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This chapter describes DLCI monitoring for WAN SwitchProbe devices, and VPI/VCI monitoring for ATM SwitchProbe devices.
The following sections contain additional information:
With Cisco WAN SwitchProbe devices, you can monitor permanent virtual circuit (PVCs) over WAN Frame Relay segments. You can configure these devices to create/discover up to 256 data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs) on the monitored WAN Frame Relay segment (from one channel or many channels).
After you create a DLCI virtual interface, it is considered a physical interface, allowing you to monitor each DLCI as you would an entire SwitchProbe agent. You can use a number of TrafficDirector applications to view detailed statistics about any DLCI on a WAN segment.
If the WAN segment you are monitoring uses a Frame Relay management protocol such as LMI or Annex D, PVC discovery and DLCI interface creation is fully automated. For more information, see "Automatically Discovering Frame Relay DLCIs."
For each DLCI the device sees on the WAN network, it automatically creates a virtual interface that you can monitor as you would any other agent. Because this automatic discovery feature is enabled by default, you usually connect the device to the network and specify Frame Relay as the WAN encapsulation protocol. The device automatically learns any DLCI on the monitored network.
The SwitchProbe device automatically learns any DLCI on the monitored network.
When you enable the PVC discovery option (enabled by default), the SwitchProbe device automatically discovers any permanent virtual channels (PVCs) on the attached WAN Frame Relay segments that are running a management protocol.
The device reads the management protocol packets to obtain the DLCI and creates a virtual interface for each DLCI found on the attached segment.
If an attached WAN Frame Relay segment is not running a management protocol, you can manually specify which DLCIs you want to monitor as an interface.
You can use one of the following methods to manually specify which DLCIs you want to monitor as an interface:
To add DLCIs you want to monitor, delete DLCIs you are no longer interested in, or clear all DLCI interfaces, follow these steps.
Step 1 To access command-line mode, enter 11 and press Enter.
Step 2 To add DLCIs to an interface, use the following syntax:
set dlci add phys_interface "dlci_number dte_cir dce_cir"
Step 3 To delete a specific DLCI on an interface, use the following syntax:
set dlci delete "phys_interface dlci_number"
Step 4 To delete all DLCIs on an interface, use the following syntax:
set dlci clear phys_interface
where phys_interface is the number of the physical WAN interface on which you want to delete all DLCI virtual interfaces.
Step 5 To exit command-line mode, enter quit and press Enter.
The Agent Configuration Utility Main menu is displayed.
Step 6 To reset the agent, enter 12 and press Enter.
A message is displayed asking you to confirm the action of resetting the device.
Step 7 Enter Y and press Enter.
WAN SwitchProbe devices automatically send out SNMP traps when there is a change in PVC status, including any of the following events:
By default, the SwitchProbe device sends all traps that it generates as a result of a change in PVC status to the server address specified in menu option 9. You can also specify additional modes to receive SNMP traps with the TrafficDirector dvadmin utility to maintain the agent trap destination table. You can also configure the device to send SNMP traps to port 162, 395, or both ports.
For more information, see "Configuring SNMP Trap Ports and Destinations" in "Using Advanced Features."
You can specify the amount of resources the SwitchProbe device reserves for tracking RMON1 and RMON2 statistics for each DLCI interface when you boot the device. You do so by specifying values for selected RMON1 and RMON2 parameters.
For example, if you set the maximum number of DLCI network layer hosts to 4000, the device allocates enough resources (primarily memory) to track network-layer statistics for 4000 hosts on each DLCI interface.
Therefore, if you automatically discover 50 DLCIs, the device reserves enough agent resources to track statistics for 200,000 hosts. You might want to adjust these DLCI maximums based on your monitoring needs and the available resources.
Table 9-1 describes the DLCI RMON1 parameters you can configure.
Select This Parameter... | To Configure |
[5] Change dlci_sh_buckets | Maximum number of buckets the device uses to store short-term history statistics (default 10). |
[6] Change dlci_lh_buckets | Maximum number of buckets the device uses to store long-term history statistics (default 10). |
[7] Change dlci_sh_interval | Interval at which the device gathers and stores short-term history statistics (default 180). |
[8] Change dlci_lh_interval | Interval at which the device gathers and stores long-term history statistics (default 1800). |
Table 9-2 describes the DLCI RMON2 parameters you can configure.
Select This Parameter... | To Configure the Maximum Number Of |
[5] Change dlci_nl hosts | Hosts for which the device tracks network-layer statistics |
[6] Change dlci_al_hosts | Hosts for which the device tracks application-layer statistics |
[7] Change dlci_nl_matrix | Conversations for which the device stores network-layer statistics (default 6000). |
[8] Change dlci_al_matrix | Conversations for which the device stores application-layer statistics (default 12000). |
To set RMON1/RMON2 parameters for DLCIs, follow these steps:
Step 1 Access the Agent Configuration Utility.
Step 2 Enter 8 and press Enter.
Step 3 Select the WAN interface you want to configure.
Step 4 Enter 31 and press Enter.
Step 5 Do one of the following:
Step 6 Do one of the following:
Step 7 To reset the agent, enter 12 and press Enter.
With Cisco ATM SwitchProbe devices, you can monitor PVCs over ATM segments. You can configure these devices to create up to 256 virtual interfaces for each specified Virtual Path Identifier/Virtual Channel Identifier (VPI/VCI) on the monitored ATM segment.
After you create a VPI/VCI virtual interface in the device, the virtual interface is treated as a physical interface, so you can monitor each VPI/VCI as you would an entire SwitchProbe agent.
You can use several TrafficDirector applications to view detailed statistics of any VPI/VCI on an ATM segment. For more information, see Using the TrafficDirector Application.
The OC-3 ATM SwitchProbe device decodes ATM PVC addresses to a 10-bit resolution. By default, all 10 bits are used to specify the VCI portion of the PVC, and no bits are reserved to specify the VPI portion of the PVC. This default bit allocation ratio is adequate in a UNI signaling SVC environment where the VPI is normally 0. However, in other signalling environments, PVCs normally use a non-zero VPI.
If the ATM link you are monitoring uses non-zero VPIs (including PVCs requiring more than 10-bits for VPI/VCI that have unique VPIs or unique VCIs), use the command
set atm_maxvpibits auto to automatically set the maximum number of bits to reserve for the VPI.
You must be in an ATM interface to set VPI/VCI size. To set VPI/VCI size, follow these steps:
Step 1 To access command-line mode, enter 11 and press Enter.
Step 2 Enter the following command for each PVC (on an attached ATM segment) you want the device to monitor:
set atm_maxvpibits auto
To monitor a PVC as an interface in an OC-3 or DS-3 ATM SwitchProbe device, you must specify the PVC manually by entering the VPI/VCI combination of the PVC using the Agent Configuration Utility command-line mode.
You must be in an ATM interface to configure ATM PVCs. To add ATM PVCs to monitor, delete ATM PVCs you no longer need, or clear all ATM PVCs, follow these steps:
Step 1 To access command-line mode, enter 11 and press Enter.
Step 2 To add PVCs to NVRAM, enter the following command:
set atm_pvc add <vpi#> <vci#>
where the <vpi#> and <vci#> combination defines the PVC to be monitored.
You are prompted to enter a DTE Address.
Step 3 If desired, enter the ATM address of the DTE device (in 20-byte NSAPA format).
Step 4 Enter the ATM address of the DCE device.
Otherwise, press Enter at the prompt requesting a DTE Address.
You are prompted to enter the desired speed of the interface.
Step 5 If desired, enter the speed of the interface (in Kbps 1-90000).
Otherwise, press Enter.
Step 6 To delete a PVC from NVRAM, enter the following command:
set atm_pvc delete <vpi#> <vci#>
where the <vpi#> and <vci#> combination defines the specific PVC to be removed.
Step 7 To delete all PVCs from NVRAM, enter the following command:
set atm_pvc clear
Step 8 To exit command-line mode, enter quit and press Enter.
The Agent Configuration Utility main menu is displayed again.
All manually configured ATM PVCs do not take effect until you reboot or reset the device. To do so, see "Resetting a SwitchProbe Agent" in "Configuring SwitchProbe Devices."
Posted: Wed Oct 2 08:03:20 PDT 2002
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