
Table Of Contents

Appendix A: SGSN D-Node Commands

clear gprs isgsn statistics

clear l2relay statistics

clear l2relay topology-map

l2relay echo-interval

l2relay flow-control

l2relay pilot-uid

l2relay use-interface

show gprs isgsn statistics

show l2relay statistics

Appendix A: SGSN D-Node Commands

The commands in this section are for certain operator-specific, SGSN D-node implementations only. These commands are not to be used for any other type of standard, SGSN-related configuration, or to configure any GGSN services.

clear gprs isgsn statistics

To clear the current GPRS intra-Serving GPRS Support Node (iSGSN) statistics, use the clear gprs isgsn statistics privileged EXEC command (SGSN D-node only).

clear gprs isgsn statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the clear gprs isgsn statistics command to clear the current GPRS iSGSN statistics. This command clears the counters that are displayed by the show gprs isgsn statistics command.


The following example clears the current GPRS iSGSN statistics:

router# clear gprs isgsn statistics

clear l2relay statistics

To clear the Layer 2 Relay (l2relay) statistics for the SGSN, use the clear l2relay statistics privileged EXEC command (SGSN D-node only).

clear l2relay statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the clear l2relay statistics command to clear the current l2relay statistics.


The following example clears the l2relay statistics:

router# clear l2relay statistics

Related Commands


clear l2relay topology-map

Clears the Layer 2 Relay topology map for the SGSN.

clear l2relay topology-map

To clear the Layer 2 Relay topology map for the SGSN, use the clear l2relay topology-map privileged EXEC command (SGSN D-node only).

clear l2relay topology-map

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

The SGSN module maintains a l2relay topology map that the router uses to keep a list of the unit IDs (UIDs) of the SGSN-datacom (SGSN-D) and SGSN-telecom (SGSN-T) units with which it can communicate. UIDs are added to the topology map when the router receives self-ID packets from SGSN-D and SGSN-T units on the network.

For debugging purposes, it may be useful to clear the Layer 2 Relay topology map. Using the clear l2relay topology-map command clears all of the data structures in the list of SGSN units so that the list can be rebuilt.

Normally you will not need to use this command. If problems with the SGSN are encountered, Cisco technical support personnel may request that you clear the Layer 2 Relay topology map.


The following example clears the l2relay topology map for the SGSN:

router# clear l2relay topology-map

Related Commands


clear l2relay statistics

Clears the l2relay statistics for the SGSN (SGSN D-node only).

l2relay echo-interval

To specify the interval at which the SGSN sends l2relay keepalive messages, use the l2relay echo-interval global configuration command. To restore the default value for the echo interval (10 seconds) use the no form of the command (SGSN D-node only).

l2relay echo-interval seconds

no l2relay echo-interval

Syntax Description


The length of the echo interval, in seconds. Specify a value between 1 and 360 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.


10 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the l2relay echo-interval command to specify the interval at which the SGSN sends Layer 2 Relay keepalive messages.

The SGSN module uses the proprietary l2relay protocol in conjunction with the intra-Serving GPRS Support Node (iSGSN) protocol for communication between the SGSN-datacom (SGSN-D) and SGSN-telecom (SGSN-T) units that comprise the SGSN. Each SGSN-D or SGSN-T unit periodically sends out keepalive messages (echo requests) to the other SGSN units to inform them that it is functioning. You can fine-tune the performance of the nodes that comprise the SGSN by adjusting the echo interval value.

To restore the default value for the echo interval (10 seconds) use the no form of the command.


The following example shows an interval of 15 seconds between Layer 2 Relay keepalive messages:

l2relay echo-interval 15

l2relay flow-control

To specify quench threshold and resume threshold percentages that determine when the l2relay protocol begins and ends flow control processing, use the l2relay flow-control global configuration command. To restore the default values for flow control processing, use the no form of the command (SGSN D-node only).

l2relay flow-control {enable | quench-threshold | resume-threshold}

no l2relay flow-control

Syntax Description


Enables flow control.


The percentage of congestion that triggers flow control processing.


The percentage of congestion that triggers resumption of normal processing.


The default value for the quench-threshold argument is 80.

The default value for the resume-threshold argument is 20.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

If you have enabled Layer 2 Relay flow-control processing using the l2relay flow-control enable command, you can use the l2relay flow-control command to specify congestion percentages that trigger flow control processing or resumption of normal Layer 2 Relay processing.

The quench-threshold argument specifies the congestion percentage that must be reached before flow-control processing begins. For example, if you specify 60 for the quench-threshold argument, then the SGSN initiates flow control when Layer 2 Relay processing becomes 60% congested.

The resume-threshold argument specifies the congestion percentage that must be reached before normal Layer 2 Relay processing is resumed. For example, if you specify 40 for the resume-threshold argument, then the SGSN resumes normal Layer 2 Relay processing when the congestion percentage decreases to 40%.


In the following example, 60 is specified for the quench-threshold argument:

l2relay flow-control quench-threshold 60

l2relay pilot-uid

To specify the unit ID of an SGSN-T node to which packets with unknown destination information are transmitted, use the l2relay pilot-uid global configuration command. To delete the pilot UID, use the no form of the command (SGSN D-node only).

l2relay pilot-uid uid

no l2relay pilot-uid

Syntax Description


Number between 1 and 32 that specifies unit ID for the pilot unit. The default is 0xFF.


0xFF (invalid UID)

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

Each router that is running an SGSN module is assigned a unit ID as part of SGSN configuration. In the event that a packet comes in for an unknown SGSN, the receiving SGSN sends the packet to a unit designated as the "pilot" SGSN-T unit. Use the l2relay pilot-uid command to specify the SGSN-T unit to which packets with unknown destination information are transmitted.


l2relay uid 5
l2relay pilot-uid 3

l2relay use-interface

To specify the physical interfaces used by the l2relay protocol running on the SGSN, use the l2relay use-interface global configuration command (SGSN D-node only).

l2relay use-interface interface_1 [interface_2]

Syntax Description


Interface that is used by the Layer 2 Relay protocol.


A secondary interface that can be used by the Layer 2 Relay protocol.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the l2relay use-interface command to specify one or more interfaces that the Layer 2 Relay protocol uses to communicate with the SGSN-T and SGSN-D units that comprise the SGSN.


The following example shows the configuration for a Fast Ethernet interface (FastEthernet3/0) and the l2relay use-interface command that specifies use of that interface.

interface FastEthernet3/0
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 no ip mroute-cache
 no keepalive
l2relay use-interface FastEthernet3/0

show gprs isgsn statistics

To display statistics that show the status of the intra-Serving GPRS Support Node running on the router, use the show gprs isgsn statistics privileged EXEC command (SGSN D-node only).

show gprs isgsn statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


The Local Rejected PDPs field was added to the output display.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

The processing nodes that comprise the SGSN communicate using the proprietary iSGSN Protocol. Each SGSN component running on a Cisco 7200 series router maintains statistical information about the status of the service. Use the show gprs isgsn statistics command to display status information about the iSGSN Protocol.


The following example shows output from the show gprs isgsn statistics command:

router# show gprs isgsn statistics

        Input Packets:  16    Bytes:               864
        Output Packets: 16    Bytes:               752
        Input Drops:    4     Out Drops:           0
        Out Errors:     0     Local Rejected PDPs: 0

Table 32 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 32 show gprs isgsn statistics Field Descriptions 


Input Packets, Bytes

Number of input packets and total bytes.

Output Packets, Bytes

Number of output packets and total bytes.

Input Drops

Number of dropped input packets.

Out Drops

Number of dropped output packets.

Out Errors

Number of output errors.

Local Rejected PDPs

Number of GTP create PDP contexts rejected by the D-node (supports SMG-28 standards level and later).

Related Commands


show l2relay statistics

Displays statistics that show the status of the Layer 2 Relay Protocol running on the SGSN.

show l2relay statistics

To display statistics that show the status of the Layer 2 Relay Protocol running on the SGSN, use the show l2relay statistics privileged EXEC command (SGSN D-node only).

show l2relay statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show l2relay statistics command to display statistical and other information about the Layer 2 Relay protocol running on the SGSN, including the following information:

Layer 2 Relay Protocol configuration and performance

The topology of the SGSN components

Data throughput on the SGSN components


The following example shows output from the show l2relay statistics command:

router# show l2relay statistics

l2relay uid = 3 unit-type = D
l2relay echo-time = 10 flow control enable = 1
l2relay reset_value = 164 l2rly_pak_drop = 0
l2relay_inputQ len = 0 l2relay_mgmtQ len = 0
l2relay_flow_quench at 80 % resume at 20 %
l2relay pilot_uid = 1
l2relay topology:
Type UID mac_address1 Tx/Rx mac_address2 Tx/Rx Cngst OQlen
D 3 0050.2a53.0854 1/1 0000.0000.0000 0/0 0 0
T 1 0040.05a2.26cb 1/1 0000.0000.0000 0/0 0 0
l2relay accounting:
Type UID Byte_out/Pak_out Byte_in/Pak_in
D 3 16936/542 0/0
 T      1       0/0                     0/0

Table 33 describes the fields shown in the first part of the display.

Table 33 show l2relay statistics Field Descriptions


l2relay uid

Unit ID of the SGSN component running on the router.


Type of SGSN unit running on the router: D indicates an SGSN-D unit; T indicates an SGSN-T unit.

l2relay echo-time

Configured value for the Layer 2 Relay echo interval.

flow control enable

Indicates whether flow control is enabled on the SGSN unit: 0 indicates flow control is enabled; 1 indicates it is disabled.

l2relay reset_value

Number of times that the SGSN D-unit or T-unit has been reset.


Number of packets dropped by the Layer 2 Relay Protocol module.

l2relay_inputQ len

Current length of the Layer 2 Relay input queue.

l2relay_mgmtQ len

Current length of the Layer 2 Relay management queue.

l2relay_flow_quench at

Current Layer 2 Relay quench percentage setting.

resume at

Current Layer 2 Relay resume percentage setting.

l2relay pilot_uid

Currently configured Layer 2 Relay pilot unit ID.

The second part of the output from show l2relay statistics shows Layer 2 Relay topology information about each SGSN unit that is running.

Table 34 describes the fields shown in the l2relay topology section of the display.

Table 34 show l2relay statistics Field Descriptions 



UID congestion indicator, with the following values:

0—No congestion.


Interface name

Name of the interface specified in the l2relay use-interface command. In the example, the interface is the FastEthernet3/0 interface.


MAC address of the first interface configured with the l2relay use-interface command.


MAC address of the second interface configured with the l2relay use-interface command (if one is configured).


Current length of the output queue.

Tx/Rx (first field)

Number of packets transmitted and received over this interface.

Tx/Rx (second field)

Path status indicator for the transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) path, with the following values:

0—Problem condition detected on the path.

1—Path is functional.


Type of SGSN unit, with the following values:

D—SGSN datacom (SGSN-D) unit

T—SGSN telecom (SGSN-T) unit


Unit identifier.

The last part of the output from the show l2relay statistics command shows Layer 2 Relay accounting information for each SGSN unit.

Table 35 describes the fields shown in the l2relay accounting section of the display.

Table 35 show l2relay statistics Field Descriptions 



Number of bytes/packets received by this unit.


Number of bytes/packets transmitted by this unit.


Type of SGSN unit, with the following values:

D—SGSN datacom (SGSN-D) unit

T—SGSN telecom (SGSN-T) unit


Unit identifier.


Posted: Sun Mar 27 23:53:43 PST 2005
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