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New device support can be added as package files to CiscoWorks Windows incrementally any time after the initial installation of CiscoWorks Windows. To add device support incrementally, go to Cisco Connection Online (CCO). CCO is the Cisco Systems online support channel.
If you do not have Internet access, you can skip this chapter. To receive updated packages, you can order the Cisco Network Management Support CD-ROM. The support CD contains the latest Cisco network management device and application support files. These files are organized into product packages and provide up-to-date management support for the latest Cisco devices for all supported platforms. For ordering information, see your product catalog.
A quick reference version of the instructions in this chapter appear in the CiscoWorks Windows CD Installation Instructions booklet. You can use the booklet if you are familiar with downloading device packages from CCO to the CiscoWorks Windows platform.
This chapter describes the download process in greater detail than the quick reference and contains the following sections:
CiscoView device support on CCO consists of packages that are bundles containing application upgrades, graphics, device descriptions, Management Information Base (MIB) files, installation scripts, and other supporting files. Each package has a README file that goes with it. The README file should be read prior to downloading to ensure that the file works with your current configuration. After you add the package file to CiscoView, you can view and manage the hardware device using CiscoView.
There are many devices available through CiscoView in CiscoWorks Windows and they are upgraded frequently. To ensure that you have the most recent upgrade, verify the version number through CCO. Compare the cv_pkgs directory with the CCO device packages to make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the files. This directory contains the device code, a README file, and the help code for the device, and it is updated dynamically as changes occur.
| Caution Ensure that for new device or application support, you select CiscoView 4.0 or CiscoView 4.1 release packages. You can use existing CiscoView 3.1.1 packages, but they do not support new features, such as stackable device functionality, which are available only with CiscoView 4.0 and later versions. |
From the Internet, there are two ways to access Cisco device package files: from CCO or from FTP service. This section describes how to download from CCO incrementally released device package files for use with CiscoWorks Windows.
If you do not have WinZip installed, you can download it from the Web. To download the WinZip file:
Step 1 Create a folder for WinZip.
Step 2 In your Web browser, enter
and click on the WinZip icon.
Step 3 The Save As dialog box appears. Enter the filename for WinZip, for example: C:\winzip95.
Step 4 Click Open to open the folder.
Step 5 Click Save.
WinZip is downloaded to your PC.
Step 6 Go to Windows Explorer and open the folder containing winzip95.exe.
Step 7 Click on winzip95.exe and the WinZip self-extractor starts. Follow the instructions in this program to complete the installation.
The following is an overview of the steps necessary for downloading a package file from CCO. Details about these steps are in the sections that follow.
1. Check the Version of CiscoView
3. Create a cv_pkgs Directory in the CiscoWorks Windows Directory on Your PC
4. Access CCO
5. Download the Device File into the cv_pkgs Directory on Your PC
Instructions for checking versions of CiscoView and CiscoWorks Windows on Windows NT and Windows 95 follow. Use the steps that apply to your operating system.
To check the CiscoView version on Windows NT 3.51, do the following:
To check the CiscoWorks Windows version on Windows NT, do the following:
To check the CiscoView version on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, do the following:
To check the CiscoWorks Windows version on Windows 95, do the following:
| Caution Closing CiscoView is important! The device package does not install correctly if CiscoView is running during the installation. |
To close CiscoView, select File>Exit from the CiscoView Main window.
Before you download device packages from CCO, create a cv_pkgs directory as a target directory for the device files. We suggest you download these files to a permanent location, or you can copy them to the CiscoView install directory.
Step 1 Open a DOS window.
Step 2 Change to the directory where CiscoWorks Windows is installed.
Step 3 Create the cv_pkgs directory.
md cv_pkgs
where md is the short name for the make_directory command.
Access CCO and review the README file to ensure you have the right file. Open your Web browser to access CCO. Depending on the type of network access you have, access CCO as either
Guest users are limited to seeing only files available to the public, such as Cisco's Management Information Base (MIB) files. Operating system software such as Cisco IOS releases generally are not available to guest users. To download these types of files, you must be granted special file access.
Log in as either a guest or registered user as described in the next sections.
If you are not registered on CCO, you can be granted a special access code to access the device file. Follow these steps to log in as a guest and download the device file:
Step 1 To get a special access code, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
For customers outside the US, you can call the 408 526-7209 number or get contact information at the following URL:
When you call, select the telephone menu option for Technical Support. TAC is part of Technical Support.
State the product you are downloading and you are transferred to the appropriate person to obtain your special access code.
You can also send email to tac@cisco.com. Ask for a special access code for downloading the device file.
Step 2 From a Web browser, access CCO by entering the following URL:
Step 3 Enter your special access code at the prompt.
Step 4 Click OK to pass the security warning message.
Step 5 Select the device tar file by clicking the button to the left of the device file you want to download.
The device file contains the package file (*.pkg) and associated README file.
Step 6 Click Execute. (The Execute button is located at the top of the page.)
Step 7 Follow the instructions on the screen to confirm the transfer. Select the server nearest you.
Step 8 Save the device file into the cv_pkgs directory on your PC.
Step 9 Proceed to the section, "Unzip the Device Tar File."
Follow these steps to log in as a registered user:
Step 1 From a Web browser, go to the Software Image Library on CCO by entering the following URL:
Step 2 At the prompts, enter your CCO user ID and password.
Step 3 On the Software Center page, click on the link to Network Mgmt Products.
Step 4 Proceed to the next section, "Download the Device File into the cv_pkgs Directory on Your PC."
This section applies only to registered users. Follow these steps to download the device file from the CCO Software Library.
Step 1 From the Software Center page, Network Management Products section, select the CiscoView Upgrade Planner pointer to the CiscoView packages.
Links to CiscoView packages can be accessed from the CiscoView Upgrade Planner page. From the planner page, select a link to CiscoView packages.
Step 2 Optionally, read the README file, if one is available. To view the README, click on the README filename and select a download option.
To select a device tar file, click on the device filename and select a download option.
Step 3 Reenter your password if required.
Step 4 Depending on your browser, click Save File, or select File>Save As. You might be prompted to save the file to your workstation, with a message such as "Choose How to Handle," or "Save As." Again, depending on your browser, a Filter window might appear, with Directories, Files, and Selection sections.
Download the device file to the cv_pkgs directory on your workstation.
Step 5 If the Filter window appears, complete this step. In the Selection section of the Filter window, enter the complete destination path and filename of the device file of the device you are downloading, for example:
Step 6 After the file is downloaded, minimize the Web browser window.
Use WinZip to unzip (unbundle or extract) the device file as described in this section. For information on downloading WinZip, see the "System and Software Requirements" section earlier in this chapter. The device file includes a README and a package (*.pkg) file.
Step 1 Start WinZip by double-clicking the package file.
If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, click the taskbar Start menu, and select Programs>WinZip 6.1 32-bit, or use Explorer to locate and start WinZip.
If you are using Windows NT 3.51, select File>Run>WinZip.
Step 2 From the WinZip main menu, click the Open icon.
Step 3 In the Look in field, select the drive and directory (c:\cv_pkgs) containing the device file.
Step 4 Select the device file, then click Open.
Step 5 Select the Extract icon.
Step 6 In the Extract dialog box, click All files and Overwrite Existing Files.
Step 7 Make sure the directory to extract to is appropriate, for example, CWW\cv_pkgs.
Step 8 Click Extract.
Step 9 Close WinZip.
Instructions for adding a package file on Windows NT and Windows 95 follow. Follow the steps in the section that applies to your operating system.
Step 1 Return to the Program Manager and restore CiscoWorks Windows by clicking its icon.
Step 2 Double-click the Install Device icon. The Setup program starts.
Step 3 Go to the directory containing the package file (c:\cv_pkgs).
Step 4 Select the device package (*.pkg) you want to load; click OK.
Many messages appear during installation. "Creating MIB database" and parsing take a while.
When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, click Finish. Proceed to "Viewing Your Device."
Step 1 Click the taskbar Start menu.
Step 2 Select Programs>CiscoWorks Windows>Install Device.
The Setup program starts.
Step 3 In the Select Package dialog box, select the directory containing the package file (c:\cv_pkgs).
Step 4 Select the device package (*.pkg) you want to load; click OK.
Many messages appear during installation. "Creating MIB database" and parsing take awhile.
If errors appear, see "Check the cvinstall.log File."
When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select an option regarding the README file, then click Finish. Proceed to "Viewing Your Device."
You can ensure that the installation was successful by viewing the device. Depending on whether you are using CiscoWorks Windows as a standalone application or as a non-standalone application integrated with a network management platform (for example, SNMPc), go to one of the following sections for the steps required to view the device.
Step 1 Select the CiscoView icon from the CiscoWorks Windows program group.
Step 2 Select File>Open Device to view your device.
You are finished with the installation.
Step 1 Double-click the SNMPc icon in the CiscoWorks Windows program group or program folder.
The SNMPc login dialog box appears.
Step 2 Enter your SNMPc User ID and Password.
Step 3 Click OK.
The map appears.
Step 4 Double-click on the device you just installed. A view of the device appears.
You are finished with downloading.
Step 1 Double click the HP OpenView icon in the CiscoWorks Windows program group or program folder.
The HP OpenView for Windows (HP OpenView Professional Suite) dialog box appears.
Step 2 Bring up the network map.
The network map appears.
Step 3 Double-click on the device you just installed.
A view of the device appears.
Step 1 Double click the Network Node Manager icon in the CiscoWorks Windows program group or program folder.
The HP OpenView dialog box appears.
Step 2 Bring up the network map.
The network map appears.
Step 3 Select the newly installed device. Select Monitor>CiscoView from the menu bar.
Optionally, after successful installation, you can delete the cv_pkgs directory. Now go to the appendixes for information on launching devices.
This section describes how to download the device tar file to a PC using FTP service.
The following is a quick-reference overview of the steps necessary for downloading a device file. Details about these steps are in the sections that follow.
You must complete the following steps to properly download using the FTP service:
1. Check the Version of CiscoView
3. Create a cv_pkgs Directory in the Install_Directory on Your PC
4. Download the Device Tar File
This section describes how to check your CiscoView version on Windows NT 3.51 and on Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0.
To check the CiscoView version on Windows NT, do the following:
To check the CiscoWorks Windows version on Windows NT, do the following:
To check the CiscoView version on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, do the following:
To check the CiscoWorks Windows version on Windows 95, do the following:
| Caution Closing CiscoView is important! The device package does not install correctly if CiscoView is running during the installation. |
To close CiscoView, select File>Exit from the CiscoView Main window.
One way to create a cv_pkgs directory in the CWW directory follows:
Step 1 Open a DOS window.
Step 2 Change to the directory where CiscoWorks Windows is installed, for example c:\CWW.
Step 3 Enter the command
md cv_pkgs
where md is the short name for the make directory command.
This section applies only to registered users. Follow these steps to download the device file from the CCO Software Library.
Step 1 Begin an FTP session with ftp.cisco.com. There are several ways to use FTP to access device packages.
Step 2 After you have established an FTP session, navigate to the top level CiscoView directory (/cisco/netmgmt/ciscoview), select a CiscoView version, and proceed to the device packages subdirectory.
For example, the CiscoView 4.0 packages and README files are located in
Step 3 Optionally, read the README file, if one is available. If you are using a Web browser, click on the README filename and select a download option to view the file.
Step 4 through Step 7 assume you are using a Web browser. If you are not, use FTP commands or your FTP client user interface to download the device tar file(s).
Step 4 To select a device tar file, click on the device filename and select a download option.
Step 5 Reenter your password if required.
Step 6 Depending on your browser, click Save File, or select File>Save As. You might be prompted to save the file to your workstation, with a message such as "Choose How to Handle" or "Save As." Again, depending on your browser, a Filter window might appear, with Directories, Files, and Selection sections.
Download the device file to the cv_pkgs directory on your workstation.
Step 7 If the Filter window appears, complete this step. In the Selection section of the Filter window, enter the complete destination path and filename of the device file of the device you are downloading, for example:
Step 8 After the file is downloaded, minimize the Web browser window.
Use WinZip to unzip (unbundle or extract) the device file as described in this section. For information on downloading WinZip, see "System and Software Requirements." The device file includes a README and a package (*.pkg) file.
Step 1 Start WinZip by double-clicking the package file.
If you are using Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, click the taskbar Start menu, and select Programs>WinZip 6.1 32-bit, or use Explorer to locate and start WinZip.
If you are using Windows NT 3.51, select File>Run>WinZip.
Step 2 From the WinZip main menu, click the Open icon.
Step 3 In the Look in field, select the drive and directory (c:\cv_pkgs) containing the device file.
Step 4 Select the device file, then click Open.
Step 5 Select the Extract icon.
Step 6 In the Extract dialog box, click All files and Overwrite Existing Files.
Step 7 Make sure the directory to extract to is appropriate, for example, CWW\cv_pkgs.
Step 8 Click Extract.
Step 9 Close WinZip.
Instructions for adding a package file on Windows NT and Windows 95 follow. Follow the steps in the section that applies to your operating system.
Step 1 Return to the Program Manager and restore CiscoWorks Windows by clicking its icon.
Step 2 Double-click the Install Device icon. The Setup program starts.
Step 3 Go to the directory containing the package file (c:\cv_pkgs).
Step 4 Select the device package (*.pkg) you want to load; click OK.
Many messages appear during installation. "Creating MIB database" and parsing take a while.
When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select an option for the README file, then click Finish. Proceed to "Viewing Your Device."
Step 1 Click the taskbar Start menu.
Step 2 Select Programs>CiscoWorks Windows>Install Device.
The Setup program starts.
Step 3 In the Select Package dialog box, select the directory containing the package file (c:\cv_pkgs).
Step 4 Select the device package (*.pkg) you want to load; click OK.
Many messages appear during installation. "Creating MIB database" and parsing take a while.
When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select an option for the README file, then click Finish. Proceed to "Viewing Your Device."
If problems occur during installation, you can check the log file (cvinstall.log) in your C:\TEMP directory.
After you check the log file, go to the appendixes for information on launching devices.
You can rerun the install script at any time to reinstall the Cisco device package file.
To remove a device after it has been installed:
Step 1 Double-click on the Uninstall Device icon.
Step 2 The Uninstall Package dialog box appears. Select the individual devices you want to remove or select Select All to remove all devices; then click OK.
Step 3 The Setup Complete dialog box appears. Select an option; then click Finish.
Posted: Tue Dec 17 22:07:39 PST 2002
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