
Table of Contents

Legacy DDR Spokes Commands

Legacy DDR Spokes Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for legacy dial-on-demand routing (DDR) commands that are used for configuring the "spoke" router in a hub-and-spoke network topology. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

clear dialer

To clear the values of dialer statistics for one or more serial interfaces or Basic Rate Interfaces (BRIs) configured for DDR, use the clear dialer privileged EXEC command.

clear dialer [interface type number]
clear dialer [interface serial
slot/port] (Cisco 7500 series)

interface (Optional) Indicates that one interface will be specified.
type (Optional) Interface type, either async, serial, or bri.
number (Optional) Interface number.
slot/port Backplane slot number and port number on the interface. See your hardware installation manual for the specific slot and port numbers.

dialer dtr

To enable DDR on an interface and specify that the serial line is connected by non-V.25bis modems using Electronic Industries Association (EIA) signaling only--specifically, the data terminal ready (DTR) signal--use the dialer dtr interface configuration command. To disable dial-on-demand routing (DDR) for the interface, use the no form of this command.

dialer dtr
no dialer dtr

dialer in-band

To specify that dial-on-demand routing (DDR) is to be supported, use the dialer in-band interface configuration command. To disable DDR for the interface, use the no form of this command.

dialer in-band [no-parity | odd-parity]
no dialer in-band

no-parity (Optional) Indicates that no parity is to be applied to the dialer string that is sent out to the modem on synchronous interfaces.
odd-parity (Optional) Indicates that the dialed number has odd parity (7-bit ASCII characters with the eighth bit as the parity bit) on synchronous interfaces.

dialer string (legacy DDR)

To specify the destination string (telephone number) to be called for interfaces calling a single site, use the dialer string interface configuration command. To delete the dialer string specified for the interface, use the no form of this command.

dialer string dial-string[:isdn-subaddress]
no dialer string

dial-string String of characters to be sent to a DCE device.
:isdn-subaddress (Optional) ISDN subaddress.

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