
Table of Contents

Snapshot Routing Commands

Snapshot Routing Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for snapshot routing commands. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

clear snapshot quiet-time

To end the quiet period on a client router within two minutes, use the clear snapshot quiet-time EXEC command.

clear snapshot quiet-time interface

interface Interface type and number.

dialer map snapshot

To define a dialer map for Cisco's snapshot routing protocol on a client router connected to a DDR interface, use the dialer map snapshot interface configuration command. To delete one or more previously defined snapshot routing dialer maps, use the no form of this command.

dialer map snapshot sequence-number dial-string
no dialer map snapshot

sequence-number A number in the range from 1 to 254, inclusive, that uniquely identifies a dialer map.
dial-string Telephone number of a remote snapshot server to be called during an active period.

show snapshot

To display snapshot routing parameters associated with an interface, use the show snapshot EXEC command.

show snapshot [type number]

type number (Optional) Interface type and number.

snapshot client

To configure a client router for snapshot routing, use the snapshot client interface configuration command. To disable a client router, use the no form of this command.

snapshot client active-time quiet-time [suppress-statechange-updates] [dialer]
no snapshot client
active-time quiet-time [suppress-statechange-updates] [dialer]

active-time Amount of time, in minutes, that routing updates are regularly exchanged between the client and server routers. This can be an integer in the range 5 to 100. There is no default value. A typical value is 5 minutes.
quiet-time Amount of time, in minutes, that routing entries are frozen and remain unchanged between active periods. Routes are not aged during the quiet period, so they remain in the routing table as if they were static entries. This argument can be an integer from 8 to 100000. There is no default value. The minimum quiet time is generally the active time plus 3.
suppress-statechange-updates (Optional) Disables the exchange of routing updates each time the line protocol goes from "down" to "up" or from "dialer spoofing" to "fully up."
dialer (Optional) Used if the client router has to dial up the remote router in the absence of regular traffic.

snapshot server

To configure a server router for snapshot routing, use the snapshot server interface configuration command. To disable a server router, use the no form of this command.

snapshot server active-time [dialer]
no snapshot server
active-time [dialer]

active-time Amount of time, in minutes, that routing updates are regularly exchanged between the client and server routers. This can be an integer in the range 5 to 100. There is no default value. A typical value is 5 minutes.
dialer (Optional) Allows the client router to dial up the remote router in the absence of regular traffic.

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