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This chapter contains instructions for updating VTAM and MVS resources on the mainframe, as well as updating the SNA View input parameter cards to customize SNA View for your site's particular needs. You will use different sections of this chapter depending on whether your connection to the workstation is via LU 6.2 or TCP/IP.
The following major sections are in this chapter:
You must configure the mainframe to communicate with the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View workstation by one of the following protocols:
This section describes how to modify VTAM data sets on a mainframe that is connected to the SNA View workstation using LU 6.2. (If your workstation connection uses a TCP/IP connection, refer to the section "Configuring TCP/IP Connectivity.")
To configure LU 6.2 connectivity, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Update the MODETAB entry.
SNA View LU 6.2 uses the following LOGMODE entries. If your MODETAB and VTAM do not have these entries, you need to add them and then reassemble and link-edit.
The MODETAB entry used in the new APPL and LU definitions must contain the following LOGMODE entries. If your MODETAB table in VTAMLST lacks these entries, add them before you reassemble and link-edit the MODETAB table. The text for these table entries is available in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(MODEENT). A sample assembly and link-edit JCL is available in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(MODEJCL).
RUSIZES=X'8585',PSERVIC=X'060200000000000000000300', X
The changes to the MODETAB table take effect when VTAM is restarted. You can load the changes dynamically with the following system console command:
Step 2 Define the physical unit (PU).
Make sure the PU definition for the SNA View workstation meets the following requirements:
Additionally, if the PU is defined under an NCP major node, the NCP definition must contain a LUDRPOOL statement for the configuration of at least three independent LUs.
A sample PU definition (defined under a switched major node) is available in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(SWMNILU).
Step 3 Define the LU.
Define an independent LU under a cross-domain resource (CDRSC) major node, associating the LU with an existing PU. A sample CDRSC definition is available in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(CDRSCILU). Alternatively, you may define an independent LU under an existing PU definition by coding LOCADDR=0.
You can modify the resource names in the sample major node members to your site's naming conventions for network resources, but any changes to these default names must also be made to the parameter cards (see the section "Customizing SNA View Parameter Cards").
This section tells you how to modify your mainframe TCP/IP installation required for SNA View. If your workstation connection is via LU 6.2, see the "Performing MVS and VTAM Updates" section. TCP/IP connectivity can be made through one of the following mainframe applications:
The following steps are for systems that use IBM TCP/IP for MVS.
Step 1 Reserve port numbers in the PROFILE.TCPIP file.
Choose two available port numbers and add the following two lines to the list of PORT values in your PROFILE.TCPIP file (the default port values used are 6106 and 6107):
This step is optional. If you do not reserve specific port numbers for SNA View to use, the workstation connection will still be successful. This reservation simply flags the chosen port numbers for exclusive use by SNA View so that other products on the mainframe will not use them.
Step 2 Identify TCP/IP high-level qualifier.
If your TCP/IP installation did not use the default high-level qualifier for its data sets, make a copy of the hlq.TCPIP.DATA data set and name it TCPIP.TCPIP.DATA. This ensures that SNA View can read your system's TCP/IP configuration.
If your system uses Interlink SNS/TCP access, copy the LSCNCOM load module.
Interlink provides an LSCNCOM load module that must be used in place of the LSCNCOM that is provided in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD. Either replace the module in prefix.NSPOPEN.NSPSLOAD, or add the Interlink TCP/IP load library to the STEPLIBDD of the SNA View startup job ahead of prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD.
If you configure TCP/IP connectivity to multiple mainframe domains, you must match the SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and SVMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters of each domain to the TCP parameter cards in the mainframe. (TCP/IP parameter cards are documented in the section "Customizing SNA View Parameter Cards.") For example, the TCP parameter card in the mainframe for domain north is this:
TCP 6116 6117
The TCP parameter card in the mainframe for domain south should be this:
TCP 6126 6127
Currently, the data that is transferred between the mainframe and workstation component of the SnaView application is not encrypted. This is thought to be secure if the data is transferred over a private intranet. If the workstation-to-host connection traverses the internet, or if additional security is desired over the intranet, one can use the "Network Data Encryption with Router Authentication" feature provided with Cisco routers to encrypt the data that flows between the router nearest to the workstation, and the router nearest to the host.
More information on this topic can be found in the Cisco IOS Release 11.2 Security Configuration Guide.
This section presents the modifications that you must make in your system's MVS and VTAM data sets. These changes are necessary regardless of the method used to connect the workstation. Notify your system programmer of the changes to be made to the SYS1.PARMLIB members.
Step 1 Authorize prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD.
Add the data set prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD and its DASD volume name to your list of APF authorized data sets in SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAAPFxx) or SYS1.PARMLIB(PROGxx). This data set is needed to allow SNA View to process certain authorized commands and perform security checks.
If you have a software utility available to dynamically authorize new data sets, use it to add prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD; otherwise, an IPL must be performed to authorize this data set.
Step 2 Set the performance group.
Add a TRXNAME parameter for SNA View to the STC subsystem definition of SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAICSxx). In the TRXNAME line, specify the same performance group used by NetView or other high-priority application programs under VTAM to ensure that SNA View receives enough CPU time to avoid a backlog of network information processing. The default name for SNA View startup jobs is NSPOPEN. For example, if NetView is running in performance group 8, specify the addition for SNA View as this:
After a new entry is added, the ICS file can be dynamically reloaded by entering the following MVS command:
where xx is the two-digit suffix of the member that was edited.
Step 3 Add an entry to the program properties table.
Add a program properties table entry to your SYS1.PARMLIB(SCHEDxx) for SNA View:
After the new entry is added, the program properties table can be dynamically reloaded by entering the following MVS command:
where xx is the two-digit suffix of the member that was edited.
Step 4 Add the VTAM parameter PPOLOG.
Add PPOLOG=YES to your VTAM startup options in the SYS1.VTAMLST(ATCSTRxx) file to ensure that messages issued by VTAM, in response to console commands, are sent to the primary program operator.
If the PPOLOG parameter has not been set in the currently running VTAM, you can add it dynamically with the following command:
Step 5 Copy and modify the prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(NSPAPPL) data set.
If you already have an ISTEXCCS, please contact the Cisco TAC.
This section lists and describes the initialization parameter cards that you must customize to match the mainframe resources with the workstation configuration. The cards listed in Table 2-1 are located in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(NSPPARM).
Card Syntax: PPO VTAM_applid
Syntax Description:
VTAM_applid | Substitute the ID of the APPL definition coded with AUTH=PPO . This identifies the primary program operator application program that will receive unsolicited VTAM messages.
Example: If the ID of the APPL definition coded with AUTH=PPO
is NSPPPO1, code this:
Add this card to connect SNA View to the NetView or Netmaster PPI for the receipt of VTAM messages. The program-to-program interface must be active in accordance with the NetView or Netmaster documentation.
Card Syntax: PPI
Syntax Description: There are no operands on the PPI card.
Card Syntax: SPO VTAM_applid
Syntax Description:
VTAM_applid | Substitute the ID of an APPL definition card coded with AUTH=SPO . This identifies an SPO application that will receive solicited messages generated by commands issued from the workstation. Multiple SPO cards are allowed, and at least three are required.
Example: If the ID of the APPL definition coded with AUTH=SPO
is NSPSPO1, code this:
Card Syntax: SEC NSPRACF
If RACF or ACF/2 is installed and you want to use the security feature of SNA View, then code the SEC card as follows:
This card provides the values needed to establish a parallel LU 6.2 connection to the workstation. Multiple SERVER cards are allowed up to a maximum of 10.
Card Syntax: SERVER plu slu logmode NSPOPNMS NSPOPNCS
Syntax Description:
This card identifies the TCP/IP ports that are used on the SNA View workstation for the host command interface server and the command server. Multiple TCP cards are allowed up to a maximum of 20.
Card Syntax: TCP hciport cmdport
Syntax Description:
hciport | The port number opened on the mainframe for establishing a TCP socket connection with the host connection interface on the workstation. |
cmdport | The port number opened on the mainframe for establishing a TCP socket connection with the command server on the workstation. |
tcp-prefix | Optional third parameter is TCP IP prefix. This might need to be specified if there are TCP connectivity problems. See "TCP/IP Connection (TCP Subtask)" section in the "Troubleshooting the SNA View Mainframe Application" chapter. |
TCP 6106 6107
The MVS parameter card specifies the name of the extended MCS console to be defined for receipt of MVS messages.
Card Syntax: MVS console_name
Syntax Description:
console_name | Substitute the name of the extended MCS console to be defined for receipt of MVS messages. If this name is defined in Resource Access Control Facility (RACF), the OPERPARM values for this name will be used for the console definition. Otherwise, a console will be defined with default parameters AUTH=INFO and ROUTCDE=ALL. |
The CMD parameter card specifies the name of the extended MCS console to be defined for issuing MVS commands from SNA View.
Card Syntax: CMD console_name
Syntax Description:
console_name | Substitute the name of the extended MCS console to be defined for issuing MVS commands from SNA View. If this name is defined in RACF, the OPERPARM values for this name will be used for the console definition; otherwise, a console will be defined with default parameters AUTH=ALL and ROUTCDE=NONE. |
This section explains the NetView changes that are required for SNA View to work with NetView. The following sections are described next:
Verify that the NetView subsystem address space is active and that the NetView PPI is enabled, as defined in the NetView Installation and Administration Guide. The NetView program to program interface is necessary for cross-memory communications between NetView and SNA View. Before starting NetView, start the subsystem application.
Follow these steps to change the NetView DSIPARM data set for SNA View.
Step 1 Define the SNA View mainframe optional task by adding the following definition to the DSIDMN member of your NetView's DSIPARM data set:
Verify that the NetView task (CNMCSSIR) is defined. Define CNMCSSIR with INIT=N and start it in command list CNME1035 during NetView initialization. This task provides command and message forwarding services for SNA View.
Step 2 Define a command model for the NSPMQS load module by adding the following definition to the DSICMD member of your NetView's DSIPARM data set:
Step 3 Define an additional NetView autotask by adding the following definition to the DSIOPF member of your NetView's DSIPARM data set:
You can change the Operator ID (NSPAUTO1) to conform to your site requirements, but it must match the NSPCMD_OPERATOR configuration parameter on the workstation.
You can change the PROFILEN name (NSPPROF) to conform to your site requirements. The profile will be defined in Step 4.
You might also need to define the Operator ID to the security product.
Step 4 Define a profile for the autotask that was defined in Step 3 by adding a member named NSPPROF to your NetView's DSIPRF data set. NSPPROF must contain the following three lines:
You can change the member name to conform to your site requirements, but it must match the PROFILEN statement that was coded in Step 3.
Step 5 Add the following line to your initial command list to ensure that the autotask defined in Step 4 is started each time NetView is started:
Follow this procedure to copy members to NetView libraries.
Step 1 Copy the following member from prefix.NSPS110I.NSPCLIST into a NetView DSICLD data set:
SNA View requires two exits: a DST, and a command processor to run in NetView's address space. The load modules for these processes are provided in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD for NetView Version 2.2. If your system is running NetView 2.2, copy the following load modules from prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSLOAD into a NetView STEPLIB data set:
If you are using a version of NetView other than Version 2.2, modify and submit the JCL in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPSSAMP(ASMJCL), according to the instructions in that member, to create the five load modules.
Restart NetView to activate the changes to NetView.
This section describes how you can enable CiscoWorks Blue SNA View to interact with Netmaster. The data set members listed in Table 2-2 are located in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPCLIST and are used to facilitate the following changes:
You do not have to restart Netmaster for the changes to take effect.
Follow these steps to update Netmaster:
Step 1 Verify subsystem interface installation.
Verify that the Netmaster program to program interface (PPI) address space is active, as defined in the Netmaster Implementation and Administration Guide. The PPI is necessary for cross-memory communications between Netmaster and SNA View.
Step 2 Make changes to PPOPROC.
For SNA View to receive system message information from Netmaster, the NCL code in prefix.NSPS110I.NSPCLIST(NSPKPPO) must be added into the production PPOPROC at a point where all messages will be seen. The recommended point for this code addition is immediately following the mainline &PPOREAD.
Step 3 Copy members to Netmaster libraries.
Copy the following members from prefix.NSPS110I.NSPCLIST into a Netmaster COMMAND DD data set:
Step 4 Start the PROCs.
Procs NSPKPPI and NSPKCMD are the primary PPI PROCs that either send CNM and PPO data through the PPI or await commands coming from SNA View through the PPI. As such, they must be active at all times and must run in a background environment within Netmaster. To accomplish this, add the following statements to your NMINIT or NMREADY initialization PROCs:
You can also issue these commands from the OCS console.
Step 5 Verify the correctness of Netmaster updates.
When you complete all updates to Netmaster, you can issue the following command to verify correct installation:
The command will display two receivers, SNAVIEW and NSPNETV, and it will indicate the number of messages queued so you can monitor the number of messages that have been sent to SNA View.
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