Table of Contents
- 3-46
- $CEMF_HOME/bin/.attributeHistoryServer.sysmgr 3-46
- $CEMF_HOME/bin/historyAdmin export command 3-46
- $DAS_HOME 3-49
- $DAS_HOME/config/ 3-38
- $DAS_HOME/config/templates directory 3-18
- $DAS_HOME/data/callhistory directory 3-40
- $DAS_HOME/data/VoipCorrelator directory 3-39
- $DAS_HOME/examples/xml directory 3-18
- $DAS_HOME/logs/cdr.log file 3-39
- $DAS_HOME/schema/event.xsd 3-51
- $DAS_HOME/tmp directory 3-33
- $DAS_HOME environmental variable 3-10
- $DAS_HOME environment variable 3-16
- $HOME/config/template directory 3-26
- $HOME/examples/xml directory 3-26
- $PE HOME/bin directory 4-53
- /bin/ 3-58
- /bin/ 3-58
- /data/callhistory directory 3-53
- /data/radius directory 3-53
- /data/VoipCorrelator directory 3-53
- /data/VoipDasCollector directory 3-53
- /etc/hosts file 4-8
- /opt/cemf/bin/cemf start command 4-53
- /opt/cemf/config/licenses directory 2-37
- /opt/CIC34 /mnt directory 4-33, 4-39
- /opt/CIC341 directory 4-8
- /opt/das/CSCOdas/bin/ command 4-53
- /opt/ssng/bin/ssng start command 4-52
- /opt/ssng directory 4-26
- AAA accounting records 3-39, 3-80
- AAA broadcast accounting 3-39, 3-80
- AAA Server 3-32
- AAA Server MIB 3-33
- AAA Server MIB collector 3-36
- AAA server statistics 3-33
- Acct-Session-Id overloading 3-39
- add attributes to thresholds 3-25
- add components to collectors 3-25
- adding devices to collectors 3-73
- automatic start up 4-49
- Autosense feature 4-28
- backup RADIUS server 3-80
- backup server 3-81
- bash shell 3-44
- bin directory 3-16
- bulk file transfer 3-33
- bulkmib.ftp.password 3-33
- bulkmib.ftp.username 3-33
- BulkMIB collector 3-19, 3-33
- Bulk MIB collectors 3-24, 3-32, 3-33, 3-34
- bulk MIB files 3-4
- Call Detail Records (CDRs) 3-39
- Call History CDRs 3-53
- Call History collector 3-24
- CallHistory collector 3-33, 3-38, 3-40, 3-59
- Call History data 3-38
- call history detail records 3-4
- call history information 3-40
- CallHistory MIB attribute names 3-59
- Call History MIB collector 3-57
- Call History tables 3-40
- CallHistory XML attribute names 3-59
- call legs 3-38, 3-50
- cbfDefineMaxFile 3-33
- cbfDefineMaxObjects 3-33
- cbfStatusMaxFiles 3-33
- CDRs 3-81
- CDR statistics 3-39
- CEMF 4-2, 4-4
- CEMF, checking for running processes 4-60
- CEMF, hardware requirements 1-10
- CEMF, how to start 4-53
- CEMF, overview 1-9
- CEMF command line application 3-46
- CEMF command line programs 3-44
- CEMF Info Mediator, how to install 4-46
- CEMF Info Mediator probe, how to start 4-57
- CEMF machine 3-43, 3-46
- CEMF performance polling 3-44
- CEMF probe 4-45
- CEMF processes, how to search for 4-60
- cfcRequestMaximum 3-33
- checksum values 3-11
- cicpa user 4-13
- cisco.mgmt.das.hotspot 3-52
- 3-33
- Cisco CNS Integration bus 1-3, 3-51, 3-52
- Cisco CNS Integration bus data handler 3-25
- Cisco CNS PE backup 3-58
- Cisco CNS PE collectors 3-53
- Cisco CNS PE MIB 3-19
- Cisco CNS PE MIB collector 3-19
- Cisco CNS PE related documentation 3-58
- Cisco CNS PE restoring data 3-58
- Cisco CNS PE XML syntax 3-22
- Cisco CNS Security Services Administration server 2-58
- Cisco Element Management Framework (CEMF) 4-2, 4-4
- 3-33
- MIB 3-33
- Cisco Info Admin Desktop 1-4
- Cisco Info Center 4-2
- Cisco Info Center, checking for running processes 4-58
- Cisco Info Center, description 4-3
- Cisco Info Center, options 4-25
- Cisco Info Center, tar file 4-8
- Cisco Info Center components 1-4
- Cisco Info Center GUI, how to start 4-61
- Cisco Info Center Info Mediator, how to start 4-54, 4-56
- Cisco Info Center installation 4-9
- Cisco Info Center Server 4-6
- Cisco Info Center tar file 4-33, 4-39
- Cisco Info Server 1-4
- Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager (CMNM) 4-2, 4-45
- Cisco Memory MIB 3-37
- Cisco MGC Node Manager 3-43
- Cisco MGC Node Manager, overview 1-9
- Cisco Networking Services - Performance Engine (CNS-PE) 4-2
- Cisco Packet Telephony Center (Cisco PTC) 4-6
- Cisco Packet Telephony Center, overview 1-9
- Cisco PoP Management MIB 3-35
- Cisco Process MIB 3-37
- Cisco PTC 4-4
- Cisco PTC, hardware requirements 1-9
- classes directory 3-16
- ClearThreshold alert 3-46
- CMNM 3-43, 4-2, 4-4, 4-45
- CMNM, hardware requirements 1-9
- CMNM, how to start 4-54
- CMNM collector 3-25, 3-33, 3-43, 3-44, 3-45, 3-46
- CMNM host 3-44
- CMNM performance data 3-50
- CNS, hardware requirements 1-11
- CNS, overview 1-10
- CNS data handler 3-51, 3-52
- CNS Integration bus 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-11, 4-2, 4-12, 4-26
- CNS Notification Engine 4-2
- CNS Notification Engine, architecture 1-7
- CNS Notification Engine, checking for running processes 4-59
- CNS Notification Engine, hardware requirements 4-26
- CNS Notification Engine, how to install 4-25
- CNS Notification Engine, how to start 4-52
- CNS Notification Engine, installation 4-26
- CNS Notification Engine, overview 1-6
- CNS Notification Engine, system requirements 1-8
- CNS Notification Engine, transport protocols 1-8
- CNS Notification Engine setup script 4-30
- CNS Notification Engine tar file 4-26
- CNS Notification Engine Tibco probe 4-6
- CNS-PE 4-2
- CNS-PE, hardware requirements 1-10
- CNS-PE, how to start 4-53
- cnspepatch directory 3-11
- CNS Performance Engine, checking for running processes 4-59
- CNS-Performance Engine, overview 1-10
- CNS-PE Tibco probe 4-6
- CNS probe 4-33, 4-39
- CNS probe, installing 4-33, 4-39
- CNS Rendezvous Listener 4-66
- collecting data 3-56
- collecting performance data 3-42
- collection device 4-4
- collection devices 4-4
- collection intervals 3-34
- command 3-53
- command 3-53
- command 3-53
- command 3-53
- Command Line Interface (CLI) 3-15
- Comma Separated Values (CSVs) 3-39, 3-42, 3-45
- Conductor window, Cisco Info Center 4-62
- config/template directory 3-16
- config/thresholds directory 3-16
- config directory 3-16
- configuration task list 3-62
- configure Cisco CNS PE 3-18
- configuring product components order 4-6
- connection-id attribute 3-40
- correlationInterval parameter 3-38
- CPU utilization threshold 3-46
- creating a CMNM collector 3-71
- creating Bulk MIB collector 3-65
- creating Call History collectors 3-68
- creating collectors 3-32
- creating data handlers 3-73
- creating devices 3-27
- creating IOS devices 3-62
- creating MIB collectors 3-65
- creating notifiers 3-72
- creating purgers 3-73
- creating RADIUS collectors 3-68
- creating SAA collectors 3-70
- creating schedules 3-31, 3-64
- creating Solaris host devices 3-63
- creating thresholds 3-70
- crontab file 4-28
- CSV format 3-52
- DAS 4-59, 4-63
- das 4-59
- file 3-16, 3-28, 3-33, 3-39
- das.tar file 3-9
- DAS_HOME directory 3-26
- dasadmin.log file 3-13, 3-15
- data/callhistory directory 3-16
- data/radius directory 3-16
- data/VoipCorrelator directory 3-16
- data/VoipDasCollector directory 3-16
- data cloud 2-3
- data directory 3-16
- data export 3-53
- data handlers 3-50
- db directory 3-16
- de-duplication 1-6, 1-7, 4-4
- default password 3-14
- default password, Cisco Info Center 4-61
- deployment model, Cisco Info Center 1-5
- DESKTOP Builder 4-15
- device options 3-27
- disk usage threshold 3-25
- DISPLAY environment variable 4-26, 4-28
- DS0/DS1 Stats 3-32
- DS0 usage statistics 3-35
- DS1 statistics MIB 3-35
- DS1 usage statistics 3-35
- Element Management System 4-45
- elmd.log file 4-55, 4-57, 4-58
- EMS 4-3, 4-45
- Enable mode 4-66
- Event List window, Cisco Info Center 4-63
- examples directory 3-16
- export data 3-25
- Extended Markup Language (XML) 3-24
- fault component architecture 4-2
- fault management 4-3
- fault management component 4-1
- fault management solution 4-2
- FCAPS 1-9, 2-1, 4-58
- FCAPS model 3-4, 4-1
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 3-5
- filters, Cisco Info Center 4-25
- find command 4-38, 4-44
- five nines 4-2
- FTP 3-5, 3-33
- FTP account 3-44
- FTP Client MIB 3-33
- FTP data handler 3-25, 3-50
- FTP properties 3-27
- Gatekeepeer MIB 3-33
- Gatekeeper MIB collector 3-35, 3-56
- Gatekeeper MIB statistics 3-35
- GDPM 4-4
- Generic Dial Plan Manager (GDPM) 4-4
- gw-accounting h323 vsa 3-39
- h323-call-origin attribute 3-40
- history admin export command 3-44
- history criteria element 3-44
- hotspot poller 3-52
- hot spot polling 3-42
- hotspot polling 3-33, 3-51, 3-52
- http port 3-12
- IfInOctets 3-52
- IF-MIB MIB 3-19
- ifOutOctets 3-52
- Info Gateways 1-4
- Info Mediator, CEMF 4-6
- Info Mediator, CNS Notification Engine 4-6
- Info Mediator, CNS-PE 4-6
- Info Mediator, MTTrapd 4-6
- Info Mediators 1-4, 4-4, 4-33, 4-39
- install_patch script 3-11
- installation prerequisites, Cisco Info Center 4-7
- IP addresses 3-6
- java.memory.availableMega attribute 3-50
- java.memory.usedPercentage attribute 3-50
- jitter 3-42, 3-43
- license configuration, Cisco Info Center 4-16
- license host environment variable 4-54, 4-56
- license keys 4-16
- license keys, Cisco Info Center 4-16
- license server 4-51, 4-54, 4-55
- licensing host 4-57
- Listener process 4-64
- load command 3-20
- loading MIBS 3-62
- loading MIBs 3-21, 3-26
- file 3-16
- logging configuration lines 4-65
- login to Cisco CNS PE 3-14
- Login window, Cisco Info Center 4-61
- logs directory 3-16
- maxTableEntries attribute 3-40
- memory threshold 3-25
- MIB attribute names 3-59
- MIB attribute names, CallHistory 3-59
- MIB attribute names, telephony 3-61
- MIB attribute names, VoIP 3-60
- MIB collector 3-27
- MIB collectors 3-24, 3-33, 3-34
- mib name variable 3-20
- MIBS directory 3-16
- MIB tables 3-34
- MIB variables 3-34
- MTTrapd 4-6
- MTTrapd Info Mediator 4-6
- mttrapd probe 4-12
- NCO_ELMHOST environment variable 4-38, 4-45, 4-51, 4-54, 4-56
- nco process 4-54, 4-56
- NCO processes 4-46
- nco start command 4-22
- Network Access Server (NAS) 3-36
- Network Management System 4-4
- NMS 4-2
- NMS collector 4-58
- nodisplay option 2-29
- notifications 3-51
- Notifier subjects 4-38, 4-44
- object identifier 3-35
- object identifier (OID) 3-33
- OID 3-35
- OINSTALL 4-8, 4-9, 4-46
- OINSTALL program 4-9, 4-33, 4-39, 4-46
- OMNIHOME environment variable 4-22
- order of operations 3-25, 3-55
- OverThreshold alert 3-46
- file 3-16
- packetTHR threshold 3-47
- PGW2200 4-45
- PGW2200 complex 3-6, 4-7, 4-45, 4-66
- PoP Management MIB 3-32, 3-33
- port 162 3-51
- port reservations 3-17
- preambles 3-55
- preinstallation checks 2-58
- primary server 3-81
- Process Control Agent 4-36, 4-42, 4-48
- product installation order 4-6
- purge data 3-51
- purge data stores 3-25
- purge parameters 3-39
- purger 3-51
- purging 3-42
- radius.secret attribute 3-38
- RADIUS accounting packets 3-39
- RADIUS accounting requests 3-38
- RADIUS accounting response 3-38
- RADIUS Accounting Server 3-38
- RADIUS attribute 44 3-39
- RADIUS CDRs 3-39
- RADIUS collector 3-24, 3-28, 3-33, 3-38, 3-39, 3-40
- Radius Collector 3-57
- Radius collector 3-56
- RADIUS redundancy 3-80
- RADIUS secret 3-39
- RADIUS server key 3-28
- readme.txt file 3-8, 3-10
- real-time troubleshooting 3-52
- removing a CMNM collector 3-77
- removing Bulk MIB collectors 3-76
- removing Call History collectors 3-76
- removing components 3-53
- removing data handlers 3-78
- removing IOS devices 3-77
- removing MIB collectors 3-76
- removing MIBs 3-79
- removing notifiers 3-78
- removing purgers 3-79
- removing RADIUS collectors 3-76
- removing SAA collectors 3-77
- removing schedules 3-78
- removing Solaris host devices 3-78
- removing thresholds 3-77
- Rendezvous daemon 1-10
- Rendezvous Routing daemon 1-10
- Resource MIB 3-33
- Resource MIB collector 3-37, 3-57
- round trip delay 3-42
- round trip time 3-43
- rtr responder 3-42
- rtr responder command 3-43
- rva.config file 3-16
- rvd daemon 1-10, 3-11
- rvrd daemon 1-10, 3-11
- SAA Collectors 3-24
- SAA collectors 3-33, 3-42, 3-57
- SAAicmp collector 3-33, 3-42
- SAAjitter collector 3-33, 3-42, 3-43
- SAA responder 3-42
- SAAudpEcho collector 3-33, 3-42, 3-43
- sample XML code 3-62
- scalability 4-5
- schedules 3-57
- schema directory 3-16
- search for CMNM NCO processes 4-60
- Send XML window 3-56
- Service Assurance Agent (SAA) 3-42
- setting 3-46
- setting 3-46
- setup file 3-9
- setup script 3-10
- shared secret 3-38
- Signaling Link Termination 4-45
- Simple Network Management Protocol 4-2
- SNMP 4-2
- SNMP community string properties 3-27
- SNMP community strings 3-29
- SNMP generic traps 4-13
- SNMP getbulk requests 3-33
- SNMP Notification Generator 4-25
- SNMP trap monitor 4-58
- SNMP traps 1-5, 1-6, 4-2, 4-63
- SNMP v1/v2 traps 1-5
- SNMP v1 and v2c traps 4-4
- SNMPv2-CONF MIB 3-19
- SNMPv2-SMI MIB 3-19
- SNMPv2-TC MIB 3-19
- SS7 complex 4-45
- SSNG 4-25
- ssng 4-25, 4-28, 4-52, 4-59, 4-63
- executable 4-53
- script 3-12
- start accounting requests 3-38
- start a web browser 3-14
- start Cisco CNS PE 3-12
- start collectors 3-25
- starting all collectors 3-75
- startup script, Cisco Info Center 4-36, 4-43
- script 3-17
- stop accounting requests 3-38
- stop all Cisco CNS PE processes 3-11, 3-15
- stopping all collectors 3-75
- sys.cpu.loadPercentage attribute 3-50
- attribute 3-50
- attribute 3-50
- sys.disk.db.availableMega attribute 3-50
- sys.disk.db.usedPercentage attribute 3-50
- sys.disk.home.availableMega attribute 3-49
- sys.disk.home.usedPercentage attribute 3-50
- sys.memory.availableMega attribute 3-49
- sys.memory.usedPercentage attribute 3-49
- Syslog, how to search for 4-59
- Syslog Collector 4-28, 4-52
- Syslog error messages 1-6
- Syslog Event Collector 4-58
- Syslog events 1-5, 4-2
- Syslog logging facility 4-2
- Syslog messages 1-7
- System collector 3-25, 3-48, 3-49
- System collector thresholding attributes 3-49
- system requirements, Cisco Info Center 1-5
- system resource utilization 3-37
- tag 3-50
- tar file, Cisco Info Center 4-8
- tar file, Cisco Notification Engine 4-26
- TCA 4-2
- TCA Collector 4-58
- TCA events 4-12
- telephony MIB attribute names 3-61
- telephony XML attribute names 3-61
- Telnet account 3-44
- Telnet prompt 3-46
- Telnet properties 3-27
- templates 3-26
- templates and examples 3-26
- terminal emulation 4-9
- Threshold Crossing Alert 3-46
- threshold crossing alerts 1-5, 3-33, 4-2, 4-6
- Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs) 3-45
- thresholding attributes 3-49
- Tibco Rendezvous daemon 4-38, 4-44
- tib directories 4-64
- tibrv directory 4-38, 4-44
- tibrvlisten command 4-64
- tmp directory 3-16
- tomcat directory 3-16
- tools directory 3-16
- Transaction Language 1 (TL1) messages 1-6
- trap notifier 3-51
- UDP Echo operation 3-43
- UDP port 3-38
- uninstall Cisco CNS PE 3-17
- unload MIBs 3-54
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 1-7, 3-38
- usgwPTHR threshold 3-47
- VCG 4-2
- Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs) 3-39
- virtual gateway 2-5
- virtual switch 2-5
- Voice Corba Gateway (VCG) 4-2
- VoipCorrelator module 3-39
- VoIPDAS collector 3-50
- VoipDas collector 3-53
- VoIP MIB attribute names 3-60
- VoIP XML attribute names 3-60
- VSPT 4-4
- web based interface 3-18
- Welcome window, Cisco Info Center 4-61
- Xhost+ 4-28
- XML 4-2
- XML attribute names 3-59
- XML attribute names, CallHistory 3-59
- XML attribute names, telephony 3-61
- XML attribute names, VoIP 3-60
- XML commands 3-24
- XML events 4-12
- XML syntax 3-26
- XML tags, Cisco CNS PE 3-18
- Xwindows 4-61
- Xwindows session 4-9
- zone information 3-35







Posted: Thu Oct 17 03:02:42 PDT 2002
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