
Table of Contents

Upgrading Cisco Universal Gateway Manager
Overview of the Upgrade and Migration Process
Overview of Upgrading Cisco UGM on a Single Server
Terminating a Cisco UGM Upgrade Before Completion
Running Two Versions of Cisco UGM on Separate Servers
Examining Log Files Created by the Upgrade/Migration Process

Upgrading Cisco Universal Gateway Manager

This chapter describes how to upgrade your network from Cisco UGM 1.0 to Cisco UGM 2.0.

Sections in this chapter are:

Overview of the Upgrade and Migration Process

Tip Before you upgrade Cisco UGM, locate these documents:

- Cisco Universal Gateway Manager Installation, Upgrade, and Troubleshooting Guide, Version 2.0 (this document)

- Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide, Version 3.2

During the upgrade process, Cisco UGM cannot perform system management functions.

The Cisco UGM upgrade and migration process consists of:

These sections describe the data that is transferred from Cisco UGM 1.0 to
Cisco UGM 2.0:

Physical View Upgrade

The upgrade process transfers these objects from the Cisco UGM 1.0 Physical view to the Cisco UGM 2.0 Physical view:

Table 2-1 lists the Physical view attributes that are transferred.

Table 2-1   Objects and Attributes Transferred for Physical View Upgrade

Object Attribute





































































Example of Physical Tree Data Transferred (objectSpecPhysical)

CLASS site
NAME Site-Kan
CONTAINMENT Physical:/Site-Kan
CONTAINMENT genericObjects:/Site-Kan
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.contact1Name (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.contact1Phone (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.contact1Pager (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.contact1EMail (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.sitePhone (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.siteFAX (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.siteAddress (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.siteCity (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.siteState (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AV-SITE-MIB.siteZIP (<no value>) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE AMAF-MGMT-MIB.Comment (<no value>) LocalDB
CLASS AS5350Chassis
NAME AS5350-
CONTAINMENT Physical:/Site-Kan/AS5350-
ATTRIBUTE ASMainCtrl-MIB.IOSCommand5350 (show users all)
ATTRIBUTE SNMP-ATTRIBUTES-MIB.snmpv1-read-community (public)
ATTRIBUTE SNMP-ATTRIBUTES-MIB.snmpv1-write-community (private)
ATTRIBUTE SNMP-ATTRIBUTES-MIB.snmpv2c-read-community (public)
ATTRIBUTE SNMP-ATTRIBUTES-MIB.snmpv2c-write-community (private) LocalDB
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.enablePassword (lab)
ATTRIBUTE InternalDB.enPassword (lab) IOSDrepStore
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.loginusername (lab)
ATTRIBUTE InternalDB.userName (lab) IOSDrepStore
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.loginPassword (lab)
ATTRIBUTE InternalDB.password (lab) IOSDrepStore
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.enablePasswordverify (lab)
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.loginPasswordverify (lab)
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.InOperationTimeout (10)
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.InPromptTimeout (10)
ATTRIBUTE ASMainSpecific-MIB.lastRefresh (100)

NAS-File-Repository View Upgrade

The upgrade process transfers this data from the Cisco UGM 1.0 NAS-File-Repository to the Cisco UGM 2.0 NAS-File-Repository:

In Cisco UGM 2.0, these configuration files appear in ConfigFile folders under each device.

Note    Current associations between image files and devices are not preserved.

Table 2-2 lists the NAS-File-Repository attributes that are transferred.

Table 2-2   Objects and Attributes Transferred for NAS-File-Repository Upgrade

Object Attribute






Example of NAS-File-Repository Data Transferred (objectSpecNASFP)

CLASS IOS5350ImageVersion
CONTAINMENT NAS-File-Repository:/AS5350Images/c5350-js-mz_121-3_XQ.bin
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.OriginalFilePath (/tmp/iod/c5350-js-mz_121-3_XQ.bin) IOSConfigCtrl
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.Description (Enter the description here) IOSConfigCtrl
CLASS ModemFileVersion
CONTAINMENT NAS-File-Repository:/ModemImages/spe5350
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.OriginalFilePath (/tmp/ios/spe5350) IOSConfigCtrl
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.Description (Test) IOSConfigCtrl
CLASS SPEFileVersion
CONTAINMENT NAS-File-Repository:/SPEImages/spe5350
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.OriginalFilePath (/tmp/ios/spe5350) IOSConfigCtrl
ATTRIBUTE IOSConfigCtrl-MIB.Description (Test) IOSConfigCtrl

Trap Forwarding View Upgrade

The upgrade process transfers all trap forwarding data objects from the
Cisco UGM 1.0 ASEMSConfig view to the Cisco UGM 2.0 ASEMSConfig view.

This includes the host data objects and their trap objects. The data format is unchanged in this transfer.

Table 2-3 lists the trap forwarding attributes that are transferred.

Table 2-3   Objects and Attributes Transferred for Trap Forwarding Tree Upgrade

Object Attribute









Example of Trap Forwarding Data Transferred (objectSpecTrapForward)

CLASS ASTrapForwardHost
CONTAINMENT ASEMSConfig:/TrapForwarding/my-host
ATTRIBUTE ASMainSpecific-MIB.hostname (my-host) ASMainCtrl
CONTAINMENT ASEMSConfig:/TrapForwarding/my-host/TrapID-1
ATTRIBUTE ASMainSpecific-MIB.enterpriseid(*) ASMainCtrl
ATTRIBUTE ASMainSpecific-MIB.genericid(*) ASMainCtrl
ATTRIBUTE ASMainSpecific-MIB.specificid(*) ASMainCtrl

Performance Polling Configuration Migration

The migration process transfers Cisco UGM 1.0 Performance Polling Configuration dialog settings to the equivalent dialog in Cisco UGM 2.0.

Note   Performance data is not migrated to Cisco UGM 2.0. Only the performance polling configuration settings are migrated.

Table 2-4 lists the performance polling dialog attributes that are transferred.

Table 2-4   Objects and Attributes Transferred for Performance Polling Dialog Data Migration

Object Attribute























Example of Performance Polling Configuration Data that was Migrated

ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodCISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB=4 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodCISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB=1 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodOLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB=3 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodSNMPv2-MIB=0 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodCISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB-cpmDS0UsageTABLE=1 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodRFC1406dsx1ConfigTable=3 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodRFC1406dsx1CurrentTable=4 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodRFC1407dsx3ConfigTable=4 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodRFC1407dsx3ConfigTable=5 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodIF-MIB-ifTable=6 (IntType)
ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfpollPeriodCISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB-cmLineStatisticsTable=6 (IntType)

File Export Configuration Migration

The upgrade process transfers ASEMS File Export dialog settings from
Cisco UGM 1.0 to Cisco UGM 2.0.

Note   No exported data files are transferred.

Table 2-5 lists the file export data attributes that are transferred.

Table 2-5   Objects and Attributes Transferred for File Export Dialog Data Migration

Object Attribute



















































Example of File Export Data that was Migrated

ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.agingAction=2 (IntType)
ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.agingPath=/tmp/alarm/ (StrType)
ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.agingValue=500 (IntType)
ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.delimiter=| (StrType)
ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.scheduleType=1 (IntType)
ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.storagePath=/tmp/alarm (StrType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.agingAction=2 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.agingPath=/tmp/bbb/ (StrType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.agingValue=1 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.delimiter=| (StrType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleDayInMonth=1 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleDayInWeek=-1 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.schedulePer=4 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleTimeHour=1 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleType=1 (IntType)
ASMainExportInventory-MIB.storagePath=/tmp/exp (StrType)
ASMainExportPerf-MIB.agingAction=2 (IntType)
ASMainExportPerf-MIB.agingPath=/tmp/perf_age/ (StrType)
ASMainExportPerf-MIB.agingValue=500 (IntType)
ASMainExportPerf-MIB.delimiter=| (StrType)
ASMainExportPerf-MIB.scheduleType=1 (IntType)
ASMainExportPerf-MIB.storagePath=/tmp/perf (StrType)
ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.agingAction=2 (IntType)
ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.agingPath=/opt/cemf/export (StrType)
ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.agingValue=500 (IntType)
ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.storagePath1=/var/adm/messages (StrType)

Additional Data That was Not Migrated

Overview of Upgrading Cisco UGM on a Single Server

Caution   Before starting the upgrade process, ensure that user-created object names in the Cisco UGM 1.0 Map View do not have any spaces in them. If any object names contain spaces, manually rename those objects by replacing the spaces with underscores.

Example: Site A1 should be changed to Site_A1.

In order to upgrade your version of Cisco UGM on a server while preserving device and database information, complete these task sequences:

Preparing Files for Transfer

This section describes tasks necessary to set up the transfer of data:

Task 1: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0

Step 1   Create a temporary directory (not under the <CEMF_ROOT> directory) in which the Upgrade and Migration files will be stored.


mkdir /opt/installUpg

The files in this directory will be binary files, data files, .ini files, and running script files.

Step 2   Copy or transfer the contents of the UGM 2.0 directory ASUpgradeMigration into the temporary working directory created in Step 1.

Task 2: Backing Up the Cisco UGM 1.0 Database

Step 1   Log in as a root user.

Step 2   Change to the bin directory of Cisco EMF.


cd /opt/cemf/bin

Step 3   Run the backup script:

./cemf backup

This command backs up the databases currently in <CEMF_ROOT>/AVBackup.

Task 3: Installing the Data Query Utility

Step 1   Change to the working temporary directory created in the "Task 1: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section.


cd /opt/installUpg

Step 2   Enter:


This command creates the installUpgradeQuery.log file in the same temporary working directory from where the installation script was started (directory created in the "Task 1: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section).

Tip If errors occur check the installUpgradeQuery.log file.

See the "Sample runASUpgradeObjectSpecParser.log File" section.

Task 4: Creating an Object for the Standalone Process

Enter this command to create the object for the standalone process that will be queried:


Tip If errors occur check the runASUpgradeParser.log file.

See the "Sample runASUpgradeParser.log File" section.

Task 5: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility

Step 1   Enter:


The utility goes through all the views to be transferred, gets information, and creates the corresponding object spec (specification) files and the data migration file (dataPerfPollFileExport) for performance polling and file export dialogs.

Step 2   Enter the complete path of the directory where the object spec files and data migration files will be created.



Note   Enter the complete path for this directory.

If the /opt level of the path does not exist, this operation fails.

If the /ini directory does not exist, the script creates it.

Step 3   Enter the complete path of the directory where the IOS and configuration files will be preserved.



Note   Enter the complete path for this directory.

If the /opt level of the path does not exist, this operation fails.

If the /ios directory does not exist, the script creates it.

A summary of created objects spec file information appears.


Tip If errors occur, check the runASUpgradeQuery.log file or the process log file (<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/logs/ASUpgradeQuery.log).

See the "Sample runASUpgradeParser.log File" section or the "Sample runASUpgradeQuery.log File" section.

Task 6: (Optional): Verifying the Contents of a File

This task allows you to check the number of objects in the Physical tree, NAS-File-Repository, and Trap Forwarding tree, and compare these results with the summary displayed in the "Task 5: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.

Step 1   Verify that the query utility worked without errors and that the number of objects in the Summary of created objects spec file information corresponds to the number of objects from each Cisco UGM 1.0 view that was transferred. Enter:

more runASUpgradeQuery.log

See contents of the log file in the "Sample runASUpgradeQuery.log File" section.

Step 2   Check the contents of the directories where the object spec files and data migration file were created, and verify if the IOS, SPE, modem images, and Configuration files were preserved:


ls /opt/ini

ls /opt/ios

Uninstalling the Software

This section lists tasks used to uninstall Cisco UGM and Cisco EMF software. See the "Overview of Uninstalling Cisco UGM" section for more information.

Task 7: Uninstalling Cisco UGM 1.0

Note   You must run the uninstall script from the directory where the script is located.

Step 1   Verify that you have exited from all Cisco EMF sessions.

Step 2   Insert the Cisco Universal Gateway Manager CD-ROM.

Step 3   Change to the CD-ROM drive and enter:


This script removes Cisco UGM Version 1.0. You can specify several options with this command. (Refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide.)

Tip If the uninstallation fails, check the log file lluninstall.log in the /tmp directory to identify the problem.

Task 8: Moving the Cisco EMF License File

Step 1   Create a directory outside the <CEMF_ROOT> structure.



Step 2   Copy the <license>.lic file (from /opt/cemf/config/licenses ) to this directory.

Task 9: Resetting the Database

Step 1   Log in as a root user.

Step 2   Change to the following directory:

cd /opt/cemf/bin

Step 3   Enter the following command to stop Cisco EMF:

./cemf stop

Step 4   Enter the following command to reset the Cisco EMF database:

./cemf reset

Step 5   Enter Y(yes) to the query.

Task 10: Uninstalling Cisco EMF Patch 12

Caution   The order in which components are removed is important. You must uninstall patch 12; then uninstall Cisco EMF itself.

Step 1   As a superuser (su), log in to the machine where Cisco EMF is installed.

Step 2   Ensure that Cisco UGM has been uninstalled.

Step 3   At the command line prompt, change to the directory from where patch 12 has been installed, and enter:

./cemfinstall -remove

Step 4   Choose an option from the menu.

For more details, see the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide.

Task 11: Uninstalling Cisco EMF 3.04

Step 1   At the command line prompt, change to the directory from where CEMF 3.04 is installed and enter:

./cemfinstall -remove

Step 2   Choose an option from the menu.

For more details, refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide.

Troubleshooting Uninstalling Cisco UGM

You may have difficulty uninstalling Cisco UGM 1.0 for these reasons:

If either of these conditions exists, uninstall each individual element package.

The names of the server packages are:

The names of the client packages are:

Follow this procedure to uninstall individual element packages:

Step 1   Remove the element package registration from Cisco EMF by entering:

<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf load -removelock -skipportcheck -remove <Pkg Name>

Step 2   Remove Cisco EMF by entering:

<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemfinstall -remove

Installing the Software

This section lists tasks used to install Cisco EMF 3.2 and Cisco UGM 2.0 software:

Task 12: Installing Cisco EMF 3.2

Note   You can use your existing Cisco EMF license to run Version 3.2. Enter the path to the license file when prompted by the installation script.

See the "Overview of Uninstalling Cisco UGM" section.

Task 13: Installing Cisco EMF Patches

See the "About Cisco EMF Patches" section.

Task 14: Installing Cisco UGM 2.0

See the "Overview of Cisco UGM Installation" section.

Upgrading and Migrating Data to Cisco UGM 2.0

This section lists tasks used to upgrade and migrate data to Cisco UGM 2.0.

Task 15: Upgrading the Physical, NAS-File-Repository, and Trap Forwarding Views

Step 1   Change to the working temporary directory created in the "Task 1: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section.

Step 2   Run the object file parser script on the object spec files (created in the "Task 5: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section).


Step 3   Enter the full path to the directory where the object spec files were created (see the "Task 5: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section):



The summary includes the number of objects that were created for each view, and the number of objects that were not created for each view.

Tip If errors occur, check the runASUpgradeObjectSpecParser.log file created in the same working directory.

At this time, Cisco UGM 2.0 discovers device components to resynchronize the components view between the system and network, deploys NAS-File-Repository objects, and creates the Configuration File objects under the ConfigFile folders for each device in the Physical view.

Note   If a folder in Cisco UGM 1.0 is empty, the corresponding folder is not created in Cisco UGM 2.0.

Task 16: Migrating Performance Polling and File Export Configuration Data

Step 1   Change to the working temporary directory created in the "Task 1: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section.

Step 2   Run the installation script for data migration:


The script copies all the .ini, data, and binary files into the appropriate directories.

Tip If errors occur, check the log file (installDataMigration.log) created in the same working directory. See an example of this log file in the "Sample installDataMigration.log File" section.

Step 3   Run the object file parser to create an object associated with the data migration process. Enter:


Tip If errors occur, check the log file (runASDataMigrationParser.log) created in the same working directory. See an example of this log file is shown in the "Sample runASDataMigrationParser.log File" section.

Step 4   Run the data migration process for performance polling and file export data dialogs. Enter:


Step 5   Enter the path to the directory where the data migration file resides:



This is the same directory where the object spec files were created. (See "Task 5: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.)

The summary includes the number of attributes that migrated and the number that failed the migration process.

At this time Cisco UGM 2.0 updates attribute values for the Performance Polling and File Export Configuration dialogs.

Tip If errors occur, check the runASDataMigration.log file created in the same working directory.

See the "Sample runASDataMigration.log File" section.

Task 17: Checking the Cisco UGM 2.0 Map Viewer

Step 1   Open the Map Viewer in Cisco UGM 2.0.

Step 2   Check if the folders contain the information transferred from Cisco UGM 1.0.

Step 3   Check the dialog settings in ASEMSConfig > Performance Polling and ASEMSConfig > File Export.

Terminating a Cisco UGM Upgrade Before Completion

This sequence of tasks upgrades your system from Cisco UGM 1.0 to
Cisco UGM 2.0

To terminate the upgrade at any time and revert to the older versions of the software, you must still follow the same sequence of installation but in reverse order.

For example, if you have completed all the tasks before installing Cisco UGM 2.0 and want to terminate this installation and revert to Cisco UGM 1.0, follow these steps:

1. Uninstall Cisco UGM 2.0

2. Save the license file

3. Uninstall Cisco EMF Patch1.1

4. Uninstall Cisco EMF Patch1

5. Uninstall Cisco EMF 3.2

6. Install Cisco EMF 3.04

7. Install Cisco EMF Patch 12

8. Reset the database

9. Install Cisco UGM 1.0

10. Restore the Cisco UGM 1.0 backed-up database

Tip Enter the following command to restore a backed up version of the database:

<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/cemf restore -t mm-dd-yyyy <backup_directory>

/opt/cemf/bin/cemf restore -t 05-29-2001 /opt/AVBackup

Running Two Versions of Cisco UGM on Separate Servers

This section describes how to upgrade and migrate data between two servers running different versions of Cisco UGM.

Before you start this procedure, see the "Overview of the Upgrade and Migration Process" section.

Note   In order to run two versions of Cisco UGM, you must run two versions of Cisco EMF. Before starting this installation, make sure that you have two Cisco EMF licenses.

To upgrade and migrate data between the servers, complete these tasks:

Installing the Software on the Cisco UGM 2.0 Server

Task 1: Installing Cisco EMF 3.2

This procedure is described in the "Overview of Cisco EMF Installation" section.

Task 2: Installing Cisco EMF Patches

These procedures are described in the "About Cisco EMF Patches" section.

Task 3: Installing Cisco UGM 2.0

This procedure is described in the "Overview of Cisco UGM Installation" section.

Preparing Files for Transfer from the Cisco UGM 1.0 Server

Caution   Before starting the upgrade process, ensure that user-created object names in the Cisco UGM 1.0 Map View do not have any spaces in them. If any object names contain spaces, manually rename those objects by replacing the spaces with underscores.

Example: Change Site A1 to Site_A1.

Task 4: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0

Step 1   Create a temporary directory (not under the <CEMF_ROOT> directory) to store the upgrade and migration files.


mkdir /opt/installUpg

The files in this directory are binary files, data files, .ini files, and running script files.

Step 2   Copy or transfer the contents of the UGM 2.0 directory ASUpgradeMigration into the temporary working directory created in Step 1.

Task 5: Backing Up the Cisco UGM 1.0 Database

Step 1   Log in as a root user.

Step 2   Change to the bin directory of Cisco EMF.


cd /opt/cemf/bin

Step 3   To run the backup script, enter:

./cemf backup

This command backs up the databases currently in <CEMF_ROOT>/AVBackup.

Task 6: Installing the Data Query Utility

Step 1   Change to the working temporary directory created in the "Task 4: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section.


cd /opt/installUpg

Step 2   Enter:


Using this command creates the installUpgradeQuery.log file in the same temporary working directory from where the installation script was started (directory created in the "Task 4: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section).

Tip If errors occur check the installUpgradeQuery.log file.

See the "Sample runASUpgradeObjectSpecParser.log File" section.

Task 7: Creating an Object for the Standalone Process

Enter this command to create an object for the standalone process that will be queried:


Tip If errors occur check the runASUpgradeParser.log file.

See the "Sample runASUpgradeParser.log File" section.

Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility

Step 1   Enter:


The utility goes through all the views to be transferred, gets information, and creates the corresponding object spec (specification) files and the data migration file (dataPerfPollFileExport) for performance polling and file export dialogs.

Step 2   Enter the complete path of the directory where the object spec files and data migration files will be created.



Note   If the /opt level of the path does not exist, this operation fails.

If the /ini directory does not exist, the script creates it.

Step 3   Enter the complete path of the directory where the IOS and configuration files will be preserved.



Note    If the /opt level of the path does not exist, this operation fails.

If the /ios directory does not exist, the script creates it.

A summary of created objects spec file information appears.


Tip If errors occur, check the runASUpgradeQuery.log file or the process log file (<CEMF_ROOT>/bin/logs/ASUpgradeQuery.log).

See the "Sample runASUpgradeParser.log File" section or the "Sample runASUpgradeQuery.log File" section.

Task 9: (Optional) Verifying the Contents of a File

This task allows you to check the number of objects in the Physical tree, NAS file repository, and Trap Forwarding tree, and compare these results with the summary displayed in the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.

Step 1   Verify that the query utility worked without errors and that the number of objects in the Summary of created objects spec file information corresponds to the number of objects from each Cisco UGM 1.0 view that was transferred. Enter:

more runASUpgradeQuery.log

See the contents of the log file in the "Sample runASUpgradeQuery.log File" section.

Step 2   Check the contents of the directories where the object spec files and data migration file were created, and verify if the IOS/SPE/Modem images and Configuration files were preserved:


ls /opt/ini

ls /opt/ios

Transferring Data and Software to the Cisco UGM 2.0 Server

Task 10: Creating a Working Directory on the Cisco UGM 2.0 Server

Step 1   Create a temporary directory (not under <CEMF_ROOT>) where the upgrade/migration files will be stored.


mkdir /opt/installUpg

The files in this directory are binary files, data files, .ini files, and running script files.

Step 2   Copy or transfer the contents of the Cisco UGM 2.0 ASUpgradeMigration directory into this temporary working directory.

Task 11: Transferring Upgrade and Migration Data from the Cisco UGM 1.0 Server to the Cisco UGM 2.0 Server

Step 1   Create a directory on the Cisco UGM 2.0 server to hold the object spec files and the data migration file that were created on the Cisco UGM 1.0 server. (See the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.)

Note    Make sure that this Cisco UGM 2.0 directory has the same name as the Cisco UGM 1.0 directory created in the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.


mkdir /opt/ini

Step 2   Copy or transfer the contents of the directory on the Cisco UGM 1.0 server to the directory (of the same name) on the Cisco UGM 2.0 server.

Step 3   Create a directory on the Cisco UGM 2.0 server to hold the IOS, SPE, modem image, and configuration files from the Cisco UGM 1.0 directory created in the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.

Note    Make sure that this Cisco UGM 2.0 directory has the same name as the Cisco UGM 1.0 directory created in the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.


mkdir /opt/ios

Step 4   Copy or transfer the contents of the directory on the Cisco UGM 1.0 server to the directory (of the same name) on the Cisco UGM 2.0 server.

Tip When transferring data, remember that the image files (IOS, SPE, modem) are in binary format, whereas the configuration files are in ASCII format.

If you plan to use the UNIX ftp utility, specify the transfer as binary by entering binary at the ftp command prompt. This transfer setting works for the ASCII transfer of configuration files as well.

Task 12: Upgrading the Physical, NAS-File-Repository, and Trap Forwarding Views

Step 1   Change to the working temporary directory created in the "Task 4: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section.

Step 2   Run the object file parser script on the object specification files (created in the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section). Enter:


Step 3   Enter the full path to the directory where the object specification files were created (see the "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section):



The summary includes the number of objects created for each view, and the number of objects that were not created.

Tip if errors occur, check the runASUpgradeObjectSpecParser.log file created in the same working directory.

At this time, Cisco UGM 2.0 discovers device components to resynchronize the components view between the system and network, deploys NAS-File-Repository objects, and creates the Configuration File objects under the ConfigFile folders for each device in the Physical view.

Note   If a folder in Cisco UGM 1.0 is empty, the corresponding folder is not created in Cisco UGM 2.0.

Task 13: Migrating Performance Polling and File Export Configuration Data

Step 1   Change to the working temporary directory created in the "Task 4: Creating a Working Directory in Cisco UGM 1.0" section.

Step 2   To run the installation script for data migration, enter:


The script copies all the .ini, data, and binary files into the appropriate directories.

Tip If errors occur, check the log file (installDataMigration.log) created in the same working directory. See an example of this log file in the "Sample installDataMigration.log File" section.

Step 3   To run the object file parser to create an object associated with the data migration process, enter:


Tip If errors occur, check the log file (runASDataMigrationParser.log) created in the same working directory. See an example of this log file in the "Sample runASDataMigrationParser.log File" section.

Step 4   To run the data migration process for performance polling and file export data dialogs, enter:


Step 5   Enter the path to the directory where the data migration file resides:



This is the same directory where the object spec files were created (see "Task 8: Running the ASUpgradeQuery Utility" section.)

The summary includes the number of attributes that migrated and the number that failed the migration process.

At this time Cisco UGM 2.0 updates attribute values for the Performance Polling and File Export Configuration dialogs.

Tip If errors occur, check the runASDataMigration.log file created in the same working directory.

See the "Sample runASDataMigration.log File" section.

Task 14: Comparing the Directories on the Two Servers

Verify that the files were transferred successfully by comparing the number of files and their sizes on the two servers.

Examining Log Files Created by the Upgrade/Migration Process

This section contains examples of log files created during the Cisco UGM upgrade and migration process. Check these log files to verify the success of process operations or to troubleshoot failures.

Log File Created During the Data Query Utility Installation

The installASUpgradeQuery.log file is created during the installation of the data query utility.

Sample installASUpgradeQuery.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
List of file names for transfer and their destinations
Number of files to transfer equal to 6
File Name [0] = ASStandAlone.ini Destination = /opt/cemf/config/init
File Name [1] = ASUpgradeQuery.ini Destination = /opt/cemf/config/init
File Name [2] = S81ASUpgradeQueryDataAbstractor Destination = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications
File Name [3] = ASUpgradeQuery Destination = /opt/cemf/bin
File Name [4] = ASUpgradeQueryAttrCorresp Destination = /opt/cemf/bin
File Name [5] = ASUpgradeQueryAttr Destination = /opt/cemf/queryAttr
List of file names to create
Number of files to create equal to 1
File Name [0] = ASUpgradeQuery.adb From File = ASMainCtrl.adb Path Creation = /opt/cemf/db
Make Query Attr Directory
Directory /opt/cemf/queryAttr does exist
Build the ASUpgradeQuery.ini file
Successfully copied ASUpgradeQuery_tmp.ini into ASUpgradeQuery.ini
Successfully added the 'Database = /opt/cemf/db/objectServerContainment.db' line into ASUpgradeQuery.ini
Successfully added the #includeDir "/opt/cemf/queryAttr" line into ASUpgradeQuery.ini
List of results for files transfer operation
File Name [0] = ASStandAlone.ini Destination = /opt/cemf/config/init
Successfully copied ASStandAlone.ini file into the target directory /opt/cemf/config/init
File Name [1] = ASUpgradeQuery.ini Destination = /opt/cemf/config/init
Successfully copied ASUpgradeQuery.ini file into the target directory /opt/cemf/config/init
File Name [2] = S81ASUpgradeQueryDataAbstractor Destination = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications
Successfully copied S81ASUpgradeQueryDataAbstractor file into the target directory /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications
File Name [3] = ASUpgradeQuery Destination = /opt/cemf/bin
Successfully copied ASUpgradeQuery file into the target directory /opt/cemf/bin
File Name [4] = ASUpgradeQueryAttrCorresp Destination = /opt/cemf/bin
Successfully copied ASUpgradeQueryAttrCorresp file into the target directory /opt/cemf/bin
File Name [5] = ASUpgradeQueryAttr Destination = /opt/cemf/queryAttr
Successfully copied ASUpgradeQueryAttr file into the target directory /opt/cemf/queryAttr
List of results for file creation operation
File Name [0] = ASUpgradeQuery.adb from File = ASMainCtrl.adb Path Creation = /opt/cemf/db
Successfully created ASUpgradeQuery.adb file from ASMainCtrl.adb
Successfully installed the Upgrade Query files

Log Files Created During the Upgrade/Migration Process

This section contains examples of the following log files:

Note    Dates in the log files are represented in the day/month/year format.

Sample runASUpgradeQuery.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
Directory /tmp/ini does exist - ok
Directory /tmp/ios does exist - ok
List of command line arguments
Number of command line arguments equal to 4
Argument [0] = /tmp/ini
Argument [1] = /opt/cemf/queryAttr
Argument [2] = /opt/cemf/bin/ASUpgradeQueryAttrCorresp
Argument [3] = /tmp/ios
List of results for testing file presence
File /opt/cemf/queryAttr/ASUpgradeQueryAttr does exist
File /opt/cemf/bin/ASUpgradeQueryAttrCorresp does exist
Run execution for Upgrade Query files started. Please, wait ...
Summary of created objects spec file information
Physical Tree:
Number of Sites = 5
Number of Bays = 3
Number of Regions = 3
Number of Chassises = 9
NAS-File-Repository Tree:
Number of IOS Images = 2
Number of Modem Images (not including the duplicated ones) = 2
Number of SPE Images (not including the duplicated ones) = 2
Number of Config Files (only the associated ones) = 2

When more than one managed device used the same modem or SPE image, Cisco UGM 1.0 stored more than one copy of the image under the device view in Map Viewer.

However, since the Map Viewer in Cisco UGM 2.0 stores all modem images in one folder and all SPE images in another folder, duplicate copies of images are not stored.

The number of modem and SPE images that are followed by the "(not including the duplicated ones)" statement represent the number of unique (not duplicated) images transferred to Cisco UGM 2.0.

*Note: Number of duplicated Modem Images = 2
Number of duplicated SPE Images = 2
Duplicated Modem/SPE images are not subject to upgrade

This note in the log file shows the number of duplicate images (in Cisco UGM 1.0) that were not transferred to Cisco UGM 2.0.

Trap Forward Tree:
Number of Trap Hosts = 2
Number of Trap IDs = 4
List of duplicated Modem Images
Modem Image - NAS-File-Repository:/AS5400Chassis/ModemImage/modem1
Modem Image - NAS-File-Repository:/AS5800Chassis/ModemImage/modem1
List of duplicated SPE Images
SPE Image - NAS-File-Repository:/AS5400Chassis/SPEImage/spe5350
SPE Image - NAS-File-Repository:/AS5850Chassis/SPEImage/spe5350
Execution for Upgrade Query files terminated.

Sample installDataMigration.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
List of file names for transfer and their destinations
Number of files to transfer equal to 3
File Name [0] = ASDataMigration.ini Destination = /opt/cemf/config/init
File Name [1] = S81ASDataMigrationDataAbstractor Destination = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications
File Name [2] = ASDataMigration Destination = /opt/cemf/bin
List of file names to create
Number of files to create equal to 1
File Name [0] = ASDataMigration.adb From File = ASMainCtrl.adb Path Creation = /opt/cemf/db
Build the ASDataMigration.ini file
Successfully copied ASDataMigration_tmp.ini into ASDataMigration.ini
Successfully added the 'Database = /opt/cemf/db/objectServerContainment.db' line into ASDataMigration.ini file
List of results for files transfer operation
File Name [0] = ASDataMigration.ini Destination = /opt/cemf/config/init
Successfully copied ASDataMigration.ini file into the target directory /opt/cemf/config/init
File Name [1] = S81ASDataMigrationDataAbstractor Destination = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications
Successfully copied S81ASDataMigrationDataAbstractor file into the target directory /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications
File Name [2] = ASDataMigration Destination = /opt/cemf/bin
Successfully copied ASDataMigration file into the target directory /opt/cemf/bin
List of results for file creation operation
File Name [0] = ASDataMigration.adb from File = ASMainCtrl.adb Path Creation = /opt/cemf/db
Successfully created ASDataMigration.adb file from ASMainCtrl.adb
Successfully installed the Data Migration files

Sample runASDataMigrationParser.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
List of file names to run and their targets
Number of files to run equal to 1
Exe File Name To Run [0] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications/S81ASDataMigrationDataAbstractor
List of results for file running operation
Exe File Name To Run [0] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications/S81ASDataMigrationDataAbstractor
Successfully run the exec file /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser on file /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications/S81ASDataMigrationDataAbstractor
Successfully parsed the Data Migration configuration file

Sample runASDataMigration.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
Directory /tmp/ini does exist - ok
List of command line arguments
Number of command line arguments equal to 1
Argument [0] = /tmp/ini/dataPerfPollFileExp
List of results for testing file presence
Run execution for Data Migration started. Please, wait ...
****************LIST OF ATTRIBUTES AND THEIR VALUES*******************
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfPollPeriodCISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB
AttrValue = 4
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfPollPeriodCISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfPollPeriodOLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB
AttrValue = 3
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollChassis.perfPollPeriodSNMPv2-MIB
AttrValue = 0
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollDS0.perfPollPeriodCISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB-cpmDS0UsageTable
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollDS1.perfPollPeriodRFC1406dsx1ConfigTable
AttrValue = 3
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollDS1.perfPollPeriodRFC1406dsx1CurrentTable
AttrValue = 4
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollDS3.perfPollPeriodRFC1407dsx3ConfigTable
AttrValue = 4
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollDS3.perfPollPeriodRFC1407dsx3CurrentTable
AttrValue = 5
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollEthernetPort.perfPollPeriodIF-MIB-ifTable
AttrValue = 6
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollModem.perfPollPeriodCISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB-cmLineStatisticsTable
AttrValue = 6
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollOthers.perfPollPeriodCISCO-ENVMON-MIB-ciscoEnvMonSupply
AttrValue = 2
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollOthers.perfPollPeriodCISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB-ciscoMemory
AttrValue = 0
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollOthers.perfPollPeriodCISCO-PING-MIB-ciscoPingTable
AttrValue = 3
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainPerfPollOthers.perfPollPeriodCISCO-QUEUE-MIB-cQStatsTable
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 0
AttrName = ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.agingAction
AttrValue = 2
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.agingPath
AttrValue = /tmp/alarm/
Type = StrType Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.agingValue
AttrValue = 500
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.delimiter
AttrValue = |
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.scheduleType
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportAlarm-MIB.storagePath
AttrValue = /tmp/alarm
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.agingAction
AttrValue = 2
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.agingPath
AttrValue = /tmp/bbb/
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.agingValue
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.delimiter
AttrValue = |
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleDayInMonth
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleDayInWeek
AttrValue = -1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.schedulePer
AttrValue = 4
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleTimeHour
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.scheduleType
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.storagePath
AttrValue = /tmp/exp
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportPerf-MIB.agingAction
AttrValue = 2
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportPerf-MIB.agingPath
AttrValue = /tmp/perf_age/
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportPerf-MIB.agingValue
AttrValue = 500
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportPerf-MIB.delimiter
AttrValue = |
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportPerf-MIB.scheduleType
AttrValue = 1
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportPerf-MIB.storagePath
AttrValue = /tmp/perf
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.agingAction
AttrValue = 2
Type = IntType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.agingPath
AttrValue = /opt/cemf/export
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.agingValue
AttrValue = 500
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
AttrName = ASMainExportSyslog-MIB.storagePath1
AttrValue = /var/adm/messages
Type = StrType
Phase = 1
Summary of Updating Performance Polling Dialog Attributes
Number of Attributes to Update = 15
Number of Attributes Failed to Update = 0
Summary of Updating File Export Dialog Attributes
Number of Attributes to Update = 26
Number of Attributes Failed to Update = 1
List of Failed Attributes
Attribute Name = ASMainExportInventory-MIB.delimiter
Reason for failure: - failed to get attribute id
Execution for Data Migration terminated.

Sample runASUpgradeObjectSpecParser.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
Directory /tmp/ini does exist - ok
List of results for testing object spec files presence
File /tmp/ini/objectSpecPhysical_1 does exist
File /tmp/ini/objectSpecNASFP_2 does exist
File /tmp/ini/objectSpecTrapForward_3 does exist
File /tmp/ini/objectSpecConfigFile_4 does exist
List of file names to run and their targets
Number of files to run equal to 4
Exe File Name To Run [0] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecPhysical_1
Exe File Name To Run [1] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecNASFP_2
Exe File Name To Run [2] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecTrapForward_3
Exe File Name To Run [3] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecConfigFile_4
List of results for file running operation
Exe File Name To Run [0] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecPhysical_1
Successfully parsed the /tmp/ini/objectSpecPhysical_1 object
Exe File Name To Run [1] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecNASFP_2
Successfully parsed the /tmp/ini/objectSpecNASFP_2 object
Exe File Name To Run [2] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecTrapForward_3
Successfully parsed the /tmp/ini/objectSpecTrapForward_3 object
Exe File Name To Run [3] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /tmp/ini/objectSpecConfigFile_4
Successfully parsed the /tmp/ini/objectSpecConfigFile_4 object
Successfully parsed the Upgrade Migration object spec files

Sample runASUpgradeParser.log File

AV_ROOT = /opt/cemf
List of file names to run and their targets
Number of files to run equal to 1
Exe File Name To Run [0] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications/S81ASUpgradeQueryDataAbstractor
List of results for file running operation
Exe File Name To Run [0] = /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser
On File = /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications/S81ASUpgradeQueryDataAbstractor
Successfully run the exec file /opt/cemf/bin/shellRun /opt/cemf/bin/objectFileParser on file /opt/cemf/config/configuration/objectSpecifications/S81ASUpgradeQueryDataAbstractor
Successfully parsed the Upgrade Query configuration file

Posted: Sat Apr 5 08:05:34 PST 2003
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