
Table of Contents

Legacy DDR Hub Commands

Legacy DDR Hub Commands

This chapter describes the function and displays the syntax for commands required to configure interfaces on the router functioning as the hub in a hub-and-spoke network topology. For more information about defaults and usage guidelines, see the corresponding chapter of the Dial Solutions Command Reference.

clear dialer

To clear the values of dialer statistics for one or more serial interfaces or Basic Rate Interfaces (BRIs) configured for DDR, use the clear dialer privileged EXEC command.

clear dialer [interface type number]
clear dialer [interface serial
slot/port] (Cisco 7500 series)

interface (Optional) Indicates that one interface will be specified.
type (Optional) Interface type, either async, serial, or bri.
number (Optional) Interface number.
slot/port Backplane slot number and port number on the interface. See your hardware installation manual for the specific slot and port numbers.

dialer dtr

To enable DDR on an interface and specify that the serial line is connected by non-V.25bis modems using Electronic Industries Association (EIA) signaling only--specifically, the data terminal ready (DTR) signal--use the dialer dtr interface configuration command. To disable dial-on-demand routing (DDR) for the interface, use the no form of this command.

dialer dtr
no dialer dtr

dialer enable-timeout

To set the length of time an interface stays down after a call has completed or failed and before it is available to dial again, use the dialer enable-timeout interface configuration command. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dialer enable-timeout seconds
no dialer enable-timeout

seconds Time in seconds that the Cisco IOS software waits before the next call can occur on the specific interface. Acceptable values are positive, nonzero integers.

This value must be greater than the serial pulse interval for this interface, set via the pulse-time command.

dialer fast-idle (interface configuration)

To specify the amount of time that a line for which there is contention will stay idle before it is disconnected and the competing call is placed, use the dialer fast-idle interface configuration command. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

dialer fast-idle seconds
no dialer fast-idle

seconds Idle time, in seconds, that must occur on an interface before the line is disconnected. Acceptable values are positive, nonzero integers.


To control access by configuring an interface to belong to a specific dialing group, use the dialer-group interface configuration command. To remove an interface from the specified dialer access group, use the no form of this command.

dialer-group group-number
no dialer-group

group-number Number of the dialer access group to which the specific interface belongs. This access group is defined with the dialer-list command. Acceptable values are nonzero, positive integers between 1 and 10.

dialer hold-queue

To allow interesting outgoing packets to be queued until a modem connection is established, use the dialer hold-queue interface configuration command. To disable the hold queue, use the no form of this command.

dialer hold-queue packets
no dialer hold-queue

packets Number of packets, in the range 0 to 100 packets, to hold in the queue. This argument is optional with the no form of the command.

dialer idle-timeout (interface configuration)

To specify the idle time before the line is disconnected, use the dialer idle-timeout interface configuration command. To reset the idle timeout to the default, use the no form of this command.

dialer idle-timeout seconds
no dialer idle-timeout

seconds Idle time, in seconds, that must occur on the interface before the line is disconnected. Acceptable values are positive, nonzero integers.

dialer in-band

To specify that dial-on-demand routing (DDR) is to be supported, use the dialer in-band interface configuration command. To disable DDR for the interface, use the no form of this command.

dialer in-band [no-parity | odd-parity]
no dialer in-band

no-parity (Optional) Indicates that no parity is to be applied to the dialer string that is sent out to the modem on synchronous interfaces.
odd-parity (Optional) Indicates that the dialed number has odd parity (7-bit ASCII characters with the eighth bit as the parity bit) on synchronous interfaces.


To define a DDR dialer list to control dialing by protocol or by a combination of protocol and access list, use the dialer-list global configuration command. To delete a dialer list, use the no form of this command.

dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number |
no dialer-list dialer-group [protocol protocol-name [list access-list-number | access-group]]

dialer-group Number of a dialer access group identified in any dialer-group interface configuration command.
protocol-name One of the following protocol keywords: appletalk, bridge, clns, clns_es, clns_is, decnet, decnet_router-L1, decnet_router-L2, decnet_node, ip, ipx, vines, or xns.
permit Permits access to an entire protocol.
deny Denies access to an entire protocol.
list Specifies that an access list will be used for defining a granularity finer than an entire protocol.
access-list-number Access list numbers specified in any DECnet, Banyan VINES, IP, Novell IPX, or XNS standard or extended access lists, including Novell IPX extended service access point (SAP) access lists and bridging types.
access-group Filter list name used in the clns filter-set and clns access-group commands.

dialer load-threshold

To configure bandwidth on demand by setting the maximum load before the dialer places another call to a destination, use the dialer load-threshold interface command. To disable the setting, use the no form of this command.

dialer load-threshold load [outbound | inbound | either]
no dialer load-threshold

load Interface load used to determine whether to initiate another call or to drop a link to the destination. This argument represents a utilization percentage; it is a number between 1 and 255, where 255 is 100%.
outbound (Optional) Calculates the actual load using outbound data only.
inbound (Optional) Calculates the actual load using inbound data only.
either (Optional) Sets the maximum calculated load as the larger of the outbound and inbound loads.

dialer map

To configure a serial interface or Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) interface to call one or multiple sites or to receive calls from multiple sites, use a form of the dialer map interface configuration command; all options are shown in the first form of the command. To delete a particular dialer map entry, use a no form of this command.

dialer map protocol next-hop-address [name hostname] [spc] [speed 56 | 64] [broadcast]
modem-script modem-regexp] [system-script system-regexp]
no dialer map protocol next-hop-address [name hostname] [spc] [speed 56 | 64] [broadcast]
modem-script modem-regexp] [system-script system-regexp]

dialer map protocol next-hop-address [name hostname] [spc] [speed 56 | 64] [broadcast]
no dialer map protocol next-hop-address [name hostname] [spc] [speed 56 | 64] [broadcast]

dialer map bridge [name hostname] [spc] [broadcast] [dial-string[:isdn-subaddress]]
no dialer map bridge [name hostname] [spc] [broadcast] [dial-string[:isdn-subaddress]]

dialer map protocol next-hop-address [name hostname] [broadcast] [modem-script
modem-regexp] [system-script system-regexp] [dial-string]
no dialer map protocol next-hop-address [name hostname] [broadcast] [modem-script
modem-regexp] [system-script system-regexp] [dial-string]

protocol Protocol keywords; one of the following: appletalk, bridge, clns, decnet, ip, ipx, novell, snapshot, vines, and xns.
next-hop-address Protocol address used to match against addresses to which packets are destined. This argument is not used with the bridge protocol keyword.
name (Optional) Indicates the remote system with which the local router or access server communicates. Used for authenticating the remote system on incoming calls.
hostname (Optional) Case-sensitive name or ID of the remote device (usually the host name). For routers with ISDN interfaces, if calling line identification--sometimes called CLI, but also known as caller ID and automatic number identification (ANI)--is provided, the hostname field can contain the number that the calling line ID provides.
spc (Optional) Specifies a semipermanent connection between customer equipment and the exchange; used only in Germany for circuits between an ISDN BRI and a 1TR6 ISDN switch and in Australia for circuits between an ISDN PRI and a TS-014 switch.
speed 56 | 64 (Optional) Keyword and value indicating the line speed in kilobits per second to use. Used for ISDN only. The default speed is 64 kbps.
broadcast (Optional) Indicates that broadcasts should be forwarded to this protocol address.
modem-script (Optional) Indicates the modem script to be used for the connection (for asynchronous interfaces).
modem-regexp (Optional) Regular expression to which a modem script will be matched (for asynchronous interfaces).
system-script (Optional) Indicates the system script to be used for the connection (for asynchronous interfaces).
system-regexp (Optional) Regular expression to which a system script will be matched (for asynchronous interfaces).
dial-string[:isdn-subaddress] (Optional) Telephone number sent to the dialing device when it recognizes packets with the specified next hop address that matches the access lists defined, and the optional subaddress number used for ISDN multipoint connections.
The dial string and ISDN subaddress, if used, must be the last item in the command line.

dialer priority

To set the priority of an interface in a dialer rotary group, use the dialer priority interface configuration command. Use the no form of the command to revert to the default setting.

dialer priority number
no dialer priority

number Priority of an interface in a dialer rotary group; the highest number indicates the highest priority. This is a number from 0 through 255. The default value is 0, the lowest priority.

dialer rotary-group

To include a specified interface in a dialer rotary group, use the dialer rotary-group interface configuration command.

dialer rotary-group number

number Number of the previously defined dialer interface in whose rotary group this interface is to be included. This is a number from 0 to 255. The dialer interface is defined by the interface dialer command.

dialer rotor

To specify the method for identifying the outbound line to be used for ISDN or asynchronous DDR calls, use the dialer rotor interface configuration command.

dialer rotor {priority | best}

priority Selects the first outbound line with the highest priority; this is the selection criterion that was previously used.
best Selects the outbound line with the most recent success. If that line also has the most recent failure, then it will try the line with the least recent failure. If that line also has the most recent failure, it will then try an as-of-yet untried outbound line.

dialer string

To specify the string (telephone number) to be called for interfaces calling a single site, use the dialer string interface configuration command. To delete the dialer string specified for the interface, use the no form of this command.

dialer string dial-string[:isdn-subaddress]
no dialer string

dial-string String of characters to be sent to a DCE device.
:isdn-subaddress (Optional) ISDN subaddress.

dialer wait-for-carrier-time (interface configuration)

To specify the length of time the interface waits for a carrier, use the dialer wait-for-carrier-time interface configuration command. To reset the carrier wait time value to the default, use the no form of this command.

dialer wait-for-carrier-time seconds
no dialer wait-for-carrier-time

seconds Number of seconds that the interface waits for the carrier to come up when a call is placed. Acceptable values are positive, nonzero integers.

interface dialer

To define a dialer rotary group, use the interface dialer global configuration command.

interface dialer number

number Number of the dialer rotary group. It can be number in the range 0 through 255.

show dialer

To display general diagnostic information for interfaces configured for DDR, use the show dialer EXEC command.

show dialer [interface type number]

interface (Optional) Displays information for the interface specified by the arguments type and number.
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

show dialer map

To display the current dialer maps, next-hop protocol addresses, user names, and interfaces on which they are configured, use the show dialer map privileged EXEC command.

show dialer map

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