This appendix describes the syntax and policy checks performed by the Connectivity Tools parser on the router configuration files when a baseline is created.
Following is a list and brief description (where needed) of the syntax checks performed by the Connectivity Tools's parser. The checks are divided into AppleTalk, Frame-Relay, IP, Novell/IPX, SRB, SNA, DLSW, and general categories.
, hssi
, fddi
, serial
, ethernet
, tokenring
, bri
, loopback
, dialer
, async
, tunnel
, atm
, hdlc
, novell-ether
, sap
, or snap
, ethernet
, or tokenring
This section describes the policy checking performed by the Connectivity Tools' parser.
You can have the Connectivity Tools parser program perform additional customized checking on the router configuration files by creating a template file in which you specify an action to be taken when the parser either encounters or does not encounter the command(s) you specify. You should name the template file default.router_template and place it in the data directory where you have placed your baseline(s).
To specify the action to be taken when a command is encountered in the router configuration files, you create an entry in a template file using one of the following formats:
ACTION = warn_if_found
ACTION = warning
To specify the action to be taken when a command is not encountered in the router configuration files, you create an entry in a template file using the following format:
action = warn_if_not_found
Following an action entry in the template file you must specify commands using their entire names, each on a separate line, followed by the parameters, if any, you wish to specify. The parser expects to find a command keyword as the first word in an entry, otherwise the entry is flagged as having an error and the template file is not loaded. A default list of command keywords is located in the $ECSP_HOME/resources/configkeyword file. You can make additional command keywords available to the parser by including them in a file you create. The parser first checks to see if the ECSP_CONFIGKEYWORD environment variable contains a pointer to this file. If it does and the file is readable, the additional command keywords are used by the parser when doing the customized checking. If this environment variable is not set, the parser checks to see if the $HOME/ecsp_configkeyword file exists and is readable. If so, the additional command keywords contained in this file are used by the parser when doing the customized checking.
The following rules are used to build a multi-character RE:
As with access lists, the order of the commands listed in the template file is important. You are able to specify multiple commands, each on a separate line, in the file.
Following is a sample from a template file that prints a warning message whenever the two commands are encountered in the router configuration files:
action = warn_if_found
ip helper-address
novell routing
Following is a sample from a template file that prints a warning message whenever the specified command is not encountered in the router configuration files:
ACTION = warn_if_not_found
no ip source-route
The Connectivity Tools parser places the output from the policy checks you specified in the default.router_template file you created into the $ECSP_HOME/baseline_directory/default.template_warnings file.
For example, if you specified the following action commands in your default.router_template file,
action = warning
ip helper-address
action = warn_if_not_found
ip source-route
action = warn_if_found
novell routing
the format of the information produced by the parser and stored in the default.template_warnings file is as follows:
*** List of template constraint violation messages. ****
Command: ip helper-address
found on line: 68
in config file: netsys1
Command: ip helper-address
found on line: 74
in config file: netsys1
Command: ip helper-address
found on line: 28
in config file: netsys4
Command: ip source-route
NOT found in config file: netsys1
Command: ip source-route
NOT found in config file: netsys2
Command: novell routing 0000.0c08.94dd
found on line: 18
in config file: netsys1
Command: novell routing 0000.0c04.3a3e
found on line: 20
in config file: netsys3
Command: novell routing aa00.0400.0134
found on line: 17
in config file: netsys4