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Quality of Service Device Manager Command-Line Interface Commands

Quality of Service Device Manager Command-Line Interface Commands

This feature module describes the Quality of Service Device Manager (QDM) command-line interface (CLI) commands. It includes information on the benefits of the commands, supported platforms, related documents, and so forth.

This document contains the following sections:

Feature Overview

This feature module documents the commands specific to Quality of Service Device Manager (QDM) functionality. These CLI commands are not related to QoS management, but are designed to help manage the QDM clients themselves. All QoS-related configuration and monitoring are performed in the Java-enabled QDM application.

The QDM command line interface options are designed to complement the Java-enabled QDM application. These CLI commands perform the following tasks: displaying the status of QDM applications, disconnecting a QDM client, and sending text messages from a router to one or more QDM clients. Each of these tasks is performed by a different CLI command.

For additional information on QDM, see the Installation and Release Notes for Cisco Quality of Service Device Manager 1.0 on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) or the Documentation CD-ROM.

Related Features and Technologies

Related Documents

Supported Platforms

These commands are available on all platforms that have an enabled QDM application. QDM is currently available on the following platforms:

Supported Standards, MIBs, and RFCs


No new or modified standards are supported by this feature.


No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature.


No new or modified RFCs are supported by this feature.


The QDM application must be loaded on your router. For information on installing the QDM application, see the Release and Installation Notes for Cisco Quality of Service Device Manager 1.0 on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM.

Using the Quality of Service Device Manager Command Line Interface Commands

The QDM CLI commands perform the following tasks:

Disconnecting QDM

Use the disconnect qdm [client client-id] EXEC command to disconnect a QDM client.

Command Purpose
Router#disconnect qdm

Disconnects all QDM clients.

Router#disconnect qdm [client client-id]

Disconnects a specific QDM client.

Sending a Text Message to QDM Clients

Use the send qdm [client client-id] message message-text EXEC command to send a text message from a router to a QDM client. This text message will appear in a popup window in the Java user interface of the QDM application.

Command Purpose
Router#send qdm message message-text

Sends a text message to all QDM clients.

Router#send qdm [client client-id] message message-text

Sends a text message to a specific QDM client.

Verifying the Status of Connected QDM Clients

Use the show qdm status command to verify the status of the connected QDM clients.

Command Purpose
Router#show qdm status

Displays the status of connected QDM clients.

Monitoring and Maintaining Quality of Service Command Line Interface Commands

Verifying That a QDM Message Was Sent

After you enter the send qdm message command, the router sending the message cannot confirm that the message was sent. The only way to confirm that the message was received is to check the QDM application on the receiver's workstation for the message.

Verifying That a QDM Client Is Disconnected

After you enter the disconnect qdm command, the following message should appear in the Java user interface of the disconnect client:

HH:MM Router connection: disconnected on user request

To verify that the disconnect qdm command successfully disconnected the QDM client, enter the show qdm status command from a client connected to the router and confirm that the disconnected client is no longer listed as connected.

Configuration Examples

This section provides the following configuration examples:

Disconnecting QDM

Use the disconnect qdm [ client client-id] command to disconnect a QDM client from a router. In the following example, the QDM Client with ID 42 is disconnected from the router:

Router# disconnect qdm client 42

To disconnect all QDM clients connected to the router, use the disconnect qdm command. In the following example, all QDM clients on the router are disconnected:

Router# disconnect qdm

Sending a Text Message to a QDM Client

Use the send qdm message command to send a text message from a router to a QDM client. After you enter the send qdm command, a popup window displaying the text message appears in the user interface of the QDM client receiving the message.

In the following example, the text message "hi bob" is sent to QDM client 4:

Router# send qdm client 4 message hi bob

In this example, the text message "hi all" is sent to all QDM clients connected to the router:

Router# send qdm message hi all

Verifying the Status of Connected QDM Clients

Use the show qdm status command to verify the status of connected QDM clients.

In the following example, QDM is configured on two clients, client IDs 30 and 29:

Router% show qdm status
Number of QDM Clients :2 QDM Client v1.0(0.13)-System_1 @ (id:30) connected since 09:22:36 UTC Wed Mar 15 2000 QDM Client v1.0(0.12)-System_2 @ (id:29) connected since 17:10:23 UTC Tue Mar 14 2000

Command Reference

This section documents new or modified commands. All other commands used with this feature are documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.1 command reference publications.

show qdm status

To view the status of the QDM clients connected to the router, use the show qdm status EXEC command:

show qdm status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Release 12.1(1)E

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show qdm status command to obtain the following information:


The following example illustrates the show qdm status output when two QDM clients are connected to the router:

Router% show qdm status
Number of QDM Clients :2 QDM Client v1.0(0.13)-System_1 @ (id:30) connected since 09:22:36 UTC Wed Mar 15 2000 QDM Client v1.0(0.12)-System_2 @ (id:29) connected since 17:10:23 UTC Tue Mar 14 2000

Related Commands

Command Description

disconnect qdm

Disconnects all QDM clients.

disconnect qdm [client client-id]

Disconnects a specific QDM client.

disconnect qdm

To disconnect a QDM client, use the disconnect qdm EXEC command.

disconnect qdm [client client-id]

Syntax Description


Specifies that a specific QDM client will be disconnected.


Specifies the specific QDM identification number to disconnect.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Release 12.1(1)E

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the disconnect qdm command to disconnect all QDM clients that are connected to the router.

Use the disconnect qdm [client client-id] command to disconnect a specific QDM client connected to a router. For instance, using the disconnect qdm client 42 command will disconnect the QDM client with the ID 42.


The following example shows how to disconnect all connected QDM clients:

Router# disconnect qdm

The following example shows how to disconnect a specific QDM client with client ID 9.

Router# disconnect qdm client 9

Related Commands

Command Description

show qdm status

Displays the status of connected QDM clients.

send qdm message

To send a text message to all QDM clients, use the send qdm EXEC command.

send qdm [client client-id] message message-text

Syntax Description


Specifies that a specific QDM client will receive the message.


Specifies the specific QDM identication of the client that will receive the text message.


Specifies that a message will be sent.


The actual text of the message.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Release 12.1(1)E

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the send qdm [client client-id] message message-text to send a message to a specific QDM client. For example, entering the send qdm client 9 message hello command will send the message "hello" to client ID 9.

Use the send qdm message message-text command to send a message to all QDM clients. For example, entering the send qdm message hello command sends the message "hello" to all open QDM clients.


The following example sends the text message "how are you?" to client ID 12:

send qdm client 12 message how are you?

The following example sends the text message "how is everybody?" to all QDM clients connected to the router:

send qdm message how is everybody?

Related Commands

Command Description

show qdm status

Displays the status of connected QDM clients.


Quality of Service Device Manager (QDM)—a browser-based application that runs from Java. QDM allows users to configure and monitor advanced IP-based Quality of Service (QoS) functionality within Cisco routers.

Posted: Thu Jul 18 17:09:52 PDT 2002
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