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Cisco IOS New, Modified, Replaced, and Removed Commands, Release 12.3(14)T

12.3(2)T New Commands

12.3(2)T Modified Commands

12.3(4)T New Commands

12.3(4)T Modified Commands

12.3(4)T Removed Commands

12.3(4)T Replaced Commands

12.3(7)T New Commands

12.3(7)T Modified Commands

12.3(7)T Replaced Commands

12.3(8)T New Commands

12.3(8)T Modified Commands

12.3(8)T Removed Commands

12.3(8)T Replaced Commands

12.3(11)T New Commands

12.3(11)T Modified Commands

12.3(11)T Removed Commands

12.3(14)T New Commands

12.3(14)T Modified Commands

12.3(14)T Removed Commands

12.3(14)T Replaced Commands

Cisco IOS New, Modified, Replaced, and Removed Commands, Release 12.3(14)T

New, modified, replaced, and removed commands for Cisco IOS Releases 12.3(2)T through 12.3(14)T are grouped by maintenance release and ordered alphabetically within each group. Use the table of contents to go to a group of commands, or use your web browser's Find function to search for a command. To access the documentation for a command, click the highlighted page number following the command name.

12.3(2)T New Commands

add (bulkstat object) CFR-45

advertise-passive-only IP2R-25

asp dcd always B2R-72

asp direct B2R-74

asp enq B2R-75

asp retries B2R-78

asp send ack B2R-82

asp timer B2R-84

authentication (L2TP) WR-75

bstun route all apip B2R-110

buffer-size (bulkstat) CFR-107

clear bgp ipv6 peer-group IPv6R-46

clear ipv6 mfib counters IPv6R-54

clear ipv6 pim reset IPv6R-69

clear ipv6 pim topology IPv6R-70

context CFR-198

continue IP2R-131

copy http // CFR-220

copy https // CFR-221

crypto isakmp invalid-spi-recovery SR-333

debug aspp event DB-99

debug aspp packet DB-101

debug crypto condition DB-365

debug crypto condition unmatched DB-368

debug crypto error DB-373

debug ip http client DB-719

debug ipv6 mfib DB-953, IPv6R-126

debug ipv6 mld DB-954, IPv6R-127

debug ipv6 mrib client DB-957, IPv6R-132

debug ipv6 mrib io DB-958, IPv6R-133

debug ipv6 mrib route DB-960, IPv6R-135

debug ipv6 mrib table DB-961, IPv6R-136

debug ipv6 pim DB-975, IPv6R-150

debug serial lead-transition DB-1460

debug snmp bulkstat DB-1488

debug tbridge virtual-port DB-1590

debug x25 interface DB-1999

debug x25 vc DB-2004

debug x25 xot DB-2009

debug xconnect DB-2018

dsl gain-setting rx-offset WR-150

dsl gain-setting tx-offset WR-151

dsl max-tone-bits WR-154

dsl noise-margin WR-155

enable (bulkstat) CFR-268

encapsulation (L2TP) WR-173

error-correction VR-612

flow-sampler-map NetF-15

format (bulkstat) CFR-357

hello WR-309

hidden WR-310

hostname (L2TPv3) WR-311

ignore (interface) IR-226, VR-777

instance CFR-378

interface virtual-ppp DR-268

ip dfbit set WR-336

ip dhcp limit lease per interface IP1R-182

ip dns spoofing IP1R-210

ip domain multicast IP3R-29

ip header-compression disable-feedback QR-97

ip header-compression max-header QR-98

ip header-compression max-period QR-99

ip header-compression max-time QR-101

ip http client password CFR-424

ip http client username CFR-434

ip igmp ssm-map enable IP3R-81

ip igmp ssm-map query dns IP3R-83

ip igmp ssm-map static IP3R-85

ip local interface WR-337

ip protocol WR-341

ip tos (L2TP) WR-345

ip ttl WR-347

ipv6 mfib IPv6R-281

ipv6 mld join-group IPv6R-287

ipv6 mld query-interval IPv6R-289

ipv6 mld query-max-response-time IPv6R-291

ipv6 mld query-timeout IPv6R-293

ipv6 mld router IPv6R-295

ipv6 multicast-routing IPv6R-309

ipv6 pim IPv6R-362

ipv6 pim dr-priority IPv6R-370

ipv6 pim hello-interval IPv6R-371

ipv6 pim rp-address IPv6R-374

isdn bind-l3 (Interface BRI) VR-821

isis advertise-prefix IP2R-279

isis tag IP2R-307

ispf IP2R-308

key config-key password-encryption SR-754

l2tp cookie local WR-349

l2tp cookie remote WR-351

l2tp hello WR-353

l2tp id WR-355

l2tp-class WR-357

logging buffered filtered CFR-482

logging console filtered CFR-490

logging filter CFR-500

logging monitor filtered CFR-512

mode (flow sampler configuration) NetF-57

modem enable DR-474

object-list CFR-640

ocsp url SR-813

password (L2TP) WR-410

password encryption aes SR-826

password logging SR-828

poll-interval CFR-672

protocol (L2TP) WR-436

protocol pppovlan dot1q WR-440

pseudowire MP-190, WR-442

pseudowire-class MP-192, WR-444

radius-server unique-ident SR-925

receive-window WR-457

redistribute isis IP2R-473

retain CFR-699

retransmit WR-460

retry (bulkstat) CFR-701

schema CFR-766

scripting tcl encdir CFR-767

scripting tcl init CFR-768

sequencing MP-198, WR-469

service-module t1 cablelength short IR-427

sessions auto cleanup SSGR-113

show section CFR-875

show bgp ipv6 labels IPv6R-541

show bgp ipv6 peer-group IPv6R-554

show bgp ipv6 prefix-list IPv6R-556

show bgp ipv6 route-map IPv6R-564

show csm call 1609

show flow-sampler NetF-60

show ip http client connection CFR-945

show ip http client history CFR-947

show ip http client session-module CFR-949

show ip igmp ssm-mapping IP3R-233

show ip ospf timers rate-limit IP2R-686

show ipv6 mfib IPv6R-641

show ipv6 mfib active IPv6R-646

show ipv6 mfib count IPv6R-648

show ipv6 mfib interface IPv6R-650

show ipv6 mfib summary IPv6R-652

show ipv6 mld groups summary IPv6R-656

show ipv6 mld interface IPv6R-657

show ipv6 mrib client IPv6R-671

show ipv6 mrib route IPv6R-673

show ipv6 mroute active IPv6R-679

show ipv6 pim group-map IPv6R-720

show ipv6 pim neighbor IPv6R-725

show ipv6 pim range-list IPv6R-727

show ipv6 pim tunnel IPv6R-733

show l2tun session WR-609

show l2tun tunnel WR-613

show mpls atm-ldp bindings MP-275

show snmp mib bulkstat transfer CFR-1157

show trunk hdlc 1898

show vdev 1901

show warm-reboot CFR-1201

snmp mib bulkstat object-list CFR-1214

snmp mib bulkstat schema CFR-1215

snmp mib bulkstat transfer CFR-1217

snmp mib community-map CFR-1219

snmp mib target list CFR-1229

snmp-server context CFR-1236

snmp-server enable traps bulkstat CFR-1251

snmp-server enable traps flash CFR-1264

snmp-server enable traps l2tun session CFR-1273

snmp-server trap authentication vrf CFR-1334

tclsh CFR-1364

timeout setup WR-695

timers lsa arrival IP2R-769

timers throttle lsa all IP2R-778

transfer-interval CFR-1432

tunnel vrf IR-817

url (bulkstat) CFR-1480

vlan-id dot1q WR-716

vlan-range dot1q WR-718

warm-reboot CFR-1492

x25 security call-conf address out WR-802

xconnect MP-407, WR-839

12.3(2)T Modified Commands

bstun protocol-group B2R-101

ccm-manager fallback-mgcp VR-346

clear bgp ipv6 IPv6R-37

clear bgp ipv6 dampening IPv6R-40

clear bgp ipv6 external IPv6R-42

clear bgp ipv6 flap-statistics IPv6R-44

clear call voice VR-385

clear pppoe WR-128

clock rate (interface ATM) IR-88

clock rate (interface serial) IR-91

connect (FRF.5) WR-139

copy CFR-203, IPv6R-79

crypto isakmp client configuration group SR-327

crypto isakmp key SR-336

de-bit WR-143

debug cdapi DB-284

debug ip igmp DB-736

debug ipv6 nat IPv6R-137

debug pppoe DB-1358

debug x25 DB-1987

erase CFR-273

frame-relay ip rtp header-compression QR-86

frame-relay map ip rtp header-compression QR-94

glbp authentication IP1R-103

hw-module slot IR-217

ip igmp static-group IP3R-87

ip rtp header-compression MWR-260, QR-186

ip tcp header-compression IP1R-299, QR-191

logging host CFR-506

logging origin-id CFR-518

oam retry ATM-187, MP-182, WR-392

oam-pvc ATM-195, MP-187, WR-397

ppp multilink multiclass DR-617

pppoe enable WR-414

pre-shared-key SR-863

reload CFR-691

service-module t1 remote-loopback IR-436

show bgp ipv6 community IPv6R-525

show bgp ipv6 community-list IPv6R-528

show bgp ipv6 dampened-paths IPv6R-531

show bgp ipv6 filter-list IPv6R-533

show bgp ipv6 flap-statistics IPv6R-536

show bgp ipv6 inconsistent-as IPv6R-539

show bgp ipv6 neighbors IPv6R-543

show bgp ipv6 paths IPv6R-552

show bgp ipv6 quote-regexp IPv6R-558

show bgp ipv6 regexp IPv6R-561

show bgp ipv6 summary IPv6R-566

show bstun B2R-493

show call active voice 1472

show glbp IP1R-391

show ip igmp groups IP3R-222

show ip ospf IP2R-655

show ip ospf database IP2R-663

show ip route IP2R-703

show ip route summary IP2R-713

show isis database verbose IP2R-717, MP-268

show logging CFR-956

show mgcp 1722

show process memory CFR-1022

show processes CFR-1012

show processes cpu CFR-1016

show snmp user CFR-1166

show ss7 mtp2 ccb 1854

show ss7 mtp2 state 1858

show translate TR-136

show vrrp IP1R-497

snmp-server community CFR-1233, IPv6R-782, MP-362

snmp-server group CFR-1312, IPv6R-787

snmp-server host CFR-1316, IPv6R-791, MP-377

snmp-server user CFR-1341, IPv6R-798

standby authentication IP1R-502

summary-address (IS-IS) IP2R-748

translate tcp TR-209

translate x25 TR-224

tx-ring-limit QR-547

vrf (SAA) CFR-1490

vrrp track IP1R-570

x25 subaddress TR-252

12.3(4)T New Commands

aaa authentication dot1x SR-54

aaa-accounting MWR-8

aaa-group MWR-12

access-type MWR-22

accounting acknowledge broadcast SR-133

action cns-event CFR-27

action force-switchover CFR-30

action reload CFR-38

action syslog CFR-42

address range IP1R-34

aggregate MWR-26

anonymous user MWR-30

archive CFR-54

area authentication IPv6R-21

arp authorized IP1R-41

authentication command SR-158

authentication terminal SR-162

authentication url SR-165

bidirectional SR-188

block-foreign-ms MWR-33

call application global VR-128

call application session start (global configuration) VR-147

call application session start (privileged EXEC) VR-149

call application session stop VR-151

call application voice default disc-prog-ind-at-connect VR-174

call filter match-list voice VR-267

ccm-manager download-tones VR-345

cdma pdsn a10 ahdlc engine MWR-34

cdma pdsn a10 gre sequencing MWR-35

cdma pdsn a10 init-ppp-after-airlink-start airlink-start-timeout MWR-36

cdma pdsn a10 max-lifetime MWR-38

cdma pdsn a11 mandate presence airlink-setup MWR-40

cdma pdsn accounting local-timezone MWR-41

cdma pdsn accounting send MWR-42

cdma pdsn accounting send cdma-ip-tech MWR-43

cdma pdsn accounting time-of-day MWR-44

cdma pdsn age-idle-users MWR-45

cdma pdsn all dormant ppp-idle-timeout send-termreq MWR-39

cdma pdsn cluster controller MWR-46

cdma pdsn cluster controller session-high MWR-47

cdma pdsn cluster controller session-low MWR-48

cdma pdsn cluster member MWR-49

cdma pdsn compliance iosv4.1 session-reference MWR-50

cdma pdsn compliance is835 esn-optional MWR-51

cdma pdsn failure-history MWR-52

cdma pdsn ingress-address-filtering MWR-53

cdma pdsn maximum pcf MWR-54

cdma pdsn maximum sessions MWR-55

cdma pdsn mobile-advertisement-burst MWR-56

cdma pdsn msid-authentication MWR-57

cdma pdsn retransmit a11-update MWR-59

cdma pdsn secure cluster MWR-60

cdma pdsn secure pcf MWR-61

cdma pdsn selection interface MWR-63

cdma pdsn selection keepalive MWR-65

cdma pdsn selection load-balancing MWR-66

cdma pdsn selection session-table-size MWR-67

cdma pdsn send-agent-adv MWR-68

cdma pdsn timeout a11-update MWR-69

cdma pdsn timeout mobile-ip-registration MWR-70

cdma pdsn virtual-template MWR-71

cdp-url SR-200

class IP1R-46

class (EtherSwitch) QR-24

clear cdma pdsn cluster controller session records age MWR-72

clear cdma pdsn selection MWR-73

clear cdma pdsn session MWR-74

clear cdma pdsn statistics MWR-75

clear crypto session SR-218

clear dot1x SR-220

clear gprs access-point statistics MWR-77

clear gprs gtp-director statistics MWR-83

clear ipv6 dhcp binding IPv6R-50

clear ipv6 dhcp client IPv6R-51

clear isis lsp-full IP2R-128

clear pppoe derived WR-129

clear pppoe relay context WR-130

clear subscription VR-430

clear voice accounting method VR-431

clear voice statistics VR-432

clear voice statistics csr VR-433

control-plane QR-42

crypto ca export pem SR-272, SR-399

crypto ca import pem SR-279, SR-405

crypto ca profile enrollment SR-283

crypto key export pem SR-349

crypto key import pem SR-354

crypto pki server SR-411

crypto pki server grant SR-413

crypto pki server info crl SR-414

crypto pki server info requests SR-415

crypto pki server password generate SR-417

crypto pki server reject SR-418

crypto pki server request pkcs10 SR-420

crypto pki server revoke SR-423

database (certificate server) SR-435

database level SR-439

database url SR-441

debug asnl events DB-95

debug call filter detail DB-187

debug call filter inout DB-189

debug cdma pdsn a10 ahdlc DB-289

debug cdma pdsn a10 gre DB-290

debug cdma pdsn a10 ppp DB-291

debug cdma pdsn a11 DB-292

debug cdma pdsn accounting DB-295

debug cdma pdsn accounting flow DB-295, DB-297

debug cdma pdsn accounting time-of-day DB-298

debug cdma pdsn cluster DB-299

debug cdma pdsn prepaid DB-300

debug cdma pdsn resource-manager DB-301

debug cdma pdsn selection DB-302

debug cdma pdsn service-selection DB-303

debug cdma pdsn session DB-304

debug condition match-list DB-345

debug crypto ipv6 ipsec DB-385, IPv6R-104

debug crypto ipv6 packet DB-386, IPv6R-105

debug crypto pki server DB-396

debug dot1x (EtherSwitch) DB-456

debug ephone qov DB-514

debug eswilp DB-527

debug event manager DB-529

debug gprs dfp DB-619

debug gprs dhcp DB-621

debug gprs gtp parsing DB-631

debug gprs gtp ppp DB-632

debug gprs gtp ppp-regeneration DB-635

debug gprs gtp-director DB-625

debug gprs radius DB-639

debug ip bgp groups DB-670

debug ip igmp snooping DB-738

debug ip mobile mib DB-771

debug ip traffic-export events DB-910

debug ipv6 dhcp DB-946, IPv6R-119

debug ipv6 dhcp database DB-947, IPv6R-120

debug isdn q921 DB-1010

debug isis rib DB-1036

debug radius accounting DB-1379

debug spanning-tree DB-1509

debug voice aaa asnl DB-1665

debug voice dsp crash-dump DB-1669

debug voice statistics DB-1681

debug voice uri DB-1692

description (isakmp peer) SR-448

destination access-list SSGR-30

destination range SSGR-32

destination uri VR-498

dnis-prefix all service SSGR-34

dns-server IPv6R-186

domain-name IPv6R-187

dot1x default SR-466

dot1x initialize SR-467

dot1x max-req SR-468

dot1x multiple-hosts SR-471

dot1x port-control SR-474

dot1x re-authenticate SR-477

dot1x re-authenticate (EtherSwitch) SR-476

dot1x reauthentication SR-478

dot1x re-authentication (EtherSwitch) SR-479

dot1x system-auth-control SR-480

dot1x timeout SR-481

dot1x timeout (EtherSwitch) SR-483

download exclude-profile (SSG dial-out) SSGR-36

download exclude-profile (SSG PTA-MD) SSGR-38

enrollment command SR-496

enrollment profile SR-501

enrollment terminal (ca-profile-enroll) SR-506

enrollment url (ca-profile-enroll) SR-510

error-category q850-cause VR-610

event manager applet CFR-291

event snmp CFR-306

event syslog CFR-311

exclude (PTA-MD) SSGR-44

exclude dnis-prefix SSGR-46

file verify auto CFR-351

gprs charging container change-limit MWR-126

gprs charging container sgsn-change-limit MWR-128

gprs charging port MWR-142

gprs charging roamers MWR-145

gprs charging send-buffer MWR-147

gprs default aaa-group MWR-152

gprs default aggregate MWR-156

gprs default map-converting-gsn MWR-168

gprs delay-qos map tos MWR-170

gprs dfp max-weight MWR-172

gprs gtp echo-time dynamic minimum MWR-178

gprs gtp echo-time dynamic smooth-factor MWR-180

gprs gtp echo-timer dynamic enable MWR-175

gprs gtp ip udp ignore checksum MWR-183

gprs gtp ppp vtemplate MWR-191

gprs gtp ppp-regeneration vtemplate MWR-193

gprs gtp response-message wait accounting MWR-196

gprs gtp-director retry-timeout MWR-200

gprs mcc mnc MWR-205

gprs ms-address exclude-range MWR-208

gprs ni-pdp cache-timeout MWR-210

gprs ni-pdp discard-period MWR-212

gprs ni-pdp ip-imsi single MWR-214

gprs ni-pdp pdp-buffer MWR-216

gprs ni-pdp percentage MWR-218

gprs qos map delay MWR-224

gprs slb cef MWR-228

grant none SR-535

gtp response-message wait-accounting MWR-236

hand-off SSGR-49

header-passing VR-744

hidekeys CFR-366

home-agent (SSG-radius-proxy) SSGR-51

host (SIP URI) VR-749

idle (SSG-radius-proxy-timers) SSGR-54

ids-service-module monitoring IR-225

incoming SR-556

incoming called-number (call filter match list) VR-788

incoming calling-number (call filter match list) VR-792

incoming dialpeer VR-794

incoming media local ipv4 VR-795

incoming media remote ipv4 VR-796

incoming port VR-797

incoming secondary-called-number VR-800

incoming signaling local ipv4 VR-802

incoming signaling remote ipv4 VR-803

incoming uri VR-804

interface (RITE) SR-559

interface cdma-Ix1 MWR-241

interface service-engine IR-250

ip dhcp class IP1R-164

ip dhcp use class IP1R-198

ip igmp snooping IP3R-71

ip igmp snooping vlan IP3R-73

ip igmp snooping vlan immediate-leave IP3R-75

ip igmp snooping vlan mrouter IP3R-77

ip igmp snooping vlan static IP3R-79

ip mobile authentication ignore-spi IP4R-24

ip mobile bindupdate IP4R-25

ip mobile proxy-host IP4R-62

ip msdp rfc-3618 rpf-rules IP3R-118

ip nat translation (timeout) IP1R-262

ip nat translation max-entries IP1R-264

ip nbar custom QR-105

ip pim dm-fallback IP3R-165

ip ssh rsa keypair-name SR-681

ip ssh version SR-684

ip traffic-export apply profile SR-703

ip traffic-export profile SR-705

ip-address (SSG-radius-proxy-timers) SSGR-58

ipv6 address IPv6R-202

ipv6 address anycast IPv6R-204

ipv6 dhcp client pd IPv6R-219

ipv6 dhcp database IPv6R-221

ipv6 dhcp pool IPv6R-222

ipv6 dhcp server IPv6R-225

ipv6 general-prefix IPv6R-247

ipv6 ospf authentication IPv6R-345

isdn dpnss VR-836

isdn supp-service name calling VR-851

isis protocol shutdown IP2R-303

issuer-name SR-738

key (SSG-radius-proxy-client) SSGR-60

length (SSG) SSGR-61

lifetime (certificate server) SR-759

lifetime crl SR-762

log config CFR-479

logging enable (config-archive-log) CFR-496

logging size (config-archive-log) CFR-522

login block-for SR-770

login delay SR-772

login on-failure SR-773

login on-success SR-775

login quiet-mode access-class SR-777

lsp-full suppress IP2R-321

mac-address (RITE) SR-781

max-sessions host SSGR-65

memory free low-watermark CFR-542

memory reserve critical CFR-547

metric IP2R-364

mls qos cos LSw-21

mls qos map LSw-23

mls qos trust LSw-25

msid (SSG-radius-proxy-timers) SSGR-68

neighbor inherit peer-policy IP2R-393

neighbor inherit peer-session IP2R-395

netflow-sampler NetF-58

network-request-activation MWR-279

notify syslog CFR-612

notify telephone-event VR-1086

outgoing SR-814

outgoing called-number VR-1098

outgoing calling-number VR-1100

outgoing dialpeer VR-1102

outgoing media local ipv4 VR-1103

outgoing media remote ipv4 VR-1104

outgoing port VR-1105

outgoing signaling local ipv4 VR-1108

outgoing signaling remote ipv4 VR-1109

parameter SR-816

pattern VR-1179

peer pool backup DR-523

peer pool static DR-525

phone context VR-1181

phone number VR-1183

ping ipv6 IPv6R-463

police (EtherSwitch) QR-259

ppp bcp tagged-frame B2R-394

pppoe service WR-424

ppp-regeneration MWR-294

prefix-delegation IPv6R-472

prefix-delegation pool IPv6R-476

process cpu statistics limit CFR-676

process cpu threshold type CFR-677

protocol shutdown IP2R-462

radius attribute suppress imsi MWR-297

radius attribute suppress qos MWR-299

radius attribute suppress sgsn-address MWR-300

radius-server source-ports extended SR-922

redirect contact order VR-1261

redirect intermobile ip MWR-306

redirect ip2ip (dial-peer) VR-1262

redirect ip2ip (voice service) VR-1263

redirect prepaid-user to SSGR-89

redirect unauthorized-service service to SSGR-97

registrar VR-1268

relay agent information IP1R-364

relay pppoe bba-group WR-458

relay-information hex IP1R-370

release dhcp IP1R-372

remove vsa SSGR-101

renew dhcp IP1R-378

retry register VR-1297

retry subscribe VR-1302

security verify MWR-309

service cdma pdsn MWR-311

service deny DR-697

service gprs gtp-director MWR-313

service local DR-698

service profile WR-475

service relay DR-699

service vpdn group DR-700

service-module ids-sensor IR-403

service-policy (control-plane) QR-351

session idle-time MWR-314

session-identifier SSGR-111

show archive config differences CFR-813

show archive config incremental-differences CFR-815

show archive log config CFR-817

show call application services registry 1498

show call application sessions 1512

show call filter components 1528

show call filter match-list 1530

show cdma pdsn MWR-317

show cdma pdsn accounting MWR-319

show cdma pdsn accounting detail MWR-321

show cdma pdsn accounting session MWR-324

show cdma pdsn accounting session detail MWR-325

show cdma pdsn accounting session flow MWR-327

show cdma pdsn accounting session flow user MWR-328

show cdma pdsn ahdlc MWR-329

show cdma pdsn cluster controller MWR-330

show cdma pdsn cluster controller configuration MWR-331

show cdma pdsn cluster controller member MWR-332

show cdma pdsn cluster controller session MWR-333

show cdma pdsn cluster controller statistics MWR-334

show cdma pdsn cluster member MWR-335

show cdma pdsn flow MWR-336

show cdma pdsn pcf MWR-338

show cdma pdsn resource MWR-340

show cdma pdsn selection MWR-341

show cdma pdsn session MWR-342

show cdma pdsn statistics MWR-343

show crypto ipsec policy IPv6R-591

show crypto ipsec sa ipv6 IPv6R-592

show crypto isakmp peer SR-1059

show crypto pki server SR-1079

show crypto session SR-1086

show crypto session group SR-1090

show crypto session summary SR-1091

show dialplan incall uri 1627

show dialplan uri 1640

show dot1x SR-1094

show dot1x (EtherSwitch) SR-1099

show event manager policy registered CFR-923

show event-manager consumers 1648

show gprs access-point statistics MWR-356

show gprs charging status MWR-367

show gprs gtp-director pending-request MWR-397

show gprs gtp-director statistics MWR-400

show gprs ms-address exclude-range MWR-402

show inventory CFR-938

show ip bgp replication IP2R-619

show ip bgp template peer-policy IP2R-625

show ip bgp template peer-session IP2R-627

show ip bgp update-group IP2R-629

show ip igmp snooping IP3R-230

show ip igmp snooping mrouter IP3R-232

show ip mobile proxy IP4R-123

show ip msdp rpf IP3R-261

show ip nbar version QR-424

show ip traffic-export SR-1125

show ipv6 dhcp IPv6R-620

show ipv6 dhcp binding IPv6R-621

show ipv6 dhcp database IPv6R-623

show ipv6 dhcp interface IPv6R-625

show ipv6 dhcp pool IPv6R-627

show ipv6 general-prefix IPv6R-633

show ipv6 static IPv6R-756

show isis ipv6 rib IPv6R-769

show login SR-1137

show mls masks LSw-60

show mls qos interface LSw-62

show mls qos maps LSw-63

show policy-map control-plane QR-482

show pppoe derived WR-623

show pppoe relay context all WR-624

show pppoe session WR-626

show pxf feature cef vrf IPSw-98

show sip-ua register status 1832

show spanning-tree LSw-77

show ssg dial-out exclude-list SSGR-119

show ssg interface SSGR-126

show ssg multidomain ppp exclude-list SSGR-127

show ssg summary SSGR-146

show subscription 1880

show subscription local 1886

show tech support cdma pdsn MWR-419

show voice accounting method 1912

show voice accounting response pending 1914

show voice cause-code 1924

show voice class uri 1926

show voice dsp crash-dump 1941

show voice iec description 1946

show voice statistics csr interval accounting 1962

show voice statistics csr interval aggregation 1964

show voice statistics csr since-reset accounting 1968

show voice statistics csr since-reset aggregation-level 1970

show voice statistics csr since-reset all 1975

show voice statistics iec 1979

show voice statistics interval-tag 1981

show voice statistics memory-usage 1983

shutdown SR-1171

snmp-server enable traps cdma MWR-429

snmp-server enable traps cpu CFR-1255

snmp-server enable traps memory CFR-1275

source carrier-id 2073

source ip SSGR-156

source trunk-group-label 2074

spanning-tree backbonefast LSw-99

ssg aaa group prepaid SSGR-159

ssg attribute 44 suffix host ip SSGR-162

ssg dial-out SSGR-179

ssg direction SSGR-180

ssg multidomain ppp SSGR-187

ssg port-map SSGR-193

ssg prepaid reauthorization drop-packet SSGR-205

ssg prepaid threshold SSGR-207

ssg pwlan reconnect SSGR-210

ssg service-cache SSGR-218

ssg service-cache refresh SSGR-220

standby version IP1R-525

stats 2113

subscriber profile DR-1104

subscription asnl session history 2121

subscription maximum 2122

target carrier-id VR-2160

target trunk-group-label VR-2161

template peer-policy IP2R-757

template peer-session IP2R-760

timeouts (SSG-radius-proxy) SSGR-229, WR-696

timers register VR-2282

track rtr IP1R-546

type jitter (codec) CFR-1451

user-id VR-2371

voice class uri VR-2439

voice class uri sip preference VR-2441

voice dsp crash-dump VR-2447

voice iec syslog VR-2462

voice statistics accounting method VR-2467

voice statistics display-format separator VR-2469

voice statistics field-params VR-2471

voice statistics max-storage-duration VR-2473

voice statistics push VR-2475

voice statistics time-range VR-2477

voice statistics type csr VR-2480

voice statistics type iec VR-2482

voicecap configure VR-2426

voicecap entry VR-2427

vpdn session accounting network DR-1161

vpdn tunnel accounting network DR-1172

vpdn tunnel authorization network DR-1174

vpdn tunnel authorization password DR-1176

vpdn tunnel authorization virtual-template DR-1177

vrf MWR-440

12.3(4)T Modified Commands

aaa accounting SR-26

access-violation deactivate-pdp-context MWR-24

acc-qos VR-12

address-family ipv6 IPv6R-16

atm route-bridge IPv6R-26, WR-59

auto secure SR-182

bind VR-75

call start VR-286

clear bgp ipv6 IPv6R-37

clear bgp ipv6 dampening IPv6R-40

clear bgp ipv6 external IPv6R-42

clear bgp ipv6 flap-statistics IPv6R-44

clear bgp ipv6 peer-group IPv6R-46

clear call voice VR-385

clear crypto engine accelerator counter SR-209

clear gprs charging cdr MWR-78

clear ip mobile binding IP4R-7

clear ip mobile visitor IP4R-19, MWR-88

clear ipv6 mld counters IPv6R-55

clear ipv6 mld traffic IPv6R-56

clear ipv6 pim counters IPv6R-68

clear ssg host SSGR-14

clear ssg service SSGR-23

client-address SSGR-28

connect VR-462

crypto engine accelerator SR-292

crypto isakmp client configuration group SR-327

debug cas DB-201

debug cdapi DB-284

debug ephone loopback DB-502

debug ephone moh DB-507

debug flow-sampler DB-557

debug frame-relay multilink DB-585

debug gprs charging DB-618

debug gprs gtp DB-623

debug ip access-list turboacl DB-660

debug ipv6 mrib proxy DB-959, IPv6R-134

debug ipv6 ospf IPv6R-142

debug rtsp session DB-1421

dhcp-server MWR-101

dsl operating-mode WR-156

dtmf-relay (Voice over IP) VR-574

enrollment SR-493

enrollment terminal (ca-trustpoint) SR-507

gprs charging cdr-option MWR-121

ip mobile foreign-agent IP4R-27

ip mobile home-agent IP4R-38

ip mobile host IP4R-53, MWR-246

ip mobile router-service collocated IP4R-69

ip mobile tunnel IP4R-93

ip qos dscp VR-830

ip rtp header-compression MWR-260, QR-186

ip tcp header-compression IP1R-299, QR-191

ip unnumbered IP1R-310

ipv6 mfib-mode centralized-only IPv6R-283

ipv6 mld access-group IPv6R-284

ipv6 pim accept-register IPv6R-363

ipv6 pim join-prune-interval IPv6R-372

ipv6 route IPv6R-395

isdn bind-l3 iua-backhaul VR-824

match protocol http QR-239

neighbor translate-update IPv6R-446

ras rrq dynamic prefixes VR-1254

redistribute maximum-prefix IP2R-475

reload CFR-691

req-qos VR-1275

rrq dynamic-prefixes-accept VR-1317

service gprs ggsn MWR-312

set ip next-hop verify-availability IP2R-519

set traffic-index IP2R-543

show bgp ipv6 IPv6R-521

show bgp ipv6 community IPv6R-525

show bgp ipv6 community-list IPv6R-528

show bgp ipv6 dampened-paths IPv6R-531

show bgp ipv6 filter-list IPv6R-533

show bgp ipv6 flap-statistics IPv6R-536

show bgp ipv6 inconsistent-as IPv6R-539

show bgp ipv6 labels IPv6R-541

show bgp ipv6 neighbors IPv6R-543

show bgp ipv6 paths IPv6R-552

show bgp ipv6 peer-group IPv6R-554

show bgp ipv6 prefix-list IPv6R-556

show bgp ipv6 quote-regexp IPv6R-558

show bgp ipv6 regexp IPv6R-561

show bgp ipv6 route-map IPv6R-564

show bgp ipv6 summary IPv6R-566

show call active voice 1472

show ccm-manager 1580

show cdapi 1589

show cef interface IPSw-46, IPv6R-575

show cef interface policy-statistics IPSw-41

show crypto engine accelerator ring SR-1041

show crypto engine accelerator statistic SR-1044

show diag IR-536

show gprs access-point MWR-345

show gprs charging parameters MWR-359

show gprs charging statistics MWR-365

show gprs gtp parameters MWR-372

show gprs gtp path MWR-375

show gprs gtp pdp-context MWR-377

show gprs gtp statistics MWR-388

show gprs gtp status MWR-393

show ip mobile binding IP4R-108

show ip mobile router agent IP4R-127

show ip mobile secure IP4R-137

show ip mobile visitor IP4R-148

show ip mroute IPv6R-675

show ipv6 mfib IPv6R-641

show ipv6 mfib active IPv6R-646

show ipv6 mfib count IPv6R-648

show ipv6 mfib status IPv6R-651

show ipv6 mld groups IPv6R-653

show ipv6 mrib route IPv6R-673

show ipv6 mroute active IPv6R-679

show ipv6 ospf IPv6R-688

show ipv6 ospf interface IPv6R-701

show ipv6 pim bsr IPv6R-714

show ipv6 pim interface IPv6R-722

show ipv6 pim join-prune statistic IPv6R-724

show ipv6 pim topology IPv6R-729

show ipv6 pim traffic IPv6R-731

show ipv6 rpf IPv6R-754

show port log DR-931

show port operational-status DR-952

show rtr collection-statistics CFR-1098

show rtr operational-state CFR-1125

show sip-ua statistics 1836

show sip-ua status 1843

show sip-ua timers 1846

show ssg host SSGR-121

show ssg radius-proxy SSGR-139

show standby IP1R-484

show storm-control IR-714

show tech-support CFR-1181

show version CFR-1195

snmp-server host CFR-1316, IPv6R-791, MP-377

ssg accounting SSGR-160

ssg auto-logoff arp SSGR-165

ssg enable SSGR-182

standby ip IP1R-506

storm-control IR-756

switchport IR-758

verify CFR-1486

zone local VR-2509

12.3(4)T Removed Commands

clear dbconn connection B2R-123

clear dbconn statistic B2R-124

clear txconn connection B2R-136

clear txconn statistic B2R-137

clear txconn transaction B2R-139

cpp authentication DR-122

cpp callback accept DR-124

dbconn license B2R-156

dbconn pem B2R-158

dbconn ping B2R-159

dbconn server B2R-161

dbconn tcpserver B2R-164

debug cpp event DB-357

debug cpp negotiation DB-359

debug cpp packet DB-361

encapsulation cpp DR-240

lnm alternate B1R-84

lnm crs B1R-86

lnm disabled B1R-87

lnm express-buffer B1R-88

lnm loss-threshold B1R-89

lnm password B1R-90

lnm pathtrace-disabled B1R-92

lnm rem B1R-93

lnm rps B1R-94

lnm snmp-only B1R-95

lnm softerr B1R-96

show lnm bridge B1R-151

show lnm config B1R-152

show lnm interface B1R-154

show lnm ring B1R-157

show lnm station B1R-158

show txconn connection B2R-695

show txconn destination B2R-697

show txconn license B2R-699

show txconn route B2R-700

show txconn server B2R-701

show txconn statistic B2R-703

show txconn transaction B2R-707

txconn destination B2R-819

txconn license B2R-821

txconn ping B2R-823

txconn route B2R-824

txconn server B2R-825

12.3(4)T Replaced Commands

debug rtsp client DB-1415

debug rtsp client session DB-1416

idle-timeout (SSG) SSGR-56

ip nat translation IP1R-261

ssg bind direction SSGR-169

ssg port-map destination access-list SSGR-195

ssg port-map destination range SSGR-197

ssg port-map enable SSGR-199

ssg port-map length SSGR-201

ssg port-map source ip SSGR-203

12.3(7)T New Commands

analysis-module monitoring IR-5

archive config CFR-55

authorization list WR-76

authorization pending maximum WR-77

authorization rate-limit WR-78

auto discovery qos QR-6

auto qos QR-8

billing b-channel VR-74

busyout action shutdown VR-82

cac_off VR-97

capability transit IP2R-100

cem IR-59

cem-group IR-60

clear cem IR-68

clear ipv6 flow stats IPv6R-52

clear ipv6 inspect IPv6R-53

clear rbscp IR-84

clear ssg user transparent all SSGR-24

clear ssg user transparent passthrough SSGR-25

clear ssg user transparent suspect SSGR-26

clear ssg user transparent unidentified SSGR-27

clock mode IR-87

clock source (CEM) IR-94

commands (view) SR-238

configure confirm CFR-186

configure replace CFR-191

control-lead sampling-rate IR-122

control-lead state IR-123

controller dsl IR-127

crc-threshold IR-135

crypto key decrypt rsa SR-346

crypto key encrypt rsa SR-347

crypto key lock rsa SR-356

crypto key unlock rsa SR-360

data-protection IR-137

data-strobe IR-138

debug aaa dead-criteria transactions DB-22

debug archive config timestamp DB-90

debug archive versioning DB-92

debug atm lfi DB-109

debug ephone ccm-compatible DB-492

debug ephone vm-integration DB-524

debug filesystem DB-555

debug ip inspect L2-transparent DB-749

debug ip tcp ecn DB-903

debug ip tcp transactions DB-907

debug ipv6 inspect DB-952, IPv6R-125

debug ipv6 mld explicit DB-955

debug ipv6 pim df-election DB-976

debug ipv6 policy DB-978

debug isis rib redistribution DB-1038

debug parser view DB-1315

debug ssg transparent login DB-1541

debug tunnel rbscp DB-1638

debug vwic-mft firmware controller DB-1967

debug xdsl application DB-2022

debug xdsl driver DB-2025

debug xdsl eoc DB-2027

debug xdsl error DB-2029

default (CEM) IR-141

dejitter-buffer IR-142

dot1q tunneling ethertype IR-145

ds0-num VR-551

dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex WR-160

exception memory ignore overflow CFR-332

fast-flood IP2R-182

framing (CEM) IR-190

glbp name IP1R-109

h225 h245-address on-connect (H.323 voice-class) VR-710

h225 h245-address on-connect (H.323 voice-service) VR-712

how ipv6 virtual-reassembly IPv6R-764

hw-module sec-cpu reset IR-216

hw-module slot image IR-219

idle-pattern IR-223

ip dscp IR-264

ip flow-cache timeout NetF-27

ip http client connection CFR-422

ip http client proxy-server CFR-426

ip http client source-interface CFR-432

ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough SR-586

ip mobile foreign-agent inject-mobile-networks IP4R-31

ip mobile router-service tunnel mode IP4R-72

ip ospf lls IP2R-232

ip source-track SR-670

ip source-track address-limit SR-672

ip source-track export-interval SR-673

ip source-track syslog-interval SR-675

ip tcp ecn IP1R-298

ip vrf receive MP-48

ipv6 flow IPv6R-228

ipv6 flow mask IPv6R-231

ipv6 flow mask option-headers IPv6R-232

ipv6 inspect IPv6R-254

ipv6 inspect alert-off IPv6R-256

ipv6 inspect audit trail IPv6R-257

ipv6 inspect max-incomplete high IPv6R-258

ipv6 inspect max-incomplete low IPv6R-260

ipv6 inspect name IPv6R-262

ipv6 inspect one-minute high IPv6R-265

ipv6 inspect one-minute low IPv6R-267

ipv6 inspect routing-header IPv6R-269

ipv6 inspect tcp idle-time IPv6R-270

ipv6 inspect tcp max-incomplete host IPv6R-272

ipv6 inspect tcp synwait-time IPv6R-274

ipv6 inspect udp idle-time IPv6R-275

ipv6 virtual-reassembly IPv6R-413, IPv6R-414

lifetime enrollment-request SR-763

li-view SR-764

local ip address IR-279

local udp port IR-280

loopback (CEM) IR-284

match certificate override cdp SR-789

maximum CFR-540

max-lsa IP2R-360

modem country smart_acf DR-466

name (view) SR-804

parser config cache interface CFR-645

parser view SR-818

password 5 SR-824

path CFR-649

payload-compression IR-347

payload-size IR-348

police rate (control-plane) QR-270

ppp multilink mrru DR-614

query certificate SR-872

radius-server attribute 4 SR-880

regenerate SR-934

rtr logging traps CFR-728

server-private (TACACS+) SR-971

service-module analysis-module reload IR-384

service-module analysis-module reset IR-385

service-module analysis-module session IR-386

service-module analysis-module shutdown IR-388

service-module analysis-module status IR-390

show aaa dead-criteria SR-1005

show aaa server-private SR-1008

show aaa servers SR-1010

show archive CFR-811

show cem IR-447

show interfaces analysis-module IR-562

show ip source-track SR-1121

show ip source-track export flows SR-1123

show ipv6 inspect IPv6R-634

show parser view SR-1140

show rbscp IR-695

show redundancy (HSA redundancy) IR-704

show rtr reaction-configuration CFR-1130

show vlans dot1q LSw-85

signaling IR-732

supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update (dial-peer) 2136

supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update (voice-service) 2138

supplementary-service h450.12 (dial-peer) 2140

supplementary-service h450.12 (voice-service) 2142

supplementary-service h450.2 (dial-peer) 2144

supplementary-service h450.2 (voice-service) 2145

supplementary-service h450.3 (dial-peer) 2146

supplementary-service h450.3 (voice-service) 2148

telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-class) VR-2170

telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-service) VR-2172

time-period CFR-1419

tunnel bandwidth IR-798

tunnel mode gre IP4R-155

tunnel rbscp ack_split IR-810

tunnel rbscp delay IR-811

tunnel rbscp input_drop IR-812

tunnel rbscp long_drop IR-813

tunnel rbscp report IR-814

tunnel rbscp window_stuff IR-815

upgrade filesystem monlib CFR-1476

voice call disc-pi-off VR-2404

xconnect (CEM) IR-820

12.3(7)T Modified Commands

allow-connections VR-28

authorization (server-group) SR-169

auto-enroll SR-184

cache IPv6R-33, NetF-4

clock source (T1/E1 controller) IR-104

codec aal2-profile VR-447

codec complexity VR-449

connect (atm) VR-460

crypto ipsec transform-set SR-320

crypto isakmp keepalive SR-334

debug crypto ipsec client ezvpn DB-379

debug ip flow cache DB-712, IPv6R-107

debug voip application DB-1700

define VR-487

dialer watch-list DR-210

ds0-group (E1) VR-540

ds0-group (T1) VR-545

enable CFR-265

encapsulation dot1q MP-31

http client cache memory VR-750

hw-module main-cpu qa error-recovery IR-214

input gain VR-809

interface IR-252

ip igmp access-group IP3R-44

ip nat IP1R-244

ip nat inside destination IP1R-246

ip nat inside source IP1R-248

ip nat outside source IP1R-252

ip nat pool IP1R-255

ip nat service IP1R-257

ip tacacs source-interface SR-686

ip vrf forwarding (server-group) SR-735

ip wccp IP1R-315

isdn map DR-338

mode (T1/E1 controller) IR-322, VR-1020

mta receive generate VR-1049

music-threshold VR-1069

output attenuation VR-1110

rtr reaction-configuration CFR-736

show auto qos QR-403

show call prompt-mem-usage 1558

show debugging CFR-893

show disk CFR-898

show file systems CFR-929

show interfaces virtual-access DR-807

show ip access-list IP1R-402

show ip mobile globals command IP4R-112

show ip mobile router IP4R-124

show ip mobile router interface IP4R-129

show ip policy IP2R-691

show ip wccp IP1R-478

show ipc IR-664

show memory CFR-969

show ppp multilink DR-966

show route-map IP2R-734

show rtr collection-statistics CFR-1098

show rtr configuration CFR-1104

show rtr operational-state CFR-1125

show tcp CFR-1174

show users TR-144

show voip rtp connections 1997

signal 2033

signal keepalive 2038

snmp-server enable traps bgp CFR-1249

ss7 mtp2-variant 2077

ssh SR-1010

threshold CFR-1416

timing hookflash-input VR-2300

tunnel destination IPv6R-835

tunnel mode IPv6R-837, IR-801, SR-1215

tunnel source IPv6R-844

username SR-1226

12.3(7)T Replaced Commands

debug voip ivr applib DB-1805

debug voip ivr callsetup DB-1806

debug voip ivr digitcollect DB-1807

debug voip ivr redirect DB-1814

debug voip ivr supplementary-service DB-1823

12.3(8)T New Commands

aaa authentication eou default enable group radius SR-58

access-group (identity policy) SR-118

associate application sccp VR-47

associate ccm VR-48

associate profile VR-49

authentication (dial peer) VR-58

authentication (sip-ua) VR-60

authentication list (tti-registrar) SR-160

authorization list (tti-registrar) SR-174

auth-type SR-180

bind interface VR-77

call admission limit SR-198

call application dump event-log VR-119

call application event-log VR-120

call application event-log dump ftp VR-122

call application event-log error-only VR-124

call application event-log max-buffer-size VR-126

call application history session event-log save-exception-only VR-130

call application history session max-records VR-132

call application history session retain-timer VR-134

call application interface dump event-log VR-136

call application interface event-log VR-137

call application interface event-log dump ftp VR-139

call application interface event-log error-only VR-141

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size VR-143

call application interface max-server-records VR-145

call application interface stats VR-146

call application stats VR-153

call application voice event-log VR-178

call fallback jitter-probe dscp VR-237

call leg dump event-log VR-270

call leg event-log VR-271

call leg event-log dump ftp VR-273

call leg event-log error-only VR-275

call leg event-log max-buffer-size VR-276

call leg history event-log save-exception-only VR-277

clear call application interface VR-377

clear call application stats VR-379

clear crypto call admission statistics SR-208

clear eou SR-221

clear ip admission cache SR-223

clear ip sdee SR-227

clear sip-ua tcp connection VR-423

clear sip-ua udp connection VR-425

cli (cns) CFR-133

client configuration group SR-237

cns connect CFR-161

cns template connect CFR-178

codec (DSP Farm profile) VR-443

connect interval VR-466

connect retries VR-467

copy ips-sdf SR-247

crypto ca cert validate SR-258, SR-386

crypto call admission limit SR-288

debug ccsip transport DB-275

debug crypto wui DB-403

debug dhcp DB-432

debug eap DB-477

debug eou DB-488

debug fax dmsp DB-535

debug fax fmsp DB-537

debug fax foip DB-540

debug fax mmoip aaa DB-543

debug fax mspi DB-545

debug fax mta DB-548

debug http client cookie DB-657

debug ip admission eapoudp DB-662

debug ip ips DB-751

debug ip virtual-reassembly DB-917

debug media resource provisioning all DB-1105

debug media resource provisioning errors DB-1107

debug media resource provisioning events DB-1108

debug oer border DB-1288

debug oer border active-probe DB-1289

debug oer border learn DB-1291

debug oer border routes bgp DB-1293

debug oer cc DB-1295

debug oer master border DB-1296

debug oer master collector DB-1298

debug oer master exit DB-1301

debug oer master learn DB-1302

debug oer master prefix DB-1304

debug oer master process DB-1308

debug voip ais DB-1698

debug voip application vxml DB-1714

debug voip avlist DB-1720

debug voip confmsp DB-1746

debug voip dialpeer DB-1751

debug voip dsm DB-1755

debug voip dsmp DB-1761

debug voip dspapi DB-1770

debug voip event-log DB-1782

debug voip hpi DB-1784

debug voip profile fax DB-1827

debug voip profile help DB-1831

debug voip profile modem DB-1834

debug voip profile voice DB-1836

debug voip tsp DB-1864

debug voip vtsp DB-1868

debug voip xcodemsp DB-1878

default (tracking) IP1R-76

description (DSP Farm profile) VR-493

description (identity policy) SR-446

description (ruleset) TR-25

description (SCCP Cisco CallManager) VR-495

discover (cns) CFR-248

dns primary MWR-105

dspfarm profile VR-564

eou allow SR-512

eou clientless SR-513

eou default SR-514

eou initialize SR-515

eou logging SR-516

eou max-retry SR-517

eou port SR-518

eou rate-limit SR-519

eou revalidate SR-520

eou timeout SR-522

gprs charging header short MWR-135

gprs charging message transfer-response number-responded MWR-138

gprs charging reconnect MWR-143

gprs charging release MWR-144

gprs gtp response-message pco ipcp nack MWR-195

gprs memory threshold MWR-207

gprs plmn ip address MWR-220

gprs qos map umts MWR-225

gprs radius attribute chap-challenge MWR-226

gprs umts-qos dscp unmodified MWR-230

gprs umts-qos map diffserv-phb MWR-232

gprs umts-qos map traffic-class MWR-234

h225 signal overlap VR-714

h225 timeout keepalive VR-715

host overlap SSGR-53

http client cookie VR-757

identity policy SR-549

identity profile eapoudp SR-552

ip address dynamic CFR-382

ip admission SR-563

ip admission name SR-564

ip dhcp client class-id IP1R-167

ip dhcp client client-id IP1R-168

ip dhcp client hostname IP1R-170

ip dhcp client lease IP1R-171

ip dhcp client request IP1R-173

ip flow-cache mpls label-positions NetF-25

ip ips fai closed SR-620

ip ips sdf location SR-630

ip ips signature disable SR-633

ip probe path MWR-257

ip sdee events SR-646

ip sdee subscriptions SR-647

ip virtual-reassembly SR-732

ip vrf sitemap MP-51

local-ip (IPC transport-SCTP local) IP1R-330

local-port IP1R-332

match (ruleset) TR-67

match certificate (ISAKMP) SR-788

match source-protocol IP2R-348

maximum sessions (DSP Farm profile) VR-912

mgcp fax rate VR-940

monitor call application event-log VR-1039

monitor call leg event-log VR-1041

mwi VR-1070

mwi-server VR-1071

nbns primary MWR-275

network-behind-mobile MWR-277

no ip ips sdf builtin SR-812

object (tracking) IP1R-342

offer call-hold VR-1094

options (ruleset) TR-72

origin IP1R-345

qos-group SR-871

radius attribute nas-id MWR-296

reason-header override VR-1260

redirect all ip MWR-305

registration retries VR-1270

registration timeout VR-1271

remote-ip (IPC transport-SCTP remote) IP1R-375

remote-port IP1R-377

rtr group schedule CFR-724

sccp ccm group 1336

secure boot-config SR-955

secure boot-image SR-957

set (ruleset) TR-96

set ip access-group SR-979

set memory debug incremental starting-time CFR-793

show call admission statistics SR-1025

show call application app-level 1487

show call application gateway-level 1491

show call application interface 1494

show call application session-level 1500

show call leg 1552

show crypto call admission statistics SR-1032

show dspfarm profile 1646

show eou SR-1104

show gatekeeper servers 1668

show gprs gtp ms MWR-370

show gprs qos status MWR-406

show http client cookie 1693

show ip admission SR-1107

show ip route track-table IP2R-716

show ip sdee SR-1118

show media resource status 1718

show memory debug incremental CFR-973

show memory debug leaks CFR-975

show policy-map session QR-508

show rtr group schedule CFR-1121

show sccp ccm group 1805

show sccp connections details 1807

show sccp connections internal 1808

show sccp connections summary 1809

show secure bootset SR-1149

show sip-ua connections 1824

show sip-ua mwi 1830

show translate ruleset TR-139

show voip debug version 1996

shutdown (DSP Farm profile) 2024

skip (ruleset) TR-146

snmp-server enable traps MP-365

snmp-server enable traps ip local pool CFR-1270

substitute (ruleset) TR-151

switchback interval 2153

switchback method 2154

switchover method 2156

template (cns) CFR-1365

template (identity policy) SR-1196

test (ruleset) TR-174

test translate TR-181

threshold percentage IP1R-537

threshold weight IP1R-538

timer receive-rtp VR-2266

timers buffer-invite VR-2272

timers connection aging VR-2275

track list IP1R-542

track resolution IP1R-544

translate ruleset TR-207

translate use telnet TR-222

transport switch VR-2341

voice call convert-discpi-to-prog VR-2396

voice hunt VR-2457

voice-class sip transport switch VR-2488

x25 pvc translate ruleset TR-254

x25 version WR-831

12.3(8)T Modified Commands

call fallback jitter-probe precedence VR-240

clear ip ips configuration SR-225

clear ip ips statistics SR-226

connection VR-469

debug condition DB-336

debug crm DB-362

debug ip mobile DB-763

debug tgrm DB-1626

debug track DB-1635

debug voip ccapi DB-1721

description (identity profile) SR-447

device (identity profile) SR-449

gprs charging cdr-option MWR-121

ip address dhcp IP1R-146

ip dhcp client IP1R-166

ip ips SR-616

ip ips name SR-621

ip ips notify SR-623

ip ips po max-events SR-626

ip ips po protected SR-627

ip ips signature SR-632

ip route (global) IP1R-287

ip-address-pool MWR-265

isdn protocol-emulate DR-354, VR-846

match metric (IP) IP2R-342

max-forwards VR-911

mgcp package-capability VR-961

microcode reload (7000/7500) CFR-575

monitor traffic line TR-70

ppp multilink links maximum DR-608

ppp multilink links minimum DR-610

pvc ATM-209, WR-446

rtr schedule CFR-747

sccp ccm 1334

set ip next-hop dynamic dhcp IP1R-384

show crypto map (IPSec) SR-1069

show gprs access-point MWR-345

show gprs charging parameters MWR-359

show gprs gtp path MWR-375

show gprs gtp pdp-context MWR-377

show gprs gtp statistics MWR-388

show gprs gtp status MWR-393

show ip eigrp topology IP2R-641

show ip ips SR-1114

show ip mobile binding IP4R-108

show ip mobile tunnel IP4R-143

show ip mobile visitor IP4R-148

show ip route IP2R-703

show redundancy IR-699

show rtr configuration CFR-1104

show sip-ua status 1843

show sip-ua timers 1846

show track IP1R-494

snmp-server host CFR-1316, IPv6R-791, MP-377

ssg bind service SSGR-172

ssg direction SSGR-180

standby track IP1R-521

threshold metric IP1R-536

12.3(8)T Removed Commands

clear gprs gtp-director statistics MWR-83

debug mta send rcpt-to DB-1262

debug ppp multilink negotiation DB-1356

gprs gtp-director retry-timeout MWR-200

gprs slb cef MWR-228

ip audit attack SR-566

ip audit info SR-567

service gprs gtp-director MWR-313

show gprs gtp-director pending-request MWR-397

show gprs gtp-director statistics MWR-400

12.3(8)T Replaced Commands

cns config connect-intf CFR-151

config-cli CFR-182

debug dialpeer DB-437

debug dmsp doc-to-fax DB-449

debug dmsp fax-to-doc DB-451

debug dspapi DB-464

debug fmsp receive DB-559

debug fmsp send DB-561

debug foip off-ramp DB-563

debug foip on-ramp DB-565

debug hpi DB-649

debug ip mobile advertise DB-768

debug ip mobile host DB-770

debug ip mobile redundancy DB-773

debug mmoip aaa DB-1120

debug mspi receive DB-1255

debug mspi send DB-1257

debug mta receive all DB-1258

debug mta send all DB-1260

debug tsp DB-1636

debug vtsp DB-1936

debug vxml DB-1970

line-cli CFR-469

12.3(11)T New Commands

aps clear sonet IR-9

aps force sonet IR-11

aps lockout sonet IR-16

aps manual sonet IR-20

aps protect (SONET) IR-23

block count MWR-31, SR-190

cache-timeout NetF-5

clear ppp muc MWR-91

clear ppp mux MWR-91

clear radius local-server MWR-92 , SR-231

clear ssg prepaid default-quota SSGR-20

crypto map redundancy replay-interval SR-380

crypto pki server remove SR-419

debug crypto ha DB-374

debug crypto ipsec ha DB-382

debug crypto isakmp ha DB-390

debug ip sdee DB-887

debug ipc DB-919

debug ipc acks DB-921

debug ipc errors DB-923

debug ipc events DB-925

debug ipc fragments DB-927

debug ipc nacks DB-930

debug ipc packets DB-932

debug ipc rpc DB-935

debug ipv6 dhcp relay DB-948, IPv6R-121

debug oer master prefix-list DB-1306

debug radius local-server DB-1380

debug wlccp packet DB-1985

debug wlccp wds DB-1986

dialer string trunkgroup DR-200

dot1x max-start SR-470

dot1x pae SR-473

eap SR-485

encoding h450 call-identity VR-595

encoding h450 call-identity itu VR-597

enrollment credential SR-497

exception crashinfo dump CFR-321

exception crashinfo maximum files CFR-324

grant auto trustpoint SR-533

group (local RADIUS server) MWR-239 , SR-539

h225 timeout t302 VR-718

ip flow egress NetF-18

ip flow-egress input-interface NetF-34

ip flow-top-talkers NetF-43

ip header-compression recoverable-loss QR-103

ip mobile foreign-agent skip-aaa-reauthentication IP4R-34, MWR-242

ip route static adjust-time IP2R-267

ipv6 dhcp relay destination IPv6R-223

ipv6 port-map IPv6R-380

mac-address (ATM) ATM-166, WR-375

match (NetFlow) NetF-53

memory lite CFR-544

mgcp validate call-agent source-ipaddr VR-995

mode y-cable MWR-270

nas MWR-273 , SR-807

parser view superview SR-820

ppp ipcp default route DR-567

ppp mux MWR-286

ppp mux delay MWR-287

ppp mux frame IR-699, MWR-289

ppp mux pid MWR-290

ppp mux subframe count MWR-291

ppp mux subframe length MWR-293

radius-server local MWR-301 , SR-917

reauthentication time MWR-303 , SR-929

redundancy stateful IR-368, SR-932

rx-speed WR-464

security ipsec SR-960

show crypto ha SR-1048

show ip flow top-talkers NetF-84

show ip ospf traffic IP2R-126, IP2R-687

show mgcp srtp 1741

show ppp mux MWR-415

show radius local-server statistics MWR-417 , SR-1144

show redundancy IR-699

show ssg prepaid default-quota SSGR-137

show wlccp wds MWR-427 , SR-1169

sort-by NetF-86

ssg dfp ip SSGR-175

ssg dfp weight SSGR-177

ssid MWR-430 , SR-1185

standalone MWR-432

standby use-interface MWR-433

top NetF-87

trunk-group (timeslots) DR-1117

user MWR-436 , SR-1224

view SR-1233

vlan MWR-438

vlan (local RADIUS server group) SR-1235

vrrp shutdown IP1R-567

wlccp authentication-server client MWR-443 , SR-1244

wlccp authentication-server infrastructure MWR-445 , SR-1246

wlccp wds priority interface MWR-446 , SR-1247

12.3(11)T Modified Commands

analysis-module monitoring IR-5

aps unidirectional IR-26

auto discovery qos QR-6

clear crypto isakmp SR-213

clear crypto sa SR-215

clear crypto session SR-218

client-address SSGR-28

commands (view) SR-238

controller dsl IR-127

crypto ipsec client ezvpn (global) SR-296

crypto map (interface IPSec) SR-369

debug dot1x DB-453

debug ip dhcp server DB-700

debug ip nat DB-786

debug ipv6 inspect IPv6R-736

debug ipv6 pim IPv6R-150

debug isdn q931 DB-1024

debug xdsl application DB-2022

debug xdsl driver DB-2025

debug xdsl eoc DB-2027

debug xdsl error DB-2029

dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex WR-160

dso-mode shdsl symmetric annex IR-150

echo-cancel coverage VR-582

exception memory CFR-330

flow-sampler NetF-13

ignore-error -duration IR-229

interface analysis-module IR-239

ip mobile foreign-service IP4R-35, MWR-243

ip mobile prefix-length IP4R-61, MWR-252

ip mobile registration-lifetime IP4R-64, MWR-253

ip multicast boundary IP3R-128

ip nbar custom QR-105

ip rtp compression-connections MWR-258

ip rtp header-compression MWR-260

ipv6 dhcp relay destination IPv6R-364

ipv6 inspect name IPv6R-262

ipv6 pim bsr candidate bsr IPv6R-366

ipv6 pim bsr candidate rp IPv6R-368

line-mode IR-270

line-rate IR-272

line-term IR-275

loopback (DSL controller) IR-286

mgcp behavior VR-922

mgcp package-capability VR-961

mode (ATM/.T1/E1 controller) IR-314

mode (ATM/T1/E1 controller) VR-1017

neighbor local-as IP2R-397

network-clock-select VR-1080

password 5 SR-824

redundancy MWR-307

reload CFR-691

scheduler heapcheck process CFR-763

service-module analysis-module reload IR-384

service-module analysis-module reset IR-385

service-module analysis-module session IR-386

service-module analysis-module shutdown IR-388

service-module analysis-module status IR-390

show auto discovery qos QR-399

show controller dsl IR-454, IR-458

show controllers sonet IR-504

show crypto ipsec sa SR-1051

show crypto isakmp sa SR-1063

show crypto session SR-1086

show ip cache flow NetF-66

show ip cache verbose flow NetF-72

show ip extcommunity-list IP2R-652

show ip flow interface NetF-83

show ip rtp header-compression MWR-412, QR-468

show ipv6 dhcp interface IPv6R-625

show ipv6 inspect IPv6R-634

show ipv6 pim bsr IPv6R-714

show ipv6 pim group-map IPv6R-720

show mgcp 1722

show mgcp connection 1728

show mgcp statistics 1744

show ssg host SSGR-121

show ssg port-map ip SSGR-133

show ssg radius-proxy SSGR-139

show trunk group DR-1046, 1895

snmp-server enable traps CFR-1234

snmp-server host CFR-1316, IPv6R-791, MP-377

snr margin IR-742

ssg prepaid threshold SSGR-207

ssh IPv6R-805 , SR-1181

type echo CFR-1442

12.3(11)T Removed Commands

redundancy MWR-307

12.3(14)T New Commands

aaa attribute list SR-47

aaa local authentication attempts max-fail SR-99

action cli CFR-26

action counter CFR-28

action info CFR-31

action mail CFR-33

action policy CFR-35

action publish-event CFR-36

action snmp-trap CFR-40

administrator authentication list SR-138

administrator authorization list SR-140

appfw policy-name SR-142

application (application firewall policy configuration) SR-144

application global VR-38

attribute nas-port format SR-150

attribute type SR-152

audit-trail SR-154

authentication trustpoint (tti-registrar) SR-163

authorization (tti-registrar) SR-171

authorization username (tti-registrar) SR-178

binding IPv6R-31

buffer public CFR-101

buffer tune automatic CFR-102

cache reload time (global application configuration mode) VR-99

ccm-manager sccp VR-357

ccm-manager sccp local VR-358

clear aaa local user fail-attempts SR-205

clear aaa local user lockout SR-206

clear ip multicast limit IP3R-20

clear ipv6 mobile binding IPv6R-57

clear ipv6 mobile home-agents IPv6R-59

clear ipv6 mobile traffic IPv6R-60

content-length SR-242

content-type-verification SR-244

cpu interrupt CFR-222

cpu process CFR-223

cpu total CFR-224

critical rising CFR-225

crypto ipsec security-association replay disable SR-318

crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size SR-319

debug appfw DB-45

debug ip auth-proxy ezvpn DB-666

debug ip ddns update DB-692

debug ip dfp agent DB-699

debug ip mrouting limit DB-782

debug ipv6 mobile DB-956, IPv6R-131

debug mediacard DB-1109

debug pxf tbridge DB-1365

debug satellite DB-1433

debug satellite firmware DB-1437

debug ssg dhcp DB-1530

debug usb driver DB-1654

debug voip aaa DB-1697

debug voip application stcapp error DB-1707

debug voip application stcapp events DB-1708

debug voip application stcapp events command DB-1708

debug voip application stcapp functions DB-1710

debug voip application stcapp port DB-1712

debug voip dcapi DB-1749

debug vrrp authentication DB-1916

debug warm-reboot DB-1979

debug webvpn DB-1981

enrollment selfsigned SR-505

estmate bandwidth QR-52

event application CFR-278

event cli CFR-280

event counter CFR-282

event interface CFR-284

event ioswdsysmon CFR-288

event manager directory user CFR-293

event manager environment CFR-295

event manager history size CFR-296

event manager policy CFR-297

event manager run CFR-299

event manager scheduler policy suspend CFR-300

event manager scheduler script CFR-302

event manager session cli username CFR-303

event none CFR-304

event oir CFR-305

event-log VR-614

event-log dump ftp VR-616

event-log error-only VR-618

event-log max-buffer-size VR-620

global (application configuration) VR-685

group-params VR-701

heading SR-546

history session event-log save-exception-only VR-745

history session max-records VR-746

history session retain-timer VR-747

idle-timeout SR-553

instance (resource group) CFR-380

interface event-log dump ftp VR-815

interface event-log error only VR-817

interface max-server-records VR-818

interface stats VR-819

ip dhcp client mobile renew IP4R-23

ip flow-capture NetF-28

ip ips deny-action ips-interface SR-618

ip multicast limit IP3R-139

ip wccp check acl outbound IP1R-319

ip wccp check services all IP1R-320

ipv6 mobile home-agent (global configuration) IPv6R-303

ipv6 mobile home-agent (interface configuration) IPv6R-304

ipv6 multicast boundary scope IPv6R-307

ipv6 nd advertisement-interval IPv6R-324

ipv6 nd prefix framed-ipv6-prefix IPv6R-333

logo SR-780

major rising CFR-533

max-header-length SR-793

max-uri-length SR-796

mediacard VR-916

memory io CFR-545

memory processor CFR-546

memory statistics history table CFR-550

minor rising CFR-577

mode sub-cs SR-802

monitor event-trace cpu-report (EXEC) CFR-589

monitor event-trace cpu-report (global) CFR-591

monitor processes cpu extended CFR-593

no crypto engine software ipsec SR-809

package VR-1114

package appcommon VR-1116

package callsetup VR-1117

package language VR-1118

package session_xwork VR-1122

param VR-1123

param access-method VR-1125

param account-id-method VR-1126

param accounting enable VR-1128

param authen-method VR-1133

param authentication enable VR-1135

param convert-discpi-after-connect VR-1136

param dsn-script VR-1138

param event-log VR-1139

param fax-dtmf VR-1141

param global-password VR-1142

param language VR-1143

param mail-script VR-1145

param mode VR-1147

param pin-len VR-1149

param prompt VR-1151

param redirect-number VR-1152

param reroutemode VR-1154

param retry-count VR-1156

param security VR-1158

param uid-len VR-1160

param voice accounting-list VR-1129

param voice-dtmf VR-1162

param warning-time VR-1163

paramspace VR-1165

paramspace appcommon event-log VR-1167

paramspace appcommon security VR-1169

paramspace callsetup mode VR-1171

paramspace callsetup reroutemode VR-1173

paramspace language location VR-1175

paramspace session_xwork convert-discpi-after-connect VR-1177

policy (ERM) CFR-667

policy (resource group) CFR-669

port-forward SR-837

port-misuse SR-838

prefix-delegation aaa IPv6R-474

processes cpu autoprofile hog CFR-680

processes cpu extended CFR-681

query ip dhcp SSGR-80

request-method SR-936

resource policy CFR-696

resource-pool (mediacard) VR-1280

secondary-text-color SR-952

service 1387

session start 1401

set (EEM) CFR-791

set security-association replay disable SR-992

set security-association replay window-size SR-993

show aaa local user locked SR-1007

show appfw configuration SR-1020

show buffers leak CFR-826

show buffers tune CFR-828

show buffers usage CFR-829

show event manager directory user CFR-914

show event manager environment CFR-915

show event manager history traps CFR-919

show event manager policy available CFR-920

show event manager policy pending CFR-922

show event manager session cli username CFR-925

show ipv6 mobile binding IPv6R-663

show ipv6 mobile globals IPv6R-665

show ipv6 mobile home-agent IPv6R-667

show ipv6 mobile traffic IPv6R-669

show mediacard 1719

show memory fragment CFR-980

show memory statistics history table CFR-985

show monitor event-trace cpu-report CFR-991

show processes cpu autoprofile hog CFR-1018

show processes cpu extended CFR-1019

show pxf cpu tbridge B1R-165

show resource all CFR-1032

show resource database CFR-1050

show resource owner CFR-1053

show resource relationship CFR-1062

show resource user CFR-1064

show stcapp device 1875

show stcapp statistics 1878

show usb controllers CFR-1185, SR-1156

show usb device CFR-1187, SR-1158

show usb driver CFR-1190, SR-1161

show usb port CFR-1192, SR-1163

show usb tree SR-1166

show usbtoken CFR-1193 , SR-1164

show voice dsmp stream 1930

show webvpn sessions SR-1167

show webvpn statistics SR-1168

shutdown (mediacard) 2027

sip address IPv6R-780

sip domain-name IPv6R-781

slot (ERM policy) CFR-1210

snmp-server enable traps eigrp CFR-1261

snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific errors shamlink CFR-1286, IP2R-740

ssg intercept dhcp SSGR-183

ssg query mac dhcp SSGR-214

ssl encryption SR-1187

ssl trustpoint SR-1188

stcapp 2115

stcapp ccm-group 2117

stcapp timer 2118

strict-http SR-1189

system (ERM policy) CFR-1361

text-color SR-1204

timeout (application firewall application-configuration) SR-1205

title SR-1208

title-color SR-1209

tone incoming VR-2319

tone incoming system VR-2321

transfer-encoding type SR-1210

trustpoint signing (tti-petitioner) SR-1213

url-list SR-1222

url-text SR-1223

user (ERM) CFR-1482

username mac SSGR-230

webvpn SR-1241

webvpn enable SR-1242

xauth userid mode SR-1249

12.3(14)T Modified Commands

boot config CFR-83

call accounting-template VR-109

clear ip urlfilter cache SR-229

codec complexity VR-449

copy CFR-201, IPv6R-77

debug ccm-manager DB-235

debug event manager DB-529

debug ip inspect DB-743

debug mpls ldp autoconfig DB-1173

debug mpls ldp graceful-restart DB-1176

debug mpls ldp igp sync DB-1179

debug mpls ldp session protection DB-1187

debug mpls static binding DB-1213

debug nextport vsmgr detail DB-1282

debug voip application stcapp all DB-1705

debug voip dsm DB-1755

debug voip dsmp DB-1761

debug voip dspapi DB-1770

debug voip hpi DB-1784

debug voip vtsp DB-1868

delete CFR-239

dir CFR-244

echo-cancel enable VR-584

endpoint max-calls h323id VR-605

event snmp CFR-306

event syslog CFR-311

format CFR-354

ip flow-export NetF-35

ip igmp join-group IP3R-53

ip inspect alert-off SR-581

ip inspect audit trail SR-582

ip inspect dns-timeout SR-584

ip inspect max-incomplete high SR-588

ip inspect max-incomplete low SR-590

ip inspect name SR-592

ip inspect one-minute high SR-604

ip inspect one-minute low SR-606

ip inspect tcp finwait-time SR-608

ip inspect tcp idle-time SR-609

ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host SR-611

ip inspect tcp synwait-time SR-613

ip inspect udp idle-time SR-614

ip ips notify SR-623

ip mobile router-service IP4R-66

ip port-map SR-634

ip urlfilter alert SR-710

ip urlfilter allowmode SR-712

ip urlfilter audit-trail SR-713

ip urlfilter cache SR-715

ip urlfilter exclusive-domain SR-717

ip urlfilter max-request SR-719

ip urlfilter max-resp-pak SR-720

ip urlfilter server vendor SR-721

ip urlfilter urlf-server-log SR-723

ip wccp IP1R-315

ipv6 nd prefix IPv6R-331

ipv6 nd ra-interval IPv6R-336

ipv6 pim bsr candidate bsr IPv6R-366

ipv6 pim bsr candidate rp IPv6R-368

mpls ldp autoconfig MP-104

mpls ldp graceful-restart timers max-recovery MP-116

mpls ldp graceful-restart timers neighbor-liveness MP-117

mpls ldp igp autoconfig MP-120

mpls ldp igp sync MP-121

mpls ldp igp sync holddown MP-122

mpls ldp neighbor labels accept MP-128

mpls ldp session protection MP-136

mpls ldp sync MP-138

ppp mtu adaptive DR-589

reverse-route SR-938

set peer (IPSec) SR-981

set security-association idletime SR-986

show aaa attributes SR-1000

show call active fax 1464

show call active voice 1472

show call application voice 1515

show call history fax 1533

show ccm-manager 1580

show crypto pki certificates SR-1074

show crypto pki trustpoints SR-1082

show event manager policy registered CFR-923

show ip cache verbose flow NetF-72

show ip inspect SR-1111

show ip mobile router agent IP4R-127

show ip mobile router interface IP4R-129

show ip multicast IP3R-267

show ip ospf mpls ldp interface MP-241

show ip port-map SR-1116

show ip urlfilter cache SR-1128

show ip urlfilter config SR-1130

show ip urlfilter statistics SR-1132

show ip wccp IP1R-478

show memory CFR-969

show mpls interfaces MP-290

show mpls ip binding MP-293

show mpls ldp bindings MP-311

show mpls ldp discovery MP-315

show mpls ldp graceful-restart MP-319

show mpls ldp igp sync MP-321

show mpls ldp neighbor MP-323

show mpls static binding ipv4 vrf MP-332

show policy-map interface QR-484

show port log DR-931

show port operational-status DR-952

show region CFR-1028

show route-map IP2R-734

show ssg connection SSGR-116

show ssg host SSGR-121

show vrrp IP1R-497

snasw link B2R-750

snasw port B2R-759

snmp-server community IPv6R-782

snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific retransmit CFR-1288, IP2R-742

snmp-server enable traps ospf cisco-specific state-change CFR-1290, IP2R-744

snmp-server engineID remote IPv6R-785

snmp-server group IPv6R-787

snmp-server host IPv6R-791

snmp-server user IPv6R-798

vpdn ip udp ignore checksum DR-1147

vrrp authentication IP1R-559

12.3(14)T Removed Commands

application (dial-peer) VR-35

call application voice accounting-template VR-166

call application voice default disc-prog-ind-at-connect VR-174

call application voice language VR-183

call application voice pin-len VR-193

call application voice redirect-number VR-198

call application voice retry-count VR-201

call application voice security trusted VR-204

call application voice set-location VR-206

call application voice transfer mode VR-210

call application voice uid-length VR-214

call application voice warning-time VR-219

ip flow-export NetF-35

ip ips po local SR-625

ip ips po max-events SR-626

ip ips po protected SR-627

ip ips po remote SR-628

12.3(14)T Replaced Commands

atm-slm statistics CFR-59

call accounting-template voice VR-111

call application alternate VR-116

call application cache reload time VR-118

call application event-log VR-120

call application event-log dump ftp VR-122

call application event-log error-only VR-124

call application event-log max-buffer-size VR-126

call application global VR-128

call application history session event-log save-exception-only VR-130

call application history session max-records VR-132

call application history session retain-timer VR-134

call application interface event-log VR-137

call application interface event-log dump ftp VR-139

call application interface event-log error-only VR-141

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size VR-143

call application interface max-server-records VR-145

call application interface stats VR-146

call application session start (global configuration) VR-147

call application stats VR-153

call application voice VR-155

call application voice access-method VR-159

call application voice account-id-method VR-161

call application voice dsn-script VR-176

call application voice event-log VR-178

call application voice fax-dtmf VR-180

call application voice global-password VR-182

call application voice mail-script VR-189

call application voice mode VR-191

call application voice prompt VR-196

call application voice transfer reroute-mode VR-212

call application voice voice-dtmf VR-217

call language voice VR-268

clear saa apm cache CFR-127

ip flow-export destination NetF-41

ip flow-export source NetF-42

rtr CFR-721

rtr group schedule CFR-724

rtr key-chain CFR-727

rtr logging traps CFR-728

rtr low-memory CFR-730

rtr reaction-configuration CFR-732

rtr reaction-trigger CFR-738

rtr reset CFR-740

rtr responder CFR-741

rtr responder type frame-relay CFR-742

rtr responder type tcpConnect CFR-744

rtr responder type udpEcho CFR-745

rtr restart CFR-746

rtr schedule CFR-747

rtr slm frame-relay statistics CFR-750

saa apm cache-size CFR-752

saa apm copy CFR-754

saa apm lowWaterMark CFR-756

saa apm operation CFR-758

show rtr application CFR-1095

show rtr authentication CFR-1097

show rtr collection-statistics CFR-1098

show rtr configuration CFR-1104

show rtr distributions-statistics CFR-1108

show rtr enhanced-history collection-statistics CFR-1110

show rtr enhanced-history distribution-statistics CFR-1116

show rtr group schedule CFR-1121

show rtr history CFR-1123

show rtr operational-state CFR-1125

show rtr reaction-configuration CFR-1130

show rtr reaction-trigger CFR-1132

show rtr responder CFR-1133

show rtr totals-statistics CFR-1134

show saa apm cache CFR-1141

show saa apm information CFR-1143

show saa apm operation CFR-1144

show saa apm results CFR-1145


Posted: Wed May 11 21:57:45 PDT 2005
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