
Table of Contents

AtmDirector Installation Instructions

AtmDirector Installation Instructions

AtmDirector is a network management application for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks.

This booklet provides the following information:

Note Perform all tasks as the superuser.

System Requirements

Before you install the AtmDirector software, make sure your system meets the requirements listed in Table 1.

AtmDirector System Requirements
Requirement Sun HP AIX
Hardware Sun SPARCstation SS-20 or greater

Color monitor

HP 9000 Series 700

Color monitor

IBM RISC System/6000

Color monitor

Operating System
Solaris 2.4, Solaris 2.5.0, Solaris 2.5.1 HP-UX 10.X AIX 4.1 or later
Swap Space 250 MB 250 MB* 256 MB
RAM 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB
Hard Disk 2 GB (4 GB recommended) 2 GB (4 GB recommended) 2 GB (4 GB recommended)
Windowing System OpenWindows 3.4, 3.5, 3.5.1, Motif 1.2 HPVUE, Motif 1.2 AIX Windows 4.1 or later, Motif 1.2

*You can increase the per process swap size on your HP system to avoid running out of per process swap. To do so, invoke the sam utility. Then select Kernel Configuration > Configurable Parameters, and increase maxdsiz from 67 MB to 134 MB.

Mounting on a Sun Solaris System

This section describes how to mount the AtmDirector CD-ROM on a Sun Solaris system.

Mounting from a Local CD-ROM

To mount the CD-ROM from a local CD-ROM drive, perform these steps:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

  1. Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

    The CD is automatically mounted onto the /cdrom directory. If you are running File Manager, a separate window displays the contents of the CD-ROM. If the /cdrom directory is empty because the CD was not mounted, or if File Manager did not open a window displaying the contents of the CD-ROM, check if the vold daemon is running by entering the following command:

# ps -e | grep vold | grep -v grep

If the system does not display anything, enter the following command:

# /usr/sbin/vold &

The vold daemon manages the CD-ROM device and performs the mounting.

Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM

To mount the CD-ROM from a remote CD-ROM drive, perform the following steps on the remote machine:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

  1. Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Use a text editor to create an /etc/dfs/dfstab file, if one does not exist.

  3. Add the following line to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file:
share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom

  1. Ensure that your workstation is enabled as a Network File System (NFS) server. To do so, first check the status of your NFS server by entering the following command:
# ps -ef | grep nfs | grep -v grep

If your machine is enabled as an NFS server, the following daemons should be running: /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd and /usr/lib/nfs/mountd. If these daemons are not running, enable your machine as an NFS server with the following command:

# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

The CD is automatically mounted onto the /cdrom directory. If you are running File Manager, a separate File Manager window displays the contents of the CD-ROM. If the /cdrom directory is empty because the CD was not mounted, or if File Manager did not open a window displaying the contents of the CD-ROM, check if the vold daemon is running by entering the following command:

# ps -e | grep vold | grep -v grep

If the system does not display anything, enter the following command:

# /usr/sbin/vold &

The vold daemon manages the CD-ROM device and performs the mounting.

  1. Go to the local machine.

  2. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not already exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

  1. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/mount remote_machinename:/cdrom /cdrom

Mounting on an HP-UX System

This section describes how to mount the AtmDirector CD-ROM on an HP-UX system.

Mounting from a Local CD-ROM

To mount the CD-ROM from a local CD-ROM drive, perform these steps:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

  1. Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /etc/mount -rt cdfs -o ro /dev/dsk/device_name /cdrom

-r mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode. -t indicates the type of filesystem, where hsfs specifies a filesystem with an ISO 9660 or High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions and a CDFS filesystem. device_name is the device which you mount, usually dsk/c201d5s0 on HP-UX. If you do not use these options, media error messages may display on the console.

Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM

To mount the CD-ROM from a remote CD-ROM drive, perform the following steps on the remote machine:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

  1. Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Use a text editor to create an /etc/exports file, if one does not exist.

  3. Add the following line to the /etc/exports file:
/cdrom -ro

  1. Ensure that your workstation is enabled as an NFS server. To do so, first check the status of your NFS server with the following command:
# ps -e | grep nfsd | grep -v grep
Note Both nfsd and rpc.mountd daemons must be running for a workstation to be enabled as an NFS server.

  1. If no nfsd daemons are running, start some with the following command:
# /etc/nfs.server start

  1. Check rpc.mountd daemon status with the following command:
# ps -e | grep rpc.mountd | grep -v grep

If no rpc.mountd daemon is running, start one with the following command:

# /usr/etc/rpc.mountd -n

  1. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /etc/mount -rt cdfs -o ro /dev/dsk/device_name /cdrom

-r mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode. -t indicates the type of filesystem, where hsfs specifies a filesystem with an ISO 9660 or High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions and a CDFS filesystem. device_name is the device which you mount, usually sr0 on SunOS or dsk/c201d5s0 on HP-UX. If you do not use these options, media error messages may display on the console.

  1. Run exportfs -a by entering the following command:
# /usr/etc/exportfs -a

  1. Go to the local machine.

  2. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not already exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

  1. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /etc/mount remote_machinename:/cdrom /cdrom

Mounting on an AIX System

This section describes how to mount the AtmDirector CD-ROM on an AIX system.

Mounting from a Local CD-ROM

To mount the CD-ROM from a local CD-ROM drive, perform these steps:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

  1. Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. If you have mounted a CD-ROM before, continue with Step 5. Otherwise, add a CD-ROM file system by entering the following command:
# /usr/sbin/crfs -v cdrfs -pro -d cd0 -m /cdrom -Ano -tno

-pro denotes it is a read-only file system. -m /cdrom specifies the mount port. -Ano indicates that it is not to be mounted automatically on reboot. -tno specifies not to set the accounting entry in /etc/filsystems.

  1. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

-r mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode. -v indicates the type of file system.

You may get the following error message, which you can ignore:

mount: warning: the permissions on /cdrom are incompatible with the permissions in the root directory of /dev/cd0

  1. To verify that you have successfully mounted the AtmDirector CD, enter the following command:
# ls /cdrom

You should see the following files: .toc, atmd.bff, and sybase.bff.

Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM

To mount the CD-ROM from a remote CD-ROM drive, perform the following steps on the remote machine:

  1. Log in as the superuser by entering su and the root password.

  2. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.

  1. Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Use a text editor to create an /etc/exports file, if one does not exist.

  3. Add the following line to the /etc/exports file:
/cdrom -ro

  1. Ensure that your workstation is enabled as an NFS server. To do so, first check the status of your NFS server by entering the following command:
# ps -ef | grep nfsd | grep -v grep
Note Both the nfsd and rpc.mountd daemons must be running for a workstation to be enabled as an NFS server.

  1. If no nfsd daemons are running, start some with the following command:
# /etc/rc.nfs

  1. Check rpc.mountd daemon status with the following command:
# ps -ef | grep rpc.mountd | grep -v grep

If no rpc.mountd daemon is running, start one with the following command:

# /usr/etc/rpc.mountd -n

  1. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom

-r mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode. -v indicates the type of file system.

  1. Run exportfs -a by entering the following command:
# /usr/sbin/exportfs -a

  1. Go to the local machine.

  2. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not already exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom

  1. To mount the CD-ROM, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/mount remote_machinename:/cdrom /cdrom

Installing AtmDirector on a Sun Solaris System

To install AtmDirector on a Sun Solaris system, perform these steps:

Note You can terminate the installation at any time by answering q to a system prompt. To return to the previous question at any time, enter ^.

  1. Install the Cisco Sybase package by entering the following command:
# pkgadd --d /cdrom/cdrom0 CSCOsyb

The Cisco Sybase package is installed in the directory /opt. If you want to install the package in a different directory, enter the following command:

# pkgadd --a none --d /cdrom/cdrom0 CSCOsyb

The system prompts you with the following:

Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y, n?] y

  1. Enter y to continue with the installation.

    The system installs the Cisco Sybase package and notifies you of the completion:

Installation of <CSCOsyb> was successful.

You are then prompted with the following notice:

***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** This machine must now be rebooted to ensure sane operation. Execute shutdown --y --i6 --g0 and wait for the "Console Login:" prompt.

  1. Reboot your system by entering the following command:
shutdown --y --i6 --g0

  1. Log in to your system.

  2. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Install the Cisco AtmDirector package by entering the following command.

    On Solaris 2.4:

# pkgadd --d /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris2.4 CSCOatmd

On Solaris 2.5 and 2.5.1:

# pkgadd --d /cdrom/cdrom0 CSCOatmd

You are prompted to enter the Sybase home directory:

Enter the home directory of Sybase? [/opt/CSCOsyb] /opt/CSCOsyb

  1. Press Return to accept the default location of /opt/CSCOsyb. If you installed Sybase in an alternate location (using the -a none option), enter that location.

    The Cisco AtmDirector package is installed in the specified directory. The following additional values are used, by default, for this install:

AtmDirector UDP port: 5889 AtmDirector log file /opt/CSCOatmd/data/log/logfile Sybase data server: CW_SYBASE Sybase backup server: CW_BACKUP_SERVER
Note You can accept these standard values and proceed with the installation, or you can customize one or more values when prompted.

  1. Answer y to install AtmDirector with the specified values.

    The system displays the location where AtmDirector will be installed and the values you have chosen for this installation.

    If you answer n, the system prompts you with a series of questions for each value and then prompts you again:

Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y, n?] y

  1. Answer y to continue with the installation of AtmDirector.

    The system installs the AtmDirector package and notifies you of the completion:

Installation of <CSCOatmd> was successful.

  1. To configure the Sybase database for AtmDirector, run the database setup script by entering the following command:
# /opt/CSCOatmd/etc/atmd_setupdb
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than CSCOatmd, enter that directory name.

The system prompts you with the following:

Do you wish to configure Sybase? y

  1. Answer y to configure Sybase.

    You are prompted to enter and then reenter the system administrator password for the configured Sybase data server:

Enter the Sybase 'sa' password? Reenter the password to verify?

  1. Enter the system administrator password.

    You are prompted to enter the size of the database:

Enter the database size in MB.

  1. Enter the size of the database. Use the following guidelines to choose a size:
For a network of 0-50 nodes, enter 20. For a network of 50-200 nodes, specify 50. For a network of over 200 nodes, specify 75.

The system creates a new Sybase physical device to store data for AtmDirector. This can either be a regular file or a raw partition. If you wish to enlarge the database at a later time, refer to the AtmDirector Getting Started Guide.

You are prompted to enter the database filename:

Enter the database filename.

  1. Enter the database filename, or press Return to accept the default value. The default is /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_datadevice.

    You are prompted to enter the log filename:

Enter the log filename.

  1. Enter the log filename or press Return to accept the default value. The default is /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_logdevice.

    The system runs the database setup script. The following additional values are used, by default, for configuring Sybase:

AtmDirector log size: 12 Data server TCP port: 5988 Backup server TCP port: 6088 Master database device: /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_master Master database size: 17 Sybsysprocs device: /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_sybsysprocs Sybsysprocs size: 14 Temp database device: /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_tempdevice Temp database size: 20
Note You can accept these standard values and proceed with the setup, or you may customize one or more values when prompted.

  1. Answer y to run the setup script with the specified values.

    If you answer n, the system prompts you with a series of questions for each value.

  2. Answer y to run the setup script.

    The system runs the setup script and notifies you of the completion:

atmd_setupdb successfully completed!

  1. Log in to your system.

  2. Bring up your window manager.

  3. Open an xterm window.

  4. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Enter the following command to start the AtmDirector daemons:
# /opt/CSCOatmd/etc/atmd_startup
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than CSCOatmd, enter that directory name.

  1. Exit from your system to become a regular user.

  2. Change the directory by entering the following command:
% cd /opt/CSCOatmd/bin
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than CSCOatmd, enter that directory name.

  1. Enter the following command to start AtmDirector:
% atmdirector

The system displays the AtmDirector main window. Select Options>Global Options and fill in the seed IP Address to start Discovery. For further information, refer to the AtmDirector Getting Started Guide and the online help that ships with the product.

Note Installation log files are located in the /opt/CSCOatmd/data/log directory.

Installing AtmDirector on an HP-UX System

To install AtmDirector on an HP-UX system, perform these steps:

Note You can terminate the installation at any time by answering q to a system prompt. To return to the previous question at any time, enter ^.

  1. Install the Cisco Sybase package by entering the following command:
# sh /cdrom/ SYBASE

The Cisco Sybase package is installed in the directory /opt. If you wish to install the Cisco Sybase package in a different directory, enter that directory name.

  1. Reboot your system by entering the following command:
/etc/reboot -r

  1. Log in to your system.

  2. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Install the Cisco AtmDirector package by entering the following command:
# sh /cdrom/ ATMD

You are prompted to enter the name of the directory in which you wish to install AtmDirector:

Enter directory to install AtmDirector [/opt/CSCOatmd]

  1. Press Return to accept the default directory or enter a new directory name.

    The Cisco AtmDirector package is installed in the specified directory. The following additional values are used, by default, for this install:

AtmDirector UDP port: 5889 AtmDirector log file /opt/CSCOatmd/data/log/logfile Sybase data server: CW_SYBASE Sybase backup server: CW_BACKUP_SERVER
Note You can accept these standard values and proceed with the installation, or you can customize one or more values when prompted.

  1. Answer y to install AtmDirector with the specified values.

    The system displays the location where AtmDirector will be installed and the values you have chosen for this installation.

    If you answer n, the system prompts you with a series of questions for each value and then prompts you again:

Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y, n?] y

  1. Answer y to continue with the installation of AtmDirector.

    The system installs the AtmDirector package and notifies you of the completion:

Installation of <CSCOatmd> was successful.

  1. To configure the Sybase database for AtmDirector, run the database setup script by entering the following command:
# /opt/CSCOatmd/etc/atmd_setupdb
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than CSCOatmd, enter that directory name.

The system prompts you with the following:

Do you wish to configure Sybase? y

  1. Answer y to configure Sybase.

    You are prompted to enter and then reenter the system administrator password for the configured Sybase data server:

Enter the Sybase 'sa' password? Reenter the password to verify?

  1. Enter the system administrator password.

    You are prompted to enter the size of the database:

Enter the database size in MB.

  1. Enter the size of the database. Use the following guidelines to choose a size:
For a network of 0-50 nodes, enter 20. For a network of 50-200 nodes, specify 50. For a network of over 200 nodes, specify 75.

The system creates a new Sybase physical device to store data for AtmDirector. This can either be a regular file or a raw partition. If you wish to enlarge the database at a later time, refer to the AtmDirector Getting Started Guide.

You are prompted to enter the database filename:

Enter the database filename.

  1. Enter the database filename, or press Return to accept the default value. The default is /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_datadevice.

    You are prompted to enter the log filename:

Enter the log filename.

  1. Enter the log filename or press Return to accept the default value. The default is /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_logdevice.

    The system runs the database setup script. The following additional values are used, by default, for configuring Sybase:

AtmDirector log size: 12 Data server TCP port: 5988 Backup server TCP port: 6088 Master database device: /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_master Master database size: 17 Sybsysprocs device: /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_sybsysprocs Sybsysprocs size: 14 Temp database device: /opt/CSCOsyb/data/atmd_tempdevice Temp database size: 20
Note You can accept these standard values and proceed with the setup, or you may customize one or more values when prompted.

  1. Answer y to run the setup script with the specified values.

    If you answer n, the system prompts you with a series of questions for each value.

  2. Answer y to run the setup script.

    The system runs the setup script and notifies you of the completion:

atmd_setupdb successfully completed!

  1. Log in to your system.

  2. Bring up your window manager.

  3. Open an xterm window.

  4. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Enter the following command to start the AtmDirector daemons:
# /opt/CSCOatmd/etc/atmd_startup
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than CSCOatmd, enter that directory name.

  1. Exit from your system to become a regular user.

  2. Change the directory by entering the following command:
% cd /opt/CSCOatmd/bin
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than CSCOatmd, enter that directory name.

  1. Enter the following command to start AtmDirector:
% atmdirector

The system displays the AtmDirector main window. Select Options>Global Options and fill in the seed IP Address to start Discovery. For further information, refer to the AtmDirector Getting Started Guide and the online help that ships with the product.

Note Installation log files are located in the /opt/CSCOatmd/data/log directory.

Installing AtmDirector on an AIX System

To install AtmDirector on an AIX system, perform these steps:

Note You can terminate the installation at any time by answering q to a system prompt. To return to the previous question at any time, enter ^.

  1. Install the Cisco Sybase package by entering the following command:
# /usr/sbin/installp -acXd /cdrom/sybase.bff sybase

The Cisco Sybase package is installed in the directory /usr/sybase. The installp program notifies you of the completion.

  1. Reboot your system by entering the following command:
/usr/sbin/shutdown -r

  1. Log in to your system.

  2. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Install the Cisco AtmDirector package by entering the following command:
# /usr/sbin/installp -acXd /cdrom/atmd.bff atmd

You are prompted to enter the name of the directory in which you wish to install AtmDirector:

Enter directory to install AtmDirector [/usr/atmd]

  1. Press Return to accept the default directory or enter a new directory name.

    The Cisco AtmDirector package is installed in the specified directory. The following additional values are used, by default, for this install:

AtmDirector UDP port: 5889 AtmDirector log file /usr/atmd/data/log/logfile Sybase data server: CW_SYBASE Sybase backup server: CW_BACKUP_SERVER
Note You can accept these standard values and proceed with the installation, or you can customize one or more values when prompted.

  1. Answer y to install AtmDirector with the specified values.

    The system displays the location where AtmDirector will be installed and the values you have chosen for this installation.

    If you answer n, the system prompts you with a series of questions for each value and then prompts you again:

Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y, n?] y

  1. Answer y to continue with the installation of AtmDirector.

    The system installs the AtmDirector package and notifies you of the completion.

  2. To configure the Sybase database for AtmDirector, run the database setup script by entering the following command:
# /usr/atmd/etc/atmd_setupdb
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than /usr/atmd, enter that directory name.

The system prompts you with the following:

Do you wish to configure Sybase? y

  1. Answer y to configure Sybase.

    You are prompted to enter and then reenter the system administrator password for the configured Sybase data server:

Enter the Sybase 'sa' password? Reenter the password to verify?

  1. Enter the system administrator password.

    You are prompted to enter the size of the database:

Enter the database size in MB.

  1. Enter the size of the database. Use the following guidelines to choose a size:
For a network of 0-50 nodes, enter 20. For a network of 50-200 nodes, specify 50. For a network of over 200 nodes, specify 75.

The system creates a new Sybase physical device to store data for AtmDirector. This can either be a regular file or a raw partition. If you wish to enlarge the database at a later time, refer to the AtmDirector Getting Started Guide.

You are prompted to enter the database filename:

Enter the database filename.

  1. Enter the database filename, or press Return to accept the default value. The default is /usr/sybase/data/atmd_datadevice.

    You are prompted to enter the log filename:

Enter the log filename.

  1. Enter the log filename or press Return to accept the default value. The default is /usr/sybase/data/atmd_logdevice.

    The system runs the database setup script. The following additional values are used, by default, for configuring Sybase:

AtmDirector log size: 12 Data server TCP port: 5988 Backup server TCP port: 6088 Master database device: /usr/sybase/data/atmd_master Master database size: 17 Sybsysprocs device: /usr/sybase/data/atmd_sybsysprocs Sybsysprocs size: 14 Temp database device: /usr/sybase/data/atmd_tempdevice Temp database size: 20
Note You can accept these standard values and proceed with the setup, or you may customize one or more values when prompted.

  1. Answer y to run the setup script with the specified values.

    If you answer n, the system prompts you with a series of questions for each value.

  2. Answer y to run the setup script.

    The system runs the setup script and notifies you of the completion:

atmd_setupdb successfully completed!

  1. Log in to your system.

  2. Bring up your window manager.

  3. Open an xterm window.

  4. Become the superuser by entering the following command:
% su root

  1. Enter the following command to start the AtmDirector daemons:
# /usr/atmd/etc/atmd_startup
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than /usr/atmd, enter that directory name.

  1. Exit from your system to become a regular user.

  2. Change the directory by entering the following command:
% cd /usr/atmd/bin
Note If you installed AtmDirector in a directory other than /usr/atmd, enter that directory name.

  1. Enter the following command to start AtmDirector:
% ./atmdirector

The system displays the AtmDirector main window. Select Options>Global Options and fill in the seed IP Address to start Discovery. For further information, refer to the AtmDirector Getting Started Guide and the online help that ships with the product.

Note Installation log files are located in the /usr/atmd/data/log directory.

Removing AtmDirector

This section provides step-by-step procedures for removing AtmDirector from Sun Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX systems.

Removing AtmDirector from a Sun Solaris System

To remove AtmDirector from a Sun Solaris system, enter the following commands:

# pkgrm -l SYBASE # pkgrm -rf install_directory_sybase # pkgrm -l ATMD # /bin/rm -rf install_directory_atmd
Note The default AtmDirector directory is /opt/CSCOatmd. The default Sybase directory is /opt/CSCOsyb.

Removing AtmDirector from an HP-UX System

To remove AtmDirector from an HP-UX system, enter the following commands:

# swremove -v SYBASE # rm -rf install_directory_sybase # swremove -v ATMD # rm -rf install_directory_atmd
Note The default AtmDirector directory is /opt/CSCOatmd. The default Sybase directory is /opt/CSCOsyb.

Removing AtmDirector from an AIX System

To remove AtmDirector from an AIX system, enter the following commands:

# /usr/sbin/installp -u sybase # rm -rf install_directory_sybase # /usr/sbin/installp -u atmd # rm -rf install_directory_atmd
Note The default AtmDirector directory is /usr/atmd. The default Sybase directory is /usr/sybase.

Additional Documentation

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more up to date than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

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