
Table of Contents

XNS Commands

XNS Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for XNS commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 3.

access-list (extended)

To define an extended XNS access list, use the extended version of the access-list global configuration command. To remove an extended access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol [source-network[.source-host
[source-network-mask.source-host-mask] source-socket
[destination-network [.destination-host
[destination-network-mask.destination-host-mask] [destination-socket[/pep]]]
no access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol [source-network[.source-host
[source-network-mask.source-host-mask]] source-socket
[destination-network [.destination-host
[destination-network-mask.destination-host-mask] destination-socket[/pep]]]

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 500 to 599.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
protocol Number of an XNS protocol, in decimal. See the documentation accompanying your host's XNS implementation for a list of protocol numbers.
source-network (Optional) Number of the network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 32-bit decimal number. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You can omit leading zeros from the network number.

Note that you enter the network number in decimal, and this number is expressed in decimal format in Cisco's configuration files and routing tables. However, the Cisco IOS software internally converts the network number into hexadecimal. This means, for instance, that a network analyzer will display the network number in hexadecimal.

source-host (Optional) Host on source-network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit hexadecimal value represented as a dotted triplet of 4-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).
source-network-mask (Optional) Mask to be applied to source-network. The mask is a 32-bit decimal number. The mask must immediately be followed by a period, which must in turn immediately be followed by source-host-mask.
source-host-mask (Optional) Mask to be applied to source-host. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.
source-socket Number of the socket from which the packet is being sent. This is a 16-bit decimal value. See the documentation accompanying your host's XNS implementation for a list of socket numbers.
destination-network (Optional) Number of the network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 32-bit decimal number. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You can omit leading zeros from the network number.

Note that you enter the network number in decimal, and this number is expressed in decimal format in Cisco's configuration files and routing tables. However, the Cisco IOS software internally converts the network number into hexadecimal. This means, for instance, that a network analyzer will display the network number in hexadecimal.

destination-host (Optional) Host on destination-network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit hexadecimal value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).
destination-network-mask (Optional) Mask to be applied to destination-network. The mask is a 32-bit decimal number. The mask must immediately be followed by a period, which must in turn immediately be followed by destination-host-mask.
destination-host-mask (Optional) Mask to be applied to destination-host. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.
destination-socket (Optional) Number of the socket to which the packet is being sent. This is a 16-bit decimal value. See the documentation accompanying your host's XNS implementation for a list of socket numbers.
pep (Optional) Packet Exchange Protocol (PEP) type. PEP is a connectionless-oriented protocol that uses XNS Type 4 initial domain part (IDP) frames.

access-list (standard)

To define a standard XNS access list, use the standard version of the access-list global configuration command. To remove a standard access list, use the no form of this command.

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source-network[.source-address
[source-address-mask]] [destination-network[.destination-address
no access-list access-list-number

access-list-number Number of the access list. This is a decimal number from 400 to 499.
deny Denies access if the conditions are matched.
permit Permits access if the conditions are matched.
source-network Number of the network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 32-bit decimal number. You can omit leading zeros. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

Note that you enter the network number in decimal, and this number is expressed in decimal format in Cisco's configuration files and routing tables. However, the Cisco IOS software internally converts the network number into hexadecimal. This means, for instance, that a network analyzer will display the network number in hexadecimal.

source-address (Optional) Host on source-network from which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit hexadecimal value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).
source-address-mask (Optional) Mask to be applied to source-address. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.
destination-network (Optional) Number of the network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 32-bit decimal number. A network number of -1 matches all networks.

You can omit leading zeros from the network number.

Note that you enter the network number in decimal, and this number is expressed in decimal format in Cisco's configuration files and routing tables. However, the Cisco IOS software internally converts the network number into hexadecimal. This means, for instance, that a network analyzer will display the network number in hexadecimal.

destination-address (Optional) Host on destination-network to which the packet is being sent. This is a 48-bit hexadecimal value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).
destination-address-mask (Optional) Mask to be applied to destination-address. This is a 48-bit value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). Place ones in the bit positions you want to mask.

ping (privileged)

To check host reachability and network connectivity, use the ping privileged EXEC command.


ping (user)

To check host reachability and network connectivity, use the ping user EXEC command.

ping xns address

xns Specifies the XNS protocol.
address Address of system to ping.

show xns cache

To display the contents of the XNS fast-switching cache, use the show xns cache EXEC command.

show xns cache

show xns interface

To display the status of the XNS interfaces configured in the Cisco IOS software and the parameters configured on each interface, use the show xns interface EXEC command.

show xns interface [type number]

type (Optional) Interface type. It can be one of the following types: asynchronous, dialer, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), loopback, null, serial, or tunnel.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show xns route

To display the contents of the XNS routing table, use the show xns route EXEC command.

show xns route [network]

network (Optional) Number of the network that the route is to. This is a 32-bit decimal number. You can omit leading zeros.

show xns traffic

To display information about the number and type of XNS packets transmitted and received by the Cisco IOS software, use the show xns traffic EXEC command.

show xns traffic

xns access-group

To apply a generic filter to an interface, use the xns access-group interface configuration command. To remove the access list, use the no form of this command.

xns access-group access-list-number
no xns access-group

access-list-number Number of the access list. All outgoing packets defined with either standard or extended access lists and forwarded through the interface are filtered by the entries in this access list. For standard access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 400 to 499. For extended access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 500 to 599.

xns encapsulation

To select the type of encapsulation used on a Token Ring interface, use the xns encapsulation interface configuration command. To disable the encapsulation, use the no form of this command.

xns encapsulation {snap | ub | 3com}
no xns encapsulation {snap | ub | 3com}

snap 802.2 LLC encapsulation. This is the default encapsulation type. Use this encapsulation type with IBM Token Ring networks.
ub Ungermann-Bass encapsulation.
3com 3Com encapsulation. Use this encapsulation type when older 3Com Corporation products are present on the network.

xns flood broadcast allnets

To flood broadcast packets whose destination address is -1.FFFF.FFFF.FFFF, use the xns flood broadcast allnets interface configuration command. To disable this type of flooding, use the no form of this command.

xns flood broadcast allnets
no xns flood broadcast allnets

xns flood broadcast net-zero

To flood packets whose destinations address is 0.FFFF.FFFF.FFFF, use the xns flood broadcast net-zero interface configuration command. To disable this type of flooding, use the no form of this command.

xns flood broadcast net-zero
no xns flood broadcast net-zero

xns flood specific allnets

To flood packets whose destination address is -1.specific-host, use the xns flood specific allnets interface configuration command. To disable this type of flooding, use the no form of this command.

xns flood specific allnets
no xns flood specific allnets

xns forward-protocol

To forward packets of a specific XNS protocol to a helper address, use the xns forward-protocol global configuration command. To disable the forwarding of these packets, use the no form of this command.

xns forward-protocol protocol
no xns forward-protocol

protocol Number of an XNS protocol, in decimal. See the documentation accompanying your host's XNS implementation for a list of protocol numbers.

xns hear-rip

To receive RIP updates, use the xns hear-rip interface configuration command. To disable the receipt of RIP updates, use the no form of this command.

xns hear-rip [access-list-number]
no xns hear-rip

access-list-number (Optional) Number of the access list. This list defines the routes the Cisco IOS software is to learn through standard RIP. The list is applied to individual routes within the RIP packet, not to the address of the packet's sender. For standard access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 400 to 499. For extended access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 500 to 599.

xns helper-address

To forward broadcast packets to a specified server, use the xns helper-address interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

xns helper-address
no xns helper-address

network Network on which the target XNS server resides. This is a 32-bit decimal number.
host Host number of the target XNS server. This is a 48-bit hexadecimal value represented as a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). The host must be directly connected to one of the router's directly attached networks. A number of FFFF.FFFF.FFFF indicates all hosts on the specified network.

xns input-network-filter

To control which networks are added to the routing table, use the xns input-network-filter interface configuration command. To remove the filter from the interface, use the no form of this command.

xns input-network-filter access-list-number
no xns input-network-filter

access-list-number Number of the access list. All incoming packets defined with either standard or extended access lists are filtered by the entries in this access list. For standard access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 400 to 499. For extended access lists, it is a decimal number from 500 to 599.

xns maximum-paths

To set the maximum number of paths the Cisco IOS software uses when sending packets, use the xns maximum-paths global configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

xns maximum-paths number
no xns maximum-paths

number Maximum number of equal-cost paths from which the software chooses. It can be a number from 1 to 512. The default is 1.

xns network

To enable XNS routing on a particular interface by assigning a network number to the interface, use the xns network interface configuration command. To disable XNS routing on an interface, use the no form of this command.

xns network number
no xns network

number Network number. This is a 32-bit decimal number. You can omit leading zeros.

xns output-network-filter

To control the list of networks included in routing updates sent out an interface, use the xns output-network-filter interface configuration command. To remove the filter from the interface, use the no form of this command.

xns output-network-filter access-list-number
no xns output-network-filter

access-list-number Number of the access list. All outgoing packets defined with either standard or extended access lists are filtered by the entries in this access list. For standard access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 400 to 499. For extended access lists, it is a decimal number from 500 to 599.

xns route

To add a static route to the XNS routing table, use the xns route global configuration command. To remove a route from the routing table, use the no form of this command.

xns route network
no xns route network

network Network to which you want to establish a static route. This is a 32-bit decimal number. You can omit leading zeros. Router to which to forward packets destined for the specified network.

The argument network is a 32-bit decimal number. You can omit leading zeros.

The argument host is the host number of the target router. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx).

xns route-cache

To enable XNS fast switching, use the xns route-cache interface configuration command. To disable fast switching, use the no form of this command.

xns route-cache
no xns route-cache

xns router-filter

To control the routers from which packets are accepted, use the xns router-filter interface configuration command. To remove the filters from the interface, use the no form of this command.

xns router-filter access-list-number
no xns router-filter

access-list-number Number of the access list. All incoming packets defined with either standard or extended access lists are filtered by the entries in this access list. For standard access lists, access-list-number is a decimal number from 400 to 499. For extended access lists, it is a decimal number from 500 to 599.

xns routing

To enable XNS routing, use the xns routing global configuration command. To disable XNS routing, use the no form of this command.

xns routing [address]
no xns routing

address (Optional) Host number of the router. This is a 48-bit value represented by a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx). It must not be a multicast address.

If you omit address, the Cisco IOS software uses the address of the first IEEE-compliant (Token Ring, FDDI, or Ethernet) interface MAC address it finds in its interface list. The software uses the address 0123.4567.abcd for non-IEEE-compliant interfaces.

xns ub-emulation

To enable Ungermann-Bass Net/One routing, use the xns ub-emulation global configuration command. To disable Net/One routing and restore standard routing mode, use the no form of this command.

xns ub-emulation
no xns ub-emulation

xns update-time

To set the XNS routing update timers, use the xns update-time interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

xns update-time interval
no xns update-time

interval Interval, in seconds, at which XNS routing updates are sent. The minimum interval is 10 seconds, and the maximum is 2493644 seconds, which is about 29 days. The default is 30 seconds.

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