntax Description


The ID number of the mobile subscriber.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

The counter names appear in abbreviated format.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn accounting session command:

PDSN-6500#show cdma pdsn accounting session 00000000004
UDR for session
session ID: 3
Mobile Station ID IMSI 00000000004

A - A1:00000000004
C - ' 'C3:0
D - D3: D4:000000000000
E - E1:0000
F - F1:00F1 F2:00F2 F5:00F5 F6:F6 F7:F7 F8:F8 F9:F9 F10:FA F14:00
G - G3:0 G8:0 G9:0 G10:0 G11:0 G12:0 G13:0 G14:241 G15:0 G16:0
I - I1:0 I4:0
Y - Y2:3

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwt10-sip-user1
C - ' 'C2:40
D - D1:
F - F11:01 F12:00 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0

show cdma pdsn accounting session detail

To display the accounting information (with counter names) for the session identified by the msid, and the acounting information for the flows tied to the session, use the show cdma pdsn accounting session detail command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn accounting session msid detail

Syntax Description


The ID number of the mobile subscriber.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

The counter names appear in abbreviated format.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn accounting session command:

PDSN-6500#sh cdma pdsn accounting session 00000000004 detail
UDR for session
session ID: 3
Mobile Station ID IMSI 00000000004

Mobile Station ID (A1) IMSI 00000000004
Session Continue (C3) ' ' 0
Serving PCF (D3) Base Station ID (D4) 000000000000
User Zone (E1) 0000
Forward Mux Option (F1) 241 Reverse Mux Option (F2) 242
Service Option (F5) 245 Forward Traffic Type (F6) 246
Reverse Traffix type (F7) 247 Fundamental Frame size (F8) 248
Forward Fundamental RC (F9) 249 Reverse Fundamntal RC (F10) 250
DCCH Frame Format (F14) 0
Bad PPP Frame Count (G3) 0 Active Time (G8) 0
Number of Active Transitions (G9) 0
SDB Octet Count Terminating (G10) 0
SDB Octet Count Originating (G11) 0
Number of SDBs Terminating (G12) 0
Number of SDBs Originating G13 0
Number of HDLC Layer Bytes Received (G14) 241
In-Bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G15) 0
Out-bound Mobile IP Signalling Octet Count (G16) 0
IP Quality of Service (I1) 0
Airlink Quality of Service (I4) 0
R-P Session ID (Y2) 3

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

IP Address (B1), Network Access Identifier (B2)
Correlation ID (C2) ' ' 40
MIP Home Agent (D1)
IP Technology (F11) 01 Compulsory Tunnel indicator (F12) 00
Release Indicator (F13) 00
Data Octet Count Terminating (G1) 0
Data Octet Count Originating (G2) 0 Event Time G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0


show cdma pdsn accounting session flow

To display the accounting information for a specific flow that is associated with the session identified by the msid, use the show cdma pdsn accounting session flow command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn accounting session msid flow { mn-ip-address IP_address }

Syntax Description


The ID number of the mobile subscriber.

mn-ip-address ip_address

Specifies the IP addresses assigned to the mobile numbers in each session.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

The counter names appear in abbreviated format.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn accounting session flow command:

PDSN-6500#show cdma pdsn accounting session 00000000004 flow
UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwt10-sip-user1
C - ' 'C2:40
D - D1:
F - F11:01 F12:00 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906826
Packets- in:0 out:0


show cdma pdsn accounting session flow user

To display accounting information for a flow with username that is associated with the session identified by the msid, use the show cdma pdsn accounting session flow user command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn accounting session msid flow user username

Syntax Description


The username that is associated with the session identified by the msid.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn accounting session flow user command:

PDSN-6500#show cdma pdsn accounting session 123451234512357 flow user

UDR for flow
Mobile Node IP address

B - B1: B2:mwts-mip-p1-user121@ispxyz.com
C - ' 'C2:36
D - D1:
F - F11:02 F12:01 F13:00
G - G1:0 G2:0 G4:1023906326
Packets- in:0 out:0


show cdma pdsn ahdlc

To display AHDLC engine information, use the show cdma pdsn ahdlc command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn ahdlc slot_number channel [channel_id]

Syntax Description


Slot number of the AHDLC of interest.

channel [channel_id]

Channel on the AHDLC. Possible values are 0 through 8000, or 0 to 20000 depending on the image you are using. If no channel is specified, information for all channels is displayed.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The possible values for channel ID were extended to 20000.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn ahdlc command:

Router# show cdma pdsn ahdlc 0 channel
Ch id State Framing ACCM Deframing ACCM FCS size
12 OPENED 00000000 00000000 16
13 OPENED 00000000 00000000 16
14 OPENED 00000000 00000000 16

Router# show cdma pdsn ahdlc 0 channel 12
Channel id = 12 State = OPENED Framing ACCM = 00000000
Deframing ACCM = 00000000 FCS size = 16
Framing input 153 bytes 7 paks
Framing output 242 bytes 7 paks 0 errors
Deframing input 181 bytes 9 paks
Deframing output 121 bytes 5 paks 0 errors
0 Bad FCS 0 Escaped end

show cdma pdsn cluster controller

To display configuration and statistics for the PDSN cluster controller, use the show cdma pdsn cluster controller command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn cluster controller {configuration | statistics }

Syntax Description


Displays configuration information associated with the cluster controller.


Displays various statistics collected on the cluster controller signaling messages with the cluster member, and redundancy message statistics with the redundancy peer.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn cluster controller command:

Router# show cdma pdsn cluster controller

show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration

To display the IP addresses of the members that registered with a specific controller, use the show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration

Syntax Description

There are no arguments or keywords for this command.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration command:

Router# show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration
sh cdma pdsn cluster controller config
cluster interface FastEthernet0/0
no R-P signaling proxy
timeout to seek member = 10 seconds
window to seek member is 2 timeouts in a row if no reply (afterwards the member is declared offline)
this PDSN cluster controller is configured

controller redundancy:
database in-sync or no need to sync
group: sit_cluster1

show cdma pdsn cluster controller member

To display detailed information about a specific cluster controller member, use the show cdma pdsn cluster controller member command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn cluster controller member { load | time | ipaddr}

Syntax Description


The load reported by every PDSN member in the cluster, sorted from the lowest load value.


The seek time of the member, sorted from the past to the future.


Specifies the controller member.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn cluster controller member command:

Router# show cdma pdsn cluster controller member
Ch id State Framing ACCM Deframing ACCM FCS size
12 OPENED 00000000 00000000 16
13 OPENED 00000000 00000000 16
14 OPENED 00000000 00000000 16

Router# show cdma pdsn ahdlc 0 channel 12
Channel id = 12 State = OPENED Framing ACCM = 00000000
Deframing ACCM = 00000000 FCS size = 16
Framing input 153 bytes 7 paks
Framing output 242 bytes 7 paks 0 errors
Deframing input 181 bytes 9 paks
Deframing output 121 bytes 5 paks 0 errors
0 Bad FCS 0 Escaped end

show cdma pdsn cluster controller session

To display session count, or count by age, or one or a few oldest session records, or a session records corresponding to the IMSI entered and a few session records that arrived afterwards, use the show cdma pdsn cluster controller session command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn cluster controller session { count [age days] | oldest [more 1-20 records] | imsi BCDs [more 1-20 records] }

Syntax Description


The number of session records on cluster controller.


The number of session records of this age on the cluster controller. Age measured in days.


The oldest session record on the cluster controller.

more 1-20 records

Displays the configured number (from 1 to 20) of the oldest session records on the cluster controller.

imsi BCDs

Displays the session record with this imsi on the cluster controller.

more 1-20 records

Displays the configured number (from 1 to 20) of additional session records on the cluster controller.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn cluster controller session command:

Router# show cdma pdsn clu contr session imsi 00000000007

IMSI Member IPv4 Addr Age [days] Anchor changes

Router# show cdma pdsn clu contr session count
10 session records

Router# show cdma pdsn clu contr session oldest
IMSI Member IPv4 Addr Age [days] Anchor changes

show cdma pdsn cluster controller statistics

To display the IP addresses of the members that registered with a specific controller, use the show cdma pdsn cluster controller statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn cluster controller statistics

Syntax Description

There are no arguments or keywords for this command.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn controller statistics command:

Router# show cdma pdsn cluster controller statistics
0 times did not get a buffer for a packet
0 times couldn't allocate memory
744 A11-RegReply received
0 A11-RegReply discarded, authenticaton problem
0 A11-RegReply discarded, identification problem
0 A11-RegReply discarded, unrecognized extension
975 A11-RegRequest received
0 A11-RegRequest discarded, authenticaton problem
0 A11-RegRequest discarded, identification problem
0 A11-RegRequest discarded, unrecognized application type
0 A11-RegRequest discarded, unrecognized extension
0 A11-RegRequest with unrecognized type of data
0 A11-RegRequest not sent, interface cdma-Ix not configed
744 CVSEs seek reply received
755 CVSEs seek received
4 CVSEs state ready received
4 CVSEs state admin prohibited received
0 msgs received neither A11-RegReq nor A11-RegReply
116 A10 up A11-RegReq received
96 A10 end A11-RegReq received
2 PDSN cluster members
error: mismatch id 0 authen fail 0
ignore due to no redundancy 0
Update rcvd 0 sent 1481 orig sent 1300 fail 4
UpdateAck rcvd 1466 sent 0
DownloadReq rcvd 1 sent 4 orig sent 2 fail 0
DownloadReply rcvd 4 sent 2 orig sent 2 fail 0 drop 0
DownloadAck rcvd 2 sent 4 drop 0

show cdma pdsn cluster member

To display configuration and statistics for the PDSN cluster member, use the show cdma pdsn cluster member command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn cluster member {configuration | statistics}

Syntax Description


Displays configuration information associated with the cluster member.


Displays various statistics collected on cluster member signaling messages with the cluster controller.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn cluster member command:

Router# show cdma pdsn cluster member

show cdma pdsn flow

To display flow-based summary of active sessions, and the flows and IP addresses assigned to the mobile numbers in each session, use the show cdma pdsn flow command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn flow {mn-ip-address ip_address | msid string | service-type | user string}

Syntax Description

mn- ip-address ip_address

Specifies the IP addresses assigned to the mobile numbers in each session.

msid string

Specifies the mobile subscriber id number.


Specifies the service type.

user string

Specifies the user.


No default keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn flow command:

Router# show cdma pdsn flow

MSID NAI Type MN IP Address St
100000000000099 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000047 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000100 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000048 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000101 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000049 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000102 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000050 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000103 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000051 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000104 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000052 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000105 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000053 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000008 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000106 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000054 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000009 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000107 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000055 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000122 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000070 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000025 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000123 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000071 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000026 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000124 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000072 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000027 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000125 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000073 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000028 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000126 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000074 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000029 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000127 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000075 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000030 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000128 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000076 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000101 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000199 sim1 Simple ACT
200000000000147 sim1 Simple ACT
300000000000102 sim1 Simple ACT
100000000000200 sim1 Simple ACT

show cdma pdsn pcf

To display information about PCFs that have R-P tunnels to the PDSN, use the show cdma pdsn pcf command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn pcf {brief | ip_addr | secure}

Syntax Description


Displays information about all PCFs with connected sessions.


Displays detailed PCF information by IP address.


Displays the security associations for all PCFs on this PDSN.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The parameters of this command were changed.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output of the show cdma pdsn pcf command with the keyword brief specified, with an IP address specified, and with the keyword secure specified:

router# show cdma pdsn pcf brief
PCF IP Address Sessions Pkts In Pkts Out Bytes In Bytes Out 1 14 275 23 936

Table 6 describes the fields shown in the output of the brief version of the command.

Table 6 show cdma pdsn pcf brief Field Descriptions


PCF IP Address

IP address of the PCF.


Number of active sessions.

Pkts In

Total packets received from a PCF.

Pkts Out

Total packets sent to a PCF.

Bytes In

Total bytes received from a PCF.

Bytes Out

Total bytes sent to a PCF.

router# show cdma pdsn pcf
PCF has 1 session
Received 14 pkts (275 bytes), sent 23 pkts (936 bytes)

PCF Session ID 1, Mobile Station ID MIN 2000000001
A10 connection age 00:00:28
A10 registration lifetime 65535 sec, time since last registration 28 sec

Table 7 describes the fields shown in the output of the command when an IP address is specified.

Table 7 show cdma pdsn pcf Field Descriptions


PCF (x.x.x.x) has x session

PCF address and the number of active sessions.

received x pkts (x bytes)

Total packets received from a PCF.

sent x pkts (x bytes)

Total packets sent to a PCF.

PCF Session ID x

Session ID associated with the PCF.

Mobile Station ID MIN xxxx

MIN of the mobile station initiating the session.


Status of the IMSI session.

A10 connection age

Amount of time the connection has been active.

A10 registration lifetime

Duration for which the A10 registration will be active.

Router# show cdma pdsn pcf secure
Security Associations (algorithm, replay protection, key):
spi 300, Timestamp +/- 60, key ascii foo
spi 100, Timestamp +/- 60, key ascii test
spi 200, Timestamp +/- 60, key ascii foo
spi 100, Timestamp +/- 0, key ascii test
spi 400, Timestamp +/- 0, key hex 12345678901234567890123456789012
spi inbound 100 outbound 200, Timestamp +/- 0, key ascii test

Table 8 describes the fields shown in the output of the command when the keyword secure is specified.

Table 8 show cdma pdsn pcf secure Field Descriptions



The default security associations (used for PCFs that do not have an explicitly configured security association).


IP address of the PCF

spi spi_value

Security Parameter Index, a 4-byte hex index within the security association that selects the specific security parameters to be used.

Timestamp +/- value

Maximum difference allowed between the timestamp received in the A11 message and the system time on the PDSN for the A11 message to be accepted.

key {ascii|hex} key

The shared secret key for the security associations

show cdma pdsn resource

To display AHDLC resources allocated in resource manager, use the show cdma pdsn resource command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn resource [slot_number [ahdlc-channel [channel_id]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Slot number of the AHDLC of interest.

ahdlc-channel [channel_id]

(Optional) Channel on the AHDLC. If no channel is specified, information for all channels is displayed.


The c6500-c5 image supports 8000 sessions and the c6500-c6 image supports 20000 sessions.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The possible values for channel ID was extended to 20000.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output from the show cdma pdsn resource command:

Router# show cdma pdsn resource
Resource allocated/available in the resource manager

slot 0:
Engine is ENABLED
total channels:16000, available channels:16000

Router#show cdma pdsn resource 0 ahdlc-channel 0
AHDLC Channel 0 State CLOSED

show cdma pdsn selection

To display a summary of a session table entry or the entry by MSID, use the show cdma pdsn selection command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn selection {summary | msid octet_stream}

Syntax Description


Displays a summary of the session table entry.

msid number

Keyword to indicate that the PDSN selection table entry for a particular MSID is to be displayed.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output of the show cdma pdsn selection command with the msid specified:

router#show cdma pdsn selection msid 00000000400000
MSID=00000000400000 PDSN= (7206-PDSN-1)

The following example shows output of the show cdma pdsn selection command with summary specified:

Router#show cdma pdsn selection summary
CDMA PDSN selection summary
    Hostname         PDSN         Session-count     Max-sessions
   *7206-PDSN-1        0                 16000
    7206-PDSN-3        0                 16000
    7206-PDSN-2        0                 16000

    Hostname         Keepalive    Interface         Load-factor
   *7206-PDSN-1         10            0.00
    7206-PDSN-3         10            0.00
    7206-PDSN-2         10            0.00

show cdma pdsn session

To display the session information on the PDSN, use the show cdma pdsn session command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn session [brief | dormant | mn-ip-address address | msid number | user nai | prepaid]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a summary of all sessions.


(Optional) Displays information about dormant PDSN sessions.

mn-ip-address address

(Optional) Displays user information for the specified IP address.

msid number

(Optional) Displays information for the specified MSID.

user nai

(Optional) Displays information for the specified NAI.


(Optional) Displays information about prepaid flows.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The parameters of this command were altered.


The prepaid variable was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output of the show cdma pdsn session command:

router# show cdma pdsn session
Mobile Station ID IMSI 111111111111111
PCF IP Address, PCF Session ID 1
A10 connection time 00:00:09, registration lifetime 65535 sec
Number of A11 re-registrations 0, time since last registration 9 sec
Current Access network ID 0002-0202-64
Last airlink record received is Active Start, airlink is active
GRE sequence number transmit 8, receive 10
Using interface Virtual-Access1, status ACT
  Using AHDLC Engine on slot 1, channel ID 2
This session has 1 flow

Flow service Proxy-Mobile, NAI mwts-mipp-np-homeaddr@ispxyz.com
  Mobile Node IP address
  Home Agent IP address
  Packets in 0, bytes in 0
  Packets out 0, bytes out 0
  Prepaid duration 36000 secs, used 6500 secs, cumulative 13000 secs

show cdma pdsn statistics

To display VPDN, PPP, and RP interface statistics for the PDSN, use the show cdma pdsn selection command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cdma pdsn statistics [ rp | ppp | ahdlc 0-6 ]

Syntax Description


Displays all RP interface statistics.


Displays all PPP interface statistics

ahdlc 0-6

Displays all AHDLC statistics. where the range <0-6> is engine slot-id and an optional parameter. In the absence of the optional parameter, the statistics for all the engines will get displayed. The output of this command with the new option is the framing/defarming statistics of the engine.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example shows output of the show cdma pdsn statistics command:

router# show cdma pdsn statistics
RP Interface:
Reg Request rcvd 23, accepted 22, denied 1, discarded 0
Initial Reg Request accepted 4, denied 0
Re-registration requests accepted 14, denied 0
De-registration accepted 4, denied 0
Error: Unspecified 23, Administratively prohibited 0
Resource unavailable 4, Authentication failed 4
Identification mismatch 2, Poorly formed requests 2
Unknown PDSN 2, Reverse tunnel mandatory 22
Reverse tunnel unavailable 1, Bad CVSE 0

Update sent 2, accepted 2, denied 0, not acked 0
Initial Update sent 2, retransmissions 0
Acknowledge received 2, discarded 0
Update reason lifetime expiry 1, PPP termination 0, other 1
Error: Unspecified 23 Administratively prohibited 0
Authentication failed 4, Identification mismatch 4
Poorly formed request 2

Current Connections 0
Connection requests 4, success 4, failure 0
Failure reason LCP 0, authentication 0, IPCP 3
Connection enters stage LCP 4, Auth 4, IPCP 7

Renegotiation total 0, by PDSN 0, by Mobile Node 0
Renegotiation reason LCP/IPCP 0, address mismatch 0, other 0

CHAP attempt 4, success 4, failure 0
PAP attempt 0, success 0, failure 0
MSCHAP attempt 0, success 0, failure 0
EAP attempt 0, success 0, failure 0
Release total 4, by PDSN 4, by Mobile Node 0
Release by ingress address filtering 0
Release reason: administrative 1, LCP termination 0, idle timeout 0
insufficient resources 0, session timeout 0
service unavailable 0, other 0

Connection negotiated compression 0
Compression Microsoft 0, Stack 0, other 0
Connections negotiated MRRU 0, IPX 0, IP 4
Connections negotiated VJ-Compression 0, BAP 0
PPP bundles 0

VPDN Flows:
A11 registration-update timeout 1 sec, retransmissions 5
Mobile IP registration timeout 5 sec
A10 maximum lifetime allowed 65535 sec
GRE sequencing is on
Maximum PCFs limit not set
Maximum sessions limit not set (default 20000 maximum)
SNMP failure history table size 100
MSID Authentication is disabled
Ingress address filtering is disabled
Sending Agent Adv in case of IPCP Address Negotiation is disabled
Aging of idle users disabled

Number of pcfs connected 1
Number of sessions connected 29,
Simple IP flows 10, Mobile IP flows 9,
Proxy Mobile IP flows 0, VPDN flows 10


PDSN#show cdma pdsn statistics ahdlc
slot 0:
Engine is ENABLED
total channels: 8000, available channels: 8000

Framing input 0 bytes, 0 paks
Framing output 0 bytes, 0 paks
Framing errors 0, insufficient memory 0,
queue overflow 0, invalid size 0

Deframing input 0 bytes, 0 paks
Defaming output 0 bytes, 0 paks
Deframing errors 0, insufficient memory 0,
queue overflow 0, invalid size 0, CRC errors 0

show gprs access-point

To display information about access points on the GGSN, use the show gprs access-point command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gprs access-point {access-point-index [address-allocation] | all}

Syntax Description


Integer (from 1 to 65535) that identifies a GPRS access point. Information about that access point is shown.

access-point-index address-allocation

TID and dynamically allocated mobile station (MS) addresses (by either a DHCP or RADIUS server) for PDP contexts on the specified access point are shown.


Information about all access points on the GGSN is shown.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX.

The following output fields were added to the display:








Block Roamer Mode

GPRS vaccess interface



The following output fields were removed from the display:




Several output field results were changed from binary 0 and 1 to Yes and No.

The following output fields were added to the all version of this command:


ppp-regeneration (max-session, setup-time)

VRF Name


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD and the Block Roamer Mode output field was changed to Block Foreign-MS Mode output field.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YW.

The following output fields were added to the display:

input ACL

output ACL


RADIUS attribute suppress MSISDN

RADIUS attribute suppress IMSI

RADIUS attribute suppress SGSN Address

RADIUS attribute suppress QoS

The format of the apn_username: , apn_password: display fields was changed to apn_username: apn_password:.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


The changes introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX, 12.2(8)YD, and 12.2(8)YW were incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the access-point-index argument to specify a particular access point number for which you want to obtain information.

Use the address-allocation keyword, to obtain information about dynamically allocated MS addresses and lease terms by access point.

Use the all keyword to obtain information about all access points in an abbreviated format.


Example 1

The following is sample output of the show gprs access-point command for access-point 1:

routershow gprs access-point 1
    apn_index 1 apn_name = gprs.corporate.com
apn_mode: transparent
apn-type: Real
accounting: Disable
wait_accounting: Disable
    input ACL: None, output ACL: None
dynamic_address_pool: dhcp-proxy-client
apn_dhcp_server:     backup:
apn_authentication_server_group: foo
apn_accounting_server_group: foo1
apn_username: apn_password:
subscribe_required: No
deactivate_pdp_context_on violation: Yes
network_activation_allowed: Yes
Block Foreign-MS Mode: Disable
VPN: Disable (VRF Name : None)
    GPRS vaccess interface: Virtual-Access2
    RADIUS attribute suppress MSISDN: Disabled
    RADIUS attribute suppress IMSI: Disabled
    RADIUS attribute suppress SGSN Address: Disabled
    RADIUS attribute suppress QoS
number of ip_address_allocated 0
    idle timer: 0
    Security features
     Verify mobile source addr: enable
     Verify mobile destination addr: enable

    Traffic redirection:
     Mobile-to-mobile: destination

Total number of PDP in this APN :0

In APN: Disable

In Global: Disable

The following table describes the fields show in the display.



Current status of accounting services at the APN:

Enable—Accounting services are enabled at the APN. This is the default for non-transparent access APNs.

Disable—Accounting services are disabled at the APN. This is the default for transparent access APNs.

You can configure an APN for accounting services using the aaa-accounting access-point configuration command.


Route aggregation configuration information on the GGSN.

The output display includes the "In APN" field for configuration information for the access point, and the "In global" field for global configuration on the GGSN.

The output field may contain the following information:

IP network address and mask for which PDP requests on the access point will be collectively routed over the virtual template interface on the GGSN. IP address and mask information appears if an aggregate range has been configured on the GGSN.

auto—Indicates that the GGSN uses the allocated IP mask from the DHCP or RADIUS server to perform route aggregation on the APN. This keyword appears when the APN has been configured with the aggregate auto access-point configuration command. This value only applies to the APN.

Disable—Indicates that route aggregation is not configured at either the APN or global level.


Name of the AAA server group providing accounting services.


Name of the AAA server group providing authentication services.


IP address of the DHCP gateway, if configured.


IP address of the DHCP server, if configured.


Number assigned to this access point.


Current setting for the access-mode command:

Transparent—Users are allowed access without authorization or authentication.

Non-transparent—Users must be authenticated by the GGSN acting as a proxy for the authentication.


Access point name.


Current setting for the access-type command:

Real—APN type that corresponds to a physical interface to an external network on the GGSN.

Virtual—APN type that is not associated with any specific physical target network.


Username specified in the anonymous user command. If the anonymous user command is not configured, this field will be blank.


Password specified in the anonymous user command. If the anonymous user command is not configured, this field will be blank.


IP address of the backup DHCP server, if configured.

Block Foreign-MS Mode

Current setting for the block-foreign-ms command:

Enable—Blocking for foreign MSs is configured.

Disable—Blocking for foreign MSs is not configured.

deactivate_pdp_context_on violation

Current setting for the access-violation command:

No—User packets are discarded.

Yes—Mobile sessions are terminated when there is an access violation.


Current setting for the ip-address-pool command.

GPRS vaccess interface

Name of the virtual access interface associated with the VPN.

If no VPN is configured at the access point, the name of the virtual access interface for the GGSN virtual template is shown, which is always Virtual-Access1.


Amount of time the GGSN will wait before purging idle mobile sessions for the access point configured using the session idle-time command.

input ACL

IP access list for inbound packets (Gi to Gn interfaces).


Current setting for the redirect intermobile ip command.


Indicates whether network-initiated PDP context support is configured using the network-request-activation command:

No—Network-initiated PDP context support is disabled.

Yes—Network-initiated PDP context support is enabled.

number of ip_address_allocated

Number of IP addresses allocated to MS users.

output ACL

IP access list for outbound packets (Gn to Gi interfaces).

RADIUS attribute suppress IMSI

Current setting for the radius attribute suppress imsi command:

Enabled—GGSN suppresses the 3GPP-IMSI number in its authentication and accounting requests to a RADIUS server.

Disabled—GGSN does not suppress the 3GPP-IMSI number in its authentication and accounting requests to a RADIUS server.

RADIUS attribute suppress MSISDN

Current setting for the msisdn suppression command:

Enabled—GGSN overrides or suppresses the MSISDN number in its RADIUS authentication.

Disabled—GGSN does not override or suppress the MSISDN number in its RADIUS authentication.

RADIUS attribute suppress SGSN Address

Current setting for the radius attribute suppress sgsn-address command:

Enabled—GGSN suppresses the 3GPP VSA 3GPP-SGSN-Address subattribute in its RADIUS authentication and accounting requests.

Disabled—GGSN does not suppress the 3GPP VSA 3GPP-SGSN-Address subattribute in its RADIUS authentication and accounting requests.

RADIUS attribute suppress QoS

Current setting for the radius attribute suppress qos command:

Enabled—GGSN suppresses the 3GPP VSA 3GPP-QoS-Profile subattribute in its RADIUS authentication and accounting requests.

Disabled—GGSN does not suppress the 3GPP VSA 3GPP-QoS-Profile subattribute in its RADIUS authentication and accounting requests.


Current setting for the subscription-required command:

No—No subscription is required.

Yes—Subscription is required for access point users. The GGSN looks for the "subscription verified" selection mode in the PDP context request to establish the session.

Total number of PDP in this APN

Number of active PDP contexts for this access point.

Verify mobile source addr

Current setting for the security verify source command:

Enabled—GGSN verifies the source IP address of upstream TPDUs against addresses previously assigned to MSs.

Disabled—GGSN does not verify the source IP address of upstream TPDUs against addresses previously assigned to MSs.

Verify mobile destination addr

Current setting for the security verify destination command:

Enabled—GGSN verifies the destination address of upstream TPDUs against the global list of PLMN addresses specified using the gprs plmn ip address command.

Disabled—GGSN does not verify the destination address of upstream TPDUs against the global list of PLMN addresses specified using the gprs plmn ip address command.


Indicates whether a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is enabled or disabled at the access point.

VRF name

Name assigned to the VPN Routing and Forwarding instance. A value of None appears when VRF is not enabled at the access point.


Current status of RADIUS accounting response message waiting at the APN:

Enable—GGSN waits for an accounting response message from the RADIUS server before sending an activate PDP context request to the SGSN.

Disable—GGSN sends an activate PDP context request to the SGSN after sending an accounting request to the RADIUS server. The GGSN does not wait for a RADIUS accounting response.

You can configure RADIUS accounting response message waiting using the gprs gtp response-message wait-accounting global configuration command, or the response-message wait-accounting access-point configuration command.

Example 2

The following is sample output of the show gprs access-point address-allocation command:

router# show gprs access-point 8 address-allocation



The following table describes the fields show in the display.



Tunnel ID for the PDP context request on the APN.


IP address assigned to the PDP context request on the APN.

Example 3

The following is sample output of the show gprs access-point all command:

router# show gprs access-point all

There are 3 Access-Points configured

Index Mode Access-type AccessPointName VRF Name
1 transparent Real corporate_1.com corporate_1.com
        ppp-regeneration (max-session: 10000, setup-time: 60)
2 non-transparent Real corporate_2.com       
3 transparent Virtual     corporate_3.com       

The following table describes the fields show in the display.



Integer assigned to the access point in the GGSN configuration. The index number is used to reference an APN in GGSN commands.


Authorization configured on the access point. The possible values are:

transparent—Users who access the PDN through the access point associated with the current virtual template are allowed access without authorization or authentication.

non-transparent—Users who access the PDN through the current virtual template must be authenticated by the GGSN acting as a proxy for the authentication.


Type of access point. The possible values are:

Real—APN type that corresponds to an external physical network on the GGSN. This is the default value.

Virtual—APN type that is not associated with any specific physical target network on the GGSN. Virtual APNs are used to simply HLR provisioning in the PLMN.


Access point network ID, which is commonly an Internet domain name.

ppp-regeneration (max-session, setup-time)

PPP regeneration session parameters configured at the access point:

max-session—Maximum number of PPP regenerated sessions allowed at the access point.

setup-time—Maximum amount of time (between 1 and 65535 seconds) within which a PPP regenerated session must be established.

VRF Name

Name of the VPN routing and forwarding instance associated with the APN.

Related Commands



Specifies an access point number and enters access-point configuration mode.

show gprs access-point statistics

To display data volume and PDP activation and deactivation statistics for access points on the GGSN, use the show gprs access-point statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gprs access-point statistics {access-point-index | all}

Syntax Description


Index number of an access point. Statistics for that access point are shown.


Statistics for all access points on the GGSN are shown.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs access-point statistics command to display data volume and PDP activation and deactivation statistics for access points on the GGSN.

Use the access-point-index argument to specify a particular access point number for which you want to obtain information.

Use the all keyword to obtain information about all access points in an abbreviated format.


The following example displays PDP context activation and deactivation statistics for all access points on the GGSN:

router# show gprs access-point statistics all

There are 3 Access-Points activated

Index Mode Access-type AccessPointName VRF Name
1 transparent Real gprt.pdn.com
     ppp-regeneration (max-session: 10000, setup-time: 60)
     PDP activation initiated by MS: 3
Successful PDP activation initiated by MS: 3
Dynamic PDP activation initiated by MS: 3
Successful dynamic activation initiated by MS: 0
PDP deactivation initiated by MS: 0
Successful PDP deactivation initiated by MS: 0
Network initiated PDP activation: 0
Successful network initiated PDP activation: 0
PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN: 1
Successful PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN: 1
active PDP: 3
upstream data volume in octets: 0
downstream data volume in octets: 0
4 transparent         gprs.pdn.com     
     PDP activation initiated by MS: 1
Successful PDP activation initiated by MS: 1
Dynamic PDP activation initiated by MS: 0
Successful dynamic activation initiated by MS: 0
PDP deactivation initiated by MS: 0
Successful PDP deactivation initiated by MS: 0
Network initiated PDP activation: 0
Successful network initiated PDP activation: 0
PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN: 6
Successful PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN: 6
active PDP: 0
upstream data volume in octets: 0
downstream data volume in octets: 0
5       transparent         gpru.pdn.com      
     PDP activation initiated by MS: 1
Successful PDP activation initiated by MS: 1
Dynamic PDP activation initiated by MS: 0
Successful dynamic activation initiated by MS: 0
PDP deactivation initiated by MS: 0
Successful PDP deactivation initiated by MS: 0
Network initiated PDP activation: 0
Successful network initiated PDP activation: 0
PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN: 0
Successful PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN: 6
active PDP: 0
upstream data volume in octets: 0
downstream data volume in octets: 0

Table 9 describes the fields shown in the display:

Table 9 show gprs access-point statistics Field Descriptions 


active PDP

Number of PDP contexts that are currently established on the GGSN.

downstream data volume in octets

Number of bytes of data received by the GGSN from the PDN, or network.

Dynamic PDP activation initiated by MS

Number of Create PDP Context Request messages received by the GGSN from an MS without a PDP address. (Duplicate requests are not counted.)

Network initiated PDP activation

Number of Create PDP Context Request messages received by the GGSN from network initiation.

PDP activation initiated by MS

Number of Create PDP Context Request messages received by the GGSN from an SGSN. (Duplicate requests are not counted.)

PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN

Number of Delete PDP Context Request messages sent by the GGSN to an SGSN.

PDP deactivation initiated by MS

Number of Delete PDP Context Request messages received by the GGSN from an SGSN. (Duplicate messages are not counted.)

ppp-regeneration (max-session, setup-time)

PPP regeneration session parameters configured at the access point:

max-session—Maximum number of PPP regenerated sessions allowed at the access point.

setup-time—Maximum amount of time (between 1 and 65535 seconds) within which a PPP regenerated session must be established.

Successful dynamic activation initiated by MS

Number of Create PDP Context Response messages sent by the GGSN with a cause value of "GTP_RES_REQACCEPTED", indicating that the PDP address has been dynamically assigned.

Successful network initiated PDP activation

Number of PDP contexts activated on the GGSN that were initiated by the network.

Successful PDP activation initiated by MS

Number of Create PDP Context Response messages sent by the GGSN with a cause value of "GTP_RES_REQACCEPTED."

Successful PDP deactivation initiated by GGSN

Number of Delete PDP Context Response messages received by the GGSN from an SGSN.

Successful PDP deactivation initiated by MS

Number of Delete PDP Context Response messages sent by the GGSN to an SGSN with a cause value of "GTP_RES_REQACCEPTED".

upstream data volume in octets

Number of bytes of data received by the GGSN from the SGSN.

Related Commands


clear gprs access-point statistics

Clears statistics counters for a specific access point or for all access points on the GGSN.

show gprs access-point

Displays information about access points on the GGSN.

show gprs charging parameters

To display information about the current GPRS charging configuration, use the show gprs charging parameters command in privileged EXEC mode.

show gprs charging parameters

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX.

The following output fields were added to the display:

Charging CDR Option Local Record Sequence Number

Charging CDR Option No Partial CDR Generation

Charging CDR Option Node ID

Charging CDR Option Packet Count

Charging Change Condition Limit

Charging Send Buffer Size

Charging GTP' Port Number

Charging MCC Code

Charging MNC Code

Charging Roamers CDR Only

Charging HPLMN Matching Criteria

Charging SGSN Limit

The following output fields were removed from the display:

Charging MCC Code

Charging MNC Code

Charging HPLMN Matching Criteria


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YW.

The Charging Path Protocol field was changed from binary 0 and 1 to udp and tcp.

The Charging qos-info output field was changed to Charging release.

The following output fields were added to the display:

Charging Time Limit

Charging qos-info

Charging Transfer Format.

GTP' use short header


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


The changes introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX and 12.2(8)YW were incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs charging parameters command to display the currently active charging parameters for the GGSN.


The following is sample output of the show gprs charging parameters command:

router# show gprs charging parameters

GPRS Charging Protocol Parameters

* Default Charging Gateway Address: <>
* Default Backup Charging Gateway Address:UNDEFINED.
* Current Active Charging Gateway Address:<>
* Current Backup Charging Gateway Address:UNDEFINED.
* Charging Server Switch-Over Timer: <15> seconds.
* Charging Path Protocol: tcp
* GTP' use short header: DISABLED
* Charging Message Options:
Transfer Request:
- Packet Transfer Command IE: ENABLED.
Transfer Response:
- Number Responded: DISABLED.
* Charging MAP DATA TOS: <3>
* Charging Transfer Interval: <105> seconds.
* Charging Transfer Threshold: <400> bytes.
* Charging CDR Aggregation Limit: <255> CDRs per msg.
* Charging Packet Queue Size: <128> messages.
* Charging Gateway Path Request Timer: <1> Minutes.
* Charging Change Condition Limit: <5>
* Charging SGSN Limit: DISABLED.
* Charging Time Limit: <3000>
* Charging Send Buffer Size: <1460>
* Charging Port Number: <3386>
* Charging Roamers CDR Only: DISABLED.
* Charging CDR Option:
- Local Record Sequence Number: DISABLED.
- APN Selection Mode: DISABLED.
- No Partial CDR Generation: DISABLED.
- Packet Count: DISABLED.
- Private Echo: DISABLED.
* Charging release: 99
* Charging Tariff Time Changes:
- Tariff Time Change (#0): 04:04:01
- Tariff Time Change (#1): 17:00:00
- Tariff Time Change (#2): 21:25:00

Table 10 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 10 show gprs charging parameters Field Descriptions 


Charging CDR Aggregation Limit

Maximum number of CDRs that the GGSN aggregates in a charging data transfer message to the charging gateway.

You can configure this limit using the gprs charging cdr-aggregation-limit command.

Charging CDR Option: Local Record Sequence Number

Status indicating if the GGSN uses the local record sequence field in G-CDRs. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can enable the GGSN to use the local record sequence field in G-CDRs using the gprs charging cdr-option local-record-sequence-number command.

Charging CDR Option: APN Selection Mode

Status indicating if the GGSN provides the reason code for APN selection in G-CDRs. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can enable the GGSN to provide the APN selection mode in G-CDRs using the gprs charging cdr-option apn-selection-mode command.

Charging CDR Option: No Partial CDR Generation

Status indicating if the GGSN can create partial CDRs. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can disable partial CDR generation by the GGSN using the gprs charging cdr-option no-partial-cdr-generation command.

Charging CDR Option: Node ID

Status indicating if the GGSN specifies the name of the node that generated the CDR in the node ID field of the G-CDR. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can enable the GGSN to use the node ID field in G-CDRs using the gprs charging cdr-option node-id command.

Charging CDR Option: Packet Count

Status indicating if the GGSN provides uplink and downlink packet counts in the optional record extension field of a G-CDR. The possible values are ON or OFF.

You can enable the GGSN to provide packet counts using the gprs charging cdr-option packet-count command.

Charging CDR Option: Served MSISDN

Status indicating if the GGSN provides the mobile station integrated services digital network number from the create PDP context request in a G-CDR. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can enable the GGSN to provide the MSISDN number using the gprs charging cdr-option served-msisdn command.

Charging CDR Option: Private Echo

Status indicating if the GGSN uses private echo signaling for flow control. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can enable private echo signaling using the gprs charging flow-control private-echo command.

Charging Change Condition Limit

Maximum number of charging containers in each G-CDR.

You can configure the change condition limit using the gprs charging container change-limit command.

Charging Gateway Path Request Timer

Number of minutes that the GGSN waits before trying to establish the TCP path to the charging gateway when TCP is the specified path protocol.

You can configure the path request timer using the gprs charging cg-path-requests command.


Type of service (ToS) priority currently configured for GPRS charging packets. Value (between 0 and 5) is set in the precedence bits of the IP header of charging packets.

You can configure the ToS mapping using the gprs charging map data tos command.

Charging Message Options: Transfer Request

Whether the GGSN includes the Packet Transfer Command IE in the Data Record Transfer Response messages.

The possible values are ENABLED (the GGSN includes the Packet Transfer Command IE) or DISABLED (the GGSN does not include the IE).

Charging Messages Options: Transfer Response

Whether the GGSN is using the Number of Requests Responded field instead or the Length field in the Requests Responded IE of Data Record Transfer Response messages.

The possible values are ENABLED (the GGSN uses the Number of Requests Responded field) or DISABLED (the GGSN uses the Length field).

Charging Packet Queue Size

Maximum number of unacknowledged charging data transfer requests that the GGSN maintains in its queue.

You can configure the maximum queue size using the gprs charging packet-queue-size command.

Charging Path Protocol

Protocol in use between the GGSN and the charging gateway. The possible values are udp or tcp.

You can configure the charging path protocol using the gprs charging path-protocol command.

Charging Port Number

Destination port of the charging gateway.

You can configure the destination port using the gprs charging port command.

Charging release

Whether UMTS (R99) and GSM (R97/R98) QoS profile formats are presented in G-CDRs. The possible values are 99 (GSM and UMTS QoS profile formats are presented) or 98 (only GSM QoS profile formats are presented).

You can configure the type of QoS profile format to be included using the gprs charging release command.

Charging Roamers CDR Only

Status of the charging for roamers feature on the GGSN. The possible values are enabled or disabled.

You can configure the GGSN to support creation of CDRs for roaming subscribers using the gprs charging roamers command.

Charging Send Buffer Size

Size (in bytes) of the buffer that contains the GTP' PDU and signaling messages on the GGSN.

You can configure the buffer size using the gprs charging send-buffer command.

Charging Server Switch-Over Timer

Amount of time (in seconds) that the GGSN waits before sending charging data to the backup charging gateway, after the active charging gateway fails.

You can configure this period of time using the gprs charging server-switch-timer command.

Charging SGSN Limit

Maximum number of SGSN changes that can occur before the GGSN closes a G-CDR for a particular PDP context.

Charging Tariff Time Changes

Time of day when GPRS charging tariffs change.

You can configure this time using the gprs charging tariff-time command.

Charging Transfer Interval

Amount of time (in seconds) that the GGSN waits before checking and sending any closed CDRs to the charging gateway.

You can configure this period of time using the gprs charging transfer interval command.

Charging Transfer Threshold

Maximum size (in bytes) that the GGSN maintains in a charging container before closing it and updating the CDR.

You can configure the container volume using the gprs charging container volume-threshold command.

Current Active Charging Gateway Address

IP address of the charging gateway to which the GGSN is currently sending charging data.

You can configure the primary charging gateway using the gprs default charging-gateway command.

Current Backup Charging Gateway Address

IP address of the backup charging gateway to which the GGSN will send charging data if the current active charging gateway becomes unavailable.

You can configure the backup charging gateway using the gprs default charging-gateway command.

Default Backup Charging Gateway Address

IP address of the default secondary, or backup, charging gateway.

You can configure the default backup charging gateway using the gprs default charging-gateway command.

Default Charging Gateway Address

IP address of the default primary charging gateway.

You can configure the default primary charging gateway using the gprs default charging-gateway command.

GTP' use short header

Whether the GGSN is using the GTP short header (6-byte header). The possible values are ENABLED (the GGSN is using the GTP short header) or DISABLED (the GGSN is using the GTP long header).

You can configure the GGSN to use the GTP short header using the gprs charging header short command.

Related Commands


show gprs charging statistics

Displays cumulative charging statistics for the GGSN.

show gprs charging statistics

To display cumulative charging statistics for the GGSN, use the show gprs charging statistics privileged EXEC command.

show gprs charging statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX, and the statistics were changed to be cumulative since the last restart of the GGSN and the keyword options were removed.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs charging statistics command to display cumulative charging statistics since the last restart of the GGSN.


The following is sample output of the show gprs charging statistics command:

router# show gprs charging statistics all
            GPRS Charging Protocol Statistics
   * Total Number of CDRs for Charging: <200>
   * Total Number of Containers for Charging: <104>
   * Total Number of CDR_Output_Msgs sent: <22>
   -- Charging Gateway Statistics --
   * Charging Gateway Down Count: <1>
   * Last Charging Gateway Down Time = 2001/11/29 15:23:0

Table 11 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 11 show gprs charging statistics Field Descriptions 


Total Number of CDRs for Charging

Cumulative number of open and closed G-CDRs on the GGSN since the last startup of the GGSN.

Total Number of Containers for Charging

Cumulative number of all open and closed charging containers for all G-CDRs on the GGSN since the last startup of the GGSN.

Total Number of CDR_Output_Msgs sent

Cumulative number of G-CDR output messages that the GGSN sent to the charging gateway and received acknowledgment for since the last startup of the GGSN.

Charging Gateway Down Count

Number of times that the charging gateway has transitioned its state (from up or unknown, to down) since the last startup of the GGSN.

Last Charging Gateway Down Time

Recorded system time when the charging gateway was last in a down state. This statistics only appears if a charging gateway has been down.


Related Commands


show gprs charging parameters

Displays information about the current GPRS charging configuration.

show gprs charging status

Displays current statistics about the transfer of charging packets between the GGSN and charging gateways.

show gprs charging status

To display current statistics about the transfer of charging packets between the GGSN and charging gateways, use the show gprs charging status privileged EXEC command.

show gprs charging status {tid tunnel_id | access-point access-point-index | all}

Syntax Description

tid tunnel_id

Specifies a tunnel ID for which you want to display charging statistics.

access-point access-point-index

Specifies the index of the access point for which you want to display charging statistics.


Requests display of all charging statistics.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD and the Number of partial CDRs output field was changed to the Number of closed CDRs buffered.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs charging status command to display current statistics for the transfer of charging packets between the GGSN and charging gateways since the last G-CDR was sent.


Example 1

The following is sample output of the show gprs charging status tid command:

router# show gprs charging status tid 1231231111111100
                    GPRS Charging Protocol Status for TID
           * Number of CDRs : <1>
           * Number of closed CDRs buffered: <0>
           * Number of Containers: <0>

Table 12 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 12 show gprs charging status tid Field Descriptions 


Number of CDRs

Number of currently open and closed G-CDRs on the GGSN for the specified TID, since the last G-CDR was successfully sent to the charging gateway.

Number of closed CDRs buffered

Number of currently closed G-CDRs that the GGSN has not yet sent to the charging gateway for the specified TID.

Number of Containers

Number of all currently open and closed charging containers for the specified TID, since the last G-CDR was successfully sent to the charging gateway.

Example 2

The following is sample output of the show gprs charging status access-point command:

router# show gprs charging status access-point 1
                    GPRS Charging Protocol Status for APN
           * Number of CDRs: <96>
           * Number of closed CDRs buffered: <0>
           * Number of Containers: <0>

Table 13 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 13 show gprs charging status access-point Field Descriptions 


Number of CDRs

Number of currently open and closed G-CDRs on the GGSN for the specified access point, since the last G-CDR was successfully sent to the charging gateway.

Number of closed CDRs buffered

Number of currently closed G-CDRs that the GGSN has not yet sent to the charging gateway for the specified access point.

Number of Containers

Number of all currently open and closed charging containers for the specified access point, since the last G-CDR was successfully sent to the charging gateway.

Example 3

The following is sample output of the show gprs charging status all command:

router# show gprs charging status all
            GPRS Charging Protocol Status

   * Number of APNs : <1>
   * Number of CDRs : <96>
   * Number of closed CDRs buffered: <0>
   * Number of Containers buffered: <0>
   * Number of pending unack. CDR_Output_Msgs: <1>

Table 14 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 14 show gprs charging status Field Descriptions 


Number of APNs

Number of access points for which charging data has currently been collected. This statistic appears in the all version of this command only.

Number of CDRs

Number of currently open and closed G-CDRs on the GGSN since the last G-CDR was successfully sent to the charging gateway. For the tid and access-point versions of this command, this is the number of currently open and closed G-CDRs for the specified TID or access point.

Number of closed CDRs buffered

Number of currently closed G-CDRs that the GGSN has not yet sent to the charging gateway. For the tid and access-point versions of this command, this is the number of currently closed G-CDRs for the specified TID or access-point that have not yet been sent to the charging gateway.

Number of Containers buffered

Number of all currently open and closed charging containers since the last G-CDR was successfully sent to the charging gateway.

Number of pending unack. CDR_Output_Msgs

Number of G-CDR output messages sent by the GGSN that are not acknowledged by the charging gateway.

Related Commands


show gprs charging parameters

Displays information about the current GPRS charging configuration.

show gprs charging statistics

Displays cumulative charging statistics for the GGSN.

show gprs gtp ms

To display the currently active MSs on the GGSN, use the show gprs gtp ms privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp ms {imsi imsi| access-point access-point-index | all}

Syntax Description

imsi imsi

Displays MSs by International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). The IMSI can be up to 15 numeric digits. You can obtain the IMSI from the output for the show gprs gtp ms all command or the show gprs gtp pdp-context tid command.

access-point access-point-index

Displays MSs by access point.


Displays all MSs.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.

The MS Addr field was updated to reflect the virtual interface identifier for PPP PDP contexts and the status of PPP PDP with L2TP contexts.

The SGSN MCC/MNC field was added


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp ms command to display information about the mobile stations that are currently active on the GGSN. You can display the MS information according to access-point or IMSI. You can also display information for all MSs.


The following example displays information for all MSs:

router# show gprs gtp ms all
IMSI               SGSN MCCMNC     MS ADDRESS      APN
112233445565437    12345         gprsa.apn.com

223456788765437    67891  (Vi5)  gprsb.apn.com

The following example displays information for all MSs on access-point 1:

router# show gprs gtp ms access-point 1
IMSI                    SGSN MCCMNC    MS ADDRESS APN
112233445565437         12345        gprsa.apn.com

The following example displays information for all MSs on IMSI 110406080002045:

router# show gprs gtp ms imsi 110406080002045
110406080002045   12345       gprsc.apn.com

number of pdp:2
reference count:1

Table 15 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 15 show gprs gtp ms Field Descriptions 



International mobile subscriber identity for the MSs.


The IP address for the MSs.

Note For PPP PDP contexts, this field will also display the virtual interface identifier. For PPP PDP with L2TP contexts, this field will also display the state of the PDP context. Possible states are Pending, Forwarded, or Terminating.


Access point name.

number of pdp

Number of PDP contexts on the MSs.

reference count

Internal data structure field. It is used only for internal troubleshooting purposes.


MCC/MNC of the SGSN.

Related Commands


show gprs gtp pdp-context

Displays a list of the currently active PDP contexts (mobile sessions).

show gprs gtp status

Displays information about the current status of the GTP on the GGSN (such as activated PDP contexts, throughput, and QoS statistics).

show gprs gtp parameters

To display information about the current GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) configuration on the GGSN, use the show gprs gtp parameters privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp parameters

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX.

The following output fields were added to the display:

Charging MCC Code

Charging MNC Code

Charging HPLMN Matching Criteria

GTP dynamic echo-timer minimum

GTP dynamic echo-timer smooth factor

The following output field was removed:

GTP max hold time for old sgsn PDUs T3_tunnel


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD and the following output field was removed from the display:

GPRS HPLMN Matching Criteria


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp parameters command to display the current GTP parameters configured on the GGSN.


The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp parameters command:

router# show gprs gtp parameters
    GTP path echo interval = 60
GTP signal max wait time T3_response = 1
GTP max retry N3_request = 5
GTP dynamic echo-timer minimum = 5
GTP dynamic echo-timer smooth factor = 2
    GTP buffer size for receiving N3_buffer = 8192
GTP max pdp context = 45000
GPRS MCC Code = 310
GPRS MNC Code = 15

Table 16 describes the fields shown in the display.


Table 16 show gprs gtp parameters Field Descriptions 



Mobile country code (MCC) that the GGSN uses in conjunction with the mobile network node to determine whether a create PDP context request is from a roamer.

You can configure the MCC using the gprs mcc mnc command.


Mobile network node (MNC) that the GGSN uses in conjunction with the mobile country code to determine whether a create PDP context request is from a roamer.

You can configure the MNC using the gprs mcc mnc command.

GTP buffer size for receiving N3_buffer

Current size of the receive buffer (in bytes) that the GGSN uses to receive GTP signaling messages and packets sent through the tunneling protocol.

You can configure the N3 buffer using the gprs gtp n3-buffer-size command.

GTP dynamic echo-timer minimum

Current minimum time period (in seconds) used by the dynamic echo timer.

You can configure the minimum value using the gprs gtp echo-timer dynamic minimum command.

GTP dynamic echo-timer smooth factor

Current multiplier used by the GGSN to calculate the T-dynamic for the dynamic echo timer.

You can configure the smooth factor using the gprs gtp echo-timer dynamic smooth-factor command.

GTP max pdp context

Current maximum number of PDP contexts (mobile sessions) that can be activated on the GGSN.

You can configure the maximum number of PDP context requests using the gprs maximum-pdp-context-allowed command.

GTP max retry N3_request

Maximum number of times that the GGSN attempts to send a signaling request to an SGSN.

You can configure the maximum number of signaling requests made by the GGSN using the gprs gtp n3-requests command.

GTP path echo interval

Interval, in seconds, that the GGSN waits before sending an echo-request message to the SGSN.

You can configure the path echo interval using the gprs gtp path-echo-interval command.

GTP signal max wait time T3_response

Interval, in seconds, that the GGSN waits before responding to a signaling request message.

You can configure the maximum interval using the gprs gtp t3-response command.

Related Commands


show gprs gtp statistics

Displays the current GTP statistics for the GGSN (such as IE, GTP signaling, and GTP PDU statistics).

show gprs gtp status

Displays information about the current status of the GTP on the GGSN (such as activated PDP contexts, throughput, and QoS statistics).

show gprs gtp path

To display information about one or more GTP paths between the GGSN and other GPRS devices, use the show gprs gtp path privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp path {remote-address ip-address [remote-port-num] | version gtp-version | all}

Syntax Description

remote-address ip-address [remote_port_num]

Displays GTP path information for a specified remote IP address. Optionally, displays GTP path information for a specified remote IP address and port number.

version gtp-version

Displays the GTP paths by the GTP version (0 or 1).


Displays information for all GTP paths.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX, and the following output field was added to the display:

Dynamic echo timer


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YW.

The version keyword option and the option to display GTP path information for a remote IP address and remote port number were added.

The GTP version output field was added to the display.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp path command to display information about one or more GTP paths from the GGSN.


Example 1

The following example shows the output for the GTP path to the remote device with an IP address of

router# show gprs gtp path
Local address       Remote address          GTP version         Dynamic echo timer      1                        5      1                        5

Example 2

The following example shows the output for the GTP path to the remote device with an IP address of and remote port number 2123:

router# show gprs gtp path 2123
Local address       Remote address          GTP version         Dynamic echo timer      1                        5

Example 3

The following example shows the output for all paths on the GGSN that are using GTP version 1:

router# show gprs gtp path version 1
Local address       Remote address          GTP version         Dynamic echo timer      1                        5          1                        2

Example 4

The following example shows the output for all GTP paths on the GGSN:

router# show gprs gtp path all
Total number of path : 3
Local address       Remote address          GTP version         Dynamic echo timer      1                        Disabled          0                        2          1                        5

Table 17 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 17 show gprs gtp path Field Descriptions 


Total number of path

Total number of GTP paths currently established.

Dynamic echo timer

Current setting (in seconds) for the dynamic echo timer. "Disabled" appears when the dynamic echo timer is not in use.

Local address

IP address and port number for the local end of the GTP path.

Remote address

IP address and port number for the remote end of the GTP path, such as the address of the SGSN.

GTP version

Version of the GTP protocol (version 0 or 1) supported by the path.

show gprs gtp pdp-context

To display a list of the currently active PDP contexts (mobile sessions), use the show gprs gtp pdp-context privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp pdp-context {tid tunnel_id | ms-address ip_address [apn-index access-point-index] | imsi imsi [nsapi nsapi [tft]] | path ip-address [remote-port-num] | access-point access-point-index | pdp-type {ip | ppp} | qos-umts-class {background | conversational | interactive | streaming} | qos {precedence {low | normal | high} | qos-delay {class1 | class2 | class3 | classbesteffort} | version gtp-version} | all}

Syntax Description

tid tunnel_id

Displays PDP contexts by tunnel ID. This value corresponds to the IMSI plus NSAPI and can be up to 16 numeric digits.

ms-address ip_address

Displays PDP contexts for the specified mobile station IP address (in dotted-decimal format).

apn-index access-point-index

(Optional) Displays PDP contexts for the specified mobile station IP address at a particular access point. This option is required to display mobile stations that are accessing a private VPN.

imsi imsi

Displays PDP contexts by International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). The IMSI value can be up to 15 numeric digits.

nsapi nsapi [tft]

(Optional) Displays a particular PDP context by Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI) for the specified IMSI. Optionally, displays the traffic flow template (TFT) filters associated with the NSAPI.

path ip-address [remote_port_num]

Displays PDP contexts by path. Optionally, displays PDP contexts by remote IP address and port number.

access-point access-point-index

Displays PDP contexts by access point. Possible values are 1 to 65535.

pdp-type {ip | ppp}

Displays PDP contexts that are transmitted using either IP or PPP.


Displays PDPs by UMTS QoS traffic class. You can specify the following traffic classes: background, conversational, interactive, and streaming. This option is available when UMTS QoS is enabled.


Displays PDP contexts for a specified GPRS QoS precedence type. You can specify the following precedence types: low, normal, and high. This option is available when GPRS QoS canonical QoS is enabled.


Displays PDP contexts for a specified GPRS quality of service delay class type. You can specify the following delay class types: class1, class2, class3, and classbesteffort. This option is available when GPRS QoS delayed-based QoS is enabled.

version gtp-version

Displays PDP contexts by GTP version. The possible values are 0 or 1.


Displays all PDP contexts.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


The MS International PSTN/ISDN Number (MSISDN) field was added to the output display.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX.

The pdp-type ppp and qos-delay options were added to the command.

The following fields were added to the output display of the tid version of this command:






gtp pdp idle time

The Network Init Information section was added to the output display of the tid version of this command with the following new fields:



NIP State

PDU Discard Flag


The following fields were removed from the output display of the tid version of this command:






The "dynamic?" and "Dynamic" fields were removed from the output display of the all and tid versions of this command, and were replaced by the Source field.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD and the following fields were added to the output display of the tid version of this command:

primary dns

secondary dns

primary nbns

secondary nbns


This command was incorporated in the 12.2(8)YW.

The the option of displaying PDP contexts by remote IP address and port number was added.

The delay Qos class(req.) output field was added to the display of the tid version of this command when the mapping of GPRS QoS categories to delay QoS classes is enabled.

The ms-address, imsi, qos-umts-class and version options were added to the command.

The ggsn_addr_signal field was changed to the sgsn_addr_data in the output display of the tid version of this command.

The following fields were added to the output display of the tid version of this command:

control teid local

control teid remote

data teid local

data teid remote

primary pdp



This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB and the MS Addr field updated to reflect the virtual interface identifier for PPP PDP and PPP-REGEN contexts and the status of PPP PDP with L2TP contexts.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T and the Framed-route and mask fields were added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp pdp-context command to display the currently active PDP contexts on the GGSN. You can display PDP contexts by tunnel ID, by IMSI, by access point, by PDP type, and by GPRS QoS precedence, UMTS QoS traffic class, or you can display all PDP contexts.

Several versions of the show gprs gtp pdp-context command display similar output. The examples provided show these two different types of output.

Interpreting the Effective Bandwidth

Example 2 provides sample output from the show gprs gtp pdp-context tid command, which includes the field called effective bandwidth (in bps). The effective bandwidth is determined according to the GPRS QoS canonical QoS class (premium, normal, or best effort) for the PDP context; it does not represent the actual bandwidth in use by the PDP context. The potential number of supported PDP contexts for that class of QoS can then be calculated according to the total amount of bandwidth (GSN resource) available to the GGSN.

For more information about GPRS QoS canonical QoS and resources on the GGSN, see the "Configuring QoS on the GGSN" chapter in the Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Configuration Guide.


Example 1

The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp pdp-context all command:

routershow gprs gtp pdp-context all
TID              MS Addr         Source  SGSN Addr       APN
1234567890123456       Radius       www.pdn1.com
2345678901234567 Forwarded (Vi5) IPCP       www.pdn2.com
3456789012345678 (Vi7) IPCP       www.pdn3.com
4567890123456789 (Vi9) IPCP       www.pdn4.com
5678901234567890       Static       www.pdn5.com

Note The same output fields shown in Example 1 also appear when you use the access-point, path, pdp-type, qos-delay, or qos-precedence keyword options of the show gprs gtp pdp-context command.

The following table describes the fields shown in the display.



Access point name where the PDP context is active.

MS Addr

IP address of the mobile station.

Note For PPP PDP and PPP-REGEN contexts, this field will also display the virtual interface identifier. For PPP PDP with L2TP contexts, this field will also display the state of the PDP context. Possible states are Pending, Forwarded, or Terminating.


IP address of the SGSN that is processing the packets.


Source of IP addressing for the MS. The possible values are:

DHCP—Dynamic address allocation using DHCP.

IPCP—Dynamic address allocation for PPP PDP types, or for IP PDP types with PPP regeneration, using PPP IP Control Protocol.

Pending—Waiting for dynamic address allocation. Dynamic address source is unknown.

Radius—Dynamic address allocation using RADIUS.

Static—IP address is not dynamically assigned.


Tunnel ID for the PDP context.

Example 2

The following is sample output from the show gprs gtp pdp-context tid command for a PDP context created by GTP version 1 and GPRS QoS canonical QoS is configured:

router#show gprs gtp pdp-context tid 1111111111111111
TID MS Addr Source SGSN Addr APN
1111111111111111 Radius dns.com

current time :Mar 18 2002 11:24:36
user_name (IMSI):1111111111111111 MS address:
MS International PSTN/ISDN Number (MSISDN):ABC
sgsn_addr_signal: sgsn_addr_data:
    control teid local: 0x63493E0C
    control teid remove: 0x00000121
    data teid local: 0x63483E10
    data teid remote: 0x00000121
    primary pdp: Y      nsapi: 0
signal_sequence: 0 seq_tpdu_up: 0
seq_tpdu_down: 0
upstream_signal_flow: 1 upstream_data_flow: 2
downstream_signal_flow:14 downstream_data_flow:12
RAupdate_flow: 0
pdp_create_time: Mar 18 2002 09:58:39
last_access_time: Mar 18 2002 09:58:39
mnrgflag: 0 tos mask map:00
gtp pdp idle time:72
gprs qos_req:091101 canonical Qos class(req.):01
gprs qos_neg:25131F canonical Qos class(neg.):01
effective bandwidth:0.0
rcv_pkt_count: 0   rcv_byte_count: 0
send_pkt_count: 0   send_byte_count: 0
cef_up_pkt: 0   cef_up_byte: 0
cef_down_pkt: 0  cef_down_byte: 0
cef_drop: 0
    Src addr violation:            2 paks,     1024 bytes
    Dest addr violation:           2 paks,     1024 bytes
    Redirected mobile-to-mobile traffic:  2 paks,     1024 bytes
charging_id: 29160231
pdp reference count:2
primary dns:
secondary dns:
primary nbns:
secondary nbns:
ntwk_init_pdp: 0
    Framed_route mask

** Network Init Information **
MNRG Flag: 0 PDU Discard Flag: 0
Buf.Bytes: 500

Table 18 describes the fields shown in the display.

Note The Network Init Information section of the output appears only while network-initiated PDP contexts are being processed by the GGSN.

Note The same output fields shown in Example 2 also appear when you use the imsi keyword option of the show gprs gtp pdp-context command.

Table 18 show gprs gtp pdp-context tid Field Descriptions 



Access point name where the PDP context is active.

canonical Qos class (neg.)

Negotiated canonical quality of service class for the PDP context, with the following values:

01—Best effort



This field displays when GPRS QoS canonical QoS is enabled on the GGSN.

canonical Qos class (req.)

Requested GPRS canonical QoS class by the PDP context, with the following values:

01—Best effort



This field displays when GPRS QoS canonical QoS is enabled on the GGSN.


Total number of G-PDU bytes CEF switched on the downlink, from the GGSN to the SGSN.


Total number of G-PDU packets CEF switched on the downlink, from the GGSN to the SGSN.


Total number of G-PDU packets dropped during CEF switching.


Total number of G-PDU bytes CEF switched on the uplink, from the SGSN to the GGSN.


Total number of G-PDU packets CEF switched on the uplink, from the SGSN to the GGSN.


Unique 4-octet value generated by the GGSN for the PDP context. The value 0 is reserved.

control teid local

Uplink tunnel endpoint identifier (TEID) chosen by the GGSN for control plane messages.

This field displays for PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.

control teid remote

Downlink TEID chosen by the SGSN for control plane messages.

This field displays for PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.

current time

Date and time of the show command output.

data teid local

Uplink TEID chosen by the GGSN for G-PDUs.

This field displays for PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.

data teid remote

Downlink TEID chosen by the SGSN for PDUs.

This field displays for PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.

Dest addr violation

Number of packets (and bytes) dropped by the GGSN because of a source address violation.

This field displays only when the security verify destination command is configured.

Note This field does not apply to APNs using VRF. In addition, verification of destination addresses does not apply to GTP-PPP regeneration or GTP-PPP with L2TP.


Flow label of downlink G-PDUs.


Flow label of downlink signaling messages.

effective bandwidth

Estimated number of bits per second allocated by the GGSN for this PDP context. The effective bandwidth is determined according to the QoS class (premium, normal, or best effort) for the PDP context. The potential number of supported PDP contexts for that class of QoS can be calculated according to the total amount of bandwidth (GSN resource) available to the GGSN.

This field displays when canonical QoS is enabled on the GGSN.

Note The effective bandwidth does not represent actual bandwidth usage.


Framed-Route, attribute 22, for the PDP context, downloaded from the RADIUS server during authentication and authorization.

gprs qos_neg

Negotiated quality of service for the PDP context. The field is in the format vwxyzz, which represents the following QoS classes (as defined in the GSM specifications for quality of service profiles):

v—Delay class

w—Reliability class

x—Peak throughput class

y—Precedence class

zz—Mean throughput class

Note To determine the GPRS QoS attributes shown in this output, you must convert the value to binary and interpret the values to find the corresponding class attributes. Some of the bits represent "don't care" bits and are not interpreted as part of the final value. For more information about how to interpret this value, see the "Interpreting the Requested and Negotiated GPRS QoS" section of the "Configuring QoS" chapter in the Cisco IOS Mobile Wireless Configuration Guide.

gprs qos_req

Requested quality of service by the PDP context. The field is in the format vwxyzz, which represents the following QoS classes (as defined in the GSM specifications for GPRS QoS profiles):

v—Delay class

w—Reliability class

x—Peak throughput class

y—Precedence class

zz—Mean throughput class

Note See the Note in the description of the gprs qos_neg output field above.

gtp pdp idle time

Current setting for the gprs idle-pdp-context purge-timer command, unless the session idle-time command is configured. Indicates the amount of idle time (in hours) allowed before PDP contexts are deleted.


Time when the PDP context for this TID was last accessed. The date format is MMM DD YYYY. The time format is hours:minutes:seconds.

When a signaling packet or data packet for a PDP context arrives on the GGSN, the last_access_time is reset to the current date and time. If the last_access_time exceeds the purge timer for idle PDP contexts, then the PDP context is purged by the GGSN.


Framed-Route subnet.


Mobile not reachable flag, with the following values:

0—flag is off.

1—flag is on, indicating that the MS is not reachable

MS_ADDR and MS Address

IP address of the mobile station.

Note For PPP PDP and PPP-REGEN contexts, this field will also display the virtual interface identifier. For PPP PDP with L2TP contexts, this field will also display the state of the PDP context. Possible states are Pending, Forwarded, or Terminating.

MS International PSTN/ISDN Number (MSISDN)

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) number of the mobile station.


Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI).

This field displays for PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.


Network initiated PDP context indicator, with the following values:

0—Not a network initiated PDP context. This indicates a mobile initiated PDP context.

1—Network initiated PDP context


Time when the PDP context for this TID was created. The date format is MMM DD YYYY. The time format is hours:minutes:seconds.

pdp reference count

Number of subsystems on the GGSN that are aware of the PDP context. For example, if both the charging and GTP subsystems are aware of the PDP context, then the pdp reference counter shows a value of 2.

primary dns

IP address of the primary DNS server.

primary nbns

IP address of the primary NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS).

primary pdp

Whether the PDP is primary or secondary. Possible values are Y (PDP is primary) or N (PDP is secondary).

This field displays for PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.


Flow Label Data II information element in GTP header. This IE contains the flow label for data transmission between old and new SGSNs for a particular PDP context. This IE is requested by the new SGSN.


Total number of G-PDU bytes received. For the GGSN, this is the total byte count on the uplink.


Total packet count of received G-PDUs. For the GGSN, this is the total byte count on the uplink.

Redirected mobile-to-mobile traffic

Number of packets (and bytes) dropped at the APN from which they exit because mobile-to-mobile traffic has been redirected. This field displays only when the redirect intermobile ip command is configured.

secondary dns

IP address of the secondary DNS server.

secondary nbns

IP address of the secondary NBNS.


Total number of G-PDU bytes sent by the GSN (GGSN or SGSN D-node).


Total number of G-PDU packets sent by the GSN (GGSN or SGSN D-node).


Last sequence number used in the downlink T-PDU. This number wraps to 0 after 65535.


Last sequence number used in the uplink T-PDU. This number wraps to 0 after 65535.


IP address of the SGSN that is processing the packets.


IP address of the SGSN that is processing tunnel packet data units (TPDUs).


Last sequence number used in the GTP signaling message.


Source of IP addressing for the MS. The possible values are:

DHCP—Dynamic address allocation using DHCP.

IPCP—Dynamic address allocation for PPP PDP types, or for IP PDP types with PPP regeneration, using PPP IP Control Protocol.

Pending—Waiting for dynamic address allocation. Dynamic address source is unknown.

Radius—Dynamic address allocation using RADIUS.

Static—IP address is not dynamically assigned.

Src addr violation

Number of packets (and bytes) dropped because of source address violation. This field displays only when the security verify source command is configured.


Tunnel ID for the PDP context.

tos mask map

ToS value in IP header of this PDP context.

umts qos_req

Requested UMTS quality of service by the PDP context. This field displays when UMTS QoS is enabled on the GGSN.

umts qos_neg

Negotiated UMTS quality of service for the PDP context. This field displays when UMTS QoS is enabled on the GGSN.


Flow label of uplink G-PDUs.


Flow label of uplink signaling messages.

user_name (IMSI)

International mobile subscriber identity for the PDP context.

Table 19 describes the fields shown in the Network Init Information section of the output.

Note The Network Init Information section of the output appears only when network-initiated PDP contexts are unsuccessful.

Table 19 show gprs gtp pdp-context tid Network Init Information Field Descriptions 



Number of bytes currently buffered for this network-initiated PDP context.


Time when the PDP context for this TID was last accessed. The date format is MMM DD YYYY. The time format is hours:minutes:seconds.

When a signaling packet or data packet for a PDP context arrives on the GGSN, the last_access_time is reset to the current date and time. If the last_access_time exceeds the purge timer for idle PDP contexts, then the PDP context is purged by the GGSN.


Mobile not reachable flag, with the following values:

0—flag is off.

1—flag is on, indicating that the MS is not reachable

NIP State

State information for the network initiated PDP process on the GGSN.

PDU Discard Flag

Discarded PDU indicator for a network initiated PDP context, with the following values:

0—PDUs are not discarded. This indicates that PDUs for a network initiated PDP context are being sent to the SGSN.

1—PDUs are being discarded by the GGSN. PDUs are discarded by the GGSN when a network initiated PDP context procedure is unsuccessful. This occurs when the SGSN sends a rejection of the PDP context request to the GGSN with a Cause value of either "MS Refuses" or "MS is not GPRS Responding."

When the flag is set to 1, the GGSN ignores PDUs destined for that MS for the specified PDU discard period. The default period is 300 seconds (5 minutes). You can configure the PDU discard time using the gprs ntwk-init-pdp pdu-discard-period command.


IP address of the SGSN that is associated with the network-initiated procedure for this PDP context (used for paging).

Related Commands


show gprs access-point

Displays information about access points on the GGSN.

show gprs gtp status

Displays information about the current status of the GTP on the GGSN (such as activated PDP contexts, throughput, and QoS statistics).

show gprs gtp statistics

To display the current GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) statistics for the GGSN (such as IE, GTP signaling, and GTP PDU statistics), use the show gprs gtp statistics privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)GB and the following fields were added to the output display:

total created_pdp

total deleted_pdp


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX, and the following new output fields were added:






total created_ppp_pdp

total ntwkInit created pdp


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YW and the following new output fields were added:





total deleted_ppp_pdp


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in GGSN 5.0 and the following new output fields were added:


network_behind_ms APNs





Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp statistics command to display the GTP statistics for the GGSN. The counter values displayed by this command represent totals accumulated since the last time the statistical counters were cleared using the clear gprs gtp statistics command.


The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp statistics command:

router# show gprs gtp statistics
GPRS GTP Statistics:
version_not_support 0 msg_too_short 0
unknown_msg 0 unexpected_sig_msg 0
unexpected_data_msg 0 mandatory_ie_missing 0
mandatory_ie_incorrect 0 optional_ie_invalid 0
ie_unknown 0 ie_out_of_order 0
ie_unexpected 0 ie_duplicated 0
optional_ie_incorrect 0 pdp_activation_rejected 10981
tft_semantic_error 0 tft_syntactic_error 0
pkt_ftr_semantic_error 0 pkt_ftr_syntactic_error 0
non_existent 0 path_failure 0
total_dropped 0 signalling_msg_dropped 0
data_msg_dropped 0 no_resource 0
get_pak_buffer_failure 0 rcv_signalling_msg 15401
snd_signalling_msg 19243 rcv_pdu_msg 0
snd_pdu_msg 0 rcv_pdu_bytes 0
snd_pdu_bytes 0 total created_pdp 3761
total deleted_pdp 3661 total created_ppp_pdp 0
total deleted_ppp_pdp 0 ppp_regen_pending 0
ppp_regen_pending_peak 0 ppp_regen_total_drop 0
ppp_regen_no_resource 0 ntwk_init_pdp_act_rej 0
total ntwkInit created pdp 0

GPRS Network behind mobile Statistics:
network_behind_ms APNs 1 total_download_route 5
save_download_route_fail 0 insert_download_route_fail 2
total_insert_download_route 3

Table 20 describes the fields shown in the display:

Table 20 show gprs gtp statistics Field Descriptions



Number of GTP PDUs dropped.


Number of times the GGSN has failed to obtain a GTP packet.


Number of GTP messages received with a duplicated information element.


Number of GTP messages received with an information element (IE) out of order.


Number of GTP messages received with an information element that not expected in the GTP message, but is defined in GTP. GTP messages with unexpected IEs are processed as if the IE was not present.


Number of GTP messages received with an information element of an unknown type.


Number of routes downloaded from the RADIUS server that failed to be inserted into the routing table because they conflicted with others.


Number of GTP messages received with an incorrect mandatory information element—for example, with an information element that has an incorrect length.


Number of GTP messages received with a missing mandatory information element.


Number of GTP messages received that are too short to hold the GTP header for the supported GTP version.

network_behind_ms APNs

Number of APNs configured to support routing behind the MS.


Number of times a resource was not available for transmitting GTP messages. For example, the router may be out of memory.


Number of


Number of rejected PDP context requests that were initiated by the network (PDN).


Number of GTP messages received with an optional IE that is incorrect, which prevents the GGSN from processing the GTP message correctly.


Number of GTP messages received with an information element that contains a value that is not within the defined range for that IE. GTP messages with invalid optional IEs are processed as if the IE was not present.


Number of GTP messages received with an IE element with packet filter semantic errors. A semantic error is when the defined format of the information element (IE) is valid but the content of the IE is inconsistent or invalid.


Number of GTP messages received with an IE element with packet filter syntactic errors. A syntactic error is when the coding of the IE is invalid.


Number of path failures on the GPRS Support Node (GSN).


Number of times a request to activate a PDP context was rejected.


Total number of rejected responses to create PDP context and delete PDP context requests due to unavailable resource on the GGSN for PPP regeneration.


Number of pending PPP regeneration sessions.


Maximum number of pending PPP regeneration sessions since the statistic was cleared.


Total number of create PDP context and delete PDP context requests that were dropped due to the threshold limit being reached for maximum number of PPP regeneration sessions allowed on the GGSN.


Number of bytes received in protocol data units (PDUs).


Number of PDU messages received.


Number of GTP signaling messages received.


Number of times a downloaded route could not be saved because there was not enough memory.


Number of GTP signaling messages dropped.


Number of PDU bytes sent.


Number of PDU messages sent.


Number of GTP signaling messages sent.


Number of GTP messages received with an IE element with traffic flow template (TFT) semantic errors. A semantic error is when the defined format of the information element (IE) is valid but the content of the IE is inconsistent or invalid.


Number of GTP messages received with an IE element with TFT syntactic errors. A syntactic error is when the coding of the IE is invalid.

total created_pdp

Total number of PDP contexts created since system startup (supports Special Mobile Group (SMG)-28 standards level and later)

total created_ppp_pdp

Total number of PDP contexts created for PPP PDP PDU types.

total deleted_pdp

Total number of PDP contexts deleted since system startup (supports SMG-28 standards level and later)

total deleted_ppp_pdp

Total number of PDP contexts created for PPP PDP PDU types deleted since system startup.


Total number of routes downloaded from the RADIUS server.


Number of GTP messages dropped.


Total number of routes downloaded from the RADIUS server that have been inserted into the routing table by the GGSN.

total ntwkInit created pdp

Number of PDP context requests activated by the GGSN that were initiated by the network (PDN).


Number of GTP PDUs received for nonexistent PDP contexts.


Number of unexpected GTP signaling messages received—for example, a message received on the wrong end of the tunnel or a response message received for a request that was not sent by the GGSN.


Number of unknown GTP messages received.


Number of GTP messages received from devices running an unsupported version of the GTP.

Related Commands


show gprs gtp parameters

Displays the current GTP parameters configured on the GGSN.

show gprs gtp path

Displays information about one or more GTP paths between the GGSN and other GPRS devices.

show gprs gtp pdp-context

Displays a list of the currently active PDP contexts (mobile sessions).

show gprs gtp status

Displays information about the current status of GTP on the GGSN.

show gprs charging statistics

Displays current statistics for the transfer of charging packets between the GGSN and charging gateways.

show gprs gtp status

To display information about the current status of the GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) on the GGSN (such as activated PDP contexts, throughput, and QoS statistics), use the show gprs gtp status privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp status

Syntax DescriptionDescription

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX, and the following output fields were added:









This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YW and the following output fields were added:

activated gtpv0 pdp

activated gtpv1 pdp

activated ms


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp status command to display information about the status of GTP running on the GGSN. The output fields displayed by the show gprs gtp status command vary by the type of QoS method that is enabled on the GGSN.

The values displayed by the show gprs gtp status command show the current counts since the GGSN was started. Unlike the values displayed by the show gprs gtp statistics command, these values cannot be cleared.


Example 1

The following example shows output from the show gprs gtp status command for an activated network-initiated PDP context using the canonical QoS method:

Router# show gprs gtp status
GPRS GTP Status:
gsn_used_bandwidth 7399 total gsn_resource 4294967295
activated_pdp 1 ntwk_init_pdp 1
mean_throughput_premium 1110.000
mean_throughput_normal 0.000 mean_throughput_besteffort 0.000
qos_high_pdp 1 qos_normal_pdp 0
qos_low_pdp 0 qos premium mean-throughput-deviation 0.100

Example 2

The following example shows output from the show gprs gtp status command for activated 2 PPP PDP contexts using the canonical QoS method. Both of the PDP contexts are using the premium QoS class, indicated by the qos_high_pdp output field:

Router# show gprs gtp status
GPRS GTP Status:
gsn_used_bandwidth 14798 total gsn_resource 1048576
activated_pdp 2 ntwk_init_pdp 0
activated_ppp_pdp 2
mean_throughput_premium 2220.000
mean_throughput_normal 0.000 mean_throughput_besteffort 0.000
qos_high_pdp 2 qos_normal_pdp 0
qos_low_pdp 0 qos premium mean-throughput-deviation 0.100

Note All output fields except those related to PDP context creation appear only when canonical QoS is enabled on the GGSN.

Example 3

The following example shows output from the show gprs gtp status command for 3 activated PPP regenerated PDP contexts not using either the canonical or delay QoS method:

Router# show gprs gtp status
GPRS GTP Status:
activated_pdp 3 ntwk_init_pdp 0
activated_ppp_pdp 0 activated_ppp_regen_pdp 3

Example 4

The following example shows output from the show gprs gtp status command for 4 activated PDP contexts using the delay QoS method. The PDP contexts are using the delay class 1, delay class 2, and delay best effort class:

Router# show gprs gtp status
GPRS GTP Status:
activated_pdp 4 ntwk_init_pdp 0
activated_ppp_pdp 0 activated_ppp_regen_pdp 0
qos_delay1_pdp 1 qos_delay2_pdp 1
qos_delay3_pdp 0 qos_delaybesteffort_pdp 2

Example 5

The following example shows output from the show gprs gtp status command with 2 active PDP contexts using GTP version 1, and 5 active mobile stations:

router# show gprs gtp status
GPRS GTP Status:
activated_pdp                    2 ntwk_init_pdp 0
activated_ppp_pdp                0
activated gtpv0 pdp              0
activated gtpv1 pdp              2
activated ms                     5

Table 21 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 21 show gprs gtp status Field Descriptions


activated gtpv0 pdp

Number of PDP contexts created with GTP version 0.

activated gtpv1 pdp

Number of PDP contexts created with GTP version 1.

activated ms

Number of active mobile stations (MS).


Number of PDP contexts currently activated. This number includes PDP contexts initiated by both the MS and the network (PDN).


Number of point-to-point protocol PDP contexts currently activated.


Number of point-to-point protocol PDP contexts created on the GGSN.


Currently used bandwidth, in bits per second. Represents the cumulative bandwidth for all active PDP context requests currently using canonical QoS. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.


Total mean throughput for best effort QoS users, in bits per second. Represents the cumulative throughput for all active PDP context requests classified in the best effort canonical QoS class. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.


Total mean throughput for normal QoS users, in bits per second. Represents the cumulative throughput for all active PDP context requests classified in the normal canonical QoS class. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.


Total mean throughput for premium QoS users, in bits per second. Represents the cumulative throughput for all active PDP context requests classified in the premium canonical QoS class. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.


Current number of active PDP contexts that are initiated by the network to an MS.


Current number of active PDP contexts that are classified in the class 1 delay QoS class. This field only appears when delay QoS is enabled.


Current number of active PDP contexts that are classified in the class 2 delay QoS class. This field only appears when delay QoS is enabled.


Current number of active PDP contexts that are classifed in the class 3 delay QoS class. This field only appears when delay QoS is enabled.


Current number of active PDP contexts that are classified in the best effort delay QoS class. This field only appears when delay QoS is enabled.


Current number of active PDP contexts that are classified in the premium canonical QoS class. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.


Current number of PDP contexts that are classified in the best effort canonical QoS class. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.


Current number of PDP contexts that are classified in the normal canonical QoS class. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.

qos premium mean-throughput-deviation

Current mean throughput deviation for QoS. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.

total gsn_resource

Currently available GSN resources. This field only appears when canonical QoS is enabled.

Related Commands


encapsulation gtp

Sets the encapsulation type for all connections established using the virtual template to GTP. This is mandatory for all GTP interfaces.

show gprs gtp statistics

Displays the current GTP statistics for the GGSN.

show gprs gtp-director pending-request

To display a list of the create PDP context requests sent by GDM to a real GGSN that are pending expiration of the retry timer, use the show gprs gtp-director pending-request privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp-director pending-request {tid hex-data | all}

Syntax Description

tid hex-data

Displays the create PDP context currently requested by GDM for the specified tunnel ID. Enter the TID in hexadecimal format.


Displays a list of all create PDP contexts currently requested by GDM.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp-director pending-request command to display a list of the create PDP context requests currently sent by GDM to a real GGSN that are pending expiration of the retry timer.

Note The show gprs gtp-director pending-request command shows only those PDP contexts that have been requested by GDM for a real GGSN—it does not represent the number of PDP contexts that are currently active with that GGSN.

The create PDP context requests that have been sent will continue to appear in the GDM output display until the GTP director retry timeout period has expired. You can configure the GTP director retry timeout period using the gprs gtp-director retry-timeout command.


Example 1

The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp-director pending-request tid command. The output shows that GDM has sent a create PDP context request for TID 1234120000000000 to the real GGSN with IP address for a real APN called corporateb.com.

GDM received the original create PDP context request from the SGSN with IP address, for an APN called corporate. The corporate APN is a virtual APN that is configured at the HLR and at the DNS server used by the SGSN. The DNS server used by the SGSN should return the IP address of the GDM router for the virtual APN name.

Notice that corporateb.com appears under the output field called Domain-Name, which represents the domain portion of the username. The username (with format login@domain) is specified in the protocol configuration option (PCO) of the original create PDP context request from the SGSN. The domain name becomes the APN that GDM specifies in its create PDP context request sent to the real GGSN. In this case, GDM has sent a create PDP context request for TID 1234120000000000 to GGSN for the corporateb.com APN:

router# show gprs gtp-director pending-request tid 1234120000000000
TID               GGSN-ADDR      SGSN-ADDR     APN-NAME            DOMAIN-NAME
1234120000000000    corporate           corporateb.com

Example 2

The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp-director pending-request all command:

router# show gprs gtp-director pending-request all
TID               GGSN-ADDR      SGSN-ADDR     APN-NAME            DOMAIN-NAME
1234000000000000    corporate           corporatea.com
1234120000000000    corporate           corporateb.com
8808000000000000    corporate           corporatec.com

Example 3

The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp-director pending-request tid command, where no domain name has been provided in the PCO IE. In this case, GDM specifies corporatea.com as the APN in the create PDP context request to the GGSN at

router# show gprs gtp-director pending-request tid 1111220000333000
TID               GGSN-ADDR      SGSN-ADDR     APN-NAME            DOMAIN-NAME
1111220000333000    corporatea.com            —

Table 22 describes the fields shown in the displays:

Table 22 show gprs gtp-director pending-request Field Descriptions 



Tunnel identifier of the PDP context request.


IP address of the real GGSN to which GDM has sent the create PDP context request.


IP address of the SGSN from which the original create PDP context request was received by GDM.


APN name specified in the original create PDP context request from the SGSN.

Note In the case where a domain name is provided in the PCO information element (IE) of the create PDP context request, this APN represents a virtual APN name, which means that this APN does not correspond to a real destination network. GDM determines the real destination network by the domain requested in the PCO IE.


Domain name specified in the username portion of the PCO. This domain is the APN of the real destination network that is requested by GDM in the create PDP context request to the real GGSN.

Note If the Domain-Name field contains a dash, it indicates that the domain name is not provided in the PCO IE. In this case, GDM uses the value of the APN as the real destination network.


Related Commands


gprs gtp-director retry-timeout

Specifies the amount of time during which the GTP director forwards retries from an SGSN to the selected GGSN to establish a PDP context.

show gprs gtp-director statistics

To display the current statistics for create requests received by GDM, use the show gprs gtp-director statistics privileged EXEC command.

show gprs gtp-director statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs gtp-director statistics command to display the current statistics for create requests received by GDM.

Most of the counter values displayed by this command represent totals accumulated since the last time the statistical counters were cleared using the clear gprs gtp-director statistics command. However, the counter for the number of unique PDP contexts pending retry timeout increments and decrements as the GTP director idle time-out period is reached for a forwarded PDP context.


The following is sample output of the show gprs gtp-director statistics command:

router# show gprs gtp-director statistics
     GTP-Director Statistics
Number of unique pdp-contexts forwarded:             23
Total number of create requests forwarded:           50
Total number of create requests rejected:            0
Number of unique pdp-contexts pending retry-timeout: 2
Total number of unsupported messages received:       0
Total number of requests dropped:                    0

Table 23 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 23 show gprs gtp-director statistics Field Descriptions 


Number of unique pdp-contexts forwarded

Number of create PDP context requests with unique TIDs that GDM has forwarded to a real GGSN. This number does not include retries by the SGSN.

Total number of create requests forwarded

Total number of create PDP context requests, including retries from the SGSN, that GDM has forwarded to a real GGSN.

Total number of create requests rejected

Total number of create PDP context requests sent by the SGSN that GDM has rejected. For example, if an invalid domain name is requested, the create PDP context request is rejected.

Number of unique pdp-contexts pending retry-timeout

Number of create PDP context requests with unique TIDs, that have been forwarded by GDM to a real GGSN, whose retry timeout period has not expired. When the retry timeout period is reached, this counter is decremented.

You can display the create PDP context requests that are pending retry timeout using the show gprs gtp-director pending-request command.

Total number of unsupported messages received

Total number of messages received that GDM cannot process (for example, delete PDP context requests or echo messages).

Under normal conditions, this counter should not increment. If the counter is incrementing, a problem in the network is indicated.

The only signaling message that GDM receives and processes is a create PDP context request.

Total number of requests dropped

Total number of create PDP context requests that were unable to be forwarded by GDM.

Dropped requests indicate a routing problem between the GTP stack and the IP stack. However, this counter does not indicate problems at the IP level.

Related Commands


clear gprs gtp-director statistics

Clears the current GDM forwarded and rejected request counters.

gprs gtp-director retry-timeout

Specifies the amount of time during which the GTP director forwards retries from an SGSN to the selected GGSN to establish a PDP context.

show gprs gtp-director pending-request

Displays a list of the create PDP context requests sent by GDM to a real GGSN that are pending retry timeout.

show gprs ms-address exclude-range

To display the IP address range(s) configured on the GGSN for the GPRS network, use the show gprs ms-address exclude-range privileged EXEC command.

show gprs ms-address exclude-range

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs ms-address exclude-range command to display the IP address range(s) configured on the GGSN for the GPRS network.

IP addresses are 32-bit values.


The following is sample output of the show gprs ms-address exclude-range command:

router# show gprs ms-address exclude-range
Start IP End IP

Table 24 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 24 show gprs ms-address exclude-range Field Descriptions


Start IP

IP address at the beginning of the range.

End IP

IP address at the end of the range.

Related Commands


gprs ms-address exclude-range

Specifies the IP address range(s) used by the GPRS network and thereby excluded from the mobile station (MS) IP address range.

show gprs plmn ip address

To display the IP address range(s) configured for a PLMN, use the show gprs plmn ip address privileged EXEC command.

show gprs plmn ip address

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs plmn ip address command to display the IP address range(s) configured for a PLMN.

IP addresses are 32-bit values.


The following is sample output of the show gprs plmn ip address command:

router# show gprs plmn ip address
PLMN Start IP End IP Range Type sgsn sgsn sgsn

Table 24 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 25 show gprs plmn ip address Field Descriptions



IP address at the beginning of the range.

End IP

IP address at the end of the range.

Related Commands


gprs plmn ip address

Specifies the PLMN IP address range(s) used by the GGSN.

show gprs qos status

To display the number of PDP contexts currently active on the GGSN for a particular QoS class, use the show gprs qos status privileged EXEC command.

show gprs qos status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs qos status command to display the number of PDP contexts currently active on the GGSN for a particular QoS class.


Example 1

The following example shows output from the show gprs qos status command for UMTS QoS:

router# show gprs qos status
GPRS QoS Status:
conversational_pdp 100 streaming_pdp 150
interactive_pdp         1345 background_pdp    2000

Table 26 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 26 show gprs qos status Field Descriptions 



Type of QoS. Possible QoS types are:

Canonical—Configured using the gprs qos map canonical-qos command.

Delay—Configured using the gprs qos map delay command.

UMTS—Configured using the gprs qos map umts command.

None—No QoS is configured on the GGSN.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a conversational UMTS QoS traffic class.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a streaming UMTS QoS traffic class.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a interactive UMTS QoS traffic class.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a background UMTS QoS traffic class.

Example 2

The following example displays output from the show gprs qos status command for canonical QoS:

router# show gprs qos status
GPRS QoS Status:
gsn_used_bandwidth:1110.000        total gsn_resource:1048576
mean_throughput_normal:1110.000 mean_throughput_besteffort 0.000
qos_high_pdp:0                     qos_normal_pdp:1
qos_low_pdp :0                     qos_premium mean-throughput-deviation 0.100

Table 27 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 27 show gprs qos status Field Descriptions



Type of QoS. Possible QoS types are:

Canonical—Configured using the gprs qos map canonical-qos command.

Delay—Configured using the gprs qos map delay command.

UMTS—Configured using the gprs qos map umts command.

None—No QoS is configured on the GGSN.


Currently used bandwidth, in bits per second.

total gsn_resource

Currently available GSN resources.


Total mean throughput for premium QoS users, in bytes.


Total mean throughput for normal QoS users, in bytes.


Total mean throughput for best effort QoS users, in bytes.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a high QoS.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a normal QoS.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a low QoS.

qos_premium mean-throughput-deviation

Current mean throughput deviation for QoS.

Example 3

The following example displays output from the show gprs qos status command for delay QoS:

router# show gprs qos status
GPRS QoS Status:
qos_delay1_pdp:0 qos_delay2_pdp: 0
qos_delay3_pdp:0 qos_delaybesteffort_pdp 0

Table 28 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 28 show gprs qos status Field Descriptions



Type of QoS. Possible QoS types are:

Canonical—Configured using the gprs qos map canonical-qos command.

Delay—Configured using the gprs qos map delay command.

UMTS—Configured using the gprs qos map umts command.

None—No QoS is configured on the GGSN.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a delay1 QoS class.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a delay2 QoS class.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a delay3 QoS class.


Current number of PDP contexts that have a delaybesteffort_pdp QoS class.

Example 4

The following example shows output from the show gprs qos status command when no QoS has been configured on the GGSN:

router# show gprs qos status
GPRS QoS Status:

Related Commands


gprs qos map canonical-qos

Enables mapping of GPRS QoS categories to a canonical QoS method that includes best-effort, normal, and premium QoS classes.

gprs qos map delay

Enables Delay QoS on the GGSN.

gprs qos map umts

Enables UMTS QoS on the GGSN.

show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class

To display UMTS QoS mapping information, use the show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class privileged EXEC command.

show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class {all | signalling | conversational | streaming | interactive | background}

Syntax Description


Displays information for all UMTS QoS traffic classes.


Displays information for the UMTS QoS traffic class signalling.


Displays information for the UMTS QoS traffic class conversational.


Displays information for the UMTS QoS traffic class streaming.


Displays information for the UMTS QoS traffic class interactive.


Displays information for the UMTS QoS traffic class background.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XB.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class command to display information about UMTS QoS mapping.


The following example shows output from the show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class command for all UMTS QoS traffic classes:

router# show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class all
Traffic Class Diffserv PHB Group Diffserv Code Point

signaling           Signaling Class 40

conversational      EF Class                 46

streaming           AF2 Class 18,20,22

interactive AF3 Class                26,28,30

background          Best Effort              0

Table 29 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 29 show gprs umts-qos map traffic-class Field Descriptions


Traffic Class

Type of UMTS QoS traffic class as specified in the gprs umts-qos map traffic-class command. The UMTS QoS traffic classes are:






Diffserv PHB Group

Type of DiffServ PHB group as specified in the gprs umts-qos map diffserv-phb command. Possible DiffServ PHB groups are:








Diffserv Code Point

Number of DSCPs as specified in the gprs umts-qos map diffserv-phb command.

Related Commands


gprs umts-qos map traffic-class

Specifies a QoS mapping from the UMTS traffic classes to a differentiated services (DiffServ) per-hop behavior (PHB) group

gprs umts-qos map diffserv-phb

Assigns a differentiated services code point (DSCP) to a DiffServ PHB group.

show ip rtp header-compression

To display Enhanced Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (CRTP) statistics, use the show ip rtp header-compression command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip rtp header-compression [detail] [interface-type interface-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays details of each connection.

interface-type interface-number

(Optional) The interface type and number.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The command output was modified to include information related to the Distributed Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (dCRTP) feature.


The command output was modified to include information related to the Enhanced Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (ECRTP) feature.

Usage Guidelines

The detail keyword is not available with the show ip rtp header-compression command on a Route Switch Processor (RSP). However, the detail keyword is available with the show ip rtp header-compression command on a Versatile Interface Processor (VIP). Enter the show ip rtp header-compression interface-type interface-number detail command on a VIP to retrieve detailed information regarding RTP header compression on a specific interface.

The detail keyword is not supported with the show ip rtp header-compression command on the Cisco MWR 1941-DC router or the MGX-RPM-1FE-CP back card. If specified when the command is entered, the output does not display. Additionally, not all field descriptions displayed by the show ip rtp header-compression command are applicable to the MWR 1941-DC router and MGX-RPM-1FE-CP back card.


The following example displays statistics from ECRTP on an interface:

Router# show ip rtp header-compression

RTP/UDP/IP header compression statistics:
Interface Serial2/0 (compression on, IETF, ECRTP)
Rcvd: 1473 total, 1452 compressed, 0 errors, 0 status msgs
0 dropped, 0 buffer copies, 0 buffer failures
Sent: 1234 total, 1216 compressed, 0 status msgs, 379 not predicted
41995 bytes saved, 24755 bytes sent
2.69 efficiency improvement factor
Connect: 16 rx slots, 16 tx slots,
6 misses, 0 collisions, 0 negative cache hits, 13 free contexts
99% hit ratio, five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max

Table 30 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 30 show ip rtp header-compression Field Descriptions 



Type and number of interface.


Received statistics described in subsequent fields.


Number of packets received on the interface.


Number of packets received with compressed headers.


Number of errors.

status msgs

Number of resynchronization messages received from the peer.


Number of packets dropped.

buffer copies

Number of buffers that were copied.

buffer failures

Number of failures in allocating buffers.


Sent statistics described in subsequent fields.


Number of packets sent on the interface.


Number of packets sent with compressed headers.

status msgs

Number of resynchronization messages sent from the peer.

not predicted

Number of packets taking a non-optimal path through the compressor.

bytes saved

Total savings in bytes due to compression.

bytes sent

Total bytes sent after compression.

efficiency improvement factor

Compression efficiency.


Connect statistics described in subsequent fields.

rx slots

Total number of receive slots.

tx slots

Total number of transmit slots.


Total number of misses.


Total number of collisions.

negative cache hits

Total number of negative cache hits.

free contexts

Number of available context resources.

hit ratio

Percentage of received packets that have an associated context.

five minute miss rate

Number of new flows found per second averaged over the last five minutes.


Highest average rate of new flows reported.

Related Commands


ip rtp compression-connections

Specifies the total number of RTP header compression connections supported on the interface.

ip rtp header-compression

Enables RTP header compression.

show ppp mux

To display counters for a multilink interface, use the show ppp mux command in EXEC mode.

show ppp mux [interface interface]

Syntax Description

interface interface

(Optional) The identifier of the multilink or serial interface for which you want to view counters.


If no interface is specified, statistics for all multilink and serial interfaces are displayed.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced (MGX-RPM-1FE-CP back card).


This command was introduced (MWR 1941-DC router).


This command was incorporated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is only valid when issued against multilink or PPP interfaces.


The following is an example of the output generated by this command.

show ppp mux interface multilink 1

PPP Multiplex Statistics on Interface Multilink1:

 Total input packets:0
 Errored input packets:0
 Valid input bytes:0
 Total output packets:0
 Multiplexed output packets:0
 Output bytes:0
 Efficiency improvement factor:0%

 Total input packets:0
 Multiplexed input packets:0
 Errored input packets:0
 Valid input bytes:0
 Total output packets:0
 Output bytes:0
 Efficiency improvement factor:0%

Table 31 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 31 show ppp mux Field Descriptions


Total output packets

Number of outbound packets

Multiplexed output packets

Number of outbound multiplexed superframes

Output byte count

Number of outbound bytes

Total input packets

Number of inbound packets

Errored input packets

Number of inbound packets discarded due to error

Efficiency improvement factor

Percentage of efficiency improvement achieved through multiplexing or demultiplexing

The efficiency improvement factor is calculated as follows:

Multiplex efficiency improvement factor = 100 * (Total bytes saved) / (Total bytes received)

Where total bytes saved = bytes_received_at_muxer - bytes_sent_at_muxer.

Demultiplex efficiency improvement factor = 100 * (Total bytes saved) / (Total bytes sent)

Where total bytes saved = bytes_sent_at_demuxer - bytes_received_at_demuxer.

Related Commands


ppp mux

Enables PPP multiplexing/demultiplexing

show radius local-server statistics

To display the statistics for the local authentication server, use the show radius local-server statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show radius local-server statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on Cisco Aironet Access Point 1100 and Cisco Aironet Access Point 1200.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.


The following output displays statistics for the local authentication server:

Router# show radius local-server statistics

Successes : 11262 Unknown usernames : 0
Client blocks : 0 Invalid passwords : 8
Unknown NAS : 0 Invalid packet from NAS: 0

Successes : 11262 Unknown usernames : 0
Client blocks : 0 Invalid passwords : 8
Corrupted packet : 0 Unknown RADIUS message : 0
No username attribute : 0 Missing auth attribute : 0
Shared key mismatch : 0 Invalid state attribute: 0
Unknown EAP message : 0 Unknown EAP auth type : 0

Maximum number of configurable users: 50, current user count: 11
Username Successes Failures Blocks
vayu-ap-1 2235 0 0
vayu-ap-2 2235 0 0
vayu-ap-3 2246 0 0
vayu-ap-4 2247 0 0
vayu-ap-5 2247 0 0
vayu-11 3 0 0
vayu-12 5 0 0
vayu-13 5 0 0
vayu-14 30 0 0
vayu-15 3 0 0
scm-test 1 8 0

Related Commands


block count

Configures the parameters for locking out members of a group to help protect against unauthorized attacks.

clear radius local-server

Clears the statistics display or unblocks a user.

debug radius local-server

Displays the debug information for the local server.


Enters user group configuration mode and configures shared setting for a user group.


Adds an access point or router to the list of devices that use the local authentication server.

radius-server host

Specifies the remote RADIUS server host.

radius-server local

Enables the access point or router to be a local authentication server and enters into configuration mode for the authenticator.

reauthentication time

Specifies the time (in seconds) after which access points or wireless-aware routers must reauthenticate the members of a group.


Specifies up to 20 SSIDs to be used by a user group.


Authorizes a user to authenticate using the local authentication server.


Specifies a VLAN to be used by members of a user group.

show tech-support cdma pdsn

To display PDSN information that is useful to Cisco Customer Engineers for diagnosing problems, use the show tech-support cdma pdsn command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tech support cdma pdsn

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was modified to include PDSN status.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the output of several show commands. We recommend that you attach the output of this command whenever you submit a PDSN problem report.


The following example shows typical output of the show tech-support cdma pdsn command:

pdsn-6500#show tech-support cdma pdsn

------------------ show version ------------------

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 6500 Software (C6500-C5IS-M), Experimental Version 12.2(20020306:074931) [user-dw91527 104]
Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 06-Mar-02 22:21 by user
Image text-base:0x600088E0, data-base:0x6169A000

ROM:System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(19990210:195103) [12.0XE 105], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
BOOTLDR:6500 Software (C6500-BOOT-M), Version 12.0(3)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

mwt10-7206a uptime is 20 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload at 23:17:59 UTC Wed Mar 6 2002
System image file is "tftp://"

cisco 7206VXR (NPE300) processor (revision D) with 229376K/65536K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 21302179
R7000 CPU at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache
6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.1

Last reset from power-on
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
8 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 ATM network interface(s)
125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

8192K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K).
4096K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
Configuration register is 0x0

------------------ show running-config ------------------

Building configuration...

Current configuration :3015 bytes
version 12.2
no parser cache
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service cdma pdsn
hostname mwt10-7206a
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default none
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
aaa authentication ppp VPDN group radius
aaa authorization config-commands
aaa authorization ipmobile default group radius
aaa authorization network default group radius
aaa authorization network VPDN group radius
aaa authorization config-commands
aaa authorization network default group radius
aaa authorization configuration default group radius
aaa accounting update periodic 10
aaa accounting network pdsn start-stop group radius
aaa session-id common
enable secret 5 <removed>
enable password <removed>
username abc password 0 <removed>
ip subnet-zero
no ip gratuitous-arps
ip cef
ip cef accounting per-prefix non-recursive prefix-length
ip ftp source-interface Ethernet2/0
no ip domain-lookup
vpdn enable
vpdn authen-before-forward
virtual-profile aaa
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface CDMA-Ix1
ip address
tunnel source
tunnel key 0
tunnel sequence-datagrams
interface FastEthernet1/0
ip address
duplex half
 speed auto
 no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/0
ip address
no ip proxy-arp
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/1
ip address
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/2
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/3
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/4
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/5
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/6
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet2/7
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
duplex half
no cdp enable
interface ATM4/0
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface Virtual-Template1
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip mobile foreign-service challenge
ip mobile foreign-service reverse-tunnel
 ip mobile registration-lifetime 65535
no peer default ip address
ppp authentication chap pap optional
router mobile
ip local pool ispabc-pool1
ip classless
ip route
no ip http server
ip pim bidir-enable
ip mobile foreign-agent care-of Ethernet2/0
ip mobile proxy-host nai mwts-mipp-np-user1@ispxyz.com flags 42
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit
no cdp run
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key <removed>
radius-server retransmit 3
radius-server optional-passwords
radius-server key <removed>
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication
radius-server vsa send accounting 3gpp2
radius-server vsa send authentication 3gpp2
cdma pdsn virtual-template 1
cdma pdsn a10 max-lifetime 65535
cdma pdsn a10 ahdlc-engine 5 usable-channels 8000
cdma pdsn timeout mobile-ip-registration 300
cdma pdsn msid-authentication
cdma pdsn selection interface Ethernet2/0
cdma pdsn secure pcf default spi 100 key ascii test
cdma pdsn secure pcf spi 100 key ascii test
cdma pdsn secure pcf spi 1000 key ascii cisco
cdma pdsn secure cluster default spi 100 key ascii cisco
call rsvp-sync
mgcp profile default
dial-peer cor custom
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password <removed>

------------------ show cdma pdsn ------------------

PDSN software version 1.2, service is enabled

A11 registration-update timeout 1 sec, retransmissions 5
Mobile IP registration timeout 300 sec
A10 maximum lifetime allowed 65535 sec
GRE sequencing is on
Maximum PCFs limit not set, maximum sessions limit not set
SNMP failure history table size 100
MSID Authentication is enabled
Network code digits for IMSI 5, MIN 6, IRM 4
Profile Password is cisco
Ingress address filtering is disabled
Sending Agent Adv in case of IPCP Address Negotiation is disabled
Aging of idle users disabled

Number of pcfs connected 1
Number of sessions connected 1,
Simple IP flows 0, Mobile IP flows 0,
Proxy Mobile IP flows 1

------------------ show ip interface brief ------------------

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet1/0 YES NVRAM up up
Ethernet2/0 YES manual up up
Ethernet2/1 YES NVRAM up up
Ethernet2/2 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
Ethernet2/3 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
Ethernet2/4 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
Ethernet2/5 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
Ethernet2/6 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
Ethernet2/7 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
ATM4/0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
Loopback0 YES NVRAM up up
Virtual-Template1 YES unset down down
Virtual-Access1 unassigned YES unset up up
Mobile0 unassigned YES unset up up
Tunnel0 unassigned YES unset up up
Tunnel1 YES unset up up
Virtual-Access2 unassigned YES unset down down
Virtual-Access3 unassigned YES unset up up
Virtual-Access3.1 YES unset up up

------------------ show ip route ------------------

Codes:C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set

C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0
C is directly connected, CDMA-Ix1
C is directly connected, Loopback0
C is directly connected, Ethernet2/0
S [1/0] via
C is directly connected, Ethernet2/1 is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Virtual-Access3.1

------------------ show cdma pdsn session brief ------------------

MSID PCF IP Address PSI Age St Flows Interface
11122000050031 1 00:19:57 ACT 1 Virtual-Access3.1

------------------ show cdma pdsn session ------------------

Mobile Station ID IMSI 11122000050031
PCF IP Address, PCF Session ID 1
A10 connection time 00:19:57, registration lifetime 1800 sec
Number of A11 re-registrations 1, time since last registration 1193 sec
Current Access network ID 0004-0000-01
Last airlink record received is Active Start, airlink is active
GRE sequence number transmit 12, receive 12
Using interface Virtual-Access3.1, status ACT
Using AHDLC engine on slot 5, channel ID 0
This session has 1 flow

Flow service Proxy-Mobile, NAI mwts-mipp-np-user1@ispxyz.com
Mobile Node IP address
Home Agent IP address
Packets in 0, bytes in 0
Packets out 0, bytes out 0

------------------ show cdma pdsn pcf brief ------------------

PCF IP Address Sessions Pkts In Pkts Out Bytes In Bytes Out 1 0 12 0 396

------------------ show cdma pdsn pcf ------------------

PCF has 1 session
Received 0 pkts (0 bytes), sent 12 pkts (396 bytes)

PCF Session ID 1, Mobile Station ID IMSI 11122000050031
A10 connection age 00:19:58
A10 registration lifetime 1800 sec, time since last registration 1194 sec

------------------ show cdma pdsn selection summary ------------------

CDMA PDSN selection summary:
Hostname PDSN Session-count Max-sessions
*mwt10-7206a 1 8000
mwt10-7206b 0 8000

Hostname Keepalive Interface Load-factor
*mwt10-7206a 30 0.00
mwt10-7206b 30 0.00

------------------ show ip mobile traffic ------------------

IP Mobility traffic:
Solicitations received 0
Advertisements sent 0, response to solicitation 0
Home Agent Registrations:
Register 0, Deregister 0 requests
Register 0, Deregister 0 replied
Accepted 0, No simultaneous bindings 0
Denied 0, Ignored 0 , Dropped 0
Unspecified 0, Unknown HA 0
Administrative prohibited 0, No resource 0
Authentication failed MN 0, FA 0, active HA 0
Bad identification 0, Bad request form 0
Unavailable encap 0, reverse tunnel 0
Reverse tunnel mandatory 0
Binding Updates received 0, sent 0 total 0 fail 0
Binding Update acks received 0 sent 0
Binding info requests received 0, sent 0 total 0 fail 0
Binding info reply received 0 drop 0, sent 0 total 0 fail 0
Binding info reply acks received 0 drop 0, sent 0
Gratuitous 0, Proxy 0 ARPs sent
Route Optimization Binding Updates sent 0, acks received 0 neg acks received 0
Unrecognized VendorID or CVSE-Type in CVSE sent by MN to HA 0
Unrecognized VendorID or CVSE-Type in CVSE sent by FA to HA 0
Foreign Agent Registrations:
Request in 0,
Forwarded 0, Denied 0, Ignored 0
Unspecified 0, HA unreachable 0
Administrative prohibited 0, No resource 0
Bad lifetime 0, Bad request form 0
Unavailable encapsulation 0, Compression 0
Unavailable reverse tunnel 0
Reverse tunnel mandatory 0
Replies in 1
Forwarded 0, Bad 0, Ignored 1
Authentication failed MN 0, HA 0
Received challenge/gen. authentication extension, feature not enabled 0
Route Optimization Binding Updates received 0, acks sent 0 neg acks sent 0
Unknown challenge 0, Missing challenge 0, Stale challenge 0
Unrecognized VendorID or CVSE-Type in CVSE sent by MN to FA 0
Unrecognized VendorID or CVSE-Type in CVSE sent by HA to FA 0

------------------ show ip mobile globals ------------------

IP Mobility global information:
Home Agent is not enabled

Foreign Agent

Pending registrations expire after 15 secs
Care-of addresses advertised
Ethernet2/0 ( - up

0 interfaces providing service
Encapsulations supported:IPIP and GRE
Tunnel fast switching enabled
Tunnel path MTU discovery aged out after 10 min

------------------ show ip mobile interface ------------------

IP Mobility interface information:

------------------ show vpdn tunnel ------------------

------------------ show cdma pdsn resource ------------------

Resource allocated/available in the resource manager

slot 0:
Engine is ENABLED
total channels:16000, available channels:16000

show wlccp wds

To display information about the wireless domain services (WDS) device or information about client devices, use the show wlccp wds command in privileged EXEC mode.

show wlccp wds [ap | mn] [detail] [mac-addr mac-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays access points participating in Cisco Centralized Key Management (CCKM).


(Optional) Displays cached information about client devices, also called mobile nodes.


(Optional) Displays the lifetime of the client, the service set identifier (SSID), and the virtual LAN (VLAN) ID.


(Optional) Displays information about a specific client device.


Client's MAC address.


If you do not enter any options with the show wlccp wds command, this command displays the IP address of the WDS device, the MAC address, the priority, and the interface state. If the interface state is backup, the command also displays the IP address of the current WDS device, the MAC address, and the priority.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

To show information about the WDS device, do not enter any keywords with this command.


The following command entry displays information about the WDS device:

show wlccp wds ap

The following command entry displays cached information, including details, about the client device with the specified MAC address:

show wlccp wds mn detail mac-addr 00-05-C2-00-01-F5

The following is sample output from the show wlccp wds command:

Router# show wlccp wds

MAC:0001.28e0.a400, IP-ADDR: , Priority:255
Interface Vlan1, State:Administratively StandAlone - ACTIVE
AP Count:1 , MN Count:0 , MAX AP Count:50

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.



MAC address of the interface on which the WDS is configured.


IP address of the interface on which the WDS is configured.


Priority of the WDS.


Interface on which the WDS is configured.


State of the WDS. The state can be INITIALIZATION/BACKUP/ACTIVE/.

AP Count

Number of access points registered to the WDS.

MN Count

Number of mobile nodes registered to the WDS.

MAX AP Count

Maximum number of access points that can be registered.

Related Commands


debug wlccp packet

Displays packet traffic to and from the WDS router.

debug wlccp wds

Displays either WDS debug state or WDS statistics messages.

wlccp authentication-server client

Configures the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication.

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure

Configures the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication for the wireless infrastructure devices.

wlccp wds priority interface

Enables a wireless device such as an access point or a wireless-aware router to be a WDS candidate.

snmp-server enable traps cdma

To enable network management traps for CDMA, use the snmp-server enable traps cdma command in global configuration mode. To disable network management traps for CDMA, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server enable traps cdma

no snmp-server enable traps cdma

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Network management traps disabled.

Command Modes

Global Configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following example enables network management traps for CDMA:

snmp-server enable traps cdma


To enter up to 20 service set identifiers (SSIDs) to a user group, use the ssid command in local RADIUS server group configuration mode. To instruct the access point (AP) not to check if the client has come in on a list of specified SSIDs, use the no form of this command.

ssid ssid-number

no ssid ssid-number

Syntax Description


SSID number of user group members.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Local RADIUS server group configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on Cisco Aironet Access Point 1100 and Cisco Aironet Access Point 1200.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

You can enter up to 20 SSIDs to limit users to those SSIDs.


The following example shows that the SSID "green" has been added to the local user group:

ssid green

Related Commands


block count

Configures the parameters for locking out members of a group to help protect against unauthorized attacks.

clear radius local-server

Clears the statistics display or unblocks a user.

debug radius local-server

Displays the debug information for the local server.


Enters user group configuration mode and configures shared setting for a user group.


Adds an access point or router to the list of devices that use the local authentication server.

radius-server host

Specifies the remote RADIUS server host.

radius-server local

Enables the access point or router to be a local authentication server and enters into configuration mode for the authenticator.

reauthentication time

Specifies the time (in seconds) after which access points or wireless-aware routers must reauthenticate the members of a group.

show radius local-server statistics

Displays statistics for a local network access server.


Authorizes a user to authenticate using the local authentication server.


Specifies a VLAN to be used by members of a user group.


To specify that the MWR 1941-DC is being used in a stand-alone configuration (which impacts the relays on the VWIC), use the standalone command. To use the MWR 1941-DC in a redundant configuration, use the no form of this command.

[no] standalone

Syntax Description

This command has no attributes.


By default, the MWR 1941-DC is configured to be used in a redundant configuration (no standalone) and the relays are open.

Command Modes

Y-cable configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

Issuing the standalone command closes the relays on the VWICs installed in the MWR 1941-DC.


The following example closes the relays so that the MWR 1941-DC can be used as a stand-alone device.


Related Commands


mode y-cable

Invokes y-cable mode.

standby use-interface

Specifies the interfaces to be used for health and revertive interfaces.

standby use-interface

To designate a loopback interface as a health or revertive interface, use the standby use-interface command.

standby use-interface interface {health | revertive | backhaul}

Syntax Description


Indicates the interface to be used with the specified parameter. For health and revertive, this is the loopback interface specified in the standby track command. For backhaul, the interface must be an MLPPP interface. If you want to use a serial interface as the backhaul, you must first configure that interface to be part of an MLPPP bundle.


Indicates the interface to monitor for an over temperature condition, the state of the processor, and the state of the T1/E1 firmware. If any of these watched conditions indicate a failure, this interface is brought down. Otherwise, the health interface remains in the up state.


Indicates the interface that acts as the revertive interface. If the MWR 1941-DC router changes state from active to standby, the revertive interface is brought up. If the MWR 1941-DC router changes state from standby to active, the revertive interface is brought down.


Indicates the interface to be used for backhauling.


By default, the MWR 1941-DC is configured to be used in a redundant configuration (no standalone) and the relays are open.

Command Modes

Y-cable configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

The loopback interfaces that you specify for health and revertive interfaces must be the same loopback interfaces that you specified in the standby track command. In the standby track command, the decrement value for the revertive interface should always be less than that for other interfaces. We recommend that you use loopback101 for health and loopback102 for revertive.

The interface that you specify for the backhaul must be an MLPPP interface. If you want to use a serial interface as the backhaul, you must first configure that interface to be part of an MLPPP bundle. We recommend you use multilink1 for the backhaul interface.


The following example specifies loopback101 as the health interface and loopback102 as the revertive interface.

standby use-interface loopback101 health
standby use-interface loopback102 revertive
standby use-interface multilink1 backhaul

Related Commands


mode y-cable

Invokes y-cable mode.


Invokes redundancy mode.


Specifies whether the MWR 1941-DC router is used in a redundant or stand-alone configuration.


Sets HSRP attributes


To specify that the GGSN checks the value of the selection mode in a PDP context request to determine if a subscription is required to access a PDN through a particular access point, use the subscription-required access-point configuration command. To specify that no subscription is required, use the no form of this command.


no subscription-required


No subscription is required

Command Modes

Access-point configuration.

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)MX.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was incorporated in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the subscription-required command to specify that the GGSN checks the value of the selection mode in a PDP context request to determine if a subscription is required for user access to PDNs through the current access point. When you configure the subscription-required command at the APN, the GGSN looks for the "subscription verified" selection mode in the PDP context request to establish the session. If the GGSN finds that the selection mode is designated as subscription not verified in the PDP context request, then the GGSN rejects the PDP context request.

The subscription must be set up by the service provider, and subscription information must be passed with the mobile user's PDP context requests.


The following example specifies that the GGSN checks for subscription verification in the selection mode before establishing a session at the access-point:

 access-point 1
  access-point-name gprs.somewhere.com


To enter the names of users that are allowed to authenticate using the local authentication server, use the user command in local RADIUS server configuration mode. To remove the user name and password from the local RADIUS server, use the no form of this command.

user username {password | nthash} password [group group-name]

no user username {password | nthash} password [group group-name]

Syntax Description


Name of the user that is allowed to authenticate using the local authentication server.


Indicates that the user password will be entered.


Indicates that the NT value of the password will be entered.


User password.

group group-name

(Optional) Name of group to which the user will be added.


If no group name is entered, the user is not assigned to a virtual LAN (VLAN) and is never required to reauthenticate.

Command Modes

Local RADIUS server configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on Cisco Aironet Access Point 1100 and Cisco Aironet Access Point 1200.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not know the user password, look up the NT value of the password in the authentication server database, and enter the NT hash as a hexadecimal string.


The following example shows that user "ssmith" has been allowed to authenticate using the local authentication server (using the password "smithisok"). The user will be added to the group "team1":

user ssmith password smithisok group team1

Related Commands


block count

Configures the parameters for locking out members of a group to help protect against unauthorized attacks.

clear radius local-server

Clears the statistics display or unblocks a user.

debug radius local-server

Displays the debug information for the local server.


Enters user group configuration mode and configures shared setting for a user group.


Adds an access point or router to the list of devices that use the local authentication server.

radius-server host

Specifies the remote RADIUS server host.

radius-server local

Enables the access point or router to be a local authentication server and enters into configuration mode for the authenticator.

reauthentication time

Specifies the time (in seconds) after which access points or wireless-aware routers must reauthenticate the members of a group.

show radius local-server statistics

Displays statistics for a local network access server.


Specifies up to 20 SSIDs to be used by a user group.


Specifies a VLAN to be used by members of a user group.


To specify a virtual LAN (VLAN) to be used by members of the user group, use the vlan command in local RADIUS server group configuration mode. To reset the parameter to the default value, use the no form of the command.

vlan vlan

no vlan vlan

Syntax Description




No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Local RADIUS server group configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on Cisco Aironet Access Point 1100 and Cisco Aironet Access Point 1200.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The access point or router moves group members into the VLAN that you specify, overriding any other VLAN assignments. You can assign only one VLAN to a user group.


The following example shows that VLAN "225" is to be used by members of the user group:

vlan 225

Related Commands


block count

Configures the parameters for locking out members of a group to help protect against unauthorized attacks.

clear radius local-server

Clears the statistics display or unblocks a user.

debug radius local-server

Displays the debug information for the local server.


Enters user group configuration mode and configures shared setting for a user group.


Adds an access point or router to the list of devices that use the local authentication server.

radius-server host

Specifies the remote RADIUS server host.

radius-server local

Enables the access point or router to be a local authentication server and enters into configuration mode for the authenticator.

reauthentication time

Specifies the time (in seconds) after which access points or wireless-aware routers must reauthenticate the members of a group.

show radius local-server statistics

Displays statistics for a local network access server.


Specifies up to 20 SSIDs to be used by a user group.


Authorizes a user to authenticate using the local authentication server.

vrf (access-point configuration)

To configure VPN routing and forwarding at a GGSN access point and associate the access point with a particular VRF instance, use the vrf command in access-point configuration mode.

vrf vrf-name

Syntax Description


Name of the corresponding VRF instance with which the access point is associated.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Access-point configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)YD.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)B.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the vrf command to configure VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) at a GGSN access point and associate the access point with a particular VRF instance. The vrf-name should match the name configured in an ip vrf global configuration command, and also the ip vrf forwarding command at the Gi interface.

To support VRF, you must also enable Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) switching on the router using the ip cef global configuration command.

If you are also configuring DHCP services at the APN, then you must also configure the dhcp-server ip-address vrf command.

Note Memory constraints might occur if you define a large number of access points to support VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF).


The following example shows a VRF configuration for vpn3 (without tunneling) using the ip vrf global configuration command. Because the ip vrf command establishes both VRF and CEF routing tables, notice that ip cef also is configured at the global configuration level to enable CEF switching at all of the interfaces.

The following other configuration elements must also associate the same VRF named vpn3:

FastEthernet0/0 is configured as the Gi interface using the ip vrf forwarding interface configuration command.

Access-point 2 implements VRF using the vrf command access-point configuration command.

The DHCP server at access-point 2 also is configured to support VRF. Notice that access-point 1 uses the same DHCP server, but is not supporting the VRF address space. The IP addresses for access-point 1 will apply to the global routing table:

aaa new-model
aaa group server radius foo
aaa authentication ppp foo group foo
aaa authorization network default group radius
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group foo
ip cef
ip vrf vpn3
 rd 300:3
interface Loopback1
 ip address
interface Loopback2
 ip vrf forwarding vpn3
 ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip vrf forwarding vpn3
 ip address
 duplex half
interface FastEthernet1/0
 ip address
 duplex half
interface Virtual-Template1
 ip address
 encapsulation gtp
 gprs access-point-list gprs
ip route Virtual-Template1
ip route vrf vpn3 fa0/0
ip route fa1/0
no ip http server
gprs access-point-list gprs
 access-point 1
  access-point-name gprs.pdn.com
  ip-address-pool dhcp-proxy-client
 access-point 2
  access-point-name gprs.pdn2.com
  access-mode non-transparent
  ip-address-pool dhcp-proxy-client
  dhcp-server vrf
  aaa-group authentication foo
  vrf vpn3
gprs default ip-address-pool dhcp-proxy-client
gprs gtp ip udp ignore checksum
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 non-standard
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 non-standard
radius-server key ggsntel

Related Commands



Specifies a primary (and backup) DHCP server to allocate IP addresses to MS users entering a particular PDN access point.

ip cef

Enables CEF on the RP card.

ip vrf

Configures a VRF routing table.

ip vrf forwarding

Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.


Creates routing and forwarding tables for a VRF and and specifies the default route distinguisher for a VPN.

wlccp authentication-server client

To configure the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication, use the wlccp authentication-server client command in global configuration mode. To disable the server list, use the no form of this command.

wlccp authentication-server client {any | eap | leap | mac} list

no wlccp authentication-server client {any | eap | leap | mac} list

Syntax Description


Specifies client devices that use any authentication.


Specifies client devices that use Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication.


Specifies client devices that use Light Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) authentication.


Specifies client devices that use MAC-based authentication.


List of client devices.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify a list of client devices that use any type of authentication, or you can specify a list of client devices that use a certain type of authentication (such as EAP, LEAP, or MAC-based authentication).


The following example shows how to configure the server list for LEAP authentication for client devices:

Router (config)# wlccp authentication-server client leap leap-list1

Related Commands


debug wlccp packet

Displays packet traffic to and from the WDS router.

debug wlccp wds

Displays either WDS debug state or WDS statistics messages.

show wlccp wds

Shows information about access points and client devices on the WDS router.

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure

Configures the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication for the wireless infrastructure devices.

wlccp wds priority interface

Enables a wireless device such as an access point or a wireless-aware router to be a WDS candidate.

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure

To configure the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication for the wireless infrastructure devices, use the wlccp authentication-server infrastructure command in global configuration mode. To disable the server list, use the no form of this command.

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure list

no wlccp authentication-server infrastructure list

Syntax Description


List of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication for the wireless infrastructure devices, such as access points, repeaters, and wireless-aware routers.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on Cisco Aironet access points.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.


This example shows how to configure the server list for 802.1X authentication for infrastructure devices participating in Cisco Centralized Key Management (CCKM):

Router (config)# wlccp authentication-server infrastructure wlan-list1

Related Commands


debug wlccp packet

Displays packet traffic to and from the WDS router.

debug wlccp wds

Displays either WDS debug state or WDS statistics messages.

show wlccp wds

Shows information about access points and client devices on the WDS router.

wlccp authentication-server client

Configures the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication.

wlccp wds priority interface

Enables a wireless device such as an access point or a wireless-aware router to be a WDS candidate.

wlccp wds priority interface

To configure the router or access point to provide WDS, use the wlccp wds priority interface command in global configuration mode. To remove the WDS configuration from the router or access point, use the no form of the command .

wlccp wds priority priority interface interface

no wlccp wds priority priority interface interface

Syntax Description


Priority of this WDS candidate. The valid range is from 1 to 255. The greater the priority value, the higher the priority.


Interface on which the router sends out WDS advertisements. Supported interface types are as follows:

For access points—bvi

For wireless-aware routers—bvi, svi, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced with support for Cisco Aironet access points.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 2811, Cisco 2821, Cisco 2851, Cisco 3700, and Cisco 3800 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The WDS candidate with the highest priority becomes the active WDS device.


This example shows how to configure the priority for an access point as a candidate to provide WDS with priority 200:

Router (config)# wlccp wds priority 200 interface bvi 1

Related Commands


debug wlccp packet

Displays packet traffic to and from the WDS router.

debug wlccp wds

Displays either WDS debug state or WDS statistics messages.

show wlccp wds

Shows information about access points and client devices on the WDS router.

wlccp authentication-server client

Configures the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication.

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure

Configures the list of servers to be used for 802.1X authentication for the wireless infrastructure devices.


Posted: Mon Mar 28 00:09:06 PST 2005
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