
Table of Contents

Creating a New Zone for ISM

Creating a New Zone for ISM

The ISM installation instructions for SMP/E provide the steps necessary for installing ISM in a zone other than the MVS zone. For more information, see the "Installing ISM in Another Zone" section in the "Installing ISM" chapter.

For an example of creating a zone for ISM, see the following members in the prefix.NSPN130V.NSPNINST dataset:

You might need to define the option and utility for the assembler. The following steps can be used (the exact procedure might be different at your site):

Step 1 Access the SMP/E Primary Menu.

Step 2 Select ADMINISTRATION and select the dataset name.

Step 3 Select DEFINITION.

Step 4 Select the GLOBAL zone and confirm the selection.

Step 5 From the Entry Type Selection menu, select OPTIONS.

Step 6 Select NSPOPT.

Step 7 Select the option to define a utility.

Step 8 For assemblies, define ASMA90.

Step 9 Return to the Entry Type Panel, and select UTILITY. The utility name is ASMA90.

Step 10 Enter your installation information using the following text as an example:

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