
Table of Contents

Installing the SNA View Mainframe Application

Installing the SNA View Mainframe Application

This chapter describes how to install the SNA View mainframe program from its distribution tape using the System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E), Release 7 or later. The SNA View distribution tape cartridge contains all of the materials required to install SNA View on the mainframe. This chapter contains the following main sections:

Installation Tape Contents

This section describes the SNA View mainframe distribution tape, which has the following characteristics:

Table 3-1 describes the contents of the distribution tape.

Table 3-1: Contents of Distribution Tape
VOLSER File Name RECFM LRECL Block Size Distribution Library
NSP120 1 SMPMCS FB 80 6400 none
NSP120 2 NSP.NSPS120.F1 FB 80 8800 JCLIN
NSP120 3 NSP.NSPS120.F2 U 0 6144 ANSPSLOAD
NSP120 4 NSP.NSPS120.F3 FB 80 6160 ANSPSSAMP
NSP120 5 NSP.NSPS120.F4 FB 80 6160 ANSPSCLST
NSP120 6 NSP.NSPS120.F5 FB 80 6160 NSPSINST

Table 3-1 uses the following terms:

Installation Notes

Installing the SNA View Mainframe Application

This section describes how to install SNA View on your mainframe. By default, the SNA View mainframe application is installed in the MVS zone (zone Z038), but you can change the zone as described in the section "Installing SNA View in Another Zone."

This section contains the following sections:

Installing SNA View in the MVS Zone

To install the SNA View mainframe application in the MVS zone (zone Z038) on your mainframe, follow the steps listed below. These steps use the SMP/E Job Control Language (JCL) installation samples from the SNA View distribution tape.

Step 1 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named UNLOAD (shown below) to unload the prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST data set from the tape and load it on your mainframe.

//UNLOAD JOB (ACCT#), // 'PGMRNAME', // NOTIFY=&SYSUID, // CLASS=A, // MSGCLASS=O, // MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //**************************************************************** //**************************************************************** //* //* PROCEDURE: UNLOAD //* //* FUNCTION: UNLOAD THE INSTALLATION SAMPLES //* //* NOTE: //* CHANGE ALL LOWER CASE CHARACTERS TO VALUES SUITABLE //* FOR YOUR INSTALLATION. //* //*************************************************************** //*************************************************************** //UNLOAD EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //TAPE DD DISP=OLD,DSN=NSP.NSPS120.F5, // VOL=SER=NSP120, // UNIT=tape,LABEL=(6,SL) //DISK DD DSN=prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST,DISP=(NEW,CATLG),UNIT=3380, // VOL=SER=xxxxxx, // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1,2)), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=6160,LRECL=80) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=TAPE,OUTDD=DISK /*

Step 2 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named ALLOC, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to allocate your target and distribution libraries.

Step 3 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named RECNSP, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to receive SNA View.

Step 4 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named APPNSP, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to apply SNA View.

Step 5 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named ACCNSP, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to accept SNA View.

You have now completed loading the SNA View mainframe application files from the distribution tape. The next step is to configure the mainframe application software. Go to the chapter, "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

Installing SNA View in Another Zone

This section describes how to install the SNA View mainframe application in a zone other than the MVS zone. To install SNA View in another zone, follow the steps described below.

Step 1 Unload the SMP/E installation samples from the distribution tape using the sample UNLOAD Job Control Language (JCL) shown in the previous section "Installing SNA View in the MVS Zone."

Step 2 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named ALLOC, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to allocate your target and distribution libraries.

Step 3 Submit the SMP/E JCL named MOVNSP that is located in the prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST data set. This JCL copies the contents of the distribution tape to DASD.

Step 4 Edit the prefix.NSPS120I.SMPMCS member, changing the value of ++VER(Z038) to the preferred zone.

Step 5 Submit the SMP/E JCL named RECNSPD, in the prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST data set, to receive SNA View.

Step 6 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named APPNSP, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to apply SNA View.

Step 7 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named ACCNSP, in prefix.NSPS120I.NSPSINST, to accept SNA View.

You have now completed loading the SNA View mainframe application files from the distribution tape. The next step is to configure the mainframe application software. Go to the chapter, "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

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