
Table of Contents

GKTMP Commands

GKTMP Commands

The following commands have been added in support of the new Gatekeeper functions:

Note As with all IOS commands, you can abbreviate the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper trigger registration commands. To abbreviate a command, simply enter the first few characters of the command and press tab. To obtain online help for a command, enter the first few characters of the command followed by a question mark.

server trigger

To configure triggers for external applications, use the server trigger command.

server trigger { arq | lcf | lrj | lrq | rrq | urq | drq | rai } gkid priority server-id server-ip_address server-port

no server trigger { arq | lcf | lrj | lrq | rrq | urq | drq | rai } gkid priority

no server trigger all

The no form of this command removes the trigger definition from the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper. The no server trigger all command removes all statically configured triggers.

Syntax Description

arq | lcf | lrj | lrq | rrq | urq | drq | rai

The RAS messages for which you can create triggers on the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper. You can specify only one message type per server trigger command. There is a different trigger submode for each message type. Each trigger submode has its own set of applicable commands.


The identifier of the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper.


The priority for this particular trigger. Possible values are 1 through 20. 1 is the highest.


The identifier of the external application.


The IP address of the server on which the external application is running.


The port on which the server listens for messages from the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper.

Command Mode

Gatekeeper configuration

Submode Commands

The following subcommands can be used in any of the trigger submodes:

The following subcommands can be used in specific trigger submodes to configure certain types of trigger conditions:


To indicate to the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper that messages that meet the specified trigger parameters should be sent as notifications only and that the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper should not wait for a response from the external application, use the info-only subcommand.


Syntax Description


Informational only. No need to wait for acknowledgment.

Command Mode

Any of the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper trigger submodes


To temporarily disable a trigger, use the shutdown subcommand. Cisco IOS Gatekeepers will not consult triggers in shutdown state when determining whether a message should be forwarded to an external application.


Syntax Description


Changes the administrative state of a trigger to shutdown.

Command Mode

Any of the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper trigger submodes


To configure a trigger that is based on a particular destination, use the destination-info subcommand.

destination-info {e164 | email-id | h323-id} value

Syntax Description


Indicates that the destination address is an E.164 address.


Indicates that the destination address is an e-mail ID.


Indicates that the destination address is an H.323 ID.


Specifies the value against which to compare the destination address in the RAS messages. For E.164 addresses, the following wildcards can be used:

  • A trailing series of periods, each of which represents a single character.

  • A trailing asterisk, which represents one or more characters.

Command Mode

Cisco IOS Gatekeeper ARQ, LRQ, LCF, LRJ, and DRQ trigger submodes


To configure a trigger that is based on a specific redirect reason, use the redirect-reason subcommand.

redirect-reason value

Syntax Description


Specifies the value against which to compare the redirect-reason in the RAS messages. Possible values are 0-65535. Currently used redirect reasons are:

  • 0—Unknown reason

  • 1—Call forwarding busy or called DTE busy

  • 2—Call forwarded no reply

  • 4—Call deflection

  • 9—Called DTE out of order

  • 10—Call forwarding by the call DTE

  • 15—Call forwarding unconditionally

Command Mode

Cisco IOS Gatekeeper ARQ, LRQ, and DRQ trigger submodes


To configure a trigger that is based on a specific remote extension address, use the remote-ext-address subcommand.

remote-ext-address value

Syntax Description


Indicates that the remote extension address is an E.164 address.


Specifies the value against which to compare the destination address in the RAS messages. The following wildcards can be used:

  • A trailing series of periods, each of which represents a single character.

  • A trailing asterisk, which represents one or more characters.

Command Mode

Cisco IOS Gatekeeper LCF trigger submode


To configure a trigger that is based on a specific endpoint, use the endpoint-type subcommand.

endpoint-type value

Syntax Description


Specifies the value against which to compare the endpoint-type in the RAS messages. The possible values are:

  • gatekeeper—The endpoint is an H.323 gatekeeper.

  • h320-gateway—The endpoint is an H.320 gateway.

  • mcu—The endpoint is an MCU.

  • other-gateway—The endpoint is a type of gateway not specified on this list.

  • proxy—The endpoint is an H.323 proxy.

  • terminal—The endpoint is an H.323 terminal.

  • voice-gateway—The endpoint is a voice type gateway.

Command Mode

Cisco IOS Gatekeeper RRQ, URQ, and RAI trigger submodes


To configure a trigger that is based on a specific supported prefix, use the supported-prefix subcommand.

supported-prefix value

Syntax Description


Specifies the value against which to compare the supported prefix in the RAS messages. The possible values are any E.164 pattern used as a gateway technology prefix. The value string can contain any of the following: 0123456789#*,

Command Mode

Cisco IOS Gatekeeper RRQ, URQ, and RAI trigger submodes

timer server timeout

To define the server timeout for GKTMP messages, use the timer server timeout command.

timer server timeout value

Syntax Description


The timeout in seconds. Possible values are 1 through 5. The default value is 3.

Command Mode

Gatekeeper configuration

server registration-port

To define a listener port to be used by the external applications to establish connections to the gatekeeper on this router, use the server registration-port command.

[no] server registration-port port_number

The no form of this command forces the gatekeeper on this router to close the listener port so that it cannot receive any additional registrations. However, existing connections between the gatekeeper and external application are left open.

Syntax Description


The port on which the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper should listen for registration messages from external applications.

Command Mode

Gatekeeper configuration

show gatekeeper servers

To display a list of the triggers (whether dynamically registered from the external applications or statically configured from the command-line interface), use the show gatekeeper servers command.

show gatekeeper servers [gkid]

Syntax Description


Specifies the ID of the gatekeeper. If you specify a gatekeeper ID, only the information about the external applications that are registered with the specified gatekeeper is displayed. If you do not specify a gatekeeper ID, information about all the external applications that are registered with any of the Cisco IOS Gatekeepers on this router is displayed.

Command Mode

EXEC mode

Example 6-1: show gatekeeper servers Output router#show gatekeeper servers gk102 GATEKEEPER SERVERS STATUS ========================= Gatekeeper Server listening port: 20000         Gatekeeper GKTMP version:2.0 Gatekeeper-ID: gk102 -------------------- RRQ Priority: 1 Server-ID: sj-server Server IP address: Server type: dynamically registered Connection Status: active          Server GKAPI version:2.0 Trigger Information: Supported Prefix: 10# Supported Prefix: 3# RRQ Priority: 2 Server-ID: sf-server Server IP address: Server type: CLI-configured Connection Status: inactive          Server GKAPI version:2.0 Trigger Information: Endpoint-type: MCU Endpoint-type: VOIP-GW Supported Prefix: 99# ARQ Priority: 1 Server-ID: sj-server Server IP address: Server type: dynamically registered Connection Status: active          Server GKAPI version:2.0 Trigger Information: Destination Info: Destination Info: E:1800....... Redirect Reason: Call forwarded no reply Redirect Reason: Call deflection

debug gatekeeper servers

To turn debugging on, use the debug gatekeeper servers command. This command traces all the message exchanges between the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper and the external application. It also displays any errors that occur in sending messages to the external application or in parsing messages from the external application.

debug gatekeeper servers

[no] debug gatekeeper servers

The no format of this command turns debugging off.

Syntax Description


Enable the logging of messages between the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper and the external application as well as logging of errors in the processing of messages received from the external application.

Command Mode

EXEC mode

Example 6-2: debug gatekeeper servers Output router#debug gatekeeper servers ############ begin screen trace 00:08:47:GK:processing server msg: REGISTER RRQ From:server1 To:gk617 Priority:1 00:08:47:GK TMSG encoded to write buffer: "REGISTER RRQ From:gk617 To:server1 Priority:1 Status:success " 00:11:16:GK TMSG encoded to write buffer: "REQUEST RRQ From:gk617 To:server1 Transaction-Id:6121529400000001 Content-Length:62 c=I: r=I: t=proxy a=H:px14 " 00:11:16:GK:processing server msg: RESPONSE RRQ From:server1 To:gk617 Transaction-Id:6121529400000001 Content-Length:35 a=M:jsmith p=1# 2 # 3# 1800... 00:11:45:GK TMSG encoded to write buffer: "REQUEST RRQ From:gk617 To:server1 Transaction-Id:6121529400000002 Content-Length:72 c=I: r=I: t=voice-gateway a=H:gw130 " 00:11:45:GK:processing server msg: RESPONSE RRJ From:server1 To:gk617 Transaction-Id:6121529400000002 Content-Length:18 R=securityDenial ############ end screen trace

Posted: Fri Sep 27 04:45:37 PDT 2002
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