
Table of Contents

ISO CLNS Commands

ISO CLNS Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Network Protocols Command Reference, Part 3.


Use the area-password router configuration command to configure the area authentication password. Use the no form of this command to disable the password.

area-password password
no area-password [

password Password you assign.

clear clns cache

Use the clear clns cache EXEC command to clear and reinitialize the CLNS routing cache.

clear clns cache

clear clns es-neighbors

Use the clear clns es-neighbors EXEC command to remove end system (ES) neighbor information from the adjacency database.

clear clns es-neighbors

clear clns is-neighbors

Use the clear clns is-neighbors EXEC command to remove intermediate system (IS) neighbor information from the adjacency database.

clear clns is-neighbors

clear clns neighbors

Use the clear clns neighbors EXEC command to remove CLNS neighbor information from the adjacency database.

clear clns neighbors

clear clns route

Use the clear clns route EXEC command to remove all of the dynamically derived CLNS routing information.

clear clns route

clear tarp counters

Use the clear tarp counters EXEC command to clear all Target Identifier Address Resolution Protocol (TARP) counters that are shown with the show tarp traffic command.

clear tarp counters

clear tarp ldb-table

Use the clear tarp ldb-table EXEC command to clear the system ID-to-sequence number mapping entries stored in the TARP loop-detection buffer table.

clear tarp ldb-table

clear tarp tid-table

Use the clear tarp tid-table EXEC command to clear the dynamically created TARP target identifier (TID)-to-NSAP address mapping entries stored in TID cache.

clear tarp tid-table

clns access-group

Use the clns access-group interface configuration command to filter transit CLNS traffic going either into or out of the router or both on a per-interface basis. Use the no form of this command to disable filtering of transit CLNS packets.

clns access-group name [in | out]
no clns access-group name [in | out]

name Name of the filter set or expression to apply.
in (Optional) Filter should be applied to CLNS packets entering the router.
out (Optional) Filter should be applied to CLNS packets leaving the router. If you do not specify an in or out keyword, out is assumed.

clns adjacency-filter

Use the clns adjacency-filter interface configuration command to filter the establishment of CLNS ES and IS adjacencies. Use the no form of this command to disable this filtering.

clns adjacency-filter {es | is} name
no clns adjacency-filter {es | is} name

es ES adjacencies are to be filtered.
is IS adjacencies are to be filtered.
name Name of the filter set or expression to apply.

clns checksum

Use the clns checksum interface configuration command to enable checksum generation when ISO CLNS routing software sources a CLNS packet. Use the no form of this command to disable checksum generation.

clns checksum
no clns checksum

clns cluster-alias

Use the clns cluster-alias interface configuration command to allow multiple systems to advertise the same system ID as other systems in ES hello messages. Use the no form of this command to disable cluster aliasing.

clns cluster-alias
no clns cluster-alias

clns configuration-time

Use the clns configuration-time global configuration command to specify the rate at which ES hellos and IS hellos are sent. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

clns configuration-time seconds
no clns configuration-time

seconds Rate in seconds at which ES and IS hello packets are sent.

clns congestion-threshold

Use the clns congestion-threshold interface configuration command to set the congestion experienced bit if the output queue has more than the specified number of packets in it. A number value of zero or the no form of this command prevents this bit from being set. Use the no form of this command to remove the parameter setting and set it to 0.

clns congestion-threshold number
no clns congestion-threshold

number Number of packets that are allowed in the output queue before the system sets the congestion-experienced bit. The value zero (0) prevents this bit from being set.

clns dec-compatible

Use the clns dec-compatible interface configuration command to allow IS hellos sent and received to ignore the N-selector byte. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

clns dec-compatible
no clns dec-compatible

clns enable

Use the clns enable interface configuration command if you do not intend to perform any static or dynamic routing on an interface, but intend to pass ISO CLNS packet traffic to end systems. Use the no form of this command to disable ISO CLNS on a particular interface.

clns enable
no clns enable

clns erpdu-interval

Use the clns erpdu-interval interface configuration command to determine the minimum interval time, in milliseconds, between error ERPDUs. A milliseconds value of zero or the no form of this command turns off the interval and effectively sets no limit between ERPDUs.

clns erpdu-interval milliseconds
no clns erpdu-interval

milliseconds Minimum interval time (in milliseconds) between ERPDUs.

clns esct-time

Use the clns esct-time interface configuration command to supply an ES configuration timer option in a transmitted IS hello packet that tells the ES how often it should transmit ES hello packet PDUs. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value and disable this feature.

clns esct-time seconds
no clns esct-time seconds

seconds Time, in seconds, between ES hello PDUs. Range is 0 to 65535.

clns es-neighbor

Use the clns es-neighbor interface configuration command to list all systems that will be used when you manually specify the NSAP-to-SNPA mapping. The SNPAs are the MAC addresses. Use the no form of this command to delete the ES neighbor.

clns es-neighbor nsap snpa
no clns es-neighbor

nsap Specific NSAP to map to a specific MAC address.
snpa Data link (MAC) address.

clns filter-expr

Use one or more clns filter-expr global configuration commands to combine CLNS filter sets and CLNS address templates to create complex logical NSAP pattern-matching expressions. Use the no form of this command to delete the expression.

clns filter-expr ename term
clns filter-expr ename not term
clns filter-expr ename term or term
clns filter-expr ename term and term
clns filter-expr ename term xor term
no clns filter-expr ename

ename Alphanumeric name to apply to this filter expression.
term Filter expression term. A term can be any of the following:

ename--Another, previously defined, filter expression.

sname (or destination sname)--A previously defined filter set name, with the filter set applied to the destination NSAP address.

source sname--A previously defined filter set name, with the filter set applied to the source NSAP address.

clns filter-set

Use one or more clns filter-set global configuration commands to build a list of CLNS address templates with associated permit and deny conditions for use in CLNS filter expressions. CLNS filter expressions are used in the creation and use of CLNS access lists. Use the no form of this command to delete the entire filter set.

clns filter-set name [permit | deny] template
no clns filter-set name

name Alphanumeric name to apply to this filter set.
permit | deny (Optional) Addresses matching the pattern specified by template are to be permitted or denied. If neither permit nor deny is specified, permit is assumed.
template Address template, template alias name, or the keyword default. Address templates and alias names are described under the description of the clns template-alias global configuration command. The default keyword denotes a zero-length prefix and matches any address.

clns holding-time

Use the clns holding-time global configuration command to allow the sender of an ES hello or IS hello to specify the length of time you consider the information in the hello packets to be valid. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value (300 seconds, or 5 minutes).

clns holding-time seconds
no clns holding-time

seconds Length of time in seconds during which the information in the hello packets is considered valid.

clns host

Use the clns host global configuration command to define a name-to-NSAP mapping that can then be used with commands requiring NSAPs.

clns host name nsap

name Desired name for the NSAP. The first character can be either a letter or a number, but if you use a number, the operations you can perform are limited.
nsap NSAP to which that the name maps.

clns is-neighbor

Use the clns is-neighbor interface configuration command to list all intermediate systems that will be used when you manually specify the NSAP-to-SNPA mapping. The SNPAs are the MAC addresses. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified IS neighbor.

clns is-neighbor nsap snpa
no clns is-neighbor

nsap NSAP of a specific intermediate system to enter as neighbor to a specific MAC address.
snpa Data link (MAC) address.

clns mtu

Use the clns mtu interface configuration command to set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) packet size for the interface. Use the no form of this command to restore the default and maximum packet size.

clns mtu bytes
no clns mtu

bytes Maximum packet size in bytes. The minimum value is 512; the default and maximum packet size depend on the interface type.

clns net (global configuration command)

Use the clns net global configuration command to assign a static address for a router. If the Cisco IOS software is configured to support ISO CLNS, but is not configured to dynamically route CLNS packets using ISO IGRP or IS-IS, use this command to assign an address to the router. Use the no form of this command to remove any previously configured NET or NSAP address.

clns net {net-address | name}
no clns net {
net-address | name}

net-address NET address.
name CLNS host name to be associated with this interface.

clns net (interface configuration command)

Use the clns net interface configuration command to assign an NSAP address or name to a router interface. If the Cisco IOS software is configured to support ISO CLNS, but is not configured to dynamically route CLNS packets using an ISO IGRP or IS-IS, use this command to assign an address to the router. Use the no form of this command to remove any previously configured NSAP address.

clns net {nsap-address | name}
no clns net {
nsap-address | name}

nsap-address Specific NSAP address.
name Name to be associated with this interface.

clns packet-lifetime

Use the clns packet-lifetime global configuration command to specify the initial lifetime for locally generated packets. Use the no form of this command to remove the parameter's settings.

clns packet-lifetime seconds
no clns packet-lifetime

seconds Packet lifetime in seconds.

clns rdpdu-interval

Use the clns rdpdu-interval interface configuration command to determine the minimum interval time (in milliseconds) between redirect PDUs (RDPDUs). A milliseconds value of zero or the no form of this command turns off the interval rate and effectively sets no limit between RDPDUs.

clns rdpdu-interval milliseconds
no clns rdpdu-interval

milliseconds Minimum interval time (in milliseconds) between RDPDUs.

clns route (interface static route)

Use this form of the clns route global configuration command to create an interface static route. Use the no form of this command to remove this route.

clns route nsap-prefix type number [snpa-address]
no clns route

nsap-prefix Network service access point prefix. This value is entered into a static routing table and used to match the beginning of a destination NSAP. The longest NSAP-prefix entry that matches is used.
type Interface type.
number Interface number.
snpa-address (Optional) Specific SNPA address. Optional for serial links; required for multiaccess networks.

clns route (to enter a static route)

Use this form of the clns route global configuration command to enter a specific static route. NSAPs that start with nsap-prefix are forwarded to next-hop-net or the name of the next hop. Use the no form of this command to remove this route.

clns route nsap-prefix {next-hop-net | name}
no clns route

nsap-prefix Network service access point prefix. This value is entered into a static routing table and used to match the beginning of a destination NSAP. The longest NSAP-prefix entry that matches is used.
next-hop-net Next-hop NET. This value is used to establish the next hop of the route for forwarding packets.
name Name of the next hop node. This value can be used instead of the next-hop NET to establish the next hop of the route for forwarding packets.

clns route-cache

Use the clns route-cache interface configuration command to allow fast switching through the cache. Use the no form of this command to disable fast switching.

clns route-cache
no clns route-cache

clns route default

Use the clns route global configuration command to configure a default zero-length prefix rather than type an NSAP prefix. Use the no form of this command to remove this route.

clns route default nsap-prefix type number
no clns route default

nsap-prefix Network service access point prefix that is a default zero-length prefix.
type Interface type. Specify the interface type immediately followed by the interface number; there is no space between the two.
number Interface number.

clns route discard

Use the clns route discard global configuration command to explicitly tell a router to discard packets with NSAP addresses that match the specified nsap-prefix. Use the no form of this command to remove this route.

clns route nsap-prefix discard
no clns route nsap-prefix

nsap-prefix Network service access point prefix. This value is entered into a static routing table and used to match the beginning of a destination NSAP. The longest NSAP-prefix entry that matches is used.
discard Explicitly tells a router to discard packets with NSAPs that match the specified nsap-prefix.

clns router isis

Use the clns router isis interface configuration command to enable IS-IS routing for OSI on a specified interface. Use the no form of this command with the appropriate area tag to disable IS-IS routing for the system.

clns router isis [tag]
no clns router isis [tag]

tag (Optional) Meaningful name for a routing process. If not specified, a null tag is assumed. It must be unique among all CLNS router processes for a given router. Use the same text for the argument tag as specified in the router isis global configuration command.

clns router iso-igrp

Use the clns router iso-igrp interface configuration command to specify ISO IGRP routing on a specified interface. Use the no form of the global configuration command with the appropriate tag to disable ISO IGRP routing for the system.

clns router iso-igrp tag [level 2]
no clns router iso-igrp tag

tag Meaningful name for routing process. It must be unique among all CLNS router processes for a given router. This tag should be the same as defined for the routing process in the router iso-igrp global configuration command.
level 2 (Optional) Allows the interface to advertise Level 2 information.

clns routing

Use the clns routing global configuration command to enable routing of CLNS packets. Use the no form of this command to disable CLNS routing.

clns routing
no clns routing

clns security pass-through

Use the clns security pass-through global configuration command to allow the Cisco IOS software to pass packets that have security options set. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

clns security pass-through
no clns security pass-through

clns send-erpdu

Use the clns send-erpdu interface configuration command to allow CLNS to send an error PDU when the routing software detects an error in a data PU. Use the no form of this command o disable this function.

clns send-erpdu
no clns send-erpdu

clns send-rdpdu

Use the clns send-rdpdu interface configuration command to allow CLNS to send redirect PDUs (RPDUs) when a better route for a given host is known. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

clns send-rdpdu
no clns send-rdpdu

clns split-horizon

Use the clns split-horizon interface configuration command to implement split horizon for ISO-IGRP updates. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

clns split-horizon
no clns split-horizon

clns template-alias

Use one or more clns template-alias global configuration commands to build a list of alphanumeric aliases of CLNS address templates for use in the definition of CLNS filter sets. Use the no form of this command to delete the alias.

clns template-alias name template
no clns template-alias name

name Alphanumeric name to apply as an alias for the template.
template Address template.

clns want-erpdu

Use the clns want-erpdu global configuration command to specify whether to request ERPDUs on packets sourced by the router. Use the no form of this command to remove the parameter's settings.

clns want-erpdu
no clns want-erpdu


Use the distance router configuration command to configure the administrative distance for CLNS routes learned. Use the no form of this command to restore the administrative distance to the default.

distance value [clns]
no distance
value [clns]

value Administrative distance, indicating the trustworthiness of a routing information source. This argument has a numerical value between 0 and 255. A higher relative value indicates a lower trustworthiness rating. Preference is given to routes with smaller values. The default, if unspecified, is 110.
clns (Optional) CLNS-derived routes for IS-IS.


Use the domain-password router configuration command to configure the routing domain authentication password. Use the no form of this command to disable the password.

domain-password password
no domain-password [

password Password you assign.


Use the ignore-lsp-errors router configuration command to allow the router to ignore IS-IS link-state packets that are received with internal checksum errors rather than purging the link-state packets. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

no ignore-lsp-errors

ip domain-lookup nsap

Use the ip domain-lookup nsap global configuration command to allow Domain Naming System (DNS) queries for CLNS addresses. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

ip domain-lookup nsap
no ip domain-lookup nsap

isis adjacency-filter

Use the isis adjacency-filter interface configuration command to filter the establishment of IS-IS adjacencies. Use the no form of this command to disable filtering of the establishment of IS-IS adjacencies.

isis adjacency-filter name [match-all]
no isis adjacency-filter name [match-all]

name Name of the filter set or expression to apply.
match-all (Optional) All NSAP addresses must match the filter in order to accept the adjacency. If not specified (the default), only one address need match the filter in order for the adjacency to be accepted.

isis circuit-type

Use the isis circuit-type interface configuration command to configure the type of adjacency desired for the specified interface. Use the no form of this command to reset the circuit type to Level l and Level 2.

isis circuit-type {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2-only}
no isis circuit-type

level-1 Level 1 adjacency is established if there is at least one area address in common between this system and its neighbors.
level-1-2 Level 1 and 2 adjacency is established if the neighbor is also configured as level-1-2 and there is at least one area in common. If there is no area in common, a Level 2 adjacency is established. This is the default.
level-2-only Level 2 adjacency is established on the circuit. If the neighboring router is a Level 1 only router, no adjacency is established.

isis csnp-interval

Use the isis csnp-interval interface configuration command to configure the IS-IS CSNP interval for the specified interface. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

isis csnp-interval seconds {level-1 | level-2}
no isis csnp-interval
seconds {level-1 | level-2}

seconds Interval of time in seconds between transmission of CSNPs on multiaccess networks. (Only applies for the designated router.) The default is 10 seconds.
level-1 Interval of time between transmission of CSNPs for Level 1 independently.
level-2 Interval of time between transmission of CSNPs for Level 2 independently.

isis hello-interval

Use the isis hello-interval interface configuration command to specify the length of time in seconds between hello packets that the Cisco IOS software sends on the specified interface. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

isis hello-interval seconds {level-1 | level-2}
no isis hello-interval
seconds {level-1 | level-2}

seconds Unsigned integer value. A value three times the hello interval seconds is advertised as the holdtime in the hello packets transmitted. It must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. With smaller hello intervals, topological changes are detected faster, but there is more routing traffic. The default is 10 seconds.
level-1 Configure the hello interval for Level 1 independently. Use this on X.25, SMDS, and Frame Relay multiaccess networks.
level-2 Configure the hello interval for Level 2 independently. Use with X.25, SMDS, and Frame Relay multiaccess networks.

isis hello-multiplier

Use the isis hello-multiplier interface configuration command to specify the hello packet multiplier used on the interface to determine the hold time transmitted in IS-IS hello packets. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

isis hello-multiplier multiplier [{level-1 | level-2}]
no isis hello-multiplier
[{level-1 | level-2}]

multiplier Number from 3 to 1000. The seconds specified by the isis hello-interval command are multiplied by the number specified for the isis hello-multiplier command to determine the holding time transmitted in the IS-IS hello packet. If this command is not used, the default multiplier is 3.
level-1 (Optional) Configure the multiplier for Level 1 independently. The default is Level 1.
level-2 (Optional) Configure the multiplier for Level 2 independently.

isis metric

Use the isis metric interface configuration command to configure the metric (or cost) for the specified interface. Use the no form of this command to restore the default metric value.

isis metric default-metric {level-1 | level-2}
no isis metric {level-1 | level-2}

default-metric Metric used for the redistributed route. The range is 0 to 63. The default value is 10.
level-1 The router acts as a station router (Level 1) only.
level-2 The router acts as an area router (Level 2) only.

isis password

Use the isis password interface configuration command to configure the authentication password for a specified interface. Use the no form of this command to disable authentication for IS-IS.

isis password password {level-1 | level-2}
no isis password {level-1 | level-2}

password Authentication password you assign for an interface.
level-1 Configure the authentication password for Level 1 independently. For Level 1 routing, the router acts as a station router only.
level-2 Configure the authentication password for Level 2 independently. For Level 2 routing, the router acts as an area router only.

isis priority

Use the isis priority interface configuration command to configure the priority of this system for designated router election. Use the no form of this command to reset priority to 64.

isis priority value {level-1 | level-2}
no isis priority {level-1 | level-2}

value Priority of a router; a number from 0 to 127. The default is 64.
level-1 Set priority for Level 1 independently.
level-2 Set priority for Level 2 independently.

isis retransmit-interval

Use the isis retransmit-interval interface configuration command to configure the number of seconds between retransmission of IS-IS link-state PDU retransmission for point-to-point links. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

isis retransmit-interval seconds
no isis retransmit-interval

seconds Integer that should be greater than the expected round-trip delay between any two routers on the attached network. The setting of this parameter should be conservative, or needless retransmission will result. The value should be larger for serial lines and virtual links. The default value is 5 seconds.

iso-igrp adjacency-filter

Use the iso-igrp adjacency-filter interface configuration command to filter the establishment of ISO IGRP adjacencies. Use the no form of this command to disable filtering of the establishment of ISO IGRP adjacencies.

iso-igrp adjacency-filter name
no iso-igrp adjacency-filter name

name Name of the filter set or expression to apply.


Use the is-type router configuration command to configure the IS-IS level at which the Cisco IOS software is to operate. Use the no form of this command to reset the parameter to the default.

is-type {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2-only}
no is-type {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2-only}

level-1 Causes the router to act as a station router.
level-1-2 Causes the router to act as both a station router and an area router.
level-2-only Causes the router to act as an area router only.


Use the log-adjacency-changes router configuration command to cause IS-IS to generate a log message when an IS-IS adjacency changes state (up or down). Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

no log-adjacency-changes


Ue the lsp-mtu router configuration command to set the MTU size of IS-IS link-state packets. Use the no form of this command to disable this function.

lsp-mtu size
no lsp-mtu

size Maximum packet size in bytes. The size must be less than or equal to the smallest MTU of any link in the network. The default size is 1497 bytes.

match clns address

Use the match clns address route-map configuration command to define the match criterion; routes that have a network address matching one or more of the names--and that satisfy all other defined match criteria--will be redistributed. Use the no form of this command to remove the match criterion.

match clns address name []
no match clns address
name []

name Name of a standard access list, filter set, or expression.

match clns next-hop

Use the match clns next-hop route-map configuration command to define the next-hop match criterion; routes that have a next-hop router address matching one of the names--and that satisfy all other defined match criteria--will be redistributed. Use the no form of this command to remove the match criterion.

match clns next-hop name []
no match clns next-hop name []

name Name of an access list, filter set, or expression.

match clns route-source

Use the match clns route-source route-map configuration command to define the route-source match criterion; routes that have been advertised by routers at the address specified by the name--and that satisfy all other defined match criteria--will be redistributed. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified match criterion.

match clns route-source name []
no match clns route-source name []

name Name of access list, filter set, or expression.

match interface

Use the match interface route-map configuration command to define the interface match criterion; routes that have the next hop out one of the interfaces specified--and that satisfy all other defined match criteria--will be redistributed. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified match criterion.

match interface type number [type number...type number]
no match interface type number [type number...type number]

type Interface type.
number Interface number.

match metric

Use the match metric route-map configuration command to define the metric match criterion; routes that have the specified metric--and satisfy all other defined match criteria--will be redistributed. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified match criterion.

match metric metric-value
no match metric metric-value

metric-value Route metric. This can be an Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) five-part metric.

match route-type

Use the match route-type route-map configuration command to define the route-type match criterion; routes that have the specified route type--and satisfy all other defined match criteria--will be redistributed. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified match criterion.

match route-type {level-1 | level-2}
no match route-type {level-1 | level-2}

level-1 IS-IS Level 1 routes.
level-2 IS-IS Level 2 routes.

metric weights

Use the metric weights router configuration command to specify different metrics for the ISO IGRP routing protocol on CLNS. This command allows you to configure the metric constants used in the ISO IGRP composite metric calculation of reliability and load. Use the no form of this command to return the five k constants to their default values.

metric weights qos k1 k2 k3 k4 k5
no metric weights

qos QOS defines transmission quality and availability of service. The argument must be 0, the default metric.
k1, k2, k3, k4, k5 Values that apply to ISO IGRP for the default metric QOS. The k values are metric constants used in the ISO IGRP equation that converts an IGRP metric vector into a scalar quantity. They are numbers from 0 to 127; higher numbers mean a greater multiplier effect.


Use the net router configuration command to configure an NET for the specified routing process. The no form of this command removes the specified NET.

net network-entity-title
no net network-entity-title

network-entity-title Area addresses for the ISO IGRP or IS-IS area.

ping (privileged)

Use the ISO CLNS ping privileged EXEC command to send ISO CLNS echo packets to test the reachability of a remote router over a connectionless OSI network. The ping command sends an echo request packet to an address, then awaits a reply. Ping output can help you evaluate path-to-host reliability, delays over the path, and whether the host can be reached or is functioning.

ping clns {host | address}

clns CLNS protocol.
host Host name of system to ping.
address Address of system to ping.

ping (user)

Use the ISO CLNS ping user EXEC command to send ISO CLNS echo packets to test the reachability of a remote router over a connectionless OSI network.

ping clns {host | address}

clns CLNS protocol.
host Host name of system to ping.
address Address of system to ping.


Use the redistribute router configuration command to redistribute routing information from one domain into another routing domain. Use the no form of this command to disable redistribution, or to disable any of the specified keywords.

redistribute protocol [tag] [route-map map-tag]
no redistribute protocol [tag] [route-map map-tag]
redistribute static [clns | ip]

protocol Type of other routing protocol that is to be redistributed as a source of routes into the current routing protocol being configured. The keywords supported are iso-igrp, isis, and static.
tag (Optional) Meaningful name for a routing process.
route-map map-tag (Optional) Route map should be interrogated to filter the importation of routes from this source routing protocol to the current routing protocol. If not specified, all routes are redistributed. If this keyword is specified, but no route map tags are listed, no routes will be imported. The argument map-tag is the identifier of a configured route map.
static Keyword static is used to redistribute static routes. When used without the optional keywords, this causes the Cisco IOS software to inject any OSI static routes into an OSI domain.
clns (Optional) Keyword clns is used when redistributing OSI static routes into an IS-IS domain.
ip (Optional) Keyword ip is used when redistributing IP into an IS-IS domain.


Use the route-map global configuration command to define the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol into another. Use the no form of this command to delete the route map.

route-map map-tag {permit | deny} sequence-number
no route-map map-tag {permit | deny} sequence-number

map-tag Meaningful name for the route map. The redistribute command uses this name to reference this route map. Multiple route-maps can share the same map tag name. Can either be an expression or a filter set.
permit If the match criteria are met for this route map, and permit is specified, the route is redistributed as controlled by the set actions. If the match criteria are not met, and permit is specified, the next route map with the same map-tag is tested. If a route passes none of the match criteria for the set of route maps sharing the same name, it is not redistributed by that set.
deny If the match criteria are met for the route map, and deny is specified, the route is not redistributed, and no further route maps sharing the same map tag name will be examined.
sequence-number Number that indicates the position a new route map is to have in the list of route maps already configured with the same name. If given with the no form of this command, it specifies the position of the route map that should be deleted.

router isis

Use the router isis global configuration command to enable the IS-IS routing protocol on your router and to configure the IS-IS routing process. This command identifies the area the router will work in and lets the router know that it will be routing dynamically rather than statically. Use the no form of this command with the appropriate tag to disable IS-IS routing for the system.

router isis [tag]
no router isis

tag (Optional) Meaningful name for a routing process. If it is not specified, a null tag is assumed. The argument tag must be unique among all CLNS router processes for a given router. The tag argument is used later as a reference to this process.

router iso-igrp

Use the router iso-igrp global configuration command to identify the area the router will work in and let it know that it will be routing dynamically using the ISO IGRP protocol. Use the no form of this command with the appropriate tag to disable ISO IGRP routing for the system.

router iso-igrp [tag]
no router iso-igrp [tag]

tag (Optional) Meaningful name for a routing process. For example, you could define a routing process named Finance for the Finance department, and another routing process named Marketing for the Marketing department. If not specified, a null tag is assumed. The tag argument must be unique among all CLNS router processes for a given router.

set level

Use the set level route-map configuration command to specify the routing level of routes to be advertised into a specified area of the routing domain. Use the no form of this command to disable advertising the specified routing level into a specified area.

set level {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2}
no set level {level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2}

level Redistributed routes are advertised into this specified area of the routing domain. For IS-IS destinations, the default value is level-2.
level-1 Inserted in IS-IS Level 1 link-state PDUs.
level-2 Inserted in IS-IS Level 2 link-state PDUs.
level-1-2 Inserted into both Level 1 and Level 2 IS-IS link-state PDUs.

set metric

Use the set metric route-map configuration command to set the metric value to give the redistributed routes. Use the no form of this command to disable redistributing routes of a specific metric.

set metric metric-value
no set metric metric-value

metric-value Route metric. This can be an IGRP five-part metric.

set metric-type

Use the set metric-type route-map configuration command to set the metric type to give redistributed routes. Use the no form of this command to disable redistributing routes of a specific metric type.

set metric-type {internal | external}
no set metric-type {internal | external}

internal IS-IS internal metric.
external IS-IS external metric.

set tag

Use the set tag route-map configuration command to set a tag value to associate with the redistributed routes. Use the no form of this command to disable redistributing routes with the specific tag.

set tag tag-value
no set tag tag-value

tag-value Name for the tag. The tag value to associate with the redistributed route. If not specified, the default action is to forward the tag in the source routing protocol onto the new destination protocol.

show clns

Use the show clns EXEC command to display information about the CLNS network.

show clns

show clns cache

Use the show clns cache EXEC command to display the CLNS routing cache. The cache contains an entry for each destination that has packet switching enabled. The output of this command includes entries showing each destination for which the router has switched a packet in the recent past. This includes the router itself.

show clns cache

show clns es-neighbors

Use the show clns es-neighbors EXEC command to list the ES neighbors that this router knows about.

show clns es-neighbors [type number] [detail]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
detail (Optional) When specified, the areas associated with the end systems are displayed. Otherwise, a summary display is provided.

show clns filter-expr

Use the show clns filter-expr EXEC command to display one or all currently defined CLNS filter expressions.

show clns filter-expr [name] [detail]

name (Optional) Name of the filter expression to display. If none is specified, all are displayed.
detail (Optional) When specified, expressions are evaluated down to their most primitive filter set terms before being displayed.

show clns filter-set

Use the show clns filter-set EXEC command to display one or all currently defined CLNS filter sets.

show clns filter-set [name]

name (Optional) Name of the filter set to display. If none is specified, all are displayed.

show clns interface

Use the show clns interface EXEC command to list the CLNS-specific information about each interface.

show clns interface [type number]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show clns is-neighbors

Use the show clns is-neighbors EXEC command to display IS-IS related information for IS-IS router adjacencies. Neighbor entries are sorted according to the area in which they are located.

show clns is-neighbors [type number] [detail]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
detail (Optional) When specified, the areas associated with the intermediate systems are displayed. Otherwise, a summary display is provided.

show clns neighbors

Use the show clns neighbors EXEC command to display both ES and IS neighbors.

show clns neighbors [type number] [detail]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
detail (Optional) When specified, the area addresses advertised by the neighbor in the hello messages is displayed. Otherwise, a summary display is provided.

show clns protocol

Use the show clns protocol EXEC command to list the protocol-specific information for each
ISO IGRP routing process in the router. There will always be at least two routing processes, a Level 1 and a Level 2, and there can be more.

show clns protocol [domain | area-tag]

domain (Optional) Particular ISO IGRP routing domain.
area-tag (Optional) Particular IS-IS area.

show clns route

Use the show clns route EXEC command to display all of the destinations to which this router knows how to route packets. The show clns route command shows the IS-IS Level 2 routing table as well as static and ISO IGRP learned prefix routes. This table stores IS-IS area addresses and prefix routes. Destinations are sorted by category.

show clns route [nsap]

nsap (Optional) CLNS NSAP address.

show clns traffic

Use the show clns traffic EXEC command to list the CLNS packets this router has seen.

show clns traffic

show isis database

Use the show isis database EXEC command to display the IS-IS link state database. A summary display is provided if no options are specified.

show isis database [level-1] [level-2] [detail] [lspid]

level-1 (Optional) Displays the IS-IS link state database for Level 1. You can use the abbreviation l1.
level-2 (Optional) Displays the IS-IS link state database for Level 2. You can use the abbreviation l2.
detail (Optional) When specified, the content of each link-state PDU is displayed. Otherwise, a summary display is provided.
lspid (Optional) Link-state protocol ID. Displays the contents of the specified link-state packet. The Link-state protocol ID must be in the form of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.yy-zz or name.yy-zz.

show isis routes

Use the show isis routes EXEC command to display the IS-IS Level 1 forwarding table for IS-IS learned routes.

show isis routes

show isis spf-log

Use the show isis spf-log EXEC command to display a history of the SPF calculations for IS-IS.

show isis spf-log

show route-map

Use the show route-map EXEC command to display all route-maps configured or only the one specified.

show route-map [map-name]

map-name (Optional) Name of a specific route map.

show tarp

Use the show tarp EXEC command to display all global TARP parameters.

show tarp

show tarp blacklisted-adjacencies

Use the show tarp blacklisted-adjacencies EXEC command to list all adjacencies that have been blacklisted (that is, adjacencies that this router will not propagate TARP PDUs to) by the tarp blacklist-adjacency command.

show tarp blacklisted-adjacencies

show tarp host

Use the show tarp hosts EXEC command to display information about a specific TARP router stored in the local TID cache.

show tarp host tid

tid Target identifier of the router from which you want information. Alphanumeric string up to 255 characters.

show tarp interface

Use the show tarp interface EXEC command to list all interfaces that have TARP enabled.

show tarp interface [type number]

type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show tarp ldb

Use the show tarp ldb EXEC command to display the contents of the loop-detection buffer table.

show tarp ldb

show tarp map

Use the show tarp map EXEC command to list all static entries in the TID cache that were configured with the tarp map command.

show tarp map

show tarp static-adjacencies

Use the show tarp static-adjacencies EXEC command to lists all static TARP adjacencies that are configured with the tarp route-static command.

show tarp static-adjacencies

show tarp tid-cache

Use the show tarp tid-cache EXEC command to display information about the entries in the TID cache. Entries are created dynamically, statically, or as a result of assigning a TID to the device by using the tarp tid command.

show tarp tid-cache [detail]

detail (Optional) List additional information in the TID/NET cache (such as the expiration time for dynamic entries).

show tarp traffic

Use the show tarp traffic EXEC command to display statistics about TARP PDUs since the last time the counters were cleared.

show tarp traffic

tarp allow-caching

Use the tarp allow-caching global configuration command to re-enable the storage of TID-to-NSAP address mapping in the TID cache. Use the no form of this command to disable this function and clear the TID cache.

tarp allow-caching
no tarp allow-caching

tarp arp-request-timer

Use the tarp arp-request-timer global configuration command to set the timeout for TARP Type 5 PDUs. Use the no form of this command to set the timeout to the default value.

tarp arp-request-timer seconds
no tarp arp-request-timer

seconds Number of seconds that the router will wait for a response from a TARP type 5 PDU. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. The default is 40 seconds.

tarp blacklist-adjacency

Use the tarp blacklist-adjacency global configuration command to blacklist the specified router so that the router does not receive TARP PDUs propagated by this router. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified router from the blacklist so that the router can once again receive propagated TARP PDUs.

tarp blacklist-adjacency nsap
no tarp blacklist-adjacency

nsap NSAP address that cannot receive TARP PDUs. Use the full NSAP address.

tarp cache-timer

Use the tarp cache-timer global configuration command to specify the length of time that a dynamically created TARP entry remains in the TID cache. Use the no form of this command to set the timer to the default value.

tarp cache-timer seconds
no tarp cache-timer

seconds Number of seconds an entry remains in the TID cache. The range is 30 to 86,400 seconds. The default is 3,600 seconds (one hour).

tarp enable

Use the tarp enable interface configuration command to enable the TARP on an interface. Use the no form of this command to disable TARP on a particular interface.

tarp enable
no tarp enable

tarp global-propagate

Use the tarp global-propagate global configuration command to re-enable the capability to propagate TARP PDUs globally. Use the no form of this command to disable global propagation of TARP PDUs.

tarp global-propagate
no tarp global-propagate

tarp ldb-timer

Use the tarp ldb-timer global configuration command to specify the length of time that a system ID-to-sequence number mapping entry remains in the loop-detection buffer table. Use the no form of this command to set the timer to the default value.

tarp ldb-timer seconds
no tarp ldb-timer

seconds Number of seconds that a system ID-to-sequence number mapping entry remains in the loop-detection buffer table. The range is 0 to 86,400 seconds. The default is 300 seconds.

tarp lifetime

Use the tarp lifetime global configuration command to specify the lifetime for locally generated TARP PDUs based on the number of hops. Use the no form of this command to set the PDU lifetime to the default value.

tarp lifetime hops
no tarp lifetime

hops Number of hosts that a PDU can traverse before it is discarded. Each router represents one hop. The range is 0 to 65535 hops. The default is 100 hops.

tarp map

Use the tarp map global configuration command to enter a TID-to-NSAP static route in the TID cache. Use the no form of this command to remove a static map entry from the TID cache.

tarp map tid nsap
no tarp map
tid nsap

tid Target identifier to be mapped to the specified NSAP. Alphanumeric string up to 255 characters.
nsap NSAP address to map to the specified TID. Use the full NSAP address.

tarp nselector-type

Use the tarp nselector-type global configuration command to specify the N-selector to be used in CLNP PDUs to indicate that the packet is a TARP. Use the no form of this command to set the N-selector to the default value.

tarp nselector-type hex-digit
no tarp nselector-type

hex-digit Digit in hexadecimal format to be used to identify TARP PDUs. The default is AF.

tarp originate

Use the tarp originate global configuration command to re-enable the router to originate TARP PDUs. Use the no form of this command to disable the capability to originate TARP PDUs.

tarp originate
no tarp originate

tarp post-t2-response-timer

Use the tarp post-t2-response-timer global configuration command to specify the length of time that a router waits for a response to a Type 2 PDU after the default timer expires. Use the no form of this command to set the timer to the default value.

tarp post-t2-response-timer seconds
no tarp post-t2-response-timer

seconds Number of seconds that the router will wait for a response for a Type 2 PDU after the default timer has expired. The range is 0 to 3,600 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.

tarp propagate

Use the tarp propagate interface configuration command to re-enable propagation of TARP PDUs on an interface. Use the no form of this command to disable propagation of TARP PDUs on a particular interface.

tarp propagate
no tarp propagate

tarp protocol-type

Use the tarp protocol-type global configuration command to specify the network protocol type to be used in outgoing TARP PDUs. Use the no form of this command to set the protocol type to the default value.

tarp protocol-type hex-digit
no tarp protocol-type

hex-digit Digit in hexadecimal format to be used to identify the protocol used in outgoing TARP PDUs. The default is FE (for CLNP).

tarp query

Use the tarp query EXEC command to determine a TID corresponding to a specific NSAP address.

tarp query nsap

nsap NSAP address that you want the TID for. Use the full NSAP address.

tarp resolve

Use the tarp resolve EXEC command to determine an NSAP address corresponding to a specified TID.

tarp resolve tid [1 | 2]

tid Target identifier to be mapped to the specified NSAP. Alphanumeric string up to 255 characters.
1 (Optional) Send a Type 1 PDU. The default is a Type 1 PDU. If a response is not received before the timeout period, a Type 2 PDU is sent.
2 (Optional) Send only Type 2 PDU.

tarp route-static

Use the tarp route-static global configuration command to configure a static TARP adjacency. Use the no form of this command to remove a static TARP adjacency from the TARP queue.

tarp route-static nsap
no tarp route-static

nsap NSAP address to create a static TARP adjacency. Use the full NSAP address.

tarp run

Use the tarp run global configuration command to start the TARP process on the router. Use the no form of this command to stop the TARP process.

tarp run
no tarp run

tarp sequence-number

Use the tarp sequence-number global configuration command to specify the sequence number to be used in the next outgoing TARP PDU. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value.

tarp sequence-number number
no tarp sequence-number

number Number from 0 to 65535 that will be used as the sequence number in the next outgoing PDU. The default is zero.

tarp t1-response-timer

Use the tarp t1-response-timer global configuration command to specify the length of time the router will wait for a response from a Type 1 PDU. Use the no form of this command to set the timer to the default value.

tarp t1-response-timer seconds
no tarp t1-response-timer

seconds Number of seconds that the router will wait to receive a response from a Type 1 PDU. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.

tarp t2-response-timer

Use the tarp t2-response-timer global configuration command to specify the length of time the router will wait for a response from a Type 2 PDU. Use the no form of this command to set the timer to the default value.

tarp t2-response-timer seconds
no tarp t2-response-timer

seconds Number of seconds that the router will wait to receive a response from a Type 2 PDU. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds. The default is 25 seconds.

tarp tid

Use the tarp tid global configuration command to assign a TID to the router. Use the no form of this command to remove the TID from the router.

tarp tid tid
no tarp tid

tid Target identifier to be used by this router. Alphanumeric string up to 255 characters.

tarp urc

Use the tarp urc global configuration command to set the update remote cache bit in all subsequent outgoing PDUs. Use the no form of this command to set the update remote cache bit to the default value.

tarp urc [0 | 1]
no tarp urc

0 Set the update remote cache bit to 0, which is the default value. When the bit is zero, the receiver's PDU will update its TID cache entry.
1 Set the update remote cache bit to 1. When the bit is 1, the receiver's TID cache is not updated.

timers basic

Use the timers basic router configuration command to configure ISO IGRP timers. Use the no form of this command to restore the default values.

timers basic update-interval holddown-interval invalid-interval
no timers basic
update-interval holddown-interval invalid-interval

update-interval Time, in seconds, between the sending of routing updates. The default value is 90 seconds.
holddown-interval Time, in seconds, a system or area router is kept in holddown state, during which routing information regarding better paths is suppressed. (A router enters into a holddown state when an update packet is received that indicates the route is unreachable. The route is marked inaccessible and advertised as unreachable. However, the route is still used for forwarding packets.) When the holddown interval expires, routes advertised by other sources are accepted and the route is no longer inaccessible. The default value is 145 seconds.
invalid-interval Time, in seconds, that a route remains in the routing table after it has been determined that it is not reachable. After that length of time, the route is removed from the routing table. The default value is 135 seconds.

trace (privileged)

Use the trace privileged EXEC command to trace routes on a router configured with the ISO CLNS protocol.


trace (user)

Use the trace user EXEC command to discover the CLNS routes that packets will actually take when traveling to their destination.

trace clns destination

destination Destination address or host name on the command line. The default parameters for the appropriate protocol are assumed and the tracing action begins.
clns CLNS keyword.


Use the which-route EXEC command if you want to know which next-hop router will be used or if you have multiple processes running and want to troubleshoot your configuration. This command displays the routing table in which the specified CLNS destination is found.

which-route {nsap-address | clns-name}

nsap-address CLNS destination network address.
clns-name Destination host name.

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