
Table of Contents

VSAM Control Files

VSAM Control Files

This chapter describes the control files used by ISM to save information for each resource. The control files are written to VSAM.

Control and data files sometimes contain output from router show commands; such output is explained in this book. It is essential to understand this output, because should the output of a show command change, it could affect the way data is processed.

When describing a record, or giving an example, a "+" is used at the end of a line to indicate that the next line is a continuation of the record.

This chapter describes the following control files:

ISM System Initialization Control File Format

The ISM system initialization control file is created from ISM Setup, and is used to initialize ISM. There are two control files.

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Record 1 of 2 Key = ISMSETUP_ccccc_R3 where ccccc is the NetView domain name. Data = APPL( S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9) MI( STS ) TH( SU SO ) + IM( I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 ) MI2( STT ) + DB( D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 ) CM( C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 ) CIP(E1 E2) Date Time OPID Field   Description                                     Default APPL( S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 )          ISM Applications Resource Management (S1)   ( YES | NO )          YES Interface Monitoring   (S2)   ( YES | NO ) YES Operator Management    (S3)   ( YES | NO ) YES SNA Session MGMT   (S4)   ( NO | YES ) NO ISM Scheduler   (S5)   ( NO | NO  ) NO CMCC Management   (S6)   ( NO | NO  ) NO DSPU Management   (S7)   ( NO | NO  ) NO FPM Management   (S8)   ( NO | NO  ) NO MI( STS ) Monitoring interval for Resources 00:15 TH(SU SO) Thresholds                CPU Utilization     (SU)   ( 0 | 99 )        95                Memory Utilization  (SO)   ( 0 | 99 )        10 IM( I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 ) Interface Monitoring Token Ring (I1)   ( YES | NO )           YES Ethernet (I2)   ( YES | NO )           YES Serial (I3)   ( YES | NO )           YES FDDI (I4)   ( YES | NO )           YES Loopback (I5)   ( NO | YES )           NO Async (I6)   ( NO | YES )           NO Channel (I7)   ( NO | YES )           NO HSSI (I8)   ( NO | YES )           NO ISDN (I9)   ( NO | YES )           NO Tunnel (I10)  ( NO | YES )           NO ATM (I11)  ( NO | YES )           NO Fastethernet (I12)  ( NO | YES )           NO MI2(STT) Monitoring interval for interfaces 02:00 DB( D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 ) Data Bases: Resource History (D1)                       H Interface History (D2) I RIF History (D3) R Router Configuration (D4) C CMCC History (D5)   H CM( C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 ) Wrap Counts: Router History (C1)  48 Interface History (C2)  48 RIF History (C3)   5 Router Configuration  (C4)  99 CMCC History (C5)  51 CIP(E1 E2) CMCC Thresholds: CPU (E1) ( 0 | 99 )  90 Memory (E2) ( 0 | 99 )  10 Misc Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)


NSPSETUPCNM01R3 APPL(YES YES YES YES NO YES YES + YES) MI(00:15) TH(95 10) IM(YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES + YES YES) MI2(02:00) DB(H I R C H) CM(95 95 5 99 51) CIP(90 10) + 06/25/98 10:09 CHAND1 Record 2 of 2 Key = ISMSETUP_ccccc_R4 where ccccc is the NetView domain name. Data = ISMMGR ISMMGRS ISMMGRM D1 ALRT( G1 G2 G3 G4 ) E1 T(T1) + APPL4( A1 A2 A3) ISMMGRI SM( S1 S2) EN( N1 ) + IN( I1 I2 I3 I4 ) Date Time OPID Field Description             Default ISMMGR Name of ISMMGR Autotask. ISMMGRS  Name of ISMMGRS Autotask used for refresh operation. ISMMGRM  Name of ISMMGRM Autotask used for message automation. D1 Refresh delay ALRT( G1 G2 G3 G4) Generic Alert Generation G1 Router Status G2 Router Perf/Memory G3 CMCC Perf/Memory G4 Interface Status E1 CMCC Recovery T(T1) ISM base timer for scheduler APPL4( A1 A2 A3) Additional Applications A1 TN3270 Monitoring A2 Spare A2 SNMP Management ISMMGRI Name of ISMMGRI Autotask used for interface monitoring. SM( S1 S2) SMF Control Variables S1 SMF control S2 SMF record identifier EN( N1 ) Enable limit N1 Number of minutes that an operator can remain in enable mode. IN( I1 I2 I3 I4 ) Additional Interface monitoring controller I1 IBMCLAW ( YES | NO ) NO I2 MPC ( YES | NO ) NO I3 Future ( YES | NO ) NO I4 Gigabitethernet ( YES | NO ) NO Misc Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)



ISM Operator Profile Control File Format

This control file is used to maintain an ISM operator's profile. Any operator can create this file, but only an administrator can change fields A, S, U, RT1 and RT2.

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Key = *NSPO_opid where opid is the operator name.

Note   * indicates a special character for security.

Data = (( A( A S G ) U( U ) GF( RT1 RT2 ) + SF( E RT3 RT4 RT5 ) NAME( N1 )) MISC Field Description Default (A(A S G) Group A (Resource Management) Enable Authority (A) D=Display E=Enable D Filter Enabled (S) N=No Y=Yes N Group Management (G) N=No Y=YES N U( U ) Administrator Authority (U) N=No Y=Yes N GF( RT1 RT2 ) Group Filters Group Filter 1 (RT1) Group Filter 2 (RT2) SF( E RT3 RT4 RT5 ) Status Filters Filter Mode (E) X=Exclude I=Include X Status Filter 1 (RT3) Status Filter 2 (RT4) Status Filter 3 (RT5) NAME( N1 ) Operator Data Name and data (N1) Misc Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)


*NSPONSPADMIN (( A(N N N) U(Y) GF(  ) SF(X  ) + NAME(ISM Administrator - Do not delete) )) 10/29/96 10:33 CE1

ISM System Rules Control File Format

This file contains the variables used by ISM. The variables can be updated using routine NSPRULES.

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Key = NSPSRULES Data = ISMMGR REFOPER MAUTO RDELAY NORIF ALRT( A1 A2 A3 A4 ) + CMCRECOV T(TBASE) Field Description Default ISMMGR ISM Manager ISMMGR Required ISMMGR REFOPER  ISM Refresh Autotask ISMMGRS MAUTO ISM Message Automation Operator ISMMGRM RDELAY Summary Panel Refresh delay (seconds) 20 NORIF RIF feature on CMCC (NO YES) NO ALRT(A1 A2 A3 A4) Generic Alert filters. Resource Status (A1) (No |Yes) NO Router/Switch Perf/Memory (A2) (No |Yes) NO CMCC Perf/Memory (A3) (No |Yes) NO Interface Status (A4) (No |Yes) Ignored  NO CMCRECOV XCA Recovery (NO |YES) NO (ISM CMCC) T(TBASE) ISM Scheduler Base Timer (15) Minutes 15



ISM Resource Control File Format

This control file is used to build the control block with which you manage a resource. There are two control file records for each resource.

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Key = IRAcntlname, where: cntlname is the resource name. Data = A RES D=( RT2 ) H=( RT3 ) I=( RT4 ) V=( RT7A RT7B ) + G=( RT8A RT8B RT8C ) N=( N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 ) Q=( Q1 Q2 Q3 ) R( R1 ) + F=( RT9 )MISC Key = IRBcntlname, where,cntlname,is the resource name. Data = B RES E=( EB ) C=( CB ) MA=( MB ) CN( RT5 ) MO( MB ) + TY( TB ) MISC


Field Description Default A A type record RES Control Name D=( RT2 ) Domain H=( RT3 ) Host Name I=( RT4 ) Resource IP address V=( RT7A RT7B ) VTAM Interfaces Major Node ( RT7A) XCA Major Node ( RT7B) G( RT8A RT8B RT8C ) Operation Group(s) Group 1 Name ( RT8A ) Group 2 Name ( RT8B ) Group 3 Name ( RT8C ) N=(Y A N N N Y) Resource Control variables: N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 Monitor Availability Collect Archive Create  Interface Resource  Monitor Statistics Statistics  Alarms  Archiving Q= ( Q1 Q2 Q3 ) Threshold Overrides P=  CPU Threshold ( Q1 ) M=  Memory Threshold ( Q2 ) A=No  No Archiving ( Q3 ) R= ( YES ) Interface Monitoring ( R1 ) F=( RT9A RT9B ) Resource Features DSPU / CIP /TN3270 ( RT9A ) CIP / DSPU /TN3270 ( RT9B ) TN3270 / CIP / DSPU ( RT9C ) MISC Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)

Note   N=, Q=, and R= appear in the VSAM record only if they were set at some time. Typically, they are not present in the data fields.


Field Description Default B B type record RES Control Name E=( EB ) Description C=( R=RT6A V=RT6B ) Configuration R= Software Level ( RT6A ) V= Hardware Level ( RT6B ) MA=( MB ) MB = SNMP Mask CN( CB ) CB = Community name TY( TB ) TB = Resource Type RT = Cisco Router SW = Cisco Switch UN = Unknown SNMP managed device CA = Cisco CAT OS = OS/390 with SNMP support LD = Cisco Local Director MISC Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)

Note   N=, Q=, and R= appear in the VSAM record only if they were set at some time. Typically, they are not present in the data fields.


IRACAT19002 A CAT19002 D=(CNM56) H=(CWB-CAT1900-2 ) I=( V=(UNKNOWN ) G=(SW1900  ) N=(Y A N N N Y) Q=(  ) R=(YES) F=( ) 17:54 07/18/00 HAL2 IRBCAT19002 B CAT19002 E=( CISCO SYSTEMS CATALYST 1900 ) C=((UNKNOWN )) MA( CN(public) MO(SNMP) TY(CA) 17:54 07/18/00 HAL2

ISM Interface Control File Format

This control file is used to build the control block with which you manage an interface. Not all variables listed are used.

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Key = I_type_cntlname_convint where: Type is the interface type cntlname is the resource name convint is the converted interface CONVINT example: 0/0 = 0S0 0/0.123 = 0S0P123 Data = cntlname interface convint DS( D1 ) M( M1 ) G( G1 ) + E( E1 ) T( T1 ) I(I1) MISC Field Description Default cntlname Service Point Name interface Interface Name convint Converted Interface DS ( D1 ) Desired Status (D1) ( UP | DOWN ) M ( M1 ) Monitor Mode (M1) ( YES | NO ) YES G ( G1 ) Converted Interface E ( E1 ) Encapsulation Type T ( T1 ) TN3270 Monitoring Status (Channel only) I ( I1 ) SNMP Index Misc Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)


Channel (TN3270 SNMP) ICCWBC01XXC3S0 CWBC01 CHANNEL3/0 3/0 DS(UP) M(YES) G(3S0) E (CHANNEL) T(NOMON) I(12) 07/17/00 17:15 HAL1 TokenRing (SNMP) ITCWBC01XXT0S2 CWBC01 TOKENRING0/2 0/2  DS(UP ) M(YES) G(0S2) E(SNAP) I(3) T() 08:33 07/17/00 ISMMGR

CMCC Control File Format

This control file is used to build the control block with which you manage a CMCC (CIP).

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Key = CIP_cntlname_S_slot where: CIP is the interface type cntlname is the router name slot is the slot number Data = cntlname slot M( M1 ) T( T1 T2 T3) V( V1 V2 V3 ) I( I1 I2 I3 ) MISC Field Description Default Cntlname Service Point Name slot Position in Router

M( M1) Monitor Mode (M1)  ( YES | NO ) YES T( T1 T2 T3 )  Override Values CPU (Tn) C= MEM (Tn) M= ARCHIVE (Tn) A=( YES | NO ) YES V( V1 V2 V3 )  CMCC Type and version CMCC Type (V1) CMCC Hardware  (V2) CMCC Software  (V3) I( I1 I2 I3 )  Channels Used Channel n/0 (I1) Channel n/1 (I2) Channel n/2 (I3) MISC Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)


CIPCWBC01XXS3 CWBC01 3 M(YES) T(C=75  ) + V(CIP 4.132 210.40) I( 3/0 3/1 3/2) 11:59 09/08/98 CE4

Scheduler Control File Format

This control file is used to build the scheduler environment.

Location: VSAM Data set A (ISMDSA).


Key = NSPSTMR_n where: n (1 - 33) is the control file index. Data = A( TA ) R( TR ) I( TD ) G( TF ) MISC Field Description Default A( TA ) Autotask (TA)  (aaaaaaaa) R( TR ) Resource interval (TR)  ( 0 to 96 ) I( TD ) Interface Interval (TD) ( 0 to 96 ) G( TF ) Group Identifier (TF) ( gggggggg ) MISC Last Update (Date Time) Operator who made last update (OPID)

Note   The TR and TD limits depend upon the base time value. If the base time is 15 minutes, the above values would apply.


NSPSTMR1 A(ISMMGR) R(1) I(8) G(NONE) 16:28 07/12/98 CHAND2 NSPSTMR2 A(ISMMGRA) R(1) I(12) G(TEST1) 16:28 07/12/98 CHAND2 NSPSTMR3 A(ISMMGRC) R(1) I(8) G(TEST2) 16:28 07/12/98 CHAND2 NSPSTMR4 A(ISMMGR) R(2 ) I(18) G(TEST3) 15:00 09/03/98 CHAND1 NSPSTMR5 A(ISMMGR) R(5) I(10) G(TEST4) 15:00 09/03/98 CHAND1

Posted: Thu Oct 26 13:33:41 PDT 2000
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