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Release Notes for Cisco VG200 for Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1

Release Notes for Cisco VG200 for Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1

February 21, 2002

These release notes for the Cisco VG200 support Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1, which is based on features in Release 12.1(1)T. These release notes are updated as needed to describe new features, memory requirements, hardware support, software platform deferrals, and changes to the microcode or modem code and related documents.


These release notes describe the following topics:


The Cisco VG200 is designed to provide easy integration between Voice over IP (VoIP) network resources, especially the Cisco IP Telephony solution, and the public switched telephone system (PSTN). The current release of the Cisco VG200 gateways provides the following main features:

System Requirements

This section describes the system requirements for Cisco IOS Release 12.1:

Memory Requirements

At this time, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1 supports only the Cisco VG200 hardware platform. The Cisco VG200 comes preconfigured with the required memory resources, which include:

Flash memory—8 MB

DRAM memory—32 MB

Hardware Supported

At this time, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1 supports only the Cisco VG200 hardware platform.

Table 1 summarizes the modules and interfaces supported on the Cisco VG200.

Table 1: Supported Interfaces on the Cisco VG200

LAN Interfaces

1-port 10/100 Mbps Ethernet

LAN Network Modules


Serial Network Modules


Analog Voice/Fax Network Modules

NM1V One-Slot Voice/Fax Network Module

NM2V Two-Slot Voice/Fax Network Module

Analog Voice/Fax Interface Cards

VIC-1FXS One-Port Voice Interface Card—FXS

VIC-2FXS Two-Port Voice Interface Card—FXS

VIC-1FXO One-Port Voice Interface Card—FXO

VIC-2FXO One-Port Voice Interface Card—FXO

Digital Voice/Fax Network Modules

NM-HDV-1T1-24 Single-Port 24-Channel T1 Voice/Fax Network Module

NM-HDV-1T1-24E Single-Port 24-Enhanced Channel T1 Voice/Fax Network Module

NM-HDV-2T1-48 Single-Port 48-Channel T1 Voice/Fax Network Module

Digital Voice/Fax Interface Cards

VIC-1MFT-T1 One-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk—T1

VIC-2MFT-T1 Two-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk—T1

WAN Interface Cards

Not supported

Determining the Software Version

To determine the version of Cisco IOS software running on a Cisco VG200, log in to the router and enter the show version EXEC command:

router> show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) VG200 Software (vg200-i6s-mz), Version 12.1(1)XE1, RELEASE SOFTWARE

The Cisco VG200 supports only one software image, VG200-i6s-mz.

Upgrading to a New Software Release

For general information about upgrading to a new software release, see the product bulletin, Cisco IOS Upgrade Ordering Instructions located on CCO at:

Service & Support: Software Center: Cisco IOS Software: Product Bulletins: Software

Under General System Software Bulletins, click Cisco IOS Upgrade Ordering Instructions, No. 957

Important Notes

This section contains important notes about the following topics:

Enabling DTMF Relay with MGCP

Make sure that you use the MGCP configuration command for enabling DTMF relay. If this command is not configured, DTMF tones will be not be regenerated correctly on the remote endpoint. The required command is as follows:

router(config)# mgcp dtmf-relay codec all mode out-of-band

For further information about configuring MGCP, refer to the Software Configuration Guide for the Cisco VG200.

Deprecated MIBs

Older Cisco Management Information Bases (MIBs) will be replaced in a future release. OLD-CISCO-* MIBS are currently migrated into more scalable MIBs—without affecting existing Cisco IOS products or NMS applications. You can update from deprecated MIBs to the replacement MIBs as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Deprecated MIBS
Deprecated MIB Replacement




In Development








In Development




(Compilation of other OLD* MIBS)






In Development

Bug Fixes

The following reported bugs have been fixed or resolved in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1:

Description: An error can occur with management protocol processing. Please use the following URL for further information:



Caveats describe unexpected behavior or defects in Cisco IOS software releases. Severity 1 caveats are the most serious caveats; severity 2 caveats are less serious, and severity 3 caveats are still less serious.

The following caveats are specific to Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)XE1.

Description: Lost audio when connected to Catalyst 6000 PRI Gateway.

Detail: When communicating to the PSTN via a Catalyst 6000 PRI Gateway, audio is lost and the call has to be reinitiated.

Workaround: On the Cisco VG200, enter the following command from the IOS global configuration prompt:

    vg200(config)# mgcp modem passthru CA
This command disables FAX operations and should not be used for VG200s connected to FAX machines.

Description: Cisco VG200 not identifying a disconnected trunk correctly.

When a bank of FXO ports is configured and a PSTN line in the group is not working, the Cisco VG200 does not correctly report the disconnected status of the line to Cisco Call Manager. The result is that any outbound call directed to this trunk fails, and is not redirected to a working trunk.

Workaround: In Cisco CallManager, remove the configuration for FXO ports that do not have working PSTN lines attached. From Cisco CallManager Administrator, select Route Plan > Route Group and select the route group. On the page that appears, enable the check box to the left of the disconnected port, click Remove Device, and confirm the operation.

Description: FAX fails for low bandwidth endpoints.

Detail: FAX calls to analog or digital endpoints controlled by Cisco CallManager fail when configured for a low bandwidth region.

Workaround: None.

For information on caveats in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1), refer to Caveats for Cisco  IOS Release 12.1, which lists severity 1 and 2 caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.1. All caveats in Release 12.1(1) also apply to Release 12.0 T, up to and including Release 12.0(7)T.

Note   If you have an account with CCO, you can use Bug Navigator II to find caveats of any severity for any release. Click on this path: Software Center: Cisco IOS Software: Cisco IOS Bug Toolkit: Cisco Bug Navigator II. You can also find Bug Navigator II at

Related Documentation

The following sections describe the documentation available for the Cisco VG200. These documents consist of hardware and software installation guides, Cisco IOS configuration and command references, system error messages, feature modules, and other documents.

Documentation is available as printed manuals or electronic documents, except for feature modules, which are available online on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM.

Use these release notes with these documents:

Release-Specific Documents

The following documents are specific to or support Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1) and are located on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM:

On CCO, beginning under the Service & Support heading:

Technical Documents: Documentation Home Page: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Release Notes: Cross-Platform Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 12.1

On the Documentation CD-ROM at:

Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Release Notes: Cross-Platform Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 12.1

To reach these documents, refer to the Technical Documents link under Service & Support section on CCO. The product bulletin for Release 12.1(1)XE can be found on the following path:

Technical Documents: Product Bulletins: Software: Cisco IOS 12.1: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1(1)XE

On CCO, beginning under the Service & Support heading:

Technical Documents: Documentation Home Page: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Caveats: Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.1

On the Documentation CD-ROM at:

Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS 12.1: Caveats: Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.1

Note   If you have an account with CCO, you can use Bug Navigator II to find caveats of any severity for any release. Click on this path: Software Center: Cisco IOS Software: Cisco IOS Bug Toolkit: Cisco Bug Navigator II. You can also find Bug Navigator II at

Platform-Specific Documents

These documents are available for the Cisco VG200 on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM:

On CCO, beginning under the Service & Support heading:

Technical Documents: Documentation Home Page: Voice Products: Gateways: Cisco VG200

On the Documentation CD-ROM at:

Cisco Product Documentation: Voice Products: Gateways: Cisco VG200

Cisco IOS Software Documentation Set

The Cisco IOS software documentation set consists of the Cisco IOS configuration guides, Cisco IOS command references, and several other supporting documents which are shipped with your order in electronic form on the Documentation CD-ROM—unless you specifically ordered the printed versions.

Documentation Modules

Each module in the Cisco IOS documentation set consists of two books: a configuration guide and a corresponding command reference. Chapters in a configuration guide describe protocols, configuration tasks, Cisco IOS software functionality, and contain comprehensive configuration examples. Chapters in a command reference provide complete command syntax information. Use each configuration guide with its corresponding command reference.

On CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM, two master hot-linked documents provide information for the Cisco IOS software documentation set.

On CCO, beginning under the Service & Support heading:

Technical Documents: Documentation Home Page: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Configuration Guides and Command References: Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Guide or Cisco IOS Interface Command Reference

On the Documentation CD-ROM at:

Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Configuration Guides and Command References: Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Guide or Cisco IOS Interface Command Reference

Release 12.1 Documentation Set

Table 3 describes the contents of the Cisco IOS Release 12.1 software documentation set, which is available in electronic form and in printed form upon request.

Note   You can find the most current Cisco IOS documentation on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM. These electronic documents may contain updates and modifications made after the hard-copy documents were printed.

You can reach the Cisco IOS documentation set on CCO, beginning under the Service & Support heading:

Technical Documents: Documentation Home Page: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Configuration Guides and Command References

You can reach the Cisco IOS documentation set on the Documentation CD-ROM at:

Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IOS Software Configuration: Cisco IOS Release 12.1: Configuration Guides and Command References

Table 3: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1 Documentation Set
Books Chapter Topics

  • Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide

  • Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference

Configuration Fundamentals Overview
Cisco IOS User Interfaces
File Management
System Management

  • Cisco IOS Interface Configuration Guide

  • Cisco IOS Interface Command Reference

Interface Configuration Overview
LAN Interfaces
Logical Interfaces
Serial Interfaces

  • Cisco IOS Multiservice Applications Configuration Guide

  • Cisco IOS Multiservice Applications Command Reference

Voice over IP
Voice over Frame Relay
Voice over ATM
Voice over HDLC
Frame Relay-ATM Internetworking
Synchronized Clocks
Video Support
Universal Broadband Features

  • Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide

  • Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference

Policy-Based Routing
QoS Policy Propagation via BGP
Committed Access Rate
Weighted Fair Queueing
Custom Queueing
Priority Queueing
Weighted Random
Early Detection
Packet Drop
Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
Link Fragmentation
RTP Header Compression

  • Cisco IOS Command Summary

  • Cisco IOS Command Reference Master Index

  • Cisco IOS Configuration Guide Master Index

  • Cisco IOS System Error Messages

  • Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference


Note   Cisco Management Information Base (MIB) User Quick Reference is no longer published. For the latest list of MIBs supported by Cisco, see Cisco Network Management Toolkit on Cisco Connection Online. From CCO, click on the following path: Service & Support: Software Center: Network Mgmt Products: Cisco Network management Toolkit: Cisco MIB.

Software Configuration Tips on the Cisco TAC Home Page

If you have a CCO login account, you can access the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at the following URL, which contains links and tips on configuring your Cisco products:


This URL is subject to change without notice. If it changes, point your Web browser to CCO  and click on this path: Products & Technologies: Products: Technical Tips.

The following sections are provided from the Technical Tips page:

Obtaining Documentation

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.cisco.com.

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly. Therefore, it is probably more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation

Registered CCO users can order the Documentation CD-ROM and other Cisco Product documentation through our online Subscription Services at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/subcat/kaojump.cgi.

Nonregistered CCO users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco's corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-4000 or, in North America, call 800 553-NETS (6387).

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco provides Cisco Connection Online (CCO) as a starting point for all technical assistance. Warranty or maintenance contract customers can use the Technical Assistance Center. All customers can submit technical feedback on Cisco documentation using the web, e-mail, a self-addressed stamped response card included in many printed docs, or by sending mail to Cisco.

Cisco Connection Online

Cisco continues to revolutionize how business is done on the Internet. Cisco Connection Online is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open access to Cisco information and resources at anytime, from anywhere in the world. This highly integrated Internet application is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for doing business with Cisco.

CCO's broad range of features and services helps customers and partners to streamline business processes and improve productivity. Through CCO, you will find information about Cisco and our networking solutions, services, and programs. In addition, you can resolve technical issues with online support services, download and test software packages, and order Cisco learning materials and merchandise. Valuable online skill assessment, training, and certification programs are also available.

Customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional personalized information and services. Registered users may order products, check on the status of an order and view benefits specific to their relationships with Cisco.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

You can e-mail questions about using CCO to cco-team@cisco.com.

Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is available to warranty or maintenance contract customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract.

To display the TAC web site that includes links to technical support information and software upgrades and for requesting TAC support, use www.cisco.com/techsupport.

To contact by e-mail, use one of the following:

Language E-mail Address



Hanzi (Chinese)


Kanji (Japanese)


Hangul (Korean)






In North America, TAC can be reached at 800 553-2447 or 408 526-7209. For other telephone numbers and TAC e-mail addresses worldwide, consult the following web site: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/687/Directory/DirTAC.shtml.

Documentation Feedback

If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit technical comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.

You can e-mail your comments to bug-doc@cisco.com.

To submit your comments by mail, for your convenience many documents contain a response card behind the front cover. Otherwise, you can mail your comments to the following address:

Cisco Systems, Inc.
Document Resource Connection
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883

We appreciate and value your comments.

Posted: Sat Jun 1 16:59:41 PDT 2002
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